path: root/libical/design-data/status.foo
blob: a2591bd26ac43724f6197495b8b262aa880588be (plain) (tree)

2.0    STATOK                  Operation was successfully performed.

2.0.1  START-SENDATA           Start ICAL input; end with

2.0.11 OK-DATAFOLLOWS          The request was processed
                               successfully. Reply data follows on
                               the next line and terminates with

2.0.2  REPLY-PENDING           A timeout has occurred. The server is
                               still working on the reply. Use
                               CONTINUE to continue waiting for the
                               reply or ABORT to terminate the

2.0.3 ABORTED                  In response to the client issuing an
                               ABORT command, this reply code
                               indicates that any command currently
                               underway was successsfully aborted.

2.0.4 WILL-ATTEMPT             The specified Calendar is not here
                               but an attempt will be made to deliver
                               the request or reply to the Calendar
                               anyway. There is a trust relationship
                               between this iRIP server and the
                               iRIP server for the target calendar.

2.0.5  TRUSTED-WILL-QUEUE      The specified Calendar cannot be
                               contacted directly and a trust
                               relationship exists between this
                               server and the server on which the
                               Calendar exists. The request or reply
                               will be queued and delivered to the
                               target calendar when its iRIP server
                               contacts this server and issues the
                               SWITCH command.
2.0.6  WILL-ATTEMPT            The specified Calendar is not here
                               but an attempt will be made to deliver
                               the request or reply to the Calendar
                               anyway. There is not a trust
                               relationship between the iRIP server
                               and the iRIP server for the target

2.0.7  QUEUED                  The message has been queued for

2.0.8  QUEUE-EMPTY             There are no more queued messages.

2.2    NO COMMAND IN PROGRESS  An ABORT or CONTINUE was received when
                               no command was in progress

6.1    AUTHENTICATE FAILURE    Unsupported authentication mechanism,
                               credentials rejected

6.2    AUTHENTICATION ABORTED  Sender aborted authentication,
                               authentication exchange cancelled

8.0    GENERAL FAILURE         A failure has occurred in the Receiver
                               that prevents the operation from

8.1    SERVER TOO BUSY         Sent when a session cannot be
                               established because the iRIP
                               Receiver is too busy.

8.2    ICAL OBJECT TOO BIG     Used to signal that an ICAL object has
                               exceeded the server's size limit.

8.3    DATE TOO LARGE          A DATETIME value was too far in the
                               future to be represented on this

8.4    DATE TOO SMALL          A DATETIME value was too far in the
                               past to be represented on this

9.0    INVALID iRIP COMMAND    An unrecongnized command was received.

9.1    UNEXPECTED COMMAND      A command was issued in a manner
                               inconsistent with the state diagram.
                               For example, issuing the SENDATA
                               command without having specified any
                               RECIPIENTs will cause this error.
10.1   REFERRAL                Accompanied by an alternate address.
                               The RECIPIENT specified should be
                               contacted at the given alternate
                               address. The referral address MUST
                               follow the reply code.

10.2   SERVER SHUT DOWN        The server is shutting down.


10.4   EXCEEDED QUOTAS         The operation has not be performed
                               because it would cause the resources
                               (memory, disk, CPU, etc) to exceed the
                               allocated quota

10.5   QUEUED TOO LONG         The ITIP message has been queued too
                               long. Delivery has been aborted.