path: root/help/es.po/usage-calendar.sgml.po
blob: 3654bd49100daf513468588c076378928c4ac05c (plain) (tree)












# Translation into Spanish of Evolution docs.
# Copyright (C) 2000 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# H�ctor Garc�a �lvarez <hector@scouts-es.org>, 2000.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: evolution-docs\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2001-04-20 13:43+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2000-12-28 15:38+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: H�ctor Garc�a �lvarez <hector@scouts-es.org>\n"
"Language-Team: Spanish <es@li.org>\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"

#: tmp/usage-calendar.sgml.h:1
msgid ""
"         <para>\n"
"           If you create calendar events that overlap,\n"
"           <application>Evolution</application> will display them side\n"
"           by side in your calendar.  However,\n"
"           <application>Evolution</application> cannot help you do\n"
"           multiple things at once.\n"
"         </para>\n"
msgstr ""
"         <para>\n"
"           Si crea eventos de calendario que se superponen,\n"
"           <application>Evolution</application> los mostrar� uno al lado "
"           otro en su calendario.  Eso si,\n"
"           <application>Evolution</application> no puede ayudarle ha hacer\n"
"           varias cosas al mismo tiempo.\n"
"         </para>\n"

#: tmp/usage-calendar.sgml.h:9
msgid ""
"        <para>\n"
"           If you don't need to enter more information than the date\n"
"           and time of the appointment, you just click in any blank\n"
"           space in the calendar and start typing. You can enter other\n"
"           information later with the appointment editor.\n"
"        </para>\n"
msgstr ""
"        <para>\n"
"           Si no necesita poner m�s informaci�n que la fecha y la hora de\n"
"           la cita, puede pichar simplemente en cualquier espacio en blanco\n"
"           del calendario y comenzar a escribir. Puede incluir otra\n"
"           informaci�n m�s tarde con el editor de citas.\n"
"        </para>\n"

#: tmp/usage-calendar.sgml.h:16
msgid "        <title>Shortcut</title>\n"
msgstr "        <title>Atajo</title>\n"

#: tmp/usage-calendar.sgml.h:18
msgid "       <title>Doing Two Things At Once</title>\n"
msgstr "       <title>Haciendo Dos Cosas A La Vez</title>\n"

#: tmp/usage-calendar.sgml.h:20
msgid ""
"      <para>\n"
"\tOnce you're done with all those settings, click on the disk\n"
"\ticon in the toolbar.  That will save the event and close the\n"
"\tevent editor window. If you want, you can alter an event\n"
"\tsummary in the calendar view by clicking on it and typing. You\n"
"\tcan change other settings by right-clicking on the event then\n"
"\tchoosing <guimenuitem>Edit this Appointment</guimenuitem>.\n"
"      </para>\n"
msgstr ""
"      <para>\n"
"\tUna vez que haya acabado con toda la configuraci�n, pulse en el icono\n"
"\tdel disco en la barra de herramientas.  Esto guardar� el evento y cerrar�\n"
"\tla ventana de edici�n de eventos. Si quiere, puede alterar el resumen del\n"
"\ten la vista del calendario pulsando sobre ela y escribiendo. Puede\n"
"\tcambiar otros valores pulsando con el bot�n derecho del rat�n sobre el\n"
"\tevento y eligiendo <guimenuitem>Editar esta cita</guimenuitem>.\n"
"      </para>\n"

#: tmp/usage-calendar.sgml.h:29
msgid ""
"      <para>\n"
"\tTo create a new calendar event, select\n"
"        <menuchoice>\n"
"\t  <guimenu>File</guimenu>\n"
"\t  <guisubmenu>New</guisubmenu> \n"
"\t  <guimenuitem>Appointment</guimenuitem>\n"
"\tor click the <guibutton>New</guibutton> button on the left end\n"
"\tof the toolbar. The <interface>New Appointment</interface>\n"
"\tdialog will pop up with the usual menu bar, tool bar, and\n"
"\twindow full of choices for you.\n"
"      </para>\n"
msgstr ""
"      <para>\n"
"\tPara crear un nuevo evento de calendario, seleccione\n"
"        <menuchoice>\n"
"\t  <guimenu>Archivo</guimenu>\n"
"\t  <guisubmenu>Nuevo</guisubmenu> \n"
"\t  <guimenuitem>Cita</guimenuitem>\n"
"\to pulse el bot�n <guibutton>Nuevo</guibutton> a la izquierda de la barra\n"
"\tde herramientas. El di�logo de <interface>Nueva Cita</interface>\n"
"\taparecer� con la habitual barra de men�, barra de herramientas, y ventana\n"
"\tllenas de opciones.\n"
"      </para>\n"

#: tmp/usage-calendar.sgml.h:42
msgid ""
"      <para>\n"
"         <guilabel>Classification</guilabel> is a little more\n"
"         complicated, and only applies to calendars on a\n"
"         network. <guilabel>Public</guilabel> is the default category,\n"
"         and a public event can be viewed by anyone on the calendar\n"
"         sharing network.  <guilabel>Private</guilabel> denotes one\n"
"         level of security, and <guilabel>Confidential</guilabel> a\n"
"         higher level.  <!-- FIXME --> Exact determinations and\n"
"         implementations of this feature have yet to be\n"
"         determined. <!-- FIXME -->\n"
"      </para>\n"
msgstr ""
"      <para>\n"
"         <guilabel>Clasificaci�n</guilabel> es un poco m�s complicado,\n"
"         y solo afecta a los calendarios en red.\n"
"         <guilabel>P�blico</guilabel> es la categor�a por defecto,\n"
"         y un evento p�blico puede ser visto por cualquiera en la red de\n"
"         conpartici�n del calendario.  <guilabel>Privado</guilabel> indica\n"
"         un nivel de seguridad, y <guilabel>Confidencial</guilabel> un\n"
"         nivel mayor.  <!-- FIXME --> El significado y la implementecion "
"de          estas caracteristicas\n"
"         todavia no se han determinado. <!-- FIXME -->\n"
"      </para>\n"

#: tmp/usage-calendar.sgml.h:54
msgid ""
"      <para>\n"
"         You can have as many as four different\n"
"         <guilabel>Alarms</guilabel>, any time prior to the event\n"
"         you've scheduled.  You can have one alarm of each type:\n"
"         <variablelist>\n"
"           <varlistentry>\n"
"\t    <term><guilabel>Display</guilabel></term>\n"
"\t    <listitem>\n"
"\t      <para>\n"
"\t        A window will pop up on your screen to remind you of\n"
"\t        your event.\n"
"              </para>\n"
"\t    </listitem>\n"
"\t  </varlistentry>\n"
"\t  <varlistentry> \n"
"\t    <term><guilabel>Audio</guilabel></term>\n"
"\t    <listitem>\n"
"\t      <para>\n"
"\t        Choose this to have your computer deliver a sound\n"
"\t        alarm.\n"
"              </para>\n"
"\t    </listitem>\n"
"\t  </varlistentry>\n"
"\t  <varlistentry>\n"
"\t    <term><guilabel>Program</guilabel></term>\n"
"\t    <listitem>\n"
"\t      <para>\n"
"\t        Select this if you would like to run a program as a\n"
"\t        reminder.  You can enter its name in the text field,\n"
"\t        or find it with the <guibutton>Browse</guibutton>\n"
"\t        button.\n"
"              </para>\n"
"\t    </listitem>\n"
"\t  </varlistentry>\n"
"\t  <varlistentry>\n"
"\t    <term><guilabel>Mail</guilabel></term>\n"
"\t    <listitem>\n"
"\t      <para>\n"
"\t         <application>Evolution</application> will send an\n"
"\t         email reminder to the address you enter into the text\n"
"\t         field.\n"
"              </para>\n"
"\t    </listitem>\n"
"\t  </varlistentry>\n"
"\t    \n"
"      </para>\n"
msgstr ""
"      <para>\n"
"         Puede tener hasta cuatro <guilabel>Alarmas</guilabel>\n"
"         distintas, para cualquier momento antes de la hora que ha fijado\n"
"         para el evento.  Puede tener una alarma de cada tipo:\n"
"         <variablelist>\n"
"           <varlistentry>\n"
"\t    <term><guilabel>Mostrar</guilabel></term>\n"
"\t    <listitem>\n"
"\t      <para>\n"
"\t        Aparecer� una ventana en la pantalla para recordarle el evento.\n"
"              </para>\n"
"\t    </listitem>\n"
"\t  </varlistentry>\n"
"\t  <varlistentry> \n"
"\t    <term><guilabel>Auditiva</guilabel></term>\n"
"\t    <listitem>\n"
"\t      <para>\n"
"\t        Eliga esta opci�n para que el ordenador emita una alarma\n"
"\t        auditiva.\n"
"              </para>\n"
"\t    </listitem>\n"
"\t  </varlistentry>\n"
"\t  <varlistentry>\n"
"\t    <term><guilabel>Programa</guilabel></term>\n"
"\t    <listitem>\n"
"\t      <para>\n"
"\t        Seleccione esto si quiere que alguna aplicaci�n adicional se\n"
"\t        ejecute como recordatorio.  Puede escribir su nombre en el campo\n"
"\t        de texto, o buscarla con el bot�n\n"
"\t        <guibutton>Buscar</guibutton>.\n"
"              </para>\n"
"\t    </listitem>\n"
"\t  </varlistentry>\n"
"\t  <varlistentry>\n"
"\t    <term><guilabel>Correo</guilabel></term>\n"
"\t    <listitem>\n"
"\t      <para>\n"
"\t        <application>Evolution</application> enviar� un mensaje\n"
"\t        recordatorio a la direcci�n que haya escrito en el campo de\n"
"\t        texto.\n"
"             </para>\n"
"\t    </listitem>\n"
"\t  </varlistentry>\n"
"\t    \n"
"      </para>\n"

#: tmp/usage-calendar.sgml.h:102
msgid ""
"      <para>\n"
"        Keelyn, the office manager for a small company, has one\n"
"        calendar for her own schedule.  On the local network, she\n"
"        maintains one for the conference room, so people know when\n"
"        they can schedule meetings.  Next to that, she maintains a\n"
"        calendar that reflects when consultants are going to be on\n"
"        site, and another that keeps track of when the Red Sox are\n"
"        playing.\n"
"      </para>\n"
msgstr ""
"      <para>\n"
"        Keelyn, la encargada de oficina de una peque�a compa��a, tiene\n"
"        un calendario para su propio horario.  En la red local, mantiene\n"
"        uno para la sala de reuniones, para que la gente sepa cuando pueden\n"
"        concertar citas.  Ademas de eso, mantiene un calendario que refleja\n"
"        cuando van a estar disponibles los consultores, y otro donde\n"
"        sigue los d�as en los que juegan los Red Sox.\n"
"      </para>\n"

#: tmp/usage-calendar.sgml.h:112
msgid ""
"      <para>\n"
"        The <guilabel>Recurrence</guilabel> tab lets you describe\n"
"        repetition in events ranging from once every day up to once\n"
"        every 100 years.  You can then choose a time and date when the\n"
"        event will stop recurring, and, under\n"
"        <guilabel>Exceptions</guilabel>, pick individual days when the\n"
"        event will <emphasis>not</emphasis> recur. Make your\n"
"        selections from left to right, and you'll form a sentence:\n"
"        \"Every two weeks on Monday and Friday until January 3, 2003\"\n"
"        or \"Every month on the first Friday for 12 occurrences.\"\n"
"      </para>\n"
msgstr ""
"      <para>\n"
"        La pesta�a <guilabel>Recurrencia</guilabel> le permite describir\n"
"        repeticiones en eventos que van desde una vez cada d�a a una vez\n"
"        cada 100 a�os.  Puede tambien elegir cuando cesar�n las\n"
"        repeticiones, y, bajo <guilabel>Excepciones</guilabel>, elegir\n"
"        d�as individuales en los que el evento <emphasis>no</emphasis> se\n"
"        realizar�. Haga sus selecciones de izquierda a derecha, y formar�\n"
"        una frase: \"Cada dos semanas los lunes y los viernes hasta el 3 de\n"
"        enero de 2003\" o \"Cada mes el primer viernes durante 12\n"
"        ocurrencias\".\n"
"      </para>\n"

#: tmp/usage-calendar.sgml.h:124
msgid ""
"      <para>\n"
"        Your event must have a starting and ending date &mdash; by\n"
"        default, today &mdash; but you can choose whether to give it\n"
"        starting and ending times or to mark it as an <guilabel>All\n"
"        day event</guilabel>. An <guilabel>All day event</guilabel>\n"
"        appears at the top of a day's event list rather than inside\n"
"        it.  That makes it easy to have events that overlap and fit\n"
"        inside each other.  For example, a conference might be an all\n"
"        day event, and the meetings at the conference would be timed\n"
"        events.  Of course, events with specific starting and ending\n"
"        times can also overlap.  When they do they're displayed as\n"
"        multiple columns in the day view of the calendar.\n"
"      </para>\n"
msgstr ""
"      <para>\n"
"        Su evento debe tener una fecha de inicio y de fin &mdash; por\n"
"        defecto, hoy &mdash; pero puede elegir entre darle una hora de\n"
"        inicio y de fin o marcarlo como un <guilabel>Evento de todo\n"
"        el d�a</guilabel>. Un <guilabel>Evento de todo el d�a</guilabel>\n"
"        aparece arriba en una lista de eventos diarios en lugar de dentro\n"
"        del d�a.  Eso hace que sea m�s facil tener eventos que se solapen y\n"
"        que esten unos dentro de otros.  Por ejemplo, una conferencia puede\n"
"        ser un evento de todo el d�a, y los encuentros en la conferencia\n"
"        serian eventos parciales.  Naturalmente, los eventos con horarios\n"
"        espec�ficos de inicio y fin tambien pueden solaparse.  Cuenado lo\n"
"        hacen son mostrados como multiples columnas en la vista diaria del\n"
"        calendario.\n"
"      </para>\n"

#: tmp/usage-calendar.sgml.h:138
msgid "      <title>Creating events</title>\n"
msgstr "      <title>Creando eventos</title>\n"

#: tmp/usage-calendar.sgml.h:140
msgid "      <title>Keeping Multiple Calendars</title>\n"
msgstr "      <title>Manteniendo M�ltiples Calendarios</title>\n"

#: tmp/usage-calendar.sgml.h:142
msgid ""
"    <para>\n"
"       <application>Evolution</application> permits you to have and\n"
"       maintain multiple calendars.  This is useful if you maintain\n"
"       schedules for other people, if you are responsible for resource\n"
"       or room allocation, or if you have multiple personalities.\n"
"    </para>\n"
msgstr ""
"    <para>\n"
"       <application>Evolution</application> le permite tener y mantener\n"
"       m�ltiples calendarios.  Esto es �til si mantiene horarios para otras\n"
"       personas, si es el responsable de la b�squeda de recursos o\n"
"       habitaciones, o si tiene m�ltiples personalidades.\n"
"    </para>\n"

#: tmp/usage-calendar.sgml.h:149
msgid ""
"    <para>\n"
"       Once you've added a task to your to-do list, its summary\n"
"       appears in the <guilabel>Summary</guilabel> section of task\n"
"       list.  To view or edit a detailed description of an item,\n"
"       double-click on it, or select it and click\n"
"       <guibutton>Edit</guibutton>.  You can delete items by selecting\n"
"       them and clicking on the <guibutton>Delete</guibutton> button.\n"
"    </para>\n"
msgstr ""
"   <para>\n"
"     Una vez que ha a�adido una tarea a su lista \"por hacer\", su resumen\n"
"     aparece en la secci�n <guilabel>Resumen</guilabel> de la lista de\n"
"     tareas. Para ver o editar una descripci�n detallada en un\n"
"     elemento, pulse dos veces sobre el, o seleccionelo y pulse\n"
"     <guibutton>Editar</guibutton>.  Puede borrar un elemento\n"
"     seleccionandolo y pulsandolo en el bot�n <guibutton>Borrar</"
"   </para>\n"

#: tmp/usage-calendar.sgml.h:158
msgid ""
"    <para>\n"
"       The <guibutton>Prev</guibutton> and <guibutton>Next</guibutton>\n"
"       buttons will move you forward and back in your calendar pages.\n"
"       If you're looking at only one day, you'll see tomorrow's page,\n"
"       or yesterday's.  If you're looking at your calendar by week,\n"
"       month, fortnight, or anything else, you'll move around by just\n"
"       that much. To come back to today's listing, click\n"
"       <guibutton>Today</guibutton>.\n"
"    </para>\n"
msgstr ""
"    <para>\n"
"       Los botones <guibutton>Previo</guibutton> y <guibutton>\n"
"       Siguiente</guibutton> le mover�n hacia alante y hacia atr�s en las\n"
"       p�ginas de su calendario.  Si est� viendo solo a un d�a, ver� la\n"
"       p�gina de ma�ana o la de ayer.  Si esta viendo su calendario por\n"
"       semanas, meses, quincenas, o cualquier otra cosa, se movera esa\n"
"       cantidad de tiempo. Para volver al d�a de hoy, pulse\n"
"       <guibutton>Hoy</guibutton>.\n"
"    </para>\n"

#: tmp/usage-calendar.sgml.h:168
msgid ""
"    <para>\n"
"       The Task Pad, located in the lower right corner of the\n"
"       calendar, lets you keep a list of tasks separate from your\n"
"       calendar events.  Tasks are colored and sorted by priority and\n"
"       due-date (see <xref linkend=\"config-prefs\"> for more\n"
"       information), and are included with calendar data during\n"
"       synchronization with a hand-held device.  You can use the list\n"
"       in a larger format by choosing the <guibutton>Tasks</guibutton>\n"
"       button in the shortcut bar or in the folder tree.\n"
"    </para>\n"
msgstr ""
"    <para>\n"
"       La lista de tareas, situada en la esquina inferior derecha del\n"
"       calendario, le permite mantener una lista de tareas separada de sus\n"
"       eventos de calendario.  Las tareas son coloreadas y ordenadas por\n"
"       prioridad y fecha de vencimiento (vea <xref linkend=\"config-prefs"
"       para m�s inforaci�n), y son incluidas con la informaci�n del\n"
"       calendario cuando se sincroniza con dispositivo de mano.  Puede usar\n"
"       la lista en un formato m�s grande eligiendo el bot�n\n"
"       <guibutton>Tareas</guibutton> de la barra de atajos o del arbol de\n"
"       carpetas.\n"
"    </para>\n"

#: tmp/usage-calendar.sgml.h:179
msgid ""
"    <para>\n"
"       The toolbar offers you four different views of your calendar:\n"
"       one day, five days, a week, or a month at once. Press the\n"
"       calendar-shaped buttons on the right side of the toolbar to\n"
"       switch between views. You can also select a range of\n"
"       days&mdash; three days, ten days, a fortnight if you want\n"
"       &mdash; in the small calendar at the upper right.\n"
"    </para>\n"
msgstr ""
"    <para>\n"
"      La barra de herramientas le ofrece cuatro vistas distintas de su\n"
"      calendario: un d�a, cinco d�as, una semana, o un mes. Pulse sobre\n"
"      los botones con forma de calendario a la derecha de la barra de\n"
"      herramientas para alternar entre las distintas vistas. Tambien puede\n"
"      seleccionar un rango de d�as&mdash; tres d�as, diez d�as, quinzenas\n"
"      si quiere&mdash; en el peque�o calendario en la esquina superior\n"
"      derecha.\n"
"    </para>\n"

#: tmp/usage-calendar.sgml.h:188
msgid ""
"    <para>\n"
"       To record a new task, click the <guibutton>Add</guibutton>\n"
"       button below the list.  <application>Evolution</application>\n"
"       will pop up a small window with five items in it:\n"
"     \n"
"        <variablelist>\n"
"\t  <varlistentry>\n"
"\t  <term> <guilabel>Summary:</guilabel></term>\n"
"\t  <listitem>\n"
"            <para>\n"
"              The description you enter here will appear in the To Do\n"
"              list itself.\n"
"          </para>\n"
"\t  </listitem>\n"
"\t  </varlistentry>\n"
"\t  <term> <guilabel>Due Date:</guilabel></term>\n"
"\t  <listitem>\n"
"\t    <para>\n"
"            Decide when this item is\n"
"            due.  You can either type in a date and time, or select one "
"            the <guibutton>Calendar</guibutton> and time drop-down menus.\n"
"          </para>\n"
"\t  </listitem>\n"
"\t  <term><guilabel>Priority:</guilabel></term>\n"
"\t  <listitem>\n"
"\t    <para>\n"
"             Select a level of importance from 1 (most important) to 9\n"
"              (least important).\n"
"            </para>\n"
"\t  </listitem> \n"
"\t  <term> <guilabel>Item Comments:</guilabel></term>\n"
"\t  <listitem>\n"
"\t    <para>\n"
"              If you wish, you can keep a more detailed description of\n"
"              the item here.\n"
"            </para>\n"
"\t  </listitem>\n"
"      </variablelist>\n"
"    </para>\n"
msgstr ""
"    <para>\n"
"       Para guardar una nueva tarea, pulse sobre el bot�n\n"
"       <guibutton>A�adir</guibutton>.  <application>Evolution</application>\n"
"       mostrar� una peque�a ventana con cinco elementos en ella:\n"
"     \n"
"        <variablelist>\n"
"\t  <varlistentry>\n"
"\t  <term> <guilabel>Resumen:</guilabel></term>\n"
"\t  <listitem>\n"
"            <para>\n"
"              La descripci�n que escriba aqu� aparecer� en la lista Por\n"
"              Hacer.\n"
"          </para>\n"
"\t  </listitem>\n"
"\t  </varlistentry>\n"
"\t  <term> <guilabel>Fecha de Plazo:</guilabel></term>\n"
"\t  <listitem>\n"
"\t    <para>\n"
"            Decida cuando vence el plazo para este elemnto.\n"
"            Puede escribir una fecha y una hora, o seleccionar una del\n"
"            <guibutton>Calendario</guibutton> y la hora de los menus "
"          </para>\n"
"\t  </listitem>\n"
"\t  <term><guilabel>Prioridad:</guilabel></term>\n"
"\t  <listitem>\n"
"\t    <para>\n"
"             Seleccione un nivel de importancia desde 1 (m�s importante) a "
"              (menos importante).\n"
"            </para>\n"
"\t  </listitem> \n"
"\t  <term> <guilabel>Comentarios sobre el elemento:</guilabel></term>\n"
"\t  <listitem>\n"
"\t    <para>\n"
"              Si lo desea, puede escribir aqu� una descripci�n m�s "
"              del elemento.\n"
"            </para>\n"
"\t  </listitem>\n"
"      </variablelist>\n"
"    </para>\n"

#: tmp/usage-calendar.sgml.h:235
msgid ""
"    <para>\n"
"       To visit a specific date's calendar entries, click\n"
"       <guibutton>Go To</guibutton> and select the date in the dialog\n"
"       box that appears.\n"
"    </para>\n"
msgstr ""
"    <para>\n"
"       Para ver una fecha espefica del calendario, pulse\n"
"       <guibutton>Ir A</guibutton> y seleccione la fecha en la ventana\n"
"       de di�logo que aparece.\n"
"    </para>\n"

#: tmp/usage-calendar.sgml.h:241
msgid ""
"    <para>\n"
"      Of course, you'll want to use the calendar to do more than find\n"
"      out what day it is. This section will tell you how to schedule\n"
"      events, set alarms, and determine event recurrence.\n"
"    </para>\n"
msgstr ""
"    <para>\n"
"      Naturalmente, querra usar el calendario para hacer algo m�s que\n"
"      saber que d�a es. Esta secci�n le contar� como fijar eventos, poner\n"
"      alarmas, y especificar recurrencias en los eventos.\n"
"    </para>\n"

#: tmp/usage-calendar.sgml.h:247
msgid ""
"    <para>\n"
"      To create a new calendar, select \n"
"      <menuchoice>\n"
"\t<guimenu>File</guimenu> <guisubmenu>New</guisubmenu>\n"
"      </menuchoice>.\n"
"       You can place the calendar in any calendar folder and access it\n"
"       from the folder view.  Alarms, configuration, and display for\n"
"       each calendar are separate from each other.\n"
"    </para>\n"
msgstr ""
"    <para>\n"
"      Para crear un nuevo calendario, seleccione\n"
"      <menuchoice>\n"
"\t<guimenu>Archivo</guimenu> <guisubmenu>Nuevo</guisubmenu>\n"
"      </menuchoice>.\n"
"       Puede colocar el calendario en cualquier carpeta de calendario y\n"
"       acceder a el desde la vista de carpetas.  Las alarmas, la\n"
"       configuraci�n, y las vistas de cada calendario se mantienen "
"       unas de otras.\n"
"    </para>\n"

#: tmp/usage-calendar.sgml.h:258
msgid "    <title>Multiple Calendars</title>\n"
msgstr "    <title>M�ltiples Calendarios</title>\n"

#: tmp/usage-calendar.sgml.h:260
msgid "    <title>Scheduling With the Evolution Calendar</title>\n"
msgstr "    <title>Programando Citas con el Calendario de Evolution</title>\n"

#: tmp/usage-calendar.sgml.h:262
msgid "    <title>Ways of Looking at your Calendar</title>\n"
msgstr "    <title>Maneras de ver su calendario</title>\n"

#: tmp/usage-calendar.sgml.h:264
msgid "   <title>The Task Pad</title>\n"
msgstr "   <title>La lista de tareas</title>\n"

#: tmp/usage-calendar.sgml.h:266
msgid ""
"  <para>\n"
"    To begin using the calendar, select\n"
"    <guibutton>Calendar</guibutton> from the <interface>shortcut\n"
"    bar</interface>.  By default, the calendar starts showing today's\n"
"    schedule on a ruled background.  At the upper right, there's a\n"
"    monthly calendar you can use to switch days.  Below that, there's\n"
"    a <guilabel>TaskPad</guilabel>, where you can keep a list of tasks\n"
"    seperate from your calendar appointments.  The calendar's daily\n"
"    view is shown in <xref linkend=\"usage-calendar-fig\">.\n"
"   <!-- ============== Figure ============================= -->\n"
"    <figure id=\"usage-calendar-fig\">\n"
"      <title>Evolution Calendar View</title>\n"
"      <screenshot>\n"
"\t<screeninfo>Evolution Contact Manager Window</screeninfo>\n"
"\t<graphic fileref=\"fig/calendar\" format=\"png\" srccredit=\"Aaron Weber"
"      </screenshot>\n"
"    </figure>\n"
"  <!-- ============== End of Figure ============================= --> \n"
"  </para>\n"
msgstr ""
"  <para>\n"
"    Para comenzar a usar el calendario, seleccione\n"
"    <guibutton>Calendario</guibutton> de la <interface>barra de\n"
"    atajos</interface>.  Por defecto, el calendario empieza mostrando el\n"
"    horario para hoy sobre un fondo reglado.  Arriba a la derecha, hay un\n"
"    calendario mensual que puede usar para cambiar de d�a.  Debajo de eso,\n"
"    hay una <guilabel>Lista de Tareas</guilabel>, donde puede tener una\n"
"    lista de tareas separada de sus citas del calendario.  La vista diaria\n"
"    del calendario se muestra en <xref linkend=\"usage-calendar-fig\">.\n"
"   <!-- ============== Figure ============================= -->\n"
"    <figure id=\"usage-calendar-fig\">\n"
"      <title>Vista del Calendario de Evolution</title>\n"
"      <screenshot>\n"
"\t<screeninfo>Vista del Administrador de Contactos de Evolution</"
"\t<graphic fileref=\"fig/calendar\" format=\"png\" srccredit=\"Aaron Weber"
"      </screenshot>\n"
"    </figure>\n"
"  <!-- ============== End of Figure ============================= --> \n"
"  </para>\n"

#: tmp/usage-calendar.sgml.h:289
msgid "  <title>The Evolution Calendar</title>\n"
msgstr "  <title>El calendario de Evolution</title>\n"

#: tmp/usage-calendar.sgml.h:291
msgid ""
"<!DOCTYPE Chapter PUBLIC \"-//GNOME//DTD DocBook PNG Variant V1.1//EN\">\n"
msgstr ""
"<!DOCTYPE Chapter PUBLIC \"-//GNOME//DTD DocBook PNG Variant V1.1//EN\">\n"

#: tmp/usage-calendar.sgml.h:295
msgid ""
"<!-- ############### FIXME FIXME FIXME ############\n"
"Feature not yet implemented, and may not be implemented due to\n"
"lack of time, resources, and interest.\n"
"    <para>\n"
"       In addition, <application>Evolution</application> supports\n"
"       Hebrew, Muslim, and other calendar formats.  To switch to a\n"
"       different calendar format, choose\n"
"       <guimenuitem>GUIMENUITEM</guimenuitem> from the\n"
"       <guimenu>GUIMENU</guimenu>.\n"
"    </para>\n"
"################  END FIXME AREA   ##################   -->\n"
msgstr ""
"<!-- ############### FIXME FIXME FIXME ############\n"
"Caracteristica no implementada y que puede que no se implemente por falta\n"
"de tiempo, recursos, e interes.\n"
"    <para>\n"
"       In addition, <application>Evolution</application> supports\n"
"       Hebrew, Muslim, and other calendar formats.  To switch to a\n"
"       different calendar format, choose\n"
"       <guimenuitem>GUIMENUITEM</guimenuitem> from the\n"
"       <guimenu>GUIMENU</guimenu>.\n"
"    </para>\n"
"################  END FIXME AREA   ##################   -->\n"

#: tmp/usage-calendar.sgml.h:307
msgid ""
"<!-- ############UNIMPLEMENTED FEATURES ###################\n"
"    <sect2 id=\"usage-calendar-apts-group\">\n"
"      <title>Appointments for Groups</title>\n"
"      <para>\n"
"\tIf you have your calendar set up to work with other\n"
"\tcalendars over a network, you can see when others are\n"
"\tavailable to meet with you. \n"
"      </para>\n"
"      <note>\n"
"\t<title>Unimplemented Feature</title>\n"
"\t<para>This feature is not yet implemented.</para>\n"
"      </note>\n"
"      <para>\n"
"\tIn addition, you can use <application>Evolution</application>\n"
"\tto mark a meeting request on another person's calendar.  To do\n"
"\tit, click <guibutton>New</guibutton> in the calendar toolbar,\n"
"\tor select <menuchoice> <guimenu>File</guimenu>\n"
"\t<guimenuitem>Appointment</guimenuitem> </menuchoice> to bring\n"
"\tup the <interface>new event</interface> window.  Then describe\n"
"\tthe event as you would any other.  Before you click\n"
"\t<guibutton>OK</guibutton>, (INSERT DESCRIPTION HERE...).\n"
"\t<application>Evolution</application> will automatically send\n"
"\temail to each person on the request list, notifying of the\n"
"\ttime and date of the meeting you have requested with them.  In\n"
"\taddition, it will mark the event on your calendar and on\n"
"\ttheirs as tentative, rather than a confirmed, event.\n"
"      </para>\n"
"      <para>\n"
"\tTo mark a tentative event as confirmed, click once on the\n"
"\tevent in the <interface>calendar view</interface> to select\n"
"\tit, and then choose <guimenuitem>Event\n"
"\tProperties</guimenuitem> from the <guimenu>Settings</guimenu>\n"
"\tmenu.  In the <interface>Event Properties</interface> dialog\n"
"\twindow, click the \"tentative\" button to De-select the\n"
"      </para>\n"
"    </sect2>\n"
"    <sect2 id=\"usage-calendar-apts-privs\">\n"
"      <title>Scheduling privileges</title>\n"
"      <para>\n"
"\tThere are several levels of scheduling privileges.  You\n"
"\tcan set whether people can see your calendar, whether they\n"
"\tcan request meetings or appointments, and whether they can\n"
"\tcreate appointments.  This section may have to be deleted,\n"
"\tbecause I don't know if we are going to support privileges\n"
"\tat all.\n"
"      </para>\n"
"    </sect2>\n"
" ########## END UNIMPLEMENTED FEATURESET ############ -->\n"
msgstr ""
"<!-- ############UNIMPLEMENTED FEATURES ###################\n"
"  ################## NO LO VOY A TRADUCIR PORQUE NO SE MUESTRA ######\n"
"    <sect2 id=\"usage-calendar-apts-group\">\n"
"      <title>Appointments for Groups</title>\n"
"      <para>\n"
"\tIf you have your calendar set up to work with other\n"
"\tcalendars over a network, you can see when others are\n"
"\tavailable to meet with you. \n"
"      </para>\n"
"      <note>\n"
"\t<title>Unimplemented Feature</title>\n"
"\t<para>This feature is not yet implemented.</para>\n"
"      </note>\n"
"      <para>\n"
"\tIn addition, you can use <application>Evolution</application>\n"
"\tto mark a meeting request on another person's calendar.  To do\n"
"\tit, click <guibutton>New</guibutton> in the calendar toolbar,\n"
"\tor select <menuchoice> <guimenu>File</guimenu>\n"
"\t<guimenuitem>Appointment</guimenuitem> </menuchoice> to bring\n"
"\tup the <interface>new event</interface> window.  Then describe\n"
"\tthe event as you would any other.  Before you click\n"
"\t<guibutton>OK</guibutton>, (INSERT DESCRIPTION HERE...).\n"
"\t<application>Evolution</application> will automatically send\n"
"\temail to each person on the request list, notifying of the\n"
"\ttime and date of the meeting you have requested with them.  In\n"
"\taddition, it will mark the event on your calendar and on\n"
"\ttheirs as tentative, rather than a confirmed, event.\n"
"      </para>\n"
"      <para>\n"
"\tTo mark a tentative event as confirmed, click once on the\n"
"\tevent in the <interface>calendar view</interface> to select\n"
"\tit, and then choose <guimenuitem>Event\n"
"\tProperties</guimenuitem> from the <guimenu>Settings</guimenu>\n"
"\tmenu.  In the <interface>Event Properties</interface> dialog\n"
"\twindow, click the \"tentative\" button to De-select the\n"
"      </para>\n"
"    </sect2>\n"
"    <sect2 id=\"usage-calendar-apts-privs\">\n"
"      <title>Scheduling privileges</title>\n"
"      <para>\n"
"\tThere are several levels of scheduling privileges.  You\n"
"\tcan set whether people can see your calendar, whether they\n"
"\tcan request meetings or appointments, and whether they can\n"
"\tcreate appointments.  This section may have to be deleted,\n"
"\tbecause I don't know if we are going to support privileges\n"
"\tat all.\n"
"      </para>\n"
"    </sect2>\n"
" ########## END UNIMPLEMENTED FEATURESET ############ -->\n"

#~ msgid ""
#~ "    <para>\n"
#~ "       To view yesterday's appointments, &mdash;last week's, if you're "
#~ "in\n"
#~ "       the weekly view, and last month's for the monthly view&mdash; "
#~ "click\n"
#~ "       the <guibutton>Prev</guibutton> button.  For tomorrow, next week,\n"
#~ "       or next month, click <guibutton>Next</guibutton>, and of course,\n"
#~ "       click <guibutton>Today</guibutton> for today.\n"
#~ "    </para>\n"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "    <para>\n"
#~ "       Para ver las citas de ayer, &mdash;de la semana pasada, si esta "
#~ "en\n"
#~ "       la vista semanal, y del mes pasado en la vista mensual&mdash; "
#~ "pulse\n"
#~ "       el bot�n <guibutton>Anterior</guibutton>.  Para ma�ana, la semana "
#~ "que\n"
#~ "       viene o el mes pr�ximo, pulse <guibutton>Siguiente</guibutton>, y\n"
#~ "       naturalmente, pulse <guibutton>Hoy</guibutton> para hoy.\n"
#~ "    </para>\n"