path: root/glib-gen.mak
blob: f510d80b170c95139b0ac9c32351ca7c5a76c4e6 (plain) (tree)


# these are the variables your Makefile.am should set
# the example is based on the colorbalance interface


# these are all the rules generating the relevant files
%-marshal.h: %-marshal.list
    glib-genmarshal --header --prefix=$(glib_enum_prefix)_marshal $^ > $*-marshal.h.tmp
    mv $*-marshal.h.tmp $*-marshal.h

%-marshal.c: %-marshal.list
    echo "#include \"$*-marshal.h\"" >> $*-marshal.c.tmp
    glib-genmarshal --body --prefix=$(glib_enum_prefix)_marshal $^ >> $*-marshal.c.tmp
    mv $*-marshal.c.tmp $*-marshal.c

%-enumtypes.h: $(glib_enum_headers)
    glib-mkenums \
    --fhead "#ifndef __$(glib_enum_define)_ENUM_TYPES_H__\n#define __$(glib_enum_define)_ENUM_TYPES_H__\n\n#include <glib-object.h>\n\nG_BEGIN_DECLS\n" \
    --fprod "/* enumerations from \"@filename@\" */\n" \
    --vhead "GType @enum_name@_get_type (void);\n#define E_TYPE_@ENUMSHORT@ (@enum_name@_get_type())\n"         \
    --ftail "G_END_DECLS\n\n#endif /* __$(glib_enum_define)_ENUM_TYPES_H__ */" \
    $^ > $@

%-enumtypes.c: $(glib_enum_headers)
    @if test "x$(glib_enum_headers)" == "x"; then echo "ERROR: glib_enum_headers is empty, please fix Makefile"; exit 1; fi
    glib-mkenums \
    --fhead "#include <$*.h>\n#include \"$*-enumtypes.h\"" \
    --fprod "\n/* enumerations from \"@filename@\" */" \
    --vhead "GType\n@enum_name@_get_type (void)\n{\n  static GType etype = 0;\n  if (etype == 0) {\n    static const G@Type@Value values[] = {"     \
    --vprod "      { @VALUENAME@, \"@VALUENAME@\", \"@valuenick@\" }," \
    --vtail "      { 0, NULL, NULL }\n    };\n    etype = g_@type@_register_static (\"@EnumName@\", values);\n  }\n  return etype;\n}\n" \
    $^ > $@

# a hack rule to make sure .Plo files exist because they get include'd
# from Makefile's
    touch $@

    touch $@