path: root/e-util/gal-a11y-e-cell.h
blob: dad788c3b9b7380a6d4339b168e78d6daa0e11e7 (plain) (tree)






















 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
 * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
 * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
 * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
 * for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
 * along with this program; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
 * Authors:
 *      Christopher James Lahey <clahey@ximian.com>
 * Copyright (C) 1999-2008 Novell, Inc. (www.novell.com)

#if !defined (__E_UTIL_H_INSIDE__) && !defined (LIBEUTIL_COMPILATION)
#error "Only <e-util/e-util.h> should be included directly."

#ifndef __GAL_A11Y_E_CELL_H__
#define __GAL_A11Y_E_CELL_H__

#include <e-util/e-table-item.h>
#include <e-util/e-cell.h>

#define GAL_A11Y_TYPE_E_CELL            (gal_a11y_e_cell_get_type ())
#define GAL_A11Y_E_CELL(obj)            (G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE_CAST ((obj), GAL_A11Y_TYPE_E_CELL, GalA11yECell))
#define GAL_A11Y_E_CELL_CLASS(klass)    (G_TYPE_CHECK_CLASS_CAST ((klass), GAL_A11Y_TYPE_E_CELL, GalA11yECellClass))
#define GAL_A11Y_IS_E_CELL(obj)         (G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE_TYPE ((obj), GAL_A11Y_TYPE_E_CELL))

typedef struct _GalA11yECell GalA11yECell;
typedef struct _GalA11yECellClass GalA11yECellClass;
typedef struct _GalA11yECellPrivate GalA11yECellPrivate;
typedef struct _ActionInfo ActionInfo;
typedef void (*ACTION_FUNC) (GalA11yECell *cell);

/* This struct should actually be larger as this isn't what we derive from.
 * The GalA11yECellPrivate comes right after the parent class structure.
struct _GalA11yECell {
    AtkObject object;

    ETableItem *item;
    ECellView  *cell_view;
    AtkObject  *parent;
    gint         model_col;
    gint         view_col;
    gint         row;
    AtkStateSet *state_set;
    GList       *action_list;
    gint         action_idle_handler;
    ACTION_FUNC  action_func;

struct _GalA11yECellClass {
    AtkObjectClass parent_class;

struct _ActionInfo {
    gchar *name;
    gchar *description;
    gchar *keybinding;
    ACTION_FUNC do_action_func;

/* Standard Glib function */
GType      gal_a11y_e_cell_get_type   (void);
AtkObject *gal_a11y_e_cell_new        (ETableItem *item,
                       ECellView  *cell_view,
                       AtkObject  *parent,
                       gint         model_col,
                       gint         view_col,
                       gint         row);
void       gal_a11y_e_cell_construct  (AtkObject  *object,
                       ETableItem *item,
                       ECellView  *cell_view,
                       AtkObject  *parent,
                       gint         model_col,
                       gint         view_col,
                       gint         row);

void    gal_a11y_e_cell_type_add_action_interface (GType type);

gboolean gal_a11y_e_cell_add_action (GalA11yECell   *cell,
                     const gchar     *action_name,
                     const gchar     *action_description,
                     const gchar     *action_keybinding,
                     ACTION_FUNC     action_func);

gboolean gal_a11y_e_cell_remove_action  (GalA11yECell   *cell,
                                         gint           action_id);

gboolean gal_a11y_e_cell_remove_action_by_name (GalA11yECell        *cell,
                        const gchar     *action_name);

gboolean gal_a11y_e_cell_add_state     (GalA11yECell *cell,
                    AtkStateType state_type,
                    gboolean     emit_signal);

gboolean gal_a11y_e_cell_remove_state  (GalA11yECell *cell,
                    AtkStateType state_type,
                    gboolean     emit_signal);

#endif /* __GAL_A11Y_E_CELL_H__ */