path: root/e-util/e-filter-datespec.c
blob: 71a3972843d45b7c0bbbe0cc60731af9fda37fce (plain) (tree)




















































































 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
 * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
 * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
 * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
 * for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
 * along with this program; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
 * Authors:
 *      Not Zed <notzed@lostzed.mmc.com.au>
 *      Jeffrey Stedfast <fejj@ximian.com>
 * Copyright (C) 1999-2008 Novell, Inc. (www.novell.com)

#include <config.h>

#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <math.h>

#include <gtk/gtk.h>
#include <glib/gi18n.h>

#include "e-filter-datespec.h"
#include "e-filter-part.h"
#include "e-misc-utils.h"

#ifdef G_OS_WIN32
#ifdef localtime_r
#undef localtime_r
#define localtime_r(tp,tmp) memcpy(tmp,localtime(tp),sizeof(struct tm))

    ((obj), E_TYPE_FILTER_DATESPEC, EFilterDatespecPrivate))

#define d(x)

typedef struct {
    guint32 seconds;
    const gchar *past_singular;
    const gchar *past_plural;
    const gchar *future_singular;
    const gchar *future_plural;
    gfloat max;
} timespan;

#if 0

/* Don't delete this code, since it is needed so that xgettext can extract the translations.
 * Please, keep these strings in sync with the strings in the timespans array */

    ngettext ("1 second ago", "%d seconds ago", 1);
    ngettext ("1 second in the future", "%d seconds in the future", 1);
    ngettext ("1 minute ago", "%d minutes ago", 1);
    ngettext ("1 minute in the future", "%d minutes in the future", 1);
    ngettext ("1 hour ago", "%d hours ago", 1);
    ngettext ("1 hour in the future", "%d hours in the future", 1);
    ngettext ("1 day ago", "%d days ago", 1);
    ngettext ("1 day in the future", "%d days in the future", 1);
    ngettext ("1 week ago", "%d weeks ago", 1);
    ngettext ("1 week in the future", "%d weeks in the future", 1)
    ngettext ("1 month ago", "%d months ago", 1);
    ngettext ("1 month in the future", "%d months in the future", 1);
    ngettext ("1 year ago", "%d years ago", 1);
    ngettext ("1 year in the future", "%d years in the future", 1);


static const timespan timespans[] = {
    { 1, "1 second ago", "%d seconds ago", "1 second in the future", "%d seconds in the future", 59.0 },
    { 60, "1 minute ago", "%d minutes ago", "1 minute in the future", "%d minutes in the future", 59.0 },
    { 3600, "1 hour ago", "%d hours ago", "1 hour in the future", "%d hours in the future", 23.0 },
    { 86400, "1 day ago", "%d days ago", "1 day in the future", "%d days in the future", 31.0 },
    { 604800, "1 week ago", "%d weeks ago", "1 week in the future", "%d weeks in the future", 52.0 },
    { 2419200, "1 month ago", "%d months ago", "1 month in the future", "%d months in the future", 12.0 },
    { 31557600, "1 year ago", "%d years ago", "1 year in the future", "%d years in the future", 1000.0 },

#define DAY_INDEX 3

struct _EFilterDatespecPrivate {
    GtkWidget *label_button;
    GtkWidget *notebook_type, *combobox_type, *calendar_specify, *spin_relative, *combobox_relative, *combobox_past_future;
    EFilterDatespecType type;
    gint span;


static gint
get_best_span (time_t val)
    gint i;

    for (i = G_N_ELEMENTS (timespans) - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
        if (val % timespans[i].seconds == 0)
            return i;

    return 0;

/* sets button label */
static void
set_button (EFilterDatespec *fds)
    gchar buf[128];
    gchar *label = buf;

    switch (fds->type) {
    case FDST_UNKNOWN:
        label = _("<click here to select a date>");
    case FDST_NOW:
        label = _("now");
    case FDST_SPECIFIED: {
        struct tm tm;

        localtime_r (&fds->value, &tm);
        /* strftime for date filter display, only needs to show a day date (i.e. no time) */
        strftime (buf, sizeof (buf), _("%d-%b-%Y"), &tm);
        break; }
    case FDST_X_AGO:
        if (fds->value == 0)
            label = _("now");
        else {
            gint span, count;

            span = get_best_span (fds->value);
            count = fds->value / timespans[span].seconds;
            sprintf (buf, ngettext (timespans[span].past_singular, timespans[span].past_plural, count), count);
    case FDST_X_FUTURE:
        if (fds->value == 0)
            label = _("now");
        else {
            gint span, count;

            span = get_best_span (fds->value);
            count = fds->value / timespans[span].seconds;
            sprintf (buf, ngettext (timespans[span].future_singular, timespans[span].future_plural, count), count);

    gtk_label_set_text ((GtkLabel *) fds->priv->label_button, label);

static void
get_values (EFilterDatespec *fds)
    EFilterDatespecPrivate *p = E_FILTER_DATESPEC_GET_PRIVATE (fds);

    switch (fds->priv->type) {
    case FDST_SPECIFIED: {
        guint year, month, day;
        struct tm tm;

        gtk_calendar_get_date ((GtkCalendar *) p->calendar_specify, &year, &month, &day);
        memset (&tm, 0, sizeof (tm));
        tm.tm_mday = day;
        tm.tm_year = year - 1900;
        tm.tm_mon = month;
        fds->value = mktime (&tm);
        /* what about timezone? */
        break; }
    case FDST_X_FUTURE:
    case FDST_X_AGO: {
        gint val;

        val = gtk_spin_button_get_value_as_int ((GtkSpinButton *) p->spin_relative);
        fds->value = timespans[p->span].seconds * val;
        break; }
    case FDST_NOW:

    fds->type = p->type;

static void
set_values (EFilterDatespec *fds)
    gint note_type;

    EFilterDatespecPrivate *p = E_FILTER_DATESPEC_GET_PRIVATE (fds);

    p->type = fds->type == FDST_UNKNOWN ? FDST_NOW : fds->type;

    note_type = p->type==FDST_X_FUTURE ? FDST_X_AGO : p->type; /* FUTURE and AGO use the same notebook pages/etc. */

    switch (p->type) {
    case FDST_NOW:
    case FDST_UNKNOWN:
        /* noop */
        struct tm tm;

        localtime_r (&fds->value, &tm);
        gtk_calendar_select_month ((GtkCalendar *) p->calendar_specify, tm.tm_mon, tm.tm_year + 1900);
        gtk_calendar_select_day ((GtkCalendar *) p->calendar_specify, tm.tm_mday);
    case FDST_X_AGO:
        p->span = get_best_span (fds->value);
        gtk_spin_button_set_value ((GtkSpinButton *) p->spin_relative, fds->value / timespans[p->span].seconds);
        gtk_combo_box_set_active (GTK_COMBO_BOX (p->combobox_relative), p->span);
        gtk_combo_box_set_active (GTK_COMBO_BOX (p->combobox_past_future), 0);
    case FDST_X_FUTURE:
        p->span = get_best_span (fds->value);
        gtk_spin_button_set_value ((GtkSpinButton *) p->spin_relative, fds->value / timespans[p->span].seconds);
        gtk_combo_box_set_active (GTK_COMBO_BOX (p->combobox_relative), p->span);
        gtk_combo_box_set_active (GTK_COMBO_BOX (p->combobox_past_future), 1);

    gtk_notebook_set_current_page ((GtkNotebook *) p->notebook_type, note_type);
    gtk_combo_box_set_active (GTK_COMBO_BOX (p->combobox_type), note_type);

static void
set_combobox_type (GtkComboBox *combobox,
                   EFilterDatespec *fds)
    fds->priv->type = gtk_combo_box_get_active (combobox);
    gtk_notebook_set_current_page ((GtkNotebook *) fds->priv->notebook_type, fds->priv->type);

static void
set_combobox_relative (GtkComboBox *combobox,
                       EFilterDatespec *fds)
    fds->priv->span = gtk_combo_box_get_active (combobox);

static void
set_combobox_past_future (GtkComboBox *combobox,
                          EFilterDatespec *fds)
    if (gtk_combo_box_get_active (combobox) == 0)
        fds->type = fds->priv->type = FDST_X_AGO;
        fds->type = fds->priv->type = FDST_X_FUTURE;

static void
button_clicked (GtkButton *button,
                EFilterDatespec *fds)
    EFilterDatespecPrivate *p = E_FILTER_DATESPEC_GET_PRIVATE (fds);
    GtkWidget *content_area;
    GtkWidget *toplevel;
    GtkDialog *dialog;
    GtkBuilder *builder;

    /* XXX I think we're leaking the GtkBuilder. */
    builder = gtk_builder_new ();
    e_load_ui_builder_definition (builder, "filter.ui");

    toplevel = e_builder_get_widget (builder, "filter_datespec");

    dialog = (GtkDialog *) gtk_dialog_new ();
    gtk_window_set_title (
        GTK_WINDOW (dialog),
        _("Select a time to compare against"));
    gtk_dialog_add_buttons (
        _("_Cancel"), GTK_RESPONSE_CANCEL,
        _("_OK"), GTK_RESPONSE_OK,

    p->notebook_type = e_builder_get_widget (builder, "notebook_type");
    p->combobox_type = e_builder_get_widget (builder, "combobox_type");
    p->calendar_specify = e_builder_get_widget (builder, "calendar_specify");
    p->spin_relative = e_builder_get_widget (builder, "spin_relative");
    p->combobox_relative = e_builder_get_widget (builder, "combobox_relative");
    p->combobox_past_future = e_builder_get_widget (builder, "combobox_past_future");

    set_values (fds);

    g_signal_connect (
        p->combobox_type, "changed",
        G_CALLBACK (set_combobox_type), fds);
    g_signal_connect (
        p->combobox_relative, "changed",
        G_CALLBACK (set_combobox_relative), fds);
    g_signal_connect (
        p->combobox_past_future, "changed",
        G_CALLBACK (set_combobox_past_future), fds);

    content_area = gtk_dialog_get_content_area (dialog);
    gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (content_area), toplevel, TRUE, TRUE, 3);

    if (gtk_dialog_run (dialog) == GTK_RESPONSE_OK) {
        get_values (fds);
        set_button (fds);

    gtk_widget_destroy ((GtkWidget *) dialog);

static gboolean
filter_datespec_validate (EFilterElement *element,
                          EAlert **alert)
    EFilterDatespec *fds = E_FILTER_DATESPEC (element);
    gboolean valid;

    g_warn_if_fail (alert == NULL || *alert == NULL);

    valid = fds->type != FDST_UNKNOWN;
    if (!valid) {
        if (alert)
            *alert = e_alert_new ("filter:no-date", NULL);

    return valid;

static gint
filter_datespec_eq (EFilterElement *element_a,
                    EFilterElement *element_b)
    EFilterDatespec *datespec_a = E_FILTER_DATESPEC (element_a);
    EFilterDatespec *datespec_b = E_FILTER_DATESPEC (element_b);

    /* Chain up to parent's eq() method. */
    if (!E_FILTER_ELEMENT_CLASS (e_filter_datespec_parent_class)->
        eq (element_a, element_b))
        return FALSE;

    return (datespec_a->type == datespec_b->type) &&
        (datespec_a->value == datespec_b->value);

static xmlNodePtr
filter_datespec_xml_encode (EFilterElement *element)
    xmlNodePtr value, work;
    EFilterDatespec *fds = E_FILTER_DATESPEC (element);
    gchar str[32];

    d (printf ("Encoding datespec as xml\n"));

    value = xmlNewNode (NULL, (xmlChar *)"value");
    xmlSetProp (value, (xmlChar *)"name", (xmlChar *) element->name);
    xmlSetProp (value, (xmlChar *)"type", (xmlChar *)"datespec");

    work = xmlNewChild (value, NULL, (xmlChar *)"datespec", NULL);
    sprintf (str, "%d", fds->type);
    xmlSetProp (work, (xmlChar *)"type", (xmlChar *) str);
    sprintf (str, "%d", (gint) fds->value);
    xmlSetProp (work, (xmlChar *)"value", (xmlChar *) str);

    return value;

static gint
filter_datespec_xml_decode (EFilterElement *element,
                            xmlNodePtr node)
    EFilterDatespec *fds = E_FILTER_DATESPEC (element);
    xmlNodePtr n;
    xmlChar *val;

    d (printf ("Decoding datespec from xml %p\n", element));

    xmlFree (element->name);
    element->name = (gchar *) xmlGetProp (node, (xmlChar *)"name");

    n = node->children;
    while (n) {
        if (!strcmp ((gchar *) n->name, "datespec")) {
            val = xmlGetProp (n, (xmlChar *)"type");
            fds->type = atoi ((gchar *) val);
            xmlFree (val);
            val = xmlGetProp (n, (xmlChar *)"value");
            fds->value = atoi ((gchar *) val);
            xmlFree (val);
        n = n->next;

    return 0;

static GtkWidget *
filter_datespec_get_widget (EFilterElement *element)
    EFilterDatespec *fds = E_FILTER_DATESPEC (element);
    GtkWidget *button;

    fds->priv->label_button = gtk_label_new ("");
    gtk_misc_set_alignment (GTK_MISC (fds->priv->label_button), 0.5, 0.5);
    set_button (fds);

    button = gtk_button_new ();
    gtk_container_add (GTK_CONTAINER (button), fds->priv->label_button);
    g_signal_connect (
        button, "clicked",
        G_CALLBACK (button_clicked), fds);

    gtk_widget_show (button);
    gtk_widget_show (fds->priv->label_button);

    return button;

static void
filter_datespec_format_sexp (EFilterElement *element,
                             GString *out)
    EFilterDatespec *fds = E_FILTER_DATESPEC (element);

    switch (fds->type) {
    case FDST_UNKNOWN:
        g_warning ("user hasn't selected a datespec yet!");
        /* fall through */
    case FDST_NOW:
        g_string_append (out, "(get-current-date)");
        g_string_append_printf (out, "%d", (gint) fds->value);
    case FDST_X_AGO:
        switch (get_best_span (fds->value)) {
        case 5: /* months */
            g_string_append_printf (out, "(get-relative-months (- 0 %d))", (gint) (fds->value / timespans[5].seconds));
        case 6: /* years */
            g_string_append_printf (out, "(get-relative-months (- 0 %d))", (gint) (12 * fds->value / timespans[6].seconds));
            g_string_append_printf (out, "(- (get-current-date) %d)", (gint) fds->value);
    case FDST_X_FUTURE:
        switch (get_best_span (fds->value)) {
        case 5: /* months */
            g_string_append_printf (out, "(get-relative-months %d)", (gint) (fds->value / timespans[5].seconds));
        case 6: /* years */
            g_string_append_printf (out, "(get-relative-months %d)", (gint) (12 * fds->value / timespans[6].seconds));
            g_string_append_printf (out, "(+ (get-current-date) %d)", (gint) fds->value);

static void
e_filter_datespec_class_init (EFilterDatespecClass *class)
    EFilterElementClass *filter_element_class;

    g_type_class_add_private (class, sizeof (EFilterDatespecPrivate));

    filter_element_class = E_FILTER_ELEMENT_CLASS (class);
    filter_element_class->validate = filter_datespec_validate;
    filter_element_class->eq = filter_datespec_eq;
    filter_element_class->xml_encode = filter_datespec_xml_encode;
    filter_element_class->xml_decode = filter_datespec_xml_decode;
    filter_element_class->get_widget = filter_datespec_get_widget;
    filter_element_class->format_sexp = filter_datespec_format_sexp;

static void
e_filter_datespec_init (EFilterDatespec *datespec)
    datespec->priv = E_FILTER_DATESPEC_GET_PRIVATE (datespec);
    datespec->type = FDST_UNKNOWN;

 * filter_datespec_new:
 * Create a new EFilterDatespec object.
 * Return value: A new #EFilterDatespec object.
EFilterDatespec *
e_filter_datespec_new (void)
    return g_object_new (E_TYPE_FILTER_DATESPEC, NULL);