/* -*- Mode: C; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: t; c-basic-offset: 8 -*- */
/* Evolution calendar - ToDo Conduit
* Copyright (C) 1998 Free Software Foundation
* Copyright (C) 2000 Helix Code, Inc.
* Authors: Eskil Heyn Olsen <deity@eskil.dk>
* JP Rosevear <jpr@helixcode.com>
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
#include <config.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <utime.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <pwd.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <cal-client/cal-client.h>
#include <cal-util/timeutil.h>
#include <pi-source.h>
#include <pi-socket.h>
#include <pi-file.h>
#include <pi-dlp.h>
#include <pi-version.h>
#include <gpilotd/gnome-pilot-conduit.h>
#include <gpilotd/gnome-pilot-conduit-standard-abs.h>
#include <todo-conduit-config.h>
#include <todo-conduit.h>
#include <libical/src/libical/icaltypes.h>
#include <liboaf/liboaf.h>
#include <bonobo.h>
GnomePilotConduit * conduit_get_gpilot_conduit (guint32);
void conduit_destroy_gpilot_conduit (GnomePilotConduit*);
#define CONDUIT_VERSION "0.8.11"
#define G_LOG_DOMAIN "todoconduit"
#define LOG(e...) g_log (G_LOG_DOMAIN, G_LOG_LEVEL_MESSAGE, e)
#define LOG(e...)
#define WARN(e...) g_log (G_LOG_DOMAIN, G_LOG_LEVEL_WARNING, e)
#define INFO(e...) g_log (G_LOG_DOMAIN, G_LOG_LEVEL_MESSAGE, e)
/* debug spew DELETE ME */
static char *print_local (EToDoLocalRecord *local)
static char buff[ 4096 ];
if (local == NULL) {
sprintf (buff, "[NULL]");
return buff;
if (local->todo && local->todo->description) {
sprintf (buff, "[%d %ld %d %d '%s' '%s']",
mktime (& local->todo->due),
return buff;
return "";
return cal_component_get_as_string (local->comp);
/* debug spew DELETE ME */
static char *print_remote (PilotRecord *remote)
static char buff[ 4096 ];
struct ToDo todo;
if (remote == NULL) {
sprintf (buff, "[NULL]");
return buff;
memset (&todo, 0, sizeof (struct ToDo));
unpack_ToDo (&todo, remote->record, remote->length);
sprintf (buff, "[%d %ld %d %d '%s' '%s']",
mktime (& todo.due),
return buff;
/* Context Routines */
static void
e_todo_context_new (EToDoConduitContext **ctxt, guint32 pilot_id)
*ctxt = g_new0 (EToDoConduitContext,1);
g_assert (ctxt!=NULL);
todoconduit_load_configuration (&(*ctxt)->cfg, pilot_id);
static void
e_todo_context_destroy (EToDoConduitContext **ctxt)
g_return_if_fail (ctxt!=NULL);
g_return_if_fail (*ctxt!=NULL);
if ((*ctxt)->client != NULL)
gtk_object_unref (GTK_OBJECT ((*ctxt)->client));
if ((*ctxt)->cfg != NULL)
todoconduit_destroy_configuration (&(*ctxt)->cfg);
g_free (*ctxt);
*ctxt = NULL;
/* Map routines */
static char *
map_name (EToDoConduitContext *ctxt)
char *filename;
filename = g_strdup_printf ("%s/evolution/local/Calendar/pilot-map-%d.xml", g_get_home_dir (), ctxt->cfg->pilot_id);
return filename;
static void
map_set_node_timet (xmlNodePtr node, const char *name, time_t t)
char *tstring;
tstring = g_strdup_printf ("%ld", t);
xmlSetProp (node, name, tstring);
static void
map_sax_start_element (void *data, const xmlChar *name,
const xmlChar **attrs)
EToDoConduitContext *ctxt = (EToDoConduitContext *)data;
if (!strcmp (name, "PilotMap")) {
while (attrs && *attrs != NULL) {
const xmlChar **val = attrs;
if (!strcmp (*attrs, "timestamp"))
ctxt->since = (time_t)strtoul (*val, NULL, 0);
attrs = ++val;
if (!strcmp (name, "map")) {
char *uid = NULL;
guint32 *pid = g_new (guint32, 1);
*pid = 0;
while (attrs && *attrs != NULL) {
const xmlChar **val = attrs;
if (!strcmp (*attrs, "uid"))
uid = g_strdup (*val);
if (!strcmp (*attrs, "pilotid"))
*pid = strtoul (*val, NULL, 0);
attrs = ++val;
if (uid && *pid != 0)
g_hash_table_insert (ctxt->map, pid, uid);
g_free (pid);
static void
map_write_foreach (gpointer key, gpointer value, gpointer data)
xmlNodePtr root = data;
xmlNodePtr mnode;
unsigned long *pid = key;
const char *uid = value;
char *pidstr;
mnode = xmlNewChild (root, NULL, "map", NULL);
xmlSetProp (mnode, "uid", uid);
pidstr = g_strdup_printf ("%lu", *pid);
xmlSetProp (mnode, "pilot_id", pidstr);
g_free (pidstr);
static int
map_write (EToDoConduitContext *ctxt, char *filename)
xmlDocPtr doc;
int ret;
if (ctxt->map == NULL)
return 0;
doc = xmlNewDoc ("1.0");
if (doc == NULL) {
WARN ("Pilot map file could not be created\n");
return -1;
doc->root = xmlNewDocNode(doc, NULL, "PilotMap", NULL);
map_set_node_timet (doc->root, "timestamp", time (NULL));
g_hash_table_foreach (ctxt->map, map_write_foreach, doc->root);
/* Write the file */
xmlSetDocCompressMode (doc, 0);
ret = xmlSaveFile (filename, doc);
if (ret < 0) {
g_warning ("Pilot map file '%s' could not be saved\n", filename);
return -1;
xmlFreeDoc (doc);
return 0;
/* Calendar Server routines */
static void
start_calendar_server_cb (GtkWidget *cal_client,
CalClientLoadStatus status,
EToDoConduitContext *ctxt)
CalClient *client = CAL_CLIENT (cal_client);
LOG (" entering start_calendar_server_load_cb, tried=%d\n",
if (status == CAL_CLIENT_LOAD_SUCCESS) {
ctxt->calendar_load_success = TRUE;
LOG (" success\n");
gtk_main_quit (); /* end the sub event loop */
} else {
if (ctxt->calendar_load_tried) {
LOG (" load and create of calendar failed\n");
gtk_main_quit (); /* end the sub event loop */
cal_client_create_calendar (client, ctxt->calendar_file);
ctxt->calendar_load_tried = TRUE;
static int
start_calendar_server (EToDoConduitContext *ctxt)
g_return_val_if_fail (ctxt != NULL, -2);
ctxt->client = cal_client_new ();
/* FIX ME */
ctxt->calendar_file = g_concat_dir_and_file (g_get_home_dir (),
gtk_signal_connect (GTK_OBJECT (ctxt->client), "cal_loaded",
start_calendar_server_cb, ctxt);
LOG (" calling cal_client_load_calendar\n");
cal_client_load_calendar (ctxt->client, ctxt->calendar_file);
/* run a sub event loop to turn cal-client's async load
notification into a synchronous call */
gtk_main ();
if (ctxt->calendar_load_success)
return 0;
return -1;
/* Utility routines */
static const char *
status_to_string (gint status)
switch(status) {
case GnomePilotRecordPending: return "GnomePilotRecordPending";
case GnomePilotRecordNothing: return "GnomePilotRecordNothing";
case GnomePilotRecordDeleted: return "GnomePilotRecordDeleted";
case GnomePilotRecordNew: return "GnomePilotRecordNew";
case GnomePilotRecordModified: return "GnomePilotRecordModified";
return "Unknown";
static PilotRecord *
local_record_to_pilot_record (EToDoLocalRecord *local,
EToDoConduitContext *ctxt)
PilotRecord *p = NULL;
g_return_val_if_fail (local != NULL, NULL);
g_assert (local->comp != NULL);
g_assert (local->todo != NULL );
LOG ("local_record_to_remote_record\n");
p = g_new0 (PilotRecord, 1);
p->ID = local->local.ID;
p->attr = local->local.attr;
p->archived = local->local.archived;
p->secret = local->local.secret;
/* Generate pilot record structure */
p->record = g_new0 (char,0xffff);
p->length = pack_ToDo (local->todo, p->record, 0xffff);
return p;
* converts a CalComponent object to a EToDoLocalRecord
static void
local_record_from_comp (EToDoLocalRecord *local, CalComponent *comp)
int *priority;
struct icaltimetype *completed;
CalComponentText summary;
GSList *d_list = NULL;
CalComponentText *description;
CalComponentDateTime due;
time_t due_time;
CalComponentClassification classif;
unsigned long *pilot_id;
unsigned long *pilot_status;
LOG ("local_record_from_comp\n");
g_return_if_fail (local != NULL);
g_return_if_fail (comp != NULL);
local->comp = comp;
local->todo = g_new0 (struct ToDo,1);
/* STOP: don't replace these with g_strdup, since free_ToDo
uses free to deallocate */
cal_component_get_summary (comp, &summary);
if (summary.value)
local->todo->description = strdup ((char *) summary.value);
cal_component_get_description_list (comp, &d_list);
if (d_list) {
description = (CalComponentText *) d_list->data;
if (description && description->value)
local->todo->note = strdup (description->value);
local->todo->note = NULL;
} else {
local->todo->note = NULL;
cal_component_get_due (comp, &due);
if (due.value) {
due_time = icaltime_as_timet (*due.value);
local->todo->due = *localtime (&due_time);
local->todo->indefinite = 0;
} else {
local->todo->indefinite = 1;
cal_component_get_completed (comp, &completed);
if (completed) {
local->todo->complete = 1;
cal_component_free_icaltimetype (completed);
cal_component_get_priority (comp, &priority);
if (priority) {
local->todo->priority = *priority;
cal_component_free_priority (priority);
cal_component_get_pilot_id (comp, &pilot_id);
cal_component_get_pilot_status (comp, &pilot_status);
/* Records without a pilot_id are new */
if (!pilot_id) {
local->local.attr = GnomePilotRecordNew;
} else {
local->local.ID = *pilot_id;
local->local.attr = *pilot_status;
cal_component_get_classification (comp, &classif);
local->local.secret = 1;
local->local.secret = 0;
local->local.archived = 0;
static void
local_record_from_uid (EToDoLocalRecord *local,
char *uid,
EToDoConduitContext *ctxt)
CalComponent *comp;
CalClientGetStatus status;
status = cal_client_get_object (ctxt->client, uid, &comp);
if (status == CAL_CLIENT_GET_SUCCESS) {
local_record_from_comp (local, comp);
} else {
INFO ("Object did not exist");
static CalComponent *
comp_from_remote_record (GnomePilotConduitStandardAbs *conduit,
PilotRecord *remote,
CalComponent *in_comp)
CalComponent *comp;
struct ToDo todo;
struct icaltimetype now = icaltime_from_timet (time (NULL), FALSE, FALSE);
unsigned long pilot_status = GnomePilotRecordNothing;
CalComponentText summary = {NULL, NULL};
CalComponentText description = {NULL, NULL};
CalComponentDateTime dt = {NULL, NULL};
struct icaltimetype due;
GSList *d_list;
g_return_val_if_fail (remote != NULL, NULL);
memset (&todo, 0, sizeof (struct ToDo));
unpack_ToDo (&todo, remote->record, remote->length);
if (in_comp == NULL) {
comp = cal_component_new ();
cal_component_set_new_vtype (comp, CAL_COMPONENT_TODO);
cal_component_set_created (comp, &now);
} else {
comp = cal_component_clone (in_comp);
LOG (" comp_from_remote_record: "
"merging remote %s into local %s\n",
print_remote (remote), cal_component_get_as_string (comp));
cal_component_set_last_modified (comp, &now);
summary.value = todo.description;
cal_component_set_summary (comp, &summary);
description.value = todo.note;
d_list = g_slist_append (NULL, &description);
cal_component_set_comment_list (comp, d_list);
g_slist_free (d_list);
if (todo.complete) {
int percent = 100;
cal_component_set_completed (comp, &now);
cal_component_set_percent (comp, &percent);
/* FIX ME This is a bit hackish, how else can we tell if there is
* no due date set?
if (todo.due.tm_sec || todo.due.tm_min || todo.due.tm_hour
|| todo.due.tm_mday || todo.due.tm_mon || todo.due.tm_year) {
due = icaltime_from_timet (mktime (&todo.due), FALSE, FALSE);
dt.value = &due;
cal_component_set_due (comp, &dt);
cal_component_set_priority (comp, &todo.priority);
cal_component_set_transparency (comp, CAL_COMPONENT_TRANSP_NONE);
if (remote->attr & dlpRecAttrSecret)
cal_component_set_classification (comp, CAL_COMPONENT_CLASS_PRIVATE);
cal_component_set_classification (comp, CAL_COMPONENT_CLASS_PUBLIC);
cal_component_set_pilot_id (comp, &remote->ID);
cal_component_set_pilot_status (comp, &pilot_status);
cal_component_commit_sequence (comp);
return comp;
static void
update_comp (GnomePilotConduitStandardAbs *conduit, CalComponent *comp,
EToDoConduitContext *ctxt)
gboolean success;
g_return_if_fail (conduit != NULL);
g_return_if_fail (comp != NULL);
LOG ("update_comp: saving to desktop\n%s\n",
cal_component_get_as_string (comp));
success = cal_client_update_object (ctxt->client, comp);
if (!success)
WARN (_("Error while communicating with calendar server"));
static void
check_for_slow_setting (GnomePilotConduit *c, EToDoConduitContext *ctxt)
int count, map_count;
count = g_list_length (ctxt->uids);
map_count = g_hash_table_size (ctxt->map);
/* If there are no objects or objects but no log */
if ((count == 0) || (count > 0 && map_count == 0)) {
GnomePilotConduitStandard *conduit;
LOG (" doing slow sync\n");
gnome_pilot_conduit_standard_set_slow (conduit);
} else {
LOG (" doing fast sync\n");
/* Pilot syncing callbacks */
static gint
pre_sync (GnomePilotConduit *conduit,
GnomePilotDBInfo *dbi,
EToDoConduitContext *ctxt)
GnomePilotConduitStandardAbs *abs_conduit;
int len, ret;
unsigned char *buf;
char *filename;
xmlSAXHandler handler;
GList *changes, *l;
gint num_records;
abs_conduit = GNOME_PILOT_CONDUIT_STANDARD_ABS (conduit);
LOG ("---------------------------------------------------------\n");
LOG ("pre_sync: ToDo Conduit v.%s", CONDUIT_VERSION);
g_message ("ToDo Conduit v.%s", CONDUIT_VERSION);
ctxt->client = NULL;
if (start_calendar_server (ctxt) != 0) {
WARN(_("Could not start wombat server"));
gnome_pilot_conduit_error (conduit, _("Could not start wombat"));
return -1;
/* Get the local database */
ctxt->uids = cal_client_get_uids (ctxt->client, CALOBJ_TYPE_TODO);
/* Load the uid <--> pilot id mapping */
ctxt->map = g_hash_table_new (g_int_hash, g_int_equal);
filename = map_name (ctxt);
if (g_file_exists (filename)) {
memset (&handler, 0, sizeof (xmlSAXHandler));
handler.startElement = map_sax_start_element;
if (xmlSAXUserParseFile (&handler, ctxt, filename) < 0)
return -1;
g_free (filename);
/* Find the added, modified and deleted items */
changes = cal_client_get_changed_uids (ctxt->client, CALOBJ_TYPE_TODO,
for (l = changes; l != NULL; l = l->next) {
CalObjChange *coc = l->data;
switch (coc->type) {
if (g_hash_table_lookup (ctxt->map, coc->uid))
ctxt->modified = g_list_prepend (ctxt->modified, coc);
ctxt->added = g_list_prepend (ctxt->added, coc);
ctxt->deleted = g_list_prepend (ctxt->deleted, coc);
g_list_free (changes);
/* Set the count information */
num_records = cal_client_get_n_objects (ctxt->client, CALOBJ_TYPE_TODO);
gnome_pilot_conduit_standard_abs_set_num_local_records(abs_conduit, num_records);
num_records = g_list_length (ctxt->added);
gnome_pilot_conduit_standard_abs_set_num_new_local_records (abs_conduit, num_records);
num_records = g_list_length (ctxt->modified);
gnome_pilot_conduit_standard_abs_set_num_updated_local_records (abs_conduit, num_records);
num_records = g_list_length (ctxt->deleted);
gnome_pilot_conduit_standard_abs_set_num_deleted_local_records(abs_conduit, num_records);
gtk_object_set_data (GTK_OBJECT (conduit), "dbinfo", dbi);
buf = (unsigned char*)g_malloc (0xffff);
len = dlp_ReadAppBlock (dbi->pilot_socket, dbi->db_handle, 0,
(unsigned char *)buf, 0xffff);
if (len < 0) {
WARN (_("Could not read pilot's ToDo application block"));
WARN ("dlp_ReadAppBlock(...) = %d", len);
gnome_pilot_conduit_error (conduit,
_("Could not read pilot's ToDo application block"));
return -1;
unpack_ToDoAppInfo (&(ctxt->ai), buf, len);
g_free (buf);
check_for_slow_setting (conduit, ctxt);
return 0;
static gint
update_record (GnomePilotConduitStandardAbs *conduit,
PilotRecord *remote,
EToDoConduitContext *ctxt)
CalComponent *comp;
CalClientGetStatus status;
struct ToDo todo;
const char *uid;
LOG ("update_record\n");
g_return_val_if_fail (remote != NULL, -1);
memset (&todo, 0, sizeof (struct ToDo));
unpack_ToDo (&todo, remote->record, remote->length);
uid = g_hash_table_lookup (ctxt->map, &remote->ID);
if (uid)
status = cal_client_get_object (ctxt->client, uid, &comp);
if (status != CAL_CLIENT_GET_SUCCESS) {
LOG (" new record being created\n");
comp = comp_from_remote_record (conduit, remote, NULL);
} else {
CalComponent *new_comp;
LOG (" record found\n");
new_comp = comp_from_remote_record (conduit, remote, comp);
gtk_object_unref (GTK_OBJECT (comp));
comp = new_comp;
update_comp (conduit, comp, ctxt);
if (!uid) {
guint32 *pid = g_new (guint32, 1);
*pid = remote->ID;
cal_component_get_uid (comp, &uid);
g_hash_table_insert (ctxt->map, pid, g_strdup (uid));
gtk_object_unref (GTK_OBJECT (comp));
return 0;
static gint
match_record (GnomePilotConduitStandardAbs *conduit,
EToDoLocalRecord **local,
PilotRecord *remote,
EToDoConduitContext *ctxt)
char *uid;
LOG ("match_record: looking for local copy of %s\n",
print_remote (remote));
g_return_val_if_fail (local != NULL, -1);
g_return_val_if_fail (remote != NULL, -1);
uid = g_hash_table_lookup (ctxt->map, &remote->ID);
if (!uid)
return -1;
LOG (" matched\n");
*local = g_new0 (EToDoLocalRecord, 1);
local_record_from_uid (*local, uid, ctxt);
if (*local == NULL)
return -1;
return 0;
static gint
free_match (GnomePilotConduitStandardAbs *conduit,
EToDoLocalRecord **local,
EToDoConduitContext *ctxt)
LOG ("free_match: %s\n", print_local (*local));
g_return_val_if_fail (local != NULL, -1);
g_return_val_if_fail (*local != NULL, -1);
gtk_object_unref (GTK_OBJECT ((*local)->comp));
g_free (*local);
*local = NULL;
return 0;
static gint
archive_local (GnomePilotConduitStandardAbs *conduit,
EToDoLocalRecord *local,
EToDoConduitContext *ctxt)
LOG ("archive_local: doing nothing with %s\n", print_local (local));
g_return_val_if_fail (local != NULL, -1);
return -1;
static gint
archive_remote (GnomePilotConduitStandardAbs *conduit,
EToDoLocalRecord *local,
PilotRecord *remote,
EToDoConduitContext *ctxt)
LOG ("archive_remote: doing nothing with %s\n",
print_local (local));
g_return_val_if_fail (remote != NULL, -1);
g_return_val_if_fail (local != NULL, -1);
return -1;
static gint
store_remote (GnomePilotConduitStandardAbs *conduit,
PilotRecord *remote,
EToDoConduitContext *ctxt)
int ret;
g_return_val_if_fail (remote != NULL, -1);
LOG ("store_remote: copying pilot record %s to desktop\n",
print_remote (remote));
ret = update_record (conduit, remote, ctxt);
return ret;
static gint
clear_status_archive_local (GnomePilotConduitStandardAbs *conduit,
EToDoLocalRecord *local,
EToDoConduitContext *ctxt)
LOG ("clear_status_archive_local: doing nothing\n");
return -1;
static gint
iterate (GnomePilotConduitStandardAbs *conduit,
EToDoLocalRecord **local,
EToDoConduitContext *ctxt)
static GList *uids, *iterator;
static int count;
g_return_val_if_fail (local != NULL, -1);
if (*local == NULL) {
LOG ("beginning iteration");
uids = ctxt->uids;
count = 0;
if (uids != NULL) {
LOG ("iterating over %d records", g_list_length (uids));
*local = g_new0 (EToDoLocalRecord, 1);
local_record_from_uid (*local, uids->data, ctxt);
iterator = uids;
} else {
LOG ("no events");
(*local) = NULL;
return -1;
} else {
if (g_list_next (iterator)) {
iterator = g_list_next (iterator);
*local = g_new0 (EToDoLocalRecord, 1);
local_record_from_uid (*local, iterator->data, ctxt);
} else {
LOG ("iteration ending");
/* Tell the pilot the iteration is over */
*local = NULL;
return 0;
return 1;
static gint
iterate_specific (GnomePilotConduitStandardAbs *conduit,
EToDoLocalRecord **local,
gint flag,
gint archived,
EToDoConduitContext *ctxt)
static GList *changes, *iterator;
static int count;
g_return_val_if_fail (local != NULL, 0);
/* FIX ME Hack - gnome-pilot does not recognize iterate_specific err values */
if (*local == NULL) {
LOG ("beginning iteration for %s\n", status_to_string (flag));
switch (flag) {
case GnomePilotRecordNew:
changes = ctxt->added;
case GnomePilotRecordModified:
changes = ctxt->modified;
case GnomePilotRecordDeleted:
changes = ctxt->deleted;
count = 0;
if (changes != NULL) {
CalObjChange *coc = changes->data;
LOG ("iterating over %d records", g_list_length (changes));
*local = g_new0 (EToDoLocalRecord, 1);
local_record_from_uid (*local, coc->uid, ctxt);
iterator = changes;
} else {
LOG ("no events");
(*local) = NULL;
return 0;
} else {
if (g_list_next (iterator)) {
CalObjChange *coc;
iterator = g_list_next (iterator);
coc = iterator->data;
*local = g_new0 (EToDoLocalRecord, 1);
local_record_from_uid (*local, coc->uid, ctxt);
} else {
LOG ("iteration ending");
/* Tell the pilot the iteration is over */
(*local) = NULL;
return 0;
return 1;
static gint
purge (GnomePilotConduitStandardAbs *conduit,
EToDoConduitContext *ctxt)
GList *l;
char *filename;
int ret = 0;
LOG ("purge\n");
/* FIX ME report an error */
for (l = ctxt->deleted; l != NULL; l = l->next) {
CalObjChange *coc = l->data;
cal_client_remove_object (ctxt->client, coc->uid);
filename = map_name (ctxt);
ret = map_write (ctxt, filename);
g_free (filename);
return ret;
static gint
set_status (GnomePilotConduitStandardAbs *conduit,
EToDoLocalRecord *local,
gint status,
EToDoConduitContext *ctxt)
CalObjChange *coc;
g_return_val_if_fail (local != NULL, -1);
g_assert (local->comp != NULL);
LOG ("set_status: %s status is now '%s' for %s\n",
print_local (local),
status_to_string (status),
cal_component_get_as_string (local->comp));
/* FIX ME New and modified? */
switch (status) {
case GnomePilotRecordNew:
case GnomePilotRecordModified:
case GnomePilotRecordDeleted:
coc = g_new0 (CalObjChange, 1);
ctxt->deleted = g_list_prepend (ctxt->deleted, coc);
return 0;
static gint
set_archived (GnomePilotConduitStandardAbs *conduit,
EToDoLocalRecord *local,
gint archived,
EToDoConduitContext *ctxt)
LOG ("set_archived: %s archived flag is now '%d'\n",
print_local (local), archived);
local->local.archived = archived;
update_comp (conduit, local->comp, ctxt);
/* FIXME: This should move the entry into a speciel
calendar file, eg. Archive, or (by config option), simply
delete it */
return 0;
static gint
set_pilot_id (GnomePilotConduitStandardAbs *conduit,
EToDoLocalRecord *local,
guint32 ID,
EToDoConduitContext *ctxt)
const char *uid;
guint32 *pid = g_new (guint32, 1);
cal_component_get_uid (local->comp, &uid);
*pid = ID;
g_hash_table_insert (ctxt->map, pid, g_strdup (uid));
return 0;
static gint
transmit (GnomePilotConduitStandardAbs *conduit,
EToDoLocalRecord *local,
PilotRecord **remote,
EToDoConduitContext *ctxt)
LOG ("transmit: encoding local %s\n", print_local (local));
*remote = local_record_to_pilot_record (local, ctxt);
if (!*remote)
return -1;
return 0;
static gint
free_transmit (GnomePilotConduitStandardAbs *conduit,
EToDoLocalRecord *local,
PilotRecord **remote,
EToDoConduitContext *ctxt)
LOG ("free_transmit: freeing %s\n", print_local (local));
g_return_val_if_fail (local != NULL, -1);
g_return_val_if_fail (remote != NULL, -1);
g_free (*remote);
*remote = NULL;
return 0;
static gint
compare (GnomePilotConduitStandardAbs *conduit,
EToDoLocalRecord *local,
PilotRecord *remote,
EToDoConduitContext *ctxt)
/* used by the quick compare */
PilotRecord *local_pilot;
int retval = 0;
LOG ("compare: local=%s remote=%s...\n",
print_local (local), print_remote (remote));
g_return_val_if_fail (local!=NULL,-1);
g_return_val_if_fail (remote!=NULL,-1);
local_pilot = local_record_to_pilot_record (local, ctxt);
if (!local_pilot)
return -1;
if (remote->length != local_pilot->length
|| memcmp (local_pilot->record, remote->record, remote->length))
retval = 1;
if (retval == 0)
LOG (" match.\n");
LOG (" did not match");
g_free (local_pilot);
return retval;
static gint
compare_backup (GnomePilotConduitStandardAbs *conduit,
EToDoLocalRecord *local,
PilotRecord *remote,
EToDoConduitContext *ctxt)
LOG ("compare_backup: doing nothing\n");
/* FIX ME - What the hell? */
return -1;
static gint
delete_all (GnomePilotConduitStandardAbs *conduit,
EToDoConduitContext *ctxt)
GList *uids, *it;
gboolean success;
LOG ("delete_all: deleting all objects from desktop\n");
uids = cal_client_get_uids (ctxt->client, CALOBJ_TYPE_TODO);
for (it = uids; it != NULL; it = g_list_next (it)) {
success = cal_client_remove_object (ctxt->client, it->data);
if (!success)
INFO ("Object did not exist");
cal_obj_uid_list_free (uids);
return 0;
static ORBit_MessageValidationResult
accept_all_cookies (CORBA_unsigned_long request_id,
CORBA_Principal *principal,
CORBA_char *operation)
/* allow ALL cookies */
GnomePilotConduit *
conduit_get_gpilot_conduit (guint32 pilot_id)
GtkObject *retval;
EToDoConduitContext *ctxt;
LOG ("in todo's conduit_get_gpilot_conduit\n");
/* we need to find wombat with oaf, so make sure oaf
is initialized here. once the desktop is converted
to oaf and gpilotd is built with oaf, this can go away */
if (!oaf_is_initialized ()) {
char *argv[ 1 ] = {"hi"};
oaf_init (1, argv);
if (bonobo_init (CORBA_OBJECT_NIL,
g_error (_("Could not initialize Bonobo"));
ORBit_set_request_validation_handler (accept_all_cookies);
retval = gnome_pilot_conduit_standard_abs_new ("ToDoDB", 0x746F646F);
g_assert (retval != NULL);
gnome_pilot_conduit_construct (GNOME_PILOT_CONDUIT (retval),
e_todo_context_new (&ctxt, pilot_id);
gtk_object_set_data (GTK_OBJECT (retval), "todoconduit_context", ctxt);
gtk_signal_connect (retval, "match_record", (GtkSignalFunc) match_record, ctxt);
gtk_signal_connect (retval, "free_match", (GtkSignalFunc) free_match, ctxt);
gtk_signal_connect (retval, "archive_local", (GtkSignalFunc) archive_local, ctxt);
gtk_signal_connect (retval, "archive_remote", (GtkSignalFunc) archive_remote, ctxt);
gtk_signal_connect (retval, "store_remote", (GtkSignalFunc) store_remote, ctxt);
gtk_signal_connect (retval, "clear_status_archive_local", (GtkSignalFunc) clear_status_archive_local, ctxt);
gtk_signal_connect (retval, "iterate", (GtkSignalFunc) iterate, ctxt);
gtk_signal_connect (retval, "iterate_specific", (GtkSignalFunc) iterate_specific, ctxt);
gtk_signal_connect (retval, "purge", (GtkSignalFunc) purge, ctxt);
gtk_signal_connect (retval, "set_status", (GtkSignalFunc) set_status, ctxt);
gtk_signal_connect (retval, "set_archived", (GtkSignalFunc) set_archived, ctxt);
gtk_signal_connect (retval, "set_pilot_id", (GtkSignalFunc) set_pilot_id, ctxt);
gtk_signal_connect (retval, "compare", (GtkSignalFunc) compare, ctxt);
gtk_signal_connect (retval, "compare_backup", (GtkSignalFunc) compare_backup, ctxt);
gtk_signal_connect (retval, "free_transmit", (GtkSignalFunc) free_transmit, ctxt);
gtk_signal_connect (retval, "delete_all", (GtkSignalFunc) delete_all, ctxt);
gtk_signal_connect (retval, "transmit", (GtkSignalFunc) transmit, ctxt);
gtk_signal_connect (retval, "pre_sync", (GtkSignalFunc) pre_sync, ctxt);
return GNOME_PILOT_CONDUIT (retval);
conduit_destroy_gpilot_conduit (GnomePilotConduit *conduit)
EToDoConduitContext *ctxt;
ctxt = gtk_object_get_data (GTK_OBJECT (conduit),
e_todo_context_destroy (&ctxt);
gtk_object_destroy (GTK_OBJECT (conduit));