* calendar-pilot-sync.c:
* (C) 1999 International GNOME Support
* Author:
* Miguel de Icaza (miguel@gnome-support.com)
#include <config.h>
#include <gnome.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <libgnorba/gnome-factory.h>
#include <libgnorba/gnorba.h>
#include "calobj.h"
#include "calendar.h"
#include "timeutil.h"
#include "GnomeCal.h"
#include "pi-source.h"
#include "pi-socket.h"
#include "pi-datebook.h"
#include "pi-dlp.h"
/* the CORBA ORB */
/* The default port to communicate with */
char *pilot_port = "/dev/pilot";
CORBA_Environment ev;
struct pi_sockaddr addr;
const struct poptOption calendar_sync_options [] = {
{ "pilot", 0, POPT_ARG_STRING, &pilot_port, 0,
N_("Specifies the port on which the Pilot is"), N_("PORT") },
{ NULL, '\0', 0, NULL, 0 }
static int
setup_connection (void)
int socket;
int ret, news;
if (!(socket = pi_socket(PI_AF_SLP, PI_SOCK_STREAM, PI_PF_PADP)))
g_error (_("Can not create Pilot socket\n"));
addr.pi_family = PI_AF_SLP;
strncpy ((void *) &addr.pi_device, pilot_port, sizeof (addr.pi_device));
ret = pi_bind (socket, (struct sockaddr *)&addr, sizeof (addr));
if (ret == -1)
g_error (_("Can not bind to device %s\n"), pilot_port);
if (pi_listen (socket, 1) == -1)
g_error (_("Failed to get a connection from the Pilot device"));
if ((news = pi_accept (socket, 0, 0)) == -1)
g_error (_("pi_accept failed"));
return news;
static GNOME_Calendar_Repository
locate_calendar_server (void)
GNOME_Calendar_Repository repo;
GNOME_stringlist list;
repo = goad_server_activate_with_id (
NULL, "IDL:GNOME:Calendar:Repository:1.0",
0, NULL);
if (repo == CORBA_OBJECT_NIL)
g_error ("Can not communicate with GnomeCalendar server");
if (ev._major != CORBA_NO_EXCEPTION){
printf ("Exception: %s\n", CORBA_exception_id (&ev));
abort ();
return repo;
static void
delete_record (GNOME_Calendar_Repository repo, int id)
char *uid;
uid = GNOME_Calendar_Repository_get_id_from_pilot_id (repo, id, &ev);
/* The record was already deleted */
if (ev._major != CORBA_NO_EXCEPTION)
GNOME_Calendar_Repository_delete_object (repo, uid, &ev);
CORBA_free (uid);
static void
update_record (GNOME_Calendar_Repository repo, int id, struct Appointment *a, int attr)
char *vcal_string;
iCalObject *obj;
int i;
char *str;
obj = ical_new (a->note ? a->note : "",
g_get_user_name (),
a->description ? a->description : "");
vcal_string = GNOME_Calendar_Repository_get_object_by_pilot_id (repo, id, &ev);
if (ev._major == CORBA_USER_EXCEPTION){
time_t now = time (NULL);
obj->created = now;
obj->last_mod = now;
obj->priority = 0;
obj->transp = 0;
obj->related = NULL;
obj->pilot_id = id;
obj->pilot_status = ICAL_PILOT_SYNC_NONE;
printf (_("Object did not exist, creating a new one"));
} else
obj = ical_object_new_from_string (vcal_string);
if (obj->pilot_status == ICAL_PILOT_SYNC_MOD){
printf (_("Object has been modified on desktop and on the pilot, desktop takes precedence"));
ical_object_destroy (obj);
* Begin and end
obj->dtstart = mktime (&a->begin);
obj->dtend = mktime (&a->end);
/* Special case: daily repetitions are converted to a multi-day event */
if (a->repeatType == repeatDaily){
time_t newt = time_add_day (obj->dtend, a->repeatFrequency);
obj->dtend = newt;
* Alarm
if (a->alarm){
obj->aalarm.type = ALARM_AUDIO;
obj->aalarm.enabled = 1;
obj->aalarm.count = a->advance;
switch (a->advanceUnits){
case advMinutes:
obj->aalarm.units = ALARM_MINUTES;
case advHours:
obj->aalarm.units = ALARM_HOURS;
case advDays:
obj->aalarm.units = ALARM_DAYS;
* Recurrence
if (a->repeatFrequency && a->repeatType != repeatDaily){
obj->recur = g_new0 (Recurrence, 1);
switch (a->repeatType){
case repeatDaily:
* In the Pilot daily repetitions are actually
* multi-day events
g_warning ("Should not have got here");
case repeatMonthlyByDate:
obj->recur->type = RECUR_MONTHLY_BY_DAY;
obj->recur->u.month_day = a->repeatFrequency;
case repeatWeekly:
int wd;
obj->recur->type = RECUR_WEEKLY;
for (wd = 0; wd < 7; wd++)
if (a->repeatDays [wd])
obj->recur->weekday |= 1 << wd;
if (obj->recur->weekday == 0){
struct tm *tm = localtime (&obj->dtstart);
obj->recur->weekday = 1 << tm->tm_wday;
case repeatMonthlyByDay:
obj->recur->type = RECUR_MONTHLY_BY_POS;
obj->recur->u.month_pos = a->repeatFrequency;
obj->recur->weekday = (a->repeatDay / 7);
case repeatYearly:
obj->recur->type = RECUR_YEARLY_BY_DAY;
g_warning ("Unhandled repeate case");
if (a->repeatForever)
obj->recur->duration = 0;
obj->recur->_enddate = mktime (&a->repeatEnd);
* Load exception dates
obj->exdate = NULL;
for (i = 0; i < a->exceptions; i++){
time_t *t = g_new (time_t, 1);
*t = mktime (&(a->exception [i]));
obj->exdate = g_list_prepend (obj->exdate, t);
g_free (obj->class);
if (attr & dlpRecAttrSecret)
obj->class = g_strdup ("PRIVATE");
obj->class = g_strdup ("PUBLIC");
* Now, convert the in memory iCalObject to a full vCalendar we can send
str = calendar_string_from_object (obj);
GNOME_Calendar_Repository_update_object (repo, obj->uid, str, &ev);
free (str);
* Shutdown
ical_object_destroy (obj);
static void
sync_pilot (GNOME_Calendar_Repository repo, int pilot_fd)
struct PilotUser user_info;
int db,record;
unsigned char buffer [65536];
printf (_("Syncing with the pilot..."));
dlp_ReadUserInfo (pilot_fd, &user_info);
/* This informs the user of the progress on the Pilot */
dlp_OpenConduit (pilot_fd);
if (dlp_OpenDB (pilot_fd, 0, 0x80 | 0x40, "DatebookDB", &db) < 0){
g_warning (_("Could not open DatebookDB on the Pilot"));
dlp_AddSyncLogEntry (pilot_fd, _("Unable to open DatebookDB"));
pi_close (pilot_fd);
exit (1);
* 1. Pull all the records from the Pilot, and make any updates
* required on the desktop side
for (record = 0;; record++){
struct Appointment a;
int rec_len, attr, size;
recordid_t id;
rec_len = dlp_ReadRecordByIndex (pilot_fd, db, record, buffer, &id, &size, &attr, 0);
if (rec_len < 0)
printf ("processing record %d\n", record);
unpack_Appointment (&a, buffer, rec_len);
/* If the object was deleted, remove it from the database */
if (attr & dlpRecAttrDeleted){
delete_record (repo, id);
if (attr & dlpRecAttrDirty){
printf ("updating record\n");
update_record (repo, id, &a, attr);
free_Appointment (&a);
* 2. Pull all the records from the Calendar, and move any new items
* to the pilot
dlp_CloseDB (pilot_fd, db);
dlp_AddSyncLogEntry (pilot_fd, _("Synced DateBook from Pilot to GnomeCal"));
pi_close (pilot_fd);
main (int argc, char *argv [])
int link;
GNOME_Calendar_Repository repository;
CORBA_exception_init (&ev);
orb = gnome_CORBA_init_with_popt_table (
"calendar-pilot-sync", VERSION, &argc, argv,
calendar_sync_options, 0, NULL, 0, &ev);
printf ("Please, press HotSync button on the palm...");
fflush (stdout);
link = setup_connection ();
printf ("Connected\n");
printf ("Launching GnomeCal...");
fflush (stdout);
repository = locate_calendar_server ();
printf ("Done\n");
printf ("Syncing...\n");
sync_pilot (repository, link);
printf ("Done Syncing\n");
GNOME_Calendar_Repository_done (repository, &ev);
CORBA_exception_free (&ev);
return 0;
/* Just a stub to link with */
calendar_notify (time_t time, CalendarAlarm *which, void *data)