/* -*- Mode: C; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: t; c-basic-offset: 8 -*- */
* Evolution calendar recurrence rule functions
* Copyright (C) 2000 Helix Code, Inc.
* Author: Damon Chaplin <damon@helixcode.com>
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
#ifndef CAL_RECUR_H
#define CAL_RECUR_H
#include <libgnome/gnome-defs.h>
#include <glib.h>
#include <cal-util/cal-component.h>
typedef struct {
icalrecurrencetype_frequency freq;
int interval;
/* Specifies the end of the recurrence. No occurrences are generated
after this date. If it is 0, the event recurs forever. */
time_t enddate;
/* WKST property - the week start day: 0 = Monday to 6 = Sunday. */
gint week_start_day;
/* NOTE: I've used GList's here, but it doesn't matter if we use
other data structures like arrays. The code should be easy to
change. So long as it is easy to see if the modifier is set. */
/* For BYMONTH modifier. A list of GINT_TO_POINTERs, 0-11. */
GList *bymonth;
/* For BYWEEKNO modifier. A list of GINT_TO_POINTERs, [+-]1-53. */
GList *byweekno;
/* For BYYEARDAY modifier. A list of GINT_TO_POINTERs, [+-]1-366. */
GList *byyearday;
/* For BYMONTHDAY modifier. A list of GINT_TO_POINTERs, [+-]1-31. */
GList *bymonthday;
/* For BYDAY modifier. A list of GINT_TO_POINTERs, in pairs.
The first of each pair is the weekday, 0 = Monday to 6 = Sunday.
The second of each pair is the week number [+-]0-53. */
GList *byday;
/* For BYHOUR modifier. A list of GINT_TO_POINTERs, 0-23. */
GList *byhour;
/* For BYMINUTE modifier. A list of GINT_TO_POINTERs, 0-59. */
GList *byminute;
/* For BYSECOND modifier. A list of GINT_TO_POINTERs, 0-60. */
GList *bysecond;
/* For BYSETPOS modifier. A list of GINT_TO_POINTERs, +ve or -ve. */
GList *bysetpos;
} CalRecurrence;
/* This is what we use to represent a date & time. */
typedef struct _CalObjTime CalObjTime;
struct _CalObjTime {
guint16 year;
guint8 month; /* 0 - 11 */
guint8 day; /* 1 - 31 */
guint8 hour; /* 0 - 23 */
guint8 minute; /* 0 - 59 */
guint8 second; /* 0 - 59 (maybe 60 for leap second) */
typedef gboolean (* CalRecurInstanceFn) (CalComponent *comp,
time_t instance_start,
time_t instace_end,
gpointer data);
* Calls the given callback function for each occurrence of the event between
* the given start and end times. If end is 0 it continues until the event
* ends or forever if the event has an infinite recurrence rule.
* If the callback routine return 0 the occurrence generation stops.
void cal_recur_generate_instances (CalComponent *comp,
time_t start,
time_t end,
CalRecurInstanceFn cb,
gpointer cb_data);