/* * Copyright (C) 2000-2003 Marco Pesenti Gritti * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) * any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * * $Id$ */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "config.h" #endif #include "ephy-shell.h" #include "ephy-state.h" #include "ephy-embed-shell.h" #include "eel-gconf-extensions.h" #include "ephy-prefs.h" #include "ephy-favicon-cache.h" #include "ephy-stock-icons.h" #include "ephy-window.h" #include "ephy-file-helpers.h" #include "ephy-thread-helpers.h" #include "ephy-bookmarks-import.h" #include "ephy-bookmarks-editor.h" #include "ephy-history-window.h" #include "ephy-debug.h" #include "ephy-extensions-manager.h" #include "toolbar.h" #include "ephy-session.h" #include "downloader-view.h" #include "ephy-toolbars-model.h" #include "ephy-automation.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef ENABLE_NAUTILUS_VIEW #include #include "ephy-nautilus-view.h" #define EPHY_NAUTILUS_VIEW_OAFIID "OAFIID:GNOME_Epiphany_NautilusViewFactory" #endif #define EPHY_SHELL_GET_PRIVATE(object)(G_TYPE_INSTANCE_GET_PRIVATE ((object), EPHY_TYPE_SHELL, EphyShellPrivate)) struct EphyShellPrivate { BonoboGenericFactory *automation_factory; EphySession *session; EphyBookmarks *bookmarks; EphyToolbarsModel *toolbars_model; EggToolbarsModel *fs_toolbars_model; EphyExtensionsManager *extensions_manager; GtkWidget *bme; GtkWidget *history_window; GList *del_on_exit; }; static void ephy_shell_class_init (EphyShellClass *klass); static void ephy_shell_init (EphyShell *gs); static void ephy_shell_finalize (GObject *object); static void ephy_init_services (EphyShell *gs); #ifdef ENABLE_NAUTILUS_VIEW static void ephy_nautilus_view_init_factory (EphyShell *gs); static BonoboObject * ephy_nautilus_view_new (BonoboGenericFactory *factory, const char *id, EphyShell *gs); #endif static GObjectClass *parent_class = NULL; EphyShell *ephy_shell; GType ephy_shell_get_type (void) { static GType ephy_shell_type = 0; if (ephy_shell_type == 0) { static const GTypeInfo our_info = { sizeof (EphyShellClass), NULL, /* base_init */ NULL, /* base_finalize */ (GClassInitFunc) ephy_shell_class_init, NULL, NULL, /* class_data */ sizeof (EphyShell), 0, /* n_preallocs */ (GInstanceInitFunc) ephy_shell_init }; ephy_shell_type = g_type_register_static (EPHY_TYPE_EMBED_SHELL, "EphyShell", &our_info, 0); } return ephy_shell_type; } static void ephy_shell_class_init (EphyShellClass *klass) { GObjectClass *object_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass); parent_class = g_type_class_peek_parent (klass); object_class->finalize = ephy_shell_finalize; g_type_class_add_private (object_class, sizeof(EphyShellPrivate)); } static void ephy_shell_new_window_cb (EphyEmbedShell *shell, EphyEmbed **new_embed, EmbedChromeMask chromemask, gpointer data) { EphyTab *new_tab; EphyWindow *window; g_assert (new_embed != NULL); window = ephy_window_new (); ephy_window_set_chrome (window, chromemask); new_tab = ephy_tab_new (); ephy_window_add_tab (window, new_tab, EPHY_NOTEBOOK_INSERT_GROUPED, FALSE); *new_embed = ephy_tab_get_embed (new_tab); } static void ephy_shell_init (EphyShell *gs) { EphyEmbedSingle *single; EphyShell **ptr = &ephy_shell; GtkIconTheme *icon_theme; GtkIconInfo *icon_info; const char *icon_file; gs->priv = EPHY_SHELL_GET_PRIVATE (gs); gs->priv->session = NULL; gs->priv->bookmarks = NULL; gs->priv->bme = NULL; gs->priv->history_window = NULL; gs->priv->toolbars_model = NULL; gs->priv->fs_toolbars_model = NULL; ephy_shell = gs; g_object_add_weak_pointer (G_OBJECT(ephy_shell), (gpointer *)ptr); gnome_vfs_init (); glade_gnome_init (); ephy_debug_init (); ephy_thread_helpers_init (); ephy_file_helpers_init (); ephy_stock_icons_init (); ephy_ensure_dir_exists (ephy_dot_dir ()); /* This ensures mozilla is fired up */ single = ephy_embed_shell_get_embed_single (EPHY_EMBED_SHELL (gs)); if (single != NULL) { g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (single), "new_window_orphan", G_CALLBACK(ephy_shell_new_window_cb), NULL); ephy_init_services (gs); } else { GtkWidget *dialog; dialog = gtk_message_dialog_new (NULL, GTK_DIALOG_MODAL, GTK_MESSAGE_ERROR, GTK_BUTTONS_CLOSE, _("Epiphany can't be used now. " "Mozilla initialization failed. Check your " "MOZILLA_FIVE_HOME environmental variable.")); gtk_dialog_run (GTK_DIALOG (dialog)); exit (0); } /* FIXME listen on icon changes */ /* FIXME MultiHead: icon theme is per-display, not global */ icon_theme = gtk_icon_theme_get_default (); icon_info = gtk_icon_theme_lookup_icon (icon_theme, "web-browser", -1, 0); if (icon_info) { icon_file = gtk_icon_info_get_filename (icon_info); if (icon_file) { gtk_window_set_default_icon_from_file (icon_file, NULL); } gtk_icon_info_free (icon_info); } else { g_warning ("Web browser gnome icon not found"); } /* Instantiate extensions manager; this will load the extensions */ gs->priv->extensions_manager = ephy_extensions_manager_new (); /* Instantiate internal extensions */ gs->priv->session = EPHY_SESSION (ephy_extensions_manager_add (gs->priv->extensions_manager, EPHY_TYPE_SESSION)); /* Instantiate the automation factory */ gs->priv->automation_factory = ephy_automation_factory_new (); } static void delete_files (GList *l) { for (; l != NULL; l = l->next) { unlink (l->data); } } static void ephy_shell_finalize (GObject *object) { EphyShell *gs = EPHY_SHELL (object); g_assert (ephy_shell == NULL); /* this will unload the extensions */ LOG ("Unref extension manager") g_object_unref (gs->priv->extensions_manager); delete_files (gs->priv->del_on_exit); g_list_foreach (gs->priv->del_on_exit, (GFunc)g_free, NULL); g_list_free (gs->priv->del_on_exit); LOG ("Unref toolbars model") if (gs->priv->toolbars_model) { g_object_unref (G_OBJECT (gs->priv->toolbars_model)); } LOG ("Unref fullscreen toolbars model") if (gs->priv->fs_toolbars_model) { g_object_unref (G_OBJECT (gs->priv->fs_toolbars_model)); } LOG ("Unref Bookmarks Editor"); if (gs->priv->bme) { gtk_widget_destroy (GTK_WIDGET (gs->priv->bme)); } LOG ("Unref History Window"); if (gs->priv->history_window) { gtk_widget_destroy (GTK_WIDGET (gs->priv->history_window)); } LOG ("Unref bookmarks") if (gs->priv->bookmarks) { g_object_unref (gs->priv->bookmarks); } G_OBJECT_CLASS (parent_class)->finalize (object); ephy_state_save (); ephy_file_helpers_shutdown (); gnome_vfs_shutdown (); if (gs->priv->automation_factory) { bonobo_object_unref (gs->priv->automation_factory); } LOG ("Ephy shell finalized") bonobo_main_quit (); LOG ("Bonobo quit done") } EphyShell * ephy_shell_new (void) { return EPHY_SHELL (g_object_new (EPHY_TYPE_SHELL, NULL)); } static void ephy_init_services (EphyShell *gs) { /* preload the prefs */ /* it also enables notifiers support */ eel_gconf_monitor_add ("/apps/epiphany"); eel_gconf_monitor_add ("/system/proxy"); #ifdef ENABLE_NAUTILUS_VIEW ephy_nautilus_view_init_factory (gs); #endif } static void load_homepage (EphyEmbed *embed) { char *home; home = eel_gconf_get_string(CONF_GENERAL_HOMEPAGE); if (home == NULL || home[0] == '\0') { g_free (home); home = g_strdup ("about:blank"); } ephy_embed_load_url (embed, home); g_free (home); } /** * ephy_shell_new_tab: * @shell: a #EphyShell * @parent_window: the target #EphyWindow or %NULL * @previous_tab: the referrer tab or %NULL * @url: an url to load or %NULL * * Create a new tab and the parent window when necessary. * Ever use this function to open urls in new window/tabs. * * ReturnValue: the created #EphyTab **/ EphyTab * ephy_shell_new_tab (EphyShell *shell, EphyWindow *parent_window, EphyTab *previous_tab, const char *url, EphyNewTabFlags flags) { EphyWindow *window; EphyTab *tab; EphyEmbed *embed; gboolean in_new_window = TRUE; gboolean grouped; gboolean jump_to; EphyEmbed *previous_embed = NULL; GtkWidget *nb; gint position; Toolbar *toolbar; if (flags & EPHY_NEW_TAB_IN_NEW_WINDOW) in_new_window = TRUE; if (flags & EPHY_NEW_TAB_IN_EXISTING_WINDOW) in_new_window = FALSE; jump_to = (flags & EPHY_NEW_TAB_JUMP); if (!in_new_window && parent_window != NULL) { window = parent_window; } else { window = ephy_window_new (); } toolbar = ephy_window_get_toolbar (window); if (previous_tab) { previous_embed = ephy_tab_get_embed (previous_tab); } grouped = ((flags & EPHY_NEW_TAB_OPEN_PAGE || flags & EPHY_NEW_TAB_APPEND_GROUPED)) && !(flags & EPHY_NEW_TAB_APPEND_LAST); if ((flags & EPHY_NEW_TAB_APPEND_AFTER) && previous_embed != NULL) { nb = ephy_window_get_notebook (window); position = gtk_notebook_page_num (GTK_NOTEBOOK (nb), GTK_WIDGET (previous_embed)) + 1; } else { position = grouped ? EPHY_NOTEBOOK_INSERT_GROUPED : EPHY_NOTEBOOK_INSERT_LAST; } tab = ephy_tab_new (); embed = ephy_tab_get_embed (tab); gtk_widget_show (GTK_WIDGET(embed)); ephy_window_add_tab (window, tab, position, jump_to); gtk_widget_show (GTK_WIDGET(window)); if (flags & EPHY_NEW_TAB_HOME_PAGE || flags & EPHY_NEW_TAB_NEW_PAGE) { ephy_tab_set_location (tab, "", TAB_ADDRESS_EXPIRE_NEXT); toolbar_activate_location (toolbar); load_homepage (embed); } else if (flags & EPHY_NEW_TAB_OPEN_PAGE) { g_assert (url != NULL); ephy_embed_load_url (embed, url); } if (flags & EPHY_NEW_TAB_FULLSCREEN_MODE) { gtk_window_fullscreen (GTK_WINDOW (window)); } return tab; } #ifdef ENABLE_NAUTILUS_VIEW static void ephy_nautilus_view_all_controls_dead (void) { if (!bonobo_control_life_get_count ()) { g_object_unref (G_OBJECT (ephy_shell)); } } static void ephy_nautilus_view_init_factory (EphyShell *gs) { BonoboGenericFactory *ephy_nautilusview_factory; ephy_nautilusview_factory = bonobo_generic_factory_new (EPHY_NAUTILUS_VIEW_OAFIID, (BonoboFactoryCallback) ephy_nautilus_view_new, gs); if (!BONOBO_IS_GENERIC_FACTORY (ephy_nautilusview_factory)) { g_warning ("Couldn't create the factory!"); return; } bonobo_control_life_set_callback (ephy_nautilus_view_all_controls_dead); } static BonoboObject * ephy_nautilus_view_new (BonoboGenericFactory *factory, const char *id, EphyShell *gs) { EphyNautilusView *view; view = EPHY_NAUTILUS_VIEW ( ephy_nautilus_view_new_component (gs)); bonobo_control_life_instrument ( nautilus_view_get_bonobo_control (NAUTILUS_VIEW (view))); return BONOBO_OBJECT (view); } #endif /** * ephy_shell_get_session: * @gs: a #EphyShell * * Returns current session. * * Return value: the current session. **/ GObject * ephy_shell_get_session (EphyShell *gs) { g_return_val_if_fail (EPHY_IS_SHELL (gs), NULL); return G_OBJECT (gs->priv->session); } EphyBookmarks * ephy_shell_get_bookmarks (EphyShell *gs) { if (gs->priv->bookmarks == NULL) { gs->priv->bookmarks = ephy_bookmarks_new (); } return gs->priv->bookmarks; } GObject * ephy_shell_get_toolbars_model (EphyShell *gs, gboolean fullscreen) { if (fullscreen) { if (gs->priv->fs_toolbars_model == NULL) { const char *xml; gs->priv->fs_toolbars_model = egg_toolbars_model_new (); xml = ephy_file ("epiphany-fs-toolbar.xml"); egg_toolbars_model_load (gs->priv->fs_toolbars_model, xml); } return G_OBJECT (gs->priv->fs_toolbars_model); } else { if (gs->priv->toolbars_model == NULL) { EphyBookmarks *bookmarks; bookmarks = ephy_shell_get_bookmarks (gs); gs->priv->toolbars_model = ephy_toolbars_model_new (bookmarks); g_object_set (bookmarks, "toolbars_model", gs->priv->toolbars_model, NULL); } return G_OBJECT (gs->priv->toolbars_model); } } GObject * ephy_shell_get_extensions_manager (EphyShell *es) { g_return_val_if_fail (EPHY_IS_SHELL (es), NULL); return G_OBJECT (es->priv->extensions_manager); } static void toolwindow_show_cb (GtkWidget *widget) { LOG ("Ref shell for %s", G_OBJECT_TYPE_NAME (widget)) ephy_session_add_window (ephy_shell->priv->session, GTK_WINDOW (widget)); g_object_ref (ephy_shell); } static void toolwindow_hide_cb (GtkWidget *widget) { LOG ("Unref shell for %s", G_OBJECT_TYPE_NAME (widget)) ephy_session_remove_window (ephy_shell->priv->session, GTK_WINDOW (widget)); g_object_unref (ephy_shell); } GtkWidget * ephy_shell_get_bookmarks_editor (EphyShell *gs) { EphyBookmarks *bookmarks; if (gs->priv->bme == NULL) { bookmarks = ephy_shell_get_bookmarks (ephy_shell); g_assert (bookmarks != NULL); gs->priv->bme = ephy_bookmarks_editor_new (bookmarks); g_signal_connect (gs->priv->bme, "show", G_CALLBACK (toolwindow_show_cb), NULL); g_signal_connect (gs->priv->bme, "hide", G_CALLBACK (toolwindow_hide_cb), NULL); } return gs->priv->bme; } GtkWidget * ephy_shell_get_history_window (EphyShell *gs) { EphyHistory *history; if (gs->priv->history_window == NULL) { history = ephy_embed_shell_get_global_history (EPHY_EMBED_SHELL (ephy_shell)); g_assert (history != NULL); gs->priv->history_window = ephy_history_window_new (history); g_signal_connect (gs->priv->history_window, "show", G_CALLBACK (toolwindow_show_cb), NULL); g_signal_connect (gs->priv->history_window, "hide", G_CALLBACK (toolwindow_hide_cb), NULL); } return gs->priv->history_window; } void ephy_shell_delete_on_exit (EphyShell *gs, const char *path) { gs->priv->del_on_exit = g_list_append (gs->priv->del_on_exit, g_strdup (path)); }