# Epiphany Bahasa Melayu (ms)
# Jika takut risiko, Jangan bicara tentang Perjuangan
# Hasbullah Bin Pit (sebol) <sebol@ikhlas.com>, 2003
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: Epiphany 0.x\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2003-05-14 03:42+0800\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2003-05-14 03:41+0800\n"
"Last-Translator: Hasbullah Bin Pit <sebol@ikhlas.com>\n"
"Language-Team: Projek Gabai <gabai-penyumbang@lists.sourceforge.org>\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"

#: data/bme.desktop.in.h:1
msgid "Browse and organize your bookmarks"
msgstr "Lihat dan pelihara tandabuku anda"

#: data/bme.desktop.in.h:2
msgid "Web Bookmarks"
msgstr "Tandabuku Web"

#: data/epiphany.desktop.in.h:1
msgid "Browse the web"
msgstr "Layari web"

#: data/epiphany.desktop.in.h:2
msgid "Web Browser"
msgstr "Pelungsur Web"

#: data/epiphany.schemas.in.h:1
msgid ""
"Address of the user's home page that is displayed when opening a new window "
"or tab"
msgstr ""
"Alamat bagi laman web pengguna yang dipaparkan bila membuka tetingkap atau "
"tab baru"

#: data/epiphany.schemas.in.h:2
msgid "Allow Java"
msgstr "Izinkan Java"

#: data/epiphany.schemas.in.h:3
msgid "Allow Java."
msgstr "Izinkan Java."

#: data/epiphany.schemas.in.h:4
msgid "Allow JavaScript"
msgstr "Izinkan JavaScript"

#: data/epiphany.schemas.in.h:5
msgid "Allow JavaScript."
msgstr "Izinkan JavaScript"

#: data/epiphany.schemas.in.h:6
msgid "Allow popups"
msgstr "Izinkan popup"

#: data/epiphany.schemas.in.h:7
msgid ""
"Allow sites to open new windows using JavaScript (if JavaScript is enabled)."
msgstr ""
"Izinkan tapak untuk membuka tetingkap  menggunakan JavaScript (jika "
"JavaScript dihidupkan)."

#: data/epiphany.schemas.in.h:8
msgid "Autowrap for find in page"
msgstr "Autobalut carian di laman"

#: data/epiphany.schemas.in.h:9
msgid "Cookie accept"
msgstr "Penerimaan cecikut"

#: data/epiphany.schemas.in.h:10
msgid "Default charset"
msgstr "Set aksara default"

#: data/epiphany.schemas.in.h:11
msgid "Default charset."
msgstr "Set aksara default"

#: data/epiphany.schemas.in.h:12
msgid "Default color for unvisited links in #RRGGBB hex format."
msgstr "Warna default bagi pautan belum dilawati dalam format heks #RRGGBB"

#: data/epiphany.schemas.in.h:13
msgid "Default color for visited links in #RRGGBB hex format."
msgstr "Warna default bagi pautan dilawati dalam format heks #RRGGBB"

#: data/epiphany.schemas.in.h:14
msgid "Default font type"
msgstr "Jenis font default"

#: data/epiphany.schemas.in.h:15
msgid "Default font type. Possible values are 0 (serif), 1 (sans-serif)"
msgstr "Jenis font default. Nilai yang boleh adalah 0(serif), 1 (san-serif)"

#: data/epiphany.schemas.in.h:16
msgid "Default page background color"
msgstr "Warna default latar belakang laman"

#: data/epiphany.schemas.in.h:17
msgid "Default page background color in #RRGGBB hex format."
msgstr "Warna default latar belakang laman dalam format heks #RRGGBB"

#: data/epiphany.schemas.in.h:18
msgid "Default page text color"
msgstr "Warna default teks laman"

#: data/epiphany.schemas.in.h:19
msgid "Default page text color in #RRGGBB hex format."
msgstr "Warna default teks laman dalam format heks #RRGGBB."

#: data/epiphany.schemas.in.h:20
msgid "Default spinner theme"
msgstr "Tema spinner default"

#: data/epiphany.schemas.in.h:21
msgid "Default unvisited link color"
msgstr "Warna default pautan belum dilawati"

#: data/epiphany.schemas.in.h:22
msgid "Default visited link color"
msgstr "Warna default pautan  dilawati"

#: data/epiphany.schemas.in.h:23
msgid "Enable Java"
msgstr "Hidupkan _Java"

#: data/epiphany.schemas.in.h:24
msgid "Enable Java."
msgstr "Hidupkan Java"

#: data/epiphany.schemas.in.h:25
msgid "Enable JavaScript"
msgstr "Hidupkan JavaScript"

#: data/epiphany.schemas.in.h:26
msgid "Enable JavaScript."
msgstr "Hidupkan JavaScript."

#: data/epiphany.schemas.in.h:27
msgid "Expire history"
msgstr "Luputkan sejarah"

#: data/epiphany.schemas.in.h:28
msgid "Expire history after how many days."
msgstr "Luputkan sejarah selepas berapa hari."

#: data/epiphany.schemas.in.h:29
msgid "Filename to print to"
msgstr "Namafail untuk dicetak"

#: data/epiphany.schemas.in.h:30
msgid "Filename to print to."
msgstr "Namafail untuk dicetak."

#: data/epiphany.schemas.in.h:31
msgid ""
"For find in page, whether to start again at the beginning after reaching the "
"end of the page"
msgstr ""
"Untuk mencari di halaman, samada bermula semula pada permulaan selepas "
"menjangkau akhir laman"

#: data/epiphany.schemas.in.h:32
msgid "History search time"
msgstr "Masa carian sejarah"

#: data/epiphany.schemas.in.h:33
msgid "Home page"
msgstr "Laman Mula"

#: data/epiphany.schemas.in.h:34
msgid "Image animation type"
msgstr "Jenis imej animasi"

#: data/epiphany.schemas.in.h:35
msgid ""
"Image animation type. Possible values are 0 (continuously), 1 (once "
"through), 2 (never)"
msgstr ""

#: data/epiphany.schemas.in.h:36
msgid "Jump to new tabs"
msgstr "Lompat ke tab baru"

#: data/epiphany.schemas.in.h:37
msgid "Jump to new tabs."
msgstr "Lompat ke tab baru."

#: data/epiphany.schemas.in.h:38
msgid "Keep downloader open after all downloads have finished."
msgstr "Biarkan pemuaturun terbuka selepas semua pemuaturunan selesai."

#: data/epiphany.schemas.in.h:39
msgid "Keep downloader open after download finished"
msgstr "Biarkan pemuaturun terbuka selepas  pemuaturunan selesai"

#: data/epiphany.schemas.in.h:40
msgid "Languages"
msgstr "Bahasa"

#: data/epiphany.schemas.in.h:41
msgid "List of domains for wherefore not to use the proxy, comma delimited"
msgstr ""

#: data/epiphany.schemas.in.h:42
msgid "Match case for find in page"
msgstr "Padan huruf besar/kecil pada carian di laman"

#: data/epiphany.schemas.in.h:43
msgid "Match case for find in page."
msgstr "Padan huruf besar/kecil pada carian di laman."

#: data/epiphany.schemas.in.h:44
msgid ""
"Middle click to open the web page pointed to by the currently selected text"
msgstr ""

#: data/epiphany.schemas.in.h:45
msgid ""
"Middle clicking on the main view pane will open the web page pointed to by "
"the currently selected text."
msgstr ""

#: data/epiphany.schemas.in.h:46
msgid "New page type"
msgstr "Jenis laman baru"

#: data/epiphany.schemas.in.h:47
msgid "No proxy for"
msgstr "Tiada proksi bagi"

#: data/epiphany.schemas.in.h:48
msgid "Open in tabs by default."
msgstr "Buka di tab secara default"

#: data/epiphany.schemas.in.h:49
msgid "Paper type"
msgstr "Jenis kertas"

#: data/epiphany.schemas.in.h:50
msgid "Paper type: 0 (Letter), 1 (Legal), 2 (Executive), 3 (A4)."
msgstr ""

#: data/epiphany.schemas.in.h:51
msgid "Preferred languages, two letter codes."
msgstr "Bahasa kegeraman, kod dua huruf."

#: data/epiphany.schemas.in.h:52
msgid "Print range"
msgstr "Julat cetakan"

#: data/epiphany.schemas.in.h:53
msgid "Print range: 0 (all pages), 1 (specific range)."
msgstr "Julat cetakan: 0 (semua halaman), 1 (julat tertentu)."

#: data/epiphany.schemas.in.h:54
msgid "Printer name"
msgstr "Nama pencetak"

#: data/epiphany.schemas.in.h:55
msgid "Printer name."
msgstr "Nama pencetak."

#: data/epiphany.schemas.in.h:56
msgid "Printing bottom margin"
msgstr "Margin bawah cetakan"

#: data/epiphany.schemas.in.h:57
msgid "Printing bottom margin (in inches)."
msgstr "Margin bawah cetakan (dalam inci)."

#: data/epiphany.schemas.in.h:58
msgid "Printing left margin"
msgstr "Margin kiri cetakan"

#: data/epiphany.schemas.in.h:59
msgid "Printing left margin (in inches)."
msgstr "Margin kiri cetakan (dalam inci)"

#: data/epiphany.schemas.in.h:60
msgid "Printing right margin"
msgstr "Margin kiri cetakan"

#: data/epiphany.schemas.in.h:61
msgid "Printing right margin (in inches)."
msgstr "Margin kanan cetakan (dalam inci)."

#: data/epiphany.schemas.in.h:62
msgid "Printing top margin"
msgstr "Margin atas cetakan"

#: data/epiphany.schemas.in.h:63
msgid "Printing top margin (in inches)."
msgstr "Margin atas cetakan (dalam inci)"

#: data/epiphany.schemas.in.h:64
msgid "Save passwords"
msgstr "Ingat katalaluan"

#: data/epiphany.schemas.in.h:65
msgid "Save passwords."
msgstr "Ingat katalaluan."

#: data/epiphany.schemas.in.h:66
msgid "Show bookmarks bar by default"
msgstr "Papar tandabuku secara default"

#: data/epiphany.schemas.in.h:67
msgid "Show bookmarks bar by default."
msgstr "Papar tandabuku secara default."

#: data/epiphany.schemas.in.h:68
msgid "Show download details"
msgstr "Papar perincian muaturun"

#: data/epiphany.schemas.in.h:69
msgid ""
"Show only history entries from a particular time. Possible values are 0 (all "
"items), 1 (today), 2 (yesterday), 3 (two days ago), 4 (this week), 5 (this "
msgstr ""

#: data/epiphany.schemas.in.h:70
msgid "Show statusbar by default"
msgstr "Papar bar status secara default"

#: data/epiphany.schemas.in.h:71
msgid "Show statusbar by default."
msgstr "Papar bar status secara default."

#: data/epiphany.schemas.in.h:72
msgid "Show toolbars by default"
msgstr "Papar toolbar secara default"

#: data/epiphany.schemas.in.h:73
msgid "Show toolbars by default."
msgstr "Papar toolbar secara default"

#: data/epiphany.schemas.in.h:74
msgid "Size of disk cache"
msgstr "Saiz cakera cache"

#: data/epiphany.schemas.in.h:75
msgid "Size of disk cache, in KB."
msgstr "Saiz cakera cache dalam KB."

#: data/epiphany.schemas.in.h:76
msgid "Size of memory cache"
msgstr "Saiz cache memori"

#: data/epiphany.schemas.in.h:77
msgid "Size of memory cache, in KB."
msgstr "Saiz Memori cache dalam KB."

#: data/epiphany.schemas.in.h:78
msgid ""
"Type of page to show when opening a new window or tab. Possible values are: "
"0 (home page), 1 (last page), 2 (blank)"
msgstr ""

#: data/epiphany.schemas.in.h:79
msgid "Underline links"
msgstr "Garisbawah pautan"

#: data/epiphany.schemas.in.h:80
msgid "Underline links."
msgstr "Garisbawah pautan."

#: data/epiphany.schemas.in.h:81
msgid "Use own colors"
msgstr "Guna warna sendiri"

#: data/epiphany.schemas.in.h:82
msgid "Use own fonts"
msgstr "Guna font sendiri"

#: data/epiphany.schemas.in.h:83
msgid "Use tabs"
msgstr "Guna tab"

#: data/epiphany.schemas.in.h:84
msgid "Use your own colors instead of the colors the page requests."
msgstr "Guna warna sendiri selain daripada warna yang dipinta oleh laman."

#: data/epiphany.schemas.in.h:85
msgid "Use your own fonts instead of the fonts the page requests."
msgstr "Guna font sendiri berbanding font yang dipinta oleh laman."

#: data/epiphany.schemas.in.h:86
msgid "When to compare cached copy"
msgstr "Samada untuk membanding salinan cache"

#: data/epiphany.schemas.in.h:87
msgid ""
"When to compare cached copy to web copy. Possible values are 0 (once per "
"session), 1 (every time), 2 (never), 3 (automatic)."
msgstr ""

#: data/epiphany.schemas.in.h:88
msgid "When to load images"
msgstr "Bila memuatkan imej"

#: data/epiphany.schemas.in.h:89
msgid ""
"When to load images. Possible values are 0 (always), 1 (from current server "
"only), 2 (never)"
msgstr ""

#: data/epiphany.schemas.in.h:90
msgid ""
"Where to accept cookies from. Possible values are 0 (anywhere), 1 (from "
"current server only), 2 (nowhere)"
msgstr ""

#: data/epiphany.schemas.in.h:91
msgid "Whether to print the date in the footer."
msgstr ""

#: data/epiphany.schemas.in.h:92
msgid "Whether to print the page address in the header"
msgstr ""

#: data/epiphany.schemas.in.h:93
msgid "Whether to print the page numbers (x of total) in the footer."
msgstr ""

#: data/epiphany.schemas.in.h:94
msgid "Whether to print the page title in the header."
msgstr ""

#: data/glade/epiphany.glade.h:1
msgid "  "
msgstr "  "

#: data/glade/epiphany.glade.h:2 data/glade/prefs-dialog.glade.h:2
#: data/glade/print.glade.h:2
msgid "*"
msgstr "*"

#: data/glade/epiphany.glade.h:3
msgid "<b>Address:</b>"
msgstr "<b>Alamat</b>"

#: data/glade/epiphany.glade.h:4
msgid "<b>Status:</b>"
msgstr "<b>Status:</b>"

#: data/glade/epiphany.glade.h:5
msgid "<b>Time Elapsed:</b>"
msgstr "<b>Masa Berlalu:</b>"

#: data/glade/epiphany.glade.h:6
msgid "<b>Time Remaining:</b>"
msgstr "<b>Baki Masa:</n>"

#: data/glade/epiphany.glade.h:7
msgid ""
"<span weight=\"bold\" size=\"larger\">What do you want to do with this "
"It's not possible to view this file type directly in the browser:"
msgstr ""

#: data/glade/epiphany.glade.h:10
msgid "C_ase sensitive"
msgstr "_Sensitif huruf kecil/besar"

#: data/glade/epiphany.glade.h:11
msgid "Choose the file type action"
msgstr "Pilih aksi jenis fail"

#: data/glade/epiphany.glade.h:12
msgid "Cookies"
msgstr "Cecikut"

#: data/glade/epiphany.glade.h:13
msgid "DYNAMIC"
msgstr "DYNAMIC"

#: data/glade/epiphany.glade.h:14
msgid "Download _details..."
msgstr "Pe_rincian muaturun..."

#: data/glade/epiphany.glade.h:15
msgid "Downloading"
msgstr "Pemuaturunan"

#: data/glade/epiphany.glade.h:16 data/ui/nautilus-epiphany-view.xml.in.h:11
msgid "Find"
msgstr "Cari"

#: data/glade/epiphany.glade.h:17
msgid "Passwords"
msgstr "Katalaluan"

#: data/glade/epiphany.glade.h:18
msgid "Personal data manager"
msgstr "Pengurus data peribadi"

#: data/glade/epiphany.glade.h:19
msgid "You can open it with another application or save it on disk."
msgstr "Anda boleh membukanya dengan aplikasi lain atau simpannya ke cakera."

#: data/glade/epiphany.glade.h:20
msgid "_Find:"
msgstr "_Cari:"

#: data/glade/epiphany.glade.h:21
msgid "_Keep the dialog open"
msgstr "_Biarkan dialog terbuka"

#: data/glade/epiphany.glade.h:22
msgid "_Next"
msgstr "_Seterusnya"

#: data/glade/epiphany.glade.h:23
msgid "_Pause"
msgstr "_Kaku"

#: data/glade/epiphany.glade.h:24
msgid "_Previous"
msgstr "_Terdahulu"

#: data/glade/epiphany.glade.h:25
msgid "_Wrap around"
msgstr "_Balut sekeliling"

#: data/glade/prefs-dialog.glade.h:1 data/glade/print.glade.h:1
msgid "    "
msgstr "    "

#: data/glade/prefs-dialog.glade.h:3
msgid "<b>Caches</b>"
msgstr "<b>Cache</b>"

#: data/glade/prefs-dialog.glade.h:4 data/glade/print.glade.h:3
msgid "<b>Colors</b>"
msgstr "<b>Warna</b>"

#: data/glade/prefs-dialog.glade.h:5
msgid "<b>Cookies</b>"
msgstr "<b>Cecikut</b>"

#: data/glade/prefs-dialog.glade.h:6
msgid "<b>Fonts</b>"
msgstr "<b>Font</b>"

#: data/glade/prefs-dialog.glade.h:7
msgid "<b>Home page</b>"
msgstr "<b>Laman Rumah</b>"

#: data/glade/prefs-dialog.glade.h:8
msgid "<b>Language</b>"
msgstr "<b>Bahasa</b>"

#: data/glade/prefs-dialog.glade.h:9
msgid "<b>Links</b>"
msgstr "<b>Pautan</b>"

#: data/glade/prefs-dialog.glade.h:10
msgid "<b>On New Page</b>"
msgstr "<b>Pada Halaman Baru</b>"

#: data/glade/prefs-dialog.glade.h:11
msgid "<b>Tabs</b>"
msgstr "<b>Tab</b>"

#: data/glade/prefs-dialog.glade.h:12
msgid "<b>Web Content</b>"
msgstr "<b>Kandungan Web</b>"

#: data/glade/prefs-dialog.glade.h:13
msgid "Accept _from current site only"
msgstr "Terima _daripada tapak semasa sahaja"

#: data/glade/prefs-dialog.glade.h:14
msgid "Advanced"
msgstr "Lanjutan"

#: data/glade/prefs-dialog.glade.h:15
msgid "Al_ways use these colors"
msgstr "Sen_tiasa guna warna ini"

#: data/glade/prefs-dialog.glade.h:16
msgid "Allow popup windows"
msgstr "Izinkan tetingkap popup"

#: data/glade/prefs-dialog.glade.h:17
msgid "Always use t_hese fonts"
msgstr "S_entiasa guna font ini"

#: data/glade/prefs-dialog.glade.h:18 data/glade/print.glade.h:12
msgid "Appearance"
msgstr "Penampilan"

#: data/glade/prefs-dialog.glade.h:19 embed/mozilla/mozilla-i18n.c:24
#: src/prefs-dialog.c:105
msgid "Arabic"
msgstr "Arab"

#: data/glade/prefs-dialog.glade.h:20
msgid "Autodetec_t encoding:"
msgstr "Autokesan pengenkodan:"

#: data/glade/prefs-dialog.glade.h:21 embed/mozilla/mozilla-i18n.c:25
msgid "Baltic"
msgstr "Baltik"

#: data/glade/prefs-dialog.glade.h:22 embed/mozilla/mozilla-i18n.c:26
msgid "Central European"
msgstr "Eropah Tengah"

#: data/glade/prefs-dialog.glade.h:23 embed/mozilla/mozilla-i18n.c:27
#: src/prefs-dialog.c:112
msgid "Chinese"
msgstr "Cina"

#: data/glade/prefs-dialog.glade.h:24
msgid "Clear _Disk Cache"
msgstr "Kosongkan Cache _Cakera"

#: data/glade/prefs-dialog.glade.h:25
msgid "Clear _Memory Cache"
msgstr "Kosongkan Cache _Memori"

#: data/glade/prefs-dialog.glade.h:26
msgid "Compare page:"
msgstr "Banding laman:"

#: data/glade/prefs-dialog.glade.h:27 embed/mozilla/mozilla-i18n.c:28
msgid "Cyrillic"
msgstr "Cyrillic"

#: data/glade/prefs-dialog.glade.h:28
msgid "Dis_k cache:"
msgstr "Cache Ca_kera:"

#: data/glade/prefs-dialog.glade.h:29
msgid "E_very time"
msgstr "_Setiap masa"

# ui/galeon.glade.h:111
#: data/glade/prefs-dialog.glade.h:30
msgid "East asian"
msgstr "East asian"

#: data/glade/prefs-dialog.glade.h:31
msgid "Enable Java_Script"
msgstr "Izinkan Java_Script"

#: data/glade/prefs-dialog.glade.h:32
msgid "Enable _Java"
msgstr "Hidupkan _Java"

#: data/glade/prefs-dialog.glade.h:33 data/glade/print.glade.h:16
msgid "General"
msgstr "Umum"

#: data/glade/prefs-dialog.glade.h:34 embed/mozilla/mozilla-i18n.c:29
#: src/prefs-dialog.c:125
msgid "Greek"
msgstr "Greek"

#: data/glade/prefs-dialog.glade.h:35 embed/mozilla/mozilla-i18n.c:30
#: src/prefs-dialog.c:126
msgid "Hebrew"
msgstr "Hebrew"

#: data/glade/prefs-dialog.glade.h:36 embed/mozilla/mozilla-i18n.c:32
#: src/prefs-dialog.c:132
msgid "Japanese"
msgstr "Jepun"

#: data/glade/prefs-dialog.glade.h:37 embed/mozilla/mozilla-i18n.c:33
#: src/prefs-dialog.c:133
msgid "Korean"
msgstr "Korea"

#: data/glade/prefs-dialog.glade.h:38
msgid "Lan_guage:"
msgstr "_Bahasa"

#: data/glade/prefs-dialog.glade.h:39
msgid "Language"
msgstr "Bahasa"

#: data/glade/prefs-dialog.glade.h:40
msgid "Languages editor"
msgstr "Editor bahasa"

#: data/glade/prefs-dialog.glade.h:41
msgid "Memor_y cache:"
msgstr "Cache _Memori:"

#: data/glade/prefs-dialog.glade.h:42
msgid "Min_imum font size:"
msgstr "Saiz font minimum:"

# ui/galeon.glade.h:243
#: data/glade/prefs-dialog.glade.h:43
msgid "Off"
msgstr "Off"

#: data/glade/prefs-dialog.glade.h:44
msgid "Once per _session"
msgstr "Sekali setiap _sessi"

#: data/glade/prefs-dialog.glade.h:45
msgid "Pick the background color"
msgstr "Pilih warna latar"

#: data/glade/prefs-dialog.glade.h:46
msgid "Pick the text color"
msgstr "Pilih warna teks"

#: data/glade/prefs-dialog.glade.h:47
msgid "Pick the unvisited link color"
msgstr "Pilih warna pautan tidak dilawati"

#: data/glade/prefs-dialog.glade.h:48
msgid "Pick the visited link color"
msgstr "Warna default pautan dilawati"

#: data/glade/prefs-dialog.glade.h:49
msgid "Preferences"
msgstr "Keutamaan"

# ui/galeon.glade.h:273
#: data/glade/prefs-dialog.glade.h:50 src/prefs-dialog.c:145
msgid "Russian"
msgstr "Russian"

#: data/glade/prefs-dialog.glade.h:51
msgid "S_ans serif:"
msgstr "S_ans serif:"

#: data/glade/prefs-dialog.glade.h:52
msgid "Sans Serif"
msgstr "Sans Serif"

#: data/glade/prefs-dialog.glade.h:53
msgid "Security"
msgstr "Keselamatan"

#: data/glade/prefs-dialog.glade.h:54
msgid "Serif"
msgstr "Serif"

#: data/glade/prefs-dialog.glade.h:55
msgid "Set to Current _Page"
msgstr "Tetapkan Sebagai _Laman _Semasa"

#: data/glade/prefs-dialog.glade.h:56
msgid "Set to _Blank Page"
msgstr "Tetapkan sebagai Halaman _Kosong"

#: data/glade/prefs-dialog.glade.h:57
msgid "Show blan_k page"
msgstr "Papar laman _kosong"

#: data/glade/prefs-dialog.glade.h:58
msgid "Show hom_e page"
msgstr "Papar Laman Mula"

#: data/glade/prefs-dialog.glade.h:59
msgid "Show la_st page"
msgstr "Papar laman ter_akhir"

#: data/glade/prefs-dialog.glade.h:60
msgid "Si_ze:"
msgstr "Sai_z:"

#: data/glade/prefs-dialog.glade.h:61
msgid "Simplified Chinese"
msgstr "Cina Dipermudah"

#: data/glade/prefs-dialog.glade.h:62
msgid "Siz_e:"
msgstr "Sa_iz:"

#: data/glade/prefs-dialog.glade.h:63
msgid "Thai"
msgstr "Thai"

#: data/glade/prefs-dialog.glade.h:64
msgid "Traditional Chinese"
msgstr "Traditional Chinese"

#: data/glade/prefs-dialog.glade.h:65 embed/mozilla/mozilla-i18n.c:34
#: src/prefs-dialog.c:153
msgid "Turkish"
msgstr "Turki"

#: data/glade/prefs-dialog.glade.h:66 src/prefs-dialog.c:154
msgid "Ukrainian"
msgstr "Ukrain"

#: data/glade/prefs-dialog.glade.h:67 embed/mozilla/mozilla-i18n.c:35
msgid "Unicode"
msgstr "Unicode"

#: data/glade/prefs-dialog.glade.h:68
msgid "Use s_ystem colors"
msgstr "Guna warna _sistem"

#: data/glade/prefs-dialog.glade.h:69 embed/mozilla/mozilla-i18n.c:37
msgid "Western"
msgstr "Barat"

#: data/glade/prefs-dialog.glade.h:70
#: src/bookmarks/ephy-bookmark-properties.c:373
msgid "_Address:"
msgstr "_Alamat:"

#: data/glade/prefs-dialog.glade.h:71
msgid "_Always accept"
msgstr "_Sentiasa terima"

#: data/glade/prefs-dialog.glade.h:72
msgid "_Automatically"
msgstr "_Automatik"

#: data/glade/prefs-dialog.glade.h:73
msgid "_Background"
msgstr "Latar _Belakang"

#: data/glade/prefs-dialog.glade.h:74
msgid "_Default encoding:"
msgstr "Pengenkodan __default:"

#: data/glade/prefs-dialog.glade.h:75
msgid "_Language encoding:"
msgstr "Pengenkodan _bahasa:"

#: data/glade/prefs-dialog.glade.h:76
msgid "_Monospace:"
msgstr "_Monoruang"

#: data/glade/prefs-dialog.glade.h:77
msgid "_More..."
msgstr "_Lebih..."

#: data/glade/prefs-dialog.glade.h:78
msgid "_Never"
msgstr "_Tidak sekali"

#: data/glade/prefs-dialog.glade.h:79
msgid "_Never accept"
msgstr "_Tidak sekali"

#: data/glade/prefs-dialog.glade.h:80
msgid "_Open in tabs by default"
msgstr "_Buka di tab secara default"

#: data/glade/prefs-dialog.glade.h:81
msgid "_Proportional:"
msgstr "_Nisbah:"

#: data/glade/prefs-dialog.glade.h:82
msgid "_Serif:"
msgstr "_Serif:"

#: data/glade/prefs-dialog.glade.h:83
msgid "_Text"
msgstr "_Teks"

#: data/glade/prefs-dialog.glade.h:84
msgid "_Unvisited link"
msgstr "Pautan _belum dilawati"

#: data/glade/prefs-dialog.glade.h:85
msgid "_Visited link"
msgstr "Pautan di_lawati"

#: data/glade/prefs-dialog.glade.h:86
msgid "kB"
msgstr "kB"

#: data/glade/print.glade.h:4
msgid "<b>Footers</b>"
msgstr ""

#: data/glade/print.glade.h:5
msgid "<b>Headers</b>"
msgstr "<b>Pengepala</b>"

#: data/glade/print.glade.h:6
msgid "<b>Margins (inches)</b>"
msgstr "<b>Margin (inci)</b>"

#: data/glade/print.glade.h:7
msgid "<b>Orientation</b>"
msgstr "<b>Orientasi</b>"

#: data/glade/print.glade.h:8
msgid "<b>Pages range</b>"
msgstr "<b>Julat halaman</b>"

#: data/glade/print.glade.h:9
msgid "<b>Printer</b>"
msgstr "<b>Pencetak</b>"

#: data/glade/print.glade.h:10
msgid "<b>Size</b>"
msgstr "<b>Saiz</b>"

#: data/glade/print.glade.h:11
msgid "A_4 (8.27\" x 11.69\")"
msgstr "A_4 (8.27\" x 11.69\")"

#: data/glade/print.glade.h:13
msgid "C_olor"
msgstr "_Warna"

#: data/glade/print.glade.h:14
msgid "Choose a file to print to"
msgstr "Pilih fail untuk dicetakkan kepada"

#: data/glade/print.glade.h:15
msgid "E_xecutive (7.25\" x 10.5\")"
msgstr "E_ksektif (7.25\" x 10.5\")"

#: data/glade/print.glade.h:17
msgid "Gra_yscale"
msgstr "Skala _kelabu"

#: data/glade/print.glade.h:18
msgid "L_egal (8.5\" x 14\")"
msgstr "L_egal (8.5\" x 14\")"

#: data/glade/print.glade.h:19
msgid "Lan_dscape"
msgstr "La_nskap"

# ui/galeon.glade.h:200
#: data/glade/print.glade.h:20
msgid "Le_ft"
msgstr "Ki_ri"

#: data/glade/print.glade.h:21
msgid "P_age Title"
msgstr "_Tajuk Laman"

#: data/glade/print.glade.h:22
msgid "P_ortrait"
msgstr "P_otret"

#: data/glade/print.glade.h:23
msgid "P_rinter"
msgstr "_Pencetak"

#: data/glade/print.glade.h:24
msgid "Pa_ges"
msgstr "_Laman"

#: data/glade/print.glade.h:25
msgid "Page Addre_ss"
msgstr "_Alamat Laman"

#: data/glade/print.glade.h:26
msgid "Page nu_mbers"
msgstr "no_mbor halaman"

#: data/glade/print.glade.h:27
msgid "Paper Details"
msgstr "Perincian Kertas"

#: data/glade/print.glade.h:28 data/ui/nautilus-epiphany-view.xml.in.h:25
#: src/ephy-window.c:496
msgid "Print"
msgstr "Cetak"

#: data/glade/print.glade.h:29
msgid "_All pages"
msgstr "_Semua Laman"

#: data/glade/print.glade.h:30
msgid "_Bottom"
msgstr "_Bawah"

#: data/glade/print.glade.h:31
msgid "_Date"
msgstr "_Tarikh"

# ui/galeon.glade.h:134
#. Toplevel
#: data/glade/print.glade.h:32 data/ui/nautilus-epiphany-view.xml.in.h:35
#: src/bookmarks/ephy-bookmarks-editor.c:144 src/ephy-history-window.c:120
#: src/ephy-window.c:57
msgid "_File"
msgstr "_Fail"

#: data/glade/print.glade.h:33
msgid "_Letter (8.5\" x 11\")"
msgstr "_Letter (8.5\" x 11\")"

# ui/galeon.glade.h:268
#: data/glade/print.glade.h:34
msgid "_Right"
msgstr "Ka_nan"

#: data/glade/print.glade.h:35
msgid "_Selection"
msgstr "_Pilihan"

#: data/glade/print.glade.h:36
msgid "_Top"
msgstr "_Atas"

#: data/glade/print.glade.h:37
msgid "_from:"
msgstr "_dari:"

#: data/glade/print.glade.h:38
msgid "_to:"
msgstr "_hingga:"

#: data/glade/print.glade.h:39
msgid "lpr"
msgstr "lpr"

#: data/GNOME_Epiphany_Automation.server.in.h:1
msgid "Epiphany automation"
msgstr "Automasi Epiphany"

#: data/GNOME_Epiphany_NautilusView.server.in.h:1
msgid "Epiphany Nautilus view"
msgstr "Paparan Nautilus Epiphany"

#: data/GNOME_Epiphany_NautilusView.server.in.h:2
msgid "Epiphany Nautilus view factory"
msgstr "Kilang paparan Nautilus Epiphany"

#: data/GNOME_Epiphany_NautilusView.server.in.h:3
msgid "Epiphany content view component"
msgstr "Komponen paparan kandungan Epiphany"

#: data/GNOME_Epiphany_NautilusView.server.in.h:4
msgid "Epiphany content view component's factory"
msgstr "Kilang konponen paparan kandungan Epiphany"

#: data/GNOME_Epiphany_NautilusView.server.in.h:5
msgid "View as Web Page"
msgstr "Lihat sebagai Laman Web"

#: data/GNOME_Epiphany_NautilusView.server.in.h:6
msgid "Web Page"
msgstr "Laman web"

#: data/GNOME_Epiphany_NautilusView.server.in.h:7
msgid "Web Page Viewer"
msgstr "Pelihat Laman Web"

#: data/starthere/index.xml.in.h:1
msgid "Getting started"
msgstr "Permulaan"

#: data/starthere/index.xml.in.h:2
msgid ""
"If your internet connection requires it, make sure to setup your proxy in "
"the desktop wide configuration dialog."
msgstr ""
"Jika sambungan internet anda memerlukannya, pastikan anda menetapkan proksi "
"pada dialog konfigurasi desktop"

#: data/starthere/index.xml.in.h:3
msgid "Proxy configuration"
msgstr "Konfigurasi proksi"

#: data/starthere/index.xml.in.h:4
msgid "The web browser"
msgstr "Pelungsur web"

#: data/starthere/index.xml.in.h:5
msgid ""
"To import bookmarks from another browser installed on your system just click "
"on one of the links below:"
msgstr ""

#: data/starthere/index.xml.in.h:6
msgid ""
"You can start browsing web pages either by typing a web address (example: "
"www.google.com) or a search phrase (example: best computer shop) in the "
"address entry and then pressing the Enter key. You can remember important "
"visited pages using bookmarks or browse all of them with the history dialog."
msgstr ""

#: data/starthere/smartbookmarks.xml.in.h:1
msgid ""
"Right click the links and choose \"Bookmark Link...\" from the menu list. "
"When you will type a word in the toolbar entry, a list of your smart "
"bookmarks will be displayed. Just choose one of them to perform the search. "
"The next time you type a word, just pressing the Enter key will be enough to "
"perform the same action."
msgstr ""

#: data/starthere/smartbookmarks.xml.in.h:2
msgid "Smart Bookmarks"
msgstr "Tandabuku Bestari"

#: data/starthere/smartbookmarks.xml.in.h:3
msgid ""
"Smart bookmarks allows to perform searches and similar actions directly from "
"the address entry."
msgstr ""

#: data/ui/nautilus-epiphany-view.xml.in.h:1
msgid "Add Bookmark for Frame"
msgstr "Tambah tandabuku bagi kerangka"

#: data/ui/nautilus-epiphany-view.xml.in.h:2
msgid "Copy"
msgstr "Salin"

#: data/ui/nautilus-epiphany-view.xml.in.h:3
msgid "Copy Email Address"
msgstr "Salin Alamat Emel"

#: data/ui/nautilus-epiphany-view.xml.in.h:4
msgid "Copy Image Location"
msgstr "Salin Lokasi Imej"

#: data/ui/nautilus-epiphany-view.xml.in.h:5
msgid "Copy Link Location"
msgstr "Salin Lokasi Pautan"

#: data/ui/nautilus-epiphany-view.xml.in.h:6
msgid "Copy Page Location"
msgstr "Salin Lokasi Laman"

#: data/ui/nautilus-epiphany-view.xml.in.h:7
msgid "Copy the Selection"
msgstr "Salin Pilihan"

#: data/ui/nautilus-epiphany-view.xml.in.h:8
msgid "Cut"
msgstr "Potong"

#: data/ui/nautilus-epiphany-view.xml.in.h:9
msgid "Cut the Selection"
msgstr "Potong Pilihan"

#: data/ui/nautilus-epiphany-view.xml.in.h:10
msgid "Download Link"
msgstr "Muaturun Pautan"

#: data/ui/nautilus-epiphany-view.xml.in.h:12 src/ppview-toolbar.c:86
msgid "First"
msgstr "Pertama"

#: data/ui/nautilus-epiphany-view.xml.in.h:13 src/ppview-toolbar.c:90
msgid "Last"
msgstr "Akhir"

#: data/ui/nautilus-epiphany-view.xml.in.h:14 src/ppview-toolbar.c:98
msgid "Next"
msgstr "Seterusnya"

#: data/ui/nautilus-epiphany-view.xml.in.h:15
msgid "Open Frame"
msgstr "Buka Kerangka"

#: data/ui/nautilus-epiphany-view.xml.in.h:16
msgid "Open Frame in New Window"
msgstr "Buka Kerangka di Tetingkap Baru"

#: data/ui/nautilus-epiphany-view.xml.in.h:17
msgid "Open Image"
msgstr "Buka Imej"

#: data/ui/nautilus-epiphany-view.xml.in.h:18
msgid "Open Image With"
msgstr "Buka Imej Dengan"

#: data/ui/nautilus-epiphany-view.xml.in.h:19
msgid "Open Image in New Window"
msgstr "Buka Imej di Tetingkap Baru"

#: data/ui/nautilus-epiphany-view.xml.in.h:20
msgid "Open With"
msgstr "Buka Dengan"

#: data/ui/nautilus-epiphany-view.xml.in.h:21
msgid "Open in New Window"
msgstr "Buka di Tetingkap Baru"

#: data/ui/nautilus-epiphany-view.xml.in.h:22
msgid "Paste"
msgstr "Tepek"

#: data/ui/nautilus-epiphany-view.xml.in.h:23
msgid "Paste the Clipboard"
msgstr "Tepek Papanklip"

#: data/ui/nautilus-epiphany-view.xml.in.h:24 src/ppview-toolbar.c:94
msgid "Previous"
msgstr "Terdahulu"

#: data/ui/nautilus-epiphany-view.xml.in.h:26
msgid "Print the Current File"
msgstr "Cetak Fail Semasa"

#: data/ui/nautilus-epiphany-view.xml.in.h:27
msgid "Save Background As..."
msgstr "Simpan LatarBelakang Sebagai..."

#: data/ui/nautilus-epiphany-view.xml.in.h:28
msgid "Save Image As..."
msgstr "Simpan Imej Sebagai"

#: data/ui/nautilus-epiphany-view.xml.in.h:29
msgid "Save Page As..."
msgstr "Simpan Laman Sebagai..."

#: data/ui/nautilus-epiphany-view.xml.in.h:30
msgid "Search for a String"
msgstr "Cari Rentetan"

#: data/ui/nautilus-epiphany-view.xml.in.h:31
msgid "Select All"
msgstr "Pilih Semua"

#: data/ui/nautilus-epiphany-view.xml.in.h:32
msgid "Select the Entire Document"
msgstr "Pilih Seluruh Dokumen"

#: data/ui/nautilus-epiphany-view.xml.in.h:33
msgid "Use Image As Background"
msgstr "Guna Imej sebagai LatarBelakang"

#: data/ui/nautilus-epiphany-view.xml.in.h:34
#: src/bookmarks/ephy-bookmarks-editor.c:145 src/ephy-history-window.c:121
#: src/ephy-window.c:58
msgid "_Edit"
msgstr "_Edit"

#: data/ui/nautilus-epiphany-view.xml.in.h:36
msgid "_Find..."
msgstr "_Cari..."

#: data/ui/nautilus-epiphany-view.xml.in.h:37 src/ephy-window.c:77
msgid "_Print..."
msgstr "_Cetak..."

#: embed/downloader-view.c:359
msgid "Resume"
msgstr "Sambung"

#: embed/downloader-view.c:363
msgid "Pause"
msgstr "Kaku"

#: embed/downloader-view.c:381
#, c-format
msgid "%.1f of %.1f MB"
msgstr "%.1f drpd %.1f MB"

#: embed/downloader-view.c:387
#, c-format
msgid "%d of %d KB"
msgstr "%d drpd %d KB"

#: embed/downloader-view.c:393
#, c-format
msgid "%d KB"
msgstr "%d KB"

#: embed/downloader-view.c:497 embed/downloader-view.c:515
#: src/ephy-window.c:1047
msgid "Unknown"
msgstr "Entah"

# ui/galeon.glade.h:3
#: embed/downloader-view.c:751
msgid "%"
msgstr "%"

#: embed/downloader-view.c:761
msgid "Filename"
msgstr "Namafail"

#: embed/downloader-view.c:772
msgid "Size"
msgstr "Saiz"

#: embed/downloader-view.c:783
msgid "Remaining"
msgstr "Baki"

#: embed/downloader-view.c:973
msgid "Cancel all pending downloads?"
msgstr "Batalkan semua muaturun menunggu"

#: embed/ephy-embed-utils.c:133 embed/mozilla/ContentHandler.cpp:300
msgid "Select the destination filename"
msgstr "Pilih namafail destinasi"

#: embed/ephy-embed-utils.c:312
msgid "No available applications to open the specified file."
msgstr "Tiada aplikasi untuk membuka fail yang dinyatakan."

#: embed/ephy-history.c:414 src/bookmarks/ephy-bookmarks.c:591
msgid "All"
msgstr "Semua"

#: embed/ephy-history.c:561
msgid "Others"
msgstr "Lain-lain"

#: embed/ephy-history.c:567
msgid "Local files"
msgstr "Fail lokal"

#: embed/mozilla/ExternalProtocolService.cpp:120
msgid ""
"Epiphany cannot handle this protocol,\n"
"and no GNOME default handler is set"
msgstr ""
"Epiphany tidak boleh mengendalii protokol ini,\n"
"dan tiada pengendali default ditetapkan"

#: embed/mozilla/ExternalProtocolService.cpp:134
msgid ""
"The protocol specified is not recognised.\n"
"Would you like to try the GNOME default?"
msgstr ""
"Protokol yang dinyatakan tidak dikenali.\n"
"Sudikah anda mencuba pengendali default GNOME?"

#: embed/mozilla/FilePicker.cpp:352
msgid "The specified path does not exist."
msgstr "Path dinyatakan tidak wujud"

#: embed/mozilla/FilePicker.cpp:371
msgid "A file was selected when a folder was expected."
msgstr "Dijangkakan folder tetapi ianya fail"

#: embed/mozilla/FilePicker.cpp:378
msgid "A folder was selected when a file was expected."
msgstr "Dijangkakan fail tetapi ianya folder"

#: embed/mozilla/mozilla-embed-single.cpp:652
msgid "Yes"
msgstr "Ya"

#: embed/mozilla/mozilla-embed-single.cpp:654
msgid "No"
msgstr "Tidak"

#: embed/mozilla/mozilla-embed-single.cpp:659
msgid "End of current session"
msgstr "Akhir bagi sesi semasa"

#: embed/mozilla/mozilla-i18n.c:31
msgid "Indian"
msgstr "India"

#: embed/mozilla/mozilla-i18n.c:36
msgid "Vietnamese"
msgstr "Vietnam"

#: embed/mozilla/mozilla-i18n.c:38
msgid "Other"
msgstr "Lain-lain"

#: embed/mozilla/mozilla-i18n.c:43
msgid "Arabic (IBM-864)"
msgstr "Arab (IBM-864)"

#: embed/mozilla/mozilla-i18n.c:44
msgid "Arabic (IBM-864-I)"
msgstr "Arab (IBM-864-I)"

#: embed/mozilla/mozilla-i18n.c:45
msgid "Arabic (ISO-8859-6)"
msgstr "Arab (ISO-8859-6)"

#: embed/mozilla/mozilla-i18n.c:46
msgid "Arabic (ISO-8859-6-E)"
msgstr "Arab (ISO-8859-6-E)"

#: embed/mozilla/mozilla-i18n.c:47
msgid "Arabic (ISO-8859-6-I)"
msgstr "Arab (ISO-8859-6-I)"

#: embed/mozilla/mozilla-i18n.c:48
msgid "Arabic (MacArabic)"
msgstr "Arab (MacArabic)"

#: embed/mozilla/mozilla-i18n.c:49
msgid "Arabic (Windows-1256)"
msgstr "Arab (Windows-1256)"

#: embed/mozilla/mozilla-i18n.c:50
msgid "Armenian (ARMSCII-8)"
msgstr "Armenia (ARMSCII-8)"

#: embed/mozilla/mozilla-i18n.c:51
msgid "Baltic (ISO-8859-13)"
msgstr "Baltik (ISO-8859-13)"

#: embed/mozilla/mozilla-i18n.c:52
msgid "Baltic (ISO-8859-4)"
msgstr "Baltik (ISO-8859-4)"

#: embed/mozilla/mozilla-i18n.c:53
msgid "Baltic (Windows-1257)"
msgstr "Baltik (Windows-1257)"

#: embed/mozilla/mozilla-i18n.c:54
msgid "Celtic (ISO-8859-14)"
msgstr "Celtic (ISO-8859-14)"

#: embed/mozilla/mozilla-i18n.c:55
msgid "Central European (IBM-852)"
msgstr "Eropah Tengah (IBM-852)"

#: embed/mozilla/mozilla-i18n.c:56
msgid "Central European (ISO-8859-2)"
msgstr "Eropah Tengah (ISO-8859-2)"

#: embed/mozilla/mozilla-i18n.c:57
msgid "Central European (MacCE)"
msgstr "Eropah Tengah (MacCE)"

#: embed/mozilla/mozilla-i18n.c:58
msgid "Central European (Windows-1250)"
msgstr "Eropah Tengah (Windows-1250)"

#: embed/mozilla/mozilla-i18n.c:59
msgid "Chinese Simplified (GB18030)"
msgstr "Cina Dipermudah (GB18030)"

#: embed/mozilla/mozilla-i18n.c:60
msgid "Chinese Simplified (GB2312)"
msgstr "Cina Dipermudah (GB2312)"

#: embed/mozilla/mozilla-i18n.c:61
msgid "Chinese Simplified (GBK)"
msgstr "Cina Dipermudah (GBK)"

#: embed/mozilla/mozilla-i18n.c:62
msgid "Chinese Simplified (HZ)"
msgstr "Cina Dipermudah (HZ)"

#: embed/mozilla/mozilla-i18n.c:63
msgid "Chinese Simplified (Windows-936)"
msgstr "Cina Dipermudah (Windows-936)"

#: embed/mozilla/mozilla-i18n.c:64
msgid "Chinese Traditional (Big5)"
msgstr "Cina Tradisional (Big5)"

#: embed/mozilla/mozilla-i18n.c:65
msgid "Chinese Traditional (Big5-HKSCS)"
msgstr "Cina Tradisional (Big5-HKSCS)"

#: embed/mozilla/mozilla-i18n.c:66
msgid "Chinese Traditional (EUC-TW)"
msgstr "Cina Tradisional (EUC-TW)"

#: embed/mozilla/mozilla-i18n.c:67
msgid "Croatian (MacCroatian)"
msgstr "Croatia (MacCroatian)"

#: embed/mozilla/mozilla-i18n.c:68
msgid "Cyrillic (IBM-855)"
msgstr "Cyrillic (IBM-855)"

#: embed/mozilla/mozilla-i18n.c:69
msgid "Cyrillic (ISO-8859-5)"
msgstr "Cyrillic (ISO-8859-5)"

#: embed/mozilla/mozilla-i18n.c:70
msgid "Cyrillic (ISO-IR-111)"
msgstr "Cyrillic (ISO-IR-111)"

#: embed/mozilla/mozilla-i18n.c:71
msgid "Cyrillic (KOI8-R)"
msgstr "Cyrillic (KOI8-R)"

#: embed/mozilla/mozilla-i18n.c:72
msgid "Cyrillic (MacCyrillic)"
msgstr "Cyrillic (MacCyrillic)"

#: embed/mozilla/mozilla-i18n.c:73
msgid "Cyrillic (Windows-1251)"
msgstr "Cyrillic (Windows-1251)"

#: embed/mozilla/mozilla-i18n.c:74
msgid "Cyrillic/Russian (CP-866)"
msgstr "Cyrillic/Russian (CP-866)"

#: embed/mozilla/mozilla-i18n.c:75
msgid "Cyrillic/Ukrainian (KOI8-U)"
msgstr "Cyrillic/Ukrainian (KOI8-U)"

#: embed/mozilla/mozilla-i18n.c:76
msgid "Cyrillic/Ukrainian (MacUkrainian)"
msgstr "Cyrillic/Ukrainian (MacUkrainian)"

#: embed/mozilla/mozilla-i18n.c:77
msgid "English (US-ASCII)"
msgstr "Inggeris (US-ASCII)"

#: embed/mozilla/mozilla-i18n.c:78
msgid "Farsi (MacFarsi)"
msgstr "Parsi (MacFarsi)"

#: embed/mozilla/mozilla-i18n.c:79
msgid "Georgian (GEOSTD8)"
msgstr "Georgia (GEOSTD8)"

#: embed/mozilla/mozilla-i18n.c:80
msgid "Greek (ISO-8859-7)"
msgstr "Greek (ISO-8859-7)"

#: embed/mozilla/mozilla-i18n.c:81
msgid "Greek (MacGreek)"
msgstr "Greek (MacGreek)"

#: embed/mozilla/mozilla-i18n.c:82
msgid "Greek (Windows-1253)"
msgstr "Greek (Windows-1253)"

#: embed/mozilla/mozilla-i18n.c:83
msgid "Gujarati (MacGujarati)"
msgstr "Gujarati (MacGujarati)"

#: embed/mozilla/mozilla-i18n.c:84
msgid "Gurmukhi (MacGurmukhi)"
msgstr "Gurmukhi (MacGurmukhi)"

#: embed/mozilla/mozilla-i18n.c:85
msgid "Hebrew (IBM-862)"
msgstr "Hebrew (IBM-862)"

#: embed/mozilla/mozilla-i18n.c:86
msgid "Hebrew (ISO-8859-8-E)"
msgstr "Hebrew (ISO-8859-8-E)"

#: embed/mozilla/mozilla-i18n.c:87
msgid "Hebrew (ISO-8859-8-I)"
msgstr "Hebrew (ISO-8859-8-I)"

#: embed/mozilla/mozilla-i18n.c:88
msgid "Hebrew (MacHebrew)"
msgstr "Hebrew (MacHebrew)"

#: embed/mozilla/mozilla-i18n.c:89
msgid "Hebrew (Windows-1255)"
msgstr "Hebrew (Windows-1255)"

#: embed/mozilla/mozilla-i18n.c:90
msgid "Hindi (MacDevanagari)"
msgstr "Hindi (MacDevanagari)"

#: embed/mozilla/mozilla-i18n.c:91
msgid "Icelandic (MacIcelandic)"
msgstr "Icelandic (MacIcelandic)"

#: embed/mozilla/mozilla-i18n.c:92
msgid "Japanese (EUC-JP)"
msgstr "Jepun (EUC-JP)"

#: embed/mozilla/mozilla-i18n.c:93
msgid "Japanese (ISO-2022-JP)"
msgstr "Jepun (ISO-2022-JP)"

#: embed/mozilla/mozilla-i18n.c:94
msgid "Japanese (Shift_JIS)"
msgstr "Jepun (Shift_JIS)"

#: embed/mozilla/mozilla-i18n.c:95
msgid "Korean (EUC-KR)"
msgstr "Korea (EUC-KR)"

#: embed/mozilla/mozilla-i18n.c:96
msgid "Korean (ISO-2022-KR)"
msgstr "Korea (ISO-2022-KR)"

#: embed/mozilla/mozilla-i18n.c:97
msgid "Korean (JOHAB)"
msgstr "Korea (JOHAB)"

#: embed/mozilla/mozilla-i18n.c:98
msgid "Korean (UHC)"
msgstr "Korea (UHC)"

#: embed/mozilla/mozilla-i18n.c:99
msgid "Nordic (ISO-8859-10)"
msgstr "Nordic (ISO-8859-10)"

#: embed/mozilla/mozilla-i18n.c:100
msgid "Romanian (MacRomanian)"
msgstr "Romania (MacRomanian)"

#: embed/mozilla/mozilla-i18n.c:101
msgid "Romanian (ISO-8859-16)"
msgstr "Romania (ISO-8859-16)"

#: embed/mozilla/mozilla-i18n.c:102
msgid "South European (ISO-8859-3)"
msgstr "Eropah Selatan (ISO-8859-3)"

#: embed/mozilla/mozilla-i18n.c:103
msgid "Thai (TIS-620)"
msgstr "Siam (TIS-620)"

#: embed/mozilla/mozilla-i18n.c:104
msgid "Turkish (IBM-857)"
msgstr "Turki (IBM-857)"

#: embed/mozilla/mozilla-i18n.c:105
msgid "Turkish (ISO-8859-9)"
msgstr "Turki (ISO-8859-9)"

#: embed/mozilla/mozilla-i18n.c:106
msgid "Turkish (MacTurkish)"
msgstr "Turki (MacTurkish)"

#: embed/mozilla/mozilla-i18n.c:107
msgid "Turkish (Windows-1254)"
msgstr "Turki (Windows-1254)"

#: embed/mozilla/mozilla-i18n.c:108
msgid "Unicode (UTF-7)"
msgstr "Unicode (UTF-7)"

#: embed/mozilla/mozilla-i18n.c:109
msgid "Unicode (UTF-8)"
msgstr "Unicode (UTF-8)"

#: embed/mozilla/mozilla-i18n.c:110
msgid "Unicode (UTF-16BE)"
msgstr "Unicode (UTF-16BE)"

#: embed/mozilla/mozilla-i18n.c:111
msgid "Unicode (UTF-16LE)"
msgstr "Unicode (UTF-16LE)"

#: embed/mozilla/mozilla-i18n.c:112
msgid "Unicode (UTF-32BE)"
msgstr "Unicode (UTF-32BE)"

#: embed/mozilla/mozilla-i18n.c:113
msgid "Unicode (UTF-32LE)"
msgstr "Unicode (UTF-32LE)"

#: embed/mozilla/mozilla-i18n.c:114
msgid "User Defined"
msgstr "Dinyatakan Pengguna"

#: embed/mozilla/mozilla-i18n.c:115
msgid "Vietnamese (TCVN)"
msgstr "Vietnam (TCVN)"

#: embed/mozilla/mozilla-i18n.c:116
msgid "Vietnamese (VISCII)"
msgstr "Vietnam (VISCII)"

#: embed/mozilla/mozilla-i18n.c:117
msgid "Vietnamese (VPS)"
msgstr "Vietnam (VPS)"

#: embed/mozilla/mozilla-i18n.c:118
msgid "Vietnamese (Windows-1258)"
msgstr "Vietnam (Windows-1258)"

#: embed/mozilla/mozilla-i18n.c:119
msgid "Visual Hebrew (ISO-8859-8)"
msgstr "Visual Hebrew (ISO-8859-8)"

#: embed/mozilla/mozilla-i18n.c:120
msgid "Western (IBM-850)"
msgstr "Barat (IBM-850)"

#: embed/mozilla/mozilla-i18n.c:121
msgid "Western (ISO-8859-1)"
msgstr "Barat (ISO-8859-1)"

#: embed/mozilla/mozilla-i18n.c:122
msgid "Western (ISO-8859-15)"
msgstr "Barat (ISO-8859-15)"

#: embed/mozilla/mozilla-i18n.c:123
msgid "Western (MacRoman)"
msgstr "Barat (MacRoman)"

#: embed/mozilla/mozilla-i18n.c:124
msgid "Western (Windows-1252)"
msgstr "Barat (Windows-1252)"

#: embed/mozilla/mozilla-notifiers.cpp:661
msgid "Default (recommended)"
msgstr "Default (dicadangkan)"

#: lib/egg/egg-toolbar-editor.c:427
msgid "Separator"
msgstr "Pemisah"

#: lib/egg/egg-toolbar-editor.c:457
msgid ""
"Drag an item onto the toolbars above to add it, from the toolbars in the "
"items table to remove it."
msgstr ""

#: lib/eel-gconf-extensions.c:79
#, c-format
msgid ""
"GConf error:\n"
"  %s"
msgstr ""
"Ralat GConf:\n"
"  %s"

#: lib/ephy-file-helpers.c:104
#, c-format
msgid "Failed to find %s"
msgstr "Gagal untuk menjumpai %s"

#: lib/ephy-file-helpers.c:322
#, c-format
msgid "%s exists, please move it out of the way."
msgstr "%s wujud, sila alihkan ianya keluar."

#: lib/ephy-file-helpers.c:325
#, c-format
msgid "Failed to create directory %s."
msgstr "Gagal mencipta direktori %s."

#: lib/ephy-gui.c:137
#, c-format
msgid ""
"File %s will be overwritten.\n"
"If you choose yes, the contents will be lost.\n"
"Do you want to continue?"
msgstr ""
"Fail %s akan ditindih.\n"
"Jika anda pilih Ya, kandungan akan hilang\n"
"Adakah anda akan teruskan?"

#: lib/ephy-gui.c:168
#, c-format
msgid "Could not display help: %s"
msgstr "Tak dapat memapar bantuan: %s"

#: lib/ephy-node.c:826 lib/ephy-node.c:832 lib/ephy-node.c:863
msgid "Never"
msgstr "Tidak sekali"

#: lib/ephy-node.c:854
msgid "Today at %-H:%M"
msgstr "Hari ini pada %-H:%M"

#: lib/ephy-node.c:856
msgid "Yesterday at %-H:%M"
msgstr "Semalam pada %-H:%M"

#: lib/ephy-node.c:858
msgid "%A, %B %-d %Y at %-H:%M"
msgstr "%A, %B %-d %Y at %-H:%M"

#: lib/ephy-start-here.c:275
msgid "Import Mozilla bookmarks"
msgstr "Import Tandabuku Mozilla"

#: lib/ephy-start-here.c:286
msgid "Import Galeon bookmarks"
msgstr "Import tandabuku Galeon"

#: lib/ephy-start-here.c:297
msgid "Import Konqueror bookmarks"
msgstr "Import TandaBuku Konqueror"

#: lib/ephy-string.c:115
msgid "%Y-%m-%d"
msgstr "%Y-%m-%d"

#: lib/egg/egg-editable-toolbar.c:263
msgid "_Remove Toolbar"
msgstr "_Buang Toolbar"

#: src/bookmarks/ephy-bookmark-action.c:173
#, c-format
msgid "%s:"
msgstr "%s:"

#: src/bookmarks/ephy-bookmark-properties.c:240
#, c-format
msgid "%s Properties"
msgstr "Ciri-ciri %s"

#: src/bookmarks/ephy-bookmark-properties.c:354
#: src/bookmarks/ephy-new-bookmark.c:217
msgid "_Title:"
msgstr "_Tajuk:"

#: src/bookmarks/ephy-bookmark-properties.c:396
#: src/bookmarks/ephy-new-bookmark.c:240
msgid "To_pics:"
msgstr "To_pik:"

#: src/bookmarks/ephy-bookmark-properties.c:405
msgid "_Show in bookmarks bar"
msgstr "_Papar pada bar tandabuku"

#. Translators you should change these links to respect your locale.
#. * For instance in .nl these should be
#. * "http://www.google.nl" and "http://www.google.nl/search?q=%s"
#: src/bookmarks/ephy-bookmarks.c:64
msgid "Search the web"
msgstr "Cari di web"

#: src/bookmarks/ephy-bookmarks.c:64
msgid "http://www.google.com"
msgstr "http://www.google.com"

#: src/bookmarks/ephy-bookmarks.c:64
#, c-format
msgid "http://www.google.com/search?q=%s&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8"
msgstr "http://www.google.com/search?q=%s&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&hl=ms"

#: src/bookmarks/ephy-bookmarks.c:70
msgid "Entertainment"
msgstr "Hiburan"

#: src/bookmarks/ephy-bookmarks.c:71
msgid "News"
msgstr "Berita"

#: src/bookmarks/ephy-bookmarks.c:72
msgid "Shopping"
msgstr "Beli-belah"

#: src/bookmarks/ephy-bookmarks.c:73
msgid "Sports"
msgstr "Sukan"

#: src/bookmarks/ephy-bookmarks.c:74
msgid "Travel"
msgstr ""

#: src/bookmarks/ephy-bookmarks.c:75
msgid "Work"
msgstr "Kerja"

#: src/bookmarks/ephy-bookmarks.c:629
msgid "Most Visited"
msgstr "Kerap Dilawati"

#: src/bookmarks/ephy-bookmarks.c:646
msgid "Not Categorized"
msgstr "Tak Dikategorikan"

# ui/galeon.glade.h:134
#: src/bookmarks/ephy-bookmarks-editor.c:146 src/ephy-history-window.c:122
#: src/ephy-window.c:59
msgid "_View"
msgstr "_Lihat"

#: src/bookmarks/ephy-bookmarks-editor.c:147 src/ephy-history-window.c:123
#: src/ephy-window.c:62
msgid "_Help"
msgstr "_Bantuan"

#. File Menu
#: src/bookmarks/ephy-bookmarks-editor.c:151
msgid "_New Topic"
msgstr "Topik Ba_ru"

#: src/bookmarks/ephy-bookmarks-editor.c:152
msgid "Create a new topic"
msgstr "Cipta topik baru"

#. File Menu
#: src/bookmarks/ephy-bookmarks-editor.c:154
#: src/bookmarks/ephy-bookmarks-editor.c:742 src/ephy-history-window.c:127
#: src/ephy-history-window.c:645
msgid "_Open in New Window"
msgstr "_Buka di Tetingkap Baru"

#: src/bookmarks/ephy-bookmarks-editor.c:155
msgid "Open the selected bookmark in a new window"
msgstr "Buka tandabuku dipilih pada tetingkap baru"

#: src/bookmarks/ephy-bookmarks-editor.c:157
#: src/bookmarks/ephy-bookmarks-editor.c:743 src/ephy-history-window.c:130
#: src/ephy-history-window.c:646
msgid "Open in New _Tab"
msgstr "Buka di _Tab Baru"

#: src/bookmarks/ephy-bookmarks-editor.c:158
msgid "Open the selected bookmark in a new tab"
msgstr "Buka tandabuku dipilih pada tab baru"

#: src/bookmarks/ephy-bookmarks-editor.c:160
msgid "_Rename"
msgstr "_Tukarnama"

#: src/bookmarks/ephy-bookmarks-editor.c:161
msgid "Rename the selected bookmark or topic"
msgstr "Tukarnama tandabuku atau topik dipilij"

#: src/bookmarks/ephy-bookmarks-editor.c:162 src/ephy-history-window.c:133
msgid "_Delete"
msgstr "Pa_dam"

#: src/bookmarks/ephy-bookmarks-editor.c:163
msgid "Delete the selected bookmark or topic"
msgstr "Padam tandabuku atau topik dipilij"

#: src/bookmarks/ephy-bookmarks-editor.c:165
msgid "_Show in Bookmarks Bar"
msgstr "_Papar pada Bar Tandabuku"

#: src/bookmarks/ephy-bookmarks-editor.c:166
msgid "Show the selected bookmark or topic in the bookmarks bar"
msgstr "Papar tandabuku atau topik dipilih pada bar tandabuku"

#: src/bookmarks/ephy-bookmarks-editor.c:168
msgid "_Properties"
msgstr "_Ciri-ciri"

#: src/bookmarks/ephy-bookmarks-editor.c:169
msgid "View or modify the properties of the selected bookmark"
msgstr "Lihat atau ubahsuai ciri-ciri tandabuku dipilih"

#: src/bookmarks/ephy-bookmarks-editor.c:171 src/ephy-history-window.c:139
#: src/ephy-window.c:86
msgid "_Close"
msgstr "_Tutup"

#: src/bookmarks/ephy-bookmarks-editor.c:172
msgid "Close the bookmarks window"
msgstr "Tutup tetingkap tandabuku"

#. Edit Menu
#: src/bookmarks/ephy-bookmarks-editor.c:176 src/ephy-history-window.c:144
#: src/ephy-window.c:91
msgid "Cu_t"
msgstr "_Potong"

#: src/bookmarks/ephy-bookmarks-editor.c:177 src/ephy-history-window.c:145
#: src/ephy-window.c:92
msgid "Cut the selection"
msgstr "Potong pilihan"

#: src/bookmarks/ephy-bookmarks-editor.c:179
#: src/bookmarks/ephy-bookmarks-editor.c:752 src/ephy-history-window.c:147
#: src/ephy-history-window.c:655 src/ephy-window.c:94
msgid "_Copy"
msgstr "_Salin"

#: src/bookmarks/ephy-bookmarks-editor.c:180 src/ephy-history-window.c:148
#: src/ephy-window.c:95
msgid "Copy the selection"
msgstr "Salin Pilihan"

#: src/bookmarks/ephy-bookmarks-editor.c:182 src/ephy-history-window.c:150
#: src/ephy-window.c:97
msgid "_Paste"
msgstr "_Tepek"

#: src/bookmarks/ephy-bookmarks-editor.c:183 src/ephy-history-window.c:151
msgid "Paste the clipboard"
msgstr "Tepek papanklip"

#: src/bookmarks/ephy-bookmarks-editor.c:185 src/ephy-history-window.c:153
#: src/ephy-window.c:100
msgid "Select _All"
msgstr "Pilih _Semua"

#: src/bookmarks/ephy-bookmarks-editor.c:186
msgid "Select all bookmarks or text"
msgstr "Pilih semua tandabuku atau teks"

#. View Menu
#: src/bookmarks/ephy-bookmarks-editor.c:190 src/ephy-history-window.c:161
msgid "_Title"
msgstr "_Tajuk"

#: src/bookmarks/ephy-bookmarks-editor.c:191 src/ephy-history-window.c:162
msgid "Show only the title column"
msgstr "Papar hanya kolum tajuk"

#: src/bookmarks/ephy-bookmarks-editor.c:193 src/ephy-history-window.c:164
msgid "_Address"
msgstr "_Alamat"

#: src/bookmarks/ephy-bookmarks-editor.c:194 src/ephy-history-window.c:165
msgid "Show only the address column"
msgstr "Papar hanya kolum alamat"

#: src/bookmarks/ephy-bookmarks-editor.c:196 src/ephy-history-window.c:167
msgid "T_itle and Address"
msgstr "_Tajuk dan Alamat"

#: src/bookmarks/ephy-bookmarks-editor.c:197 src/ephy-history-window.c:168
msgid "Show both the title and address columns"
msgstr "Papar kedua-dua kolum tajuk dan alamat"

#. Help Menu
#: src/bookmarks/ephy-bookmarks-editor.c:201 src/ephy-history-window.c:172
#: src/ephy-window.c:196
msgid "_Contents"
msgstr "_Kandungan"

#: src/bookmarks/ephy-bookmarks-editor.c:202
msgid "Display bookmarks help"
msgstr "Papar bantuan tandabuku"

#: src/bookmarks/ephy-bookmarks-editor.c:204 src/ephy-history-window.c:175
#: src/ephy-window.c:199
msgid "_About"
msgstr "_Perihal"

#: src/bookmarks/ephy-bookmarks-editor.c:205 src/ephy-history-window.c:176
#: src/ephy-window.c:200
msgid "Display credits for the web browser creators"
msgstr "Papar kredit pencipta pelungsur web"

#: src/bookmarks/ephy-bookmarks-editor.c:247
msgid "Type a topic"
msgstr "Taipkan topik"

#: src/bookmarks/ephy-bookmarks-editor.c:737 src/ephy-history-window.c:640
msgid "_Open in New Windows"
msgstr "_Buka di Tetingkap Baru"

#: src/bookmarks/ephy-bookmarks-editor.c:738 src/ephy-history-window.c:641
msgid "Open in New _Tabs"
msgstr "Buka di _Tab Baru"

#: src/bookmarks/ephy-bookmarks-editor.c:748 src/ephy-history-window.c:651
msgid "_Copy Address"
msgstr "_Salin Alamat"

#: src/bookmarks/ephy-bookmarks-editor.c:1028 src/ephy-history-window.c:875
msgid "_Search:"
msgstr "_Cari:"

#: src/bookmarks/ephy-bookmarks-editor.c:1119
msgid "Bookmarks"
msgstr "Tandabuku"

#: src/bookmarks/ephy-bookmarks-editor.c:1191
msgid "Topics"
msgstr "Topik"

# ui/galeon.glade.h:323
#: src/bookmarks/ephy-bookmarks-editor.c:1247 src/ephy-history-window.c:1058
msgid "Title"
msgstr "Tajuk"

#: src/bookmarks/ephy-new-bookmark.c:262
msgid "New Bookmark"
msgstr "Tandabuku Baru"

#. FIXME: We "should" use gtk_message dialog here
#. * but it doesn't support markup of text yet
#. * so we build our own. See bug 65501.
#: src/bookmarks/ephy-new-bookmark.c:306
msgid "Duplicated bookmark"
msgstr ""

#: src/bookmarks/ephy-new-bookmark.c:334
msgid "A bookmark titled "
msgstr "Tandabuku bertajuk "

#: src/bookmarks/ephy-new-bookmark.c:335
msgid " already exists for this address."
msgstr " sudah wujud bagi alamat ini."

#: src/bookmarks/ephy-topic-action.c:188
msgid "Empty"
msgstr "Kosong"

#: src/ephy-go-action.c:74 src/toolbar.c:311
msgid "Go"
msgstr "Pergi ke"

#: src/ephy-history-window.c:128
msgid "Open the selected history link in a new window"
msgstr "Buka pautan sejarah dipilih pada tetingkap baru"

#: src/ephy-history-window.c:131
msgid "Open the selected history link in a new tab"
msgstr "Buka pautan sejarah dipilih pada tab baru"

#: src/ephy-history-window.c:134
msgid "Delete the selected history link"
msgstr "Padam pautan sejarah dipilih"

#: src/ephy-history-window.c:136 src/ephy-window.c:83
msgid "Boo_kmark Page..."
msgstr "_TandaBuku Laman..."

#: src/ephy-history-window.c:137
msgid "Bookmark the selected history link"
msgstr "Tandabuku pautan sejarah dipilih"

#: src/ephy-history-window.c:140
msgid "Close the history window"
msgstr "Tutup tetingkap sejarah"

#: src/ephy-history-window.c:154
msgid "Select all history links or text"
msgstr "Pilih semua pautan sejarah atau teks"

#: src/ephy-history-window.c:156
msgid "C_lear History"
msgstr "K_osongkan Sejarah"

#: src/ephy-history-window.c:157
msgid "Clear your browsing history"
msgstr "Kosongkan sejarah pelungsuran anda"

#: src/ephy-history-window.c:173
msgid "Display history help"
msgstr "Papar bantuan sejarah"

#: src/ephy-history-window.c:217
msgid "Clear history"
msgstr "Kosongkan sejarah"

#: src/ephy-history-window.c:248
msgid "Clear browsing history?"
msgstr "Kosongkan sejarah pelungsuran?"

#: src/ephy-history-window.c:255
msgid ""
"Clearing the browsing history will cause all history links to be permanently "
msgstr ""
"Kosongkan sejarah pelungsuran akan menyebabkan semua pautan sejarah akan "
"dipadam selamanya."

#: src/ephy-history-window.c:948
msgid "History"
msgstr "Sejarah"

#: src/ephy-history-window.c:1012
msgid "Sites"
msgstr "Tapak"

#: src/ephy-history-window.c:1062
msgid "Address"
msgstr "Alamat"

#: src/ephy-main.c:71
msgid "Open a new tab in an existing Ephy window"
msgstr "Buka tab baru pada tetingkap Ephy tersedia ada"

#: src/ephy-main.c:74
msgid "Open a new window in an existing Ephy process"
msgstr "Buka tetingkap baru pada proses Ehy yang tersedia ada"

#: src/ephy-main.c:77
msgid "Do not raise the window when opening a page in an existing Ephy process"
msgstr "Jangan angkat tetingkap bila membuka laman pada proses Ephy sedia ada"

#: src/ephy-main.c:80
msgid "Run Ephy in full screen mode"
msgstr "Laksana Ephy dalam mod skrin penuh"

#: src/ephy-main.c:83
msgid "Attempt to load URL in existing Ephy window"
msgstr "Cuba memuatkan URL di tetingkap Ephy yang sedia ada"

#: src/ephy-main.c:86
msgid "Load the given session file"
msgstr "Muatkan fail sessi yang diberi"

#: src/ephy-main.c:87
msgid "FILE"
msgstr "FAIL"

#: src/ephy-main.c:89
msgid ""
"Don't open any windows; instead act as a server for quick startup of new "
"Ephy instances"
msgstr ""
"Jangan buka sebarang tetingkap, selain bertindak sebagai pelayan untuk "
"menghidupkan instans Ephy dengan cepat"

#: src/ephy-main.c:93
msgid "Add a bookmark (don't open any window)"
msgstr "Tambah tandabuku (tidak buka tetingkap)"

#: src/ephy-main.c:94
msgid "URL"
msgstr "URL"

#: src/ephy-main.c:96
msgid "Close all Ephy windows"
msgstr "Tutup semua tetingkap Ephy"

#: src/ephy-main.c:99
msgid "Same as --close, but exits server mode too"
msgstr "Sama seperti --close, tetapi keluar mod pelayan juga"

#: src/ephy-main.c:102
msgid "Used internally by the nautilus view"
msgstr "Digunakan secara dalaman boleh paparan nautilus"

#: src/ephy-main.c:105
msgid "Launch the bookmarks editor"
msgstr "Lancar editor tandabuku"

#: src/ephy-main.c:126
msgid "Epiphany Web Browser"
msgstr "Pelungsur Web Epiphany"

#: src/ephy-main.c:131
msgid "Ephy"
msgstr "Ephy"

#: src/ephy-main.c:293
msgid "Ephy already running, using existing process"
msgstr "Ephy sudah terlaksana, menggunakan proses sedia ada"

#: src/ephy-notebook.c:852 src/ephy-tab.c:1014 src/window-commands.c:273
msgid "Untitled"
msgstr "Tak bertajuk"

#: src/ephy-nautilus-view.c:744
msgid "name of icon for the mozilla view"
msgstr "nama ikon untuk paparan mozilla"

#: src/ephy-nautilus-view.c:747
msgid "mozilla summary info"
msgstr "maklumat ringkasan mozilla"

#: src/ephy-shell.c:155
msgid "Mozilla bookmarks imported successfully."
msgstr "Pengimportan TandaBuku Mozilla berjaya."

#: src/ephy-shell.c:160
msgid "Importing Mozilla bookmarks failed."
msgstr "Pengimportan tandabuku Mozilla  gagal."

#: src/ephy-shell.c:166
msgid "Galeon"
msgstr "Galeon"

#: src/ephy-shell.c:169
msgid "Galeon bookmarks imported successfully."
msgstr "Pengimportan TandaBuku Galeon berjaya."

#: src/ephy-shell.c:174
msgid "Importing Galeon bookmarks failed."
msgstr "Pengimportan tandabuku Galeon gagal."

#: src/ephy-shell.c:180
msgid "Konqueror"
msgstr "Konqueror"

#: src/ephy-shell.c:183
msgid "Konqueror bookmarks imported successfully."
msgstr "Pengimportan TandaBuku Konqueror berjaya."

#: src/ephy-shell.c:188
msgid "Importing Konqueror bookmarks failed."
msgstr "Pengimportan tandabuku Konqueror gagal."

#: src/ephy-tab.c:457
msgid "Blank page"
msgstr "Laman kosong"

#: src/ephy-tab.c:502
msgid "site"
msgstr "tapak"

#: src/ephy-tab.c:528
#, c-format
msgid "Redirecting to %s..."
msgstr "Dilencongkan ke %s..."

#: src/ephy-tab.c:532
#, c-format
msgid "Transferring data from %s..."
msgstr "Memindah data dari %s..."

#: src/ephy-tab.c:536
#, c-format
msgid "Waiting for authorization from %s..."
msgstr "Menunggu  authorization dari %s..."

#: src/ephy-tab.c:544
#, c-format
msgid "Loading %s..."
msgstr "Memuatkan %s..."

#: src/ephy-tab.c:548
msgid "Done."
msgstr "Selesai."

#: src/ephy-window.c:60
msgid "_Go"
msgstr "_Pergi ke"

#: src/ephy-window.c:61
msgid "_Tabs"
msgstr "_Tabs"

#. File menu
#: src/ephy-window.c:65
msgid "_New Window"
msgstr "_Tetingkap Baru"

#: src/ephy-window.c:66
msgid "Create a new window"
msgstr "Cipta tetingkap baru"

#: src/ephy-window.c:68
msgid "New _Tab"
msgstr "_Tab Baru"

#: src/ephy-window.c:69
msgid "Create a new tab"
msgstr "Cipta tab baru"

#: src/ephy-window.c:71
msgid "_Open..."
msgstr "_Buka..."

#: src/ephy-window.c:72
msgid "Open a file"
msgstr "Buka fail"

#: src/ephy-window.c:74
msgid "Save _As..."
msgstr "Simpan Seb_agai..."

#: src/ephy-window.c:75
msgid "Save the current page"
msgstr "Simpan laman semasa"

#: src/ephy-window.c:78
msgid "Print the current page"
msgstr "Cetak laman semasa"

#: src/ephy-window.c:80
msgid "S_end To..."
msgstr "_Kirim  kepada..."

#: src/ephy-window.c:81
msgid "Send a link of the current page"
msgstr "Kirim pautan bagi laman semasa"

#: src/ephy-window.c:84
msgid "Add a bookmark for the current page"
msgstr "Tambah tandabuku bagi laman semasa"

#: src/ephy-window.c:87
msgid "Close this window"
msgstr "Tutup tetingkap ini"

#: src/ephy-window.c:98
msgid "Paste clipboard"
msgstr "Tepek papanklip"

#: src/ephy-window.c:101
msgid "Select the entire page"
msgstr "Papar seluruh laman"

#: src/ephy-window.c:103
msgid "_Find"
msgstr "_Cari"

#: src/ephy-window.c:104
msgid "Find a string"
msgstr "Cari rentetan"

#: src/ephy-window.c:106
msgid "Find Ne_xt"
msgstr "Cari Lag_i"

#: src/ephy-window.c:107
msgid "Find next occurence of the string"
msgstr "Cari kewujudan seterusnya rentetan carian"

#: src/ephy-window.c:109
msgid "Find Pre_vious"
msgstr "Cari Ter_dahulu"

#: src/ephy-window.c:110
msgid "Find previous occurence of the string"
msgstr "Cari kewujudan terdahulu rentetan carian"

#: src/ephy-window.c:112
msgid "P_ersonal Data"
msgstr "Data P_eribadi"

#: src/ephy-window.c:113
msgid "View and remove cookies and passwords"
msgstr "Lihat dan buang cecikut dan katalaluan"

#: src/ephy-window.c:115
msgid "T_oolbars"
msgstr "T_oolbar"

#: src/ephy-window.c:116
msgid "Customize toolbars"
msgstr "Personalisasi toolbar"

#: src/ephy-window.c:118
msgid "P_references"
msgstr "Ke_utamaan"

#: src/ephy-window.c:119
msgid "Configure the web browser"
msgstr "Konfigurasikan pelungsur web"

#. View menu
#: src/ephy-window.c:123
msgid "_Stop"
msgstr "_Henti"

#: src/ephy-window.c:124
msgid "Stop current data transfer"
msgstr "Menghentikan pemindahan data semasa"

#: src/ephy-window.c:126
msgid "_Reload"
msgstr "_Ulangmuat"

#: src/ephy-window.c:127
msgid "Display the latest content of the current page"
msgstr "Papar kandungan terkini laman semasa"

#: src/ephy-window.c:129
msgid "_Toolbar"
msgstr "_Toolbar"

#: src/ephy-window.c:130
msgid "Show or hide toolbar"
msgstr "Papar atau sembunyikan toolbar"

#: src/ephy-window.c:132
msgid "_Bookmarks Bar"
msgstr "Bar Ta_ndabuku"

#: src/ephy-window.c:133
msgid "Show or hide bookmarks bar"
msgstr "Papar atau sembunyi bar tandabuku"

#: src/ephy-window.c:135
msgid "St_atusbar"
msgstr "Bar _Status"

#: src/ephy-window.c:136
msgid "Show or hide statusbar"
msgstr "Papar atau sembunyikan statusbar"

#: src/ephy-window.c:138
msgid "_Fullscreen"
msgstr "_Skrinpenuh"

#: src/ephy-window.c:139
msgid "Browse at full screen"
msgstr "Lungsur dalam mod skrin penuh"

#: src/ephy-window.c:141
msgid "Zoom _In"
msgstr "Zoom _Masuk"

#: src/ephy-window.c:142
msgid "Show the contents in more detail"
msgstr "Papar kandungan dengan lebih terperinci"

#: src/ephy-window.c:144
msgid "Zoom _Out"
msgstr "Zoom _Keluar"

#: src/ephy-window.c:145
msgid "Show the contents in less detail"
msgstr "Papar kandungan dengan kurang terperinci"

#: src/ephy-window.c:147
msgid "_Normal Size"
msgstr "Saiz _Normal"

#: src/ephy-window.c:148
msgid "Show the contents at the normal size"
msgstr "Papar kandungan pada saiz normal"

#: src/ephy-window.c:150
msgid "_Encoding"
msgstr "Peng_enkodan"

#: src/ephy-window.c:151
msgid "_Page Source"
msgstr "_Sumber Laman"

#: src/ephy-window.c:152
msgid "View the source code of the page"
msgstr "Lihat kod sumber laman ini"

#. Go menu
#: src/ephy-window.c:156
msgid "_Back"
msgstr "_Undur"

#: src/ephy-window.c:157
msgid "Go to the previous visited page"
msgstr "Pergi ke laman dilawati terdahulu"

#: src/ephy-window.c:159
msgid "_Forward"
msgstr "_Maju"

#: src/ephy-window.c:160
msgid "Go to the next visited page"
msgstr "Pergi ke lalam dilawati berikutnya"

#: src/ephy-window.c:162
msgid "_Up"
msgstr "_Naik"

#: src/ephy-window.c:163
msgid "Go up one level"
msgstr "Naik satu aras"

#: src/ephy-window.c:165
msgid "_Home"
msgstr "_Rumah"

#: src/ephy-window.c:166
msgid "Go to the home page"
msgstr "Pergi ke laman mula"

#: src/ephy-window.c:168
msgid "_Location..."
msgstr "_Lokasi..."

#: src/ephy-window.c:169
msgid "Go to a specified location"
msgstr "Pergi ke lokasi dinyatakan"

#: src/ephy-window.c:171
msgid "H_istory"
msgstr "_Sejarah"

#: src/ephy-window.c:172
msgid "Go to an already visited page"
msgstr "Pergi ke laman telah dilawati"

#: src/ephy-window.c:174
msgid "Boo_kmarks"
msgstr "_TandaBuku"

#: src/ephy-window.c:175
msgid "Go to a bookmark"
msgstr "Pergi ke tandabuku"

#. Tabs menu
#: src/ephy-window.c:179
msgid "_Previous Tab"
msgstr "Tab _Terdahulu"

#: src/ephy-window.c:180
msgid "Activate previous tab"
msgstr "Aktifkan tab terdagulu"

#: src/ephy-window.c:182
msgid "_Next Tab"
msgstr "Tab _Seterusnya"

#: src/ephy-window.c:183
msgid "Activate next tab"
msgstr "Aktifkan tab berikutnya"

#: src/ephy-window.c:185
msgid "Move Tab _Left"
msgstr "Alih Tab ke Ki_ri"

#: src/ephy-window.c:186
msgid "Move current tab to left"
msgstr "Alihkan tab semasa ke kiri"

#: src/ephy-window.c:188
msgid "Move Tab _Right"
msgstr "Alih Tab ke Ka_nan"

#: src/ephy-window.c:189
msgid "Move current tab to right"
msgstr "Alihkan tab semasa ke kanan"

#: src/ephy-window.c:191
msgid "_Detach Tab"
msgstr "_Leraikan Tab"

#: src/ephy-window.c:192
msgid "Detach current tab"
msgstr "Lerai tab semasa"

#: src/ephy-window.c:197
msgid "Display web browser help"
msgstr "Papar bantuan pelungsur web"

#. Document
#: src/ephy-window.c:210
msgid "_Save Background As..."
msgstr "_Simpan LatarBelakang Sebagai..."

#. Framed document
#: src/ephy-window.c:214
msgid "_Open Frame"
msgstr "_Buka Kerangka"

#: src/ephy-window.c:216
msgid "Open Frame in _New Window"
msgstr "Buka Kerangka di Tetingkap Ba_ru"

#: src/ephy-window.c:218
msgid "Open Frame in New _Tab"
msgstr "Buka Kerangka di _Tab Baru"

#. Links
#: src/ephy-window.c:222
msgid "_Open Link"
msgstr "_Buka Pautan"

#: src/ephy-window.c:224
msgid "Open Link in _New Window"
msgstr "Buka Pautan di Tetingkap Ba_ru"

#: src/ephy-window.c:226
msgid "Open Link in New _Tab"
msgstr "Buka Pautan di _Tab Baru"

#: src/ephy-window.c:228
msgid "_Download Link"
msgstr "_Muaturun Pautan"

#: src/ephy-window.c:230
msgid "_Bookmark Link..."
msgstr "Ta_ndaBuku Pautan..."

#: src/ephy-window.c:232
msgid "_Copy Link Address"
msgstr "_Salin Alamat Pautan"

#: src/ephy-window.c:234
msgid "Copy _Email"
msgstr "Salin  _Emel"

#. Images
#: src/ephy-window.c:238
msgid "_Open Image"
msgstr "_Buka Imej"

#: src/ephy-window.c:240
msgid "Open Image in _New Window"
msgstr "Buka Imej di Tetingkap Ba_ru"

#: src/ephy-window.c:242
msgid "Open Image in New _Tab"
msgstr "Buka Imej di _Tab Baru"

#: src/ephy-window.c:244
msgid "_Save Image As..."
msgstr "_Simpan Imej Sebagai..."

#: src/ephy-window.c:246
msgid "Use Image As _Background"
msgstr "Guna Imej sebagai Latar_Belakang"

#: src/ephy-window.c:248
msgid "_Copy Image Address"
msgstr "_Salin Alamat Emel"

#: src/ephy-window.c:492
msgid "Open"
msgstr "Buka"

#: src/ephy-window.c:494
msgid "Save As"
msgstr "Simpan Sebagai"

#: src/ephy-window.c:498
msgid "Bookmark"
msgstr "Tandabuku"

#: src/ephy-window.c:1050
msgid "Insecure"
msgstr "Tak selamat"

#: src/ephy-window.c:1053
msgid "Broken"
msgstr "Ranap"

#: src/ephy-window.c:1056
msgid "Medium"
msgstr "Medium"

#: src/ephy-window.c:1060
msgid "Low"
msgstr "Rendah"

#: src/ephy-window.c:1064
msgid "High"
msgstr "Tinggi"

#: src/ephy-window.c:1074
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Security level: %s\n"
msgstr ""
"Tahap keselamatan: %s\n"

#: src/ephy-window.c:1080
#, c-format
msgid "Security level: %s"
msgstr "Tahap keselamatan: %s"

#: src/pdm-dialog.c:224
msgid "Host"
msgstr "Hos"

#: src/pdm-dialog.c:236
msgid "User Name"
msgstr "Nama Pengguna"

#: src/pdm-dialog.c:281
msgid "Domain"
msgstr "Domain"

#: src/pdm-dialog.c:293
msgid "Name"
msgstr "Nama"

#: src/pdm-dialog.c:599
msgid "Cookie properties"
msgstr "Ciri-ciri cecikut"

#: src/pdm-dialog.c:612
msgid "Value"
msgstr "Nilai"

#: src/pdm-dialog.c:626
msgid "Path"
msgstr "Path"

#: src/pdm-dialog.c:640
msgid "Secure"
msgstr "Selamat"

#: src/pdm-dialog.c:654
msgid "Expire"
msgstr "Luput"

#: src/ppview-toolbar.c:88
msgid "Go to the first page"
msgstr "Pergi ke halaman pertama"

#: src/ppview-toolbar.c:92
msgid "Go to the last page"
msgstr "Papar laman terakhir"

#: src/ppview-toolbar.c:96
msgid "Go to the previous page"
msgstr "Pergi ke laman terdahulu"

#: src/ppview-toolbar.c:100
msgid "Go to next page"
msgstr "Ke halaman seterusnya"

#: src/ppview-toolbar.c:102
msgid "Close"
msgstr "Tutup"

#: src/ppview-toolbar.c:104
msgid "Close print preview"
msgstr "Tutup prebiu cetakan"

#: src/prefs-dialog.c:102
msgid "System language"
msgstr "Bahasa sistem"

#: src/prefs-dialog.c:103
msgid "Afrikaans"
msgstr "Afrikaan"

#: src/prefs-dialog.c:104
msgid "Albanian"
msgstr "Albanian"

#: src/prefs-dialog.c:106
msgid "Azerbaijani"
msgstr "Azerbaijani"

#: src/prefs-dialog.c:107
msgid "Basque"
msgstr "Basque"

#: src/prefs-dialog.c:108
msgid "Breton"
msgstr "Breton"

#: src/prefs-dialog.c:109
msgid "Bulgarian"
msgstr "Bulgaria"

# ui/galeon.glade.h:273
#: src/prefs-dialog.c:110
msgid "Byelorussian"
msgstr "Byelorussian"

#: src/prefs-dialog.c:111
msgid "Catalan"
msgstr "Katalan"

#: src/prefs-dialog.c:113
msgid "Croatian"
msgstr "Croatia"

#: src/prefs-dialog.c:114
msgid "Czech"
msgstr "Czech"

#: src/prefs-dialog.c:115
msgid "Danish"
msgstr "Danish"

#: src/prefs-dialog.c:116
msgid "Dutch"
msgstr "Belanda"

#: src/prefs-dialog.c:117
msgid "English"
msgstr "Inggeris"

#: src/prefs-dialog.c:118
msgid "Esperanto"
msgstr "Esperanto"

# ui/galeon.glade.h:111
#: src/prefs-dialog.c:119
msgid "Estonian"
msgstr "Estonia"

#: src/prefs-dialog.c:120
msgid "Faeroese"
msgstr "Faeroese"

#: src/prefs-dialog.c:121
msgid "Finnish"
msgstr "Finnish"

#: src/prefs-dialog.c:122
msgid "French"
msgstr "Perancis"

#: src/prefs-dialog.c:123
msgid "Galician"
msgstr "Galician"

#: src/prefs-dialog.c:124
msgid "German"
msgstr "Jerman"

#: src/prefs-dialog.c:127
msgid "Hungarian"
msgstr "Hungary"

#: src/prefs-dialog.c:128
msgid "Icelandic"
msgstr "Icelandic"

#: src/prefs-dialog.c:129
msgid "Indonesian"
msgstr "Indonesia"

#: src/prefs-dialog.c:130
msgid "Irish"
msgstr "Irish"

#: src/prefs-dialog.c:131
msgid "Italian"
msgstr "Itali"

#: src/prefs-dialog.c:134
msgid "Latvian"
msgstr "Latvia"

#: src/prefs-dialog.c:135
msgid "Lithuanian"
msgstr "Lithuania"

#: src/prefs-dialog.c:136
msgid "Macedonian"
msgstr "Makedonia"

#: src/prefs-dialog.c:137
msgid "Malay"
msgstr "Melayu"

#: src/prefs-dialog.c:138
msgid "Norwegian/Nynorsk"
msgstr "Norwegian/Nynorsk"

#: src/prefs-dialog.c:139
msgid "Norwegian/Bokmaal"
msgstr "Norwegian/Bokmaal (nb)"

#: src/prefs-dialog.c:140
msgid "Norwegian"
msgstr "Norwegian"

#: src/prefs-dialog.c:141
msgid "Polish"
msgstr "Polish"

#: src/prefs-dialog.c:142
msgid "Portuguese"
msgstr "Portugis"

#: src/prefs-dialog.c:143
msgid "Portuguese of Brazil"
msgstr "Portugis Brazil"

#: src/prefs-dialog.c:144
msgid "Romanian"
msgstr "Romania"

# src/prefs.c:618
# ui/galeon.glade.h:140
#: src/prefs-dialog.c:146
msgid "Scottish"
msgstr "Scottish"

#: src/prefs-dialog.c:147
msgid "Serbian"
msgstr "Serbia"

#: src/prefs-dialog.c:148
msgid "Slovak"
msgstr "Slovak"

#: src/prefs-dialog.c:149
msgid "Slovenian"
msgstr "Slovenia"

#: src/prefs-dialog.c:150
msgid "Spanish"
msgstr "Sepanyol"

#: src/prefs-dialog.c:151
msgid "Swedish"
msgstr "Swedish"

#: src/prefs-dialog.c:152
msgid "Tamil"
msgstr "Tamil"

#: src/prefs-dialog.c:155
msgid "Vietnamian"
msgstr "Vietnam"

#: src/prefs-dialog.c:156
msgid "Walloon"
msgstr "Walloon"

#: src/session.c:189
msgid "Crash Recovery"
msgstr "Pemulihan Jahanam"

#: src/session.c:191
msgid "_Don't Recover"
msgstr "Jangan Pulihkan"

#: src/session.c:192
msgid "_Recover"
msgstr "_Pulih"

#: src/session.c:220
msgid ""
"Epiphany appears to have crashed or been killed the last time it was run."
msgstr ""
"Epiphany nampaknya musnah atau dibunuh semasa kali terakhir ianya "

#: src/session.c:226
msgid "You can recover the opened tabs and windows."
msgstr "Anda boleh memulihkan tab dan tetingkap dibuka."

#: src/toolbar.c:247
msgid "Back"
msgstr "Undur"

#: src/toolbar.c:259
msgid "Forward"
msgstr "Maju"

#: src/toolbar.c:271
msgid "Up"
msgstr "Naik"

#: src/toolbar.c:283
msgid "Spinner"
msgstr "Spinner"

#: src/toolbar.c:293
msgid "Address Entry"
msgstr "Kemasukan Alamat"

#: src/toolbar.c:303
msgid "Favicon"
msgstr ""

#: src/window-commands.c:142
msgid "Check this out!"
msgstr "Tengok Sini!"

#: src/window-commands.c:316
msgid "Select the file to open"
msgstr "Pilih fail untuk dibuka"

#: src/window-commands.c:689
msgid "Toolbar editor"
msgstr "Editor toolbar"

#: src/window-commands.c:705
msgid "_Add a New Toolbar"
msgstr "_Tambah Toolbar Baru"

#. Translator credits
#: src/window-commands.c:750
msgid "translator_credits"
msgstr "Hasbullah Bin Pit <sebol@ikhlas.com>, Merlimau."

#: src/window-commands.c:767
msgid "A GNOME browser based on Mozilla"
msgstr "Pelayar GNOME berasaskan Mozilla"