Epiphany"> ]>
Epiphany Manual &manrevision; 2003 Patanjali Somayaji 2003 David Bordoley GNOME Documentation Project &legal; Patanjali Somayaji GNOME Documentation Project
David Bordoley Epiphany Development Team
This manual describes version &appversion; of &fr;.
Epiphany epiphany Browser Introduction &fr; is the GNOME web browser. &fr; aims to be simple to use and standards compliant. Getting Started To Open a Browser Window You can open a browser window in the following ways: Applications menu Choose Internet Web Browser . Command line Type epiphany, then press Return. To Open the Bookmarks Window You can open the bookmarks window in the following ways: Applications menu Choose Internet Web Bookmarks . Command line Type epiphany -b, then press Return. From the Bookmarks menu Choose Bookmarks Edit Bookmarks from the &fr; main window. From the &fr; toolbar Click on the Bookmarks button in the toolbar of the main window. Browser Windows Browser windows enable you to browse between web pages. shows a browser window displaying the home page.
Browser window displaying the home page A page being displayed in a browser window. Callouts: Menubar, toolbar, address entry, bookmarks bar, view pane
describes the components of a browser window. Browser Window Components Component Description Menubar Contains menus that you use to perform tasks in a browser window. Toolbar Contains buttons that you use to perform tasks in a browser window. Address entry Drop-down combination box that you use to enter web addresses or search terms. Bookmarks bar Contains menus, buttons and text fields that you use for highspeed access to bookmarks and web searches. View pane Displays the contents of the viewed page. Statusbar Displays status information.
You can also open a popup menu from browser windows. To open this popup menu right-click in a browser window. The items in this menu depend on where you right-click. For example, when you right-click on a link, you can choose items related to the link. When you right-click on the web page itself, you can choose items related to the display of the web page.
Browsing the Web Using the Address Entry The address entry is used to enter web addresses or search terms. Any words entered in the address entry are searched for in the Bookmarks database and the History database. If there are any matches, these are shown in a drop down list and can be selected by you. The selected web page will be loaded in the browser window or tab. You can type in a bookmark topic or a term that is part of the address or title of any page stored in your bookmarks. These terms are searched in the bookmark database for matches. For more information, see . Using the Toolbar The toolbar contains a number of shortcuts to commonly used functions. You can use the toolbar to navigate through your web history by clicking the back and forward buttons. In addition it is possible to stop the loading of pages by clicking the stop button. Finally pages may be reloaded by clicking the reload button. You can customize the buttons which appear on your toolbar by using the Toolbar Editor: for details, see . Using the Bookmarks Bar The Bookmarks Bar allows you to have links to your favorite websites on a toolbar for easy access. For details on adding bookmarks to the bookmarks bar, see . Using Fullscreen Mode Fullscreen mode allows the browser to use the whole screen for its viewable area. To enter Fullscreen mode, select View Fullscreen . You can exit Fullscreen mode by clicking Exit Fullscreen. To Open a New Window To open a new window, choose File New Window . To Open a New Tab To open a new tab, choose File New Tab . The new tab will be place to the right of any existing tabs. To Open a File To open a file, choose File Open... to display the Open File dialog. Select the file that you want to open, then click OK. The file is displayed in the browser window. To Save a Page to a File To save a page to a file, choose File Save As . Enter a name for the file in the Save As dialog box, then click OK . To Print a Page To print a page, choose File Print . Enter the name of you printer in the Printer field and click Print. To Find Text in a Page To search a page for a string, perform the following steps: Choose Edit Find to display the Find dialog. Type the string that you want to find, in the Find field. Select the Case sensitive option to only find occurrences of the string that match the case of the text that you type. Select the Wrap around option to search to the end of the page and then continue the search from the beginning of the page. Click Next to search the page for the first occurrence of the string. If the string is found, the cursor is moved to the string, and the string is selected. To find the next occurrence of the string, click Next. To find the previous occurrence of the string, click Previous. To finish the search, click Close . To Change the Zoom Factor You can use the following methods to resize the view of a page To enlarge the view of a page, choose View Zoom In . To shrink the view of a page, choose View Zoom Out . To view the page at its actual size, choose View Normal Size . To View the Source of a Page To view the source code of a page, choose View Page Source . The source will be displayed in your default text editor. To Open a Link Web pages contain links to other web pages, often (but not always) indicated by an underline. To follow a link, left click it. To Open a Link in a New window To open a link in a new window, right click it and select Open Link in New Window. To Open a Link in a New Tab To open a link in a new tab, right click it and select Open Link in New Tab. To Download a Link To save the target of a link, right click it and select Download Link. To Switch in Between Tabs To rearrange tabs in the current window, select Tabs Move Tab Left or Tabs Move Tab Right to move the current tab. You can also drag tabs to reorder them. To move the current tab to a new window choose Tabs Detach Tab . To Move Tabs Managing Your Bookmarks Overview of the Epiphany Bookmarks System The &fr; bookmark system is quite different from the heirarchical file folder method used by most broswers. This design is in keeping with two design principles: Building a browser with the simplest interface possible. Avoiding the need for the user to remember addresses of sites that the user wants to visit. The hierarchical way of organising bookmarks does not work well for most people. Instead of this approach, &fr; follows a database like approach. An address related to a bookmark is stored with some metadata associated with it. This metadata is then used to retrieve a bookmark later. Future versions of &fr; will provide useful ways of searching for and retrieving bookmarks using this database. In the &fr; bookmark system, addresses are organised by associating each address with one or more topic. For example, if one were to store a bookmark for GNOME Developers home page, in any other browser, the user might store it under the following hierarchy: Development -> GNOME -> GNOME developers home page In &fr;, the same page could be associated with two topics: Development -> GNOME developers home page GNOME -> GNOME developers home page Now the user can access this bookmark by typing the topic "GNOME" or "Development" in the location bar. The user can also type in any of the words "GNOME", "developers", "home" or "page" in the location bar. Either of these methods drops a list containing the required bookmark. For all ways to access bookmarks, see No Subtopics &fr; allows only a single level of topics. Topics cannot have sub-topics. To Access a bookmark The primary way to access bookmarks is the bookmarks window. To open the bookmarks window, see . A separate window is used for organising bookmarks because that makes it easier to navigate, and also allows it to have search and edit functionalities in the same place. The bookmarks collection can be directly edited from the desktop. In the same place, it is now possible to edit the bookmark title inline, add more topics, remove bookmarks, associate them to more topics with drag and drop, edit properties of a bookmark, etc. The bookmarks can also be accessed by: Typing in a topic in the location bar of the main window drops down a list of bookmarks of that category. A word typed into the location bar are automatically searched in the bookmark database and matching bookmarks are shown in a drop down list below the location bar. The menu item Bookmark gives a menu of all the different topics. Bookmarks related to these topics can then be accessed from submenus here. This is closest to the traditional method of accessing bookmarks, and is provided to keep compatibility. The bookmark bar can also be used to access your bookmarks. Choose View Bookmarks Bar to add the Bookmark bar. However, each topic and bookmark needs to be configured in the Bookmarks dialog to be shown on this bar. This can be used to organise most frequently used bookmarks. To Create a New Bookmark You can create new bookmarks in several ways. Browser Window To bookmark the currently viewed page, choose Bookmarks Add Bookmark... . To bookmark a link in the currently viewed page, right click on the link and choose Bookmark Link... . History Window To bookmark the currently selected history link, choose File Bookmark Link... . Alternatively, right-click on the history link in the history window, then choose Bookmark Link... To Select Bookmarks and Topics You can select bookmarks and topics in several ways. describes how to select items in the bookmark window. Selecting Items in the Bookmarks Window Task Action Select a bookmark or topic Click on the bookmark or topic. Select a group of contiguous bookmarks Press-and-hold Shift. Click on the first bookmark in the group, then click on the last bookmark in the group. Select multiple bookmarks Press-and-hold Ctrl. Click on the bookmark that you want to select. Select all bookmarks in a topic Choose EditSelect All.
To Open a Bookmark in a New Window or Tab To open a bookmark in a new window perform the following steps: Select the bookmark that you want to open. Choose FileOpen in New Window. Alternatively, right-click on the bookmark, then choose Open in New Window . To open a bookmark in a new tab perform the following steps: Select the bookmark that you want to open. Choose FileOpen in New Tab. Alternatively, right-click on the bookmark, then choose Open in New Tab . To Create a New Topic To create a new topic, choose File New Topic in the Bookmark window. A new topic is created, you can now enter the name of the topic. To Add a Bookmark to a Topic To Remove a Bookmark From a Topic To Rename a Bookmark or Topic To rename a bookmark or Topic perform the following steps: Select the bookmark or topic that you want to rename in the bookmarks window. Choose FileRename... . Alternatively, right-click on the bookmark or topic in the view pane, then choose Rename.... The name of the bookmark or topic is selected. Type a new name for the topic or bookmark, then press Return. To Delete a Bookmark or Topic To delete a bookmarks or topics perform the following steps: Select the bookmark or topic that you want to delete from the bookmarks window. Choose File Delete. Alternatively, right-click on the bookmarks or topic in the bookmarks window, then choose Delete. To Edit a Bookmark's Properties To edit a bookmark's properties such as it's title and address right click it's entry in the bookmarks window and select Properties. To Search Your Bookmarks To search through your bookmarks, enter you search term in the Search field. &fr; will search through all your bookmarks no matter which topic is currently selected. To Copy the Address of a Bookmark To copy the address of a bookmark perform the following steps: Select the bookmark. Choose EditCopy Address. Alternatively, right-click on the bookmark, then choose Copy Address. To Add a Bookmark or Topic to the Bookmarks Bar You can add a bookmark or topic to the bookmarks bar in the following ways: File menu Select the bookmark or topic you wish to add, and choose File Show in Bookmarks Bar . Drag and Drop You can drag and drop bookmarks and topics from the bookmarks window onto the bookmarks bar. To Remove a Bookmark or Topic From the Bookmarks Bar You can remove a bookmark or topic from the bookmarks bar in the following ways: File menu Select the bookmark or topic you wish to remove, and choose File Show in Bookmarks Bar . Toolbar Editor You can remove bookmarks and topics from the bookmarks bar using the toolbar editor as described in the section . Smart Bookmarks
Managing Your History Links Overview of the Epiphany History System Epiphany collects history information about locations that are visited by you. This information is stored in a database and can then be accessed later. As you type in the location bar of the main window, &fr; searches for matches in the title or address of the locations stored in the history and the bookmark databases. Matches are shown in a list below the location bar. You can manage history by opening the history window. This window allows you to search the history, and delete locations you do not want to revisit later. shows the history window.
History window
To Select History Links Select Go History to open the history window. You can search for history links, open history links in a new window or a new tab, or delete history from the database. To Open a History Link in a New Window or Tab To open a history link in a new window perform the following steps: Select the history link that you want to open. Choose FileOpen in New Window. Alternatively, right-click on the history link, then choose Open in New Window . To Open a history link in a new tab perform the following steps: Select the history link that you want to open. Choose FileOpen in New Tab. Alternatively, right-click on the history link, then choose Open in New Tab . To Delete a History Link To delete a history link perform the following steps: Select the history link that you want to delete. Choose FileDelete. Alternatively, right-click on the history link, then choose Delete. To Search Your History Links You can type into the search entry in the history window. In case any matches are found in the history database, they are shown in a list below. These matches can then be opened in a new window, a new tab or the link address can be copied for pasting in any other application. Alternatively, anything you enter in the address entry of the &fr; window is matched against the history database, and shown in a drop down list alongwith other matches from the bookmarks database. To Copy the Address of a History Link To copy the address of a history link perform the following steps: Select the history link. Choose EditCopy Address. Alternatively, right-click on the history link, then choose Copy Address.
Managing Your Passwords and Cookies Using the Download Manager Customizing &fr; Setting Your Preferences To Show and Hide Browser Window Components You can show and hide browser window components as follows: To hide the toolbars, choose ViewToolbars . To display the toolbar again, choose ViewToolbars again. To hide the bookmarks bar, choose ViewBookmarks Bar . To display the bookmarks bar again, choose View Bookmarks Bar again. To hide the statusbar, choose ViewStatusbar . To display the statusbar again, choose View Statusbar again. To Edit Your Toolbars You can customize the items which appear in your toolbars: To add or remove buttons from your toolbar, select Edit Toolbars. Drag icons to and from the editor to add or remove them from your toolbar. To add a new toolbar, click Add Toolbar in the toolbar editor. To remove a toolbar, remove all items from it. The toolbar will then automatically be removed. About &fr; &fr; was written by Marco Presenti Gritti (marco@it.gnome.org). To find more information about &fr;, please visit the Epiphany Web page. This manual was written by David Bordoley (bordoley@msu.edu) and Patanjali Somayaji (patanjali@codito.com). This program is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public license as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. A copy of this license can be found at this link, or in the file COPYING included with the source code of this program.