Ekaterina Gerasimova kittykat3756@gmail.com 2013 View web pages on the internet Browse the web

Web browsers can be used to view pages on the Internet when you have an Internet connection. To start browsing the web:

When you start up Web, your cursor should be in the text entry field at the top of the window. Type in the URL of the webpage that you want to visit or your search term.

Press return to go to the web page or to search.

When you first start up Web, you will not be shown any tabs. Tabs are used to view more than one web page in one window. To open a new tab, select **gear**New Tab. Once the new tab is open, you can use it as you would normally use a new window.

You can also open a link in a new tab. Right click on the link, then select Open Link in New Tab or use the middle mouse button to click on the link.