Aruna Sankaranarayanan 2013 How do I add a bookmark? Bookmark a page

Bookmarking a page stores it in the Web history, and saves you the hassle of remembering sites that you want to visit again.

To add a bookmark:

Go to the webpage that you wish to bookmark.

Select Super menu Bookmarks Add Bookmark… or press CtrlD to add a bookmark.

Type a title for your bookmark in the Title text box, so that you can identify it easily in the future.

Check any topics that your bookmark may be classified under in the list of topics. If the topic of your choice does not exist, type in the name of the topic in the Topic text box, and select Create Topic "Topic name" from the list.

You can also use the Topic text box to search for existing topics if your current list of topics is very long.

Click Add to add your bookmark, or Cancel if you do not want to add the bookmark.

The Similar button displays the number of existing bookmarks for the website you are trying to remember. If there is at least one existing bookmark, the Similar button becomes clickable. You can then click it to check the list of similar bookmarks. You can further select any of the similar bookmarks from the list to view their properties.