Aruna Sankaranarayanan 2013 Ekaterina Gerasimova 2013 How do I add a bookmark? Bookmark a page

Bookmark a page to store it permanently and access it quickly.

To add a bookmark:

Go to the webpage that you wish to bookmark.

Select **geary** Bookmarks Add Bookmark… or press CtrlD to add a bookmark.

Name your bookmark in the Title text entry field, so that you can identify it easily in the future.

Start typing the topic that you would classify the bookmark under and select it once it is shown. If it does not exist, select Create topic "Topic name" from the list. Separate different topic names with commas.

Press Add to add the new bookmark.

The Similar button displays the number of existing bookmarks for the page which you are adding. If there is at least one existing bookmark, the Similar button becomes clickable. You can then view the existing bookmark or merge it with the new one.