/* * Copyright (C) 2003 Marco Pesenti Gritti * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) * any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * * $Id$ */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "config.h" #endif #include "ephy-embed.h" #include "mozilla-embed.h" #include "MozillaPrivate.h" #include <nsEmbedString.h> #include <nsIServiceManagerUtils.h> #include <nsIWindowWatcher.h> #include <nsIEmbeddingSiteWindow.h> #include <nsIWebBrowserChrome.h> #include <gtkmozembed.h> GtkWidget *MozillaFindEmbed (nsIDOMWindow *aDOMWindow) { if (!aDOMWindow) return nsnull; nsCOMPtr<nsIWindowWatcher> wwatch (do_GetService("@mozilla.org/embedcomp/window-watcher;1")); NS_ENSURE_TRUE (wwatch, nsnull); /* this DOM window may belong to some inner frame, we need * to get the topmost DOM window to get the embed */ nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMWindow> topWindow; aDOMWindow->GetTop (getter_AddRefs (topWindow)); if (!topWindow) return nsnull; nsCOMPtr<nsIWebBrowserChrome> windowChrome; wwatch->GetChromeForWindow (topWindow, getter_AddRefs(windowChrome)); NS_ENSURE_TRUE (windowChrome, nsnull); nsCOMPtr<nsIEmbeddingSiteWindow> window (do_QueryInterface(windowChrome)); NS_ENSURE_TRUE (window, nsnull); nsresult result; GtkWidget *mozembed; result = window->GetSiteWindow ((void **)&mozembed); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS (result, nsnull); return mozembed; } GtkWidget *MozillaFindGtkParent (nsIDOMWindow *aDOMWindow) { GtkWidget *embed = MozillaFindEmbed (aDOMWindow); NS_ENSURE_TRUE (embed, nsnull); return gtk_widget_get_toplevel (GTK_WIDGET (embed)); } #define MM_TO_INCH(x) (((double) x) / 25.4) NS_METHOD MozillaCollatePrintSettings (const EmbedPrintInfo *info, nsIPrintSettings *options, gboolean preview) { const static int frame_types[] = { nsIPrintSettings::kFramesAsIs, nsIPrintSettings::kSelectedFrame, nsIPrintSettings::kEachFrameSep }; switch (info->pages) { case 0: options->SetPrintRange (nsIPrintSettings::kRangeAllPages); break; case 1: options->SetPrintRange (nsIPrintSettings::kRangeSpecifiedPageRange); options->SetStartPageRange (info->from_page); options->SetEndPageRange (info->to_page); break; case 2: options->SetPrintRange (nsIPrintSettings::kRangeSelection); break; } options->SetMarginTop (MM_TO_INCH (info->top_margin)); options->SetMarginBottom (MM_TO_INCH (info->bottom_margin)); options->SetMarginLeft (MM_TO_INCH (info->left_margin)); options->SetMarginRight (MM_TO_INCH (info->right_margin)); PRUnichar postscript[] = { 'P', 'o', 's', 't', 'S', 'c', 'r', 'i', 'p', 't', '/', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'a', 'u', 'l', 't', '\0' }; options->SetPrinterName(postscript); nsEmbedString tmp; NS_CStringToUTF16 (nsEmbedCString(info->header_left_string), NS_CSTRING_ENCODING_UTF8, tmp); options->SetHeaderStrLeft (tmp.get()); NS_CStringToUTF16 (nsEmbedCString(info->header_center_string), NS_CSTRING_ENCODING_UTF8, tmp); options->SetHeaderStrCenter (tmp.get()); NS_CStringToUTF16 (nsEmbedCString(info->header_right_string), NS_CSTRING_ENCODING_UTF8, tmp); options->SetHeaderStrRight (tmp.get()); NS_CStringToUTF16 (nsEmbedCString(info->footer_left_string), NS_CSTRING_ENCODING_UTF8, tmp); options->SetFooterStrLeft (tmp.get()); NS_CStringToUTF16 (nsEmbedCString(info->footer_center_string), NS_CSTRING_ENCODING_UTF8, tmp); options->SetFooterStrCenter(tmp.get()); NS_CStringToUTF16 (nsEmbedCString(info->footer_right_string), NS_CSTRING_ENCODING_UTF8, tmp); options->SetFooterStrRight(tmp.get()); NS_CStringToUTF16 (nsEmbedCString(info->file), NS_CSTRING_ENCODING_UTF8, tmp); options->SetToFileName (tmp.get()); NS_CStringToUTF16 (nsEmbedCString(info->printer), NS_CSTRING_ENCODING_UTF8, tmp); options->SetPrintCommand (tmp.get()); /** * Work around a mozilla bug where paper size & orientation are ignored * and the specified file is created (containing invalid postscript) * in print preview mode if we set "print to file" to true. * See epiphany bug #119818. */ if (preview) { options->SetPrintToFile (PR_FALSE); } else { options->SetPrintToFile (info->print_to_file); } /* native paper size formats. Our dialog does not support custom yet */ options->SetPaperSize (nsIPrintSettings::kPaperSizeNativeData); NS_CStringToUTF16 (nsEmbedCString(info->paper), NS_CSTRING_ENCODING_UTF8, tmp); options->SetPaperName (tmp.get()); options->SetPrintInColor (info->print_color); options->SetOrientation (info->orientation); options->SetPrintFrameType (frame_types[info->frame_type]); return NS_OK; }