/* * Copyright (C) 2001 Philip Langdale * Copyright (C) 2003 Marco Pesenti Gritti * Copyright (C) 2003 Xan Lopez * Copyright (C) 2004 Christian Persch * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) * any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * * $Id$ */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "config.h" #endif #include "ContentHandler.h" #include "MozillaPrivate.h" #include "MozDownload.h" #include "nsCOMPtr.h" #include "nsString.h" #include "nsIURL.h" #include "nsILocalFile.h" #include "nsIMIMEInfo.h" #include "ephy-prefs.h" #include "eel-gconf-extensions.h" #include "ephy-embed-single.h" #include "ephy-embed-shell.h" #include "ephy-debug.h" #include #include #include class GContentHandler; NS_IMPL_ISUPPORTS1(GContentHandler, nsIHelperAppLauncherDialog) GContentHandler::GContentHandler() : mMimeType(nsnull), mUrlHelper(PR_FALSE) { LOG ("GContentHandler ctor") } GContentHandler::~GContentHandler() { LOG ("GContentHandler dtor") g_free (mUri); g_free (mMimeType); } #if MOZILLA_SNAPSHOT > 9 /* void show (in nsIHelperAppLauncher aLauncher, in nsISupports aContext); */ NS_IMETHODIMP GContentHandler::Show(nsIHelperAppLauncher *aLauncher, nsISupports *aContext, PRBool aForced) #else NS_IMETHODIMP GContentHandler::Show(nsIHelperAppLauncher *aLauncher, nsISupports *aContext) #endif { nsresult rv; EphyEmbedSingle *single; gboolean handled = FALSE; mLauncher = aLauncher; rv = Init (); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS (rv, rv); single = EPHY_EMBED_SINGLE (ephy_embed_shell_get_embed_single (embed_shell)); g_signal_emit_by_name (single, "handle_content", mMimeType, mUrl.get(), &handled); if (!handled) { MIMEAskAction (); } else { mLauncher->Cancel (); } return NS_OK; } /* nsILocalFile promptForSaveToFile (in nsISupports aWindowContext, in wstring aDefaultFile, in wstring aSuggestedFileExtension); */ NS_IMETHODIMP GContentHandler::PromptForSaveToFile( #if MOZILLA_SNAPSHOT > 10 nsIHelperAppLauncher *aLauncher, #endif nsISupports *aWindowContext, const PRUnichar *aDefaultFile, const PRUnichar *aSuggestedFileExtension, nsILocalFile **_retval) { return BuildDownloadPath (NS_ConvertUCS2toUTF8 (aDefaultFile).get(), _retval); } #if MOZILLA_SNAPSHOT < 10 /* void showProgressDialog (in nsIHelperAppLauncher aLauncher, in nsISupports aContext); */ NS_METHOD GContentHandler::ShowProgressDialog(nsIHelperAppLauncher *aLauncher, nsISupports *aContext) { return NS_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } #endif NS_METHOD GContentHandler::FindHelperApp (void) { if (mUrlHelper) { return LaunchHelperApp (); } nsresult rv; rv = SynchroniseMIMEInfo(); if (NS_FAILED (rv)) return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; return mLauncher->LaunchWithApplication (nsnull, PR_FALSE); } NS_METHOD GContentHandler::LaunchHelperApp (void) { if (mMimeType) { nsresult rv; nsCOMPtr helperService = do_GetService (NS_EXTERNALHELPERAPPSERVICE_CONTRACTID); NS_ENSURE_TRUE (helperService, NS_ERROR_FAILURE); nsCOMPtr appLauncher = do_QueryInterface (helperService); if (appLauncher) { appLauncher->DeleteTemporaryFileOnExit(mTempFile); } nsString uFileName; mTempFile->GetPath(uFileName); const nsCString &aFileName = NS_ConvertUCS2toUTF8(uFileName); const nsCString &document = (mUrlHelper) ? mUrl : aFileName; char *param = g_strdup (document.get()); GList *params = NULL; params = g_list_append (params, param); gnome_vfs_mime_application_launch (mHelperApp, params); g_free (param); g_list_free (params); if (mUrlHelper) { mLauncher->Cancel(); } } else { mLauncher->Cancel (); } return NS_OK; } NS_METHOD GContentHandler::GetLauncher (nsIHelperAppLauncher * *_retval) { NS_IF_ADDREF (*_retval = mLauncher); return NS_OK; } static gboolean application_support_scheme (GnomeVFSMimeApplication *app, const nsCString &aScheme) { GList *l; g_return_val_if_fail (app != NULL, FALSE); g_return_val_if_fail (!aScheme.IsEmpty(), FALSE); if (app->expects_uris != GNOME_VFS_MIME_APPLICATION_ARGUMENT_TYPE_URIS) return FALSE; for (l = app->supported_uri_schemes; l != NULL; l = l->next) { char *uri_scheme = (char *)l->data; g_return_val_if_fail (uri_scheme != NULL, FALSE); if (aScheme.Equals (uri_scheme)) return TRUE; } return FALSE; } NS_METHOD GContentHandler::SetHelperApp(GnomeVFSMimeApplication *aHelperApp, PRBool alwaysUse) { mHelperApp = aHelperApp; mUrlHelper = application_support_scheme (aHelperApp, mScheme); return NS_OK; } NS_METHOD GContentHandler::SynchroniseMIMEInfo (void) { nsresult rv; char *command_with_path; NS_ENSURE_TRUE (mLauncher, NS_ERROR_FAILURE); nsCOMPtr mimeInfo; mLauncher->GetMIMEInfo(getter_AddRefs(mimeInfo)); NS_ENSURE_TRUE (mimeInfo, NS_ERROR_FAILURE); command_with_path = g_find_program_in_path (mHelperApp->command); if (command_with_path == NULL) return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; nsCOMPtr helperFile; NS_NewNativeLocalFile (nsDependentCString(command_with_path), PR_TRUE, getter_AddRefs(helperFile)); NS_ENSURE_TRUE (helperFile, NS_ERROR_FAILURE); g_free (command_with_path); rv = mimeInfo->SetPreferredApplicationHandler(helperFile); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS (rv, NS_ERROR_FAILURE); nsMIMEInfoHandleAction mimeInfoAction; mimeInfoAction = nsIMIMEInfo::useHelperApp; if(mHelperApp->requires_terminal) //Information passing kludge! { rv = mimeInfo->SetApplicationDescription (NS_LITERAL_STRING("runInTerminal").get()); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS (rv, NS_ERROR_FAILURE); } rv = mimeInfo->SetPreferredAction(mimeInfoAction); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS (rv, NS_ERROR_FAILURE); return NS_OK; } NS_METHOD GContentHandler::Init (void) { nsresult rv; NS_ENSURE_TRUE (mLauncher, NS_ERROR_FAILURE); nsCOMPtr MIMEInfo; mLauncher->GetMIMEInfo (getter_AddRefs(MIMEInfo)); NS_ENSURE_TRUE (MIMEInfo, NS_ERROR_FAILURE); rv = MIMEInfo->GetMIMEType (&mMimeType); #if MOZILLA_SNAPSHOT > 11 mLauncher->GetTargetFile (getter_AddRefs(mTempFile)); mLauncher->GetSource (getter_AddRefs(mUri)); NS_ENSURE_TRUE (mUri, NS_ERROR_FAILURE); #else rv = mLauncher->GetDownloadInfo (getter_AddRefs(mUri), &mTimeDownloadStarted, getter_AddRefs(mTempFile)); #endif rv = mUri->GetSpec (mUrl); rv = mUri->GetScheme (mScheme); ProcessMimeInfo (); return NS_OK; } NS_METHOD GContentHandler::ProcessMimeInfo (void) { if (mMimeType == NULL || !nsCRT::strcmp(mMimeType, "application/octet-stream")) { /* FIXME: we leak the old value of mMimeType */ nsresult rv; nsCOMPtr url = do_QueryInterface(mUri, &rv); if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv) && url) { nsCAutoString uriFileName; url->GetFileName(uriFileName); mMimeType = g_strdup (gnome_vfs_mime_type_from_name (uriFileName.get())); } else { mMimeType = g_strdup ("application/octet-stream"); } } return NS_OK; } NS_METHOD GContentHandler::MIMEAskAction (void) { nsresult rv; gboolean auto_open; auto_open = eel_gconf_get_boolean (CONF_AUTO_OPEN_DOWNLOADS); GnomeVFSMimeApplication *DefaultApp = gnome_vfs_mime_get_default_application(mMimeType); EphyMimePermission permission; permission = ephy_embed_shell_check_mime (embed_shell, mMimeType); if (!auto_open || !DefaultApp || permission != EPHY_MIME_PERMISSION_SAFE) { if (eel_gconf_get_boolean (CONF_LOCKDOWN_DISABLE_SAVE_TO_DISK)) return NS_OK; nsCOMPtr launcher; GetLauncher (getter_AddRefs(launcher)); NS_ENSURE_TRUE (launcher, NS_ERROR_FAILURE); launcher->SaveToDisk (nsnull,PR_FALSE); } else { rv = SetHelperApp (DefaultApp, FALSE); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS (rv, NS_ERROR_FAILURE); rv = FindHelperApp (); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS (rv, NS_ERROR_FAILURE); } return NS_OK; }