EphyNodeDb Data tree An #EphyNodeDb is a database for arbitrary data organized in a tree. Each database is stored along with its name in a global set of databases. Databases can be created using ephy_node_db_new() and retrieved using ephy_node_db_get_by_name(). Each #EphyNode inside an #EphyNodeDb is identified by a unique node ID. By keeping a handle on the ID, one can use ephy_node_db_get_node_from_id() to retrieve its corresponding #EphyNode. #EphyNodeDbs can be saved to disk using ephy_node_db_write_to_xml_safe() and restored using ephy_node_db_load_from_file(). %TRUE if no #EphyNodes can be added, removed or modified from this #EphyNodeDb A string identifier unique to this #EphyNodeDb @name: @Returns: @db: @xml_file: @xml_root: @xml_version: @Returns: @db: @filename: @root: @version: @comment: @node: @Varargs: @Returns: @db: @Returns: @db: @Returns: @db: @immutable: @db: @id: @Returns: @Param2: