An interface to the global embedded browser
While Epiphany is running, its global embed_shell variable (an #EphyEmbedShell)
holds a reference to an #EphyEmbedSingle. The only class which implements
#EphyEmbedSingle is #MozillaEmbedSingle, so the two types are interchangeable
via casting.
Acquiring an EphyEmbedSingle
EphyEmbedSingle *ephy_single;
/* embed_shell is a global variable, initialized as Epiphany starts */
ephy_single = ephy_embed_shell_get_embed_single (embed_shell);
Since there is only one #EphyEmbedShell, there is only one #EphyEmbedSingle. It
is used to perform browser-related actions which do not refer to an individual