Transient/Modal Issues
Figure out the transient/modal mess (there must be a guideline somewhere).
Need to consider Mozilla modality problems (network error popups, etc.).
GNOME Printing Integration
Investigate trying to use libgnomeprint[ui]. May need API changes. Find out
from Jody what's in store for gnomeprint 2.8. May not end up with code in
time for 1.4.
Rethink Toolbar
Remove throbber. Combine site icon with address entry (how can we do
dnd for this without mass code-duping).
History/Bookmarks Formats
Find a better format for History file and drop intermediate bookmarks
file. Need to chat to Edd about extending the RDF. Not essential, but
worth investigating.
Finish Lockdown
Finish lockdown.
Certificates UI
Investigate possibility for sys-wide certs UI (share with evolution).
Need to speak to Seth about UI and the guy who was working on it.
Improve gtkmozembed to be more friendly to GNOME.
Regional Settings
Use system-wide regional settings if it gets in.
Extensions: Loading/Unloading
Dynamic loading/unloading of extensions.
Extensions: Adding Toolbar Buttons
Ability for extensions to add toolbar buttons.
Extensions: Documentation
API and UI guidelines documentation for extensions.
GNOME Keyring Integration
GNOME Keyring integration. Look at Camino and Wallet code. Can use
for http auth and web-form prefill, but NOT for NSS access. Need to
submit Mozilla bugs.
Nautilus FTP
Use Nautlus for FTP/SFTP.
Interface for Other Programs
Find out what other programs need from us for nice integration -- interfaces.
Popup Blocking
Popup blocking. Talk to Seth about integration into Epiphany core.
Bookmarks Menu and Toolbars Code
Look at improving code to create the bookmarks menu and toolbars.
Completion. Put URI in the address entry when moving through the entry list (like Mozilla).
Multihead support
There is already some code but there are some complex problems to solve.
Work on getting are bug count even lower.