path: root/embed/xulrunner/components/EphyAboutModule.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'embed/xulrunner/components/EphyAboutModule.cpp')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 724 deletions
diff --git a/embed/xulrunner/components/EphyAboutModule.cpp b/embed/xulrunner/components/EphyAboutModule.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 78ce93bec..000000000
--- a/embed/xulrunner/components/EphyAboutModule.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,724 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright © 2001 Matt Aubury, Philip Langdale
- * Copyright © 2004 Crispin Flowerday
- * Copyright © 2005 Adam Hooper
- * Copyright © 2005, 2007 Christian Persch
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
- * any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
- *
- * $Id$
- */
-#include <xpcom-config.h>
-#include "config.h"
-#include <string.h>
-#include <glib/gi18n.h>
-#include <gtk/gtk.h>
-#include <nsStringGlue.h>
-#include <nsAutoPtr.h>
-#include <nsCOMPtr.h>
-#include <nsIChannel.h>
-#include <nsIInputStreamChannel.h>
-#include <nsIInputStream.h>
-#include <nsIIOService.h>
-#include <nsINetUtil.h>
-#include <nsIOutputStream.h>
-#include <nsIScriptSecurityManager.h>
-#include <nsIStorageStream.h>
-#include <nsIURI.h>
-#include <nsNetCID.h>
-#include <nsNetUtil.h>
-#include <nsServiceManagerUtils.h>
-#include "ephy-debug.h"
-#include "EphyRedirectChannel.h"
-#include "EphyAboutModule.h"
- LOG ("EphyAboutModule ctor [%p]\n", this);
- LOG ("EphyAboutModule dtor [%p]\n", this);
-NS_IMPL_ISUPPORTS1 (EphyAboutModule, nsIAboutModule)
-/* nsIChannel newChannel (in nsIURI aURI); */
-EphyAboutModule::NewChannel(nsIURI *aURI,
- nsIChannel **_retval)
- nsCAutoString path;
- aURI->GetPath (path);
- if (strncmp (path.get(), "neterror?", strlen ("neterror?")) == 0)
- {
- return CreateErrorPage (aURI, _retval);
- }
- if (strncmp (path.get (), "recover?", strlen ("recover?")) == 0)
- {
- return CreateRecoverPage (aURI, _retval);
- }
- if (strcmp (path.get (), "epiphany") == 0)
- {
- return Redirect (nsDependentCString ("file://" SHARE_DIR "/epiphany.xhtml"), _retval);
- }
-/* unsigned long getURIFlags(in nsIURI aURI); */
-EphyAboutModule::GetURIFlags (nsIURI *aURI,
- PRUint32 *_result)
- *_result = 0;
- return NS_OK;
-/* private functions */
-EphyAboutModule::Redirect(const nsACString &aURL,
- nsIChannel **_retval)
- *_retval = nsnull;
- nsresult rv;
- nsCOMPtr<nsIURI> uri;
- rv = NS_NewURI (getter_AddRefs (uri), aURL);
- nsCOMPtr<nsIChannel> tempChannel;
- rv = NS_NewChannel (getter_AddRefs (tempChannel), uri);
- tempChannel->SetOriginalURI (uri);
- nsCOMPtr<nsIScriptSecurityManager> securityManager =
- nsCOMPtr<nsIPrincipal> principal;
- rv = securityManager->GetCodebasePrincipal(uri, getter_AddRefs(principal));
- rv = tempChannel->SetOwner(principal);
- tempChannel.swap (*_retval);
- return NS_OK;
-EphyAboutModule::ParseURL(const char *aURL,
- nsACString &aCode,
- nsACString &aRawOriginURL,
- nsACString &aOriginURL,
- nsACString &aOriginCharset,
- nsACString &aTitle)
- /* The page URL is of the form "about:neterror?e=<errorcode>&u=<URL>&c=<charset>&d=<description>" */
- const char *query = strstr (aURL, "?");
- if (!query) return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
- /* skip the '?' */
- ++query;
- char **params = g_strsplit (query, "&", -1);
- if (!params) return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
- nsCOMPtr<nsINetUtil> netUtil (do_GetService (NS_NETUTIL_CONTRACTID));
- if (!netUtil) return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
- for (PRUint32 i = 0; params[i] != NULL; ++i)
- {
- char *param = params[i];
- if (strlen (param) <= 2) continue;
- switch (param[0])
- {
- case 'e':
- netUtil->UnescapeString (nsDependentCString (param + 2), 0, aCode);
- break;
- case 'u':
- aRawOriginURL.Assign (param + 2);
- netUtil->UnescapeString (nsDependentCString (param + 2), 0, aOriginURL);
- break;
- case 'c':
- netUtil->UnescapeString (nsDependentCString (param + 2), 0, aOriginCharset);
- break;
- /* The next one is not used in neterror but recover: */
- case 't':
- netUtil->UnescapeString (nsDependentCString (param + 2), 0, aTitle);
- break;
- case 'd':
- /* we don't need mozilla's description parameter */
- default:
- break;
- }
- }
- g_strfreev (params);
- return NS_OK;
-EphyAboutModule::GetErrorMessage(nsIURI *aURI,
- const char *aError,
- char **aStockIcon,
- char **aTitle,
- char **aPrimary,
- char **aSecondary,
- char **aTertiary,
- char **aLinkIntro)
- if (strcmp (aError, "protocolNotFound") == 0)
- {
- nsCAutoString scheme;
- aURI->GetScheme (scheme);
- /* Translators: %s is the name of a protocol, like "http" etc. */
- *aTitle = g_strdup_printf (_("“%s” Protocol is not Supported"), scheme.get());
- /* Translators: %s is the name of a protocol, like "http" etc. */
- *aPrimary = g_strdup_printf (_("“%s” protocol is not supported."), scheme.get());
- /* FIXME: get the list of supported protocols from necko */
- *aSecondary = g_strdup (_("Supported protocols are “http”, “https”, “ftp”, “file”, “smb” "
- "and “sftp”."));
- }
- else if (strcmp (aError, "fileNotFound") == 0)
- {
- nsCAutoString path;
- aURI->GetPath (path);
- /* Translators: %s is the path and filename, for example "/home/user/test.html" */
- *aTitle = g_markup_printf_escaped (_("File “%s” not Found"), path.get());
- /* Translators: %s is the path and filename, for example "/home/user/test.html" */
- *aPrimary = g_markup_printf_escaped (_("File “%s” not found."), path.get());
- *aSecondary = g_strdup (_("Check the location of the file and try again."));
- }
- else if (strcmp (aError, "dnsNotFound") == 0)
- {
- nsCAutoString host;
- aURI->GetHost (host);
- /* Translators: %s is the hostname, like "www.example.com" */
- *aTitle = g_markup_printf_escaped (_("“%s” Could not be Found"),
- host.get());
- /* Translators: %s is the hostname, like "www.example.com" */
- *aPrimary = g_markup_printf_escaped (_("“%s” could not be found."),
- host.get());
- *aSecondary = g_strdup (_("Check that you are connected to the internet, and "
- "that the address is correct."));
- *aLinkIntro = _("If this page used to exist, you may find an archived version:");
- }
- else if (strcmp (aError, "connectionFailure") == 0)
- {
- nsCAutoString host;
- aURI->GetHost (host);
- /* Translators: %s is the hostname, like "www.example.com" */
- *aTitle = g_markup_printf_escaped
- (_("“%s” Refused the Connection"),
- host.get());
- /* Translators: %s is the hostname, like "www.example.com" */
- *aPrimary = g_markup_printf_escaped
- (_("“%s” refused the connection."),
- host.get());
- /* FIXME what about 127.0.0.* ? */
- if (strcmp (host.get(), "localhost") == 0)
- {
- PRInt32 port;
- aURI->GetPort (&port);
- *aSecondary = g_strdup (_("Likely causes of the problem are"));
- /* Try to get the service name attached to that port */
- if (port != -1)
- {
- struct servent *serv;
- if ((serv = getservbyport (htons (port), NULL)) != NULL)
- {
- *aTertiary = g_markup_printf_escaped (
- _("<ul>"
- "<li>the service ""%s"" isn't started.</li>"
- "Try to start it using the Services Configuration Tool in "
- "System > Control Center, or</ul>"
- "<ul><li>the port number %d is wrong.</li>"
- "</ul>"),
- serv->s_name, port);
- }
- else
- {
- *aTertiary = g_markup_printf_escaped (
- _("<ul>"
- "<li>some service isn't started, or</li>"
- "<li>the port number %d is wrong.</li>"
- "</ul>"),
- port);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- *aTertiary = _("<ul>"
- "<li>some service isn't started, or</li>"
- "<li>you got the port number wrong.</li>"
- "</ul>");
- }
- }
- else
- {
- *aSecondary = g_strdup (_("The server may be busy or you may have a "
- "network connection problem. Try again later."));
- *aLinkIntro = _("There may be an old version of the page you wanted:");
- }
- }
- else if (strcmp (aError, "netInterrupt") == 0)
- {
- nsCAutoString host;
- aURI->GetHost (host);
- /* Translators: %s is the hostname, like "www.example.com" */
- *aTitle = g_markup_printf_escaped
- (_("“%s” Interrupted the Connection"),
- host.get());
- /* Translators: %s is the hostname, like "www.example.com" */
- *aPrimary = g_markup_printf_escaped
- (_("“%s” interrupted the connection."),
- host.get());
- *aSecondary = g_strdup (_("The server may be busy or you may have a "
- "network connection problem. Try again later."));
- *aLinkIntro = _("There may be an old version of the page you wanted:");
- }
- else if (strcmp (aError, "netTimeout") == 0)
- {
- nsCAutoString host;
- aURI->GetHost (host);
- /* Translators: %s is the hostname, like "www.example.com" */
- *aTitle = g_markup_printf_escaped
- (_("“%s” is not Responding"),
- host.get());
- /* Translators: %s is the hostname, like "www.example.com" */
- *aPrimary = g_markup_printf_escaped
- (_("“%s” is not responding."),
- host.get());
- *aSecondary = g_strdup (_("The connection was lost because the "
- "server took too long to respond."));
- *aTertiary = _("The server may be busy or you may have a network "
- "connection problem. Try again later.");
- *aLinkIntro = _("There may be an old version of the page you wanted:");
- }
- else if (strcmp (aError, "malformedURI") == 0)
- {
- *aTitle = g_strdup (_("Invalid Address"));
- *aPrimary = g_strdup (_("Invalid address."));
- *aSecondary = g_strdup (_("The address you entered is not valid."));
- }
- else if (strcmp (aError, "redirectLoop") == 0)
- {
- nsCAutoString host;
- aURI->GetHost (host);
- /* Translators: %s is the hostname, like "www.example.com" */
- *aTitle = g_markup_printf_escaped
- (_("“%s” Redirected Too Many Times"),
- host.get());
- /* Translators: %s is the hostname, like "www.example.com" */
- *aPrimary = g_strdup (_("This page cannot load because of a problem with the Web site."));
- *aSecondary = g_markup_printf_escaped
- (_("The server “%s” is redirecting in a way that will never complete."),
- host.get());
- *aLinkIntro = _("There may be an old version of the page you wanted:");
- }
- else if (strcmp (aError, "unknownSocketType") == 0)
- {
- nsCAutoString host;
- aURI->GetHost (host);
- /* Translators: %s is the hostname, like "www.example.com" */
- *aTitle = g_markup_printf_escaped
- (_("“%s” Requires an Encrypted Connection"),
- host.get());
- /* Translators: %s is the hostname, like "www.example.com" */
- *aPrimary = g_markup_printf_escaped
- (_("“%s” requires an encrypted connection."),
- host.get());
- *aSecondary = g_strdup (_("The document could not be loaded because "
- "encryption support is not installed."));
- }
- else if (strcmp (aError, "netReset") == 0)
- {
- nsCAutoString host;
- aURI->GetHost (host);
- /* Translators: %s is the hostname, like "www.example.com" */
- *aTitle = g_markup_printf_escaped
- (_("“%s” Dropped the Connection"),
- host.get());
- /* Translators: %s is the hostname, like "www.example.com" */
- *aPrimary = g_markup_printf_escaped
- (_("“%s” dropped the connection."),
- host.get());
- *aSecondary = g_strdup (_("The server dropped the connection "
- "before any data could be read."));
- *aTertiary = _("The server may be busy or you may have a "
- "network connection problem. Try again later.");
- *aLinkIntro = _("There may be an old version of the page you wanted:");
- }
- else if (strcmp (aError, "netOffline") == 0)
- {
- /* Error is a bit too strong here */
- *aTitle = g_strdup (_("Cannot Load Document Whilst Working Offline"));
- *aPrimary = g_strdup (_("Cannot load document whilst working offline."));
- *aSecondary = g_strdup (_("To view this document, disable “Work Offline” and try again."));
- }
- else if (strcmp (aError, "deniedPortAccess") == 0)
- {
- nsCAutoString host;
- aURI->GetHost (host);
- PRInt32 port = -1;
- aURI->GetPort (&port);
- /* Translators: %s is the hostname, like "www.example.com" */
- *aTitle = g_markup_printf_escaped
- (_("“%s” Denied Access to Port “%d”"),
- host.get(), port > 0 ? port : 80);
- /* Translators: %s is the hostname, like "www.example.com" */
- *aPrimary = g_markup_printf_escaped
- (_("“%s” denied access to port “%d”."),
- host.get(), port > 0 ? port : 80);
- *aSecondary = g_strdup (_("The server dropped the connection "
- "before any data could be read."));
- *aTertiary = _("The server may be busy or you may have a "
- "network connection problem. Try again later.");
- *aLinkIntro = _("There may be an old version of the page you wanted:");
- }
- else if (strcmp (aError, "proxyResolveFailure") == 0 ||
- strcmp (aError, "proxyConnectFailure") == 0)
- {
- *aTitle = g_strdup (_("Could not Connect to Proxy Server"));
- *aPrimary = g_strdup (_("Could not connect to proxy server."));
- *aSecondary = g_strdup (_("Check your proxy server settings. "
- "If the connection still fails, there may be "
- "a problem with your proxy server or your "
- "network connection."));
- }
- /* This was introduced in gecko 1.9 */
- else if (strcmp (aError, "contentEncodingError") == 0)
- {
- *aTitle = g_strdup (_("Could not Display Content"));
- *aPrimary = g_strdup (_("Could not display content."));
- *aSecondary = g_strdup (_("The page uses an unsupported or invalid form of compression."));
- }
- else
- {
- }
- return NS_OK;
-EphyAboutModule::CreateErrorPage(nsIURI *aErrorURI,
- nsIChannel **_retval)
- *_retval = nsnull;
- /* First parse the arguments */
- nsresult rv;
- nsCAutoString spec;
- rv = aErrorURI->GetSpec (spec);
- nsCAutoString error, rawurl, url, charset, dummy;
- rv = ParseURL (spec.get (), error, rawurl, url, charset, dummy);
- if (NS_FAILED (rv)) return rv;
- if (error.IsEmpty () || rawurl.IsEmpty () || url.IsEmpty()) return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
- nsCOMPtr<nsIURI> uri;
- rv = NS_NewURI (getter_AddRefs (uri), url, charset.get());
- /* FIXME can uri be NULL if the original url was invalid? */
- char *stock_id = nsnull, *title = nsnull, *primary = nsnull,
- *secondary = nsnull, *tertiary = nsnull, *linkintro = nsnull;
- rv = GetErrorMessage (uri, error.get(), &stock_id, &title, &primary,
- &secondary, &tertiary, &linkintro);
- /* we don't know about this error code.
- * FIXME: We'd like to forward to mozilla's about:neterror handler,
- * but I don't know how to. So just redirect to the same page that
- * mozilla's handler redirects to.
- */
- {
- nsCAutoString newurl(spec);
- /* remove "about:neterror" part and insert mozilla's error page url */
- newurl.Cut(0, strlen ("about:neterror"));
- newurl.Insert("chrome://global/content/netError.xhtml", 0);
- return Redirect (newurl, _retval);
- }
- NS_ENSURE_TRUE (primary && secondary, NS_ERROR_FAILURE);
- nsCOMPtr<nsIChannel> channel;
- rv = WritePage (aErrorURI, uri, aErrorURI, rawurl, title, stock_id, primary, secondary, tertiary, linkintro, getter_AddRefs (channel));
- g_free (title);
- g_free (primary);
- g_free (secondary);
- channel.swap (*_retval);
- return NS_OK;
-EphyAboutModule::CreateRecoverPage(nsIURI *aRecoverURI,
- nsIChannel **_retval)
- *_retval = nsnull;
- /* First parse the arguments */
- nsresult rv;
- nsCAutoString spec;
- rv = aRecoverURI->GetSpec (spec);
- nsCAutoString error, rawurl, url, charset, title;
- rv = ParseURL (spec.get (), error, rawurl, url, charset, title);
- if (NS_FAILED (rv)) return rv;
- if (rawurl.IsEmpty () || url.IsEmpty()) return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
- nsCOMPtr<nsIURI> uri;
- rv = NS_NewURI(getter_AddRefs (uri), url, charset.get());
- char *secondary = g_markup_printf_escaped
- (_("The page “%s” in this tab was not fully loaded yet when "
- "the web browser crashed; it could have caused the crash."),
- url.get());
- nsCOMPtr<nsIChannel> channel;
- rv = WritePage (aRecoverURI, uri, uri, rawurl, title.get(),
- GTK_STOCK_DIALOG_INFO, title.get() /* as primary */,
- secondary, nsnull, nsnull, getter_AddRefs (channel));
- nsRefPtr<EphyRedirectChannel> redirectChannel (new EphyRedirectChannel (channel));
- if (!redirectChannel) return NS_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY;
- g_free (secondary);
- NS_ADDREF(*_retval = redirectChannel);
- return NS_OK;
-EphyAboutModule::WritePage(nsIURI *aOriginalURI,
- nsIURI *aURI,
- nsIURI *aChannelURI,
- const nsACString &aRawURL,
- const char *aTitle,
- const char *aStockIcon,
- const char *aPrimary,
- const char *aSecondary,
- const char *aTertiary,
- const char *aLinkIntro,
- nsIChannel **_retval)
- *_retval = nsnull;
- nsresult rv;
- nsCOMPtr<nsIStorageStream> storageStream;
- rv = NS_NewStorageStream (16384, (PRUint32) -1, getter_AddRefs (storageStream));
- nsCOMPtr<nsIOutputStream> stream;
- rv = storageStream->GetOutputStream (0, getter_AddRefs (stream));
- char *language = g_strdup (pango_language_to_string (gtk_get_default_language ()));
- g_strdelimit (language, "_-@", '\0');
- Write (stream,
- "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>\n"
- "<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN\" "
- "\"http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd\">\n"
- "<html xmlns=\"http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml\" lang=\"");
- Write (stream, language);
- Write (stream,
- "\" xml:lang=\"");
- Write (stream, language);
- Write (stream,
- "\">\n"
- "<head>\n"
- "<title>");
- Write (stream, aTitle);
- /* no favicon for now, it would pollute the favicon cache */
- /* "<link rel=\"icon\" type=\"image/png\" href=\"moz-icon://stock/gtk-dialog-error?size=16\" />\n" */
- Write (stream,
- "</title>\n"
- "<style type=\"text/css\">\n"
- "div#body {\n"
- "top: 12px;\n"
- "right: 12px;\n"
- "bottom: 12px;\n"
- "left: 12px;\n"
- "overflow: auto;\n"
- "background: -moz-dialog url('moz-icon://stock/");
- Write (stream, aStockIcon);
- Write (stream,
- "?size=dialog') no-repeat 12px 12px;\n"
- "color: -moz-dialogtext;\n"
- "font: message-box;\n"
- "border: 1px solid -moz-dialogtext;\n"
- "padding: 12px 12px 12px 72px;\n"
- "}\n"
- "h1 {\n"
- "margin: 0;\n"
- "font-size: 1.2em;\n"
- "}\n"
- "</style>\n"
- "</head>\n"
- "<body dir=\"");
- Write (stream,
- gtk_widget_get_default_direction () == GTK_TEXT_DIR_RTL ? "rtl" : "ltr");
- Write (stream,
- "\">\n"
- "<div id=\"body\">"
- "<h1>");
- Write (stream, aPrimary);
- Write (stream,
- "</h1>\n");
- if (aSecondary)
- {
- Write (stream, "<p>");
- Write (stream, aSecondary);
- if (aTertiary)
- {
- Write (stream, " ");
- Write (stream, aTertiary);
- }
- Write (stream, "</p>\n");
- }
- PRBool isHttp = PR_FALSE, isHttps = PR_FALSE;
- aURI->SchemeIs ("http", &isHttp);
- aURI->SchemeIs ("https", &isHttps);
- if (aLinkIntro && (isHttp || isHttps))
- {
- nsCString raw(aRawURL);
- Write (stream, "<p>");
- Write (stream, aLinkIntro);
- Write (stream, "<ul>\n");
- Write (stream, "<li><a href=\"http://www.google.com/search?q=cache:");
- Write (stream, raw.get());
- Write (stream, "\">");
- /* Translators: The text before the "|" is context to help you decide on
- * the correct translation. You MUST OMIT it in the translated string. */
- Write (stream, Q_("You may find an old version:|in the Google Cache"));
- Write (stream, "</a></li>\n");
- Write (stream, "<li><a href=\"http://web.archive.org/web/*/");
- Write (stream, raw.get());
- Write (stream, "\">");
- /* Translators: The text before the "|" is context to help you decide on
- * the correct translation. You MUST OMIT it in the translated string. */
- Write (stream, Q_("You may find an old version:|in the Internet Archive"));
- Write (stream, "</a></li>\n"
- "</ul>\n"
- "</p>");
- }
- Write (stream,
- "</div>\n"
- "</body>\n"
- "</html>\n");
- g_free (language);
- /* finish the rendering */
- nsCOMPtr<nsIInputStream> inputStream;
- rv = storageStream->NewInputStream (0, getter_AddRefs (inputStream));
- nsCOMPtr<nsIChannel> channel;
- rv = NS_NewInputStreamChannel (getter_AddRefs (channel),
- aChannelURI,
- inputStream,
- NS_LITERAL_CSTRING ("application/xhtml+xml"),
- NS_LITERAL_CSTRING ("utf-8"));
- rv = channel->SetOriginalURI (aOriginalURI);
- nsCOMPtr<nsIScriptSecurityManager> securityManager
- nsCOMPtr<nsIPrincipal> principal;
- rv = securityManager->GetCodebasePrincipal (aOriginalURI, getter_AddRefs (principal));
- rv = channel->SetOwner(principal);
- channel.swap (*_retval);
- return NS_OK;
-EphyAboutModule::Write(nsIOutputStream *aStream,
- const char *aText)
- PRUint32 bytesWritten;
- return aStream->Write (aText, strlen (aText), &bytesWritten);