/* -*- Mode: C; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
* Copyright © 2012 Igalia S.L.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#include "config.h"
#include "ephy-completion-model.h"
#include "ephy-embed-prefs.h"
#include "ephy-embed-shell.h"
#include "ephy-favicon-helpers.h"
#include "ephy-history-service.h"
#include "ephy-shell.h"
#include <string.h>
G_DEFINE_TYPE (EphyCompletionModel, ephy_completion_model, GTK_TYPE_LIST_STORE)
struct _EphyCompletionModelPrivate {
EphyHistoryService *history_service;
GCancellable *cancellable;
EphyNode *bookmarks;
GSList *search_terms;
static void
ephy_completion_model_constructed (GObject *object)
gtk_list_store_set_column_types (GTK_LIST_STORE (object),
static void
free_search_terms (GSList *search_terms)
GSList *iter;
for (iter = search_terms; iter != NULL; iter = iter->next)
g_regex_unref ((GRegex*)iter->data);
g_slist_free (search_terms);
static void
ephy_completion_model_finalize (GObject *object)
EphyCompletionModelPrivate *priv = EPHY_COMPLETION_MODEL (object)->priv;
if (priv->search_terms) {
free_search_terms (priv->search_terms);
priv->search_terms = NULL;
if (priv->cancellable) {
g_cancellable_cancel (priv->cancellable);
g_clear_object (&priv->cancellable);
G_OBJECT_CLASS (ephy_completion_model_parent_class)->finalize (object);
static void
ephy_completion_model_class_init (EphyCompletionModelClass *klass)
GObjectClass *object_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass);
object_class->constructed = ephy_completion_model_constructed;
object_class->finalize = ephy_completion_model_finalize;
g_type_class_add_private (object_class, sizeof (EphyCompletionModelPrivate));
static void
ephy_completion_model_init (EphyCompletionModel *model)
EphyCompletionModelPrivate *priv;
EphyBookmarks *bookmarks_service;
model->priv = priv = EPHY_COMPLETION_MODEL_GET_PRIVATE (model);
priv->history_service = EPHY_HISTORY_SERVICE (ephy_embed_shell_get_global_history_service (embed_shell));
bookmarks_service = ephy_shell_get_bookmarks (ephy_shell);
priv->bookmarks = ephy_bookmarks_get_bookmarks (bookmarks_service);
static gboolean
is_base_address (const char *address)
if (address == NULL)
return FALSE;
/* A base address is <scheme>://<host>/
* Neither scheme nor host contain a slash, so we can use slashes
* figure out if it's a base address.
* Note: previous code was using a GRegExp to do the same thing.
* While regexps are much nicer to read, they're also a lot
* slower.
address = strchr (address, '/');
if (address == NULL ||
address[1] != '/')
return FALSE;
address += 2;
address = strchr (address, '/');
if (address == NULL ||
address[1] != 0)
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
static int
get_relevance (const char *location,
int visit_count,
gboolean is_bookmark)
/* FIXME: use frecency. */
int relevance = 0;
/* We have three ordered groups: history's base addresses,
bookmarks, deep history addresses. */
if (is_bookmark)
relevance = 1 << 5;
else {
visit_count = MIN (visit_count, (1 << 5) - 1);
if (is_base_address (location))
relevance = visit_count << 10;
relevance = visit_count;
return relevance;
typedef struct {
char *title;
char *location;
char *keywords;
int relevance;
gboolean is_bookmark;
} PotentialRow;
typedef struct {
GtkListStore *model;
GtkTreeRowReference *row_reference;
} IconLoadData;
static void
icon_loaded_cb (GObject *source, GAsyncResult *result, gpointer user_data)
GtkTreeIter iter;
GtkTreePath *path;
IconLoadData *data = (IconLoadData *) user_data;
WebKitFaviconDatabase *database = WEBKIT_FAVICON_DATABASE (source);
GdkPixbuf *favicon = NULL;
cairo_surface_t *icon_surface = webkit_favicon_database_get_favicon_finish (database, result, NULL);
if (icon_surface) {
favicon = ephy_pixbuf_get_from_surface_scaled (icon_surface, FAVICON_SIZE, FAVICON_SIZE);
cairo_surface_destroy (icon_surface);
favicon = webkit_favicon_database_get_favicon_pixbuf_finish (database, result, NULL);
if (favicon) {
/* The completion model might have changed its contents */
if (gtk_tree_row_reference_valid (data->row_reference)) {
path = gtk_tree_row_reference_get_path (data->row_reference);
gtk_tree_model_get_iter (GTK_TREE_MODEL (data->model), &iter, path);
gtk_list_store_set (data->model, &iter, EPHY_COMPLETION_FAVICON_COL, favicon, -1);
g_object_unref (favicon);
gtk_tree_path_free (path);
g_object_unref (data->model);
gtk_tree_row_reference_free (data->row_reference);
g_slice_free (IconLoadData, data);
static void
set_row_in_model (EphyCompletionModel *model, int position, PotentialRow *row)
GtkTreeIter iter;
GtkTreePath *path;
IconLoadData *data;
WebKitFaviconDatabase* database;
#ifndef HAVE_WEBKIT2
GdkPixbuf *favicon;
database = webkit_get_favicon_database ();
database = webkit_web_context_get_favicon_database (webkit_web_context_get_default ());
gtk_list_store_insert_with_values (GTK_LIST_STORE (model), &iter, position,
EPHY_COMPLETION_TEXT_COL, row->title ? row->title : "",
EPHY_COMPLETION_KEYWORDS_COL, row->keywords ? row->keywords : "",
EPHY_COMPLETION_EXTRA_COL, row->is_bookmark,
#ifndef HAVE_WEBKIT2
/* We try first with the try_get_favicon_pixbuf() because if the icon
is in the DB it's faster than the async version. */
favicon = webkit_favicon_database_try_get_favicon_pixbuf (database, row->location,
if (favicon) {
gtk_list_store_set (GTK_LIST_STORE (model), &iter, EPHY_COMPLETION_FAVICON_COL, favicon, -1);
g_object_unref (favicon);
data = g_slice_new (IconLoadData);
data->model = GTK_LIST_STORE (g_object_ref(model));
path = gtk_tree_model_get_path (GTK_TREE_MODEL (model), &iter);
data->row_reference = gtk_tree_row_reference_new (GTK_TREE_MODEL (model), path);
gtk_tree_path_free (path);
webkit_favicon_database_get_favicon (database, row->location,
NULL, icon_loaded_cb, data);
webkit_favicon_database_get_favicon_pixbuf (database, row->location,
NULL, icon_loaded_cb, data);
static void
replace_rows_in_model (EphyCompletionModel *model, GSList *new_rows)
/* This is by far the simplest way of doing, and yet it gives
* basically the same result than the other methods... */
int i;
gtk_list_store_clear (GTK_LIST_STORE (model));
for (i = 0; new_rows != NULL; i++) {
PotentialRow *row = (PotentialRow*)new_rows->data;
set_row_in_model (model, i, row);
new_rows = new_rows->next;
static gboolean
should_add_bookmark_to_model (EphyCompletionModel *model,
const char *search_string,
const char *title,
const char *location,
const char *keywords)
gboolean ret = TRUE;
EphyCompletionModelPrivate *priv = model->priv;
if (priv->search_terms) {
GSList *iter;
GRegex *current = NULL;
for (iter = priv->search_terms; iter != NULL; iter = iter->next) {
current = (GRegex*)iter->data;
if ((!g_regex_match (current, title ? title : "", G_REGEX_MATCH_NOTEMPTY, NULL)) &&
(!g_regex_match (current, location ? location : "", G_REGEX_MATCH_NOTEMPTY, NULL)) &&
(!g_regex_match (current, keywords ? keywords : "", G_REGEX_MATCH_NOTEMPTY, NULL))) {
ret = FALSE;
return ret;
typedef struct {
EphyCompletionModel *model;
char *search_string;
EphyHistoryJobCallback callback;
gpointer user_data;
} FindURLsData;
static int
find_url (gconstpointer a,
gconstpointer b)
return g_strcmp0 (((PotentialRow*)a)->location,
((char *)b));
static PotentialRow *
potential_row_new (const char *title, const char *location,
const char *keywords, int visit_count,
gboolean is_bookmark)
PotentialRow *row = g_slice_new0 (PotentialRow);
row->title = g_strdup (title);
row->location = g_strdup (location);
row->keywords = g_strdup (keywords);
row->relevance = get_relevance (location, visit_count, is_bookmark);
row->is_bookmark = is_bookmark;
return row;
static void
free_potential_row (PotentialRow *row)
g_free (row->title);
g_free (row->location);
g_free (row->keywords);
g_slice_free (PotentialRow, row);
static GSList *
add_to_potential_rows (GSList *rows,
const char *title,
const char *location,
const char *keywords,
int visit_count,
gboolean is_bookmark,
gboolean search_for_duplicates)
gboolean found = FALSE;
PotentialRow *row = potential_row_new (title, location, keywords, visit_count, is_bookmark);
if (search_for_duplicates) {
GSList *p;
p = g_slist_find_custom (rows, location, find_url);
if (p) {
PotentialRow *match = (PotentialRow*)p->data;
if (row->relevance > match->relevance)
match->relevance = row->relevance;
found = TRUE;
free_potential_row (row);
if (!found)
rows = g_slist_prepend (rows, row);
return rows;
static int
sort_by_relevance (gconstpointer a, gconstpointer b)
PotentialRow *r1 = (PotentialRow*)a;
PotentialRow *r2 = (PotentialRow*)b;
if (r1->relevance < r2->relevance)
return 1;
else if (r1->relevance > r2->relevance)
return -1;
return 0;
static void
query_completed_cb (EphyHistoryService *service,
gboolean success,
gpointer result_data,
FindURLsData *user_data)
EphyCompletionModel *model = user_data->model;
EphyCompletionModelPrivate *priv = model->priv;
GList *p, *urls;
GPtrArray *children;
GSList *list = NULL;
int i;
/* Bookmarks */
children = ephy_node_get_children (priv->bookmarks);
/* FIXME: perhaps this could be done in a service thread? There
* should never be a ton of bookmarks, but seems a bit cleaner and
* consistent with what we do for the history. */
for (i = 0; i < children->len; i++) {
EphyNode *kid;
const char *keywords, *location, *title;
kid = g_ptr_array_index (children, i);
location = ephy_node_get_property_string (kid, EPHY_NODE_BMK_PROP_LOCATION);
title = ephy_node_get_property_string (kid, EPHY_NODE_BMK_PROP_TITLE);
keywords = ephy_node_get_property_string (kid, EPHY_NODE_BMK_PROP_KEYWORDS);
if (should_add_bookmark_to_model (model, user_data->search_string,
title, location, keywords))
list = add_to_potential_rows (list, title, location, keywords, 0, TRUE, FALSE);
/* History */
urls = (GList*)result_data;
for (p = urls; p != NULL; p = p->next) {
EphyHistoryURL *url = (EphyHistoryURL*)p->data;
list = add_to_potential_rows (list, url->title, url->url, NULL, url->visit_count, FALSE, TRUE);
/* Sort the rows by relevance. */
list = g_slist_sort (list, sort_by_relevance);
/* Now that we have all the rows we want to insert, replace the rows
* in the current model one by one, sorted by relevance. */
replace_rows_in_model (model, list);
/* Notify */
if (user_data->callback)
user_data->callback (service, success, result_data, user_data->user_data);
g_free (user_data->search_string);
g_slice_free (FindURLsData, user_data);
g_list_free_full (urls, (GDestroyNotify)ephy_history_url_free);
g_slist_free_full (list, (GDestroyNotify)free_potential_row);
g_clear_object (&priv->cancellable);
static void
update_search_terms (EphyCompletionModel *model,
const char *text)
const char *current;
const char *ptr;
char *tmp;
char *term;
GRegex *term_regex;
GRegex *quote_regex;
gint count;
gboolean inside_quotes = FALSE;
EphyCompletionModelPrivate *priv = model->priv;
if (priv->search_terms) {
free_search_terms (priv->search_terms);
priv->search_terms = NULL;
quote_regex = g_regex_new ("\"", G_REGEX_OPTIMIZE,
* This code loops through the string using pointer arythmetics.
* Although the string we are handling may contain UTF-8 chars
* this works because only ASCII chars affect what is actually
* copied from the string as a search term.
for (count = 0, current = ptr = text; ptr[0] != '\0'; ptr++, count++) {
* If we found a double quote character; we will
* consume bytes up until the next quote, or
* end of line;
if (ptr[0] == '"')
inside_quotes = !inside_quotes;
* If we found a space, and we are not looking for a
* closing double quote, or if the next char is the
* end of the string, append what we have already as
* a search term.
if (((ptr[0] == ' ') && (!inside_quotes)) || ptr[1] == '\0') {
* We special-case the end of the line because
* we would otherwise not copy the last character
* of the search string, since the for loop will
* stop before that.
if (ptr[1] == '\0')
* remove quotes, and quote any regex-sensitive
* characters
tmp = g_regex_escape_string (current, count);
term = g_regex_replace (quote_regex, tmp, -1, 0,
g_strstrip (term);
g_free (tmp);
/* we don't want empty search terms */
if (term[0] != '\0') {
term_regex = g_regex_new (term,
priv->search_terms = g_slist_append (priv->search_terms, term_regex);
g_free (term);
/* count will be incremented by the for loop */
count = -1;
current = ptr + 1;
g_regex_unref (quote_regex);
ephy_completion_model_update_for_string (EphyCompletionModel *model,
const char *search_string,
EphyHistoryJobCallback callback,
gpointer data)
EphyCompletionModelPrivate *priv;
char **strings;
int i;
GList *query = NULL;
FindURLsData *user_data;
g_return_if_fail (EPHY_IS_COMPLETION_MODEL (model));
g_return_if_fail (search_string != NULL);
priv = model->priv;
/* Split the search string. */
strings = g_strsplit (search_string, " ", -1);
for (i = 0; strings[i]; i++)
query = g_list_append (query, g_strdup (strings[i]));
g_strfreev (strings);
update_search_terms (model, search_string);
user_data = g_slice_new (FindURLsData);
user_data->model = model;
user_data->search_string = g_strdup (search_string);
user_data->callback = callback;
user_data->user_data = data;
if (priv->cancellable) {
g_cancellable_cancel (priv->cancellable);
g_object_unref (priv->cancellable);
priv->cancellable = g_cancellable_new ();
ephy_history_service_find_urls (priv->history_service,
0, 0,
query, priv->cancellable,
EphyCompletionModel *
ephy_completion_model_new (void)
return g_object_new (EPHY_TYPE_COMPLETION_MODEL, NULL);