#!/usr/bin/env python import os import re import urllib import csv import datetime from string import Template prev_tag = 'EMPATHY_0_21_4' username = 'xclaesse' upload_server = 'master.gnome.org' template = '''\ $name $version is now available for download from: $download $md5sums What is it? =========== $about You can visit the project web site: $website What's New? =========== $news $footer''' class Commit: ref = '' author = '' date = '' message = '' bug = '' summary = '' translation = False def parse(self): if self.message[len(self.message) - 1] == ')': p1 = self.message.rfind('(') self.author = self.message[p1+1:len(self.message) - 1] self.message = self.message[:p1] p1 = self.message.find('#') p2 = self.message.find(' ', p1) if p1 != -1: self.bug = self.message[p1+1:p2] message = self.message.lower() if message.find('translation') != -1 and\ message.find('updated') != -1: self.translation = True exp = '.*pdated(?P.*).ranslation.*' lang_re = re.compile(exp, re.S | re.M) match = lang_re.match(self.message) if match: lang = match.group('name').strip() self.summary = "Updated " + lang + " Translation" else: self.summary = self.message self.summary += ' (' + self.author + ').' return self.bug class Project: def __init__(self): f = open('config.h', 'r') s = f.read() f.close() key = {} key['package'] = '#define PACKAGE_NAME "' key['version'] = '#define PACKAGE_VERSION "' key['bugreport'] = '#define PACKAGE_BUGREPORT "' for line in s.splitlines(1): if line.startswith(key['package']): p1 = len(key['package']) p2 = line.rfind('"') self.package_name = line[p1:p2] elif line.startswith(key['version']): p1 = len(key['version']) p2 = line.rfind('"') self.package_version = line[p1:p2] elif line.startswith(key['bugreport']): p2 = line.rfind('"') p1 = line.rfind('=') + 1 self.package_module = line[p1:p2] first = self.package_version.find('.') second = self.package_version.find('.', first + 1) if first == -1 or second == -1 or first == second: version_dir = self.package_version else: version_dir = self.package_version[:second] self.package_dl_url = 'http://download.gnome.org/sources/%s/%s/' % (self.package_name.lower(), version_dir) def exec_cmd(self,cmd): return os.popen(cmd).read() def get_news(self): f = open ('NEWS', 'r') s = f.read() f.close() start = s.find ('NEW in '+ self.package_version) if start != -1: start = s.find ('\n', start) + 1 start = s.find ('\n', start) + 1 end = s.find ('NEW in', start) - 1 return s[start:end].strip() def get_md5sums(self): md5sums = '' cmd = 'md5sum %s-%s.tar.gz' % (self.package_name.lower(), self.package_version) md5sums += self.exec_cmd(cmd) cmd = 'md5sum %s-%s.tar.bz2' % (self.package_name.lower(), self.package_version) md5sums += self.exec_cmd(cmd).strip() return md5sums def get_bugzilla_info(self): query = 'http://bugzilla.gnome.org/browse.cgi?product=%s' % (self.package_module) f = urllib.urlopen(query) s = f.read() f.close() s1 = '

' i = s.find(s1) start = i + len(s1) s2 = '

' end = s.find(s2, i + 1) description = s[start:end] s1 = "GNOME SVN" i = s.find(s1) s1 = "href" i = s.find(s1, i) start = i + 6 s2 = '">' end = s.find(s2, start) project_url = s[start:end] return (description, project_url) def get_release_notes(self): name = self.package_name version = self.package_version download = self.package_dl_url md5sums = self.get_md5sums() (about, website) = self.get_bugzilla_info() news = self.get_news() footer = '%s\n%s team' % (datetime.date.today().strftime('%d %B %Y'),\ self.package_name) t = Template(template) return t.substitute(locals()) def get_commits(self): bugs = '' co = None commits = [] changes = self.exec_cmd ("git-log " + prev_tag + "..") for line in changes.splitlines(1): if line.startswith('commit'): if co != None: bug = co.parse() if bug: if bugs != '': bugs += ',' bugs += bug co = Commit() commits.append(co) p1 = line.find(' ') co.ref = line[p1:].strip() elif line.startswith('Author:'): p1 = line.find(' ') p2 = line.find('<') co.author = line[p1:p2].strip() elif line.startswith('Date:'): p1 = line.find(' ') co.date = line[p1:].strip() elif line.startswith(' git-svn-id:'): continue elif line.startswith('Merge:'): continue else: msg = line.strip() if msg == '': continue if msg.startswith('*'): p1 = msg.find(':') msg = msg[p1 + 1:].strip() elif msg.startswith('2007-') or msg.startswith('2008-'): continue if co.message != '': co.message += '\n' co.message += msg # Bugzilla query to use query = 'http://bugzilla.gnome.org/buglist.cgi?ctype=csv' \ '&bug_status=RESOLVED,CLOSED,VERIFIED' \ '&resolution=FIXED' \ '&bug_id=' + bugs.replace(',', '%2c') f = urllib.urlopen(query) s = f.read() f.close() col_bug_id = -1 col_description = -1 reader = csv.reader(s.splitlines(1)) header = reader.next() i = 0 for col in header: if col == 'bug_id': col_bug_id = i if col == 'short_short_desc': col_description = i i = i + 1 for row in reader: bug_number = row[col_bug_id] description = row[col_description] for co in commits: if co.bug == bug_number: co.summary = 'Fixed #%s, %s (%s)' % (co.bug, description, co.author) break return commits def make_tag(self): new_tag = self.package_name.upper() + '_' +\ self.package_version.replace('.', '_') url1 = self.exec_cmd('git-config svn-remote.svn.url').strip() url2 = url1[:url1.rfind('/')] + '/tags/' + new_tag self.exec_cmd('svn copy %s %s -m "Tagged for release %s."' % (url1, url2, self.package_version)) self.exec_cmd('git-tag -m "Tagged for release %s." %s' % ( self.package_version, new_tag)) def write_news(self): bugs = '' translations = '' others = '' commits = self.get_commits() for co in commits: if co.summary == '': others += '- ' + co.message + '\n' elif co.translation == False: bugs += '- ' + co.summary + '\n' else : translations += '- ' + co.summary + '\n' news = 'NEW in '+ self.package_version + '\n==============\n' news += others + '\nBugs fixed:\n' + bugs + '\nTranslations:\n' + translations + '\n' f = open ('/tmp/NEWS', 'w') s = f.write(news) f.close() self.exec_cmd('cat NEWS >> /tmp/NEWS') self.exec_cmd('mv /tmp/NEWS .') def upload_tarball(self): tarball = '%s-%s.tar.gz' % (self.package_name.lower(), self.package_version) cmd = 'scp %s %s@%s:' % (tarball, username, upload_server) self.exec_cmd(cmd) cmd = 'ssh %s@%s install-module %s' % (username, upload_server, tarball) self.exec_cmd(cmd) project = Project() print project.get_release_notes()