/* * Copyright (C) 2008 Collabora Ltd. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public * License along with this program; if not, write to the * Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * * Authors: Pierre-Luc Beaudoin <pierre-luc@pierlux.com> */ #include "config.h" #include <string.h> #include <glib/gi18n.h> #include <telepathy-glib/util.h> #if HAVE_GEOCLUE #include <geoclue/geoclue-master.h> #endif #include <extensions/extensions.h> #include "empathy-location-manager.h" #include "empathy-conf.h" #include "libempathy/empathy-enum-types.h" #include "libempathy/empathy-location.h" #include "libempathy/empathy-contact-factory.h" #include "libempathy/empathy-utils.h" #define DEBUG_FLAG EMPATHY_DEBUG_LOCATION #include "libempathy/empathy-debug.h" #define GET_PRIV(obj) EMPATHY_GET_PRIV (obj, EmpathyLocationManager) typedef struct { gboolean is_setup; MissionControl *mc; GHashTable *location; gpointer token; #if HAVE_GEOCLUE GeoclueResourceFlags resources; GeoclueMasterClient *gc_client; GeocluePosition *gc_position; GeoclueAddress *gc_address; #endif } EmpathyLocationManagerPriv; static void location_manager_finalize (GObject *object); static void location_manager_get_property (GObject *object, guint param_id, GValue *value, GParamSpec *pspec); static void location_manager_set_property (GObject *object, guint param_id, const GValue *value, GParamSpec *pspec); #if HAVE_GEOCLUE static void position_changed_cb (GeocluePosition *position, GeocluePositionFields fields, int timestamp, double latitude, double longitude, double altitude, GeoclueAccuracy *accuracy, gpointer user_data); static void address_changed_cb (GeoclueAddress *address, int timestamp, GHashTable *details, GeoclueAccuracy *accuracy, gpointer user_data); static void setup_geoclue (EmpathyLocationManager *location_manager); static void publish_cb (EmpathyConf *conf, const gchar *key, gpointer user_data); static void update_resources (EmpathyLocationManager *location_manager); static void resource_cb (EmpathyConf *conf, const gchar *key, gpointer user_data); #endif G_DEFINE_TYPE (EmpathyLocationManager, empathy_location_manager, G_TYPE_OBJECT); enum { PROP_0, }; static void empathy_location_manager_class_init (EmpathyLocationManagerClass *class) { GObjectClass *object_class; object_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (class); object_class->finalize = location_manager_finalize; object_class->get_property = location_manager_get_property; object_class->set_property = location_manager_set_property; g_type_class_add_private (object_class, sizeof (EmpathyLocationManagerPriv)); } static void publish_location (EmpathyLocationManager *location_manager, McAccount *account) { EmpathyLocationManagerPriv *priv; guint connection_status = -1; gboolean can_publish; EmpathyConf *conf = empathy_conf_get (); EmpathyContactFactory *factory = empathy_contact_factory_new (); priv = GET_PRIV (location_manager); if (!empathy_conf_get_bool (conf, EMPATHY_PREFS_LOCATION_PUBLISH, &can_publish)) return; if (!can_publish) return; connection_status = mission_control_get_connection_status (priv->mc, account, NULL); if (connection_status != TP_CONNECTION_STATUS_CONNECTED) return; DEBUG ("Publishing location to account %s", mc_account_get_display_name (account)); empathy_contact_factory_set_location (factory, account, priv->location); } static void publish_location_to_all_accounts (EmpathyLocationManager *location_manager) { GList *accounts = NULL, *l; accounts = mc_accounts_list_by_enabled (TRUE); for (l = accounts; l; l = l->next) { publish_location (location_manager, l->data); } mc_accounts_list_free (accounts); } static void account_status_changed_cb (MissionControl *mc, TpConnectionStatus status, McPresence presence, TpConnectionStatusReason reason, const gchar *unique_name, gpointer *location_manager) { DEBUG ("Account %s changed status to %d", unique_name, status); McAccount *account = mc_account_lookup (unique_name); if (account && status == TP_CONNECTION_STATUS_CONNECTED) publish_location (EMPATHY_LOCATION_MANAGER (location_manager), account); } static void empathy_location_manager_init (EmpathyLocationManager *location_manager) { EmpathyConf *conf; EmpathyLocationManagerPriv *priv = G_TYPE_INSTANCE_GET_PRIVATE (location_manager, EMPATHY_TYPE_LOCATION_MANAGER, EmpathyLocationManagerPriv); location_manager->priv = priv; priv->is_setup = FALSE; priv->mc = empathy_mission_control_new (); priv->location = g_hash_table_new_full (g_direct_hash, g_direct_equal, NULL, (GDestroyNotify) tp_g_value_slice_free); // Setup settings status callbacks conf = empathy_conf_get (); empathy_conf_notify_add (conf, EMPATHY_PREFS_LOCATION_PUBLISH, publish_cb, location_manager); empathy_conf_notify_add (conf, EMPATHY_PREFS_LOCATION_RESOURCE_NETWORK, resource_cb, location_manager); empathy_conf_notify_add (conf, EMPATHY_PREFS_LOCATION_RESOURCE_CELL, resource_cb, location_manager); empathy_conf_notify_add (conf, EMPATHY_PREFS_LOCATION_RESOURCE_GPS, resource_cb, location_manager); publish_cb (conf, EMPATHY_PREFS_LOCATION_PUBLISH, location_manager); resource_cb (conf, EMPATHY_PREFS_LOCATION_RESOURCE_NETWORK, location_manager); resource_cb (conf, EMPATHY_PREFS_LOCATION_RESOURCE_CELL, location_manager); resource_cb (conf, EMPATHY_PREFS_LOCATION_RESOURCE_GPS, location_manager); // Setup account status callbacks priv->token = empathy_connect_to_account_status_changed (priv->mc, G_CALLBACK (account_status_changed_cb), location_manager, NULL); } static void location_manager_finalize (GObject *object) { EmpathyLocationManagerPriv *priv; priv = GET_PRIV (object); DEBUG ("finalize: %p", object); G_OBJECT_CLASS (empathy_location_manager_parent_class)->finalize (object); } static void location_manager_get_property (GObject *object, guint param_id, GValue *value, GParamSpec *pspec) { EmpathyLocationManagerPriv *priv; priv = GET_PRIV (object); switch (param_id) { default: G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID (object, param_id, pspec); break; }; } static void location_manager_set_property (GObject *object, guint param_id, const GValue *value, GParamSpec *pspec) { EmpathyLocationManagerPriv *priv; priv = GET_PRIV (object); switch (param_id) { default: G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID (object, param_id, pspec); break; }; } EmpathyLocationManager * empathy_location_manager_get_default (void) { static EmpathyLocationManager *singleton = NULL; if (singleton == NULL) singleton = g_object_new (EMPATHY_TYPE_LOCATION_MANAGER, NULL); return singleton; } #if HAVE_GEOCLUE static void position_changed_cb (GeocluePosition *position, GeocluePositionFields fields, int timestamp, double latitude, double longitude, double altitude, GeoclueAccuracy *accuracy, gpointer user_data) { GeoclueAccuracyLevel level; geoclue_accuracy_get_details (accuracy, &level, NULL, NULL); DEBUG ("New position (accuracy level %d)", level); if (level == GEOCLUE_ACCURACY_LEVEL_NONE) return; if (fields & GEOCLUE_POSITION_FIELDS_LATITUDE && fields & GEOCLUE_POSITION_FIELDS_LONGITUDE) { DEBUG ("\t%f, %f", latitude, longitude); publish_location_to_all_accounts (EMPATHY_LOCATION_MANAGER (user_data)); } else { DEBUG ("- latitude and longitude not valid."); } } static void address_changed_cb (GeoclueAddress *address, int timestamp, GHashTable *details, GeoclueAccuracy *accuracy, gpointer user_data) { GeoclueAccuracyLevel level; geoclue_accuracy_get_details (accuracy, &level, NULL, NULL); DEBUG ("New address (accuracy level %d):\n", level); // XXX todo publish_location_to_all_accounts (EMPATHY_LOCATION_MANAGER (user_data)); } static void update_resources (EmpathyLocationManager *location_manager) { EmpathyLocationManagerPriv *priv; priv = GET_PRIV (location_manager); if (!priv->is_setup) return; DEBUG ("Updating resources"); if (!geoclue_master_client_set_requirements (priv->gc_client, GEOCLUE_ACCURACY_LEVEL_COUNTRY, 0, TRUE, priv->resources, NULL)) g_printerr ("set_requirements failed"); } static void setup_geoclue (EmpathyLocationManager *location_manager) { EmpathyLocationManagerPriv *priv; priv = GET_PRIV (location_manager); GeoclueMaster *master; GError *error = NULL; DEBUG ("Setting up Geoclue"); master = geoclue_master_get_default (); priv->gc_client = geoclue_master_create_client (master, NULL, NULL); g_object_unref (master); update_resources (location_manager); /* Get updated when the position is changes */ priv->gc_position = geoclue_master_client_create_position ( priv->gc_client, &error); if (priv->gc_position == NULL) { g_printerr ("Failed to create GeocluePosition: %s", error->message); return; } g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (priv->gc_position), "position-changed", G_CALLBACK (position_changed_cb), location_manager); /* Get updated when the address changes */ priv->gc_address = geoclue_master_client_create_address ( priv->gc_client, &error); if (priv->gc_address == NULL) { g_printerr ("Failed to create GeoclueAddress: %s", error->message); return; } g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (priv->gc_address), "address-changed", G_CALLBACK (address_changed_cb), location_manager); priv->is_setup = TRUE; } static void publish_cb (EmpathyConf *conf, const gchar *key, gpointer user_data) { EmpathyLocationManager *manager = EMPATHY_LOCATION_MANAGER (user_data); EmpathyLocationManagerPriv *priv; gboolean can_publish; DEBUG ("Publish Conf changed"); priv = GET_PRIV (manager); if (!empathy_conf_get_bool (conf, key, &can_publish)) return; if (can_publish && !priv->is_setup) setup_geoclue (manager); } static void resource_cb (EmpathyConf *conf, const gchar *key, gpointer user_data) { EmpathyLocationManager *manager = EMPATHY_LOCATION_MANAGER (user_data); EmpathyLocationManagerPriv *priv; GeoclueResourceFlags resource = 0; gboolean resource_enabled; priv = GET_PRIV (manager); DEBUG ("A Resource Conf changed"); if (empathy_conf_get_bool (conf, key, &resource_enabled)) { if (strcmp (key, EMPATHY_PREFS_LOCATION_RESOURCE_NETWORK)) resource = GEOCLUE_RESOURCE_NETWORK; if (strcmp (key, EMPATHY_PREFS_LOCATION_RESOURCE_CELL)) resource = GEOCLUE_RESOURCE_CELL; if (strcmp (key, EMPATHY_PREFS_LOCATION_RESOURCE_GPS)) resource = GEOCLUE_RESOURCE_GPS; } if (resource_enabled) priv->resources |= resource; else priv->resources &= resource; update_resources (manager); } #endif