<page xmlns="http://projectmallard.org/1.0/" xmlns:e="http://projectmallrd.org/experimental/" type="topic" style="task" id="irc-start-conversation"> <info> <link type="guide" xref="irc-manage#manage" group="two"/> <desc>Start a conversation with an IRC contact.</desc> <revision pkgversion="2.28" version="0.1" date="2009-08-14" status="review"> <!-- <e:review by="shaunm@gnome.org" date="2009-08-31" status="done"/> --> </revision> <credit type="author"> <name>Milo Casagrande</name> <email>milo@ubuntu.com</email> </credit> <license> <p>Creative Commons Share Alike 3.0</p> </license> <!-- <copyright> <year>2009</year> <name>GNOME Documentation Project</name> </copyright> <include href="legal.xml" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude"/> --> </info> <title>Chat with somebody on IRC</title> <p>You can hold private conversations with other IRC users, outside of the public IRC chat rooms. To start a conversation with another IRC user:</p> <steps> <item> <p>In the contact list for an IRC chat room, double click the name of the user you want to chat with. Alternatively, right click the name of the user and choose <gui>Chat</gui>.</p> </item> </steps> <list> <item> <p> The IRC room contact list is not the same as <app>Empathy</app> contact list. It contains a list of users in the IRC chat room you joined. Different rooms can have different contacts listed. </p> </item> <item> <p> The IRC room contact list is usually on the right side of the IRC room window. If you do not see it, choose <guiseq><gui>Conversation</gui><gui>Show Contact List</gui></guiseq>. </p> </item> </list> </page>