Copyright (C) 2008 Collabora Ltd. Copyright (C) 2008 Nokia Corporation

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An interface on connections to support protocols which allow users to publish their current geographical location, and subscribe to the current location of their contacts.

This interface is geared strongly towards automatic propagation and use of this information, so focuses on latitude, longitude and altitude which can be determined by GPS, although provision is also included for an optional human-readable description of locations. All co-ordinate information is required to be relative to the WGS84 datum.

The information published through this interface is intended to have the same scope as presence information, so will normally be made available to those individuals on the user's "publish" contact list. Even so, user interfaces should not automatically publish location information without the consent of the user, and it is recommended that an option is made available to reduce the accuracy of the reported information to allow the user to maintain their privacy.

Location information is represented using the terminology of XMPP's XEP-0080 or the XEP-0080-derived Geoclue API where possible.

A location accuracy level. This should be kept in sync with GeoclueAccuracyLevel in the Geoclue project. The accuracy is unspecified. The location indicates the contact's country. The location indicates the contact's region within a country. The location indicates the contact's locality within a region (e.g. the correct city). The location indicates the correct postal code. The location indicates the correct street. The location's accuracy is given by the error, horizontal-error-m and/or vertical-error-m keys. A user's location, represented as an extensible mapping.

Civic addresses are represented by the following well-known keys (all of which have string values), which should be kept in sync with those used in XEP-0080 and in the Geoclue project:

  • countrycode - s: an ISO-3166-1 alpha-2 (two-letter) country code, e.g. "us", "gb", "fr"
  • country - s: a country name in unspecified locale, e.g. "USA"
  • region - s: an administrative region of the nation, such as a state or province
  • locality - s: a locality within the administrative region, such as a town or city
  • area - s: a named area such as a campus or neighborhood
  • postalcode - s: a code used for postal delivery
  • street - s: a thoroughfare within the locality, or a crossing of two thoroughfares

The following address keys are defined in XEP-0080 but not by Geoclue, and are also allowed:

  • building - s: a specific building on a street or in an area
  • floor - s: a particular floor in a building
  • room - s: a particular room in a building
  • text - s: any more specific information, e.g. "Northwest corner of the lobby"
  • description - s: A natural-language name for or description of the location, e.g. "Bill's house"
  • uri - s: a URI representing the location or pointing to more information about it

Positions are represented by the following well-known keys:

  • lat - d: latitude in decimal degrees north, -90 to +90, relative to the WGS-84 datum This is from XEP-0080; the XEP allows use of a different datum, but recommends this one. We enforce sanity by requiring a consistent datum: a minimal compliant implementation of this specification in terms of XEP-0080 would simply ignore the <lat> and <lon> elements if <datum> exists and has a value other than WGS-84, while an advanced implementation might correct for the different datum.
  • lon - d: Longitude in decimal degrees east, -180 to +180, relative to the WGS-84 datum Same rationale as 'lat'
  • alt - d: altitude in metres above sea level (negative if below sea level) This is from XEP-0080
  • accuracy-level - i (Location_Accuracy_Level): an indication of accuracy, which SHOULD be omitted if it would be Location_Accuracy_Level_None or Location_Accuracy_Level_Detailed This is a struct field in GeoClue; the name is new in this specification, and was chosen in an attempt to avoid clashing with any future XEP-0080 terminology.
  • error - d: horizontal position error in arc-minutes (1/60 degree) if known This is from XEP-0080
  • vertical-error-m - d: vertical position error in metres if known This exists as a struct field in GeoClue; the name is new in this specification.
  • horizontal-error-m - d: horizontal position error in metres if known This exists as a struct field in GeoClue; the name is new in this specification.

Velocities are represented by the following well-known keys:

  • speed - d: speed in metres per second This is from XEP-0080
  • bearing - d: direction of movement in decimal degrees, where North is 0 and East is 90 This is from XEP-0080, and is equivalent to the struct field called "direction" in GeoClue
  • climb - d: rate of change of 'alt' in metres per second This is a struct field in GeoClue; the name is new to this specification, but seems uncontroversial

Other well-known keys:

  • timestamp - t (Unix_Timestamp64): the time that the contact was at this location, in seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z (i.e. the beginning of 1970 in UTC) XEP-0080 uses an ISO 8601 string for this, but a number of seconds since the epoch is probably easier to work with.
The value corresponding to the well-known key.
Return the current locations of the given contacts, if they are already known. If any of the given contacts' locations are not known, request their current locations, and later emit LocationUpdated for them; the LocationUpdated signal for contacts whose location could not be determined will have an empty Location. The contacts whose locations should be returned or signalled. The contacts' locations, if already known. Contacts whose locations are not already known are omitted from the mapping; contacts known to have no location information appear in the mapping with an empty Location dictionary. Emitted when a contact's location changes or becomes known. The contact The contact's location, or empty to indicate that nothing is known about the contact's location. Set the local user's own location. The location to advertise. If the user wants to obscure their exact location by reducing the precision or accuracy, clients MUST do this themselves, rather than relying on the connection manager to do so. Clients that interact with more than one connection SHOULD advertise the same reduced-accuracy location to all of them, so that contacts cannot obtain an undesirably accurate location by assuming that random errors have been added and averaging the locations advertised on multiple connections. The types of access control that are supported by this connection. The current access control mechanism and settings for this connection. Before publishing location for the first time, if this has not been set by a client, implementations SHOULD set it to be as restrictive as possible (an empty whitelist, if supported).