Patches ======= This package uses cdbs simple-patch-system to store modifications to the upstream source. To get the fully patched source: make -f debian/rules patch To revert to what's in git: make -f debian/rules unpatch To add a patch: obtain a diff and put it in debian/patches, or see below To remove an existing patch: delete it from debian/patches Packaging using git =================== The repository contains an appropriate debian/gbp.conf to build this package using git-buildpackage. The debian branch contains the latest upstream versions (for unstable, or experimental while a freeze is in progress). The debian-lenny branch contains versions targeted for lenny, etc. Here's how to build it: git clone git:// cd empathy git checkout debian git-buildpackage -us -uc or for testing/stable branches like debian-lenny: git clone git:// cd empathy git checkout debian-lenny git-buildpackage -us -uc --git-debian-branch=debian-lenny The branch 'upstream' is a copy of the contents of upstream tarballs. To import upstream tarballs use: git checkout debian git-import-orig ~/empathy-2.x.tar.gz The branch 'debian-patches' is 'upstream' plus any patches needed for Debian. It should be rebased on 'upstream' after each upstream release: git checkout debian-patches git rebase upstream The preferred way of adding patches is to cherry pick from an upstream repository: git remote add collabora \ git+ssh:// git fetch git checkout debian-patches git cherry-pick xxxxxxxxxxxxxx git checkout debian fakeroot debian/rules update-patches