#!/bin/bash BOOTNODE_FLAGS="--bootnodes enode://b0dacdaceb9ce26f89406e8048d279d3aa81c770e967db7e2556e416ca446de0e9327dbdf85eb56c421eeabbc843ceb8f373e7a26dc31d48178620e48cb095c4@" GENESIS="genesis.json" GDEX="../build/bin/gtan" BOOTNODE="../build/bin/bootnode" CONTINUE=false SMOKETEST=false while [[ $# -gt 0 ]]; do case "$1" in --continue) CONTINUE=true ;; --smoke-test) SMOKETEST=true ;; esac shift done if [ ! -e "$BOOTNODE" ]; then echo "Building bootnode for the first time ..." go build -o $BOOTNODE ../cmd/bootnode fi # Start bootnode. $BOOTNODE -nodekey keystore/bootnode.key --verbosity=9 > bootnode.log 2>&1 & # Kill all previous instances. pkill -9 -f gtan logsdir=$PWD/log-$(date '+%Y-%m-%d-%H:%M:%S') mkdir $logsdir if [ -e log-latest ]; then rm -f log-previous mv log-latest log-previous fi rm -f log-latest ln -s $logsdir log-latest # the recovery contract address 0x80859F3d0D781c2c4126962cab0c977b37820e78 is deployed using keystore/monkey.key if $SMOKETEST; then if [ `uname` == "Darwin" ]; then sed -i '' 's/"contract":.*,/"contract": "0x80859F3d0D781c2c4126962cab0c977b37820e78",/g' genesis.json else sed -i 's/"contract":.*,/"contract": "0x80859F3d0D781c2c4126962cab0c977b37820e78",/g' genesis.json fi fi python << __FILE__ import re import time with open('$GENESIS', 'r') as f: data = f.read() with open('$GENESIS', 'w') as f: dMoment = int(time.time()) + 15 f.write(re.sub('"dMoment": [0-9]+,', '"dMoment": %d,' % dMoment, data)) __FILE__ # A standalone RPC server for accepting RPC requests. datadir=$PWD/Tangerine.rpc if ! $CONTINUE; then rm -rf $datadir $GDEX --datadir=$datadir init ${GENESIS} fi $GDEX \ ${BOOTNODE_FLAGS} \ --verbosity=3 \ --nat=none \ --gcmode=archive \ --datadir=$datadir --nodekey=keystore/rpc.key \ --rpc --rpcapi=eth,net,web3,debug \ --rpcaddr= --rpcport=8545 \ --ws --wsapi=eth,net,web3,debug \ --wsaddr= --wsport=8546 \ --wsorigins='*' --rpcvhosts='*' --rpccorsdomain="*" \ > $logsdir/gtan.rpc.log 2>&1 & NUM_NODES=$(cat ${GENESIS} | grep 'Tangerine Test Node' | wc -l) RECOVERY_FLAGS="--recovery.network-rpc=https://rinkeby.infura.io" if $SMOKETEST; then RECOVERY_FLAGS="--recovery.network-rpc=" fi # Nodes for i in $(seq 0 $(($NUM_NODES - 1))); do datadir=$PWD/Tangerine.$i if ! $CONTINUE; then rm -rf $datadir $GDEX --datadir=$datadir init ${GENESIS} fi $GDEX \ ${BOOTNODE_FLAGS} \ --bp \ --verbosity=4 \ --nat=none \ --gcmode=archive \ --datadir=$datadir --nodekey=keystore/test$i.key \ --port=$((30305 + $i)) \ ${RECOVERY_FLAGS} \ --rpc --rpcapi=eth,net,web3,debug \ --rpcaddr= --rpcport=$((8547 + $i * 2)) \ --ws --wsapi=eth,net,web3,debug \ --wsaddr= --wsport=$((8548 + $i * 2)) \ --wsorigins='*' --rpcvhosts='*' --rpccorsdomain="*" \ --pprof --pprofaddr=localhost --pprofport=$((6060 + $i)) \ > $logsdir/gtan.$i.log 2>&1 & done if ! $SMOKETEST; then tail -f $logsdir/gtan.*.log fi