// Copyright 2015 The go-ethereum Authors
// This file is part of the go-ethereum library.
// The go-ethereum library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// The go-ethereum library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
// along with the go-ethereum library. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

package p2p

import (


const (
	// This is the amount of time spent waiting in between redialing a certain node. The
	// limit is a bit higher than inboundThrottleTime to prevent failing dials in small
	// private networks.
	dialHistoryExpiration = inboundThrottleTime + 5*time.Second

	// Discovery lookups are throttled and can only run
	// once every few seconds.
	lookupInterval = 4 * time.Second

	// If no peers are found for this amount of time, the initial bootnodes are
	// attempted to be connected.
	fallbackInterval = 20 * time.Second

	// Endpoint resolution is throttled with bounded backoff.
	initialResolveDelay = 60 * time.Second
	maxResolveDelay     = time.Hour

// NodeDialer is used to connect to nodes in the network, typically by using
// an underlying net.Dialer but also using net.Pipe in tests
type NodeDialer interface {
	Dial(*enode.Node) (net.Conn, error)

// TCPDialer implements the NodeDialer interface by using a net.Dialer to
// create TCP connections to nodes in the network
type TCPDialer struct {

// Dial creates a TCP connection to the node
func (t TCPDialer) Dial(dest *enode.Node) (net.Conn, error) {
	addr := &net.TCPAddr{IP: dest.IP(), Port: dest.TCP()}
	return t.Dialer.Dial("tcp", addr.String())

// dialstate schedules dials and discovery lookups.
// It gets a chance to compute new tasks on every iteration
// of the main loop in Server.run.
type dialstate struct {
	maxDynDials int
	ntab        discoverTable
	netrestrict *netutil.Netlist
	self        enode.ID
	bootnodes   []*enode.Node // default dials when there are no peers
	log         log.Logger

	start         time.Time // time when the dialer was first used
	lookupRunning bool
	dialing       map[enode.ID]connFlag
	lookupBuf     []*enode.Node // current discovery lookup results
	randomNodes   []*enode.Node // filled from Table
	static        map[enode.ID]*dialTask
	hist          expHeap

type discoverTable interface {
	Resolve(*enode.Node) *enode.Node
	LookupRandom() []*enode.Node
	ReadRandomNodes([]*enode.Node) int

type task interface {

// A dialTask is generated for each node that is dialed. Its
// fields cannot be accessed while the task is running.
type dialTask struct {
	flags        connFlag
	dest         *enode.Node
	lastResolved time.Time
	resolveDelay time.Duration

// discoverTask runs discovery table operations.
// Only one discoverTask is active at any time.
// discoverTask.Do performs a random lookup.
type discoverTask struct {
	results []*enode.Node

// A waitExpireTask is generated if there are no other tasks
// to keep the loop in Server.run ticking.
type waitExpireTask struct {

func newDialState(self enode.ID, ntab discoverTable, maxdyn int, cfg *Config) *dialstate {
	s := &dialstate{
		maxDynDials: maxdyn,
		ntab:        ntab,
		self:        self,
		netrestrict: cfg.NetRestrict,
		log:         cfg.Logger,
		static:      make(map[enode.ID]*dialTask),
		dialing:     make(map[enode.ID]connFlag),
		bootnodes:   make([]*enode.Node, len(cfg.BootstrapNodes)),
		randomNodes: make([]*enode.Node, maxdyn/2),
	copy(s.bootnodes, cfg.BootstrapNodes)
	if s.log == nil {
		s.log = log.Root()
	for _, n := range cfg.StaticNodes {
	return s

func (s *dialstate) addStatic(n *enode.Node) {
	// This overwrites the task instead of updating an existing
	// entry, giving users the opportunity to force a resolve operation.
	s.static[n.ID()] = &dialTask{flags: staticDialedConn, dest: n}

func (s *dialstate) removeStatic(n *enode.Node) {
	// This removes a task so future attempts to connect will not be made.
	delete(s.static, n.ID())

func (s *dialstate) newTasks(nRunning int, peers map[enode.ID]*Peer, now time.Time) []task {
	if s.start.IsZero() {
		s.start = now

	var newtasks []task
	addDial := func(flag connFlag, n *enode.Node) bool {
		if err := s.checkDial(n, peers); err != nil {
			s.log.Trace("Skipping dial candidate", "id", n.ID(), "addr", &net.TCPAddr{IP: n.IP(), Port: n.TCP()}, "err", err)
			return false
		s.dialing[n.ID()] = flag
		newtasks = append(newtasks, &dialTask{flags: flag, dest: n})
		return true

	// Compute number of dynamic dials necessary at this point.
	needDynDials := s.maxDynDials
	for _, p := range peers {
		if p.rw.is(dynDialedConn) {
	for _, flag := range s.dialing {
		if flag&dynDialedConn != 0 {

	// Expire the dial history on every invocation.

	// Create dials for static nodes if they are not connected.
	for id, t := range s.static {
		err := s.checkDial(t.dest, peers)
		switch err {
		case errNotWhitelisted, errSelf:
			s.log.Warn("Removing static dial candidate", "id", t.dest.ID, "addr", &net.TCPAddr{IP: t.dest.IP(), Port: t.dest.TCP()}, "err", err)
			delete(s.static, t.dest.ID())
		case nil:
			s.dialing[id] = t.flags
			newtasks = append(newtasks, t)
	// If we don't have any peers whatsoever, try to dial a random bootnode. This
	// scenario is useful for the testnet (and private networks) where the discovery
	// table might be full of mostly bad peers, making it hard to find good ones.
	if len(peers) == 0 && len(s.bootnodes) > 0 && needDynDials > 0 && now.Sub(s.start) > fallbackInterval {
		bootnode := s.bootnodes[0]
		s.bootnodes = append(s.bootnodes[:0], s.bootnodes[1:]...)
		s.bootnodes = append(s.bootnodes, bootnode)

		if addDial(dynDialedConn, bootnode) {
	// Use random nodes from the table for half of the necessary
	// dynamic dials.
	randomCandidates := needDynDials / 2
	if randomCandidates > 0 {
		n := s.ntab.ReadRandomNodes(s.randomNodes)
		for i := 0; i < randomCandidates && i < n; i++ {
			if addDial(dynDialedConn, s.randomNodes[i]) {
	// Create dynamic dials from random lookup results, removing tried
	// items from the result buffer.
	i := 0
	for ; i < len(s.lookupBuf) && needDynDials > 0; i++ {
		if addDial(dynDialedConn, s.lookupBuf[i]) {
	s.lookupBuf = s.lookupBuf[:copy(s.lookupBuf, s.lookupBuf[i:])]
	// Launch a discovery lookup if more candidates are needed.
	if len(s.lookupBuf) < needDynDials && !s.lookupRunning {
		s.lookupRunning = true
		newtasks = append(newtasks, &discoverTask{})

	// Launch a timer to wait for the next node to expire if all
	// candidates have been tried and no task is currently active.
	// This should prevent cases where the dialer logic is not ticked
	// because there are no pending events.
	if nRunning == 0 && len(newtasks) == 0 && s.hist.Len() > 0 {
		t := &waitExpireTask{s.hist.nextExpiry().Sub(now)}
		newtasks = append(newtasks, t)
	return newtasks

var (
	errSelf             = errors.New("is self")
	errAlreadyDialing   = errors.New("already dialing")
	errAlreadyConnected = errors.New("already connected")
	errRecentlyDialed   = errors.New("recently dialed")
	errNotWhitelisted   = errors.New("not contained in netrestrict whitelist")

func (s *dialstate) checkDial(n *enode.Node, peers map[enode.ID]*Peer) error {
	_, dialing := s.dialing[n.ID()]
	switch {
	case dialing:
		return errAlreadyDialing
	case peers[n.ID()] != nil:
		return errAlreadyConnected
	case n.ID() == s.self:
		return errSelf
	case s.netrestrict != nil && !s.netrestrict.Contains(n.IP()):
		return errNotWhitelisted
	case s.hist.contains(string(n.ID().Bytes())):
		return errRecentlyDialed
	return nil

func (s *dialstate) taskDone(t task, now time.Time) {
	switch t := t.(type) {
	case *dialTask:
		s.hist.add(string(t.dest.ID().Bytes()), now.Add(dialHistoryExpiration))
		delete(s.dialing, t.dest.ID())
	case *discoverTask:
		s.lookupRunning = false
		s.lookupBuf = append(s.lookupBuf, t.results...)

func (t *dialTask) Do(srv *Server) {
	if t.dest.Incomplete() {
		if !t.resolve(srv) {
	err := t.dial(srv, t.dest)
	if err != nil {
		srv.log.Trace("Dial error", "task", t, "err", err)
		// Try resolving the ID of static nodes if dialing failed.
		if _, ok := err.(*dialError); ok && t.flags&staticDialedConn != 0 {
			if t.resolve(srv) {
				t.dial(srv, t.dest)

// resolve attempts to find the current endpoint for the destination
// using discovery.
// Resolve operations are throttled with backoff to avoid flooding the
// discovery network with useless queries for nodes that don't exist.
// The backoff delay resets when the node is found.
func (t *dialTask) resolve(srv *Server) bool {
	if srv.ntab == nil {
		srv.log.Debug("Can't resolve node", "id", t.dest.ID, "err", "discovery is disabled")
		return false
	if t.resolveDelay == 0 {
		t.resolveDelay = initialResolveDelay
	if time.Since(t.lastResolved) < t.resolveDelay {
		return false
	resolved := srv.ntab.Resolve(t.dest)
	t.lastResolved = time.Now()
	if resolved == nil {
		t.resolveDelay *= 2
		if t.resolveDelay > maxResolveDelay {
			t.resolveDelay = maxResolveDelay
		srv.log.Debug("Resolving node failed", "id", t.dest.ID, "newdelay", t.resolveDelay)
		return false
	// The node was found.
	t.resolveDelay = initialResolveDelay
	t.dest = resolved
	srv.log.Debug("Resolved node", "id", t.dest.ID, "addr", &net.TCPAddr{IP: t.dest.IP(), Port: t.dest.TCP()})
	return true

type dialError struct {

// dial performs the actual connection attempt.
func (t *dialTask) dial(srv *Server, dest *enode.Node) error {
	fd, err := srv.Dialer.Dial(dest)
	if err != nil {
		return &dialError{err}
	mfd := newMeteredConn(fd, false, dest.IP())
	return srv.SetupConn(mfd, t.flags, dest)

func (t *dialTask) String() string {
	id := t.dest.ID()
	return fmt.Sprintf("%v %x %v:%d", t.flags, id[:8], t.dest.IP(), t.dest.TCP())

func (t *discoverTask) Do(srv *Server) {
	// newTasks generates a lookup task whenever dynamic dials are
	// necessary. Lookups need to take some time, otherwise the
	// event loop spins too fast.
	next := srv.lastLookup.Add(lookupInterval)
	if now := time.Now(); now.Before(next) {
	srv.lastLookup = time.Now()
	t.results = srv.ntab.LookupRandom()

func (t *discoverTask) String() string {
	s := "discovery lookup"
	if len(t.results) > 0 {
		s += fmt.Sprintf(" (%d results)", len(t.results))
	return s

func (t waitExpireTask) Do(*Server) {
func (t waitExpireTask) String() string {
	return fmt.Sprintf("wait for dial hist expire (%v)", t.Duration)