package ethutil

import (

// Data values are returned by the rlp decoder. The data values represents
// one item within the rlp data structure. It's responsible for all the casting
// It always returns something valid
type Value struct {
	Val  interface{}
	kind reflect.Value

func (val *Value) String() string {
	return fmt.Sprintf("%x", val.Val)

func NewValue(val interface{}) *Value {
	t := val
	if v, ok := val.(*Value); ok {
		t = v.Val

	return &Value{Val: t}

func (val *Value) Type() reflect.Kind {
	return reflect.TypeOf(val.Val).Kind()

func (val *Value) IsNil() bool {
	return val.Val == nil

func (val *Value) Len() int {
	//return val.kind.Len()
	if data, ok := val.Val.([]interface{}); ok {
		return len(data)

	return len(val.Bytes())

func (val *Value) Raw() interface{} {
	return val.Val

func (val *Value) Interface() interface{} {
	return val.Val

func (val *Value) Uint() uint64 {
	if Val, ok := val.Val.(uint8); ok {
		return uint64(Val)
	} else if Val, ok := val.Val.(uint16); ok {
		return uint64(Val)
	} else if Val, ok := val.Val.(uint32); ok {
		return uint64(Val)
	} else if Val, ok := val.Val.(uint64); ok {
		return Val
	} else if Val, ok := val.Val.(int); ok {
		return uint64(Val)
	} else if Val, ok := val.Val.(uint); ok {
		return uint64(Val)
	} else if Val, ok := val.Val.([]byte); ok {
		return new(big.Int).SetBytes(Val).Uint64()
	} else if Val, ok := val.Val.(*big.Int); ok {
		return Val.Uint64()

	return 0

func (val *Value) Int() int64 {
	if Val, ok := val.Val.(int8); ok {
		return int64(Val)
	} else if Val, ok := val.Val.(int16); ok {
		return int64(Val)
	} else if Val, ok := val.Val.(int32); ok {
		return int64(Val)
	} else if Val, ok := val.Val.(int64); ok {
		return Val
	} else if Val, ok := val.Val.(int); ok {
		return int64(Val)
	} else if Val, ok := val.Val.(float32); ok {
		return int64(Val)
	} else if Val, ok := val.Val.(float64); ok {
		return int64(Val)
	} else if Val, ok := val.Val.([]byte); ok {
		return new(big.Int).SetBytes(Val).Int64()
	} else if Val, ok := val.Val.(*big.Int); ok {
		return Val.Int64()

	return 0

func (val *Value) Byte() byte {
	if Val, ok := val.Val.(byte); ok {
		return Val

	return 0x0

func (val *Value) BigInt() *big.Int {
	if a, ok := val.Val.([]byte); ok {
		b := new(big.Int).SetBytes(a)

		return b
	} else if a, ok := val.Val.(*big.Int); ok {
		return a
	} else {
		return big.NewInt(int64(val.Uint()))

	return big.NewInt(0)

func (val *Value) Str() string {
	if a, ok := val.Val.([]byte); ok {
		return string(a)
	} else if a, ok := val.Val.(string); ok {
		return a
	} else if a, ok := val.Val.(byte); ok {
		return string(a)

	return ""

func (val *Value) Bytes() []byte {
	if a, ok := val.Val.([]byte); ok {
		return a
	} else if s, ok := val.Val.(byte); ok {
		return []byte{s}
	} else if s, ok := val.Val.(string); ok {
		return []byte(s)
	} else if s, ok := val.Val.(*big.Int); ok {
		return s.Bytes()
	} else {
		return big.NewInt(val.Int()).Bytes()

	return []byte{}

func (val *Value) Err() error {
	if err, ok := val.Val.(error); ok {
		return err

	return nil

func (val *Value) Slice() []interface{} {
	if d, ok := val.Val.([]interface{}); ok {
		return d

	return []interface{}{}

func (val *Value) SliceFrom(from int) *Value {
	slice := val.Slice()

	return NewValue(slice[from:])

func (val *Value) SliceTo(to int) *Value {
	slice := val.Slice()

	return NewValue(slice[:to])

func (val *Value) SliceFromTo(from, to int) *Value {
	slice := val.Slice()

	return NewValue(slice[from:to])

// TODO More type checking methods
func (val *Value) IsSlice() bool {
	return val.Type() == reflect.Slice

func (val *Value) IsStr() bool {
	return val.Type() == reflect.String

func (self *Value) IsErr() bool {
	_, ok := self.Val.(error)
	return ok

// Special list checking function. Something is considered
// a list if it's of type []interface{}. The list is usually
// used in conjunction with rlp decoded streams.
func (val *Value) IsList() bool {
	_, ok := val.Val.([]interface{})

	return ok

func (val *Value) IsEmpty() bool {
	return val.Val == nil || ((val.IsSlice() || val.IsStr()) && val.Len() == 0)

// Threat the value as a slice
func (val *Value) Get(idx int) *Value {
	if d, ok := val.Val.([]interface{}); ok {
		// Guard for oob
		if len(d) <= idx {
			return NewValue(nil)

		if idx < 0 {
			return NewValue(nil)

		return NewValue(d[idx])

	// If this wasn't a slice you probably shouldn't be using this function
	return NewValue(nil)

func (self *Value) Copy() *Value {
	switch val := self.Val.(type) {
	case *big.Int:
		return NewValue(new(big.Int).Set(val))
	case []byte:
		return NewValue(CopyBytes(val))
		return NewValue(self.Val)

	return nil

func (val *Value) Cmp(o *Value) bool {
	return reflect.DeepEqual(val.Val, o.Val)

func (self *Value) DeepCmp(o *Value) bool {
	a := NewValue(self.BigInt())
	b := NewValue(o.BigInt())

	return a.Cmp(b)

func (val *Value) Encode() []byte {
	return Encode(val.Val)

// Assume that the data we have is encoded
func (self *Value) Decode() {
	v, _ := Decode(self.Bytes(), 0)
	self.Val = v
	//self.Val = DecodeWithReader(bytes.NewBuffer(self.Bytes()))

func NewValueFromBytes(data []byte) *Value {
	if len(data) != 0 {
		value := NewValue(data)

		return value

	return NewValue(nil)

// Value setters
func NewSliceValue(s interface{}) *Value {
	list := EmptyValue()

	if s != nil {
		if slice, ok := s.([]interface{}); ok {
			for _, val := range slice {
		} else if slice, ok := s.([]string); ok {
			for _, val := range slice {

	return list

func EmptyValue() *Value {
	return NewValue([]interface{}{})

func (val *Value) AppendList() *Value {
	list := EmptyValue()
	val.Val = append(val.Slice(), list)

	return list

func (val *Value) Append(v interface{}) *Value {
	val.Val = append(val.Slice(), v)

	return val

const (
	valOpAdd = iota

// Math stuff
func (self *Value) doOp(op int, other interface{}) *Value {
	left := self.BigInt()
	right := NewValue(other).BigInt()

	switch op {
	case valOpAdd:
		self.Val = left.Add(left, right)
	case valOpDiv:
		self.Val = left.Div(left, right)
	case valOpMul:
		self.Val = left.Mul(left, right)
	case valOpPow:
		self.Val = left.Exp(left, right, Big0)
	case valOpSub:
		self.Val = left.Sub(left, right)

	return self

func (self *Value) Add(other interface{}) *Value {
	return self.doOp(valOpAdd, other)

func (self *Value) Sub(other interface{}) *Value {
	return self.doOp(valOpSub, other)

func (self *Value) Div(other interface{}) *Value {
	return self.doOp(valOpDiv, other)

func (self *Value) Mul(other interface{}) *Value {
	return self.doOp(valOpMul, other)

func (self *Value) Pow(other interface{}) *Value {
	return self.doOp(valOpPow, other)

type ValueIterator struct {
	value        *Value
	currentValue *Value
	idx          int

func (val *Value) NewIterator() *ValueIterator {
	return &ValueIterator{value: val}

func (it *ValueIterator) Next() bool {
	if it.idx >= it.value.Len() {
		return false

	it.currentValue = it.value.Get(it.idx)

	return true

func (it *ValueIterator) Value() *Value {
	return it.currentValue

func (it *ValueIterator) Idx() int {
	return it.idx