// Main Ethereum library window.eth = { prototype: Object(), // Retrieve block // // Either supply a number or a string. Type is determent for the lookup method // string - Retrieves the block by looking up the hash // number - Retrieves the block by looking up the block number getBlock: function(numberOrHash, cb) { var func; if(typeof numberOrHash == "string") { func = "getBlockByHash"; } else { func = "getBlockByNumber"; } postData({call: func, args: [numberOrHash]}, cb); }, // Create transaction // // Creates a transaction with the current account // If no recipient is set, the Ethereum API will see it as a contract creation transact: function(sec, recipient, value, gas, gasPrice, data, cb) { postData({call: "transact", args: [sec, recipient, value, gas, gasPrice, data]}, cb); }, create: function(sec, value, gas, gasPrice, init, body, cb) { postData({call: "create", args: [sec, value, gas, gasPrice, init, body]}, cb); }, getStorageAt: function(address, storageAddress, cb) { postData({call: "getStorage", args: [address, storageAddress]}, cb); }, getKey: function(cb) { postData({call: "getKey"}, cb); }, getBalanceAt: function(address, cb) { postData({call: "getBalance", args: [address]}, cb); }, watch: function(address, storageAddrOrCb, cb) { var ev; if(cb === undefined) { cb = storageAddrOrCb; storageAddrOrCb = ""; ev = "object:"+address; } else { ev = "storage:"+address+":"+storageAddrOrCb; } eth.on(ev, cb) postData({call: "watch", args: [address, storageAddrOrCb]}); }, disconnect: function(address, storageAddrOrCb, cb) { var ev; if(cb === undefined) { cb = storageAddrOrCb; storageAddrOrCb = ""; ev = "object:"+address; } else { ev = "storage:"+address+":"+storageAddrOrCb; } eth.off(ev, cb) postData({call: "disconnect", args: [address, storageAddrOrCb]}); }, on: function(event, cb) { if(eth._onCallbacks[event] === undefined) { eth._onCallbacks[event] = []; } eth._onCallbacks[event].push(cb); return this }, off: function(event, cb) { if(eth._onCallbacks[event] !== undefined) { var callbacks = eth._onCallbacks[event]; for(var i = 0; i < callbacks.length; i++) { if(callbacks[i] === cb) { delete callbacks[i]; } } } return this }, trigger: function(event, data) { var callbacks = eth._onCallbacks[event]; if(callbacks !== undefined) { for(var i = 0; i < callbacks.length; i++) { callbacks[i](data); } } }, } window.eth._callbacks = {} window.eth._onCallbacks = {} function debug(/**/) { var args = arguments; var msg = "" for(var i = 0; i < args.length; i++){ if(typeof args[i] == "object") { msg += " " + JSON.stringify(args[i]) } else { msg += args[i] } } document.getElementById("debug").innerHTML += "
" + msg } // Helper function for generating pseudo callbacks and sending data to the QML part of the application function postData(data, cb) { data._seed = Math.floor(Math.random() * 1000000) if(cb) { eth._callbacks[data._seed] = cb; } if(data.args === undefined) { data.args = []; } navigator.qt.postMessage(JSON.stringify(data)); } navigator.qt.onmessage = function(ev) { var data = JSON.parse(ev.data) if(data._event !== undefined) { eth.trigger(data._event, data.data); } else { if(data._seed) { var cb = eth._callbacks[data._seed]; if(cb) { // Call the callback cb(data.data); // Remove the "trigger" callback delete eth._callbacks[ev._seed]; } } } }