From 6b115659ca3f5879f27c45723ef567b67133bc93 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Maran <>
Date: Thu, 22 May 2014 10:27:21 +0200
Subject: Hide inspector by default

 ethereal/assets/qml/webapp.qml | 2 +-
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)

(limited to 'ethereal/assets')

diff --git a/ethereal/assets/qml/webapp.qml b/ethereal/assets/qml/webapp.qml
index f00b04599..d3cffeeca 100644
--- a/ethereal/assets/qml/webapp.qml
+++ b/ethereal/assets/qml/webapp.qml
@@ -188,7 +188,7 @@ ApplicationWindow {
 		WebView {
 			id: inspector
-			visible:true
+			visible: false
 			url: webview.experimental.remoteInspectorUrl
 			anchors {
 				left: root.left
cgit v1.2.3

From b42c70be9c669ba372ed99d820a5a9e807191619 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: obscuren <>
Date: Mon, 26 May 2014 00:10:38 +0200
Subject: Recv send for txs

 ethereal/assets/qml/wallet.qml | 9 ++++-----
 1 file changed, 4 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)

(limited to 'ethereal/assets')

diff --git a/ethereal/assets/qml/wallet.qml b/ethereal/assets/qml/wallet.qml
index 51f064adf..f23f182f3 100644
--- a/ethereal/assets/qml/wallet.qml
+++ b/ethereal/assets/qml/wallet.qml
@@ -85,7 +85,6 @@ ApplicationWindow {
 			//color: "#D9DDE7"
 			color: "#252525"
 			ColumnLayout {
 				y: 50
 				anchors.left: parent.left
@@ -155,6 +154,7 @@ ApplicationWindow {
 				TableView {
 					id: txTableView
 					anchors.fill: parent
+					TableViewColumn{ role: "inout" ; title: "" ; width: 40 }
 					TableViewColumn{ role: "value" ; title: "Value" ; width: 100 }
 					TableViewColumn{ role: "address" ; title: "Address" ; width: 430 }
 					TableViewColumn{ role: "contract" ; title: "Contract" ; width: 100 }
@@ -404,7 +404,7 @@ ApplicationWindow {
 			anchors.left: aboutIcon.right
 			anchors.leftMargin: 10
 			font.pointSize: 12
-			text: "<h2>Ethereal</h2><br><h3>Development</h3>Jeffrey Wilcke<br>Maran Hidskes<br><h3>Binary Distribution</h3>Jarrad Hope<br>"
+			text: "<h2>Ethereal</h2><br><h3>Development</h3>Jeffrey Wilcke<br>Maran Hidskes<br>"
@@ -429,7 +429,6 @@ ApplicationWindow {
 		SplitView {
 			anchors.fill: parent
 			property var asmModel: ListModel {
 				id: asmModel
@@ -524,14 +523,14 @@ ApplicationWindow {
 		walletValueLabel.text = value
-	function addTx(tx) {
+	function addTx(tx, inout) {
 		var isContract
 		if (tx.contract == true){
 			isContract = "Yes"
 			isContract = "No"
-		txModel.insert(0, {hash: tx.hash, address: tx.address, value: tx.value, contract: isContract})
+		txModel.insert(0, {inout: inout, hash: tx.hash, address: tx.address, value: tx.value, contract: isContract})
 	function addBlock(block) {
cgit v1.2.3

From 5fc6ee6a4acd1db22a38abb4cff5e5196bf1538e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Maran <>
Date: Mon, 26 May 2014 17:07:20 +0200
Subject: Implemented simple block/tx explorer

 ethereal/assets/qml/wallet.qml | 139 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----
 1 file changed, 126 insertions(+), 13 deletions(-)

(limited to 'ethereal/assets')

diff --git a/ethereal/assets/qml/wallet.qml b/ethereal/assets/qml/wallet.qml
index 7a6750f63..8903fb14f 100644
--- a/ethereal/assets/qml/wallet.qml
+++ b/ethereal/assets/qml/wallet.qml
@@ -65,6 +65,7 @@ ApplicationWindow {
 	function setView(view) {
+		console.log("Setting view")
 		networkView.visible = false
 		historyView.visible = false
 		newTxView.visible = false
@@ -203,16 +204,14 @@ ApplicationWindow {
 					TableViewColumn{ role: "number" ; title: "#" ; width: 100 }
 					TableViewColumn{ role: "hash" ; title: "Hash" ; width: 560 }
+					TableViewColumn{ role: "txAmount" ; title: "Tx amount" ; width: 100 }
 					model: blockModel
-					/*
-					 onDoubleClicked: {
-						 popup.visible = true
-						 popup.block = eth.getBlock(blockModel.get(row).hash)
-						 popup.hashLabel.text = popup.block.hash
-					 }
-					 */
+					onDoubleClicked: {
+						popup.visible = true
+						popup.setDetails(blockModel.get(row))
+					}
 				property var logModel: ListModel {
@@ -340,10 +339,107 @@ ApplicationWindow {
 		id: popup
 		visible: false
 		property var block
-		Label {
-			id: hashLabel
-			anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
-			anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
+		width: 800
+		height: 230
+		x: root.x
+		y: root.y + root.height
+		Component{
+			id: blockDetailsDelegate
+			Rectangle {
+				color: "#252525"
+				width: popup.width
+				height: 200
+				Column {
+					anchors.leftMargin: 10
+					anchors.topMargin: 5
+					anchors.left: parent.left
+					Text { text: '<h3>Block details</h3>'; color: "#F2F2F2"}
+					Text { text: '<b>Block number:</b> ' + number; color: "#F2F2F2"}
+					Text { text: '<b>Hash:</b> ' + hash; color: "#F2F2F2"}
+					Text { text: '<b>Block found at:</b> ' + prettyTime; color: "#F2F2F2"}
+				}
+		}
+	}
+		ListView {
+			model: singleBlock
+			delegate: blockDetailsDelegate
+			height: 70
+			anchors.leftMargin: 20
+			id: listViewThing
+			Layout.maximumHeight: 40
+		}
+		TableView {
+			id: txView
+ listViewThing.bottom
+			anchors.topMargin: 50
+			width: parent.width
+			TableViewColumn{width: 90; role: "value" ; title: "Value" }
+			TableViewColumn{width: 200; role: "hash" ; title: "Hash" }
+			TableViewColumn{width: 200; role: "sender" ; title: "Sender" }
+			TableViewColumn{width: 200;role: "address" ; title: "Receiver" }
+			TableViewColumn{width: 60; role: "gas" ; title: "Gas" }
+			TableViewColumn{width: 60; role: "gasPrice" ; title: "Gas Price" }
+			TableViewColumn{width: 60; role: "isContract" ; title: "Contract" }
+			model: transactionModel
+			onClicked: {
+				var tx = transactionModel.get(row)
+				if( {
+					popup.showContractData(
+				}else{
+					popup.height = 230
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		function showContractData(data) {
+			contractData.text = data
+			popup.height = 400
+		}
+		Rectangle {
+			width: popup.width
+			height: 200
+			anchors.left: listViewThing.left
+ txView.bottom
+			Label {
+				text: "<h4>Contract data</h4>"
+				anchors.left: parent.left
+				id: contractLabel
+				anchors.leftMargin: 10
+			}
+			TextArea {
+				id: contractData
+				text: "Contract"
+ contractLabel.bottom
+				anchors.left: parent.left
+				wrapMode: Text.Wrap
+				width: parent.width - 30
+				height: 80
+				anchors.leftMargin: 10
+			}
+		}
+		property var transactionModel: ListModel {
+			id: transactionModel
+		}
+		property var singleBlock: ListModel {
+			id: singleBlock
+		}
+		function setDetails(block){
+			singleBlock.set(0,block)
+			popup.height = 230
+			transactionModel.clear()
+			if(block.txs != undefined){
+				for(var i = 0; i < block.txs.count; ++i) {
+					transactionModel.insert(0, block.txs.get(i))
+				}
+				if(block.txs.get(0).data){
+					popup.showContractData(block.txs.get(0).data)
+				}
+			}
+			txView.forceActiveFocus()
@@ -474,7 +570,7 @@ ApplicationWindow {
               height: parent.height/2
               width: parent.width
-              TableViewColumn{ role: "value" ; title: "Stack" ; width: parent.width }
+              TableViewColumn{ role: "value" ; title: "Stack"}
               model: stackModel
@@ -535,7 +631,12 @@ ApplicationWindow {
 	function addBlock(block) {
-		blockModel.insert(0, {number: block.number, hash: block.hash})
+		var objtt = JSON.parse(block.transactions);
+		var amount = 0
+		if(objtt != null){
+			amount = objtt.length
+		}
+		blockModel.insert(0, {number: block.number, hash: block.hash, txs: objtt, txAmount: amount, time: block.time, prettyTime: convertToPretty(block.time)})
 	function addLog(str) {
@@ -547,4 +648,16 @@ ApplicationWindow {
 	function setPeers(text) {
 		peerLabel.text = text
+	function convertToPretty(unixTs){
+		var a = new Date(unixTs*1000);
+		var months = ['Jan','Feb','Mar','Apr','May','Jun','Jul','Aug','Sep','Oct','Nov','Dec'];
+		var year = a.getFullYear();
+		var month = months[a.getMonth()];
+		var date = a.getDate();
+		var hour = a.getHours();
+		var min = a.getMinutes();
+		var sec = a.getSeconds();
+		var time = date+' '+month+' '+year+' '+hour+':'+min+':'+sec ;
+		return time;
+	}
cgit v1.2.3

From f7eb4e587f83e4472e3d214076ba0c28102daefd Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Maran <>
Date: Mon, 26 May 2014 17:18:34 +0200
Subject: Remove extra log statement

 ethereal/assets/qml/wallet.qml | 1 -
 1 file changed, 1 deletion(-)

(limited to 'ethereal/assets')

diff --git a/ethereal/assets/qml/wallet.qml b/ethereal/assets/qml/wallet.qml
index 8903fb14f..81ad7ef24 100644
--- a/ethereal/assets/qml/wallet.qml
+++ b/ethereal/assets/qml/wallet.qml
@@ -65,7 +65,6 @@ ApplicationWindow {
 	function setView(view) {
-		console.log("Setting view")
 		networkView.visible = false
 		historyView.visible = false
 		newTxView.visible = false
cgit v1.2.3

From d694e00a3340a36c39872950bb7a2404e9686c18 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: obscuren <>
Date: Mon, 26 May 2014 21:11:38 +0200
Subject: Fixed debugger

 ethereal/assets/qml/wallet.qml             | 75 ++++++++++++++++++------------
 ethereal/assets/samplecoin/samplecoin.html |  2 +-
 2 files changed, 45 insertions(+), 32 deletions(-)

(limited to 'ethereal/assets')

diff --git a/ethereal/assets/qml/wallet.qml b/ethereal/assets/qml/wallet.qml
index f23f182f3..f42cf3b1b 100644
--- a/ethereal/assets/qml/wallet.qml
+++ b/ethereal/assets/qml/wallet.qml
@@ -409,7 +409,7 @@ ApplicationWindow {
-	Window {
+	ApplicationWindow {
 		id: debugWindow
 		visible: false
 		title: "Debugger"
@@ -447,36 +447,49 @@ ApplicationWindow {
 					orientation: Qt.Vertical
 					anchors.fill: parent
-          TableView {
-            property var memModel: ListModel {
-              id: memModel
-            }
-            height: parent.height/2
-            width: parent.width
-            TableViewColumn{ id:mnumColmn ; role: "num" ; title: "#" ; width: 50}
-            TableViewColumn{ role: "value" ; title: "Memory" ; width: 750}
-            model: memModel
-          }
-          SplitView {
-            orientation: Qt.Horizontal
-            TableView {
-              property var debuggerLog: ListModel {
-                id: debuggerLog
-              }
-              TableViewColumn{ role: "value"; title: "Debug messages" }
-              model: debuggerLog
-            }
-            TableView {
-              property var stackModel: ListModel {
-                id: stackModel
-              }
-              height: parent.height/2
-              width: parent.width
-              TableViewColumn{ role: "value" ; title: "Stack" ; width: parent.width }
-              model: stackModel
-            }
-          }
+					TableView {
+						property var memModel: ListModel {
+							id: memModel
+						}
+						height: parent.height/2
+						width: parent.width
+						TableViewColumn{ id:mnumColmn ; role: "num" ; title: "#" ; width: 50}
+						TableViewColumn{ role: "value" ; title: "Memory" ; width: 750}
+						model: memModel
+					}
+					SplitView {
+						orientation: Qt.Horizontal
+						TableView {
+							property var debuggerLog: ListModel {
+								id: debuggerLog
+							}
+							TableViewColumn{ role: "value"; title: "Debug messages" }
+							model: debuggerLog
+						}
+						TableView {
+							property var stackModel: ListModel {
+								id: stackModel
+							}
+							height: parent.height/2
+							width: parent.width
+							TableViewColumn{ role: "value" ; title: "Stack" ; width: parent.width }
+							model: stackModel
+						}
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		statusBar: StatusBar {
+			RowLayout {
+				anchors.fill: parent
+				Button {
+					property var enabled: true
+					id: debugNextButton
+					onClicked: {
+					}
+					text: "Next"
diff --git a/ethereal/assets/samplecoin/samplecoin.html b/ethereal/assets/samplecoin/samplecoin.html
index 3892141cd..e780aefb4 100644
--- a/ethereal/assets/samplecoin/samplecoin.html
+++ b/ethereal/assets/samplecoin/samplecoin.html
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
 <script type="text/javascript">
-var jefcoinAddr = "fc0a9436890478bb9b1c6ed7455c2535366f4a99"
+var jefcoinAddr = "518546ffa883dcc838a64bc2dabada0fd64af459"
 var mAddr = ""
 function createTransaction() {
cgit v1.2.3

From 47a58b40cd4ba764c9823448687307bb4a80c697 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Maran <>
Date: Tue, 27 May 2014 10:29:39 +0200
Subject: Removed recursive function for loop

 ethereal/assets/qml/wallet.qml | 8 ++++----
 1 file changed, 4 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)

(limited to 'ethereal/assets')

diff --git a/ethereal/assets/qml/wallet.qml b/ethereal/assets/qml/wallet.qml
index f318ad173..b467982c4 100644
--- a/ethereal/assets/qml/wallet.qml
+++ b/ethereal/assets/qml/wallet.qml
@@ -643,12 +643,12 @@ ApplicationWindow {
 	function addBlock(block) {
-		var objtt = JSON.parse(block.transactions);
+		var txs = JSON.parse(block.transactions);
 		var amount = 0
-		if(objtt != null){
-			amount = objtt.length
+		if(txs != null){
+			amount = txs.length
-		blockModel.insert(0, {number: block.number, hash: block.hash, txs: objtt, txAmount: amount, time: block.time, prettyTime: convertToPretty(block.time)})
+		blockModel.insert(0, {number: block.number, hash: block.hash, txs: txs, txAmount: amount, time: block.time, prettyTime: convertToPretty(block.time)})
 	function addLog(str) {
cgit v1.2.3

From 07204f129e277fb5f63f080d6a146e28603f872e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Maran <>
Date: Tue, 27 May 2014 10:38:51 +0200
Subject: Increase size for asm

 ethereal/assets/qml/wallet.qml | 4 ++--
 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

(limited to 'ethereal/assets')

diff --git a/ethereal/assets/qml/wallet.qml b/ethereal/assets/qml/wallet.qml
index b467982c4..911422f91 100644
--- a/ethereal/assets/qml/wallet.qml
+++ b/ethereal/assets/qml/wallet.qml
@@ -339,7 +339,7 @@ ApplicationWindow {
 		visible: false
 		property var block
 		width: 800
-		height: 230
+		height: 280
 		x: root.x
 		y: root.y + root.height
@@ -399,7 +399,7 @@ ApplicationWindow {
 		Rectangle {
 			width: popup.width
-			height: 200
+			height: 300
 			anchors.left: listViewThing.left txView.bottom
 			Label {
cgit v1.2.3

From 4fd267a7785ea06014f38f9be4e8e380c7f1cb1e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: obscuren <>
Date: Tue, 27 May 2014 10:42:37 +0200
Subject: Sep debugger from main

 ethereal/assets/debugger/debugger.qml | 114 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 ethereal/assets/qml/wallet.qml        |  14 ++++-
 2 files changed, 126 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 ethereal/assets/debugger/debugger.qml

(limited to 'ethereal/assets')

diff --git a/ethereal/assets/debugger/debugger.qml b/ethereal/assets/debugger/debugger.qml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b7d954e73
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ethereal/assets/debugger/debugger.qml
@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
+import QtQuick 2.0
+import QtQuick.Controls 1.0;
+import QtQuick.Layouts 1.0;
+import QtQuick.Dialogs 1.0;
+import QtQuick.Window 2.1;
+import QtQuick.Controls.Styles 1.1
+import Ethereum 1.0
+ApplicationWindow {
+	id: debugWindow
+	visible: false
+	title: "Debugger"
+	minimumWidth: 600
+	minimumHeight: 600
+	width: 800
+	height: 600
+	SplitView {
+		anchors.fill: parent
+		property var asmModel: ListModel {
+			id: asmModel
+		}
+		TableView {
+			id: asmTableView
+			width: 200
+			TableViewColumn{ role: "value" ; title: "" ; width: 100 }
+			model: asmModel
+		}
+		Rectangle {
+			anchors.left: asmTableView.right
+			anchors.right: parent.right
+			SplitView {
+				orientation: Qt.Vertical
+				anchors.fill: parent
+				TableView {
+					property var memModel: ListModel {
+						id: memModel
+					}
+					height: parent.height/2
+					width: parent.width
+					TableViewColumn{ id:mnumColmn ; role: "num" ; title: "#" ; width: 50}
+					TableViewColumn{ role: "value" ; title: "Memory" ; width: 750}
+					model: memModel
+				}
+				SplitView {
+					orientation: Qt.Horizontal
+					TableView {
+						property var debuggerLog: ListModel {
+							id: debuggerLog
+						}
+						TableViewColumn{ role: "value"; title: "Debug messages" }
+						model: debuggerLog
+					}
+					TableView {
+						property var stackModel: ListModel {
+							id: stackModel
+						}
+						height: parent.height/2
+						width: parent.width
+						TableViewColumn{ role: "value" ; title: "Stack" ; width: 200 }
+						model: stackModel
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	statusBar: StatusBar {
+		RowLayout {
+			anchors.fill: parent
+			Button {
+				property var enabled: true
+				id: debugNextButton
+				onClicked: {
+					//
+				}
+				text: "Next"
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	function setAsm(asm) {
+		asmModel.append({asm: asm})
+	}
+	function setInstruction(num) {
+		asmTableView.selection.clear()
+	}
+	function clearAsm() {
+		asmModel.clear()
+	}
+	function setMem(mem) {
+		memModel.append({num: mem.num, value: mem.value})
+	}
+	function clearMem(){
+		memModel.clear()
+	}
+	function setStack(stack) {
+		stackModel.append({value: stack})
+	}
+	function addDebugMessage(message){
+		debuggerLog.append({value: message})
+	}
+	function clearStack() {
+		stackModel.clear()
+	}
diff --git a/ethereal/assets/qml/wallet.qml b/ethereal/assets/qml/wallet.qml
index f42cf3b1b..40de8624e 100644
--- a/ethereal/assets/qml/wallet.qml
+++ b/ethereal/assets/qml/wallet.qml
@@ -294,6 +294,7 @@ ApplicationWindow {
 	statusBar: StatusBar {
 		RowLayout {
 			anchors.fill: parent
+			/*
 			Button {
 				property var enabled: true
 				id: connectButton
@@ -304,10 +305,19 @@ ApplicationWindow {
 				text: "Connect"
+			*/
+			Button {
+				property var enabled: true
+				id: debuggerWindow
+				onClicked: {
+					ui.startDebugger()
+				}
+				text: "Debugger"
+			}
 			Button {
 				id: importAppButton
-				anchors.left: connectButton.right
+				anchors.left: debuggerWindow.right
 				anchors.leftMargin: 5
 				text: "Import App"
@@ -473,7 +483,7 @@ ApplicationWindow {
 							height: parent.height/2
 							width: parent.width
-							TableViewColumn{ role: "value" ; title: "Stack" ; width: parent.width }
+							TableViewColumn{ role: "value" ; title: "Stack" ; width: 300 }
 							model: stackModel
cgit v1.2.3

From 1ab865a994758cef8a6bf75a3cc263f16a97d847 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Maran <>
Date: Tue, 27 May 2014 11:49:42 +0200
Subject: Adding new blocks on broadcast

 ethereal/assets/qml/wallet.qml | 13 +++++++++++--
 1 file changed, 11 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

(limited to 'ethereal/assets')

diff --git a/ethereal/assets/qml/wallet.qml b/ethereal/assets/qml/wallet.qml
index 911422f91..e59e85ab3 100644
--- a/ethereal/assets/qml/wallet.qml
+++ b/ethereal/assets/qml/wallet.qml
@@ -642,13 +642,22 @@ ApplicationWindow {
 		txModel.insert(0, {inout: inout, hash: tx.hash, address: tx.address, value: tx.value, contract: isContract})
-	function addBlock(block) {
+	function addBlock(block, initial) {
 		var txs = JSON.parse(block.transactions);
 		var amount = 0
+		if(initial == undefined){
+			initial = false
+		}
 		if(txs != null){
 			amount = txs.length
-		blockModel.insert(0, {number: block.number, hash: block.hash, txs: txs, txAmount: amount, time: block.time, prettyTime: convertToPretty(block.time)})
+		if(initial){
+			blockModel.append({number: block.number, hash: block.hash, txs: txs, txAmount: amount, time: block.time, prettyTime: convertToPretty(block.time)})
+		}else{
+			blockModel.insert(0, {number: block.number, hash: block.hash, txs: txs, txAmount: amount, time: block.time, prettyTime: convertToPretty(block.time)})
+		}
 	function addLog(str) {
cgit v1.2.3

From 6fe42f007c6f4816de88a2c4aad10754036d41b8 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Maran <>
Date: Tue, 27 May 2014 12:46:02 +0200
Subject: Uhm what

 ethereal/assets/qml/wallet.qml | 3 ++-
 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

(limited to 'ethereal/assets')

diff --git a/ethereal/assets/qml/wallet.qml b/ethereal/assets/qml/wallet.qml
index e59e85ab3..0c0c977c1 100644
--- a/ethereal/assets/qml/wallet.qml
+++ b/ethereal/assets/qml/wallet.qml
@@ -556,6 +556,7 @@ ApplicationWindow {
 					SplitView {
 						orientation: Qt.Horizontal
+						id: debugSplitView
 						TableView {
 							property var debuggerLog: ListModel {
 								id: debuggerLog
@@ -569,7 +570,7 @@ ApplicationWindow {
 							height: parent.height/2
 							width: parent.width
-							TableViewColumn{ role: "value" ; title: "Stack" ; width: parent.width }
+							TableViewColumn{ role: "value" ; title: "Stack" ; width: debugSplitView.width }
 							model: stackModel
cgit v1.2.3

From d0b31e203053f3f176e61719d877dcaa04169bb3 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: obscuren <>
Date: Tue, 27 May 2014 13:09:47 +0200
Subject: New debugger

 ethereal/assets/debugger/debugger.qml | 310 ++++++++++++++++++++++------------
 1 file changed, 206 insertions(+), 104 deletions(-)

(limited to 'ethereal/assets')

diff --git a/ethereal/assets/debugger/debugger.qml b/ethereal/assets/debugger/debugger.qml
index b7d954e73..07a78411b 100644
--- a/ethereal/assets/debugger/debugger.qml
+++ b/ethereal/assets/debugger/debugger.qml
@@ -7,108 +7,210 @@ import QtQuick.Controls.Styles 1.1
 import Ethereum 1.0
 ApplicationWindow {
-	id: debugWindow
-	visible: false
-	title: "Debugger"
-	minimumWidth: 600
-	minimumHeight: 600
-	width: 800
-	height: 600
-	SplitView {
-		anchors.fill: parent
-		property var asmModel: ListModel {
-			id: asmModel
-		}
-		TableView {
-			id: asmTableView
-			width: 200
-			TableViewColumn{ role: "value" ; title: "" ; width: 100 }
-			model: asmModel
-		}
-		Rectangle {
-			anchors.left: asmTableView.right
-			anchors.right: parent.right
-			SplitView {
-				orientation: Qt.Vertical
-				anchors.fill: parent
-				TableView {
-					property var memModel: ListModel {
-						id: memModel
-					}
-					height: parent.height/2
-					width: parent.width
-					TableViewColumn{ id:mnumColmn ; role: "num" ; title: "#" ; width: 50}
-					TableViewColumn{ role: "value" ; title: "Memory" ; width: 750}
-					model: memModel
-				}
-				SplitView {
-					orientation: Qt.Horizontal
-					TableView {
-						property var debuggerLog: ListModel {
-							id: debuggerLog
-						}
-						TableViewColumn{ role: "value"; title: "Debug messages" }
-						model: debuggerLog
-					}
-					TableView {
-						property var stackModel: ListModel {
-							id: stackModel
-						}
-						height: parent.height/2
-						width: parent.width
-						TableViewColumn{ role: "value" ; title: "Stack" ; width: 200 }
-						model: stackModel
-					}
-				}
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	statusBar: StatusBar {
-		RowLayout {
-			anchors.fill: parent
-			Button {
-				property var enabled: true
-				id: debugNextButton
-				onClicked: {
-					//
-				}
-				text: "Next"
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	function setAsm(asm) {
-		asmModel.append({asm: asm})
-	}
-	function setInstruction(num) {
-		asmTableView.selection.clear()
-	}
-	function clearAsm() {
-		asmModel.clear()
-	}
-	function setMem(mem) {
-		memModel.append({num: mem.num, value: mem.value})
-	}
-	function clearMem(){
-		memModel.clear()
-	}
-	function setStack(stack) {
-		stackModel.append({value: stack})
-	}
-	function addDebugMessage(message){
-		debuggerLog.append({value: message})
-	}
-	function clearStack() {
-		stackModel.clear()
-	}
+    visible: false
+    title: "Debugger"
+    minimumWidth: 1280
+    minimumHeight: 900
+    width: 1290
+    height: 900
+    SplitView {
+        anchors.fill: parent
+        property var asmModel: ListModel {
+            id: asmModel
+        }
+        TableView {
+            id: asmTableView
+            width: 200
+            TableViewColumn{ role: "value" ; title: "" ; width: 100 }
+            model: asmModel
+        }
+        Rectangle {
+            color: "#00000000"
+            anchors.left: asmTableView.right
+            anchors.right: parent.right
+            SplitView {
+                orientation: Qt.Vertical
+                anchors.fill: parent
+                Rectangle {
+                    color: "#00000000"
+                    height: 500
+                    anchors.left: parent.left
+                    anchors.right: parent.right
+                    TextArea {
+                        id: codeEditor
+                        anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
+                        anchors.left: parent.left
+                        anchors.right: settings.left
+                    }
+                    Column {
+                        id: settings
+                        spacing: 5
+                        width: 300
+                        height: parent.height
+                        anchors.right: parent.right
+                        anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
+                        Label {
+                            text: "Data"
+                        }
+                        TextArea {
+                            anchors.left: parent.left
+                            anchors.right: parent.right
+                            height: 150
+                        }
+                        Label {
+                            text: "Amount"
+                        }
+                        TextField {
+                            id: txValue
+                            width: 200
+                            placeholderText: "Amount"
+                            validator: RegExpValidator { regExp: /\d*/ }
+                        }
+                        Label {
+                            text: "Amount of gas"
+                        }
+                        TextField {
+                            id: txGas
+                            width: 200
+                            validator: RegExpValidator { regExp: /\d*/ }
+                            text: "10000"
+                            placeholderText: "Gas"
+                        }
+                        Label {
+                            text: "Gas price"
+                        }
+                        TextField {
+                            id: txGasPrice
+                            width: 200
+                            placeholderText: "Gas price"
+                            text: "1000000000000"
+                            validator: RegExpValidator { regExp: /\d*/ }
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+                SplitView {
+                    orientation: Qt.Vertical
+                    id: inspectorPane
+                    height: 500
+                    SplitView {
+                        orientation: Qt.Horizontal
+                        height: 300
+                        TableView {
+                            id: stackTableView
+                            property var stackModel: ListModel {
+                                id: stackModel
+                            }
+                            height: parent.height
+                            width: 300
+                            TableViewColumn{ role: "value" ; title: "Stack" ; width: 200 }
+                            model: stackModel
+                        }
+                        TableView {
+                            id: memoryTableView
+                            property var memModel: ListModel {
+                                id: memModel
+                            }
+                            height: parent.height
+                            width: parent.width - stackTableView.width
+                            TableViewColumn{ id:mnumColmn ; role: "num" ; title: "#" ; width: 50}
+                            TableViewColumn{ role: "value" ; title: "Memory" ; width: 750}
+                            model: memModel
+                        }
+                    }
+                    SplitView {
+                        height: 300
+                        TableView {
+                            id: storageTableView
+                            property var memModel: ListModel {
+                                id: storageModel
+                            }
+                            height: parent.height
+                            width: parent.width - stackTableView.width
+                            TableViewColumn{ id: key ; role: "key" ; title: "#" ; width: storageTableView.width / 2}
+                            TableViewColumn{ role: "value" ; title: "value" ; width:  storageTableView.width / 2}
+                            model: storageModel
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    statusBar: StatusBar {
+        RowLayout {
+            spacing: 5
+            anchors.fill: parent
+            Button {
+                property var enabled: true
+                id: debugStart
+                onClicked: {
+                    dbg.debug(txValue.text, txGas.text, txGasPrice.text, codeEditor.text)
+                }
+                text: "Debug"
+            }
+            Button {
+                property var enabled: true
+                id: debugNextButton
+                onClicked: {
+                }
+                text: "Next"
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    function setAsm(asm) {
+        console.log("set asm", asm)
+        asmModel.append({asm: asm})
+    }
+    function setInstruction(num) {
+        asmTableView.selection.clear()
+    }
+    function clearAsm() {
+        asmModel.clear()
+    }
+    function setMem(mem) {
+        memModel.append({num: mem.num, value: mem.value})
+    }
+    function clearMem(){
+        memModel.clear()
+    }
+    function setStack(stack) {
+        stackModel.append({value: stack})
+    }
+    function addDebugMessage(message){
+        debuggerLog.append({value: message})
+    }
+    function clearStack() {
+        stackModel.clear()
+    }
+    function clearStorage() {
+        storageModel.clear()
+    }
+    function setStorage(storage) {
+        storageModel.append({key: storage.key, value: storage.value})
+    }
cgit v1.2.3

From 47417506c377dd0848739473fa14a51708b6a034 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: obscuren <>
Date: Tue, 27 May 2014 13:28:11 +0200
Subject: New debugger implemented

 ethereal/assets/debugger/debugger.qml | 9 ++++-----
 ethereal/assets/qml/wallet.qml        | 8 --------
 2 files changed, 4 insertions(+), 13 deletions(-)

(limited to 'ethereal/assets')

diff --git a/ethereal/assets/debugger/debugger.qml b/ethereal/assets/debugger/debugger.qml
index 07a78411b..bf69b4254 100644
--- a/ethereal/assets/debugger/debugger.qml
+++ b/ethereal/assets/debugger/debugger.qml
@@ -175,19 +175,18 @@ ApplicationWindow {
     function setAsm(asm) {
-        console.log("set asm", asm)
         asmModel.append({asm: asm})
+    function clearAsm() {
+        asmModel.clear()
+    }
     function setInstruction(num) {
-    function clearAsm() {
-        asmModel.clear()
-    }
     function setMem(mem) {
         memModel.append({num: mem.num, value: mem.value})
diff --git a/ethereal/assets/qml/wallet.qml b/ethereal/assets/qml/wallet.qml
index 40de8624e..4aa22dddc 100644
--- a/ethereal/assets/qml/wallet.qml
+++ b/ethereal/assets/qml/wallet.qml
@@ -306,14 +306,6 @@ ApplicationWindow {
 				text: "Connect"
-			Button {
-				property var enabled: true
-				id: debuggerWindow
-				onClicked: {
-					ui.startDebugger()
-				}
-				text: "Debugger"
-			}
 			Button {
 				id: importAppButton
cgit v1.2.3

From a0f73c2703aacab189c5cf26a5c95e156039eb9e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: obscuren <>
Date: Tue, 27 May 2014 16:09:04 +0200
Subject: Minor fixes and improvements to the ui

 ethereal/assets/debugger/debugger.qml |  12 ++++++------
 ethereal/assets/heart.png             | Bin 0 -> 4277 bytes
 ethereal/assets/qml/wallet.qml        |  21 ++++-----------------
 3 files changed, 10 insertions(+), 23 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 ethereal/assets/heart.png

(limited to 'ethereal/assets')

diff --git a/ethereal/assets/debugger/debugger.qml b/ethereal/assets/debugger/debugger.qml
index bf69b4254..9ea131d7d 100644
--- a/ethereal/assets/debugger/debugger.qml
+++ b/ethereal/assets/debugger/debugger.qml
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ import Ethereum 1.0
 ApplicationWindow {
     visible: false
-    title: "Debugger"
+    title: "IceCream"
     minimumWidth: 1280
     minimumHeight: 900
     width: 1290
@@ -58,9 +58,10 @@ ApplicationWindow {
                         anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
                         Label {
-                            text: "Data"
+                            text: "Arbitrary data"
                         TextArea {
+                            id: rawDataField
                             anchors.left: parent.left
                             anchors.right: parent.right
                             height: 150
@@ -105,7 +106,7 @@ ApplicationWindow {
                     SplitView {
                         orientation: Qt.Horizontal
-                        height: 300
+                        height: 250
                         TableView {
                             id: stackTableView
@@ -149,16 +150,15 @@ ApplicationWindow {
-    statusBar: StatusBar {
+    toolBar: ToolBar {
         RowLayout {
             spacing: 5
-            anchors.fill: parent
             Button {
                 property var enabled: true
                 id: debugStart
                 onClicked: {
-                    dbg.debug(txValue.text, txGas.text, txGasPrice.text, codeEditor.text)
+                    dbg.debug(txValue.text, txGas.text, txGasPrice.text, codeEditor.text, rawDataField.text)
                 text: "Debug"
diff --git a/ethereal/assets/heart.png b/ethereal/assets/heart.png
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3c874ab7f
Binary files /dev/null and b/ethereal/assets/heart.png differ
diff --git a/ethereal/assets/qml/wallet.qml b/ethereal/assets/qml/wallet.qml
index 3063bb10d..5e0904a20 100644
--- a/ethereal/assets/qml/wallet.qml
+++ b/ethereal/assets/qml/wallet.qml
@@ -123,7 +123,7 @@ ApplicationWindow {
 				Image {
-					source: ui.assetPath("net.png")
+					source: ui.assetPath("heart.png")
 					anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
 					MouseArea {
 						anchors.fill: parent
@@ -284,27 +284,14 @@ ApplicationWindow {
 		title: "Open QML Application"
 		onAccepted: {
-      //ui.openHtml(Qt.resolvedUrl(ui.assetPath("test.html")))
-      ui.openHtml(openAppDialog.fileUrl.toString())
+			//ui.openHtml(Qt.resolvedUrl(ui.assetPath("test.html")))
+			ui.openHtml(openAppDialog.fileUrl.toString())
 	statusBar: StatusBar {
 		RowLayout {
 			anchors.fill: parent
-			/*
-			Button {
-				property var enabled: true
-				id: connectButton
-				onClicked: {
-					if(this.enabled) {
-						ui.connect(this)
-					}
-				}
-				text: "Connect"
-			}
-			*/
 			Button {
 				property var enabled: true
@@ -369,8 +356,8 @@ ApplicationWindow {
 					Text { text: '<b>Hash:</b> ' + hash; color: "#F2F2F2"}
 					Text { text: '<b>Block found at:</b> ' + prettyTime; color: "#F2F2F2"}
+			}
-	}
 		ListView {
 			model: singleBlock
 			delegate: blockDetailsDelegate
cgit v1.2.3

From 969b4a4a36c2f465de3ab980d13ec513ec6db780 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: obscuren <>
Date: Tue, 27 May 2014 16:23:53 +0200
Subject: Added some shortcuts

 ethereal/assets/debugger/debugger.qml | 23 ++++++++++++++++++++++-
 ethereal/assets/qml/wallet.qml        | 10 ++++++++++
 2 files changed, 32 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

(limited to 'ethereal/assets')

diff --git a/ethereal/assets/debugger/debugger.qml b/ethereal/assets/debugger/debugger.qml
index 9ea131d7d..7c3ffbceb 100644
--- a/ethereal/assets/debugger/debugger.qml
+++ b/ethereal/assets/debugger/debugger.qml
@@ -14,6 +14,23 @@ ApplicationWindow {
     width: 1290
     height: 900
+	MenuBar {
+		Menu {
+			title: "Debugger"
+			MenuItem {
+				text: "Run"
+				shortcut: "Ctrl+r"
+				onTriggered: debugCurrent()
+			}
+			MenuItem {
+				text: "Next"
+				shortcut: "Ctrl+n"
+				onTriggered:
+			}
+		}
+    }
     SplitView {
         anchors.fill: parent
         property var asmModel: ListModel {
@@ -158,7 +175,7 @@ ApplicationWindow {
                 property var enabled: true
                 id: debugStart
                 onClicked: {
-                    dbg.debug(txValue.text, txGas.text, txGasPrice.text, codeEditor.text, rawDataField.text)
+                    debugCurrent()
                 text: "Debug"
@@ -174,6 +191,10 @@ ApplicationWindow {
+    function debugCurrent() {
+        dbg.debug(txValue.text, txGas.text, txGasPrice.text, codeEditor.text, rawDataField.text)
+    }
     function setAsm(asm) {
         asmModel.append({asm: asm})
diff --git a/ethereal/assets/qml/wallet.qml b/ethereal/assets/qml/wallet.qml
index 5e0904a20..e5a2bc249 100644
--- a/ethereal/assets/qml/wallet.qml
+++ b/ethereal/assets/qml/wallet.qml
@@ -24,11 +24,21 @@ ApplicationWindow {
 				shortcut: "Ctrl+o"
+		}
+		Menu {
+			title: "Tools"
 			MenuItem {
 				text: "Muted"
 				shortcut: "Ctrl+e"
 				onTriggered: ui.muted("")
+			MenuItem {
+				text: "Debugger"
+				shortcut: "Ctrl+d"
+				onTriggered: ui.startDebugger()
+			}
 		Menu {
cgit v1.2.3

From 138b7fe2d83d61b87204ecb5f00f34f474e57a1f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Maran <>
Date: Wed, 28 May 2014 11:52:52 +0200
Subject: Consolidated external qml files to hopefully prevent crashing bug

 .../assets/qml/newTransaction/_new_contract.qml    |  196 ---
 .../assets/qml/newTransaction/_simple_send.qml     |  112 --
 ethereal/assets/qml/wallet.qml                     | 1658 ++++++++++++--------
 3 files changed, 976 insertions(+), 990 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 ethereal/assets/qml/newTransaction/_new_contract.qml
 delete mode 100644 ethereal/assets/qml/newTransaction/_simple_send.qml

(limited to 'ethereal/assets')

diff --git a/ethereal/assets/qml/newTransaction/_new_contract.qml b/ethereal/assets/qml/newTransaction/_new_contract.qml
deleted file mode 100644
index e3c7229eb..000000000
--- a/ethereal/assets/qml/newTransaction/_new_contract.qml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,196 +0,0 @@
-import QtQuick 2.0
-import QtQuick.Controls 1.0;
-import QtQuick.Layouts 1.0;
-import QtQuick.Dialogs 1.0;
-import QtQuick.Window 2.1;
-import QtQuick.Controls.Styles 1.1
-import Ethereum 1.0
-Component {
-	id: newContract
-	Column {
-		id: mainContractColumn
-		function contractFormReady(){
-			if(codeView.text.length > 0 && txValue.text.length > 0 && txGas.text.length > 0 && txGasPrice.length > 0) {
-				txButton.state = "READY"
-			}else{
-				txButton.state = "NOTREADY"
-			}
-		}
-		states: [
-			State{
-				name: "ERROR"
-				PropertyChanges { target: txResult; visible:true}
-				PropertyChanges { target: codeView; visible:true}
-			},
-			State {
-				name: "DONE"
-				PropertyChanges { target: txValue; visible:false}
-				PropertyChanges { target: txGas; visible:false}
-				PropertyChanges { target: txGasPrice; visible:false}
-				PropertyChanges { target: codeView; visible:false}
-				PropertyChanges { target: txButton; visible:false}
-				PropertyChanges { target: txDataLabel; visible:false}
-				PropertyChanges { target: txResult; visible:true}
-				PropertyChanges { target: txOutput; visible:true}
-				PropertyChanges { target: newTxButton; visible:true}
-			},
-			State {
-				name: "SETUP"
-				PropertyChanges { target: txValue; visible:true; text: ""}
-				PropertyChanges { target: txGas; visible:true; text: ""}
-				PropertyChanges { target: txGasPrice; visible:true; text: ""}
-				PropertyChanges { target: codeView; visible:true; text: ""}
-				PropertyChanges { target: txButton; visible:true}
-				PropertyChanges { target: txDataLabel; visible:true}
-				PropertyChanges { target: txResult; visible:false}
-				PropertyChanges { target: txOutput; visible:false}
-				PropertyChanges { target: newTxButton; visible:false}
-			}
-		]
-		width: 400
-		spacing: 5
-		anchors.left: parent.left
-		anchors.leftMargin: 5
-		anchors.topMargin: 5
-		TextField {
-			id: txValue
-			width: 200
-			placeholderText: "Amount"
-			validator: RegExpValidator { regExp: /\d*/ }
-			onTextChanged: {
-				contractFormReady()
-			}
-		}
-		TextField {
-			id: txGas
-			width: 200
-			validator: RegExpValidator { regExp: /\d*/ }
-			placeholderText: "Gas"
-			onTextChanged: {
-				contractFormReady()
-			}
-		}
-		TextField {
-			id: txGasPrice
-			width: 200
-			placeholderText: "Gas price"
-			validator: RegExpValidator { regExp: /\d*/ }
-			onTextChanged: {
-				contractFormReady()
-			}
-		}
-		Row {
-			id: rowContract
-			ExclusiveGroup { id: contractTypeGroup }
-			RadioButton {
-				id: createContractRadio
-				text: "Create contract"
-				checked: true
-				exclusiveGroup: contractTypeGroup
-				onClicked: {
-					txFuelRecipient.visible = false
-					txDataLabel.text = "Contract code"
-				}
-			}
-			RadioButton {
-				id: runContractRadio
-				text: "Run contract"
-				exclusiveGroup: contractTypeGroup
-				onClicked: {
-					txFuelRecipient.visible = true
-					txDataLabel.text = "Contract arguments"
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		Label {
-			id: txDataLabel
-			text: "Contract code"
-		}
-		TextArea {
-			id: codeView
-			height: 300
-			anchors.topMargin: 5
-			Layout.fillWidth: true
-			width: parent.width /2
-			onTextChanged: {
-				contractFormReady()
-			}
-		}
-		TextField {
-			id: txFuelRecipient
-			placeholderText: "Contract address"
-			validator: RegExpValidator { regExp: /[a-f0-9]{40}/ }
-			visible: false
-			width: 530
-		}
-		Button {
-			id: txButton
-			/* enabled: false */
-			states: [
-				State {
-					name: "READY"
-					PropertyChanges { target: txButton; /*enabled: true*/}
-				},
-				State {
-					name: "NOTREADY"
-					PropertyChanges { target: txButton; /*enabled:false*/}
-				}
-			]
-			text: "Send"
-			onClicked: {
-				//this.enabled = false
-				var res = eth.create(txFuelRecipient.text, txValue.text, txGas.text, txGasPrice.text, codeView.text)
-				if(res[1]) {
-					txResult.text = "Your contract <b>could not</b> be send over the network:\n<b>"
-					txResult.text += res[1].error()
-					txResult.text += "</b>"
-					mainContractColumn.state = "ERROR"
-				} else {
-					txResult.text = "Your transaction has been submitted:\n"
-					txOutput.text = res[0].address
-					mainContractColumn.state = "DONE"
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		Text {
-			id: txResult
-			visible: false
-		}
-		TextField {
-			id: txOutput
-			visible: false
-			width: 530
-		}
-		Button {
-			id: newTxButton
-			visible: false
-			text: "Create an other contract"
-			onClicked: {
-				this.visible = false
-				txResult.text = ""
-				txOutput.text = ""
-				mainContractColumn.state = "SETUP"
-			}
-		}
-		Button {
-			id: debugButton
-			text: "Debug"
-			onClicked: {
-				var res = ui.debugTx("", txValue.text, txGas.text, txGasPrice.text, codeView.text)
-				debugWindow.visible = true
-			}
-		}
-	}
diff --git a/ethereal/assets/qml/newTransaction/_simple_send.qml b/ethereal/assets/qml/newTransaction/_simple_send.qml
deleted file mode 100644
index cd1ef55b6..000000000
--- a/ethereal/assets/qml/newTransaction/_simple_send.qml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,112 +0,0 @@
-import QtQuick 2.0
-import QtQuick.Controls 1.0;
-import QtQuick.Layouts 1.0;
-import QtQuick.Dialogs 1.0;
-import QtQuick.Window 2.1;
-import QtQuick.Controls.Styles 1.1
-import Ethereum 1.0
-Component {
-	id: newTransaction
-	Column {
-		id: simpleSendColumn
-		states: [
-			State{
-				name: "ERROR"
-			},
-			State {
-				name: "DONE"
-				PropertyChanges { target: txSimpleValue; visible:false}
-				PropertyChanges { target: txSimpleRecipient; visible:false}
-				PropertyChanges { target:newSimpleTxButton; visible:false}
-				PropertyChanges { target: txSimpleResult; visible:true}
-				PropertyChanges { target: txSimpleOutput; visible:true}
-				PropertyChanges { target:newSimpleTxButton; visible:true}
-			},
-			State {
-				name: "SETUP"
-				PropertyChanges { target: txSimpleValue; visible:true; text: ""}
-				PropertyChanges { target: txSimpleRecipient; visible:true; text: ""}
-				PropertyChanges { target: txSimpleButton; visible:true}
-				PropertyChanges { target:newSimpleTxButton; visible:false}
-			}
-		]
-		spacing: 5
-		anchors.leftMargin: 5
-		anchors.topMargin: 5
-		anchors.left: parent.left
-		function checkFormState(){
-			if(txSimpleRecipient.text.length == 40 && txSimpleValue.text.length > 0) {
-				txSimpleButton.state = "READY"
-			}else{
-				txSimpleButton.state = "NOTREADY"
-			}
-		}
-		TextField {
-			id: txSimpleRecipient
-			placeholderText: "Recipient address"
-			Layout.fillWidth: true
-			validator: RegExpValidator { regExp: /[a-f0-9]{40}/ }
-			width: 530
-			onTextChanged: { checkFormState() }
-		}
-		TextField {
-			id: txSimpleValue
-			width: 200
-			placeholderText: "Amount"
-			anchors.rightMargin: 5
-			validator: RegExpValidator { regExp: /\d*/ }
-			onTextChanged: { checkFormState() }
-		}
-		Button {
-			id: txSimpleButton
-			/*enabled: false*/
-			states: [
-				State {
-					name: "READY"
-					PropertyChanges { target: txSimpleButton; /*enabled: true*/}
-				},
-				State {
-					name: "NOTREADY"
-					PropertyChanges { target: txSimpleButton; /*enabled: false*/}
-				}
-			]
-			text: "Send"
-			onClicked: {
-				//this.enabled = false
-				var res = eth.transact(txSimpleRecipient.text, txSimpleValue.text,"","","")
-				if(res[1]) {
-					txSimpleResult.text = "There has been an error broadcasting your transaction:" + res[1].error()
-				} else {
-					txSimpleResult.text = "Your transaction has been broadcasted over the network.\nYour transaction id is:"
-					txSimpleOutput.text = res[0].hash
-					this.visible = false
-					simpleSendColumn.state = "DONE"
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		Text {
-			id: txSimpleResult
-			visible: false
-		}
-		TextField {
-			id: txSimpleOutput
-			visible: false
-			width: 530
-		}
-		Button {
-			id: newSimpleTxButton
-			visible: false
-			text: "Create an other transaction"
-			onClicked: {
-				this.visible = false
-				simpleSendColumn.state = "SETUP"
-			}
-		}
-	}
diff --git a/ethereal/assets/qml/wallet.qml b/ethereal/assets/qml/wallet.qml
index e5a2bc249..bba9c1d3b 100644
--- a/ethereal/assets/qml/wallet.qml
+++ b/ethereal/assets/qml/wallet.qml
@@ -8,686 +8,980 @@ import Ethereum 1.0
 ApplicationWindow {
-	id: root
-	width: 900
-	height: 600
-	minimumHeight: 300
-	title: "Ethereal"
-	MenuBar {
-		Menu {
-			title: "File"
-			MenuItem {
-				text: "Import App"
-				shortcut: "Ctrl+o"
-				onTriggered:
-			}
-		}
-		Menu {
-			title: "Tools"
-			MenuItem {
-				text: "Muted"
-				shortcut: "Ctrl+e"
-				onTriggered: ui.muted("")
-			}
-			MenuItem {
-				text: "Debugger"
-				shortcut: "Ctrl+d"
-				onTriggered: ui.startDebugger()
-			}
-		}
-		Menu {
-			title: "Network"
-			MenuItem {
-				text: "Add Peer"
-				shortcut: "Ctrl+p"
-				onTriggered: {
-					addPeerWin.visible = true
-				}
-			}
-			MenuItem {
-				text: "Start"
-				onTriggered: ui.connect()
-			}
-		}
-		Menu {
-			title: "Help"
-			MenuItem {
-				text: "About"
-				onTriggered: {
-					aboutWin.visible = true
-				}
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	property var blockModel: ListModel {
-		id: blockModel
-	}
-	function setView(view) {
-		networkView.visible = false
-		historyView.visible = false
-		newTxView.visible = false
-		infoView.visible = false
-		view.visible = true
-		//root.title = "Ethereal - " = view.title
-	}
-	SplitView {
-		anchors.fill: parent
-		resizing: false
-		Rectangle {
-			id: menu
-			Layout.minimumWidth: 80
-			Layout.maximumWidth: 80
-			anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
-			//color: "#D9DDE7"
-			color: "#252525"
-			ColumnLayout {
-				y: 50
-				anchors.left: parent.left
-				anchors.right: parent.right
-				height: 200
-				Image {
-					source: ui.assetPath("tx.png")
-					anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
-					MouseArea {
-						anchors.fill: parent
-						onClicked: {
-							setView(historyView)
-						}
-					}
-				}
-				Image {
-					source: ui.assetPath("new.png")
-					anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
-					MouseArea {
-						anchors.fill: parent
-						onClicked: {
-							setView(newTxView)
-						}
-					}
-				}
-				Image {
-					source: ui.assetPath("net.png")
-					anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
-					MouseArea {
-						anchors.fill: parent
-						onClicked: {
-							setView(networkView)
-						}
-					}
-				}
-				Image {
-					source: ui.assetPath("heart.png")
-					anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
-					MouseArea {
-						anchors.fill: parent
-						onClicked: {
-							setView(infoView)
-						}
-					}
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		Rectangle {
-			id: mainView
-			color: "#00000000"
-			anchors.right: parent.right
-			anchors.left: menu.right
-			anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
-			property var txModel: ListModel {
-				id: txModel
-			}
-			Rectangle {
-				id: historyView
-				anchors.fill: parent
-				property var title: "Transactions"
-				TableView {
-					id: txTableView
-					anchors.fill: parent
-					TableViewColumn{ role: "inout" ; title: "" ; width: 40 }
-					TableViewColumn{ role: "value" ; title: "Value" ; width: 100 }
-					TableViewColumn{ role: "address" ; title: "Address" ; width: 430 }
-					TableViewColumn{ role: "contract" ; title: "Contract" ; width: 100 }
-					model: txModel
-				}
-			}
-			Rectangle {
-				id: newTxView
-				property var title: "New transaction"
-				visible: false
-				anchors.fill: parent
-				color: "#00000000"
-				TabView{
-					anchors.fill: parent
-					anchors.rightMargin: 5
-					anchors.leftMargin: 5
-					anchors.topMargin: 5
-					anchors.bottomMargin: 5
-					id: newTransactionTab
-					Component.onCompleted:{
-						var component = Qt.createComponent("newTransaction/_simple_send.qml")
-						var newTransaction = component.createObject("newTransaction")
-						component = Qt.createComponent("newTransaction/_new_contract.qml")
-						var newContract = component.createObject("newContract")
-						addTab("Simple send", newTransaction)
-						addTab("Contracts", newContract)
-					}
-				}
-			}
-			Rectangle {
-				id: networkView
-				property var title: "Network"
-				visible: false
-				anchors.fill: parent
-				TableView {
-					id: blockTable
-					width: parent.width
-					anchors.bottom:
-					TableViewColumn{ role: "number" ; title: "#" ; width: 100 }
-					TableViewColumn{ role: "hash" ; title: "Hash" ; width: 560 }
-					TableViewColumn{ role: "txAmount" ; title: "Tx amount" ; width: 100 }
-					model: blockModel
-					onDoubleClicked: {
-						popup.visible = true
-						popup.setDetails(blockModel.get(row))
-					}
-				}
-				property var logModel: ListModel {
-					id: logModel
-				}
-				TableView {
-					id: logView
-					width: parent.width
-					height: 150
-					anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
-					TableViewColumn{ role: "description" ; title: "log" }
-					model: logModel
-				}
-			}
-			Rectangle {
-				id: infoView
-				property var title: "Information"
-				visible: false
-				color: "#00000000"
-				anchors.fill: parent
-				Label {
-					id: addressLabel
-					text: "Address"
-					anchors {
-						margins: 5
-						top:
-						left: parent.left
-					}
-				}
-				TextField {
-					anchors {
-						margins: 5
-						left: addressLabel.right
-						top:
-					}
-					text: pub.getKey().address
-					width: 500
-				}
-			}
-			/*
-			 signal addPlugin(string name)
-			 Component {
-				 id: pluginWindow
-				 Rectangle {
-					 anchors.fill: parent
-					 Label {
-						 id: pluginTitle
-						 anchors.centerIn: parent
-						 text: "Hello world"
-					 }
-					 Component.onCompleted: setView(this)
-				 }
-			 }
-			 onAddPlugin: {
-				 var pluginWin = pluginWindow.createObject(mainView)
-				 console.log(pluginWin)
-				 pluginWin.pluginTitle.text = "Test"
-			 }
-			 */
-		}
-	}
-	FileDialog {
-		id: openAppDialog
-		title: "Open QML Application"
-		onAccepted: {
-			//
-			//ui.openHtml(Qt.resolvedUrl(ui.assetPath("test.html")))
-			ui.openHtml(openAppDialog.fileUrl.toString())
-		}
-	}
-	statusBar: StatusBar {
-		RowLayout {
-			anchors.fill: parent
-			Button {
-				property var enabled: true
-				id: debuggerWindow
-				onClicked: {
-					ui.startDebugger()
-				}
-				text: "Debugger"
-			}
-			Button {
-				id: importAppButton
-				anchors.left: debuggerWindow.right
-				anchors.leftMargin: 5
-				onClicked:
-				text: "Import App"
-			}
-			Label {
-				anchors.left: importAppButton.right
-				anchors.leftMargin: 5
-				id: walletValueLabel
-			}
-			Label {
-				anchors.right: peerImage.left
-				anchors.rightMargin: 5
-				id: peerLabel
-				font.pixelSize: 8
-				text: "0 / 0"
-			}
-			Image {
-				id: peerImage
-				anchors.right: parent.right
-				width: 10; height: 10
-				source: ui.assetPath("network.png")
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	Window {
-		id: popup
-		visible: false
-		property var block
-		width: 800
-		height: 280
-		x: root.x
-		y: root.y + root.height
-		Component{
-			id: blockDetailsDelegate
-			Rectangle {
-				color: "#252525"
-				width: popup.width
-				height: 200
-				Column {
-					anchors.leftMargin: 10
-					anchors.topMargin: 5
-					anchors.left: parent.left
-					Text { text: '<h3>Block details</h3>'; color: "#F2F2F2"}
-					Text { text: '<b>Block number:</b> ' + number; color: "#F2F2F2"}
-					Text { text: '<b>Hash:</b> ' + hash; color: "#F2F2F2"}
-					Text { text: '<b>Block found at:</b> ' + prettyTime; color: "#F2F2F2"}
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		ListView {
-			model: singleBlock
-			delegate: blockDetailsDelegate
-			height: 70
-			anchors.leftMargin: 20
-			id: listViewThing
-			Layout.maximumHeight: 40
-		}
-		TableView {
-			id: txView
- listViewThing.bottom
-			anchors.topMargin: 50
-			width: parent.width
-			TableViewColumn{width: 90; role: "value" ; title: "Value" }
-			TableViewColumn{width: 200; role: "hash" ; title: "Hash" }
-			TableViewColumn{width: 200; role: "sender" ; title: "Sender" }
-			TableViewColumn{width: 200;role: "address" ; title: "Receiver" }
-			TableViewColumn{width: 60; role: "gas" ; title: "Gas" }
-			TableViewColumn{width: 60; role: "gasPrice" ; title: "Gas Price" }
-			TableViewColumn{width: 60; role: "isContract" ; title: "Contract" }
-			model: transactionModel
-			onClicked: {
-				var tx = transactionModel.get(row)
-				if( {
-					popup.showContractData(
-				}else{
-					popup.height = 230
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		function showContractData(data) {
-			contractData.text = data
-			popup.height = 400
-		}
-		Rectangle {
-			width: popup.width
-			height: 300
-			anchors.left: listViewThing.left
- txView.bottom
-			Label {
-				text: "<h4>Contract data</h4>"
-				anchors.left: parent.left
-				id: contractLabel
-				anchors.leftMargin: 10
-			}
-			TextArea {
-				id: contractData
-				text: "Contract"
- contractLabel.bottom
-				anchors.left: parent.left
-				wrapMode: Text.Wrap
-				width: parent.width - 30
-				height: 80
-				anchors.leftMargin: 10
-			}
-		}
-		property var transactionModel: ListModel {
-			id: transactionModel
-		}
-		property var singleBlock: ListModel {
-			id: singleBlock
-		}
-		function setDetails(block){
-			singleBlock.set(0,block)
-			popup.height = 230
-			transactionModel.clear()
-			if(block.txs != undefined){
-				for(var i = 0; i < block.txs.count; ++i) {
-					transactionModel.insert(0, block.txs.get(i))
-				}
-				if(block.txs.get(0).data){
-					popup.showContractData(block.txs.get(0).data)
-				}
-			}
-			txView.forceActiveFocus()
-		}
-	}
-	Window {
-		id: addPeerWin
-		visible: false
-		minimumWidth: 230
-		maximumWidth: 230
-		maximumHeight: 50
-		minimumHeight: 50
-		TextField {
-			id: addrField
-			anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
-			anchors.left: parent.left
-			anchors.leftMargin: 10
-			placeholderText: "address:port"
-			onAccepted: {
-				ui.connectToPeer(addrField.text)
-				addPeerWin.visible = false
-			}
-		}
-		Button {
-			anchors.left: addrField.right
-			anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
-			anchors.leftMargin: 5
-			text: "Add"
-			onClicked: {
-				ui.connectToPeer(addrField.text)
-				addPeerWin.visible = false
-			}
-		}
-		Component.onCompleted: {
-			addrField.focus = true
-		}
-	}
-	Window {
-		id: aboutWin
-		visible: false
-		title: "About"
-		minimumWidth: 350
-		maximumWidth: 350
-		maximumHeight: 200
-		minimumHeight: 200
-		Image {
-			id: aboutIcon
-			height: 150
-			width: 150
-			fillMode: Image.PreserveAspectFit
-			smooth: true
-			source: ui.assetPath("facet.png")
-			x: 10
-			y: 10
-		}
-		Text {
-			anchors.left: aboutIcon.right
-			anchors.leftMargin: 10
-			font.pointSize: 12
-			text: "<h2>Ethereal</h2><br><h3>Development</h3>Jeffrey Wilcke<br>Maran Hidskes<br>"
-		}
-	}
-	ApplicationWindow {
-		id: debugWindow
-		visible: false
-		title: "Debugger"
-		minimumWidth: 600
-		minimumHeight: 600
-		width: 800
-		height: 600
-		Item {
-			id: keyHandler
-			focus: true
-			Keys.onPressed: {
-				if (event.key == Qt.Key_Space) {
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		SplitView {
-			anchors.fill: parent
-			property var asmModel: ListModel {
-				id: asmModel
-			}
-			TableView {
-				id: asmTableView
-				width: 200
-				TableViewColumn{ role: "value" ; title: "" ; width: 100 }
-				model: asmModel
-			}
-			Rectangle {
-				anchors.left: asmTableView.right
-				anchors.right: parent.right
-				SplitView {
-					orientation: Qt.Vertical
-					anchors.fill: parent
-					TableView {
-						property var memModel: ListModel {
-							id: memModel
-						}
-						height: parent.height/2
-						width: parent.width
-						TableViewColumn{ id:mnumColmn ; role: "num" ; title: "#" ; width: 50}
-						TableViewColumn{ role: "value" ; title: "Memory" ; width: 750}
-						model: memModel
-					}
-					SplitView {
-						orientation: Qt.Horizontal
-						id: debugSplitView
-						TableView {
-							property var debuggerLog: ListModel {
-								id: debuggerLog
-							}
-							TableViewColumn{ role: "value"; title: "Debug messages" }
-							model: debuggerLog
-						}
-						TableView {
-							property var stackModel: ListModel {
-								id: stackModel
-							}
-							height: parent.height/2
-							width: parent.width
-							TableViewColumn{ role: "value" ; title: "Stack" ; width: debugSplitView.width }
-							model: stackModel
-						}
-					}
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		statusBar: StatusBar {
-			RowLayout {
-				anchors.fill: parent
-				Button {
-					property var enabled: true
-					id: debugNextButton
-					onClicked: {
-					}
-					text: "Next"
-				}
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	function setAsm(asm) {
-		asmModel.append({asm: asm})
-	}
-	function setInstruction(num) {
-		asmTableView.selection.clear()
-	}
-	function clearAsm() {
-		asmModel.clear()
-	}
-	function setMem(mem) {
-		memModel.append({num: mem.num, value: mem.value})
-	}
-	function clearMem(){
-		memModel.clear()
-	}
-	function setStack(stack) {
-		stackModel.append({value: stack})
-	}
-	function addDebugMessage(message){
-		console.log("WOOP:")
-		debuggerLog.append({value: message})
-	}
-	function clearStack() {
-		stackModel.clear()
-	}
-	function loadPlugin(name) {
-		console.log("Loading plugin" + name)
-		mainView.addPlugin(name)
-	}
-	function setWalletValue(value) {
-		walletValueLabel.text = value
-	}
-	function addTx(tx, inout) {
-		var isContract
-		if (tx.contract == true){
-			isContract = "Yes"
-		}else{
-			isContract = "No"
-		}
-		txModel.insert(0, {inout: inout, hash: tx.hash, address: tx.address, value: tx.value, contract: isContract})
-	}
-	function addBlock(block, initial) {
-		var txs = JSON.parse(block.transactions);
-		var amount = 0
-		if(initial == undefined){
-			initial = false
-		}
-		if(txs != null){
-			amount = txs.length
-		}
-		if(initial){
-			blockModel.append({number: block.number, hash: block.hash, txs: txs, txAmount: amount, time: block.time, prettyTime: convertToPretty(block.time)})
-		}else{
-			blockModel.insert(0, {number: block.number, hash: block.hash, txs: txs, txAmount: amount, time: block.time, prettyTime: convertToPretty(block.time)})
-		}
-	}
-	function addLog(str) {
-		if(str.len != 0) {
-			logModel.append({description: str})
-		}
-	}
-	function setPeers(text) {
-		peerLabel.text = text
-	}
-	function convertToPretty(unixTs){
-		var a = new Date(unixTs*1000);
-		var months = ['Jan','Feb','Mar','Apr','May','Jun','Jul','Aug','Sep','Oct','Nov','Dec'];
-		var year = a.getFullYear();
-		var month = months[a.getMonth()];
-		var date = a.getDate();
-		var hour = a.getHours();
-		var min = a.getMinutes();
-		var sec = a.getSeconds();
-		var time = date+' '+month+' '+year+' '+hour+':'+min+':'+sec ;
-		return time;
-	}
+  id: root
+  width: 900
+  height: 600
+  minimumHeight: 300
+  title: "Ethereal"
+  MenuBar {
+    Menu {
+      title: "File"
+      MenuItem {
+        text: "Import App"
+        shortcut: "Ctrl+o"
+        onTriggered:
+      }
+    }
+    Menu {
+      title: "Tools"
+      MenuItem {
+        text: "Muted"
+        shortcut: "Ctrl+e"
+        onTriggered: ui.muted("")
+      }
+      MenuItem {
+        text: "Debugger"
+        shortcut: "Ctrl+d"
+        onTriggered: ui.startDebugger()
+      }
+    }
+    Menu {
+      title: "Network"
+      MenuItem {
+        text: "Add Peer"
+        shortcut: "Ctrl+p"
+        onTriggered: {
+          addPeerWin.visible = true
+        }
+      }
+      MenuItem {
+        text: "Start"
+        onTriggered: ui.connect()
+      }
+    }
+    Menu {
+      title: "Help"
+      MenuItem {
+        text: "About"
+        onTriggered: {
+          aboutWin.visible = true
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  property var blockModel: ListModel {
+    id: blockModel
+  }
+  function setView(view) {
+    networkView.visible = false
+    historyView.visible = false
+    newTxView.visible = false
+    infoView.visible = false
+    view.visible = true
+    //root.title = "Ethereal - " = view.title
+  }
+  SplitView {
+    anchors.fill: parent
+    resizing: false
+    Rectangle {
+      id: menu
+      Layout.minimumWidth: 80
+      Layout.maximumWidth: 80
+      anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
+      //color: "#D9DDE7"
+      color: "#252525"
+      ColumnLayout {
+        y: 50
+        anchors.left: parent.left
+        anchors.right: parent.right
+        height: 200
+        Image {
+          source: ui.assetPath("tx.png")
+          anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
+          MouseArea {
+            anchors.fill: parent
+            onClicked: {
+              setView(historyView)
+            }
+          }
+        }
+        Image {
+          source: ui.assetPath("new.png")
+          anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
+          MouseArea {
+            anchors.fill: parent
+            onClicked: {
+              setView(newTxView)
+            }
+          }
+        }
+        Image {
+          source: ui.assetPath("net.png")
+          anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
+          MouseArea {
+            anchors.fill: parent
+            onClicked: {
+              setView(networkView)
+            }
+          }
+        }
+        Image {
+          source: ui.assetPath("heart.png")
+          anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
+          MouseArea {
+            anchors.fill: parent
+            onClicked: {
+              setView(infoView)
+            }
+          }
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    Rectangle {
+      id: mainView
+      color: "#00000000"
+      anchors.right: parent.right
+      anchors.left: menu.right
+      anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
+      property var txModel: ListModel {
+        id: txModel
+      }
+      Rectangle {
+        id: historyView
+        anchors.fill: parent
+        property var title: "Transactions"
+        TableView {
+          id: txTableView
+          anchors.fill: parent
+          TableViewColumn{ role: "inout" ; title: "" ; width: 40 }
+          TableViewColumn{ role: "value" ; title: "Value" ; width: 100 }
+          TableViewColumn{ role: "address" ; title: "Address" ; width: 430 }
+          TableViewColumn{ role: "contract" ; title: "Contract" ; width: 100 }
+          model: txModel
+        }
+      }
+      Rectangle {
+        id: newTxView
+        property var title: "New transaction"
+        visible: false
+        anchors.fill: parent
+        color: "#00000000"
+        TabView{
+          anchors.fill: parent
+          anchors.rightMargin: 5
+          anchors.leftMargin: 5
+          anchors.topMargin: 5
+          anchors.bottomMargin: 5
+          id: newTransactionTab
+          Component.onCompleted:{
+            addTab("Simple send", newTransaction)
+            addTab("Contracts", newContract)
+          }
+        }
+      }
+      Rectangle {
+        id: networkView
+        property var title: "Network"
+        visible: false
+        anchors.fill: parent
+        TableView {
+          id: blockTable
+          width: parent.width
+          anchors.bottom:
+          TableViewColumn{ role: "number" ; title: "#" ; width: 100 }
+          TableViewColumn{ role: "hash" ; title: "Hash" ; width: 560 }
+          TableViewColumn{ role: "txAmount" ; title: "Tx amount" ; width: 100 }
+          model: blockModel
+          onDoubleClicked: {
+            popup.visible = true
+            popup.setDetails(blockModel.get(row))
+          }
+        }
+        property var logModel: ListModel {
+          id: logModel
+        }
+        TableView {
+          id: logView
+          width: parent.width
+          height: 150
+          anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
+          TableViewColumn{ role: "description" ; title: "log" }
+          model: logModel
+        }
+      }
+      Rectangle {
+        id: infoView
+        property var title: "Information"
+        visible: false
+        color: "#00000000"
+        anchors.fill: parent
+        Label {
+          id: addressLabel
+          text: "Address"
+          anchors {
+            margins: 5
+            top:
+            left: parent.left
+          }
+        }
+        TextField {
+          anchors {
+            margins: 5
+            left: addressLabel.right
+            top:
+          }
+          text: pub.getKey().address
+          width: 500
+        }
+      }
+      /*
+       signal addPlugin(string name)
+       Component {
+         id: pluginWindow
+         Rectangle {
+           anchors.fill: parent
+           Label {
+             id: pluginTitle
+             anchors.centerIn: parent
+             text: "Hello world"
+           }
+           Component.onCompleted: setView(this)
+         }
+       }
+       onAddPlugin: {
+         var pluginWin = pluginWindow.createObject(mainView)
+         console.log(pluginWin)
+         pluginWin.pluginTitle.text = "Test"
+       }
+       */
+    }
+  }
+  FileDialog {
+    id: openAppDialog
+    title: "Open QML Application"
+    onAccepted: {
+      //
+      //ui.openHtml(Qt.resolvedUrl(ui.assetPath("test.html")))
+      ui.openHtml(openAppDialog.fileUrl.toString())
+    }
+  }
+  statusBar: StatusBar {
+    RowLayout {
+      anchors.fill: parent
+      Button {
+        property var enabled: true
+        id: debuggerWindow
+        onClicked: {
+          ui.startDebugger()
+        }
+        text: "Debugger"
+      }
+      Button {
+        id: importAppButton
+        anchors.left: debuggerWindow.right
+        anchors.leftMargin: 5
+        onClicked:
+        text: "Import App"
+      }
+      Label {
+        anchors.left: importAppButton.right
+        anchors.leftMargin: 5
+        id: walletValueLabel
+      }
+      Label {
+        anchors.right: peerImage.left
+        anchors.rightMargin: 5
+        id: peerLabel
+        font.pixelSize: 8
+        text: "0 / 0"
+      }
+      Image {
+        id: peerImage
+        anchors.right: parent.right
+        width: 10; height: 10
+        source: ui.assetPath("network.png")
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  Window {
+    id: popup
+    visible: false
+    property var block
+    width: 800
+    height: 280
+    x: root.x
+    y: root.y + root.height
+    Component{
+      id: blockDetailsDelegate
+      Rectangle {
+        color: "#252525"
+        width: popup.width
+        height: 200
+        Column {
+          anchors.leftMargin: 10
+          anchors.topMargin: 5
+          anchors.left: parent.left
+          Text { text: '<h3>Block details</h3>'; color: "#F2F2F2"}
+          Text { text: '<b>Block number:</b> ' + number; color: "#F2F2F2"}
+          Text { text: '<b>Hash:</b> ' + hash; color: "#F2F2F2"}
+          Text { text: '<b>Block found at:</b> ' + prettyTime; color: "#F2F2F2"}
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    ListView {
+      model: singleBlock
+      delegate: blockDetailsDelegate
+      height: 70
+      anchors.leftMargin: 20
+      id: listViewThing
+      Layout.maximumHeight: 40
+    }
+    TableView {
+      id: txView
+ listViewThing.bottom
+      anchors.topMargin: 50
+      width: parent.width
+      TableViewColumn{width: 90; role: "value" ; title: "Value" }
+      TableViewColumn{width: 200; role: "hash" ; title: "Hash" }
+      TableViewColumn{width: 200; role: "sender" ; title: "Sender" }
+      TableViewColumn{width: 200;role: "address" ; title: "Receiver" }
+      TableViewColumn{width: 60; role: "gas" ; title: "Gas" }
+      TableViewColumn{width: 60; role: "gasPrice" ; title: "Gas Price" }
+      TableViewColumn{width: 60; role: "isContract" ; title: "Contract" }
+      model: transactionModel
+      onClicked: {
+        var tx = transactionModel.get(row)
+        if( {
+          popup.showContractData(
+        }else{
+          popup.height = 230
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    function showContractData(data) {
+      contractData.text = data
+      popup.height = 400
+    }
+    Rectangle {
+      width: popup.width
+      height: 300
+      anchors.left: listViewThing.left
+ txView.bottom
+      Label {
+        text: "<h4>Contract data</h4>"
+        anchors.left: parent.left
+        id: contractLabel
+        anchors.leftMargin: 10
+      }
+      TextArea {
+        id: contractData
+        text: "Contract"
+ contractLabel.bottom
+        anchors.left: parent.left
+        wrapMode: Text.Wrap
+        width: parent.width - 30
+        height: 80
+        anchors.leftMargin: 10
+      }
+    }
+    property var transactionModel: ListModel {
+      id: transactionModel
+    }
+    property var singleBlock: ListModel {
+      id: singleBlock
+    }
+    function setDetails(block){
+      singleBlock.set(0,block)
+      popup.height = 230
+      transactionModel.clear()
+      if(block.txs != undefined){
+        for(var i = 0; i < block.txs.count; ++i) {
+          transactionModel.insert(0, block.txs.get(i))
+        }
+        if(block.txs.get(0).data){
+          popup.showContractData(block.txs.get(0).data)
+        }
+      }
+      txView.forceActiveFocus()
+    }
+  }
+  Window {
+    id: addPeerWin
+    visible: false
+    minimumWidth: 230
+    maximumWidth: 230
+    maximumHeight: 50
+    minimumHeight: 50
+    TextField {
+      id: addrField
+      anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
+      anchors.left: parent.left
+      anchors.leftMargin: 10
+      placeholderText: "address:port"
+      onAccepted: {
+        ui.connectToPeer(addrField.text)
+        addPeerWin.visible = false
+      }
+    }
+    Button {
+      anchors.left: addrField.right
+      anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
+      anchors.leftMargin: 5
+      text: "Add"
+      onClicked: {
+        ui.connectToPeer(addrField.text)
+        addPeerWin.visible = false
+      }
+    }
+    Component.onCompleted: {
+      addrField.focus = true
+    }
+  }
+  Window {
+    id: aboutWin
+    visible: false
+    title: "About"
+    minimumWidth: 350
+    maximumWidth: 350
+    maximumHeight: 200
+    minimumHeight: 200
+    Image {
+      id: aboutIcon
+      height: 150
+      width: 150
+      fillMode: Image.PreserveAspectFit
+      smooth: true
+      source: ui.assetPath("facet.png")
+      x: 10
+      y: 10
+    }
+    Text {
+      anchors.left: aboutIcon.right
+      anchors.leftMargin: 10
+      font.pointSize: 12
+      text: "<h2>Ethereal</h2><br><h3>Development</h3>Jeffrey Wilcke<br>Maran Hidskes<br>"
+    }
+  }
+  ApplicationWindow {
+    id: debugWindow
+    visible: false
+    title: "Debugger"
+    minimumWidth: 600
+    minimumHeight: 600
+    width: 800
+    height: 600
+    Item {
+      id: keyHandler
+      focus: true
+      Keys.onPressed: {
+        if (event.key == Qt.Key_Space) {
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    SplitView {
+      anchors.fill: parent
+      property var asmModel: ListModel {
+        id: asmModel
+      }
+      TableView {
+        id: asmTableView
+        width: 200
+        TableViewColumn{ role: "value" ; title: "" ; width: 100 }
+        model: asmModel
+      }
+      Rectangle {
+        anchors.left: asmTableView.right
+        anchors.right: parent.right
+        SplitView {
+          orientation: Qt.Vertical
+          anchors.fill: parent
+          TableView {
+            property var memModel: ListModel {
+              id: memModel
+            }
+            height: parent.height/2
+            width: parent.width
+            TableViewColumn{ id:mnumColmn ; role: "num" ; title: "#" ; width: 50}
+            TableViewColumn{ role: "value" ; title: "Memory" ; width: 750}
+            model: memModel
+          }
+          SplitView {
+            orientation: Qt.Horizontal
+            id: debugSplitView
+            TableView {
+              property var debuggerLog: ListModel {
+                id: debuggerLog
+              }
+              TableViewColumn{ role: "value"; title: "Debug messages" }
+              model: debuggerLog
+            }
+            TableView {
+              property var stackModel: ListModel {
+                id: stackModel
+              }
+              height: parent.height/2
+              width: parent.width
+              TableViewColumn{ role: "value" ; title: "Stack" ; width: debugSplitView.width }
+              model: stackModel
+            }
+          }
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    statusBar: StatusBar {
+      RowLayout {
+        anchors.fill: parent
+        Button {
+          property var enabled: true
+          id: debugNextButton
+          onClicked: {
+          }
+          text: "Next"
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  function setAsm(asm) {
+    asmModel.append({asm: asm})
+  }
+  function setInstruction(num) {
+    asmTableView.selection.clear()
+  }
+  function clearAsm() {
+    asmModel.clear()
+  }
+  function setMem(mem) {
+    memModel.append({num: mem.num, value: mem.value})
+  }
+  function clearMem(){
+    memModel.clear()
+  }
+  function setStack(stack) {
+    stackModel.append({value: stack})
+  }
+  function addDebugMessage(message){
+    console.log("WOOP:")
+    debuggerLog.append({value: message})
+  }
+  function clearStack() {
+    stackModel.clear()
+  }
+  function loadPlugin(name) {
+    console.log("Loading plugin" + name)
+    mainView.addPlugin(name)
+  }
+  function setWalletValue(value) {
+    walletValueLabel.text = value
+  }
+  function addTx(tx, inout) {
+    var isContract
+    if (tx.contract == true){
+      isContract = "Yes"
+    }else{
+      isContract = "No"
+    }
+    txModel.insert(0, {inout: inout, hash: tx.hash, address: tx.address, value: tx.value, contract: isContract})
+  }
+  function addBlock(block, initial) {
+    var txs = JSON.parse(block.transactions);
+    var amount = 0
+    if(initial == undefined){
+      initial = false
+    }
+    if(txs != null){
+      amount = txs.length
+    }
+    if(initial){
+      blockModel.append({number: block.number, hash: block.hash, txs: txs, txAmount: amount, time: block.time, prettyTime: convertToPretty(block.time)})
+    }else{
+      blockModel.insert(0, {number: block.number, hash: block.hash, txs: txs, txAmount: amount, time: block.time, prettyTime: convertToPretty(block.time)})
+    }
+  }
+  function addLog(str) {
+    if(str.len != 0) {
+      logModel.append({description: str})
+    }
+  }
+  function setPeers(text) {
+    peerLabel.text = text
+  }
+  function convertToPretty(unixTs){
+    var a = new Date(unixTs*1000);
+    var months = ['Jan','Feb','Mar','Apr','May','Jun','Jul','Aug','Sep','Oct','Nov','Dec'];
+    var year = a.getFullYear();
+    var month = months[a.getMonth()];
+    var date = a.getDate();
+    var hour = a.getHours();
+    var min = a.getMinutes();
+    var sec = a.getSeconds();
+    var time = date+' '+month+' '+year+' '+hour+':'+min+':'+sec ;
+    return time;
+  }
+  // *******************************************
+  // Components
+  // *******************************************
+  // New Contract component
+  Component {
+    id: newContract
+    Column {
+      id: mainContractColumn
+      function contractFormReady(){
+        if(codeView.text.length > 0 && txValue.text.length > 0 && txGas.text.length > 0 && txGasPrice.length > 0) {
+          txButton.state = "READY"
+        }else{
+          txButton.state = "NOTREADY"
+        }
+      }
+      states: [
+        State{
+          name: "ERROR"
+          PropertyChanges { target: txResult; visible:true}
+          PropertyChanges { target: codeView; visible:true}
+        },
+        State {
+          name: "DONE"
+          PropertyChanges { target: txValue; visible:false}
+          PropertyChanges { target: txGas; visible:false}
+          PropertyChanges { target: txGasPrice; visible:false}
+          PropertyChanges { target: codeView; visible:false}
+          PropertyChanges { target: txButton; visible:false}
+          PropertyChanges { target: txDataLabel; visible:false}
+          PropertyChanges { target: txResult; visible:true}
+          PropertyChanges { target: txOutput; visible:true}
+          PropertyChanges { target: newTxButton; visible:true}
+        },
+        State {
+          name: "SETUP"
+          PropertyChanges { target: txValue; visible:true; text: ""}
+          PropertyChanges { target: txGas; visible:true; text: ""}
+          PropertyChanges { target: txGasPrice; visible:true; text: ""}
+          PropertyChanges { target: codeView; visible:true; text: ""}
+          PropertyChanges { target: txButton; visible:true}
+          PropertyChanges { target: txDataLabel; visible:true}
+          PropertyChanges { target: txResult; visible:false}
+          PropertyChanges { target: txOutput; visible:false}
+          PropertyChanges { target: newTxButton; visible:false}
+        }
+      ]
+      width: 400
+      spacing: 5
+      anchors.left: parent.left
+      anchors.leftMargin: 5
+      anchors.topMargin: 5
+      TextField {
+        id: txValue
+        width: 200
+        placeholderText: "Amount"
+        validator: RegExpValidator { regExp: /\d*/ }
+        onTextChanged: {
+          contractFormReady()
+        }
+      }
+      TextField {
+        id: txGas
+        width: 200
+        validator: RegExpValidator { regExp: /\d*/ }
+        placeholderText: "Gas"
+        onTextChanged: {
+          contractFormReady()
+        }
+      }
+      TextField {
+        id: txGasPrice
+        width: 200
+        placeholderText: "Gas price"
+        validator: RegExpValidator { regExp: /\d*/ }
+        onTextChanged: {
+          contractFormReady()
+        }
+      }
+      Row {
+        id: rowContract
+        ExclusiveGroup { id: contractTypeGroup }
+        RadioButton {
+          id: createContractRadio
+          text: "Create contract"
+          checked: true
+          exclusiveGroup: contractTypeGroup
+          onClicked: {
+            txFuelRecipient.visible = false
+            txDataLabel.text = "Contract code"
+          }
+        }
+        RadioButton {
+          id: runContractRadio
+          text: "Run contract"
+          exclusiveGroup: contractTypeGroup
+          onClicked: {
+            txFuelRecipient.visible = true
+            txDataLabel.text = "Contract arguments"
+          }
+        }
+      }
+      Label {
+        id: txDataLabel
+        text: "Contract code"
+      }
+      TextArea {
+        id: codeView
+        height: 300
+        anchors.topMargin: 5
+        Layout.fillWidth: true
+        width: parent.width /2
+        onTextChanged: {
+          contractFormReady()
+        }
+      }
+      TextField {
+        id: txFuelRecipient
+        placeholderText: "Contract address"
+        validator: RegExpValidator { regExp: /[a-f0-9]{40}/ }
+        visible: false
+        width: 530
+      }
+      Button {
+        id: txButton
+        /* enabled: false */
+        states: [
+          State {
+            name: "READY"
+            PropertyChanges { target: txButton; /*enabled: true*/}
+          },
+          State {
+            name: "NOTREADY"
+            PropertyChanges { target: txButton; /*enabled:false*/}
+          }
+        ]
+        text: "Send"
+        onClicked: {
+          //this.enabled = false
+          var res = eth.create(txFuelRecipient.text, txValue.text, txGas.text, txGasPrice.text, codeView.text)
+          if(res[1]) {
+            txResult.text = "Your contract <b>could not</b> be send over the network:\n<b>"
+            txResult.text += res[1].error()
+            txResult.text += "</b>"
+            mainContractColumn.state = "ERROR"
+          } else {
+            txResult.text = "Your transaction has been submitted:\n"
+            txOutput.text = res[0].address
+            mainContractColumn.state = "DONE"
+          }
+        }
+      }
+      Text {
+        id: txResult
+        visible: false
+      }
+      TextField {
+        id: txOutput
+        visible: false
+        width: 530
+      }
+      Button {
+        id: newTxButton
+        visible: false
+        text: "Create an other contract"
+        onClicked: {
+          this.visible = false
+          txResult.text = ""
+          txOutput.text = ""
+          mainContractColumn.state = "SETUP"
+        }
+      }
+      Button {
+        id: debugButton
+        text: "Debug"
+        onClicked: {
+          var res = ui.debugTx("", txValue.text, txGas.text, txGasPrice.text, codeView.text)
+          debugWindow.visible = true
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  // New Transaction component
+  Component {
+    id: newTransaction
+    Column {
+      id: simpleSendColumn
+      states: [
+        State{
+          name: "ERROR"
+        },
+        State {
+          name: "DONE"
+          PropertyChanges { target: txSimpleValue; visible:false}
+          PropertyChanges { target: txSimpleRecipient; visible:false}
+          PropertyChanges { target:newSimpleTxButton; visible:false}
+          PropertyChanges { target: txSimpleResult; visible:true}
+          PropertyChanges { target: txSimpleOutput; visible:true}
+          PropertyChanges { target:newSimpleTxButton; visible:true}
+        },
+        State {
+          name: "SETUP"
+          PropertyChanges { target: txSimpleValue; visible:true; text: ""}
+          PropertyChanges { target: txSimpleRecipient; visible:true; text: ""}
+          PropertyChanges { target: txSimpleButton; visible:true}
+          PropertyChanges { target:newSimpleTxButton; visible:false}
+        }
+      ]
+      spacing: 5
+      anchors.leftMargin: 5
+      anchors.topMargin: 5
+      anchors.left: parent.left
+      function checkFormState(){
+        if(txSimpleRecipient.text.length == 40 && txSimpleValue.text.length > 0) {
+          txSimpleButton.state = "READY"
+        }else{
+          txSimpleButton.state = "NOTREADY"
+        }
+      }
+      TextField {
+        id: txSimpleRecipient
+        placeholderText: "Recipient address"
+        Layout.fillWidth: true
+        validator: RegExpValidator { regExp: /[a-f0-9]{40}/ }
+        width: 530
+        onTextChanged: { checkFormState() }
+      }
+      TextField {
+        id: txSimpleValue
+        width: 200
+        placeholderText: "Amount"
+        anchors.rightMargin: 5
+        validator: RegExpValidator { regExp: /\d*/ }
+        onTextChanged: { checkFormState() }
+      }
+      Button {
+        id: txSimpleButton
+        /*enabled: false*/
+        states: [
+          State {
+            name: "READY"
+            PropertyChanges { target: txSimpleButton; /*enabled: true*/}
+          },
+          State {
+            name: "NOTREADY"
+            PropertyChanges { target: txSimpleButton; /*enabled: false*/}
+          }
+        ]
+        text: "Send"
+        onClicked: {
+          //this.enabled = false
+          var res = eth.transact(txSimpleRecipient.text, txSimpleValue.text,"","","")
+          if(res[1]) {
+            txSimpleResult.text = "There has been an error broadcasting your transaction:" + res[1].error()
+          } else {
+            txSimpleResult.text = "Your transaction has been broadcasted over the network.\nYour transaction id is:"
+            txSimpleOutput.text = res[0].hash
+            this.visible = false
+            simpleSendColumn.state = "DONE"
+          }
+        }
+      }
+      Text {
+        id: txSimpleResult
+        visible: false
+      }
+      TextField {
+        id: txSimpleOutput
+        visible: false
+        width: 530
+      }
+      Button {
+        id: newSimpleTxButton
+        visible: false
+        text: "Create an other transaction"
+        onClicked: {
+          this.visible = false
+          simpleSendColumn.state = "SETUP"
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
cgit v1.2.3

From 09728bf43ce5eaed3060d0ce8aae323055aa6cba Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: obscuren <>
Date: Wed, 28 May 2014 13:00:45 +0200
Subject: Debugger script&data now accept "0x" values

 ethereal/assets/debugger/debugger.qml | 6 +++++-
 1 file changed, 5 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

(limited to 'ethereal/assets')

diff --git a/ethereal/assets/debugger/debugger.qml b/ethereal/assets/debugger/debugger.qml
index 7c3ffbceb..40b0b68b1 100644
--- a/ethereal/assets/debugger/debugger.qml
+++ b/ethereal/assets/debugger/debugger.qml
@@ -14,6 +14,9 @@ ApplicationWindow {
     width: 1290
     height: 900
+	property alias codeText: codeEditor.text
+	property alias dataText: rawDataField.text
 	MenuBar {
 		Menu {
 			title: "Debugger"
@@ -167,6 +170,7 @@ ApplicationWindow {
     toolBar: ToolBar {
         RowLayout {
             spacing: 5
@@ -205,7 +209,7 @@ ApplicationWindow {
     function setInstruction(num) {
     function setMem(mem) {
cgit v1.2.3

From 1eda1d25b0d27fe57287698fb883c9153ddda292 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Maran <>
Date: Wed, 28 May 2014 15:48:17 +0200
Subject: Hooked up the Block Explorer to the Debugger so we can instantly
 debug made transactions

 ethereal/assets/qml/wallet.qml | 38 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------
 1 file changed, 32 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)

(limited to 'ethereal/assets')

diff --git a/ethereal/assets/qml/wallet.qml b/ethereal/assets/qml/wallet.qml
index bba9c1d3b..82b680913 100644
--- a/ethereal/assets/qml/wallet.qml
+++ b/ethereal/assets/qml/wallet.qml
@@ -340,8 +340,8 @@ ApplicationWindow {
     id: popup
     visible: false
     property var block
-    width: 800
-    height: 280
+    width: root.width
+    height: 240
     x: root.x
     y: root.y + root.height
@@ -389,17 +389,27 @@ ApplicationWindow {
       onClicked: {
         var tx = transactionModel.get(row)
         if( {
-          popup.showContractData(
+          popup.showContractData(tx)
           popup.height = 230
-    function showContractData(data) {
-      contractData.text = data
+    function showContractData(tx) {
+       txDetailsDebugButton.tx = tx
+      if(tx.createsContract) {
+	      contractData.text =
+	      contractLabel.text = "<h4> Transaction created contract " + tx.address + "</h4>"
+      }else{
+	      contractLabel.text = "<h4> Transaction ran contract " + tx.address + "</h4>"
+	      contractData.text = tx.rawData
+      }
       popup.height = 400
     Rectangle {
+      id: txDetails
       width: popup.width
       height: 300
       anchors.left: listViewThing.left
@@ -411,6 +421,22 @@ ApplicationWindow {
         id: contractLabel
         anchors.leftMargin: 10
+      Button {
+	      property var tx
+	      id: txDetailsDebugButton
+	      anchors.right: parent.right
+	      anchors.rightMargin: 10
+	      anchors.topMargin: 10
+	      text: "Debug contract"
+	      onClicked: {
+		      if(tx.createsContract){
+			      ui.startDbWithCode(tx.rawData)
+		      }else {
+			      ui.startDbWithContractAndData(tx.address, tx.rawData)
+		      }
+	      }
+      }
       TextArea {
         id: contractData
         text: "Contract"
@@ -437,7 +463,7 @@ ApplicationWindow {
           transactionModel.insert(0, block.txs.get(i))
-          popup.showContractData(block.txs.get(0).data)
+          popup.showContractData(block.txs.get(0))
cgit v1.2.3

From d4f9daa631fa832d556c16f3a29eaf73bd849f32 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Maran <>
Date: Wed, 28 May 2014 16:14:24 +0200
Subject: Refactor hex encode and remove coupling of popup to main window

 ethereal/assets/qml/wallet.qml | 3 +--
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 2 deletions(-)

(limited to 'ethereal/assets')

diff --git a/ethereal/assets/qml/wallet.qml b/ethereal/assets/qml/wallet.qml
index 82b680913..0e0e3d78d 100644
--- a/ethereal/assets/qml/wallet.qml
+++ b/ethereal/assets/qml/wallet.qml
@@ -342,8 +342,6 @@ ApplicationWindow {
     property var block
     width: root.width
     height: 240
-    x: root.x
-    y: root.y + root.height
       id: blockDetailsDelegate
       Rectangle {
@@ -442,6 +440,7 @@ ApplicationWindow {
         text: "Contract" contractLabel.bottom
         anchors.left: parent.left
+	anchors.bottom: popup.bottom
         wrapMode: Text.Wrap
         width: parent.width - 30
         height: 80
cgit v1.2.3

From 8fab7ce37d6748cbf34ebee96622448ec8a4c9e3 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: obscuren <>
Date: Wed, 28 May 2014 23:14:23 +0200
Subject: Fixes and improved debugger

 ethereal/assets/debugger/debugger.qml      |  442 +++---
 ethereal/assets/qml/wallet.qml             | 2002 ++++++++++++++--------------
 ethereal/assets/samplecoin/samplecoin.html |    2 +-
 3 files changed, 1233 insertions(+), 1213 deletions(-)

(limited to 'ethereal/assets')

diff --git a/ethereal/assets/debugger/debugger.qml b/ethereal/assets/debugger/debugger.qml
index 40b0b68b1..bff653fb8 100644
--- a/ethereal/assets/debugger/debugger.qml
+++ b/ethereal/assets/debugger/debugger.qml
@@ -7,12 +7,12 @@ import QtQuick.Controls.Styles 1.1
 import Ethereum 1.0
 ApplicationWindow {
-    visible: false
-    title: "IceCream"
-    minimumWidth: 1280
-    minimumHeight: 900
-    width: 1290
-    height: 900
+	visible: false
+	title: "IceCream"
+	minimumWidth: 1280
+	minimumHeight: 900
+	width: 1290
+	height: 900
 	property alias codeText: codeEditor.text
 	property alias dataText: rawDataField.text
@@ -32,209 +32,229 @@ ApplicationWindow {
-    }
-    SplitView {
-        anchors.fill: parent
-        property var asmModel: ListModel {
-            id: asmModel
-        }
-        TableView {
-            id: asmTableView
-            width: 200
-            TableViewColumn{ role: "value" ; title: "" ; width: 100 }
-            model: asmModel
-        }
-        Rectangle {
-            color: "#00000000"
-            anchors.left: asmTableView.right
-            anchors.right: parent.right
-            SplitView {
-                orientation: Qt.Vertical
-                anchors.fill: parent
-                Rectangle {
-                    color: "#00000000"
-                    height: 500
-                    anchors.left: parent.left
-                    anchors.right: parent.right
-                    TextArea {
-                        id: codeEditor
-                        anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
-                        anchors.left: parent.left
-                        anchors.right: settings.left
-                    }
-                    Column {
-                        id: settings
-                        spacing: 5
-                        width: 300
-                        height: parent.height
-                        anchors.right: parent.right
-                        anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
-                        Label {
-                            text: "Arbitrary data"
-                        }
-                        TextArea {
-                            id: rawDataField
-                            anchors.left: parent.left
-                            anchors.right: parent.right
-                            height: 150
-                        }
-                        Label {
-                            text: "Amount"
-                        }
-                        TextField {
-                            id: txValue
-                            width: 200
-                            placeholderText: "Amount"
-                            validator: RegExpValidator { regExp: /\d*/ }
-                        }
-                        Label {
-                            text: "Amount of gas"
-                        }
-                        TextField {
-                            id: txGas
-                            width: 200
-                            validator: RegExpValidator { regExp: /\d*/ }
-                            text: "10000"
-                            placeholderText: "Gas"
-                        }
-                        Label {
-                            text: "Gas price"
-                        }
-                        TextField {
-                            id: txGasPrice
-                            width: 200
-                            placeholderText: "Gas price"
-                            text: "1000000000000"
-                            validator: RegExpValidator { regExp: /\d*/ }
-                        }
-                    }
-                }
-                SplitView {
-                    orientation: Qt.Vertical
-                    id: inspectorPane
-                    height: 500
-                    SplitView {
-                        orientation: Qt.Horizontal
-                        height: 250
-                        TableView {
-                            id: stackTableView
-                            property var stackModel: ListModel {
-                                id: stackModel
-                            }
-                            height: parent.height
-                            width: 300
-                            TableViewColumn{ role: "value" ; title: "Stack" ; width: 200 }
-                            model: stackModel
-                        }
-                        TableView {
-                            id: memoryTableView
-                            property var memModel: ListModel {
-                                id: memModel
-                            }
-                            height: parent.height
-                            width: parent.width - stackTableView.width
-                            TableViewColumn{ id:mnumColmn ; role: "num" ; title: "#" ; width: 50}
-                            TableViewColumn{ role: "value" ; title: "Memory" ; width: 750}
-                            model: memModel
-                        }
-                    }
-                    SplitView {
-                        height: 300
-                        TableView {
-                            id: storageTableView
-                            property var memModel: ListModel {
-                                id: storageModel
-                            }
-                            height: parent.height
-                            width: parent.width - stackTableView.width
-                            TableViewColumn{ id: key ; role: "key" ; title: "#" ; width: storageTableView.width / 2}
-                            TableViewColumn{ role: "value" ; title: "value" ; width:  storageTableView.width / 2}
-                            model: storageModel
-                        }
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    toolBar: ToolBar {
-        RowLayout {
-            spacing: 5
-            Button {
-                property var enabled: true
-                id: debugStart
-                onClicked: {
-                    debugCurrent()
-                }
-                text: "Debug"
-            }
-            Button {
-                property var enabled: true
-                id: debugNextButton
-                onClicked: {
-                }
-                text: "Next"
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    function debugCurrent() {
-        dbg.debug(txValue.text, txGas.text, txGasPrice.text, codeEditor.text, rawDataField.text)
-    }
-    function setAsm(asm) {
-        asmModel.append({asm: asm})
-    }
-    function clearAsm() {
-        asmModel.clear()
-    }
-    function setInstruction(num) {
-        asmTableView.selection.clear()
-    }
-    function setMem(mem) {
-        memModel.append({num: mem.num, value: mem.value})
-    }
-    function clearMem(){
-        memModel.clear()
-    }
-    function setStack(stack) {
-        stackModel.append({value: stack})
-    }
-    function addDebugMessage(message){
-        debuggerLog.append({value: message})
-    }
-    function clearStack() {
-        stackModel.clear()
-    }
-    function clearStorage() {
-        storageModel.clear()
-    }
-    function setStorage(storage) {
-        storageModel.append({key: storage.key, value: storage.value})
-    }
+	}
+	SplitView {
+		anchors.fill: parent
+		property var asmModel: ListModel {
+			id: asmModel
+		}
+		TableView {
+			id: asmTableView
+			width: 200
+			TableViewColumn{ role: "value" ; title: "" ; width: 100 }
+			model: asmModel
+		}
+		Rectangle {
+			color: "#00000000"
+			anchors.left: asmTableView.right
+			anchors.right: parent.right
+			SplitView {
+				orientation: Qt.Vertical
+				anchors.fill: parent
+				Rectangle {
+					color: "#00000000"
+					height: 500
+					anchors.left: parent.left
+					anchors.right: parent.right
+					TextArea {
+						id: codeEditor
+						anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
+						anchors.left: parent.left
+						anchors.right: settings.left
+					}
+					Column {
+						id: settings
+						spacing: 5
+						width: 300
+						height: parent.height
+						anchors.right: parent.right
+						anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
+						Label {
+							text: "Arbitrary data"
+						}
+						TextArea {
+							id: rawDataField
+							anchors.left: parent.left
+							anchors.right: parent.right
+							height: 150
+						}
+						Label {
+							text: "Amount"
+						}
+						TextField {
+							id: txValue
+							width: 200
+							placeholderText: "Amount"
+							validator: RegExpValidator { regExp: /\d*/ }
+						}
+						Label {
+							text: "Amount of gas"
+						}
+						TextField {
+							id: txGas
+							width: 200
+							validator: RegExpValidator { regExp: /\d*/ }
+							text: "10000"
+							placeholderText: "Gas"
+						}
+						Label {
+							text: "Gas price"
+						}
+						TextField {
+							id: txGasPrice
+							width: 200
+							placeholderText: "Gas price"
+							text: "1000000000000"
+							validator: RegExpValidator { regExp: /\d*/ }
+						}
+					}
+				}
+				SplitView {
+					orientation: Qt.Vertical
+					id: inspectorPane
+					height: 500
+					SplitView {
+						orientation: Qt.Horizontal
+						height: 150
+						TableView {
+							id: stackTableView
+							property var stackModel: ListModel {
+								id: stackModel
+							}
+							height: parent.height
+							width: 300
+							TableViewColumn{ role: "value" ; title: "Stack" ; width: 200 }
+							model: stackModel
+						}
+						TableView {
+							id: memoryTableView
+							property var memModel: ListModel {
+								id: memModel
+							}
+							height: parent.height
+							width: parent.width - stackTableView.width
+							TableViewColumn{ id:mnumColmn ; role: "num" ; title: "#" ; width: 50}
+							TableViewColumn{ role: "value" ; title: "Memory" ; width: 750}
+							model: memModel
+						}
+					}
+					Rectangle {
+						height: 100
+						width: parent.width
+						TableView {
+							id: storageTableView
+							property var memModel: ListModel {
+								id: storageModel
+							}
+							height: parent.height
+							width: parent.width
+							TableViewColumn{ id: key ; role: "key" ; title: "#" ; width: storageTableView.width / 2}
+							TableViewColumn{ role: "value" ; title: "value" ; width:  storageTableView.width / 2}
+							model: storageModel
+						}
+					}
+					Rectangle {
+						height: 200
+						width: parent.width
+						TableView {
+							id: logTableView
+							property var logModel: ListModel {
+								id: logModel
+							}
+							height: parent.height
+							width: parent.width
+							TableViewColumn{ id: message ; role: "message" ; title: "log" ; width: logTableView.width }
+							model: logModel
+						}
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	toolBar: ToolBar {
+		RowLayout {
+			spacing: 5
+			Button {
+				property var enabled: true
+				id: debugStart
+				onClicked: {
+					debugCurrent()
+				}
+				text: "Debug"
+			}
+			Button {
+				property var enabled: true
+				id: debugNextButton
+				onClicked: {
+				}
+				text: "Next"
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	function debugCurrent() {
+		dbg.debug(txValue.text, txGas.text, txGasPrice.text, codeEditor.text, rawDataField.text)
+	}
+	function setAsm(asm) {
+		asmModel.append({asm: asm})
+	}
+	function clearAsm() {
+		asmModel.clear()
+	}
+	function setInstruction(num) {
+		asmTableView.selection.clear()
+	}
+	function setMem(mem) {
+		memModel.append({num: mem.num, value: mem.value})
+	}
+	function clearMem(){
+		memModel.clear()
+	}
+	function setStack(stack) {
+		stackModel.append({value: stack})
+	}
+	function addDebugMessage(message){
+		debuggerLog.append({value: message})
+	}
+	function clearStack() {
+		stackModel.clear()
+	}
+	function clearStorage() {
+		storageModel.clear()
+	}
+	function setStorage(storage) {
+		storageModel.append({key: storage.key, value: storage.value})
+	}
+	function setLog(msg) {
+		logModel.append({message: msg})
+	}
diff --git a/ethereal/assets/qml/wallet.qml b/ethereal/assets/qml/wallet.qml
index 82b680913..ce8ba5745 100644
--- a/ethereal/assets/qml/wallet.qml
+++ b/ethereal/assets/qml/wallet.qml
@@ -8,1006 +8,1006 @@ import Ethereum 1.0
 ApplicationWindow {
-  id: root
-  width: 900
-  height: 600
-  minimumHeight: 300
-  title: "Ethereal"
-  MenuBar {
-    Menu {
-      title: "File"
-      MenuItem {
-        text: "Import App"
-        shortcut: "Ctrl+o"
-        onTriggered:
-      }
-    }
-    Menu {
-      title: "Tools"
-      MenuItem {
-        text: "Muted"
-        shortcut: "Ctrl+e"
-        onTriggered: ui.muted("")
-      }
-      MenuItem {
-        text: "Debugger"
-        shortcut: "Ctrl+d"
-        onTriggered: ui.startDebugger()
-      }
-    }
-    Menu {
-      title: "Network"
-      MenuItem {
-        text: "Add Peer"
-        shortcut: "Ctrl+p"
-        onTriggered: {
-          addPeerWin.visible = true
-        }
-      }
-      MenuItem {
-        text: "Start"
-        onTriggered: ui.connect()
-      }
-    }
-    Menu {
-      title: "Help"
-      MenuItem {
-        text: "About"
-        onTriggered: {
-          aboutWin.visible = true
-        }
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  property var blockModel: ListModel {
-    id: blockModel
-  }
-  function setView(view) {
-    networkView.visible = false
-    historyView.visible = false
-    newTxView.visible = false
-    infoView.visible = false
-    view.visible = true
-    //root.title = "Ethereal - " = view.title
-  }
-  SplitView {
-    anchors.fill: parent
-    resizing: false
-    Rectangle {
-      id: menu
-      Layout.minimumWidth: 80
-      Layout.maximumWidth: 80
-      anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
-      //color: "#D9DDE7"
-      color: "#252525"
-      ColumnLayout {
-        y: 50
-        anchors.left: parent.left
-        anchors.right: parent.right
-        height: 200
-        Image {
-          source: ui.assetPath("tx.png")
-          anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
-          MouseArea {
-            anchors.fill: parent
-            onClicked: {
-              setView(historyView)
-            }
-          }
-        }
-        Image {
-          source: ui.assetPath("new.png")
-          anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
-          MouseArea {
-            anchors.fill: parent
-            onClicked: {
-              setView(newTxView)
-            }
-          }
-        }
-        Image {
-          source: ui.assetPath("net.png")
-          anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
-          MouseArea {
-            anchors.fill: parent
-            onClicked: {
-              setView(networkView)
-            }
-          }
-        }
-        Image {
-          source: ui.assetPath("heart.png")
-          anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
-          MouseArea {
-            anchors.fill: parent
-            onClicked: {
-              setView(infoView)
-            }
-          }
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    Rectangle {
-      id: mainView
-      color: "#00000000"
-      anchors.right: parent.right
-      anchors.left: menu.right
-      anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
-      property var txModel: ListModel {
-        id: txModel
-      }
-      Rectangle {
-        id: historyView
-        anchors.fill: parent
-        property var title: "Transactions"
-        TableView {
-          id: txTableView
-          anchors.fill: parent
-          TableViewColumn{ role: "inout" ; title: "" ; width: 40 }
-          TableViewColumn{ role: "value" ; title: "Value" ; width: 100 }
-          TableViewColumn{ role: "address" ; title: "Address" ; width: 430 }
-          TableViewColumn{ role: "contract" ; title: "Contract" ; width: 100 }
-          model: txModel
-        }
-      }
-      Rectangle {
-        id: newTxView
-        property var title: "New transaction"
-        visible: false
-        anchors.fill: parent
-        color: "#00000000"
-        TabView{
-          anchors.fill: parent
-          anchors.rightMargin: 5
-          anchors.leftMargin: 5
-          anchors.topMargin: 5
-          anchors.bottomMargin: 5
-          id: newTransactionTab
-          Component.onCompleted:{
-            addTab("Simple send", newTransaction)
-            addTab("Contracts", newContract)
-          }
-        }
-      }
-      Rectangle {
-        id: networkView
-        property var title: "Network"
-        visible: false
-        anchors.fill: parent
-        TableView {
-          id: blockTable
-          width: parent.width
-          anchors.bottom:
-          TableViewColumn{ role: "number" ; title: "#" ; width: 100 }
-          TableViewColumn{ role: "hash" ; title: "Hash" ; width: 560 }
-          TableViewColumn{ role: "txAmount" ; title: "Tx amount" ; width: 100 }
-          model: blockModel
-          onDoubleClicked: {
-            popup.visible = true
-            popup.setDetails(blockModel.get(row))
-          }
-        }
-        property var logModel: ListModel {
-          id: logModel
-        }
-        TableView {
-          id: logView
-          width: parent.width
-          height: 150
-          anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
-          TableViewColumn{ role: "description" ; title: "log" }
-          model: logModel
-        }
-      }
-      Rectangle {
-        id: infoView
-        property var title: "Information"
-        visible: false
-        color: "#00000000"
-        anchors.fill: parent
-        Label {
-          id: addressLabel
-          text: "Address"
-          anchors {
-            margins: 5
-            top:
-            left: parent.left
-          }
-        }
-        TextField {
-          anchors {
-            margins: 5
-            left: addressLabel.right
-            top:
-          }
-          text: pub.getKey().address
-          width: 500
-        }
-      }
-      /*
-       signal addPlugin(string name)
-       Component {
-         id: pluginWindow
-         Rectangle {
-           anchors.fill: parent
-           Label {
-             id: pluginTitle
-             anchors.centerIn: parent
-             text: "Hello world"
-           }
-           Component.onCompleted: setView(this)
-         }
-       }
-       onAddPlugin: {
-         var pluginWin = pluginWindow.createObject(mainView)
-         console.log(pluginWin)
-         pluginWin.pluginTitle.text = "Test"
-       }
-       */
-    }
-  }
-  FileDialog {
-    id: openAppDialog
-    title: "Open QML Application"
-    onAccepted: {
-      //
-      //ui.openHtml(Qt.resolvedUrl(ui.assetPath("test.html")))
-      ui.openHtml(openAppDialog.fileUrl.toString())
-    }
-  }
-  statusBar: StatusBar {
-    RowLayout {
-      anchors.fill: parent
-      Button {
-        property var enabled: true
-        id: debuggerWindow
-        onClicked: {
-          ui.startDebugger()
-        }
-        text: "Debugger"
-      }
-      Button {
-        id: importAppButton
-        anchors.left: debuggerWindow.right
-        anchors.leftMargin: 5
-        onClicked:
-        text: "Import App"
-      }
-      Label {
-        anchors.left: importAppButton.right
-        anchors.leftMargin: 5
-        id: walletValueLabel
-      }
-      Label {
-        anchors.right: peerImage.left
-        anchors.rightMargin: 5
-        id: peerLabel
-        font.pixelSize: 8
-        text: "0 / 0"
-      }
-      Image {
-        id: peerImage
-        anchors.right: parent.right
-        width: 10; height: 10
-        source: ui.assetPath("network.png")
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  Window {
-    id: popup
-    visible: false
-    property var block
-    width: root.width
-    height: 240
-    x: root.x
-    y: root.y + root.height
-    Component{
-      id: blockDetailsDelegate
-      Rectangle {
-        color: "#252525"
-        width: popup.width
-        height: 200
-        Column {
-          anchors.leftMargin: 10
-          anchors.topMargin: 5
-          anchors.left: parent.left
-          Text { text: '<h3>Block details</h3>'; color: "#F2F2F2"}
-          Text { text: '<b>Block number:</b> ' + number; color: "#F2F2F2"}
-          Text { text: '<b>Hash:</b> ' + hash; color: "#F2F2F2"}
-          Text { text: '<b>Block found at:</b> ' + prettyTime; color: "#F2F2F2"}
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    ListView {
-      model: singleBlock
-      delegate: blockDetailsDelegate
-      height: 70
-      anchors.leftMargin: 20
-      id: listViewThing
-      Layout.maximumHeight: 40
-    }
-    TableView {
-      id: txView
- listViewThing.bottom
-      anchors.topMargin: 50
-      width: parent.width
-      TableViewColumn{width: 90; role: "value" ; title: "Value" }
-      TableViewColumn{width: 200; role: "hash" ; title: "Hash" }
-      TableViewColumn{width: 200; role: "sender" ; title: "Sender" }
-      TableViewColumn{width: 200;role: "address" ; title: "Receiver" }
-      TableViewColumn{width: 60; role: "gas" ; title: "Gas" }
-      TableViewColumn{width: 60; role: "gasPrice" ; title: "Gas Price" }
-      TableViewColumn{width: 60; role: "isContract" ; title: "Contract" }
-      model: transactionModel
-      onClicked: {
-        var tx = transactionModel.get(row)
-        if( {
-          popup.showContractData(tx)
-        }else{
-          popup.height = 230
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    function showContractData(tx) {
-       txDetailsDebugButton.tx = tx
-      if(tx.createsContract) {
-	      contractData.text =
-	      contractLabel.text = "<h4> Transaction created contract " + tx.address + "</h4>"
-      }else{
-	      contractLabel.text = "<h4> Transaction ran contract " + tx.address + "</h4>"
-	      contractData.text = tx.rawData
-      }
-      popup.height = 400
-    }
-    Rectangle {
-      id: txDetails
-      width: popup.width
-      height: 300
-      anchors.left: listViewThing.left
- txView.bottom
-      Label {
-        text: "<h4>Contract data</h4>"
-        anchors.left: parent.left
-        id: contractLabel
-        anchors.leftMargin: 10
-      }
-      Button {
-	      property var tx
-	      id: txDetailsDebugButton
-	      anchors.right: parent.right
-	      anchors.rightMargin: 10
-	      anchors.topMargin: 10
-	      text: "Debug contract"
-	      onClicked: {
-		      if(tx.createsContract){
-			      ui.startDbWithCode(tx.rawData)
-		      }else {
-			      ui.startDbWithContractAndData(tx.address, tx.rawData)
-		      }
-	      }
-      }
-      TextArea {
-        id: contractData
-        text: "Contract"
- contractLabel.bottom
-        anchors.left: parent.left
-        wrapMode: Text.Wrap
-        width: parent.width - 30
-        height: 80
-        anchors.leftMargin: 10
-      }
-    }
-    property var transactionModel: ListModel {
-      id: transactionModel
-    }
-    property var singleBlock: ListModel {
-      id: singleBlock
-    }
-    function setDetails(block){
-      singleBlock.set(0,block)
-      popup.height = 230
-      transactionModel.clear()
-      if(block.txs != undefined){
-        for(var i = 0; i < block.txs.count; ++i) {
-          transactionModel.insert(0, block.txs.get(i))
-        }
-        if(block.txs.get(0).data){
-          popup.showContractData(block.txs.get(0))
-        }
-      }
-      txView.forceActiveFocus()
-    }
-  }
-  Window {
-    id: addPeerWin
-    visible: false
-    minimumWidth: 230
-    maximumWidth: 230
-    maximumHeight: 50
-    minimumHeight: 50
-    TextField {
-      id: addrField
-      anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
-      anchors.left: parent.left
-      anchors.leftMargin: 10
-      placeholderText: "address:port"
-      onAccepted: {
-        ui.connectToPeer(addrField.text)
-        addPeerWin.visible = false
-      }
-    }
-    Button {
-      anchors.left: addrField.right
-      anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
-      anchors.leftMargin: 5
-      text: "Add"
-      onClicked: {
-        ui.connectToPeer(addrField.text)
-        addPeerWin.visible = false
-      }
-    }
-    Component.onCompleted: {
-      addrField.focus = true
-    }
-  }
-  Window {
-    id: aboutWin
-    visible: false
-    title: "About"
-    minimumWidth: 350
-    maximumWidth: 350
-    maximumHeight: 200
-    minimumHeight: 200
-    Image {
-      id: aboutIcon
-      height: 150
-      width: 150
-      fillMode: Image.PreserveAspectFit
-      smooth: true
-      source: ui.assetPath("facet.png")
-      x: 10
-      y: 10
-    }
-    Text {
-      anchors.left: aboutIcon.right
-      anchors.leftMargin: 10
-      font.pointSize: 12
-      text: "<h2>Ethereal</h2><br><h3>Development</h3>Jeffrey Wilcke<br>Maran Hidskes<br>"
-    }
-  }
-  ApplicationWindow {
-    id: debugWindow
-    visible: false
-    title: "Debugger"
-    minimumWidth: 600
-    minimumHeight: 600
-    width: 800
-    height: 600
-    Item {
-      id: keyHandler
-      focus: true
-      Keys.onPressed: {
-        if (event.key == Qt.Key_Space) {
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    SplitView {
-      anchors.fill: parent
-      property var asmModel: ListModel {
-        id: asmModel
-      }
-      TableView {
-        id: asmTableView
-        width: 200
-        TableViewColumn{ role: "value" ; title: "" ; width: 100 }
-        model: asmModel
-      }
-      Rectangle {
-        anchors.left: asmTableView.right
-        anchors.right: parent.right
-        SplitView {
-          orientation: Qt.Vertical
-          anchors.fill: parent
-          TableView {
-            property var memModel: ListModel {
-              id: memModel
-            }
-            height: parent.height/2
-            width: parent.width
-            TableViewColumn{ id:mnumColmn ; role: "num" ; title: "#" ; width: 50}
-            TableViewColumn{ role: "value" ; title: "Memory" ; width: 750}
-            model: memModel
-          }
-          SplitView {
-            orientation: Qt.Horizontal
-            id: debugSplitView
-            TableView {
-              property var debuggerLog: ListModel {
-                id: debuggerLog
-              }
-              TableViewColumn{ role: "value"; title: "Debug messages" }
-              model: debuggerLog
-            }
-            TableView {
-              property var stackModel: ListModel {
-                id: stackModel
-              }
-              height: parent.height/2
-              width: parent.width
-              TableViewColumn{ role: "value" ; title: "Stack" ; width: debugSplitView.width }
-              model: stackModel
-            }
-          }
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    statusBar: StatusBar {
-      RowLayout {
-        anchors.fill: parent
-        Button {
-          property var enabled: true
-          id: debugNextButton
-          onClicked: {
-          }
-          text: "Next"
-        }
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  function setAsm(asm) {
-    asmModel.append({asm: asm})
-  }
-  function setInstruction(num) {
-    asmTableView.selection.clear()
-  }
-  function clearAsm() {
-    asmModel.clear()
-  }
-  function setMem(mem) {
-    memModel.append({num: mem.num, value: mem.value})
-  }
-  function clearMem(){
-    memModel.clear()
-  }
-  function setStack(stack) {
-    stackModel.append({value: stack})
-  }
-  function addDebugMessage(message){
-    console.log("WOOP:")
-    debuggerLog.append({value: message})
-  }
-  function clearStack() {
-    stackModel.clear()
-  }
-  function loadPlugin(name) {
-    console.log("Loading plugin" + name)
-    mainView.addPlugin(name)
-  }
-  function setWalletValue(value) {
-    walletValueLabel.text = value
-  }
-  function addTx(tx, inout) {
-    var isContract
-    if (tx.contract == true){
-      isContract = "Yes"
-    }else{
-      isContract = "No"
-    }
-    txModel.insert(0, {inout: inout, hash: tx.hash, address: tx.address, value: tx.value, contract: isContract})
-  }
-  function addBlock(block, initial) {
-    var txs = JSON.parse(block.transactions);
-    var amount = 0
-    if(initial == undefined){
-      initial = false
-    }
-    if(txs != null){
-      amount = txs.length
-    }
-    if(initial){
-      blockModel.append({number: block.number, hash: block.hash, txs: txs, txAmount: amount, time: block.time, prettyTime: convertToPretty(block.time)})
-    }else{
-      blockModel.insert(0, {number: block.number, hash: block.hash, txs: txs, txAmount: amount, time: block.time, prettyTime: convertToPretty(block.time)})
-    }
-  }
-  function addLog(str) {
-    if(str.len != 0) {
-      logModel.append({description: str})
-    }
-  }
-  function setPeers(text) {
-    peerLabel.text = text
-  }
-  function convertToPretty(unixTs){
-    var a = new Date(unixTs*1000);
-    var months = ['Jan','Feb','Mar','Apr','May','Jun','Jul','Aug','Sep','Oct','Nov','Dec'];
-    var year = a.getFullYear();
-    var month = months[a.getMonth()];
-    var date = a.getDate();
-    var hour = a.getHours();
-    var min = a.getMinutes();
-    var sec = a.getSeconds();
-    var time = date+' '+month+' '+year+' '+hour+':'+min+':'+sec ;
-    return time;
-  }
-  // *******************************************
-  // Components
-  // *******************************************
-  // New Contract component
-  Component {
-    id: newContract
-    Column {
-      id: mainContractColumn
-      function contractFormReady(){
-        if(codeView.text.length > 0 && txValue.text.length > 0 && txGas.text.length > 0 && txGasPrice.length > 0) {
-          txButton.state = "READY"
-        }else{
-          txButton.state = "NOTREADY"
-        }
-      }
-      states: [
-        State{
-          name: "ERROR"
-          PropertyChanges { target: txResult; visible:true}
-          PropertyChanges { target: codeView; visible:true}
-        },
-        State {
-          name: "DONE"
-          PropertyChanges { target: txValue; visible:false}
-          PropertyChanges { target: txGas; visible:false}
-          PropertyChanges { target: txGasPrice; visible:false}
-          PropertyChanges { target: codeView; visible:false}
-          PropertyChanges { target: txButton; visible:false}
-          PropertyChanges { target: txDataLabel; visible:false}
-          PropertyChanges { target: txResult; visible:true}
-          PropertyChanges { target: txOutput; visible:true}
-          PropertyChanges { target: newTxButton; visible:true}
-        },
-        State {
-          name: "SETUP"
-          PropertyChanges { target: txValue; visible:true; text: ""}
-          PropertyChanges { target: txGas; visible:true; text: ""}
-          PropertyChanges { target: txGasPrice; visible:true; text: ""}
-          PropertyChanges { target: codeView; visible:true; text: ""}
-          PropertyChanges { target: txButton; visible:true}
-          PropertyChanges { target: txDataLabel; visible:true}
-          PropertyChanges { target: txResult; visible:false}
-          PropertyChanges { target: txOutput; visible:false}
-          PropertyChanges { target: newTxButton; visible:false}
-        }
-      ]
-      width: 400
-      spacing: 5
-      anchors.left: parent.left
-      anchors.leftMargin: 5
-      anchors.topMargin: 5
-      TextField {
-        id: txValue
-        width: 200
-        placeholderText: "Amount"
-        validator: RegExpValidator { regExp: /\d*/ }
-        onTextChanged: {
-          contractFormReady()
-        }
-      }
-      TextField {
-        id: txGas
-        width: 200
-        validator: RegExpValidator { regExp: /\d*/ }
-        placeholderText: "Gas"
-        onTextChanged: {
-          contractFormReady()
-        }
-      }
-      TextField {
-        id: txGasPrice
-        width: 200
-        placeholderText: "Gas price"
-        validator: RegExpValidator { regExp: /\d*/ }
-        onTextChanged: {
-          contractFormReady()
-        }
-      }
-      Row {
-        id: rowContract
-        ExclusiveGroup { id: contractTypeGroup }
-        RadioButton {
-          id: createContractRadio
-          text: "Create contract"
-          checked: true
-          exclusiveGroup: contractTypeGroup
-          onClicked: {
-            txFuelRecipient.visible = false
-            txDataLabel.text = "Contract code"
-          }
-        }
-        RadioButton {
-          id: runContractRadio
-          text: "Run contract"
-          exclusiveGroup: contractTypeGroup
-          onClicked: {
-            txFuelRecipient.visible = true
-            txDataLabel.text = "Contract arguments"
-          }
-        }
-      }
-      Label {
-        id: txDataLabel
-        text: "Contract code"
-      }
-      TextArea {
-        id: codeView
-        height: 300
-        anchors.topMargin: 5
-        Layout.fillWidth: true
-        width: parent.width /2
-        onTextChanged: {
-          contractFormReady()
-        }
-      }
-      TextField {
-        id: txFuelRecipient
-        placeholderText: "Contract address"
-        validator: RegExpValidator { regExp: /[a-f0-9]{40}/ }
-        visible: false
-        width: 530
-      }
-      Button {
-        id: txButton
-        /* enabled: false */
-        states: [
-          State {
-            name: "READY"
-            PropertyChanges { target: txButton; /*enabled: true*/}
-          },
-          State {
-            name: "NOTREADY"
-            PropertyChanges { target: txButton; /*enabled:false*/}
-          }
-        ]
-        text: "Send"
-        onClicked: {
-          //this.enabled = false
-          var res = eth.create(txFuelRecipient.text, txValue.text, txGas.text, txGasPrice.text, codeView.text)
-          if(res[1]) {
-            txResult.text = "Your contract <b>could not</b> be send over the network:\n<b>"
-            txResult.text += res[1].error()
-            txResult.text += "</b>"
-            mainContractColumn.state = "ERROR"
-          } else {
-            txResult.text = "Your transaction has been submitted:\n"
-            txOutput.text = res[0].address
-            mainContractColumn.state = "DONE"
-          }
-        }
-      }
-      Text {
-        id: txResult
-        visible: false
-      }
-      TextField {
-        id: txOutput
-        visible: false
-        width: 530
-      }
-      Button {
-        id: newTxButton
-        visible: false
-        text: "Create an other contract"
-        onClicked: {
-          this.visible = false
-          txResult.text = ""
-          txOutput.text = ""
-          mainContractColumn.state = "SETUP"
-        }
-      }
-      Button {
-        id: debugButton
-        text: "Debug"
-        onClicked: {
-          var res = ui.debugTx("", txValue.text, txGas.text, txGasPrice.text, codeView.text)
-          debugWindow.visible = true
-        }
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  // New Transaction component
-  Component {
-    id: newTransaction
-    Column {
-      id: simpleSendColumn
-      states: [
-        State{
-          name: "ERROR"
-        },
-        State {
-          name: "DONE"
-          PropertyChanges { target: txSimpleValue; visible:false}
-          PropertyChanges { target: txSimpleRecipient; visible:false}
-          PropertyChanges { target:newSimpleTxButton; visible:false}
-          PropertyChanges { target: txSimpleResult; visible:true}
-          PropertyChanges { target: txSimpleOutput; visible:true}
-          PropertyChanges { target:newSimpleTxButton; visible:true}
-        },
-        State {
-          name: "SETUP"
-          PropertyChanges { target: txSimpleValue; visible:true; text: ""}
-          PropertyChanges { target: txSimpleRecipient; visible:true; text: ""}
-          PropertyChanges { target: txSimpleButton; visible:true}
-          PropertyChanges { target:newSimpleTxButton; visible:false}
-        }
-      ]
-      spacing: 5
-      anchors.leftMargin: 5
-      anchors.topMargin: 5
-      anchors.left: parent.left
-      function checkFormState(){
-        if(txSimpleRecipient.text.length == 40 && txSimpleValue.text.length > 0) {
-          txSimpleButton.state = "READY"
-        }else{
-          txSimpleButton.state = "NOTREADY"
-        }
-      }
-      TextField {
-        id: txSimpleRecipient
-        placeholderText: "Recipient address"
-        Layout.fillWidth: true
-        validator: RegExpValidator { regExp: /[a-f0-9]{40}/ }
-        width: 530
-        onTextChanged: { checkFormState() }
-      }
-      TextField {
-        id: txSimpleValue
-        width: 200
-        placeholderText: "Amount"
-        anchors.rightMargin: 5
-        validator: RegExpValidator { regExp: /\d*/ }
-        onTextChanged: { checkFormState() }
-      }
-      Button {
-        id: txSimpleButton
-        /*enabled: false*/
-        states: [
-          State {
-            name: "READY"
-            PropertyChanges { target: txSimpleButton; /*enabled: true*/}
-          },
-          State {
-            name: "NOTREADY"
-            PropertyChanges { target: txSimpleButton; /*enabled: false*/}
-          }
-        ]
-        text: "Send"
-        onClicked: {
-          //this.enabled = false
-          var res = eth.transact(txSimpleRecipient.text, txSimpleValue.text,"","","")
-          if(res[1]) {
-            txSimpleResult.text = "There has been an error broadcasting your transaction:" + res[1].error()
-          } else {
-            txSimpleResult.text = "Your transaction has been broadcasted over the network.\nYour transaction id is:"
-            txSimpleOutput.text = res[0].hash
-            this.visible = false
-            simpleSendColumn.state = "DONE"
-          }
-        }
-      }
-      Text {
-        id: txSimpleResult
-        visible: false
-      }
-      TextField {
-        id: txSimpleOutput
-        visible: false
-        width: 530
-      }
-      Button {
-        id: newSimpleTxButton
-        visible: false
-        text: "Create an other transaction"
-        onClicked: {
-          this.visible = false
-          simpleSendColumn.state = "SETUP"
-        }
-      }
-    }
-  }
+	id: root
+	width: 900
+	height: 600
+	minimumHeight: 300
+	title: "Ethereal"
+	MenuBar {
+		Menu {
+			title: "File"
+			MenuItem {
+				text: "Import App"
+				shortcut: "Ctrl+o"
+				onTriggered:
+			}
+		}
+		Menu {
+			title: "Tools"
+			MenuItem {
+				text: "Muted"
+				shortcut: "Ctrl+e"
+				onTriggered: ui.muted("")
+			}
+			MenuItem {
+				text: "Debugger"
+				shortcut: "Ctrl+d"
+				onTriggered: ui.startDebugger()
+			}
+		}
+		Menu {
+			title: "Network"
+			MenuItem {
+				text: "Add Peer"
+				shortcut: "Ctrl+p"
+				onTriggered: {
+					addPeerWin.visible = true
+				}
+			}
+			MenuItem {
+				text: "Start"
+				onTriggered: ui.connect()
+			}
+		}
+		Menu {
+			title: "Help"
+			MenuItem {
+				text: "About"
+				onTriggered: {
+					aboutWin.visible = true
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	property var blockModel: ListModel {
+		id: blockModel
+	}
+	function setView(view) {
+		networkView.visible = false
+		historyView.visible = false
+		newTxView.visible = false
+		infoView.visible = false
+		view.visible = true
+		//root.title = "Ethereal - " = view.title
+	}
+	SplitView {
+		anchors.fill: parent
+		resizing: false
+		Rectangle {
+			id: menu
+			Layout.minimumWidth: 80
+			Layout.maximumWidth: 80
+			anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
+			//color: "#D9DDE7"
+			color: "#252525"
+			ColumnLayout {
+				y: 50
+				anchors.left: parent.left
+				anchors.right: parent.right
+				height: 200
+				Image {
+					source: ui.assetPath("tx.png")
+					anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
+					MouseArea {
+						anchors.fill: parent
+						onClicked: {
+							setView(historyView)
+						}
+					}
+				}
+				Image {
+					source: ui.assetPath("new.png")
+					anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
+					MouseArea {
+						anchors.fill: parent
+						onClicked: {
+							setView(newTxView)
+						}
+					}
+				}
+				Image {
+					source: ui.assetPath("net.png")
+					anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
+					MouseArea {
+						anchors.fill: parent
+						onClicked: {
+							setView(networkView)
+						}
+					}
+				}
+				Image {
+					source: ui.assetPath("heart.png")
+					anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
+					MouseArea {
+						anchors.fill: parent
+						onClicked: {
+							setView(infoView)
+						}
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		Rectangle {
+			id: mainView
+			color: "#00000000"
+			anchors.right: parent.right
+			anchors.left: menu.right
+			anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
+			property var txModel: ListModel {
+				id: txModel
+			}
+			Rectangle {
+				id: historyView
+				anchors.fill: parent
+				property var title: "Transactions"
+				TableView {
+					id: txTableView
+					anchors.fill: parent
+					TableViewColumn{ role: "inout" ; title: "" ; width: 40 }
+					TableViewColumn{ role: "value" ; title: "Value" ; width: 100 }
+					TableViewColumn{ role: "address" ; title: "Address" ; width: 430 }
+					TableViewColumn{ role: "contract" ; title: "Contract" ; width: 100 }
+					model: txModel
+				}
+			}
+			Rectangle {
+				id: newTxView
+				property var title: "New transaction"
+				visible: false
+				anchors.fill: parent
+				color: "#00000000"
+				TabView{
+					anchors.fill: parent
+					anchors.rightMargin: 5
+					anchors.leftMargin: 5
+					anchors.topMargin: 5
+					anchors.bottomMargin: 5
+					id: newTransactionTab
+					Component.onCompleted:{
+						addTab("Simple send", newTransaction)
+						addTab("Contracts", newContract)
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			Rectangle {
+				id: networkView
+				property var title: "Network"
+				visible: false
+				anchors.fill: parent
+				TableView {
+					id: blockTable
+					width: parent.width
+					anchors.bottom:
+					TableViewColumn{ role: "number" ; title: "#" ; width: 100 }
+					TableViewColumn{ role: "hash" ; title: "Hash" ; width: 560 }
+					TableViewColumn{ role: "txAmount" ; title: "Tx amount" ; width: 100 }
+					model: blockModel
+					onDoubleClicked: {
+						popup.visible = true
+						popup.setDetails(blockModel.get(row))
+					}
+				}
+				property var logModel: ListModel {
+					id: logModel
+				}
+				TableView {
+					id: logView
+					width: parent.width
+					height: 150
+					anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
+					TableViewColumn{ role: "description" ; title: "log" }
+					model: logModel
+				}
+			}
+			Rectangle {
+				id: infoView
+				property var title: "Information"
+				visible: false
+				color: "#00000000"
+				anchors.fill: parent
+				Label {
+					id: addressLabel
+					text: "Address"
+					anchors {
+						margins: 5
+						top:
+						left: parent.left
+					}
+				}
+				TextField {
+					anchors {
+						margins: 5
+						left: addressLabel.right
+						top:
+					}
+					text: pub.getKey().address
+					width: 500
+				}
+			}
+			/*
+			 signal addPlugin(string name)
+			 Component {
+				 id: pluginWindow
+				 Rectangle {
+					 anchors.fill: parent
+					 Label {
+						 id: pluginTitle
+						 anchors.centerIn: parent
+						 text: "Hello world"
+					 }
+					 Component.onCompleted: setView(this)
+				 }
+			 }
+			 onAddPlugin: {
+				 var pluginWin = pluginWindow.createObject(mainView)
+				 console.log(pluginWin)
+				 pluginWin.pluginTitle.text = "Test"
+			 }
+			 */
+		}
+	}
+	FileDialog {
+		id: openAppDialog
+		title: "Open QML Application"
+		onAccepted: {
+			//
+			//ui.openHtml(Qt.resolvedUrl(ui.assetPath("test.html")))
+			ui.openHtml(openAppDialog.fileUrl.toString())
+		}
+	}
+	statusBar: StatusBar {
+		RowLayout {
+			anchors.fill: parent
+			Button {
+				property var enabled: true
+				id: debuggerWindow
+				onClicked: {
+					ui.startDebugger()
+				}
+				text: "Debugger"
+			}
+			Button {
+				id: importAppButton
+				anchors.left: debuggerWindow.right
+				anchors.leftMargin: 5
+				onClicked:
+				text: "Import App"
+			}
+			Label {
+				anchors.left: importAppButton.right
+				anchors.leftMargin: 5
+				id: walletValueLabel
+			}
+			Label {
+				anchors.right: peerImage.left
+				anchors.rightMargin: 5
+				id: peerLabel
+				font.pixelSize: 8
+				text: "0 / 0"
+			}
+			Image {
+				id: peerImage
+				anchors.right: parent.right
+				width: 10; height: 10
+				source: ui.assetPath("network.png")
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	Window {
+		id: popup
+		visible: false
+		property var block
+		width: root.width
+		height: 240
+		x: root.x
+		y: root.y + root.height
+		Component{
+			id: blockDetailsDelegate
+			Rectangle {
+				color: "#252525"
+				width: popup.width
+				height: 200
+				Column {
+					anchors.leftMargin: 10
+					anchors.topMargin: 5
+					anchors.left: parent.left
+					Text { text: '<h3>Block details</h3>'; color: "#F2F2F2"}
+					Text { text: '<b>Block number:</b> ' + number; color: "#F2F2F2"}
+					Text { text: '<b>Hash:</b> ' + hash; color: "#F2F2F2"}
+					Text { text: '<b>Block found at:</b> ' + prettyTime; color: "#F2F2F2"}
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		ListView {
+			model: singleBlock
+			delegate: blockDetailsDelegate
+			height: 70
+			anchors.leftMargin: 20
+			id: listViewThing
+			Layout.maximumHeight: 40
+		}
+		TableView {
+			id: txView
+ listViewThing.bottom
+			anchors.topMargin: 50
+			width: parent.width
+			TableViewColumn{width: 90; role: "value" ; title: "Value" }
+			TableViewColumn{width: 200; role: "hash" ; title: "Hash" }
+			TableViewColumn{width: 200; role: "sender" ; title: "Sender" }
+			TableViewColumn{width: 200;role: "address" ; title: "Receiver" }
+			TableViewColumn{width: 60; role: "gas" ; title: "Gas" }
+			TableViewColumn{width: 60; role: "gasPrice" ; title: "Gas Price" }
+			TableViewColumn{width: 60; role: "isContract" ; title: "Contract" }
+			model: transactionModel
+			onClicked: {
+				var tx = transactionModel.get(row)
+				if( {
+					popup.showContractData(tx)
+				}else{
+					popup.height = 230
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		function showContractData(tx) {
+			txDetailsDebugButton.tx = tx
+			if(tx.createsContract) {
+				contractData.text =
+				contractLabel.text = "<h4> Transaction created contract " + tx.address + "</h4>"
+			}else{
+				contractLabel.text = "<h4> Transaction ran contract " + tx.address + "</h4>"
+				contractData.text = tx.rawData
+			}
+			popup.height = 400
+		}
+		Rectangle {
+			id: txDetails
+			width: popup.width
+			height: 300
+			anchors.left: listViewThing.left
+ txView.bottom
+			Label {
+				text: "<h4>Contract data</h4>"
+				anchors.left: parent.left
+				id: contractLabel
+				anchors.leftMargin: 10
+			}
+			Button {
+				property var tx
+				id: txDetailsDebugButton
+				anchors.right: parent.right
+				anchors.rightMargin: 10
+				anchors.topMargin: 10
+				text: "Debug contract"
+				onClicked: {
+					if(tx.createsContract){
+						ui.startDbWithCode(tx.rawData)
+					}else {
+						ui.startDbWithContractAndData(tx.address, tx.rawData)
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			TextArea {
+				id: contractData
+				text: "Contract"
+ contractLabel.bottom
+				anchors.left: parent.left
+				wrapMode: Text.Wrap
+				width: parent.width - 30
+				height: 80
+				anchors.leftMargin: 10
+			}
+		}
+		property var transactionModel: ListModel {
+			id: transactionModel
+		}
+		property var singleBlock: ListModel {
+			id: singleBlock
+		}
+		function setDetails(block){
+			singleBlock.set(0,block)
+			popup.height = 230
+			transactionModel.clear()
+			if(block.txs != undefined){
+				for(var i = 0; i < block.txs.count; ++i) {
+					transactionModel.insert(0, block.txs.get(i))
+				}
+				if(block.txs.get(0).data){
+					popup.showContractData(block.txs.get(0))
+				}
+			}
+			txView.forceActiveFocus()
+		}
+	}
+	Window {
+		id: addPeerWin
+		visible: false
+		minimumWidth: 230
+		maximumWidth: 230
+		maximumHeight: 50
+		minimumHeight: 50
+		TextField {
+			id: addrField
+			anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
+			anchors.left: parent.left
+			anchors.leftMargin: 10
+			placeholderText: "address:port"
+			onAccepted: {
+				ui.connectToPeer(addrField.text)
+				addPeerWin.visible = false
+			}
+		}
+		Button {
+			anchors.left: addrField.right
+			anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
+			anchors.leftMargin: 5
+			text: "Add"
+			onClicked: {
+				ui.connectToPeer(addrField.text)
+				addPeerWin.visible = false
+			}
+		}
+		Component.onCompleted: {
+			addrField.focus = true
+		}
+	}
+	Window {
+		id: aboutWin
+		visible: false
+		title: "About"
+		minimumWidth: 350
+		maximumWidth: 350
+		maximumHeight: 200
+		minimumHeight: 200
+		Image {
+			id: aboutIcon
+			height: 150
+			width: 150
+			fillMode: Image.PreserveAspectFit
+			smooth: true
+			source: ui.assetPath("facet.png")
+			x: 10
+			y: 10
+		}
+		Text {
+			anchors.left: aboutIcon.right
+			anchors.leftMargin: 10
+			font.pointSize: 12
+			text: "<h2>Ethereal</h2><br><h3>Development</h3>Jeffrey Wilcke<br>Maran Hidskes<br>"
+		}
+	}
+	ApplicationWindow {
+		id: debugWindow
+		visible: false
+		title: "Debugger"
+		minimumWidth: 600
+		minimumHeight: 600
+		width: 800
+		height: 600
+		Item {
+			id: keyHandler
+			focus: true
+			Keys.onPressed: {
+				if (event.key == Qt.Key_Space) {
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		SplitView {
+			anchors.fill: parent
+			property var asmModel: ListModel {
+				id: asmModel
+			}
+			TableView {
+				id: asmTableView
+				width: 200
+				TableViewColumn{ role: "value" ; title: "" ; width: 100 }
+				model: asmModel
+			}
+			Rectangle {
+				anchors.left: asmTableView.right
+				anchors.right: parent.right
+				SplitView {
+					orientation: Qt.Vertical
+					anchors.fill: parent
+					TableView {
+						property var memModel: ListModel {
+							id: memModel
+						}
+						height: parent.height/2
+						width: parent.width
+						TableViewColumn{ id:mnumColmn ; role: "num" ; title: "#" ; width: 50}
+						TableViewColumn{ role: "value" ; title: "Memory" ; width: 750}
+						model: memModel
+					}
+					SplitView {
+						orientation: Qt.Horizontal
+						id: debugSplitView
+						TableView {
+							property var debuggerLog: ListModel {
+								id: debuggerLog
+							}
+							TableViewColumn{ role: "value"; title: "Debug messages" }
+							model: debuggerLog
+						}
+						TableView {
+							property var stackModel: ListModel {
+								id: stackModel
+							}
+							height: parent.height/2
+							width: parent.width
+							TableViewColumn{ role: "value" ; title: "Stack" ; width: debugSplitView.width }
+							model: stackModel
+						}
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		statusBar: StatusBar {
+			RowLayout {
+				anchors.fill: parent
+				Button {
+					property var enabled: true
+					id: debugNextButton
+					onClicked: {
+					}
+					text: "Next"
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	function setAsm(asm) {
+		asmModel.append({asm: asm})
+	}
+	function setInstruction(num) {
+		asmTableView.selection.clear()
+	}
+	function clearAsm() {
+		asmModel.clear()
+	}
+	function setMem(mem) {
+		memModel.append({num: mem.num, value: mem.value})
+	}
+	function clearMem(){
+		memModel.clear()
+	}
+	function setStack(stack) {
+		stackModel.append({value: stack})
+	}
+	function addDebugMessage(message){
+		console.log("WOOP:")
+		debuggerLog.append({value: message})
+	}
+	function clearStack() {
+		stackModel.clear()
+	}
+	function loadPlugin(name) {
+		console.log("Loading plugin" + name)
+		mainView.addPlugin(name)
+	}
+	function setWalletValue(value) {
+		walletValueLabel.text = value
+	}
+	function addTx(tx, inout) {
+		var isContract
+		if (tx.contract == true){
+			isContract = "Yes"
+		}else{
+			isContract = "No"
+		}
+		txModel.insert(0, {inout: inout, hash: tx.hash, address: tx.address, value: tx.value, contract: isContract})
+	}
+	function addBlock(block, initial) {
+		var txs = JSON.parse(block.transactions);
+		var amount = 0
+		if(initial == undefined){
+			initial = false
+		}
+		if(txs != null){
+			amount = txs.length
+		}
+		if(initial){
+			blockModel.append({number: block.number, hash: block.hash, txs: txs, txAmount: amount, time: block.time, prettyTime: convertToPretty(block.time)})
+		}else{
+			blockModel.insert(0, {number: block.number, hash: block.hash, txs: txs, txAmount: amount, time: block.time, prettyTime: convertToPretty(block.time)})
+		}
+	}
+	function addLog(str) {
+		if(str.len != 0) {
+			logModel.append({description: str})
+		}
+	}
+	function setPeers(text) {
+		peerLabel.text = text
+	}
+	function convertToPretty(unixTs){
+		var a = new Date(unixTs*1000);
+		var months = ['Jan','Feb','Mar','Apr','May','Jun','Jul','Aug','Sep','Oct','Nov','Dec'];
+		var year = a.getFullYear();
+		var month = months[a.getMonth()];
+		var date = a.getDate();
+		var hour = a.getHours();
+		var min = a.getMinutes();
+		var sec = a.getSeconds();
+		var time = date+' '+month+' '+year+' '+hour+':'+min+':'+sec ;
+		return time;
+	}
+	// *******************************************
+	// Components
+	// *******************************************
+	// New Contract component
+	Component {
+		id: newContract
+		Column {
+			id: mainContractColumn
+			function contractFormReady(){
+				if(codeView.text.length > 0 && txValue.text.length > 0 && txGas.text.length > 0 && txGasPrice.length > 0) {
+					txButton.state = "READY"
+				}else{
+					txButton.state = "NOTREADY"
+				}
+			}
+			states: [
+				State{
+					name: "ERROR"
+					PropertyChanges { target: txResult; visible:true}
+					PropertyChanges { target: codeView; visible:true}
+				},
+				State {
+					name: "DONE"
+					PropertyChanges { target: txValue; visible:false}
+					PropertyChanges { target: txGas; visible:false}
+					PropertyChanges { target: txGasPrice; visible:false}
+					PropertyChanges { target: codeView; visible:false}
+					PropertyChanges { target: txButton; visible:false}
+					PropertyChanges { target: txDataLabel; visible:false}
+					PropertyChanges { target: txResult; visible:true}
+					PropertyChanges { target: txOutput; visible:true}
+					PropertyChanges { target: newTxButton; visible:true}
+				},
+				State {
+					name: "SETUP"
+					PropertyChanges { target: txValue; visible:true; text: ""}
+					PropertyChanges { target: txGas; visible:true; text: ""}
+					PropertyChanges { target: txGasPrice; visible:true; text: ""}
+					PropertyChanges { target: codeView; visible:true; text: ""}
+					PropertyChanges { target: txButton; visible:true}
+					PropertyChanges { target: txDataLabel; visible:true}
+					PropertyChanges { target: txResult; visible:false}
+					PropertyChanges { target: txOutput; visible:false}
+					PropertyChanges { target: newTxButton; visible:false}
+				}
+			]
+			width: 400
+			spacing: 5
+			anchors.left: parent.left
+			anchors.leftMargin: 5
+			anchors.topMargin: 5
+			TextField {
+				id: txValue
+				width: 200
+				placeholderText: "Amount"
+				validator: RegExpValidator { regExp: /\d*/ }
+				onTextChanged: {
+					contractFormReady()
+				}
+			}
+			TextField {
+				id: txGas
+				width: 200
+				validator: RegExpValidator { regExp: /\d*/ }
+				placeholderText: "Gas"
+				onTextChanged: {
+					contractFormReady()
+				}
+			}
+			TextField {
+				id: txGasPrice
+				width: 200
+				placeholderText: "Gas price"
+				validator: RegExpValidator { regExp: /\d*/ }
+				onTextChanged: {
+					contractFormReady()
+				}
+			}
+			Row {
+				id: rowContract
+				ExclusiveGroup { id: contractTypeGroup }
+				RadioButton {
+					id: createContractRadio
+					text: "Create contract"
+					checked: true
+					exclusiveGroup: contractTypeGroup
+					onClicked: {
+						txFuelRecipient.visible = false
+						txDataLabel.text = "Contract code"
+					}
+				}
+				RadioButton {
+					id: runContractRadio
+					text: "Run contract"
+					exclusiveGroup: contractTypeGroup
+					onClicked: {
+						txFuelRecipient.visible = true
+						txDataLabel.text = "Contract arguments"
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			Label {
+				id: txDataLabel
+				text: "Contract code"
+			}
+			TextArea {
+				id: codeView
+				height: 300
+				anchors.topMargin: 5
+				Layout.fillWidth: true
+				width: parent.width /2
+				onTextChanged: {
+					contractFormReady()
+				}
+			}
+			TextField {
+				id: txFuelRecipient
+				placeholderText: "Contract address"
+				validator: RegExpValidator { regExp: /[a-f0-9]{40}/ }
+				visible: false
+				width: 530
+			}
+			Button {
+				id: txButton
+				/* enabled: false */
+				states: [
+					State {
+						name: "READY"
+						PropertyChanges { target: txButton; /*enabled: true*/}
+					},
+					State {
+						name: "NOTREADY"
+						PropertyChanges { target: txButton; /*enabled:false*/}
+					}
+				]
+				text: "Send"
+				onClicked: {
+					//this.enabled = false
+					var res = eth.create(txFuelRecipient.text, txValue.text, txGas.text, txGasPrice.text, codeView.text)
+					if(res[1]) {
+						txResult.text = "Your contract <b>could not</b> be send over the network:\n<b>"
+						txResult.text += res[1].error()
+						txResult.text += "</b>"
+						mainContractColumn.state = "ERROR"
+					} else {
+						txResult.text = "Your transaction has been submitted:\n"
+						txOutput.text = res[0].address
+						mainContractColumn.state = "DONE"
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			Text {
+				id: txResult
+				visible: false
+			}
+			TextField {
+				id: txOutput
+				visible: false
+				width: 530
+			}
+			Button {
+				id: newTxButton
+				visible: false
+				text: "Create an other contract"
+				onClicked: {
+					this.visible = false
+					txResult.text = ""
+					txOutput.text = ""
+					mainContractColumn.state = "SETUP"
+				}
+			}
+			Button {
+				id: debugButton
+				text: "Debug"
+				onClicked: {
+					var res = ui.debugTx("", txValue.text, txGas.text, txGasPrice.text, codeView.text)
+					debugWindow.visible = true
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	// New Transaction component
+	Component {
+		id: newTransaction
+		Column {
+			id: simpleSendColumn
+			states: [
+				State{
+					name: "ERROR"
+				},
+				State {
+					name: "DONE"
+					PropertyChanges { target: txSimpleValue; visible:false}
+					PropertyChanges { target: txSimpleRecipient; visible:false}
+					PropertyChanges { target:newSimpleTxButton; visible:false}
+					PropertyChanges { target: txSimpleResult; visible:true}
+					PropertyChanges { target: txSimpleOutput; visible:true}
+					PropertyChanges { target:newSimpleTxButton; visible:true}
+				},
+				State {
+					name: "SETUP"
+					PropertyChanges { target: txSimpleValue; visible:true; text: ""}
+					PropertyChanges { target: txSimpleRecipient; visible:true; text: ""}
+					PropertyChanges { target: txSimpleButton; visible:true}
+					PropertyChanges { target:newSimpleTxButton; visible:false}
+				}
+			]
+			spacing: 5
+			anchors.leftMargin: 5
+			anchors.topMargin: 5
+			anchors.left: parent.left
+			function checkFormState(){
+				if(txSimpleRecipient.text.length == 40 && txSimpleValue.text.length > 0) {
+					txSimpleButton.state = "READY"
+				}else{
+					txSimpleButton.state = "NOTREADY"
+				}
+			}
+			TextField {
+				id: txSimpleRecipient
+				placeholderText: "Recipient address"
+				Layout.fillWidth: true
+				validator: RegExpValidator { regExp: /[a-f0-9]{40}/ }
+				width: 530
+				onTextChanged: { checkFormState() }
+			}
+			TextField {
+				id: txSimpleValue
+				width: 200
+				placeholderText: "Amount"
+				anchors.rightMargin: 5
+				validator: RegExpValidator { regExp: /\d*/ }
+				onTextChanged: { checkFormState() }
+			}
+			Button {
+				id: txSimpleButton
+				/*enabled: false*/
+				states: [
+					State {
+						name: "READY"
+						PropertyChanges { target: txSimpleButton; /*enabled: true*/}
+					},
+					State {
+						name: "NOTREADY"
+						PropertyChanges { target: txSimpleButton; /*enabled: false*/}
+					}
+				]
+				text: "Send"
+				onClicked: {
+					//this.enabled = false
+					var res = eth.transact(txSimpleRecipient.text, txSimpleValue.text,"","","")
+					if(res[1]) {
+						txSimpleResult.text = "There has been an error broadcasting your transaction:" + res[1].error()
+					} else {
+						txSimpleResult.text = "Your transaction has been broadcasted over the network.\nYour transaction id is:"
+						txSimpleOutput.text = res[0].hash
+						this.visible = false
+						simpleSendColumn.state = "DONE"
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			Text {
+				id: txSimpleResult
+				visible: false
+			}
+			TextField {
+				id: txSimpleOutput
+				visible: false
+				width: 530
+			}
+			Button {
+				id: newSimpleTxButton
+				visible: false
+				text: "Create an other transaction"
+				onClicked: {
+					this.visible = false
+					simpleSendColumn.state = "SETUP"
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	}
diff --git a/ethereal/assets/samplecoin/samplecoin.html b/ethereal/assets/samplecoin/samplecoin.html
index e780aefb4..dc8d0b7e9 100644
--- a/ethereal/assets/samplecoin/samplecoin.html
+++ b/ethereal/assets/samplecoin/samplecoin.html
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
 <script type="text/javascript">
-var jefcoinAddr = "518546ffa883dcc838a64bc2dabada0fd64af459"
+var jefcoinAddr = "de0bd4ea1947deabf1749d7ed633f289358c9f6c"
 var mAddr = ""
 function createTransaction() {
cgit v1.2.3

From 0b4c42d75694787d47697288266c073a3cf41c48 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: obscuren <>
Date: Thu, 29 May 2014 02:05:06 +0200
Subject: Disabled instruction selection

 ethereal/assets/debugger/debugger.qml | 4 ++--
 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

(limited to 'ethereal/assets')

diff --git a/ethereal/assets/debugger/debugger.qml b/ethereal/assets/debugger/debugger.qml
index bff653fb8..247d4de67 100644
--- a/ethereal/assets/debugger/debugger.qml
+++ b/ethereal/assets/debugger/debugger.qml
@@ -224,8 +224,8 @@ ApplicationWindow {
 	function setInstruction(num) {
-		asmTableView.selection.clear()
+		//asmTableView.selection.clear()
+		//
 	function setMem(mem) {
cgit v1.2.3

From efb3ee044b6bc05b73794450ec4b1953fe38350a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: obscuren <>
Date: Thu, 29 May 2014 11:49:59 +0200
Subject: Removed regexp for namereg

 ethereal/assets/qml/wallet.qml | 4 ++--
 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

(limited to 'ethereal/assets')

diff --git a/ethereal/assets/qml/wallet.qml b/ethereal/assets/qml/wallet.qml
index 847f219a9..98cccd767 100644
--- a/ethereal/assets/qml/wallet.qml
+++ b/ethereal/assets/qml/wallet.qml
@@ -837,7 +837,7 @@ ApplicationWindow {
       TextField {
         id: txFuelRecipient
         placeholderText: "Contract address"
-        validator: RegExpValidator { regExp: /[a-f0-9]{40}/ }
+        //validator: RegExpValidator { regExp: /[a-f0-9]{40}/ }
         visible: false
         width: 530
@@ -948,7 +948,7 @@ ApplicationWindow {
         id: txSimpleRecipient
         placeholderText: "Recipient address"
         Layout.fillWidth: true
-        validator: RegExpValidator { regExp: /[a-f0-9]{40}/ }
+        //validator: RegExpValidator { regExp: /[a-f0-9]{40}/ }
         width: 530
         onTextChanged: { checkFormState() }
cgit v1.2.3

From 8ee6574d12601df7a8edb56ee9ccc4cfce7ef6a8 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: obscuren <>
Date: Thu, 29 May 2014 12:14:25 +0200
Subject: Minimal fee for sending transactions

 ethereal/assets/qml/wallet.qml | 2 +-
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)

(limited to 'ethereal/assets')

diff --git a/ethereal/assets/qml/wallet.qml b/ethereal/assets/qml/wallet.qml
index 98cccd767..f48b9a85b 100644
--- a/ethereal/assets/qml/wallet.qml
+++ b/ethereal/assets/qml/wallet.qml
@@ -976,7 +976,7 @@ ApplicationWindow {
         text: "Send"
         onClicked: {
           //this.enabled = false
-          var res = eth.transact(txSimpleRecipient.text, txSimpleValue.text,"","","")
+          var res = eth.transact(txSimpleRecipient.text, txSimpleValue.text, "500", "1000000", "")
           if(res[1]) {
             txSimpleResult.text = "There has been an error broadcasting your transaction:" + res[1].error()
           } else {
cgit v1.2.3

From efadfbfb1779549c2898304dce4bbce30b067ceb Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: obscuren <>
Date: Thu, 29 May 2014 12:24:14 +0200
Subject: Minor UI changes

* Moved log from block view
* Prepend instead of append for logs
 ethereal/assets/debugger/debugger.qml |  6 +++++-
 ethereal/assets/qml/wallet.qml        | 31 ++++++++++++++++---------------
 2 files changed, 21 insertions(+), 16 deletions(-)

(limited to 'ethereal/assets')

diff --git a/ethereal/assets/debugger/debugger.qml b/ethereal/assets/debugger/debugger.qml
index 247d4de67..84d9a0732 100644
--- a/ethereal/assets/debugger/debugger.qml
+++ b/ethereal/assets/debugger/debugger.qml
@@ -255,6 +255,10 @@ ApplicationWindow {
 	function setLog(msg) {
-		logModel.append({message: msg})
+		logModel.insert(0, {message: msg})
+	}
+	function clearLog() {
+		logModel.clear()
diff --git a/ethereal/assets/qml/wallet.qml b/ethereal/assets/qml/wallet.qml
index f48b9a85b..eaf7c1b92 100644
--- a/ethereal/assets/qml/wallet.qml
+++ b/ethereal/assets/qml/wallet.qml
@@ -204,7 +204,7 @@ ApplicationWindow {
           id: blockTable
           width: parent.width
-          anchors.bottom:
+          anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
           TableViewColumn{ role: "number" ; title: "#" ; width: 100 }
           TableViewColumn{ role: "hash" ; title: "Hash" ; width: 560 }
           TableViewColumn{ role: "txAmount" ; title: "Tx amount" ; width: 100 }
@@ -217,19 +217,6 @@ ApplicationWindow {
-        property var logModel: ListModel {
-          id: logModel
-        }
-        TableView {
-          id: logView
-          width: parent.width
-          height: 150
-          anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
-          TableViewColumn{ role: "description" ; title: "log" }
-          model: logModel
-        }
       Rectangle {
@@ -257,6 +244,20 @@ ApplicationWindow {
           text: pub.getKey().address
           width: 500
+        property var logModel: ListModel {
+          id: logModel
+        }
+        TableView {
+          id: logView
+          width: parent.width
+          height: 200
+          anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
+          TableViewColumn{ role: "description" ; title: "log" }
+          model: logModel
+        }
@@ -690,7 +691,7 @@ ApplicationWindow {
   function addLog(str) {
     if(str.len != 0) {
-      logModel.append({description: str})
+      logModel.insert(0, {description: str})
cgit v1.2.3

From 40d72ff40bac19bb1b51bd1d382e75438673dbf2 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: obscuren <>
Date: Thu, 29 May 2014 12:24:56 +0200
Subject: .

 ethereal/assets/qml/wallet.qml | 2002 ++++++++++++++++++++--------------------
 1 file changed, 1001 insertions(+), 1001 deletions(-)

(limited to 'ethereal/assets')

diff --git a/ethereal/assets/qml/wallet.qml b/ethereal/assets/qml/wallet.qml
index eaf7c1b92..cfe005507 100644
--- a/ethereal/assets/qml/wallet.qml
+++ b/ethereal/assets/qml/wallet.qml
@@ -8,1005 +8,1005 @@ import Ethereum 1.0
 ApplicationWindow {
-  id: root
-  width: 900
-  height: 600
-  minimumHeight: 300
-  title: "Ethereal"
-  MenuBar {
-    Menu {
-      title: "File"
-      MenuItem {
-        text: "Import App"
-        shortcut: "Ctrl+o"
-        onTriggered:
-      }
-    }
-    Menu {
-      title: "Tools"
-      MenuItem {
-        text: "Muted"
-        shortcut: "Ctrl+e"
-        onTriggered: ui.muted("")
-      }
-      MenuItem {
-        text: "Debugger"
-        shortcut: "Ctrl+d"
-        onTriggered: ui.startDebugger()
-      }
-    }
-    Menu {
-      title: "Network"
-      MenuItem {
-        text: "Add Peer"
-        shortcut: "Ctrl+p"
-        onTriggered: {
-          addPeerWin.visible = true
-        }
-      }
-      MenuItem {
-        text: "Start"
-        onTriggered: ui.connect()
-      }
-    }
-    Menu {
-      title: "Help"
-      MenuItem {
-        text: "About"
-        onTriggered: {
-          aboutWin.visible = true
-        }
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  property var blockModel: ListModel {
-    id: blockModel
-  }
-  function setView(view) {
-    networkView.visible = false
-    historyView.visible = false
-    newTxView.visible = false
-    infoView.visible = false
-    view.visible = true
-    //root.title = "Ethereal - " = view.title
-  }
-  SplitView {
-    anchors.fill: parent
-    resizing: false
-    Rectangle {
-      id: menu
-      Layout.minimumWidth: 80
-      Layout.maximumWidth: 80
-      anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
-      //color: "#D9DDE7"
-      color: "#252525"
-      ColumnLayout {
-        y: 50
-        anchors.left: parent.left
-        anchors.right: parent.right
-        height: 200
-        Image {
-          source: ui.assetPath("tx.png")
-          anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
-          MouseArea {
-            anchors.fill: parent
-            onClicked: {
-              setView(historyView)
-            }
-          }
-        }
-        Image {
-          source: ui.assetPath("new.png")
-          anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
-          MouseArea {
-            anchors.fill: parent
-            onClicked: {
-              setView(newTxView)
-            }
-          }
-        }
-        Image {
-          source: ui.assetPath("net.png")
-          anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
-          MouseArea {
-            anchors.fill: parent
-            onClicked: {
-              setView(networkView)
-            }
-          }
-        }
-        Image {
-          source: ui.assetPath("heart.png")
-          anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
-          MouseArea {
-            anchors.fill: parent
-            onClicked: {
-              setView(infoView)
-            }
-          }
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    Rectangle {
-      id: mainView
-      color: "#00000000"
-      anchors.right: parent.right
-      anchors.left: menu.right
-      anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
-      property var txModel: ListModel {
-        id: txModel
-      }
-      Rectangle {
-        id: historyView
-        anchors.fill: parent
-        property var title: "Transactions"
-        TableView {
-          id: txTableView
-          anchors.fill: parent
-          TableViewColumn{ role: "inout" ; title: "" ; width: 40 }
-          TableViewColumn{ role: "value" ; title: "Value" ; width: 100 }
-          TableViewColumn{ role: "address" ; title: "Address" ; width: 430 }
-          TableViewColumn{ role: "contract" ; title: "Contract" ; width: 100 }
-          model: txModel
-        }
-      }
-      Rectangle {
-        id: newTxView
-        property var title: "New transaction"
-        visible: false
-        anchors.fill: parent
-        color: "#00000000"
-        TabView{
-          anchors.fill: parent
-          anchors.rightMargin: 5
-          anchors.leftMargin: 5
-          anchors.topMargin: 5
-          anchors.bottomMargin: 5
-          id: newTransactionTab
-          Component.onCompleted:{
-            addTab("Simple send", newTransaction)
-            addTab("Contracts", newContract)
-          }
-        }
-      }
-      Rectangle {
-        id: networkView
-        property var title: "Network"
-        visible: false
-        anchors.fill: parent
-        TableView {
-          id: blockTable
-          width: parent.width
-          anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
-          TableViewColumn{ role: "number" ; title: "#" ; width: 100 }
-          TableViewColumn{ role: "hash" ; title: "Hash" ; width: 560 }
-          TableViewColumn{ role: "txAmount" ; title: "Tx amount" ; width: 100 }
-          model: blockModel
-          onDoubleClicked: {
-            popup.visible = true
-            popup.setDetails(blockModel.get(row))
-          }
-        }
-      }
-      Rectangle {
-        id: infoView
-        property var title: "Information"
-        visible: false
-        color: "#00000000"
-        anchors.fill: parent
-        Label {
-          id: addressLabel
-          text: "Address"
-          anchors {
-            margins: 5
-            top:
-            left: parent.left
-          }
-        }
-        TextField {
-          anchors {
-            margins: 5
-            left: addressLabel.right
-            top:
-          }
-          text: pub.getKey().address
-          width: 500
-        }
-        property var logModel: ListModel {
-          id: logModel
-        }
-        TableView {
-          id: logView
-          width: parent.width
-          height: 200
-          anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
-          TableViewColumn{ role: "description" ; title: "log" }
-          model: logModel
-        }
-      }
-      /*
-       signal addPlugin(string name)
-       Component {
-         id: pluginWindow
-         Rectangle {
-           anchors.fill: parent
-           Label {
-             id: pluginTitle
-             anchors.centerIn: parent
-             text: "Hello world"
-           }
-           Component.onCompleted: setView(this)
-         }
-       }
-       onAddPlugin: {
-         var pluginWin = pluginWindow.createObject(mainView)
-         console.log(pluginWin)
-         pluginWin.pluginTitle.text = "Test"
-       }
-       */
-    }
-  }
-  FileDialog {
-    id: openAppDialog
-    title: "Open QML Application"
-    onAccepted: {
-      //
-      //ui.openHtml(Qt.resolvedUrl(ui.assetPath("test.html")))
-      ui.openHtml(openAppDialog.fileUrl.toString())
-    }
-  }
-  statusBar: StatusBar {
-    RowLayout {
-      anchors.fill: parent
-      Button {
-        property var enabled: true
-        id: debuggerWindow
-        onClicked: {
-          ui.startDebugger()
-        }
-        text: "Debugger"
-      }
-      Button {
-        id: importAppButton
-        anchors.left: debuggerWindow.right
-        anchors.leftMargin: 5
-        onClicked:
-        text: "Import App"
-      }
-      Label {
-        anchors.left: importAppButton.right
-        anchors.leftMargin: 5
-        id: walletValueLabel
-      }
-      Label {
-        anchors.right: peerImage.left
-        anchors.rightMargin: 5
-        id: peerLabel
-        font.pixelSize: 8
-        text: "0 / 0"
-      }
-      Image {
-        id: peerImage
-        anchors.right: parent.right
-        width: 10; height: 10
-        source: ui.assetPath("network.png")
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  Window {
-    id: popup
-    visible: false
-    property var block
-    width: root.width
-    height: 240
-    Component{
-      id: blockDetailsDelegate
-      Rectangle {
-        color: "#252525"
-        width: popup.width
-        height: 200
-        Column {
-          anchors.leftMargin: 10
-          anchors.topMargin: 5
-          anchors.left: parent.left
-          Text { text: '<h3>Block details</h3>'; color: "#F2F2F2"}
-          Text { text: '<b>Block number:</b> ' + number; color: "#F2F2F2"}
-          Text { text: '<b>Hash:</b> ' + hash; color: "#F2F2F2"}
-          Text { text: '<b>Block found at:</b> ' + prettyTime; color: "#F2F2F2"}
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    ListView {
-      model: singleBlock
-      delegate: blockDetailsDelegate
-      height: 70
-      anchors.leftMargin: 20
-      id: listViewThing
-      Layout.maximumHeight: 40
-    }
-    TableView {
-      id: txView
- listViewThing.bottom
-      anchors.topMargin: 50
-      width: parent.width
-      TableViewColumn{width: 90; role: "value" ; title: "Value" }
-      TableViewColumn{width: 200; role: "hash" ; title: "Hash" }
-      TableViewColumn{width: 200; role: "sender" ; title: "Sender" }
-      TableViewColumn{width: 200;role: "address" ; title: "Receiver" }
-      TableViewColumn{width: 60; role: "gas" ; title: "Gas" }
-      TableViewColumn{width: 60; role: "gasPrice" ; title: "Gas Price" }
-      TableViewColumn{width: 60; role: "isContract" ; title: "Contract" }
-      model: transactionModel
-      onClicked: {
-        var tx = transactionModel.get(row)
-        if( {
-          popup.showContractData(tx)
-        }else{
-          popup.height = 230
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    function showContractData(tx) {
-       txDetailsDebugButton.tx = tx
-      if(tx.createsContract) {
-	      contractData.text =
-	      contractLabel.text = "<h4> Transaction created contract " + tx.address + "</h4>"
-      }else{
-	      contractLabel.text = "<h4> Transaction ran contract " + tx.address + "</h4>"
-	      contractData.text = tx.rawData
-      }
-      popup.height = 400
-    }
-    Rectangle {
-      id: txDetails
-      width: popup.width
-      height: 300
-      anchors.left: listViewThing.left
- txView.bottom
-      Label {
-        text: "<h4>Contract data</h4>"
-        anchors.left: parent.left
-        id: contractLabel
-        anchors.leftMargin: 10
-      }
-      Button {
-	      property var tx
-	      id: txDetailsDebugButton
-	      anchors.right: parent.right
-	      anchors.rightMargin: 10
-	      anchors.topMargin: 10
-	      text: "Debug contract"
-	      onClicked: {
-		      if(tx.createsContract){
-			      ui.startDbWithCode(tx.rawData)
-		      }else {
-			      ui.startDbWithContractAndData(tx.address, tx.rawData)
-		      }
-	      }
-      }
-      TextArea {
-        id: contractData
-        text: "Contract"
- contractLabel.bottom
-        anchors.left: parent.left
-	anchors.bottom: popup.bottom
-        wrapMode: Text.Wrap
-        width: parent.width - 30
-        height: 80
-        anchors.leftMargin: 10
-      }
-    }
-    property var transactionModel: ListModel {
-      id: transactionModel
-    }
-    property var singleBlock: ListModel {
-      id: singleBlock
-    }
-    function setDetails(block){
-      singleBlock.set(0,block)
-      popup.height = 230
-      transactionModel.clear()
-      if(block.txs != undefined){
-        for(var i = 0; i < block.txs.count; ++i) {
-          transactionModel.insert(0, block.txs.get(i))
-        }
-        if(block.txs.get(0).data){
-          popup.showContractData(block.txs.get(0))
-        }
-      }
-      txView.forceActiveFocus()
-    }
-  }
-  Window {
-    id: addPeerWin
-    visible: false
-    minimumWidth: 230
-    maximumWidth: 230
-    maximumHeight: 50
-    minimumHeight: 50
-    TextField {
-      id: addrField
-      anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
-      anchors.left: parent.left
-      anchors.leftMargin: 10
-      placeholderText: "address:port"
-      onAccepted: {
-        ui.connectToPeer(addrField.text)
-        addPeerWin.visible = false
-      }
-    }
-    Button {
-      anchors.left: addrField.right
-      anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
-      anchors.leftMargin: 5
-      text: "Add"
-      onClicked: {
-        ui.connectToPeer(addrField.text)
-        addPeerWin.visible = false
-      }
-    }
-    Component.onCompleted: {
-      addrField.focus = true
-    }
-  }
-  Window {
-    id: aboutWin
-    visible: false
-    title: "About"
-    minimumWidth: 350
-    maximumWidth: 350
-    maximumHeight: 200
-    minimumHeight: 200
-    Image {
-      id: aboutIcon
-      height: 150
-      width: 150
-      fillMode: Image.PreserveAspectFit
-      smooth: true
-      source: ui.assetPath("facet.png")
-      x: 10
-      y: 10
-    }
-    Text {
-      anchors.left: aboutIcon.right
-      anchors.leftMargin: 10
-      font.pointSize: 12
-      text: "<h2>Ethereal</h2><br><h3>Development</h3>Jeffrey Wilcke<br>Maran Hidskes<br>"
-    }
-  }
-  ApplicationWindow {
-    id: debugWindow
-    visible: false
-    title: "Debugger"
-    minimumWidth: 600
-    minimumHeight: 600
-    width: 800
-    height: 600
-    Item {
-      id: keyHandler
-      focus: true
-      Keys.onPressed: {
-        if (event.key == Qt.Key_Space) {
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    SplitView {
-      anchors.fill: parent
-      property var asmModel: ListModel {
-        id: asmModel
-      }
-      TableView {
-        id: asmTableView
-        width: 200
-        TableViewColumn{ role: "value" ; title: "" ; width: 100 }
-        model: asmModel
-      }
-      Rectangle {
-        anchors.left: asmTableView.right
-        anchors.right: parent.right
-        SplitView {
-          orientation: Qt.Vertical
-          anchors.fill: parent
-          TableView {
-            property var memModel: ListModel {
-              id: memModel
-            }
-            height: parent.height/2
-            width: parent.width
-            TableViewColumn{ id:mnumColmn ; role: "num" ; title: "#" ; width: 50}
-            TableViewColumn{ role: "value" ; title: "Memory" ; width: 750}
-            model: memModel
-          }
-          SplitView {
-            orientation: Qt.Horizontal
-            id: debugSplitView
-            TableView {
-              property var debuggerLog: ListModel {
-                id: debuggerLog
-              }
-              TableViewColumn{ role: "value"; title: "Debug messages" }
-              model: debuggerLog
-            }
-            TableView {
-              property var stackModel: ListModel {
-                id: stackModel
-              }
-              height: parent.height/2
-              width: parent.width
-              TableViewColumn{ role: "value" ; title: "Stack" ; width: debugSplitView.width }
-              model: stackModel
-            }
-          }
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    statusBar: StatusBar {
-      RowLayout {
-        anchors.fill: parent
-        Button {
-          property var enabled: true
-          id: debugNextButton
-          onClicked: {
-          }
-          text: "Next"
-        }
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  function setAsm(asm) {
-    asmModel.append({asm: asm})
-  }
-  function setInstruction(num) {
-    asmTableView.selection.clear()
-  }
-  function clearAsm() {
-    asmModel.clear()
-  }
-  function setMem(mem) {
-    memModel.append({num: mem.num, value: mem.value})
-  }
-  function clearMem(){
-    memModel.clear()
-  }
-  function setStack(stack) {
-    stackModel.append({value: stack})
-  }
-  function addDebugMessage(message){
-    console.log("WOOP:")
-    debuggerLog.append({value: message})
-  }
-  function clearStack() {
-    stackModel.clear()
-  }
-  function loadPlugin(name) {
-    console.log("Loading plugin" + name)
-    mainView.addPlugin(name)
-  }
-  function setWalletValue(value) {
-    walletValueLabel.text = value
-  }
-  function addTx(tx, inout) {
-    var isContract
-    if (tx.contract == true){
-      isContract = "Yes"
-    }else{
-      isContract = "No"
-    }
-    txModel.insert(0, {inout: inout, hash: tx.hash, address: tx.address, value: tx.value, contract: isContract})
-  }
-  function addBlock(block, initial) {
-    var txs = JSON.parse(block.transactions);
-    var amount = 0
-    if(initial == undefined){
-      initial = false
-    }
-    if(txs != null){
-      amount = txs.length
-    }
-    if(initial){
-      blockModel.append({number: block.number, hash: block.hash, txs: txs, txAmount: amount, time: block.time, prettyTime: convertToPretty(block.time)})
-    }else{
-      blockModel.insert(0, {number: block.number, hash: block.hash, txs: txs, txAmount: amount, time: block.time, prettyTime: convertToPretty(block.time)})
-    }
-  }
-  function addLog(str) {
-    if(str.len != 0) {
-      logModel.insert(0, {description: str})
-    }
-  }
-  function setPeers(text) {
-    peerLabel.text = text
-  }
-  function convertToPretty(unixTs){
-    var a = new Date(unixTs*1000);
-    var months = ['Jan','Feb','Mar','Apr','May','Jun','Jul','Aug','Sep','Oct','Nov','Dec'];
-    var year = a.getFullYear();
-    var month = months[a.getMonth()];
-    var date = a.getDate();
-    var hour = a.getHours();
-    var min = a.getMinutes();
-    var sec = a.getSeconds();
-    var time = date+' '+month+' '+year+' '+hour+':'+min+':'+sec ;
-    return time;
-  }
-  // *******************************************
-  // Components
-  // *******************************************
-  // New Contract component
-  Component {
-    id: newContract
-    Column {
-      id: mainContractColumn
-      function contractFormReady(){
-        if(codeView.text.length > 0 && txValue.text.length > 0 && txGas.text.length > 0 && txGasPrice.length > 0) {
-          txButton.state = "READY"
-        }else{
-          txButton.state = "NOTREADY"
-        }
-      }
-      states: [
-        State{
-          name: "ERROR"
-          PropertyChanges { target: txResult; visible:true}
-          PropertyChanges { target: codeView; visible:true}
-        },
-        State {
-          name: "DONE"
-          PropertyChanges { target: txValue; visible:false}
-          PropertyChanges { target: txGas; visible:false}
-          PropertyChanges { target: txGasPrice; visible:false}
-          PropertyChanges { target: codeView; visible:false}
-          PropertyChanges { target: txButton; visible:false}
-          PropertyChanges { target: txDataLabel; visible:false}
-          PropertyChanges { target: txResult; visible:true}
-          PropertyChanges { target: txOutput; visible:true}
-          PropertyChanges { target: newTxButton; visible:true}
-        },
-        State {
-          name: "SETUP"
-          PropertyChanges { target: txValue; visible:true; text: ""}
-          PropertyChanges { target: txGas; visible:true; text: ""}
-          PropertyChanges { target: txGasPrice; visible:true; text: ""}
-          PropertyChanges { target: codeView; visible:true; text: ""}
-          PropertyChanges { target: txButton; visible:true}
-          PropertyChanges { target: txDataLabel; visible:true}
-          PropertyChanges { target: txResult; visible:false}
-          PropertyChanges { target: txOutput; visible:false}
-          PropertyChanges { target: newTxButton; visible:false}
-        }
-      ]
-      width: 400
-      spacing: 5
-      anchors.left: parent.left
-      anchors.leftMargin: 5
-      anchors.topMargin: 5
-      TextField {
-        id: txValue
-        width: 200
-        placeholderText: "Amount"
-        validator: RegExpValidator { regExp: /\d*/ }
-        onTextChanged: {
-          contractFormReady()
-        }
-      }
-      TextField {
-        id: txGas
-        width: 200
-        validator: RegExpValidator { regExp: /\d*/ }
-        placeholderText: "Gas"
-        onTextChanged: {
-          contractFormReady()
-        }
-      }
-      TextField {
-        id: txGasPrice
-        width: 200
-        placeholderText: "Gas price"
-        validator: RegExpValidator { regExp: /\d*/ }
-        onTextChanged: {
-          contractFormReady()
-        }
-      }
-      Row {
-        id: rowContract
-        ExclusiveGroup { id: contractTypeGroup }
-        RadioButton {
-          id: createContractRadio
-          text: "Create contract"
-          checked: true
-          exclusiveGroup: contractTypeGroup
-          onClicked: {
-            txFuelRecipient.visible = false
-            txDataLabel.text = "Contract code"
-          }
-        }
-        RadioButton {
-          id: runContractRadio
-          text: "Run contract"
-          exclusiveGroup: contractTypeGroup
-          onClicked: {
-            txFuelRecipient.visible = true
-            txDataLabel.text = "Contract arguments"
-          }
-        }
-      }
-      Label {
-        id: txDataLabel
-        text: "Contract code"
-      }
-      TextArea {
-        id: codeView
-        height: 300
-        anchors.topMargin: 5
-        Layout.fillWidth: true
-        width: parent.width /2
-        onTextChanged: {
-          contractFormReady()
-        }
-      }
-      TextField {
-        id: txFuelRecipient
-        placeholderText: "Contract address"
-        //validator: RegExpValidator { regExp: /[a-f0-9]{40}/ }
-        visible: false
-        width: 530
-      }
-      Button {
-        id: txButton
-        /* enabled: false */
-        states: [
-          State {
-            name: "READY"
-            PropertyChanges { target: txButton; /*enabled: true*/}
-          },
-          State {
-            name: "NOTREADY"
-            PropertyChanges { target: txButton; /*enabled:false*/}
-          }
-        ]
-        text: "Send"
-        onClicked: {
-          //this.enabled = false
-          var res = eth.create(txFuelRecipient.text, txValue.text, txGas.text, txGasPrice.text, codeView.text)
-          if(res[1]) {
-            txResult.text = "Your contract <b>could not</b> be send over the network:\n<b>"
-            txResult.text += res[1].error()
-            txResult.text += "</b>"
-            mainContractColumn.state = "ERROR"
-          } else {
-            txResult.text = "Your transaction has been submitted:\n"
-            txOutput.text = res[0].address
-            mainContractColumn.state = "DONE"
-          }
-        }
-      }
-      Text {
-        id: txResult
-        visible: false
-      }
-      TextField {
-        id: txOutput
-        visible: false
-        width: 530
-      }
-      Button {
-        id: newTxButton
-        visible: false
-        text: "Create an other contract"
-        onClicked: {
-          this.visible = false
-          txResult.text = ""
-          txOutput.text = ""
-          mainContractColumn.state = "SETUP"
-        }
-      }
-      Button {
-        id: debugButton
-        text: "Debug"
-        onClicked: {
-          var res = ui.debugTx("", txValue.text, txGas.text, txGasPrice.text, codeView.text)
-          debugWindow.visible = true
-        }
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  // New Transaction component
-  Component {
-    id: newTransaction
-    Column {
-      id: simpleSendColumn
-      states: [
-        State{
-          name: "ERROR"
-        },
-        State {
-          name: "DONE"
-          PropertyChanges { target: txSimpleValue; visible:false}
-          PropertyChanges { target: txSimpleRecipient; visible:false}
-          PropertyChanges { target:newSimpleTxButton; visible:false}
-          PropertyChanges { target: txSimpleResult; visible:true}
-          PropertyChanges { target: txSimpleOutput; visible:true}
-          PropertyChanges { target:newSimpleTxButton; visible:true}
-        },
-        State {
-          name: "SETUP"
-          PropertyChanges { target: txSimpleValue; visible:true; text: ""}
-          PropertyChanges { target: txSimpleRecipient; visible:true; text: ""}
-          PropertyChanges { target: txSimpleButton; visible:true}
-          PropertyChanges { target:newSimpleTxButton; visible:false}
-        }
-      ]
-      spacing: 5
-      anchors.leftMargin: 5
-      anchors.topMargin: 5
-      anchors.left: parent.left
-      function checkFormState(){
-        if(txSimpleRecipient.text.length == 40 && txSimpleValue.text.length > 0) {
-          txSimpleButton.state = "READY"
-        }else{
-          txSimpleButton.state = "NOTREADY"
-        }
-      }
-      TextField {
-        id: txSimpleRecipient
-        placeholderText: "Recipient address"
-        Layout.fillWidth: true
-        //validator: RegExpValidator { regExp: /[a-f0-9]{40}/ }
-        width: 530
-        onTextChanged: { checkFormState() }
-      }
-      TextField {
-        id: txSimpleValue
-        width: 200
-        placeholderText: "Amount"
-        anchors.rightMargin: 5
-        validator: RegExpValidator { regExp: /\d*/ }
-        onTextChanged: { checkFormState() }
-      }
-      Button {
-        id: txSimpleButton
-        /*enabled: false*/
-        states: [
-          State {
-            name: "READY"
-            PropertyChanges { target: txSimpleButton; /*enabled: true*/}
-          },
-          State {
-            name: "NOTREADY"
-            PropertyChanges { target: txSimpleButton; /*enabled: false*/}
-          }
-        ]
-        text: "Send"
-        onClicked: {
-          //this.enabled = false
-          var res = eth.transact(txSimpleRecipient.text, txSimpleValue.text, "500", "1000000", "")
-          if(res[1]) {
-            txSimpleResult.text = "There has been an error broadcasting your transaction:" + res[1].error()
-          } else {
-            txSimpleResult.text = "Your transaction has been broadcasted over the network.\nYour transaction id is:"
-            txSimpleOutput.text = res[0].hash
-            this.visible = false
-            simpleSendColumn.state = "DONE"
-          }
-        }
-      }
-      Text {
-        id: txSimpleResult
-        visible: false
-      }
-      TextField {
-        id: txSimpleOutput
-        visible: false
-        width: 530
-      }
-      Button {
-        id: newSimpleTxButton
-        visible: false
-        text: "Create an other transaction"
-        onClicked: {
-          this.visible = false
-          simpleSendColumn.state = "SETUP"
-        }
-      }
-    }
-  }
+	id: root
+	width: 900
+	height: 600
+	minimumHeight: 300
+	title: "Ethereal"
+	MenuBar {
+		Menu {
+			title: "File"
+			MenuItem {
+				text: "Import App"
+				shortcut: "Ctrl+o"
+				onTriggered:
+			}
+		}
+		Menu {
+			title: "Tools"
+			MenuItem {
+				text: "Muted"
+				shortcut: "Ctrl+e"
+				onTriggered: ui.muted("")
+			}
+			MenuItem {
+				text: "Debugger"
+				shortcut: "Ctrl+d"
+				onTriggered: ui.startDebugger()
+			}
+		}
+		Menu {
+			title: "Network"
+			MenuItem {
+				text: "Add Peer"
+				shortcut: "Ctrl+p"
+				onTriggered: {
+					addPeerWin.visible = true
+				}
+			}
+			MenuItem {
+				text: "Start"
+				onTriggered: ui.connect()
+			}
+		}
+		Menu {
+			title: "Help"
+			MenuItem {
+				text: "About"
+				onTriggered: {
+					aboutWin.visible = true
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	property var blockModel: ListModel {
+		id: blockModel
+	}
+	function setView(view) {
+		networkView.visible = false
+		historyView.visible = false
+		newTxView.visible = false
+		infoView.visible = false
+		view.visible = true
+		//root.title = "Ethereal - " = view.title
+	}
+	SplitView {
+		anchors.fill: parent
+		resizing: false
+		Rectangle {
+			id: menu
+			Layout.minimumWidth: 80
+			Layout.maximumWidth: 80
+			anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
+			//color: "#D9DDE7"
+			color: "#252525"
+			ColumnLayout {
+				y: 50
+				anchors.left: parent.left
+				anchors.right: parent.right
+				height: 200
+				Image {
+					source: ui.assetPath("tx.png")
+					anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
+					MouseArea {
+						anchors.fill: parent
+						onClicked: {
+							setView(historyView)
+						}
+					}
+				}
+				Image {
+					source: ui.assetPath("new.png")
+					anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
+					MouseArea {
+						anchors.fill: parent
+						onClicked: {
+							setView(newTxView)
+						}
+					}
+				}
+				Image {
+					source: ui.assetPath("net.png")
+					anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
+					MouseArea {
+						anchors.fill: parent
+						onClicked: {
+							setView(networkView)
+						}
+					}
+				}
+				Image {
+					source: ui.assetPath("heart.png")
+					anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
+					MouseArea {
+						anchors.fill: parent
+						onClicked: {
+							setView(infoView)
+						}
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		Rectangle {
+			id: mainView
+			color: "#00000000"
+			anchors.right: parent.right
+			anchors.left: menu.right
+			anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
+			property var txModel: ListModel {
+				id: txModel
+			}
+			Rectangle {
+				id: historyView
+				anchors.fill: parent
+				property var title: "Transactions"
+				TableView {
+					id: txTableView
+					anchors.fill: parent
+					TableViewColumn{ role: "inout" ; title: "" ; width: 40 }
+					TableViewColumn{ role: "value" ; title: "Value" ; width: 100 }
+					TableViewColumn{ role: "address" ; title: "Address" ; width: 430 }
+					TableViewColumn{ role: "contract" ; title: "Contract" ; width: 100 }
+					model: txModel
+				}
+			}
+			Rectangle {
+				id: newTxView
+				property var title: "New transaction"
+				visible: false
+				anchors.fill: parent
+				color: "#00000000"
+				TabView{
+					anchors.fill: parent
+					anchors.rightMargin: 5
+					anchors.leftMargin: 5
+					anchors.topMargin: 5
+					anchors.bottomMargin: 5
+					id: newTransactionTab
+					Component.onCompleted:{
+						addTab("Simple send", newTransaction)
+						addTab("Contracts", newContract)
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			Rectangle {
+				id: networkView
+				property var title: "Network"
+				visible: false
+				anchors.fill: parent
+				TableView {
+					id: blockTable
+					width: parent.width
+					anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
+					TableViewColumn{ role: "number" ; title: "#" ; width: 100 }
+					TableViewColumn{ role: "hash" ; title: "Hash" ; width: 560 }
+					TableViewColumn{ role: "txAmount" ; title: "Tx amount" ; width: 100 }
+					model: blockModel
+					onDoubleClicked: {
+						popup.visible = true
+						popup.setDetails(blockModel.get(row))
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			Rectangle {
+				id: infoView
+				property var title: "Information"
+				visible: false
+				color: "#00000000"
+				anchors.fill: parent
+				Label {
+					id: addressLabel
+					text: "Address"
+					anchors {
+						margins: 5
+						top:
+						left: parent.left
+					}
+				}
+				TextField {
+					anchors {
+						margins: 5
+						left: addressLabel.right
+						top:
+					}
+					text: pub.getKey().address
+					width: 500
+				}
+				property var logModel: ListModel {
+					id: logModel
+				}
+				TableView {
+					id: logView
+					width: parent.width
+					height: 200
+					anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
+					TableViewColumn{ role: "description" ; title: "log" }
+					model: logModel
+				}
+			}
+			/*
+			 signal addPlugin(string name)
+			 Component {
+				 id: pluginWindow
+				 Rectangle {
+					 anchors.fill: parent
+					 Label {
+						 id: pluginTitle
+						 anchors.centerIn: parent
+						 text: "Hello world"
+					 }
+					 Component.onCompleted: setView(this)
+				 }
+			 }
+			 onAddPlugin: {
+				 var pluginWin = pluginWindow.createObject(mainView)
+				 console.log(pluginWin)
+				 pluginWin.pluginTitle.text = "Test"
+			 }
+			 */
+		}
+	}
+	FileDialog {
+		id: openAppDialog
+		title: "Open QML Application"
+		onAccepted: {
+			//
+			//ui.openHtml(Qt.resolvedUrl(ui.assetPath("test.html")))
+			ui.openHtml(openAppDialog.fileUrl.toString())
+		}
+	}
+	statusBar: StatusBar {
+		RowLayout {
+			anchors.fill: parent
+			Button {
+				property var enabled: true
+				id: debuggerWindow
+				onClicked: {
+					ui.startDebugger()
+				}
+				text: "Debugger"
+			}
+			Button {
+				id: importAppButton
+				anchors.left: debuggerWindow.right
+				anchors.leftMargin: 5
+				onClicked:
+				text: "Import App"
+			}
+			Label {
+				anchors.left: importAppButton.right
+				anchors.leftMargin: 5
+				id: walletValueLabel
+			}
+			Label {
+				anchors.right: peerImage.left
+				anchors.rightMargin: 5
+				id: peerLabel
+				font.pixelSize: 8
+				text: "0 / 0"
+			}
+			Image {
+				id: peerImage
+				anchors.right: parent.right
+				width: 10; height: 10
+				source: ui.assetPath("network.png")
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	Window {
+		id: popup
+		visible: false
+		property var block
+		width: root.width
+		height: 240
+		Component{
+			id: blockDetailsDelegate
+			Rectangle {
+				color: "#252525"
+				width: popup.width
+				height: 200
+				Column {
+					anchors.leftMargin: 10
+					anchors.topMargin: 5
+					anchors.left: parent.left
+					Text { text: '<h3>Block details</h3>'; color: "#F2F2F2"}
+					Text { text: '<b>Block number:</b> ' + number; color: "#F2F2F2"}
+					Text { text: '<b>Hash:</b> ' + hash; color: "#F2F2F2"}
+					Text { text: '<b>Block found at:</b> ' + prettyTime; color: "#F2F2F2"}
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		ListView {
+			model: singleBlock
+			delegate: blockDetailsDelegate
+			height: 70
+			anchors.leftMargin: 20
+			id: listViewThing
+			Layout.maximumHeight: 40
+		}
+		TableView {
+			id: txView
+ listViewThing.bottom
+			anchors.topMargin: 50
+			width: parent.width
+			TableViewColumn{width: 90; role: "value" ; title: "Value" }
+			TableViewColumn{width: 200; role: "hash" ; title: "Hash" }
+			TableViewColumn{width: 200; role: "sender" ; title: "Sender" }
+			TableViewColumn{width: 200;role: "address" ; title: "Receiver" }
+			TableViewColumn{width: 60; role: "gas" ; title: "Gas" }
+			TableViewColumn{width: 60; role: "gasPrice" ; title: "Gas Price" }
+			TableViewColumn{width: 60; role: "isContract" ; title: "Contract" }
+			model: transactionModel
+			onClicked: {
+				var tx = transactionModel.get(row)
+				if( {
+					popup.showContractData(tx)
+				}else{
+					popup.height = 230
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		function showContractData(tx) {
+			txDetailsDebugButton.tx = tx
+			if(tx.createsContract) {
+				contractData.text =
+				contractLabel.text = "<h4> Transaction created contract " + tx.address + "</h4>"
+			}else{
+				contractLabel.text = "<h4> Transaction ran contract " + tx.address + "</h4>"
+				contractData.text = tx.rawData
+			}
+			popup.height = 400
+		}
+		Rectangle {
+			id: txDetails
+			width: popup.width
+			height: 300
+			anchors.left: listViewThing.left
+ txView.bottom
+			Label {
+				text: "<h4>Contract data</h4>"
+				anchors.left: parent.left
+				id: contractLabel
+				anchors.leftMargin: 10
+			}
+			Button {
+				property var tx
+				id: txDetailsDebugButton
+				anchors.right: parent.right
+				anchors.rightMargin: 10
+				anchors.topMargin: 10
+				text: "Debug contract"
+				onClicked: {
+					if(tx.createsContract){
+						ui.startDbWithCode(tx.rawData)
+					}else {
+						ui.startDbWithContractAndData(tx.address, tx.rawData)
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			TextArea {
+				id: contractData
+				text: "Contract"
+ contractLabel.bottom
+				anchors.left: parent.left
+				anchors.bottom: popup.bottom
+				wrapMode: Text.Wrap
+				width: parent.width - 30
+				height: 80
+				anchors.leftMargin: 10
+			}
+		}
+		property var transactionModel: ListModel {
+			id: transactionModel
+		}
+		property var singleBlock: ListModel {
+			id: singleBlock
+		}
+		function setDetails(block){
+			singleBlock.set(0,block)
+			popup.height = 230
+			transactionModel.clear()
+			if(block.txs != undefined){
+				for(var i = 0; i < block.txs.count; ++i) {
+					transactionModel.insert(0, block.txs.get(i))
+				}
+				if(block.txs.get(0).data){
+					popup.showContractData(block.txs.get(0))
+				}
+			}
+			txView.forceActiveFocus()
+		}
+	}
+	Window {
+		id: addPeerWin
+		visible: false
+		minimumWidth: 230
+		maximumWidth: 230
+		maximumHeight: 50
+		minimumHeight: 50
+		TextField {
+			id: addrField
+			anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
+			anchors.left: parent.left
+			anchors.leftMargin: 10
+			placeholderText: "address:port"
+			onAccepted: {
+				ui.connectToPeer(addrField.text)
+				addPeerWin.visible = false
+			}
+		}
+		Button {
+			anchors.left: addrField.right
+			anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
+			anchors.leftMargin: 5
+			text: "Add"
+			onClicked: {
+				ui.connectToPeer(addrField.text)
+				addPeerWin.visible = false
+			}
+		}
+		Component.onCompleted: {
+			addrField.focus = true
+		}
+	}
+	Window {
+		id: aboutWin
+		visible: false
+		title: "About"
+		minimumWidth: 350
+		maximumWidth: 350
+		maximumHeight: 200
+		minimumHeight: 200
+		Image {
+			id: aboutIcon
+			height: 150
+			width: 150
+			fillMode: Image.PreserveAspectFit
+			smooth: true
+			source: ui.assetPath("facet.png")
+			x: 10
+			y: 10
+		}
+		Text {
+			anchors.left: aboutIcon.right
+			anchors.leftMargin: 10
+			font.pointSize: 12
+			text: "<h2>Ethereal</h2><br><h3>Development</h3>Jeffrey Wilcke<br>Maran Hidskes<br>"
+		}
+	}
+	ApplicationWindow {
+		id: debugWindow
+		visible: false
+		title: "Debugger"
+		minimumWidth: 600
+		minimumHeight: 600
+		width: 800
+		height: 600
+		Item {
+			id: keyHandler
+			focus: true
+			Keys.onPressed: {
+				if (event.key == Qt.Key_Space) {
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		SplitView {
+			anchors.fill: parent
+			property var asmModel: ListModel {
+				id: asmModel
+			}
+			TableView {
+				id: asmTableView
+				width: 200
+				TableViewColumn{ role: "value" ; title: "" ; width: 100 }
+				model: asmModel
+			}
+			Rectangle {
+				anchors.left: asmTableView.right
+				anchors.right: parent.right
+				SplitView {
+					orientation: Qt.Vertical
+					anchors.fill: parent
+					TableView {
+						property var memModel: ListModel {
+							id: memModel
+						}
+						height: parent.height/2
+						width: parent.width
+						TableViewColumn{ id:mnumColmn ; role: "num" ; title: "#" ; width: 50}
+						TableViewColumn{ role: "value" ; title: "Memory" ; width: 750}
+						model: memModel
+					}
+					SplitView {
+						orientation: Qt.Horizontal
+						id: debugSplitView
+						TableView {
+							property var debuggerLog: ListModel {
+								id: debuggerLog
+							}
+							TableViewColumn{ role: "value"; title: "Debug messages" }
+							model: debuggerLog
+						}
+						TableView {
+							property var stackModel: ListModel {
+								id: stackModel
+							}
+							height: parent.height/2
+							width: parent.width
+							TableViewColumn{ role: "value" ; title: "Stack" ; width: debugSplitView.width }
+							model: stackModel
+						}
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		statusBar: StatusBar {
+			RowLayout {
+				anchors.fill: parent
+				Button {
+					property var enabled: true
+					id: debugNextButton
+					onClicked: {
+					}
+					text: "Next"
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	function setAsm(asm) {
+		asmModel.append({asm: asm})
+	}
+	function setInstruction(num) {
+		asmTableView.selection.clear()
+	}
+	function clearAsm() {
+		asmModel.clear()
+	}
+	function setMem(mem) {
+		memModel.append({num: mem.num, value: mem.value})
+	}
+	function clearMem(){
+		memModel.clear()
+	}
+	function setStack(stack) {
+		stackModel.append({value: stack})
+	}
+	function addDebugMessage(message){
+		console.log("WOOP:")
+		debuggerLog.append({value: message})
+	}
+	function clearStack() {
+		stackModel.clear()
+	}
+	function loadPlugin(name) {
+		console.log("Loading plugin" + name)
+		mainView.addPlugin(name)
+	}
+	function setWalletValue(value) {
+		walletValueLabel.text = value
+	}
+	function addTx(tx, inout) {
+		var isContract
+		if (tx.contract == true){
+			isContract = "Yes"
+		}else{
+			isContract = "No"
+		}
+		txModel.insert(0, {inout: inout, hash: tx.hash, address: tx.address, value: tx.value, contract: isContract})
+	}
+	function addBlock(block, initial) {
+		var txs = JSON.parse(block.transactions);
+		var amount = 0
+		if(initial == undefined){
+			initial = false
+		}
+		if(txs != null){
+			amount = txs.length
+		}
+		if(initial){
+			blockModel.append({number: block.number, hash: block.hash, txs: txs, txAmount: amount, time: block.time, prettyTime: convertToPretty(block.time)})
+		}else{
+			blockModel.insert(0, {number: block.number, hash: block.hash, txs: txs, txAmount: amount, time: block.time, prettyTime: convertToPretty(block.time)})
+		}
+	}
+	function addLog(str) {
+		if(str.len != 0) {
+			logModel.insert(0, {description: str})
+		}
+	}
+	function setPeers(text) {
+		peerLabel.text = text
+	}
+	function convertToPretty(unixTs){
+		var a = new Date(unixTs*1000);
+		var months = ['Jan','Feb','Mar','Apr','May','Jun','Jul','Aug','Sep','Oct','Nov','Dec'];
+		var year = a.getFullYear();
+		var month = months[a.getMonth()];
+		var date = a.getDate();
+		var hour = a.getHours();
+		var min = a.getMinutes();
+		var sec = a.getSeconds();
+		var time = date+' '+month+' '+year+' '+hour+':'+min+':'+sec ;
+		return time;
+	}
+	// *******************************************
+	// Components
+	// *******************************************
+	// New Contract component
+	Component {
+		id: newContract
+		Column {
+			id: mainContractColumn
+			function contractFormReady(){
+				if(codeView.text.length > 0 && txValue.text.length > 0 && txGas.text.length > 0 && txGasPrice.length > 0) {
+					txButton.state = "READY"
+				}else{
+					txButton.state = "NOTREADY"
+				}
+			}
+			states: [
+				State{
+					name: "ERROR"
+					PropertyChanges { target: txResult; visible:true}
+					PropertyChanges { target: codeView; visible:true}
+				},
+				State {
+					name: "DONE"
+					PropertyChanges { target: txValue; visible:false}
+					PropertyChanges { target: txGas; visible:false}
+					PropertyChanges { target: txGasPrice; visible:false}
+					PropertyChanges { target: codeView; visible:false}
+					PropertyChanges { target: txButton; visible:false}
+					PropertyChanges { target: txDataLabel; visible:false}
+					PropertyChanges { target: txResult; visible:true}
+					PropertyChanges { target: txOutput; visible:true}
+					PropertyChanges { target: newTxButton; visible:true}
+				},
+				State {
+					name: "SETUP"
+					PropertyChanges { target: txValue; visible:true; text: ""}
+					PropertyChanges { target: txGas; visible:true; text: ""}
+					PropertyChanges { target: txGasPrice; visible:true; text: ""}
+					PropertyChanges { target: codeView; visible:true; text: ""}
+					PropertyChanges { target: txButton; visible:true}
+					PropertyChanges { target: txDataLabel; visible:true}
+					PropertyChanges { target: txResult; visible:false}
+					PropertyChanges { target: txOutput; visible:false}
+					PropertyChanges { target: newTxButton; visible:false}
+				}
+			]
+			width: 400
+			spacing: 5
+			anchors.left: parent.left
+			anchors.leftMargin: 5
+			anchors.topMargin: 5
+			TextField {
+				id: txValue
+				width: 200
+				placeholderText: "Amount"
+				validator: RegExpValidator { regExp: /\d*/ }
+				onTextChanged: {
+					contractFormReady()
+				}
+			}
+			TextField {
+				id: txGas
+				width: 200
+				validator: RegExpValidator { regExp: /\d*/ }
+				placeholderText: "Gas"
+				onTextChanged: {
+					contractFormReady()
+				}
+			}
+			TextField {
+				id: txGasPrice
+				width: 200
+				placeholderText: "Gas price"
+				validator: RegExpValidator { regExp: /\d*/ }
+				onTextChanged: {
+					contractFormReady()
+				}
+			}
+			Row {
+				id: rowContract
+				ExclusiveGroup { id: contractTypeGroup }
+				RadioButton {
+					id: createContractRadio
+					text: "Create contract"
+					checked: true
+					exclusiveGroup: contractTypeGroup
+					onClicked: {
+						txFuelRecipient.visible = false
+						txDataLabel.text = "Contract code"
+					}
+				}
+				RadioButton {
+					id: runContractRadio
+					text: "Run contract"
+					exclusiveGroup: contractTypeGroup
+					onClicked: {
+						txFuelRecipient.visible = true
+						txDataLabel.text = "Contract arguments"
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			Label {
+				id: txDataLabel
+				text: "Contract code"
+			}
+			TextArea {
+				id: codeView
+				height: 300
+				anchors.topMargin: 5
+				Layout.fillWidth: true
+				width: parent.width /2
+				onTextChanged: {
+					contractFormReady()
+				}
+			}
+			TextField {
+				id: txFuelRecipient
+				placeholderText: "Contract address"
+				//validator: RegExpValidator { regExp: /[a-f0-9]{40}/ }
+				visible: false
+				width: 530
+			}
+			Button {
+				id: txButton
+				/* enabled: false */
+				states: [
+					State {
+						name: "READY"
+						PropertyChanges { target: txButton; /*enabled: true*/}
+					},
+					State {
+						name: "NOTREADY"
+						PropertyChanges { target: txButton; /*enabled:false*/}
+					}
+				]
+				text: "Send"
+				onClicked: {
+					//this.enabled = false
+					var res = eth.create(txFuelRecipient.text, txValue.text, txGas.text, txGasPrice.text, codeView.text)
+					if(res[1]) {
+						txResult.text = "Your contract <b>could not</b> be send over the network:\n<b>"
+						txResult.text += res[1].error()
+						txResult.text += "</b>"
+						mainContractColumn.state = "ERROR"
+					} else {
+						txResult.text = "Your transaction has been submitted:\n"
+						txOutput.text = res[0].address
+						mainContractColumn.state = "DONE"
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			Text {
+				id: txResult
+				visible: false
+			}
+			TextField {
+				id: txOutput
+				visible: false
+				width: 530
+			}
+			Button {
+				id: newTxButton
+				visible: false
+				text: "Create an other contract"
+				onClicked: {
+					this.visible = false
+					txResult.text = ""
+					txOutput.text = ""
+					mainContractColumn.state = "SETUP"
+				}
+			}
+			Button {
+				id: debugButton
+				text: "Debug"
+				onClicked: {
+					var res = ui.debugTx("", txValue.text, txGas.text, txGasPrice.text, codeView.text)
+					debugWindow.visible = true
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	// New Transaction component
+	Component {
+		id: newTransaction
+		Column {
+			id: simpleSendColumn
+			states: [
+				State{
+					name: "ERROR"
+				},
+				State {
+					name: "DONE"
+					PropertyChanges { target: txSimpleValue; visible:false}
+					PropertyChanges { target: txSimpleRecipient; visible:false}
+					PropertyChanges { target:newSimpleTxButton; visible:false}
+					PropertyChanges { target: txSimpleResult; visible:true}
+					PropertyChanges { target: txSimpleOutput; visible:true}
+					PropertyChanges { target:newSimpleTxButton; visible:true}
+				},
+				State {
+					name: "SETUP"
+					PropertyChanges { target: txSimpleValue; visible:true; text: ""}
+					PropertyChanges { target: txSimpleRecipient; visible:true; text: ""}
+					PropertyChanges { target: txSimpleButton; visible:true}
+					PropertyChanges { target:newSimpleTxButton; visible:false}
+				}
+			]
+			spacing: 5
+			anchors.leftMargin: 5
+			anchors.topMargin: 5
+			anchors.left: parent.left
+			function checkFormState(){
+				if(txSimpleRecipient.text.length == 40 && txSimpleValue.text.length > 0) {
+					txSimpleButton.state = "READY"
+				}else{
+					txSimpleButton.state = "NOTREADY"
+				}
+			}
+			TextField {
+				id: txSimpleRecipient
+				placeholderText: "Recipient address"
+				Layout.fillWidth: true
+				//validator: RegExpValidator { regExp: /[a-f0-9]{40}/ }
+				width: 530
+				onTextChanged: { checkFormState() }
+			}
+			TextField {
+				id: txSimpleValue
+				width: 200
+				placeholderText: "Amount"
+				anchors.rightMargin: 5
+				validator: RegExpValidator { regExp: /\d*/ }
+				onTextChanged: { checkFormState() }
+			}
+			Button {
+				id: txSimpleButton
+				/*enabled: false*/
+				states: [
+					State {
+						name: "READY"
+						PropertyChanges { target: txSimpleButton; /*enabled: true*/}
+					},
+					State {
+						name: "NOTREADY"
+						PropertyChanges { target: txSimpleButton; /*enabled: false*/}
+					}
+				]
+				text: "Send"
+				onClicked: {
+					//this.enabled = false
+					var res = eth.transact(txSimpleRecipient.text, txSimpleValue.text, "500", "1000000", "")
+					if(res[1]) {
+						txSimpleResult.text = "There has been an error broadcasting your transaction:" + res[1].error()
+					} else {
+						txSimpleResult.text = "Your transaction has been broadcasted over the network.\nYour transaction id is:"
+						txSimpleOutput.text = res[0].hash
+						this.visible = false
+						simpleSendColumn.state = "DONE"
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			Text {
+				id: txSimpleResult
+				visible: false
+			}
+			TextField {
+				id: txSimpleOutput
+				visible: false
+				width: 530
+			}
+			Button {
+				id: newSimpleTxButton
+				visible: false
+				text: "Create an other transaction"
+				onClicked: {
+					this.visible = false
+					simpleSendColumn.state = "SETUP"
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	}
cgit v1.2.3

From fcbf99a30a15b445c35d70a8a781190a2739845b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: obscuren <>
Date: Fri, 30 May 2014 11:50:30 +0200
Subject: Minor GUI updates

* IceCream => IceCREAM
* Added coin base to block info
 ethereal/assets/debugger/debugger.qml |  2 +-
 ethereal/assets/qml/wallet.qml        | 65 ++++++++++++++++-------------------
 2 files changed, 31 insertions(+), 36 deletions(-)

(limited to 'ethereal/assets')

diff --git a/ethereal/assets/debugger/debugger.qml b/ethereal/assets/debugger/debugger.qml
index 84d9a0732..ca67e857d 100644
--- a/ethereal/assets/debugger/debugger.qml
+++ b/ethereal/assets/debugger/debugger.qml
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ import Ethereum 1.0
 ApplicationWindow {
 	visible: false
-	title: "IceCream"
+	title: "IceCREAM"
 	minimumWidth: 1280
 	minimumHeight: 900
 	width: 1290
diff --git a/ethereal/assets/qml/wallet.qml b/ethereal/assets/qml/wallet.qml
index cfe005507..2ab1f31de 100644
--- a/ethereal/assets/qml/wallet.qml
+++ b/ethereal/assets/qml/wallet.qml
@@ -245,10 +245,25 @@ ApplicationWindow {
 					width: 500
+				property var addressModel: ListModel {
+					id: addressModel
+				}
+				TableView {
+					id: addressView
+					width: parent.width
+					height: 200
+					anchors.bottom:
+					TableViewColumn{ role: "name"; title: "name" }
+					TableViewColumn{ role: "address"; title: "address"; width: 300}
+					model: addressModel
+				}
 				property var logModel: ListModel {
 					id: logModel
 				TableView {
 					id: logView
 					width: parent.width
@@ -342,13 +357,13 @@ ApplicationWindow {
 		visible: false
 		property var block
 		width: root.width
-		height: 240
+		height: 300
 			id: blockDetailsDelegate
 			Rectangle {
 				color: "#252525"
 				width: popup.width
-				height: 200
+				height: 150
 				Column {
 					anchors.leftMargin: 10
 					anchors.topMargin: 5
@@ -357,6 +372,7 @@ ApplicationWindow {
 					Text { text: '<h3>Block details</h3>'; color: "#F2F2F2"}
 					Text { text: '<b>Block number:</b> ' + number; color: "#F2F2F2"}
 					Text { text: '<b>Hash:</b> ' + hash; color: "#F2F2F2"}
+					Text { text: '<b>Coinbase:</b> ' + coinbase; color: "#F2F2F2"}
 					Text { text: '<b>Block found at:</b> ' + prettyTime; color: "#F2F2F2"}
@@ -365,7 +381,7 @@ ApplicationWindow {
 			model: singleBlock
 			delegate: blockDetailsDelegate
-			height: 70
+			height: 100
 			anchors.leftMargin: 20
 			id: listViewThing
 			Layout.maximumHeight: 40
@@ -390,7 +406,7 @@ ApplicationWindow {
 				if( {
-					popup.height = 230
+					popup.height = 440
@@ -404,7 +420,7 @@ ApplicationWindow {
 				contractLabel.text = "<h4> Transaction ran contract " + tx.address + "</h4>"
 				contractData.text = tx.rawData
-			popup.height = 400
+			popup.height = 540
 		Rectangle {
@@ -456,7 +472,7 @@ ApplicationWindow {
 		function setDetails(block){
-			popup.height = 230
+			popup.height = 300
 			if(block.txs != undefined){
 				for(var i = 0; i < block.txs.count; ++i) {
@@ -620,36 +636,15 @@ ApplicationWindow {
-	function setAsm(asm) {
-		asmModel.append({asm: asm})
-	}
-	function setInstruction(num) {
-		asmTableView.selection.clear()
-	}
-	function clearAsm() {
-		asmModel.clear()
-	}
-	function setMem(mem) {
-		memModel.append({num: mem.num, value: mem.value})
-	}
-	function clearMem(){
-		memModel.clear()
-	}
-	function setStack(stack) {
-		stackModel.append({value: stack})
-	}
 	function addDebugMessage(message){
-		console.log("WOOP:")
 		debuggerLog.append({value: message})
-	function clearStack() {
-		stackModel.clear()
+	function addAddress(address) {
+		addressModel.append({name:, address: address.address})
+	}
+	function clearAddress() {
+		addressModel.clear()
 	function loadPlugin(name) {
@@ -683,9 +678,9 @@ ApplicationWindow {
-			blockModel.append({number: block.number, hash: block.hash, txs: txs, txAmount: amount, time: block.time, prettyTime: convertToPretty(block.time)})
+			blockModel.append({number: block.number, coinbase: block.coinbase, hash: block.hash, txs: txs, txAmount: amount, time: block.time, prettyTime: convertToPretty(block.time)})
-			blockModel.insert(0, {number: block.number, hash: block.hash, txs: txs, txAmount: amount, time: block.time, prettyTime: convertToPretty(block.time)})
+			blockModel.insert(0, {number: block.number, coinbase: block.coinbase, hash: block.hash, txs: txs, txAmount: amount, time: block.time, prettyTime: convertToPretty(block.time)})
cgit v1.2.3

From e7c9b86a5aba022afd812f1a4fb554ee17a74bbd Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: obscuren <>
Date: Fri, 30 May 2014 13:28:31 +0200
Subject: Improved UI

* Added mining button
 ethereal/assets/qml/wallet.qml | 148 +++++++----------------------------------
 1 file changed, 25 insertions(+), 123 deletions(-)

(limited to 'ethereal/assets')

diff --git a/ethereal/assets/qml/wallet.qml b/ethereal/assets/qml/wallet.qml
index 2ab1f31de..4ad4cd7f6 100644
--- a/ethereal/assets/qml/wallet.qml
+++ b/ethereal/assets/qml/wallet.qml
@@ -10,6 +10,8 @@ import Ethereum 1.0
 ApplicationWindow {
 	id: root
+	property alias miningButtonText: miningButton.text
 	width: 900
 	height: 600
 	minimumHeight: 300
@@ -27,13 +29,6 @@ ApplicationWindow {
 		Menu {
-			title: "Tools"
-			MenuItem {
-				text: "Muted"
-				shortcut: "Ctrl+e"
-				onTriggered: ui.muted("")
-			}
 			MenuItem {
 				text: "Debugger"
 				shortcut: "Ctrl+d"
@@ -50,11 +45,6 @@ ApplicationWindow {
 					addPeerWin.visible = true
-			MenuItem {
-				text: "Start"
-				onTriggered: ui.connect()
-			}
 		Menu {
@@ -310,8 +300,15 @@ ApplicationWindow {
 	statusBar: StatusBar {
+		height: 30
 		RowLayout {
-			anchors.fill: parent
+			Button {
+				id: miningButton
+				onClicked: {
+					eth.toggleMining()
+				}
+				text: "Start Mining"
+			}
 			Button {
 				property var enabled: true
@@ -335,20 +332,22 @@ ApplicationWindow {
 				anchors.leftMargin: 5
 				id: walletValueLabel
+		}
-			Label {
-				anchors.right: peerImage.left
-				anchors.rightMargin: 5
-				id: peerLabel
-				font.pixelSize: 8
-				text: "0 / 0"
-			}
-			Image {
-				id: peerImage
-				anchors.right: parent.right
-				width: 10; height: 10
-				source: ui.assetPath("network.png")
-			}
+		Label {
+			y: 7
+			anchors.right: peerImage.left
+			anchors.rightMargin: 5
+			id: peerLabel
+			font.pixelSize: 8
+			text: "0 / 0"
+		}
+		Image {
+			y: 7
+			id: peerImage
+			anchors.right: parent.right
+			width: 10; height: 10
+			source: ui.assetPath("network.png")
@@ -546,94 +545,6 @@ ApplicationWindow {
 			font.pointSize: 12
 			text: "<h2>Ethereal</h2><br><h3>Development</h3>Jeffrey Wilcke<br>Maran Hidskes<br>"
-	}
-	ApplicationWindow {
-		id: debugWindow
-		visible: false
-		title: "Debugger"
-		minimumWidth: 600
-		minimumHeight: 600
-		width: 800
-		height: 600
-		Item {
-			id: keyHandler
-			focus: true
-			Keys.onPressed: {
-				if (event.key == Qt.Key_Space) {
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		SplitView {
-			anchors.fill: parent
-			property var asmModel: ListModel {
-				id: asmModel
-			}
-			TableView {
-				id: asmTableView
-				width: 200
-				TableViewColumn{ role: "value" ; title: "" ; width: 100 }
-				model: asmModel
-			}
-			Rectangle {
-				anchors.left: asmTableView.right
-				anchors.right: parent.right
-				SplitView {
-					orientation: Qt.Vertical
-					anchors.fill: parent
-					TableView {
-						property var memModel: ListModel {
-							id: memModel
-						}
-						height: parent.height/2
-						width: parent.width
-						TableViewColumn{ id:mnumColmn ; role: "num" ; title: "#" ; width: 50}
-						TableViewColumn{ role: "value" ; title: "Memory" ; width: 750}
-						model: memModel
-					}
-					SplitView {
-						orientation: Qt.Horizontal
-						id: debugSplitView
-						TableView {
-							property var debuggerLog: ListModel {
-								id: debuggerLog
-							}
-							TableViewColumn{ role: "value"; title: "Debug messages" }
-							model: debuggerLog
-						}
-						TableView {
-							property var stackModel: ListModel {
-								id: stackModel
-							}
-							height: parent.height/2
-							width: parent.width
-							TableViewColumn{ role: "value" ; title: "Stack" ; width: debugSplitView.width }
-							model: stackModel
-						}
-					}
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		statusBar: StatusBar {
-			RowLayout {
-				anchors.fill: parent
-				Button {
-					property var enabled: true
-					id: debugNextButton
-					onClicked: {
-					}
-					text: "Next"
-				}
-			}
-		}
 	function addDebugMessage(message){
@@ -887,15 +798,6 @@ ApplicationWindow {
 					mainContractColumn.state = "SETUP"
-			Button {
-				id: debugButton
-				text: "Debug"
-				onClicked: {
-					var res = ui.debugTx("", txValue.text, txGas.text, txGasPrice.text, codeView.text)
-					debugWindow.visible = true
-				}
-			}
cgit v1.2.3

From 1020d7ff67e4888abbe27f8e1a4d516b4c48231c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: obscuren <>
Date: Fri, 30 May 2014 16:14:46 +0200
Subject: Unified the contract interface and tx interface. Fixes #62

 ethereal/assets/qml/wallet.qml | 103 +++++++++++++++++++++--------------------
 1 file changed, 53 insertions(+), 50 deletions(-)

(limited to 'ethereal/assets')

diff --git a/ethereal/assets/qml/wallet.qml b/ethereal/assets/qml/wallet.qml
index 4ad4cd7f6..458ce90e4 100644
--- a/ethereal/assets/qml/wallet.qml
+++ b/ethereal/assets/qml/wallet.qml
@@ -170,6 +170,7 @@ ApplicationWindow {
 				visible: false
 				anchors.fill: parent
 				color: "#00000000"
+				/*
 					anchors.fill: parent
 					anchors.rightMargin: 5
@@ -182,6 +183,10 @@ ApplicationWindow {
 						addTab("Contracts", newContract)
+				*/
+				Component.onCompleted: {
+					newContract.createObject(newTxView)
+				}
 			Rectangle {
@@ -574,7 +579,14 @@ ApplicationWindow {
 			isContract = "No"
-		txModel.insert(0, {inout: inout, hash: tx.hash, address: tx.address, value: tx.value, contract: isContract})
+		var address;
+		if(inout == "recv") {
+			address = tx.sender;
+		} else {
+			address = tx.address;
+		}
+		txModel.insert(0, {inout: inout, hash: tx.hash, address: address, value: tx.value, contract: isContract})
 	function addBlock(block, initial) {
@@ -625,6 +637,7 @@ ApplicationWindow {
 		id: newContract
 		Column {
 			id: mainContractColumn
+			anchors.fill: parent
 			function contractFormReady(){
 				if(codeView.text.length > 0 && txValue.text.length > 0 && txGas.text.length > 0 && txGasPrice.length > 0) {
 					txButton.state = "READY"
@@ -646,6 +659,8 @@ ApplicationWindow {
 					PropertyChanges { target: codeView; visible:false}
 					PropertyChanges { target: txButton; visible:false}
 					PropertyChanges { target: txDataLabel; visible:false}
+					PropertyChanges { target: atLabel; visible:false}
+					PropertyChanges { target: txFuelRecipient; visible:false}
 					PropertyChanges { target: txResult; visible:true}
 					PropertyChanges { target: txOutput; visible:true}
@@ -673,81 +688,69 @@ ApplicationWindow {
 			anchors.topMargin: 5
 			TextField {
-				id: txValue
-				width: 200
-				placeholderText: "Amount"
-				validator: RegExpValidator { regExp: /\d*/ }
-				onTextChanged: {
-					contractFormReady()
-				}
-			}
-			TextField {
-				id: txGas
-				width: 200
-				validator: RegExpValidator { regExp: /\d*/ }
-				placeholderText: "Gas"
-				onTextChanged: {
-					contractFormReady()
-				}
+				id: txFuelRecipient
+				placeholderText: "Address / Name or empty for contract"
+				//validator: RegExpValidator { regExp: /[a-f0-9]{40}/ }
+				width: 400
 			TextField {
-				id: txGasPrice
-				width: 200
-				placeholderText: "Gas price"
+				id: txValue
+				width: 222
+				placeholderText: "Amount"
 				validator: RegExpValidator { regExp: /\d*/ }
 				onTextChanged: {
-			Row {
-				id: rowContract
-				ExclusiveGroup { id: contractTypeGroup }
-				RadioButton {
-					id: createContractRadio
-					text: "Create contract"
-					checked: true
-					exclusiveGroup: contractTypeGroup
-					onClicked: {
-						txFuelRecipient.visible = false
-						txDataLabel.text = "Contract code"
+			RowLayout {
+				TextField {
+					id: txGas
+					width: 50
+					validator: RegExpValidator { regExp: /\d*/ }
+					placeholderText: "Gas"
+					text: "500"
+					/*
+					onTextChanged: {
+						contractFormReady()
+					*/
+				}
+				Label {
+					id: atLabel
+					text: "@"
-				RadioButton {
-					id: runContractRadio
-					text: "Run contract"
-					exclusiveGroup: contractTypeGroup
-					onClicked: {
-						txFuelRecipient.visible = true
-						txDataLabel.text = "Contract arguments"
+				TextField {
+					id: txGasPrice
+					width: 200
+					placeholderText: "Gas price"
+					text: "1000000"
+					validator: RegExpValidator { regExp: /\d*/ }
+					/*
+					onTextChanged: {
+						contractFormReady()
+					*/
 			Label {
 				id: txDataLabel
-				text: "Contract code"
+				text: "Data"
 			TextArea {
 				id: codeView
 				height: 300
 				anchors.topMargin: 5
-				Layout.fillWidth: true
-				width: parent.width /2
+				width: 400
 				onTextChanged: {
-			TextField {
-				id: txFuelRecipient
-				placeholderText: "Contract address"
-				//validator: RegExpValidator { regExp: /[a-f0-9]{40}/ }
-				visible: false
-				width: 530
-			}
 			Button {
 				id: txButton
@@ -790,7 +793,7 @@ ApplicationWindow {
 			Button {
 				id: newTxButton
 				visible: false
-				text: "Create an other contract"
+				text: "Create a new transaction"
 				onClicked: {
 					this.visible = false
 					txResult.text = ""
cgit v1.2.3

From 0bdb0a9d58be08e210eb94dc6893f6103202ae7c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: obscuren <>
Date: Fri, 30 May 2014 19:36:05 +0200
Subject: Added ini file for ethereum. fixes #66

 ethereal/assets/qml/wallet.qml | 37 ++++++++++++++++++++++---------------
 1 file changed, 22 insertions(+), 15 deletions(-)

(limited to 'ethereal/assets')

diff --git a/ethereal/assets/qml/wallet.qml b/ethereal/assets/qml/wallet.qml
index 458ce90e4..bbb147d89 100644
--- a/ethereal/assets/qml/wallet.qml
+++ b/ethereal/assets/qml/wallet.qml
@@ -221,23 +221,30 @@ ApplicationWindow {
 				color: "#00000000"
 				anchors.fill: parent
-				Label {
-					id: addressLabel
-					text: "Address"
-					anchors {
-						margins: 5
-						top:
-						left: parent.left
+				Column {
+					spacing: 3
+					anchors.fill: parent
+					anchors.topMargin: 5
+					anchors.leftMargin: 5
+					Label {
+						id: addressLabel
+						text: "Address"
-				}
-				TextField {
-					anchors {
-						margins: 5
-						left: addressLabel.right
-						top:
+					TextField {
+						text: pub.getKey().address
+						width: 500
+					}
+					Label {
+						text: "Client ID"
+					}
+					TextField {
+						text: eth.clientId()
+						onTextChanged: {
+							eth.changeClientId(text)
+						}
-					text: pub.getKey().address
-					width: 500
cgit v1.2.3

From a6f4eef1dadee9d8caa9b0ac20e2ce4a3034a100 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Maran <>
Date: Mon, 2 Jun 2014 15:16:37 +0200
Subject: Added Peer Window

 ethereal/assets/qml/wallet.qml | 50 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 1 file changed, 49 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

(limited to 'ethereal/assets')

diff --git a/ethereal/assets/qml/wallet.qml b/ethereal/assets/qml/wallet.qml
index bbb147d89..8c04c6344 100644
--- a/ethereal/assets/qml/wallet.qml
+++ b/ethereal/assets/qml/wallet.qml
@@ -45,6 +45,13 @@ ApplicationWindow {
 					addPeerWin.visible = true
+			MenuItem {
+				text: "Show Peers"
+				shortcut: "Ctrl+e"
+				onTriggered: {
+					peerWindow.visible = true
+				}
+			}
 		Menu {
@@ -359,6 +366,10 @@ ApplicationWindow {
 			id: peerImage
 			anchors.right: parent.right
 			width: 10; height: 10
+			MouseArea {
+				onDoubleClicked:  peerWindow.visible = true
+				anchors.fill: parent
+			}
 			source: ui.assetPath("network.png")
@@ -623,6 +634,20 @@ ApplicationWindow {
 	function setPeers(text) {
 		peerLabel.text = text
+	function addPeer(peer) {
+		// We could just append the whole peer object but it cries if you try to alter them
+		peerModel.append({ip: peer.ip, port: peer.port, lastResponse:timeAgo(peer.lastSend), version: peer.version})
+	}
+	function resetPeers(){
+		peerModel.clear()
+	}
+	function timeAgo(unixTs){
+		var lapsed = ( - new Date(unixTs*1000)) / 1000
+		return  (lapsed + " seconds ago")
+	}
 	function convertToPretty(unixTs){
 		var a = new Date(unixTs*1000);
 		var months = ['Jan','Feb','Mar','Apr','May','Jun','Jul','Aug','Sep','Oct','Nov','Dec'];
@@ -635,6 +660,30 @@ ApplicationWindow {
 		var time = date+' '+month+' '+year+' '+hour+':'+min+':'+sec ;
 		return time;
+	// ******************************************
+	// Windows
+	// ******************************************
+	Window {
+		id: peerWindow
+		height: 200
+		width: 500
+		Rectangle {
+			anchors.fill: parent
+			property var peerModel: ListModel {
+				id: peerModel
+			}
+			TableView {
+				anchors.fill: parent
+				id: peerTable
+				model: peerModel
+				TableViewColumn{width: 120; role: "ip" ; title: "IP" }
+				TableViewColumn{width: 60; role: "port" ; title: "Port" }
+				TableViewColumn{width: 120; role: "lastResponse"; title: "Last event" }
+				TableViewColumn{width: 180; role: "version" ; title: "Version" }
+			}
+		}
+	}
 	// *******************************************
 	// Components
 	// *******************************************
@@ -810,7 +859,6 @@ ApplicationWindow {
 	// New Transaction component
 	Component {
 		id: newTransaction
cgit v1.2.3

From 9e411d785bc4e104183dda537488f8aa2906ec13 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Maran <>
Date: Tue, 3 Jun 2014 10:42:36 +0200
Subject: Tweaks and latency added to peeroverview

 ethereal/assets/qml/wallet.qml | 11 ++++++-----
 1 file changed, 6 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)

(limited to 'ethereal/assets')

diff --git a/ethereal/assets/qml/wallet.qml b/ethereal/assets/qml/wallet.qml
index 8c04c6344..b626bf044 100644
--- a/ethereal/assets/qml/wallet.qml
+++ b/ethereal/assets/qml/wallet.qml
@@ -637,7 +637,7 @@ ApplicationWindow {
 	function addPeer(peer) {
 		// We could just append the whole peer object but it cries if you try to alter them
-		peerModel.append({ip: peer.ip, port: peer.port, lastResponse:timeAgo(peer.lastSend), version: peer.version})
+		peerModel.append({ip: peer.ip, port: peer.port, lastResponse:timeAgo(peer.lastSend), latency: peer.latency, version: peer.version})
 	function resetPeers(){
@@ -666,7 +666,7 @@ ApplicationWindow {
 	Window {
 		id: peerWindow
 		height: 200
-		width: 500
+		width: 700
 		Rectangle {
 			anchors.fill: parent
 			property var peerModel: ListModel {
@@ -676,10 +676,11 @@ ApplicationWindow {
 				anchors.fill: parent
 				id: peerTable
 				model: peerModel
-				TableViewColumn{width: 120; role: "ip" ; title: "IP" }
+				TableViewColumn{width: 100; role: "ip" ; title: "IP" }
 				TableViewColumn{width: 60; role: "port" ; title: "Port" }
-				TableViewColumn{width: 120; role: "lastResponse"; title: "Last event" }
-				TableViewColumn{width: 180; role: "version" ; title: "Version" }
+				TableViewColumn{width: 140; role: "lastResponse"; title: "Last event" }
+				TableViewColumn{width: 100; role: "latency"; title: "Latency" }
+				TableViewColumn{width: 260; role: "version" ; title: "Version" }
cgit v1.2.3

From 3755616a2912f47a963d4ecc781bddd4229fe290 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Maran <>
Date: Tue, 3 Jun 2014 14:30:26 +0200
Subject: Added namereg register option to qml wallet

 ethereal/assets/qml/wallet.qml | 27 +++++++++++++++++++++++++--
 1 file changed, 25 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

(limited to 'ethereal/assets')

diff --git a/ethereal/assets/qml/wallet.qml b/ethereal/assets/qml/wallet.qml
index b626bf044..fece8e7d6 100644
--- a/ethereal/assets/qml/wallet.qml
+++ b/ethereal/assets/qml/wallet.qml
@@ -254,13 +254,12 @@ ApplicationWindow {
 				property var addressModel: ListModel {
 					id: addressModel
 				TableView {
 					id: addressView
-					width: parent.width
+					width: parent.width - 200
 					height: 200
 					TableViewColumn{ role: "name"; title: "name" }
@@ -269,6 +268,30 @@ ApplicationWindow {
 					model: addressModel
+				Rectangle {
+					anchors.left: addressView.right
+					anchors.leftMargin: 20
+					TextField {
+						placeholderText: "Name to register"
+						id: nameToReg
+						width: 150
+					}
+					Button {
+ nameToReg.bottom
+						text: "Register"
+						MouseArea{
+							anchors.fill: parent
+							onClicked: {
+								eth.registerName(nameToReg.text)
+								nameToReg.text = ""
+							}
+						}
+					}
+				}
 				property var logModel: ListModel {
 					id: logModel
cgit v1.2.3

From 7843390ecd52df37a28282d76be198d5456ce385 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Maran <>
Date: Wed, 4 Jun 2014 15:54:33 +0200
Subject: Implement getStateKeyVal for JS bindings.

Gives JS the option to 'loop' over contract key/val storage
 ethereal/assets/ext/ethereum.js | 4 ++++
 ethereal/assets/qml/webapp.qml  | 9 +++++++--
 2 files changed, 11 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

(limited to 'ethereal/assets')

diff --git a/ethereal/assets/ext/ethereum.js b/ethereal/assets/ext/ethereum.js
index d4eaf97fd..c58fe24c2 100644
--- a/ethereal/assets/ext/ethereum.js
+++ b/ethereal/assets/ext/ethereum.js
@@ -32,6 +32,10 @@ window.eth = {
 		postData({call: "getStorage", args: [address, storageAddress]}, cb);
+	getStateKeyVals: function(address, cb){
+		postData({call: "getStateKeyVals", args: [address]}, cb);
+	},
 	getKey: function(cb) {
 		postData({call: "getKey"}, cb);
diff --git a/ethereal/assets/qml/webapp.qml b/ethereal/assets/qml/webapp.qml
index d3cffeeca..ec236a18c 100644
--- a/ethereal/assets/qml/webapp.qml
+++ b/ethereal/assets/qml/webapp.qml
@@ -34,7 +34,6 @@ ApplicationWindow {
 			onTitleChanged: { window.title = title }
 			experimental.preferences.javascriptEnabled: true
 			experimental.preferences.navigatorQtObjectEnabled: true
@@ -97,6 +96,12 @@ ApplicationWindow {
 						var storage = stateObject.getStorage(data.args[1])
 						postData(data._seed, storage)
+						break
+					case "getStateKeyVals":
+					      require(1);
+					      var stateObject = eth.getStateObject(data.args[0]).stateKeyVal(true)
+					      postData(data._seed,stateObject)
 					case "getBalance":
@@ -188,7 +193,7 @@ ApplicationWindow {
 		WebView {
 			id: inspector
-			visible: false
+			visible: true
 			url: webview.experimental.remoteInspectorUrl
 			anchors {
 				left: root.left
cgit v1.2.3

From ba3623d0cc0608f2d73e10e61a184238924fccdb Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: obscuren <>
Date: Mon, 9 Jun 2014 22:04:16 +0200
Subject: Fixed debugger hang

 ethereal/assets/debugger/debugger.qml | 2 +-
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)

(limited to 'ethereal/assets')

diff --git a/ethereal/assets/debugger/debugger.qml b/ethereal/assets/debugger/debugger.qml
index ca67e857d..bc34233fd 100644
--- a/ethereal/assets/debugger/debugger.qml
+++ b/ethereal/assets/debugger/debugger.qml
@@ -163,7 +163,7 @@ ApplicationWindow {
 							height: parent.height
 							width: parent.width
 							TableViewColumn{ id: key ; role: "key" ; title: "#" ; width: storageTableView.width / 2}
-							TableViewColumn{ role: "value" ; title: "value" ; width:  storageTableView.width / 2}
+							TableViewColumn{ role: "value" ; title: "Storage" ; width:  storageTableView.width / 2}
 							model: storageModel
cgit v1.2.3

From 0ee258bb75a4b6649f67499884871d4ca774cd1f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Maran <>
Date: Wed, 11 Jun 2014 10:27:58 +0200
Subject: Add GasLimit to the block explorer

 ethereal/assets/qml/wallet.qml | 5 +++--
 1 file changed, 3 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

(limited to 'ethereal/assets')

diff --git a/ethereal/assets/qml/wallet.qml b/ethereal/assets/qml/wallet.qml
index fece8e7d6..70e877be6 100644
--- a/ethereal/assets/qml/wallet.qml
+++ b/ethereal/assets/qml/wallet.qml
@@ -419,6 +419,7 @@ ApplicationWindow {
 					Text { text: '<b>Hash:</b> ' + hash; color: "#F2F2F2"}
 					Text { text: '<b>Coinbase:</b> ' + coinbase; color: "#F2F2F2"}
 					Text { text: '<b>Block found at:</b> ' + prettyTime; color: "#F2F2F2"}
+					Text { text: '<b>Gas Limit:</b> ' + gasLimit; color: "#F2F2F2"}
@@ -642,9 +643,9 @@ ApplicationWindow {
-			blockModel.append({number: block.number, coinbase: block.coinbase, hash: block.hash, txs: txs, txAmount: amount, time: block.time, prettyTime: convertToPretty(block.time)})
+			blockModel.append({number: block.number, gasLimit: block.gasLimit, coinbase: block.coinbase, hash: block.hash, txs: txs, txAmount: amount, time: block.time, prettyTime: convertToPretty(block.time)})
-			blockModel.insert(0, {number: block.number, coinbase: block.coinbase, hash: block.hash, txs: txs, txAmount: amount, time: block.time, prettyTime: convertToPretty(block.time)})
+			blockModel.insert(0, {number: block.number, gasLimit: block.gasLimit, coinbase: block.coinbase, hash: block.hash, txs: txs, txAmount: amount, time: block.time, prettyTime: convertToPretty(block.time)})
cgit v1.2.3

From 57e3b1b093a2533e26198e9198b85556bf362b27 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Maran <>
Date: Wed, 11 Jun 2014 11:40:13 +0200
Subject: Implemented usedGas to the explorer

 ethereal/assets/qml/wallet.qml | 6 +++---
 1 file changed, 3 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)

(limited to 'ethereal/assets')

diff --git a/ethereal/assets/qml/wallet.qml b/ethereal/assets/qml/wallet.qml
index 70e877be6..0555cd2f2 100644
--- a/ethereal/assets/qml/wallet.qml
+++ b/ethereal/assets/qml/wallet.qml
@@ -419,7 +419,7 @@ ApplicationWindow {
 					Text { text: '<b>Hash:</b> ' + hash; color: "#F2F2F2"}
 					Text { text: '<b>Coinbase:</b> ' + coinbase; color: "#F2F2F2"}
 					Text { text: '<b>Block found at:</b> ' + prettyTime; color: "#F2F2F2"}
-					Text { text: '<b>Gas Limit:</b> ' + gasLimit; color: "#F2F2F2"}
+					Text { text: '<b>Gas used:</b> ' + gasUsed + " / " + gasLimit; color: "#F2F2F2"}
@@ -643,9 +643,9 @@ ApplicationWindow {
-			blockModel.append({number: block.number, gasLimit: block.gasLimit, coinbase: block.coinbase, hash: block.hash, txs: txs, txAmount: amount, time: block.time, prettyTime: convertToPretty(block.time)})
+			blockModel.append({number: block.number, gasLimit: block.gasLimit, gasUsed: block.gasUsed, coinbase: block.coinbase, hash: block.hash, txs: txs, txAmount: amount, time: block.time, prettyTime: convertToPretty(block.time)})
-			blockModel.insert(0, {number: block.number, gasLimit: block.gasLimit, coinbase: block.coinbase, hash: block.hash, txs: txs, txAmount: amount, time: block.time, prettyTime: convertToPretty(block.time)})
+			blockModel.insert(0, {number: block.number, gasLimit: block.gasLimit, gasUsed: block.gasUsed, coinbase: block.coinbase, hash: block.hash, txs: txs, txAmount: amount, time: block.time, prettyTime: convertToPretty(block.time)})
cgit v1.2.3

From 1d300bbc108f9d404d2eb5cbc8990042c0129f04 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Maran <>
Date: Wed, 11 Jun 2014 15:55:47 +0200
Subject: Toggle inspector / reload using magic rectangle

 ethereal/assets/qml/webapp.qml | 26 +++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 1 file changed, 25 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

(limited to 'ethereal/assets')

diff --git a/ethereal/assets/qml/webapp.qml b/ethereal/assets/qml/webapp.qml
index ec236a18c..4a5a1293a 100644
--- a/ethereal/assets/qml/webapp.qml
+++ b/ethereal/assets/qml/webapp.qml
@@ -170,6 +170,30 @@ ApplicationWindow {
 				postEvent(ev, [storageObject.address, storageObject.value])
+		Rectangle {
+			id: toggleInspector
+			color: "#bcbcbc"
+			visible: true
+			height: 12
+			width: 12
+			anchors {
+				right: root.right
+			}
+			MouseArea {
+				onClicked: {
+					if(inspector.visible == true){
+						inspector.visible = false
+					}else{
+						inspector.visible = true
+					}
+				}
+				onDoubleClicked: {
+				  console.log('refreshing')
+				  webView.reload()
+				}
+				anchors.fill: parent
+			}
+		}
 		Rectangle {
 			id: sizeGrip
@@ -193,7 +217,7 @@ ApplicationWindow {
 		WebView {
 			id: inspector
-			visible: true
+			visible: false
 			url: webview.experimental.remoteInspectorUrl
 			anchors {
 				left: root.left
cgit v1.2.3