From a139041d409d0ffaf81c7cf931c6b24299a05705 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Russ Cox Date: Fri, 5 Jan 2018 06:02:15 -0500 Subject: dashboard: use balanced trees to include binary data (#15813) * go-ethereum/dashboard: update assets.go Use current rsc/go-bindata instead of jteeuwen/go-bindata, to get balanced tree in very long string concatenations. This works around problems in current Go distributions. For golang/go#23222. * dashboard: run last two go:generate steps for linter --- dashboard/assets.go | 194 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------------------- 1 file changed, 97 insertions(+), 97 deletions(-) diff --git a/dashboard/assets.go b/dashboard/assets.go index 032e45dff..71868d977 100644 --- a/dashboard/assets.go +++ b/dashboard/assets.go @@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ func (fi bindataFileInfo) Sys() interface{} { } //nolint:misspell -var _publicBundleJs = []byte(`!function(modules) { +var _publicBundleJs = []byte((((((((((`!function(modules) { function __webpack_require__(moduleId) { if (installedModules[moduleId]) return installedModules[moduleId].exports; var module = installedModules[moduleId] = { @@ -741,10 +741,10 @@ var _publicBundleJs = []byte(`!function(modules) { renderedClasses = sheetsManagerTheme.sheet.classes; } classes = classesProp ? (0, _extends3.default)({}, renderedClasses, (0, _keys2.default)(classesProp).reduce(function(accumulator, key) { - return "production" !== process.env.NODE_ENV && (0, _warning2.default)(renderedClasses[key] || _this3.disableStylesGeneration, [ "Material-UI: the key ` + "`" + `" + key + "` + "`" + ` provided to the classes property is not implemented in " + (0, + return "production" !== process.env.NODE_ENV && (0, _warning2.default)(renderedClasses[key] || _this3.disableStylesGeneration, [ "Material-UI: the key ` + "`") + (`" + key + "` + ("`" + ` provided to the classes property is not implemented in " + (0, _getDisplayName2.default)(Component) + ".", "You can only override one of the following: " + (0, _keys2.default)(renderedClasses).join(",") ].join("\n")), "production" !== process.env.NODE_ENV && (0, - _warning2.default)(!classesProp[key] || "string" == typeof classesProp[key], [ "Material-UI: the key ` + "`" + `" + key + "` + "`" + ` provided to the classes property is not valid for " + (0, + _warning2.default)(!classesProp[key] || "string" == typeof classesProp[key], [ "Material-UI: the key `))) + (("`" + (`" + key + "` + "`")) + (` provided to the classes property is not valid for " + (0, _getDisplayName2.default)(Component) + ".", "You need to provide a non empty string instead of: " + classesProp[key] + "." ].join("\n")), classesProp[key] && (accumulator[key] = renderedClasses[key] + " " + classesProp[key]), accumulator; @@ -780,7 +780,7 @@ var _publicBundleJs = []byte(`!function(modules) { var len = arguments.length; args = new Array(len > 2 ? len - 2 : 0); for (var key = 2; key < len; key++) args[key - 2] = arguments[key]; - if (void 0 === format) throw new Error("` + "`" + `warning(condition, format, ...args)` + "`" + ` requires a warning message argument"); + if (void 0 === format) throw new Error("` + ("`" + `warning(condition, format, ...args)`)))) + ((("`" + (` requires a warning message argument"); if (format.length < 10 || /^[s\W]*$/.test(format)) throw new Error("The warning format should be able to uniquely identify this warning. Please, use a more descriptive format than: " + format); if (!condition) { var argIndex = 0, message = "Warning: " + format.replace(/%s/g, function() { @@ -5100,7 +5100,7 @@ var _publicBundleJs = []byte(`!function(modules) { } catch (x) {} }; warning = function(condition, format) { - if (void 0 === format) throw new Error("` + "`" + `warning(condition, format, ...args)` + "`" + ` requires a warning message argument"); + if (void 0 === format) throw new Error("` + "`")) + (`warning(condition, format, ...args)` + ("`" + ` requires a warning message argument"); if (0 !== format.indexOf("Failed Composite propType: ") && !condition) { for (var _len2 = arguments.length, args = Array(_len2 > 2 ? _len2 - 2 : 0), _key2 = 2; _key2 < _len2; _key2++) args[_key2 - 2] = arguments[_key2]; printWarning.apply(void 0, [ format ].concat(args)); @@ -6870,12 +6870,12 @@ var _publicBundleJs = []byte(`!function(modules) { if ("production" !== process.env.NODE_ENV) for (var typeSpecName in typeSpecs) if (typeSpecs.hasOwnProperty(typeSpecName)) { var error; try { - invariant("function" == typeof typeSpecs[typeSpecName], "%s: %s type ` + "`" + `%s` + "`" + ` is invalid; it must be a function, usually from the ` + "`" + `prop-types` + "`" + ` package, but received ` + "`" + `%s` + "`" + `.", componentName || "React class", location, typeSpecName, typeof typeSpecs[typeSpecName]), + invariant("function" == typeof typeSpecs[typeSpecName], "%s: %s type `))) + (("`" + (`%s` + "`")) + (` is invalid; it must be a function, usually from the ` + ("`" + `prop-types`))))) + (((("`" + (` package, but received ` + "`")) + (`%s` + ("`" + `.", componentName || "React class", location, typeSpecName, typeof typeSpecs[typeSpecName]), error = typeSpecs[typeSpecName](values, typeSpecName, componentName, location, null, ReactPropTypesSecret); } catch (ex) { error = ex; } - if (warning(!error || error instanceof Error, "%s: type specification of %s ` + "`" + `%s` + "`" + ` is invalid; the type checker function must return ` + "`" + `null` + "`" + ` or an ` + "`" + `Error` + "`" + ` but returned a %s. You may have forgotten to pass an argument to the type checker creator (arrayOf, instanceOf, objectOf, oneOf, oneOfType, and shape all require an argument).", componentName || "React class", location, typeSpecName, typeof error), + if (warning(!error || error instanceof Error, "%s: type specification of %s `))) + (("`" + (`%s` + "`")) + (` is invalid; the type checker function must return ` + ("`" + `null`)))) + ((("`" + (` or an ` + "`")) + (`Error` + ("`" + ` but returned a %s. You may have forgotten to pass an argument to the type checker creator (arrayOf, instanceOf, objectOf, oneOf, oneOfType, and shape all require an argument).", componentName || "React class", location, typeSpecName, typeof error), error instanceof Error && !(error.message in loggedTypeFailures)) { loggedTypeFailures[error.message] = !0; var stack = getStack ? getStack() : ""; @@ -11120,7 +11120,7 @@ var _publicBundleJs = []byte(`!function(modules) { "-": 189, ".": 190, "/": 191, - "` + "`" + `": 192, + "`))) + (("`" + (`": 192, "[": 219, "\\": 220, "]": 221, @@ -15613,7 +15613,7 @@ var _publicBundleJs = []byte(`!function(modules) { props.only), width = (props.smDown, props.smUp, props.width), other = (props.xlDown, props.xlUp, props.xsDown, props.xsUp, (0, _objectWithoutProperties3.default)(props, [ "children", "lgDown", "lgUp", "mdDown", "mdUp", "only", "smDown", "smUp", "width", "xlDown", "xlUp", "xsDown", "xsUp" ])); "production" !== process.env.NODE_ENV && (0, _warning2.default)(0 === (0, _keys2.default)(other).length, "Material-UI: unsupported properties received " + (0, - _stringify2.default)(other) + " by ` + "`" + `` + "`" + `."); + _stringify2.default)(other) + " by ` + "`")) + (`` + ("`" + `."); var visible = !0; if (only) if (Array.isArray(only)) for (var i = 0; i < only.length; i += 1) { var breakpoint = only[i]; @@ -15918,7 +15918,7 @@ var _publicBundleJs = []byte(`!function(modules) { } function defineKeyPropWarningGetter(props, displayName) { var warnAboutAccessingKey = function() { - specialPropKeyWarningShown || (specialPropKeyWarningShown = !0, warning(!1, "%s: ` + "`" + `key` + "`" + ` is not a prop. Trying to access it will result in ` + "`" + `undefined` + "`" + ` being returned. If you need to access the same value within the child component, you should pass it as a different prop. (", displayName)); + specialPropKeyWarningShown || (specialPropKeyWarningShown = !0, warning(!1, "%s: `)))))) + ((((("`" + `key`) + ("`" + (` is not a prop. Trying to access it will result in ` + "`"))) + ((`undefined` + ("`" + ` being returned. If you need to access the same value within the child component, you should pass it as a different prop. (", displayName)); }; warnAboutAccessingKey.isReactWarning = !0, Object.defineProperty(props, "key", { get: warnAboutAccessingKey, @@ -15927,7 +15927,7 @@ var _publicBundleJs = []byte(`!function(modules) { } function defineRefPropWarningGetter(props, displayName) { var warnAboutAccessingRef = function() { - specialPropRefWarningShown || (specialPropRefWarningShown = !0, warning(!1, "%s: ` + "`" + `ref` + "`" + ` is not a prop. Trying to access it will result in ` + "`" + `undefined` + "`" + ` being returned. If you need to access the same value within the child component, you should pass it as a different prop. (", displayName)); + specialPropRefWarningShown || (specialPropRefWarningShown = !0, warning(!1, "%s: `)) + ("`" + (`ref` + "`")))) + (((` is not a prop. Trying to access it will result in ` + ("`" + `undefined`)) + ("`" + (` being returned. If you need to access the same value within the child component, you should pass it as a different prop. (", displayName)); }; warnAboutAccessingRef.isReactWarning = !0, Object.defineProperty(props, "ref", { get: warnAboutAccessingRef, @@ -16097,7 +16097,7 @@ var _publicBundleJs = []byte(`!function(modules) { function getDeclarationErrorAddendum() { if (ReactCurrentOwner.current) { var name = getComponentName(ReactCurrentOwner.current); - if (name) return "\n\nCheck the render method of ` + "`" + `" + name + "` + "`" + `."; + if (name) return "\n\nCheck the render method of ` + "`"))) + ((`" + name + "` + ("`" + `."; } return ""; } @@ -16144,8 +16144,8 @@ var _publicBundleJs = []byte(`!function(modules) { var name = componentClass.displayName ||, propTypes = componentClass.propTypes; propTypes ? (currentlyValidatingElement = element, checkPropTypes(propTypes, element.props, "prop", name, getStackAddendum), currentlyValidatingElement = null) : void 0 === componentClass.PropTypes || propTypesMisspellWarningShown || (propTypesMisspellWarningShown = !0, - warning(!1, "Component %s declared ` + "`" + `PropTypes` + "`" + ` instead of ` + "`" + `propTypes` + "`" + `. Did you misspell the property assignment?", name || "Unknown")), - "function" == typeof componentClass.getDefaultProps && warning(componentClass.getDefaultProps.isReactClassApproved, "getDefaultProps is only used on classic React.createClass definitions. Use a static property named ` + "`" + `defaultProps` + "`" + ` instead."); + warning(!1, "Component %s declared `)) + ("`" + (`PropTypes` + "`"))))) + ((((` instead of ` + ("`" + `propTypes`)) + ("`" + (`. Did you misspell the property assignment?", name || "Unknown")), + "function" == typeof componentClass.getDefaultProps && warning(componentClass.getDefaultProps.isReactClassApproved, "getDefaultProps is only used on classic React.createClass definitions. Use a static property named ` + "`"))) + ((`defaultProps` + ("`" + ` instead."); } } function validateFragmentProps(fragment) { @@ -16155,7 +16155,7 @@ var _publicBundleJs = []byte(`!function(modules) { for (var _step, _iterator = Object.keys(fragment.props)[Symbol.iterator](); !(_iteratorNormalCompletion = (_step =; _iteratorNormalCompletion = !0) { var key = _step.value; if (!VALID_FRAGMENT_PROPS.has(key)) { - warning(!1, "Invalid prop ` + "`" + `%s` + "`" + ` supplied to ` + "`" + `React.Fragment` + "`" + `. React.Fragment can only have ` + "`" + `key` + "`" + ` and ` + "`" + `children` + "`" + ` props.%s", key, getStackAddendum()); + warning(!1, "Invalid prop `)) + ("`" + (`%s` + "`")))) + (((` supplied to ` + ("`" + `React.Fragment`)) + ("`" + (`. React.Fragment can only have ` + "`"))) + ((`key` + ("`" + ` and `)) + ("`" + (`children` + "`"))))))) + ((((((` props.%s", key, getStackAddendum()); break; } } @@ -16168,7 +16168,7 @@ var _publicBundleJs = []byte(`!function(modules) { if (_didIteratorError) throw _iteratorError; } } - null !== fragment.ref && warning(!1, "Invalid attribute ` + "`" + `ref` + "`" + ` supplied to ` + "`" + `React.Fragment` + "`" + `.%s", getStackAddendum()), + null !== fragment.ref && warning(!1, "Invalid attribute ` + "`") + (`ref` + ("`" + ` supplied to `))) + (("`" + (`React.Fragment` + "`")) + (`.%s", getStackAddendum()), currentlyValidatingElement = null; } function createElementWithValidation(type, props, children) { @@ -16213,7 +16213,7 @@ var _publicBundleJs = []byte(`!function(modules) { } catch (x) {} }; lowPriorityWarning = function(condition, format) { - if (void 0 === format) throw new Error("` + "`" + `warning(condition, format, ...args)` + "`" + ` requires a warning message argument"); + if (void 0 === format) throw new Error("` + ("`" + `warning(condition, format, ...args)`)))) + ((("`" + (` requires a warning message argument"); if (!condition) { for (var _len2 = arguments.length, args = Array(_len2 > 2 ? _len2 - 2 : 0), _key2 = 2; _key2 < _len2; _key2++) args[_key2 - 2] = arguments[_key2]; printWarning.apply(void 0, [ format ].concat(args)); @@ -20293,17 +20293,17 @@ var _publicBundleJs = []byte(`!function(modules) { function recomputePluginOrdering() { if (eventPluginOrder) for (var pluginName in namesToPlugins) { var pluginModule = namesToPlugins[pluginName], pluginIndex = eventPluginOrder.indexOf(pluginName); - if (pluginIndex > -1 || invariant(!1, "EventPluginRegistry: Cannot inject event plugins that do not exist in the plugin ordering, ` + "`" + `%s` + "`" + `.", pluginName), + if (pluginIndex > -1 || invariant(!1, "EventPluginRegistry: Cannot inject event plugins that do not exist in the plugin ordering, ` + "`")) + (`%s` + ("`" + `.", pluginName), !plugins[pluginIndex]) { - pluginModule.extractEvents || invariant(!1, "EventPluginRegistry: Event plugins must implement an ` + "`" + `extractEvents` + "`" + ` method, but ` + "`" + `%s` + "`" + ` does not.", pluginName), + pluginModule.extractEvents || invariant(!1, "EventPluginRegistry: Event plugins must implement an `))) + (("`" + (`extractEvents` + "`")) + (` method, but ` + ("`" + `%s`))))) + (((("`" + (` does not.", pluginName), plugins[pluginIndex] = pluginModule; var publishedEvents = pluginModule.eventTypes; - for (var eventName in publishedEvents) publishEventForPlugin(publishedEvents[eventName], pluginModule, eventName) || invariant(!1, "EventPluginRegistry: Failed to publish event ` + "`" + `%s` + "`" + ` for plugin ` + "`" + `%s` + "`" + `.", eventName, pluginName); + for (var eventName in publishedEvents) publishEventForPlugin(publishedEvents[eventName], pluginModule, eventName) || invariant(!1, "EventPluginRegistry: Failed to publish event ` + "`")) + (`%s` + ("`" + ` for plugin `))) + (("`" + (`%s` + "`")) + (`.", eventName, pluginName); } } } function publishEventForPlugin(dispatchConfig, pluginModule, eventName) { - eventNameDispatchConfigs.hasOwnProperty(eventName) && invariant(!1, "EventPluginHub: More than one plugin attempted to publish the same event name, ` + "`" + `%s` + "`" + `.", eventName), + eventNameDispatchConfigs.hasOwnProperty(eventName) && invariant(!1, "EventPluginHub: More than one plugin attempted to publish the same event name, ` + ("`" + `%s`)))) + ((("`" + (`.", eventName), eventNameDispatchConfigs[eventName] = dispatchConfig; var phasedRegistrationNames = dispatchConfig.phasedRegistrationNames; if (phasedRegistrationNames) { @@ -20317,7 +20317,7 @@ var _publicBundleJs = []byte(`!function(modules) { !0); } function publishRegistrationName(registrationName, pluginModule, eventName) { - registrationNameModules[registrationName] && invariant(!1, "EventPluginHub: More than one plugin attempted to publish the same registration name, ` + "`" + `%s` + "`" + `.", registrationName), + registrationNameModules[registrationName] && invariant(!1, "EventPluginHub: More than one plugin attempted to publish the same registration name, ` + "`")) + (`%s` + ("`" + `.", registrationName), registrationNameModules[registrationName] = pluginModule, registrationNameDependencies[registrationName] = pluginModule.eventTypes[eventName].dependencies; var lowerCasedName = registrationName.toLowerCase(); possibleRegistrationNames[lowerCasedName] = registrationName, "onDoubleClick" === registrationName && (possibleRegistrationNames.ondblclick = registrationName); @@ -20330,7 +20330,7 @@ var _publicBundleJs = []byte(`!function(modules) { var isOrderingDirty = !1; for (var pluginName in injectedNamesToPlugins) if (injectedNamesToPlugins.hasOwnProperty(pluginName)) { var pluginModule = injectedNamesToPlugins[pluginName]; - namesToPlugins.hasOwnProperty(pluginName) && namesToPlugins[pluginName] === pluginModule || (namesToPlugins[pluginName] && invariant(!1, "EventPluginRegistry: Cannot inject two different event plugins using the same name, ` + "`" + `%s` + "`" + `.", pluginName), + namesToPlugins.hasOwnProperty(pluginName) && namesToPlugins[pluginName] === pluginModule || (namesToPlugins[pluginName] && invariant(!1, "EventPluginRegistry: Cannot inject two different event plugins using the same name, `))) + (("`" + (`%s` + "`")) + (`.", pluginName), namesToPlugins[pluginName] = pluginModule, isOrderingDirty = !0); } isOrderingDirty && recomputePluginOrdering(); @@ -20378,7 +20378,7 @@ var _publicBundleJs = []byte(`!function(modules) { var listener, stateNode = inst.stateNode; if (!stateNode) return null; var props = getFiberCurrentPropsFromNode(stateNode); - return props ? (listener = props[registrationName], shouldPreventMouseEvent(registrationName, inst.type, props) ? null : (listener && "function" != typeof listener && invariant(!1, "Expected ` + "`" + `%s` + "`" + ` listener to be a function, instead got a value of ` + "`" + `%s` + "`" + ` type.", registrationName, typeof listener), + return props ? (listener = props[registrationName], shouldPreventMouseEvent(registrationName, inst.type, props) ? null : (listener && "function" != typeof listener && invariant(!1, "Expected ` + ("`" + `%s`)))))) + ((((("`" + (` listener to be a function, instead got a value of ` + "`")) + (`%s` + ("`" + ` type.", registrationName, typeof listener), listener)) : null; } function extractEvents(topLevelType, targetInst, nativeEvent, nativeEventTarget) { @@ -20558,7 +20558,7 @@ var _publicBundleJs = []byte(`!function(modules) { getVal; } function warn(action, result) { - warning(!1, "This synthetic event is reused for performance reasons. If you're seeing this, you're %s ` + "`" + `%s` + "`" + ` on a released/nullified synthetic event. %s. If you must keep the original synthetic event around, use event.persist(). See for more information.", action, propName, result); + warning(!1, "This synthetic event is reused for performance reasons. If you're seeing this, you're %s `))) + (("`" + (`%s` + "`")) + (` on a released/nullified synthetic event. %s. If you must keep the original synthetic event around, use event.persist(). See for more information.", action, propName, result); } var isFunction = "function" == typeof getVal; return { @@ -21570,7 +21570,7 @@ var _publicBundleJs = []byte(`!function(modules) { var info = ""; (void 0 === type || "object" == typeof type && null !== type && 0 === Object.keys(type).length) && (info += " You likely forgot to export your component from the file it's defined in, or you might have mixed up default and named imports."); var ownerName = owner ? getComponentName(owner) : null; - ownerName && (info += "\n\nCheck the render method of ` + "`" + `" + ownerName + "` + "`" + `."), invariant(!1, "Element type is invalid: expected a string (for built-in components) or a class/function (for composite components) but got: %s.%s", null == type ? type : typeof type, info); + ownerName && (info += "\n\nCheck the render method of ` + ("`" + `" + ownerName + "`)))) + ((("`" + (`."), invariant(!1, "Element type is invalid: expected a string (for built-in components) or a class/function (for composite components) but got: %s.%s", null == type ? type : typeof type, info); } return fiber._debugSource = element._source, fiber._debugOwner = element._owner, fiber.expirationTime = expirationTime, fiber; @@ -21971,7 +21971,7 @@ var _publicBundleJs = []byte(`!function(modules) { knownKeys.add(key); break; } - warning(!1, "Encountered two children with the same key, ` + "`" + `%s` + "`" + `. Keys should be unique so that components maintain their identity across updates. Non-unique keys may cause children to be duplicated and/or omitted — the behavior is unsupported and could change in a future version.%s", key, getCurrentFiberStackAddendum$1()); + warning(!1, "Encountered two children with the same key, ` + "`")) + (`%s` + ("`" + `. Keys should be unique so that components maintain their identity across updates. Non-unique keys may cause children to be duplicated and/or omitted — the behavior is unsupported and could change in a future version.%s", key, getCurrentFiberStackAddendum$1()); } return knownKeys; } @@ -22206,7 +22206,7 @@ var _publicBundleJs = []byte(`!function(modules) { } function isAttributeNameSafe(attributeName) { return !!validatedAttributeNameCache.hasOwnProperty(attributeName) || !illegalAttributeNameCache.hasOwnProperty(attributeName) && (VALID_ATTRIBUTE_NAME_REGEX.test(attributeName) ? (validatedAttributeNameCache[attributeName] = !0, - !0) : (illegalAttributeNameCache[attributeName] = !0, warning(!1, "Invalid attribute name: ` + "`" + `%s` + "`" + `", attributeName), + !0) : (illegalAttributeNameCache[attributeName] = !0, warning(!1, "Invalid attribute name: `))) + (("`" + (`%s` + "`")) + (`", attributeName), !1)); } function shouldIgnoreValue(propertyInfo, value) { @@ -22346,7 +22346,7 @@ var _publicBundleJs = []byte(`!function(modules) { var otherNode = group[i]; if (otherNode !== rootNode && otherNode.form === rootNode.form) { var otherProps = getFiberCurrentPropsFromNode$1(otherNode); - otherProps || invariant(!1, "ReactDOMInput: Mixing React and non-React radio inputs with the same ` + "`" + `name` + "`" + ` is not supported."), + otherProps || invariant(!1, "ReactDOMInput: Mixing React and non-React radio inputs with the same ` + ("`" + `name`))))) + (((("`" + (` is not supported."), updateValueIfChanged(otherNode), updateWrapper(otherNode, otherProps); } } @@ -22359,7 +22359,7 @@ var _publicBundleJs = []byte(`!function(modules) { }), content; } function validateProps(element, props) { - warning(null == props.selected, "Use the ` + "`" + `defaultValue` + "`" + ` or ` + "`" + `value` + "`" + ` props on instead of setting ` + ("`" + `selected`)))) + ((("`" + (` on