path: root/vendor/google.golang.org/api/gensupport/media.go
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'vendor/google.golang.org/api/gensupport/media.go')
1 files changed, 342 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/vendor/google.golang.org/api/gensupport/media.go b/vendor/google.golang.org/api/gensupport/media.go
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4cef4adbb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/google.golang.org/api/gensupport/media.go
@@ -0,0 +1,342 @@
+// Copyright 2016 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+package gensupport
+import (
+ "bytes"
+ "fmt"
+ "io"
+ "io/ioutil"
+ "mime/multipart"
+ "net/http"
+ "net/textproto"
+ "strings"
+ "sync"
+ "google.golang.org/api/googleapi"
+const sniffBuffSize = 512
+func newContentSniffer(r io.Reader) *contentSniffer {
+ return &contentSniffer{r: r}
+// contentSniffer wraps a Reader, and reports the content type determined by sniffing up to 512 bytes from the Reader.
+type contentSniffer struct {
+ r io.Reader
+ start []byte // buffer for the sniffed bytes.
+ err error // set to any error encountered while reading bytes to be sniffed.
+ ctype string // set on first sniff.
+ sniffed bool // set to true on first sniff.
+func (cs *contentSniffer) Read(p []byte) (n int, err error) {
+ // Ensure that the content type is sniffed before any data is consumed from Reader.
+ _, _ = cs.ContentType()
+ if len(cs.start) > 0 {
+ n := copy(p, cs.start)
+ cs.start = cs.start[n:]
+ return n, nil
+ }
+ // We may have read some bytes into start while sniffing, even if the read ended in an error.
+ // We should first return those bytes, then the error.
+ if cs.err != nil {
+ return 0, cs.err
+ }
+ // Now we have handled all bytes that were buffered while sniffing. Now just delegate to the underlying reader.
+ return cs.r.Read(p)
+// ContentType returns the sniffed content type, and whether the content type was succesfully sniffed.
+func (cs *contentSniffer) ContentType() (string, bool) {
+ if cs.sniffed {
+ return cs.ctype, cs.ctype != ""
+ }
+ cs.sniffed = true
+ // If ReadAll hits EOF, it returns err==nil.
+ cs.start, cs.err = ioutil.ReadAll(io.LimitReader(cs.r, sniffBuffSize))
+ // Don't try to detect the content type based on possibly incomplete data.
+ if cs.err != nil {
+ return "", false
+ }
+ cs.ctype = http.DetectContentType(cs.start)
+ return cs.ctype, true
+// DetermineContentType determines the content type of the supplied reader.
+// If the content type is already known, it can be specified via ctype.
+// Otherwise, the content of media will be sniffed to determine the content type.
+// If media implements googleapi.ContentTyper (deprecated), this will be used
+// instead of sniffing the content.
+// After calling DetectContentType the caller must not perform further reads on
+// media, but rather read from the Reader that is returned.
+func DetermineContentType(media io.Reader, ctype string) (io.Reader, string) {
+ // Note: callers could avoid calling DetectContentType if ctype != "",
+ // but doing the check inside this function reduces the amount of
+ // generated code.
+ if ctype != "" {
+ return media, ctype
+ }
+ // For backwards compatability, allow clients to set content
+ // type by providing a ContentTyper for media.
+ if typer, ok := media.(googleapi.ContentTyper); ok {
+ return media, typer.ContentType()
+ }
+ sniffer := newContentSniffer(media)
+ if ctype, ok := sniffer.ContentType(); ok {
+ return sniffer, ctype
+ }
+ // If content type could not be sniffed, reads from sniffer will eventually fail with an error.
+ return sniffer, ""
+type typeReader struct {
+ io.Reader
+ typ string
+// multipartReader combines the contents of multiple readers to create a multipart/related HTTP body.
+// Close must be called if reads from the multipartReader are abandoned before reaching EOF.
+type multipartReader struct {
+ pr *io.PipeReader
+ ctype string
+ mu sync.Mutex
+ pipeOpen bool
+func newMultipartReader(parts []typeReader) *multipartReader {
+ mp := &multipartReader{pipeOpen: true}
+ var pw *io.PipeWriter
+ mp.pr, pw = io.Pipe()
+ mpw := multipart.NewWriter(pw)
+ mp.ctype = "multipart/related; boundary=" + mpw.Boundary()
+ go func() {
+ for _, part := range parts {
+ w, err := mpw.CreatePart(typeHeader(part.typ))
+ if err != nil {
+ mpw.Close()
+ pw.CloseWithError(fmt.Errorf("googleapi: CreatePart failed: %v", err))
+ return
+ }
+ _, err = io.Copy(w, part.Reader)
+ if err != nil {
+ mpw.Close()
+ pw.CloseWithError(fmt.Errorf("googleapi: Copy failed: %v", err))
+ return
+ }
+ }
+ mpw.Close()
+ pw.Close()
+ }()
+ return mp
+func (mp *multipartReader) Read(data []byte) (n int, err error) {
+ return mp.pr.Read(data)
+func (mp *multipartReader) Close() error {
+ mp.mu.Lock()
+ if !mp.pipeOpen {
+ mp.mu.Unlock()
+ return nil
+ }
+ mp.pipeOpen = false
+ mp.mu.Unlock()
+ return mp.pr.Close()
+// CombineBodyMedia combines a json body with media content to create a multipart/related HTTP body.
+// It returns a ReadCloser containing the combined body, and the overall "multipart/related" content type, with random boundary.
+// The caller must call Close on the returned ReadCloser if reads are abandoned before reaching EOF.
+func CombineBodyMedia(body io.Reader, bodyContentType string, media io.Reader, mediaContentType string) (io.ReadCloser, string) {
+ mp := newMultipartReader([]typeReader{
+ {body, bodyContentType},
+ {media, mediaContentType},
+ })
+ return mp, mp.ctype
+func typeHeader(contentType string) textproto.MIMEHeader {
+ h := make(textproto.MIMEHeader)
+ if contentType != "" {
+ h.Set("Content-Type", contentType)
+ }
+ return h
+// PrepareUpload determines whether the data in the supplied reader should be
+// uploaded in a single request, or in sequential chunks.
+// chunkSize is the size of the chunk that media should be split into.
+// If chunkSize is zero, media is returned as the first value, and the other
+// two return values are nil, true.
+// Otherwise, a MediaBuffer is returned, along with a bool indicating whether the
+// contents of media fit in a single chunk.
+// After PrepareUpload has been called, media should no longer be used: the
+// media content should be accessed via one of the return values.
+func PrepareUpload(media io.Reader, chunkSize int) (r io.Reader, mb *MediaBuffer, singleChunk bool) {
+ if chunkSize == 0 { // do not chunk
+ return media, nil, true
+ }
+ mb = NewMediaBuffer(media, chunkSize)
+ _, _, _, err := mb.Chunk()
+ // If err is io.EOF, we can upload this in a single request. Otherwise, err is
+ // either nil or a non-EOF error. If it is the latter, then the next call to
+ // mb.Chunk will return the same error. Returning a MediaBuffer ensures that this
+ // error will be handled at some point.
+ return nil, mb, err == io.EOF
+// MediaInfo holds information for media uploads. It is intended for use by generated
+// code only.
+type MediaInfo struct {
+ // At most one of Media and MediaBuffer will be set.
+ media io.Reader
+ buffer *MediaBuffer
+ singleChunk bool
+ mType string
+ size int64 // mediaSize, if known. Used only for calls to progressUpdater_.
+ progressUpdater googleapi.ProgressUpdater
+// NewInfoFromMedia should be invoked from the Media method of a call. It returns a
+// MediaInfo populated with chunk size and content type, and a reader or MediaBuffer
+// if needed.
+func NewInfoFromMedia(r io.Reader, options []googleapi.MediaOption) *MediaInfo {
+ mi := &MediaInfo{}
+ opts := googleapi.ProcessMediaOptions(options)
+ if !opts.ForceEmptyContentType {
+ r, mi.mType = DetermineContentType(r, opts.ContentType)
+ }
+ mi.media, mi.buffer, mi.singleChunk = PrepareUpload(r, opts.ChunkSize)
+ return mi
+// NewInfoFromResumableMedia should be invoked from the ResumableMedia method of a
+// call. It returns a MediaInfo using the given reader, size and media type.
+func NewInfoFromResumableMedia(r io.ReaderAt, size int64, mediaType string) *MediaInfo {
+ rdr := ReaderAtToReader(r, size)
+ rdr, mType := DetermineContentType(rdr, mediaType)
+ return &MediaInfo{
+ size: size,
+ mType: mType,
+ buffer: NewMediaBuffer(rdr, googleapi.DefaultUploadChunkSize),
+ media: nil,
+ singleChunk: false,
+ }
+// SetProgressUpdater sets the progress updater for the media info.
+func (mi *MediaInfo) SetProgressUpdater(pu googleapi.ProgressUpdater) {
+ if mi != nil {
+ mi.progressUpdater = pu
+ }
+// UploadType determines the type of upload: a single request, or a resumable
+// series of requests.
+func (mi *MediaInfo) UploadType() string {
+ if mi.singleChunk {
+ return "multipart"
+ }
+ return "resumable"
+// UploadRequest sets up an HTTP request for media upload. It adds headers
+// as necessary, and returns a replacement for the body and a function for http.Request.GetBody.
+func (mi *MediaInfo) UploadRequest(reqHeaders http.Header, body io.Reader) (newBody io.Reader, getBody func() (io.ReadCloser, error), cleanup func()) {
+ cleanup = func() {}
+ if mi == nil {
+ return body, nil, cleanup
+ }
+ var media io.Reader
+ if mi.media != nil {
+ // This only happens when the caller has turned off chunking. In that
+ // case, we write all of media in a single non-retryable request.
+ media = mi.media
+ } else if mi.singleChunk {
+ // The data fits in a single chunk, which has now been read into the MediaBuffer.
+ // We obtain that chunk so we can write it in a single request. The request can
+ // be retried because the data is stored in the MediaBuffer.
+ media, _, _, _ = mi.buffer.Chunk()
+ }
+ if media != nil {
+ fb := readerFunc(body)
+ fm := readerFunc(media)
+ combined, ctype := CombineBodyMedia(body, "application/json", media, mi.mType)
+ if fb != nil && fm != nil {
+ getBody = func() (io.ReadCloser, error) {
+ rb := ioutil.NopCloser(fb())
+ rm := ioutil.NopCloser(fm())
+ r, _ := CombineBodyMedia(rb, "application/json", rm, mi.mType)
+ return r, nil
+ }
+ }
+ cleanup = func() { combined.Close() }
+ reqHeaders.Set("Content-Type", ctype)
+ body = combined
+ }
+ if mi.buffer != nil && mi.mType != "" && !mi.singleChunk {
+ reqHeaders.Set("X-Upload-Content-Type", mi.mType)
+ }
+ return body, getBody, cleanup
+// readerFunc returns a function that always returns an io.Reader that has the same
+// contents as r, provided that can be done without consuming r. Otherwise, it
+// returns nil.
+// See http.NewRequest (in net/http/request.go).
+func readerFunc(r io.Reader) func() io.Reader {
+ switch r := r.(type) {
+ case *bytes.Buffer:
+ buf := r.Bytes()
+ return func() io.Reader { return bytes.NewReader(buf) }
+ case *bytes.Reader:
+ snapshot := *r
+ return func() io.Reader { r := snapshot; return &r }
+ case *strings.Reader:
+ snapshot := *r
+ return func() io.Reader { r := snapshot; return &r }
+ default:
+ return nil
+ }
+// ResumableUpload returns an appropriately configured ResumableUpload value if the
+// upload is resumable, or nil otherwise.
+func (mi *MediaInfo) ResumableUpload(locURI string) *ResumableUpload {
+ if mi == nil || mi.singleChunk {
+ return nil
+ }
+ return &ResumableUpload{
+ URI: locURI,
+ Media: mi.buffer,
+ MediaType: mi.mType,
+ Callback: func(curr int64) {
+ if mi.progressUpdater != nil {
+ mi.progressUpdater(curr, mi.size)
+ }
+ },
+ }
+// SetGetBody sets the GetBody field of req to f.
+func SetGetBody(req *http.Request, f func() (io.ReadCloser, error)) {
+ req.GetBody = f