path: root/swarm/storage/mru/metadata.go
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Diffstat (limited to 'swarm/storage/mru/metadata.go')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 187 deletions
diff --git a/swarm/storage/mru/metadata.go b/swarm/storage/mru/metadata.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 509114895..000000000
--- a/swarm/storage/mru/metadata.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,187 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2018 The go-ethereum Authors
-// This file is part of the go-ethereum library.
-// The go-ethereum library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-// it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
-// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-// (at your option) any later version.
-// The go-ethereum library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-// GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
-// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
-// along with the go-ethereum library. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-package mru
-import (
- "encoding/binary"
- "hash"
- "github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/common"
- "github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/swarm/storage"
-// ResourceMetadata encapsulates the immutable information about a mutable resource :)
-// once serialized into a chunk, the resource can be retrieved by knowing its content-addressed rootAddr
-type ResourceMetadata struct {
- StartTime Timestamp // time at which the resource starts to be valid
- Frequency uint64 // expected update frequency for the resource
- Name string // name of the resource, for the reference of the user or to disambiguate resources with same starttime, frequency, owneraddr
- Owner common.Address // public address of the resource owner
-const frequencyLength = 8 // sizeof(uint64)
-const nameLengthLength = 1
-// Resource metadata chunk layout:
-// 4 prefix bytes (chunkPrefixLength). The first two set to zero. The second two indicate the length
-// Timestamp: timestampLength bytes
-// frequency: frequencyLength bytes
-// name length: nameLengthLength bytes
-// name (variable length, can be empty, up to 255 bytes)
-// ownerAddr: common.AddressLength
-const minimumMetadataLength = chunkPrefixLength + timestampLength + frequencyLength + nameLengthLength + common.AddressLength
-// binaryGet populates the resource metadata from a byte array
-func (r *ResourceMetadata) binaryGet(serializedData []byte) error {
- if len(serializedData) < minimumMetadataLength {
- return NewErrorf(ErrInvalidValue, "Metadata chunk to deserialize is too short. Expected at least %d. Got %d.", minimumMetadataLength, len(serializedData))
- }
- // first two bytes must be set to zero to indicate metadata chunks, so enforce this.
- if serializedData[0] != 0 || serializedData[1] != 0 {
- return NewError(ErrCorruptData, "Invalid metadata chunk")
- }
- cursor := 2
- metadataLength := int(binary.LittleEndian.Uint16(serializedData[cursor : cursor+2])) // metadataLength does not include the 4 prefix bytes
- if metadataLength+chunkPrefixLength != len(serializedData) {
- return NewErrorf(ErrCorruptData, "Incorrect declared metadata length. Expected %d, got %d.", metadataLength+chunkPrefixLength, len(serializedData))
- }
- cursor += 2
- if err := r.StartTime.binaryGet(serializedData[cursor : cursor+timestampLength]); err != nil {
- return err
- }
- cursor += timestampLength
- r.Frequency = binary.LittleEndian.Uint64(serializedData[cursor : cursor+frequencyLength])
- cursor += frequencyLength
- nameLength := int(serializedData[cursor])
- if nameLength+minimumMetadataLength > len(serializedData) {
- return NewErrorf(ErrInvalidValue, "Metadata chunk to deserialize is too short when decoding resource name. Expected at least %d. Got %d.", nameLength+minimumMetadataLength, len(serializedData))
- }
- cursor++
- r.Name = string(serializedData[cursor : cursor+nameLength])
- cursor += nameLength
- copy(r.Owner[:], serializedData[cursor:])
- cursor += common.AddressLength
- if cursor != len(serializedData) {
- return NewErrorf(ErrInvalidValue, "Metadata chunk has leftover data after deserialization. %d left to read", len(serializedData)-cursor)
- }
- return nil
-// binaryPut encodes the metadata into a byte array
-func (r *ResourceMetadata) binaryPut(serializedData []byte) error {
- metadataChunkLength := r.binaryLength()
- if len(serializedData) != metadataChunkLength {
- return NewErrorf(ErrInvalidValue, "Need a slice of exactly %d bytes to serialize this metadata, but got a slice of size %d.", metadataChunkLength, len(serializedData))
- }
- // root chunk has first two bytes both set to 0, which distinguishes from update bytes
- // therefore, skip the first two bytes of a zero-initialized array.
- cursor := 2
- binary.LittleEndian.PutUint16(serializedData[cursor:cursor+2], uint16(metadataChunkLength-chunkPrefixLength)) // metadataLength does not include the 4 prefix bytes
- cursor += 2
- r.StartTime.binaryPut(serializedData[cursor : cursor+timestampLength])
- cursor += timestampLength
- binary.LittleEndian.PutUint64(serializedData[cursor:cursor+frequencyLength], r.Frequency)
- cursor += frequencyLength
- // Encode the name string as a 1 byte length followed by the encoded string.
- // Longer strings will be truncated.
- nameLength := len(r.Name)
- if nameLength > 255 {
- nameLength = 255
- }
- serializedData[cursor] = uint8(nameLength)
- cursor++
- copy(serializedData[cursor:cursor+nameLength], []byte(r.Name[:nameLength]))
- cursor += nameLength
- copy(serializedData[cursor:cursor+common.AddressLength], r.Owner[:])
- cursor += common.AddressLength
- return nil
-func (r *ResourceMetadata) binaryLength() int {
- return minimumMetadataLength + len(r.Name)
-// serializeAndHash returns the root chunk addr and metadata hash that help identify and ascertain ownership of this resource
-// returns the serialized metadata as a byproduct of having to hash it.
-func (r *ResourceMetadata) serializeAndHash() (rootAddr, metaHash []byte, chunkData []byte, err error) {
- chunkData = make([]byte, r.binaryLength())
- if err := r.binaryPut(chunkData); err != nil {
- return nil, nil, nil, err
- }
- rootAddr, metaHash = metadataHash(chunkData)
- return rootAddr, metaHash, chunkData, nil
-// creates a metadata chunk out of a resourceMetadata structure
-func (metadata *ResourceMetadata) newChunk() (chunk storage.Chunk, metaHash []byte, err error) {
- // the metadata chunk contains a timestamp of when the resource starts to be valid
- // and also how frequently it is expected to be updated
- // from this we know at what time we should look for updates, and how often
- // it also contains the name of the resource, so we know what resource we are working with
- // the key (rootAddr) of the metadata chunk is content-addressed
- // if it wasn't we couldn't replace it later
- // resolving this relationship is left up to external agents (for example ENS)
- rootAddr, metaHash, chunkData, err := metadata.serializeAndHash()
- if err != nil {
- return nil, nil, err
- }
- // make the chunk and send it to swarm
- chunk = storage.NewChunk(rootAddr, chunkData)
- return chunk, metaHash, nil
-// metadataHash returns the metadata chunk root address and metadata hash
-// that help identify and ascertain ownership of this resource
-// We compute it as rootAddr = H(ownerAddr, H(metadata))
-// Where H() is SHA3
-// metadata are all the metadata fields, except ownerAddr
-// ownerAddr is the public address of the resource owner
-// Update chunks must carry a rootAddr reference and metaHash in order to be verified
-// This way, a node that receives an update can check the signature, recover the public address
-// and check the ownership by computing H(ownerAddr, metaHash) and comparing it to the rootAddr
-// the resource is claiming to update without having to lookup the metadata chunk.
-// see verifyResourceOwnerhsip in signedupdate.go
-func metadataHash(chunkData []byte) (rootAddr, metaHash []byte) {
- hasher := hashPool.Get().(hash.Hash)
- defer hashPool.Put(hasher)
- hasher.Reset()
- hasher.Write(chunkData[:len(chunkData)-common.AddressLength])
- metaHash = hasher.Sum(nil)
- hasher.Reset()
- hasher.Write(metaHash)
- hasher.Write(chunkData[len(chunkData)-common.AddressLength:])
- rootAddr = hasher.Sum(nil)
- return