path: root/ethminer/miner.go
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Diffstat (limited to 'ethminer/miner.go')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 217 deletions
diff --git a/ethminer/miner.go b/ethminer/miner.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 42c989eee..000000000
--- a/ethminer/miner.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,217 +0,0 @@
-package ethminer
-import (
- "bytes"
- "sort"
- "github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/chain"
- "github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/ethwire"
- "github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/event"
- "github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/logger"
-var minerlogger = logger.NewLogger("MINER")
-type Miner struct {
- pow chain.PoW
- ethereum chain.EthManager
- coinbase []byte
- txs chain.Transactions
- uncles []*chain.Block
- block *chain.Block
- events event.Subscription
- powQuitChan chan struct{}
- powDone chan struct{}
- turbo bool
-const (
- Started = iota
- Stopped
-type Event struct {
- Type int // Started || Stopped
- Miner *Miner
-func (self *Miner) GetPow() chain.PoW {
- return self.pow
-func NewDefaultMiner(coinbase []byte, ethereum chain.EthManager) *Miner {
- miner := Miner{
- pow: &chain.EasyPow{},
- ethereum: ethereum,
- coinbase: coinbase,
- }
- return &miner
-func (self *Miner) ToggleTurbo() {
- self.turbo = !self.turbo
- self.pow.Turbo(self.turbo)
-func (miner *Miner) Start() {
- // Insert initial TXs in our little miner 'pool'
- miner.txs = miner.ethereum.TxPool().Flush()
- miner.block = miner.ethereum.ChainManager().NewBlock(miner.coinbase)
- mux := miner.ethereum.EventMux()
- miner.events = mux.Subscribe(chain.NewBlockEvent{}, chain.TxPreEvent{})
- // Prepare inital block
- //miner.ethereum.StateManager().Prepare(miner.block.State(), miner.block.State())
- go miner.listener()
- minerlogger.Infoln("Started")
- mux.Post(Event{Started, miner})
-func (miner *Miner) Stop() {
- minerlogger.Infoln("Stopping...")
- miner.events.Unsubscribe()
- miner.ethereum.EventMux().Post(Event{Stopped, miner})
-func (miner *Miner) listener() {
- miner.startMining()
- for {
- select {
- case event := <-miner.events.Chan():
- switch event := event.(type) {
- case chain.NewBlockEvent:
- miner.stopMining()
- block := event.Block
- //minerlogger.Infoln("Got new block via Reactor")
- if bytes.Compare(miner.ethereum.ChainManager().CurrentBlock.Hash(), block.Hash()) == 0 {
- // TODO: Perhaps continue mining to get some uncle rewards
- //minerlogger.Infoln("New top block found resetting state")
- // Filter out which Transactions we have that were not in this block
- var newtxs []*chain.Transaction
- for _, tx := range miner.txs {
- found := false
- for _, othertx := range block.Transactions() {
- if bytes.Compare(tx.Hash(), othertx.Hash()) == 0 {
- found = true
- }
- }
- if found == false {
- newtxs = append(newtxs, tx)
- }
- }
- miner.txs = newtxs
- } else {
- if bytes.Compare(block.PrevHash, miner.ethereum.ChainManager().CurrentBlock.PrevHash) == 0 {
- minerlogger.Infoln("Adding uncle block")
- miner.uncles = append(miner.uncles, block)
- }
- }
- miner.startMining()
- case chain.TxPreEvent:
- miner.stopMining()
- found := false
- for _, ctx := range miner.txs {
- if found = bytes.Compare(ctx.Hash(), event.Tx.Hash()) == 0; found {
- break
- }
- miner.startMining()
- }
- if found == false {
- // Undo all previous commits
- miner.block.Undo()
- // Apply new transactions
- miner.txs = append(miner.txs, event.Tx)
- }
- }
- case <-miner.powDone:
- miner.startMining()
- }
- }
-func (miner *Miner) startMining() {
- if miner.powDone == nil {
- miner.powDone = make(chan struct{})
- }
- miner.powQuitChan = make(chan struct{})
- go miner.mineNewBlock()
-func (miner *Miner) stopMining() {
- println("stop mining")
- _, isopen := <-miner.powQuitChan
- if isopen {
- close(miner.powQuitChan)
- }
- //<-miner.powDone
-func (self *Miner) mineNewBlock() {
- stateManager := self.ethereum.StateManager()
- self.block = self.ethereum.ChainManager().NewBlock(self.coinbase)
- // Apply uncles
- if len(self.uncles) > 0 {
- self.block.SetUncles(self.uncles)
- }
- // Sort the transactions by nonce in case of odd network propagation
- sort.Sort(chain.TxByNonce{self.txs})
- // Accumulate all valid transactions and apply them to the new state
- // Error may be ignored. It's not important during mining
- parent := self.ethereum.ChainManager().GetBlock(self.block.PrevHash)
- coinbase := self.block.State().GetOrNewStateObject(self.block.Coinbase)
- coinbase.SetGasPool(self.block.CalcGasLimit(parent))
- receipts, txs, unhandledTxs, erroneous, err := stateManager.ProcessTransactions(coinbase, self.block.State(), self.block, self.block, self.txs)
- if err != nil {
- minerlogger.Debugln(err)
- }
- self.ethereum.TxPool().RemoveSet(erroneous)
- self.txs = append(txs, unhandledTxs...)
- self.block.SetTransactions(txs)
- self.block.SetReceipts(receipts)
- // Accumulate the rewards included for this block
- stateManager.AccumelateRewards(self.block.State(), self.block, parent)
- self.block.State().Update()
- minerlogger.Infof("Mining on block. Includes %v transactions", len(self.txs))
- // Find a valid nonce
- nonce := self.pow.Search(self.block, self.powQuitChan)
- if nonce != nil {
- self.block.Nonce = nonce
- err := self.ethereum.StateManager().Process(self.block)
- if err != nil {
- minerlogger.Infoln(err)
- } else {
- self.ethereum.Broadcast(ethwire.MsgBlockTy, []interface{}{self.block.Value().Val})
- minerlogger.Infof("🔨 Mined block %x\n", self.block.Hash())
- minerlogger.Infoln(self.block)
- // Gather the new batch of transactions currently in the tx pool
- self.txs = self.ethereum.TxPool().CurrentTransactions()
- self.ethereum.EventMux().Post(chain.NewBlockEvent{self.block})
- }
- // Continue mining on the next block
- self.startMining()
- }