path: root/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/obscuren/qml/qml_test.go
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/obscuren/qml/qml_test.go')
1 files changed, 1436 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/obscuren/qml/qml_test.go b/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/obscuren/qml/qml_test.go
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2db23cd23
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/obscuren/qml/qml_test.go
@@ -0,0 +1,1436 @@
+package qml_test
+import (
+ "encoding/base64"
+ "flag"
+ "fmt"
+ "image"
+ "image/color"
+ "io/ioutil"
+ "os"
+ "reflect"
+ "regexp"
+ "runtime"
+ "strings"
+ "testing"
+ "time"
+ . "gopkg.in/check.v1"
+ "gopkg.in/qml.v1"
+ "gopkg.in/qml.v1/cpptest"
+ "gopkg.in/qml.v1/gl/2.0"
+ "path/filepath"
+func init() { qml.SetupTesting() }
+func Test(t *testing.T) { TestingT(t) }
+type S struct {
+ engine *qml.Engine
+ context *qml.Context
+var _ = Suite(&S{})
+func (s *S) SetUpTest(c *C) {
+ qml.SetLogger(c)
+ qml.CollectStats(true)
+ qml.ResetStats()
+ stats := qml.Stats()
+ if stats.EnginesAlive > 0 || stats.ValuesAlive > 0 || stats.ConnectionsAlive > 0 {
+ panic(fmt.Sprintf("Test started with values alive: %#v\n", stats))
+ }
+ s.engine = qml.NewEngine()
+ s.context = s.engine.Context()
+func (s *S) TearDownTest(c *C) {
+ s.engine.Destroy()
+ retries := 30 // Three seconds top.
+ for {
+ // Do not call qml.Flush here. It creates a nested event loop
+ // that attempts to process the deferred object deletes and cannot,
+ // because deferred deletes are only processed at the same loop level.
+ // So it *reposts* the deferred deletion event, in practice *preventing*
+ // these objects from being deleted.
+ runtime.GC()
+ stats := qml.Stats()
+ if stats.EnginesAlive == 0 && stats.ValuesAlive == 0 && stats.ConnectionsAlive == 0 {
+ break
+ }
+ if retries == 0 {
+ panic(fmt.Sprintf("there are values alive:\n%#v\n", stats))
+ }
+ retries--
+ time.Sleep(100 * time.Millisecond)
+ if retries%10 == 0 {
+ c.Logf("There are still objects alive; waiting for them to die: %#v\n", stats)
+ }
+ }
+ qml.SetLogger(nil)
+type GoRect struct {
+ PaintCount int
+func (r *GoRect) Paint(p *qml.Painter) {
+ r.PaintCount++
+ obj := p.Object()
+ gl := GL.API(p)
+ width := float32(obj.Int("width"))
+ height := float32(obj.Int("height"))
+ gl.Color3f(1.0, 0.0, 0.0)
+ gl.Begin(GL.QUADS)
+ gl.Vertex2f(0, 0)
+ gl.Vertex2f(width, 0)
+ gl.Vertex2f(width, height)
+ gl.Vertex2f(0, height)
+ gl.End()
+type GoType struct {
+ private bool // Besides being private, also adds a gap in the reflect field index.
+ StringValue string
+ StringAddrValue *string
+ BoolValue bool
+ IntValue int
+ Int64Value int64
+ Int32Value int32
+ Uint32Value uint32
+ Float64Value float64
+ Float32Value float32
+ AnyValue interface{}
+ ObjectValue qml.Object
+ ColorValue color.RGBA
+ IntsValue []int
+ ObjectsValue []qml.Object
+ MapValue map[string]interface{}
+ SetterStringValue string
+ SetterObjectsValue []qml.Object
+ setterStringValueChanged int
+ setterStringValueSet string
+ setterObjectsValueChanged int
+ setterObjectsValueSet []qml.Object
+ getterStringValue string
+ getterStringValueChanged int
+ // The object representing this value, on custom type tests.
+ object qml.Object
+// Force a gap in the reflect method index and ensure the handling
+// of private methods is being done properly.
+func (ts *GoType) privateMethod() {}
+func (ts *GoType) StringMethod() string {
+ return ts.StringValue
+func (ts *GoType) SetSetterStringValue(s string) {
+ ts.setterStringValueChanged++
+ ts.setterStringValueSet = s
+func (ts *GoType) SetSetterObjectsValue(v []qml.Object) {
+ ts.setterObjectsValueChanged++
+ ts.setterObjectsValueSet = v
+func (ts *GoType) GetterStringValue() string {
+ return ts.getterStringValue
+func (ts *GoType) SetGetterStringValue(s string) {
+ ts.getterStringValueChanged++
+ ts.getterStringValue = s
+func (ts *GoType) SetMapValue(m map[string]interface{}) {
+ ts.MapValue = m
+func (ts *GoType) Mod(dividend, divisor int) (int, error) {
+ if divisor == 0 {
+ return 0, fmt.Errorf("<division by zero>")
+ }
+ return dividend % divisor, nil
+func (ts *GoType) ChangeString(new string) (old string) {
+ old = ts.StringValue
+ ts.StringValue = new
+ return
+func (ts *GoType) NotifyStringChanged() {
+ qml.Changed(ts, &ts.StringValue)
+func (ts *GoType) IncrementInt() {
+ ts.IntValue++
+func (s *S) TestEngineDestroyedUse(c *C) {
+ s.engine.Destroy()
+ s.engine.Destroy()
+ c.Assert(s.engine.Context, PanicMatches, "engine already destroyed")
+var same = "<same>"
+var getSetTests = []struct{ set, get interface{} }{
+ {"value", same},
+ {true, same},
+ {false, same},
+ {int(42), same},
+ {int32(42), int(42)},
+ {int64(42), same},
+ {uint32(42), same},
+ {uint64(42), same},
+ {float64(42), same},
+ {float32(42), same},
+ {new(GoType), same},
+ {nil, same},
+ {42, same},
+func (s *S) TestContextGetSet(c *C) {
+ for i, t := range getSetTests {
+ want := t.get
+ if t.get == same {
+ want = t.set
+ }
+ s.context.SetVar("key", t.set)
+ c.Assert(s.context.Var("key"), Equals, want,
+ Commentf("entry %d is {%v (%T), %v (%T)}", i, t.set, t.set, t.get, t.get))
+ }
+func (s *S) TestContextGetMissing(c *C) {
+ c.Assert(s.context.Var("missing"), Equals, nil)
+func (s *S) TestContextSetVars(c *C) {
+ component, err := s.engine.LoadString("file.qml", "import QtQuick 2.0\nItem { width: 42 }")
+ c.Assert(err, IsNil)
+ root := component.Create(nil)
+ vars := GoType{
+ StringValue: "<content>",
+ BoolValue: true,
+ IntValue: 42,
+ Int64Value: 42,
+ Int32Value: 42,
+ Float64Value: 4.2,
+ Float32Value: 4.2,
+ AnyValue: nil,
+ ObjectValue: root,
+ }
+ s.context.SetVars(&vars)
+ c.Assert(s.context.Var("stringValue"), Equals, "<content>")
+ c.Assert(s.context.Var("boolValue"), Equals, true)
+ c.Assert(s.context.Var("intValue"), Equals, 42)
+ c.Assert(s.context.Var("int64Value"), Equals, int64(42))
+ c.Assert(s.context.Var("int32Value"), Equals, 42)
+ c.Assert(s.context.Var("float64Value"), Equals, float64(4.2))
+ c.Assert(s.context.Var("float32Value"), Equals, float32(4.2))
+ c.Assert(s.context.Var("anyValue"), Equals, nil)
+ vars.AnyValue = 42
+ c.Assert(s.context.Var("anyValue"), Equals, 42)
+ c.Assert(s.context.Var("objectValue").(qml.Object).Int("width"), Equals, 42)
+func (s *S) TestComponentSetDataError(c *C) {
+ _, err := s.engine.LoadString("file.qml", "Item{}")
+ c.Assert(err, ErrorMatches, "file:.*/file.qml:1 Item is not a type")
+func (s *S) TestComponentCreateWindow(c *C) {
+ data := `
+ import QtQuick 2.0
+ Item { width: 300; height: 200; }
+ `
+ component, err := s.engine.LoadString("file.qml", data)
+ c.Assert(err, IsNil)
+ // TODO How to test this more effectively?
+ window := component.CreateWindow(nil)
+ window.Show()
+ // Just a smoke test, as there isn't much to assert.
+ c.Assert(window.PlatformId(), Not(Equals), uintptr(0))
+ // Qt doesn't hide the Window if we call it too quickly. :-(
+ time.Sleep(100 * time.Millisecond)
+ window.Hide()
+func (s *S) TestContextSpawn(c *C) {
+ context1 := s.engine.Context()
+ context2 := context1.Spawn()
+ context1.SetVar("mystr", "context1")
+ context2.SetVar("mystr", "context2")
+ data := `
+ import QtQuick 2.0
+ Item { property var s: mystr }
+ `
+ component, err := s.engine.LoadString("file.qml", data)
+ c.Assert(err, IsNil)
+ obj1 := component.Create(context1)
+ obj2 := component.Create(context2)
+ c.Assert(obj1.String("s"), Equals, "context1")
+ c.Assert(obj2.String("s"), Equals, "context2")
+func (s *S) TestReadVoidAddrProperty(c *C) {
+ obj := cpptest.NewTestType(s.engine)
+ addr := obj.Property("voidAddr").(uintptr)
+ c.Assert(addr, Equals, uintptr(42))
+func (s *S) TestRegisterConverterPlainObject(c *C) {
+ qml.RegisterConverter("PlainTestType", func(engine *qml.Engine, obj qml.Object) interface{} {
+ c.Check(engine, Equals, s.engine)
+ c.Check(obj.String("plainType"), Matches, "(const )?PlainTestType[&*]?")
+ c.Check(obj.Property("plainAddr"), FitsTypeOf, uintptr(0))
+ c.Check(cpptest.PlainTestTypeN(obj), Equals, 42)
+ return "<converted>"
+ })
+ obj := cpptest.NewTestType(s.engine)
+ defer obj.Destroy()
+ var calls int
+ obj.On("plainEmittedCpy", func(s string) {
+ c.Check(s, Equals, "<converted>")
+ calls++
+ })
+ obj.On("plainEmittedRef", func(s string) {
+ c.Check(s, Equals, "<converted>")
+ calls++
+ })
+ obj.On("plainEmittedPtr", func(s string) {
+ c.Check(s, Equals, "<converted>")
+ calls++
+ })
+ obj.Call("emitPlain")
+ c.Assert(calls, Equals, 3)
+func (s *S) TestIssue84(c *C) {
+ // Regression test for issue #84 (QTBUG-41193).
+ data := `
+ import QtQuick 2.0
+ Item {
+ id: item
+ property string s1: "<before>"
+ property string s2: "<after>"
+ states: State {
+ name: "after";
+ PropertyChanges { target: item; s1: s2 }
+ }
+ Component.onCompleted: state = "after"
+ }
+ `
+ filename := filepath.Join(c.MkDir(), "file.qml")
+ err := ioutil.WriteFile(filename, []byte(data), 0644)
+ c.Assert(err, IsNil)
+ component, err := s.engine.LoadString(filename, data)
+ c.Assert(err, IsNil)
+ root := component.Create(nil)
+ defer root.Destroy()
+ c.Assert(root.String("s1"), Equals, "<after>")
+func (s *S) TestResources(c *C) {
+ var rp qml.ResourcesPacker
+ rp.Add("sub/path/Foo.qml", []byte("import QtQuick 2.0\nItem { Component.onCompleted: console.log('<Foo>') }"))
+ rp.AddString("sub/path/Bar.qml", "import QtQuick 2.0\nItem { Component.onCompleted: console.log('<Bar>') }")
+ rp.AddString("/sub/Main.qml", "import QtQuick 2.0\nimport \"./path\"\nItem {\nFoo{}\nBar{}\n}")
+ r := rp.Pack()
+ qml.LoadResources(r)
+ testResourcesLoaded(c, true)
+ qml.UnloadResources(r)
+ testResourcesLoaded(c, false)
+ data := r.Bytes()
+ rb, err := qml.ParseResources(data)
+ c.Assert(err, IsNil)
+ qml.LoadResources(rb)
+ testResourcesLoaded(c, true)
+ qml.UnloadResources(rb)
+ testResourcesLoaded(c, false)
+ rs, err := qml.ParseResourcesString(string(data))
+ c.Assert(err, IsNil)
+ qml.LoadResources(rs)
+ testResourcesLoaded(c, true)
+ qml.UnloadResources(rs)
+ testResourcesLoaded(c, false)
+func testResourcesLoaded(c *C, loaded bool) {
+ engine := qml.NewEngine()
+ defer engine.Destroy()
+ component, err := engine.LoadFile("qrc:///sub/Main.qml")
+ if loaded {
+ c.Assert(err, IsNil)
+ } else {
+ c.Assert(err, ErrorMatches, "qrc:///sub/Main.qml:-1 File not found")
+ return
+ }
+ root := component.Create(nil)
+ defer root.Destroy()
+ c.Assert(c.GetTestLog(), Matches, "(?s).*(<Foo>.*<Bar>|<Bar>.*<Foo>).*")
+func (s *S) TestResourcesIssue107(c *C) {
+ var rp qml.ResourcesPacker
+ rp.Add("a/Foo.qml", []byte("import QtQuick 2.0\nItem { Component.onCompleted: console.log('<Foo>') }"))
+ rp.Add("b/Bar.qml", []byte("import QtQuick 2.0\nItem { Component.onCompleted: console.log('<Bar>') }"))
+ rp.Add("c/Baz.qml", []byte("import QtQuick 2.0\nItem { Component.onCompleted: console.log('<Baz>') }"))
+ rp.Add("d/Buz.qml", []byte("import QtQuick 2.0\nItem { Component.onCompleted: console.log('<Buz>') }"))
+ r := rp.Pack()
+ qml.LoadResources(r)
+ for _, name := range []string{"a/Foo", "b/Bar", "c/Baz", "d/Buz"} {
+ component, err := s.engine.LoadFile("qrc:///" + name + ".qml")
+ c.Assert(err, IsNil)
+ root := component.Create(nil)
+ defer root.Destroy()
+ }
+ c.Assert(c.GetTestLog(), Matches, "(?s).*<Foo>.*<Bar>.*<Baz>.*<Buz>.*")
+type TestData struct {
+ *C
+ engine *qml.Engine
+ context *qml.Context
+ component qml.Object
+ root qml.Object
+ value *GoType
+ createdValue []*GoType
+ createdRect []*GoRect
+ createdSingleton []*GoType
+var tests = []struct {
+ Summary string
+ Value GoType
+ Rect GoRect
+ Init func(d *TestData)
+ // The QML provided is run with the initial state above, and
+ // then checks are made to ensure the provided state is found.
+ QML string
+ QMLLog string
+ QMLValue GoType
+ // The function provided is run with the post-QML state above,
+ // and then checks are made to ensure the provided state is found.
+ Done func(c *TestData)
+ DoneLog string
+ DoneValue GoType
+ {
+ Summary: "Read a context variable and its fields",
+ Value: GoType{StringValue: "<content>", IntValue: 42},
+ QML: `
+ Item {
+ Component.onCompleted: {
+ console.log("String is", value.stringValue)
+ console.log("Int is", value.intValue)
+ console.log("Any is", value.anyValue)
+ }
+ }
+ `,
+ QMLLog: "String is <content>.*Int is 42.*Any is undefined",
+ },
+ {
+ Summary: "Read a nested field via a value (not pointer) in an interface",
+ Value: GoType{AnyValue: struct{ StringValue string }{"<content>"}},
+ QML: `Item { Component.onCompleted: console.log("String is", value.anyValue.stringValue) }`,
+ QMLLog: "String is <content>",
+ },
+ {
+ Summary: "Read a native property",
+ QML: `Item { width: 123 }`,
+ Done: func(c *TestData) { c.Check(c.root.Int("width"), Equals, 123) },
+ },
+ {
+ Summary: "Read object properties",
+ QML: `
+ Item {
+ property bool boolp: true
+ property int intp: 1
+ property var int64p: 4294967296
+ property real float32p: 1.1
+ property double float64p: 1.1
+ property string stringp: "<content>"
+ property var objectp: Rectangle { width: 123 }
+ property var nilp: null
+ }
+ `,
+ Done: func(c *TestData) {
+ obj := c.root
+ c.Check(obj.Bool("boolp"), Equals, true)
+ c.Check(obj.Int("intp"), Equals, 1)
+ c.Check(obj.Int64("intp"), Equals, int64(1))
+ c.Check(obj.Int64("int64p"), Equals, int64(4294967296))
+ c.Check(obj.Float64("intp"), Equals, float64(1))
+ c.Check(obj.Float64("int64p"), Equals, float64(4294967296))
+ c.Check(obj.Float64("float32p"), Equals, float64(1.1))
+ c.Check(obj.Float64("float64p"), Equals, float64(1.1))
+ c.Check(obj.String("stringp"), Equals, "<content>")
+ c.Check(obj.Object("objectp").Int("width"), Equals, 123)
+ c.Check(obj.Property("nilp"), Equals, nil)
+ c.Check(func() { obj.Bool("intp") }, Panics, `value of property "intp" is not a bool: 1`)
+ c.Check(func() { obj.Int("boolp") }, Panics, `value of property "boolp" cannot be represented as an int: true`)
+ c.Check(func() { obj.Int64("boolp") }, Panics, `value of property "boolp" cannot be represented as an int64: true`)
+ c.Check(func() { obj.Float64("boolp") }, Panics, `value of property "boolp" cannot be represented as a float64: true`)
+ c.Check(func() { obj.String("boolp") }, Panics, `value of property "boolp" is not a string: true`)
+ c.Check(func() { obj.Object("boolp") }, Panics, `value of property "boolp" is not a QML object: true`)
+ c.Check(func() { obj.Property("missing") }, Panics, `object does not have a "missing" property`)
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ Summary: "Lowercasing of object properties",
+ Init: func(c *TestData) {
+ obj := struct{ THE, THEName, Name, N string }{"<a>", "<b>", "<c>", "<d>"}
+ c.context.SetVar("obj", &obj)
+ },
+ QML: `Item { Component.onCompleted: console.log("Names are", obj.the, obj.theName, obj.name, obj.n) }`,
+ QMLLog: "Names are <a> <b> <c> <d>",
+ },
+ {
+ Summary: "No access to private fields",
+ Value: GoType{private: true},
+ QML: `Item { Component.onCompleted: console.log("Private is", value.private); }`,
+ QMLLog: "Private is undefined",
+ },
+ {
+ Summary: "Set a custom property",
+ QML: `
+ Item {
+ property var obj: null
+ onObjChanged: console.log("String is", obj.stringValue)
+ onWidthChanged: console.log("Width is", width)
+ onHeightChanged: console.log("Height is", height)
+ }
+ `,
+ Done: func(c *TestData) {
+ value := GoType{StringValue: "<content>"}
+ c.root.Set("obj", &value)
+ c.root.Set("width", 300)
+ c.root.Set("height", 200)
+ },
+ DoneLog: "String is <content>.*Width is 300.*Height is 200",
+ },
+ {
+ Summary: "Read and set a QUrl property",
+ QML: `import QtWebKit 3.0; WebView {}`,
+ Done: func(c *TestData) {
+ c.Check(c.root.String("url"), Equals, "")
+ url := "http://localhost:54321"
+ c.root.Set("url", url)
+ c.Check(c.root.String("url"), Equals, url)
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ Summary: "Read and set a QColor property",
+ QML: `Text{ color: Qt.rgba(1/16, 1/8, 1/4, 1/2); function hasColor(c) { return Qt.colorEqual(color, c) }}`,
+ Done: func(c *TestData) {
+ c.Assert(c.root.Color("color"), Equals, color.RGBA{256 / 16, 256 / 8, 256 / 4, 256 / 2})
+ c.root.Set("color", color.RGBA{256 / 2, 256 / 4, 256 / 8, 256 / 16})
+ c.Assert(c.root.Call("hasColor", color.RGBA{256 / 2, 256 / 4, 256 / 8, 256 / 16}), Equals, true)
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ Summary: "Read and set a QColor property from a Go field",
+ Init: func(c *TestData) { c.value.ColorValue = color.RGBA{256 / 16, 256 / 8, 256 / 4, 256 / 2} },
+ QML: `Text{ property var c: value.colorValue; Component.onCompleted: { console.log(value.colorValue); } }`,
+ Done: func(c *TestData) {
+ c.Assert(c.root.Color("c"), Equals, color.RGBA{256 / 16, 256 / 8, 256 / 4, 256 / 2})
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ Summary: "Read a QQmlListProperty property into a Go slice",
+ QML: `
+ Item {
+ states: [
+ State { id: on; name: "on" },
+ State { id: off; name: "off" }
+ ]
+ }
+ `,
+ Done: func(c *TestData) {
+ var states []qml.Object
+ c.root.List("states").Convert(&states)
+ c.Assert(states[0].String("name"), Equals, "on")
+ c.Assert(states[1].String("name"), Equals, "off")
+ c.Assert(len(states), Equals, 2)
+ c.Assert(c.root.Property("states").(*qml.List).Len(), Equals, 2)
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ Summary: "Read a QQmlListReference property into a Go slice",
+ QML: `
+ Item {
+ property list<State> mystates: [
+ State { id: on; name: "on" },
+ State { id: off; name: "off" }
+ ]
+ Component.onCompleted: value.objectsValue = mystates
+ }
+ `,
+ Done: func(c *TestData) {
+ var states []qml.Object
+ c.root.List("mystates").Convert(&states)
+ c.Assert(states[0].String("name"), Equals, "on")
+ c.Assert(states[1].String("name"), Equals, "off")
+ c.Assert(len(states), Equals, 2)
+ c.Assert(len(c.value.ObjectsValue), Equals, 2)
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ Summary: "Read a QVariantList property into a Go slice",
+ QML: `
+ Item {
+ State { id: on; name: "on" }
+ State { id: off; name: "off" }
+ property var mystates: [on, off]
+ }
+ `,
+ Done: func(c *TestData) {
+ var states []qml.Object
+ c.root.List("mystates").Convert(&states)
+ c.Assert(states[0].String("name"), Equals, "on")
+ c.Assert(states[1].String("name"), Equals, "off")
+ c.Assert(len(states), Equals, 2)
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ Summary: "Set a Go slice property",
+ QML: `Item { Component.onCompleted: value.intsValue = [1, 2, 3.5] }`,
+ QMLValue: GoType{IntsValue: []int{1, 2, 3}},
+ },
+ {
+ Summary: "Set a Go slice property with objects",
+ QML: `
+ Item {
+ State { id: on; name: "on" }
+ State { id: off; name: "off" }
+ Component.onCompleted: value.objectsValue = [on, off]
+ }
+ `,
+ Done: func(c *TestData) {
+ c.Assert(c.value.ObjectsValue[0].String("name"), Equals, "on")
+ c.Assert(c.value.ObjectsValue[1].String("name"), Equals, "off")
+ c.Assert(len(c.value.ObjectsValue), Equals, 2)
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ Summary: "Call a method with a JSON object (issue #48)",
+ QML: `Item { Component.onCompleted: value.setMapValue({a: 1, b: 2}) }`,
+ QMLValue: GoType{MapValue: map[string]interface{}{"a": 1, "b": 2}},
+ },
+ {
+ Summary: "Read a map from a QML property",
+ QML: `Item { property var m: {"a": 1, "b": 2} }`,
+ Done: func(c *TestData) {
+ var m1 map[string]interface{}
+ var m2 map[string]int
+ m := c.root.Map("m")
+ m.Convert(&m1)
+ m.Convert(&m2)
+ c.Assert(m1, DeepEquals, map[string]interface{}{"a": 1, "b": 2})
+ c.Assert(m2, DeepEquals, map[string]int{"a": 1, "b": 2})
+ c.Assert(m.Len(), Equals, 2)
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ Summary: "Identical values remain identical when possible",
+ Init: func(c *TestData) {
+ c.context.SetVar("a", c.value)
+ c.context.SetVar("b", c.value)
+ },
+ QML: `Item { Component.onCompleted: console.log('Identical:', a === b); }`,
+ QMLLog: "Identical: true",
+ },
+ {
+ Summary: "Object finding via ObjectByName",
+ QML: `Item { Item { objectName: "subitem"; property string s: "<found>" } }`,
+ Done: func(c *TestData) {
+ obj := c.root.ObjectByName("subitem")
+ c.Check(obj.String("s"), Equals, "<found>")
+ c.Check(func() { c.root.ObjectByName("foo") }, Panics, `cannot find descendant with objectName == "foo"`)
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ Summary: "Object finding via ObjectByName on GoType",
+ QML: `Item { GoType { objectName: "subitem"; property string s: "<found>" } }`,
+ Done: func(c *TestData) {
+ obj := c.root.ObjectByName("subitem")
+ c.Check(obj.String("s"), Equals, "<found>")
+ c.Check(func() { c.root.ObjectByName("foo") }, Panics, `cannot find descendant with objectName == "foo"`)
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ Summary: "Register Go type",
+ QML: `GoType { objectName: "test"; Component.onCompleted: console.log("String is", stringValue) }`,
+ QMLLog: "String is <initial>",
+ Done: func(c *TestData) {
+ c.Assert(c.createdValue, HasLen, 1)
+ c.Assert(c.createdValue[0].object.String("objectName"), Equals, "test")
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ Summary: "Register Go type with an explicit name",
+ QML: `NamedGoType { objectName: "test"; Component.onCompleted: console.log("String is", stringValue) }`,
+ QMLLog: "String is <initial>",
+ Done: func(c *TestData) {
+ c.Assert(c.createdValue, HasLen, 1)
+ c.Assert(c.createdValue[0].object.String("objectName"), Equals, "test")
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ Summary: "Write Go type property",
+ QML: `GoType { stringValue: "<content>"; intValue: 300 }`,
+ Done: func(c *TestData) {
+ c.Assert(c.createdValue, HasLen, 1)
+ c.Assert(c.createdValue[0].StringValue, Equals, "<content>")
+ c.Assert(c.createdValue[0].IntValue, Equals, 300)
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ Summary: "Write Go type property that has a setter",
+ QML: `GoType { setterStringValue: "<content>" }`,
+ Done: func(c *TestData) {
+ c.Assert(c.createdValue, HasLen, 1)
+ c.Assert(c.createdValue[0].SetterStringValue, Equals, "")
+ c.Assert(c.createdValue[0].setterStringValueChanged, Equals, 1)
+ c.Assert(c.createdValue[0].setterStringValueSet, Equals, "<content>")
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ Summary: "Write Go type property that has a setter and a getter",
+ QML: `
+ GoType {
+ getterStringValue: "<content>"
+ Component.onCompleted: console.log("Getter returned", getterStringValue)
+ }
+ `,
+ QMLLog: `Getter returned <content>`,
+ Done: func(c *TestData) {
+ c.Assert(c.createdValue, HasLen, 1)
+ c.Assert(c.createdValue[0].getterStringValue, Equals, "<content>")
+ c.Assert(c.createdValue[0].getterStringValueChanged, Equals, 1)
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ Summary: "Write an inline object list to a Go type property",
+ QML: `
+ GoType {
+ objectsValue: [State{ name: "on" }, State{ name: "off" }]
+ Component.onCompleted: {
+ console.log("Length:", objectsValue.length)
+ console.log("Name:", objectsValue[0].name)
+ }
+ }
+ `,
+ QMLLog: "Length: 2.*Name: on",
+ Done: func(c *TestData) {
+ c.Assert(c.createdValue, HasLen, 1)
+ c.Assert(c.createdValue[0].ObjectsValue[0].String("name"), Equals, "on")
+ c.Assert(c.createdValue[0].ObjectsValue[1].String("name"), Equals, "off")
+ c.Assert(c.createdValue[0].ObjectsValue, HasLen, 2)
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ Summary: "Write an inline object list to a Go type property that has a setter",
+ QML: `GoType { setterObjectsValue: [State{ name: "on" }, State{ name: "off" }] }`,
+ Done: func(c *TestData) {
+ // Note that the setter is not actually updating the field value, for testing purposes.
+ c.Assert(c.createdValue, HasLen, 1)
+ c.Assert(c.createdValue[0].SetterObjectsValue, IsNil)
+ c.Assert(c.createdValue[0].setterObjectsValueChanged, Equals, 2)
+ c.Assert(c.createdValue[0].setterObjectsValueSet, HasLen, 1)
+ c.Assert(c.createdValue[0].setterObjectsValueSet[0].String("name"), Equals, "off")
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ Summary: "Clear an object list in a Go type property",
+ QML: `
+ GoType {
+ objectsValue: [State{ name: "on" }, State{ name: "off" }]
+ Component.onCompleted: objectsValue = []
+ }
+ `,
+ Done: func(c *TestData) {
+ c.Assert(c.createdValue, HasLen, 1)
+ c.Assert(c.createdValue[0].ObjectsValue, HasLen, 0)
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ Summary: "Clear an object list in a Go type property that has a setter",
+ Value: GoType{SetterObjectsValue: []qml.Object{nil, nil}},
+ QML: `
+ GoType {
+ objectsValue: [State{ name: "on" }, State{ name: "off" }]
+ function clear() { setterObjectsValue = [] }
+ }
+ `,
+ Done: func(c *TestData) {
+ // Note that the setter is not actually updating the field value, for testing purposes.
+ c.Assert(c.createdValue, HasLen, 1)
+ c.createdValue[0].SetterObjectsValue = c.createdValue[0].ObjectsValue
+ c.createdValue[0].object.Call("clear")
+ c.Assert(c.createdValue[0].SetterObjectsValue, HasLen, 2)
+ c.Assert(c.createdValue[0].setterObjectsValueChanged, Equals, 1)
+ c.Assert(c.createdValue[0].setterObjectsValueSet, DeepEquals, []qml.Object{})
+ c.Assert(&c.createdValue[0].SetterObjectsValue[0], Equals, &c.createdValue[0].ObjectsValue[0])
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ Summary: "Access underlying Go value with Interface",
+ QML: `GoType { stringValue: "<content>" }`,
+ Done: func(c *TestData) {
+ c.Assert(c.root.Interface().(*GoType).StringValue, Equals, "<content>")
+ c.Assert(c.context.Interface, Panics, "QML object is not backed by a Go value")
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ Summary: "Notification signals on custom Go type",
+ QML: `
+ GoType {
+ id: custom
+ stringValue: "<old>"
+ onStringValueChanged: if (custom.stringValue != "<newest>") { custom.stringValue = "<newest>" }
+ Component.onCompleted: custom.stringValue = "<new>"
+ }
+ `,
+ Done: func(c *TestData) {
+ c.Assert(c.createdValue, HasLen, 1)
+ c.Assert(c.createdValue[0].StringValue, Equals, "<newest>")
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ Summary: "Singleton type registration",
+ QML: `Item { Component.onCompleted: console.log("String is", GoSingleton.stringValue) }`,
+ QMLLog: "String is <initial>",
+ },
+ {
+ Summary: "qml.Changed on unknown value is okay",
+ Value: GoType{StringValue: "<old>"},
+ Init: func(c *TestData) {
+ value := &GoType{}
+ qml.Changed(&value, &value.StringValue)
+ },
+ QML: `Item{}`,
+ },
+ {
+ Summary: "qml.Changed triggers a QML slot",
+ QML: `
+ GoType {
+ stringValue: "<old>"
+ onStringValueChanged: console.log("String is", stringValue)
+ onStringAddrValueChanged: console.log("String at addr is", stringAddrValue)
+ }
+ `,
+ QMLLog: "!String is",
+ Done: func(c *TestData) {
+ c.Assert(c.createdValue, HasLen, 1)
+ value := c.createdValue[0]
+ s := "<new at addr>"
+ value.StringValue = "<new>"
+ value.StringAddrValue = &s
+ qml.Changed(value, &value.StringValue)
+ qml.Changed(value, &value.StringAddrValue)
+ },
+ DoneLog: "String is <new>.*String at addr is <new at addr>",
+ },
+ {
+ Summary: "qml.Changed must not trigger on the wrong field",
+ QML: `
+ GoType {
+ stringValue: "<old>"
+ onStringValueChanged: console.log("String is", stringValue)
+ }
+ `,
+ Done: func(c *TestData) {
+ c.Assert(c.createdValue, HasLen, 1)
+ value := c.createdValue[0]
+ value.StringValue = "<new>"
+ qml.Changed(value, &value.IntValue)
+ },
+ DoneLog: "!String is",
+ },
+ {
+ Summary: "qml.Changed updates bindings",
+ Value: GoType{StringValue: "<old>"},
+ QML: `Item { property string s: "String is " + value.stringValue }`,
+ Done: func(c *TestData) {
+ c.value.StringValue = "<new>"
+ qml.Changed(c.value, &c.value.StringValue)
+ c.Check(c.root.String("s"), Equals, "String is <new>")
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ Summary: "Call a Go method without arguments or result",
+ Value: GoType{IntValue: 42},
+ QML: `Item { Component.onCompleted: console.log("Undefined is", value.incrementInt()); }`,
+ QMLLog: "Undefined is undefined",
+ QMLValue: GoType{IntValue: 43},
+ },
+ {
+ Summary: "Call a Go method with one argument and one result",
+ Value: GoType{StringValue: "<old>"},
+ QML: `Item { Component.onCompleted: console.log("String was", value.changeString("<new>")); }`,
+ QMLLog: "String was <old>",
+ QMLValue: GoType{StringValue: "<new>"},
+ },
+ {
+ Summary: "Call a Go method with multiple results",
+ QML: `
+ Item {
+ Component.onCompleted: {
+ var r = value.mod(42, 4);
+ console.log("mod is", r[0], "and err is", r[1]);
+ }
+ }
+ `,
+ QMLLog: `mod is 2 and err is undefined`,
+ },
+ {
+ Summary: "Call a Go method that returns an error",
+ QML: `
+ Item {
+ Component.onCompleted: {
+ var r = value.mod(0, 0);
+ console.log("err is", r[1].error());
+ }
+ }
+ `,
+ QMLLog: `err is <division by zero>`,
+ },
+ {
+ Summary: "Call a Go method that recurses back into the GUI thread",
+ QML: `
+ Item {
+ Connections {
+ target: value
+ onStringValueChanged: console.log("Notification arrived")
+ }
+ Component.onCompleted: {
+ value.notifyStringChanged()
+ }
+ }
+ `,
+ QMLLog: "Notification arrived",
+ },
+ {
+ Summary: "Connect a QML signal to a Go method",
+ Value: GoType{StringValue: "<old>"},
+ QML: `
+ Item {
+ id: item
+ signal testSignal(string s)
+ Component.onCompleted: {
+ item.testSignal.connect(value.changeString)
+ item.testSignal("<new>")
+ }
+ }
+ `,
+ QMLValue: GoType{StringValue: "<new>"},
+ },
+ {
+ Summary: "Call a QML method with no result or parameters from Go",
+ QML: `Item { function f() { console.log("f was called"); } }`,
+ Done: func(c *TestData) { c.Check(c.root.Call("f"), IsNil) },
+ DoneLog: "f was called",
+ },
+ {
+ Summary: "Call a QML method with result and parameters from Go",
+ QML: `Item { function add(a, b) { return a+b; } }`,
+ Done: func(c *TestData) { c.Check(c.root.Call("add", 1, 2.1), Equals, float64(3.1)) },
+ },
+ {
+ Summary: "Call a QML method with a custom type",
+ Value: GoType{StringValue: "<content>"},
+ QML: `Item { function log(value) { console.log("String is", value.stringValue) } }`,
+ Done: func(c *TestData) { c.root.Call("log", c.value) },
+ DoneLog: "String is <content>",
+ },
+ {
+ Summary: "Call a QML method that returns a QML object",
+ QML: `
+ Item {
+ property var custom: Rectangle { width: 300; }
+ function f() { return custom }
+ }
+ `,
+ Done: func(c *TestData) {
+ c.Check(c.root.Call("f").(qml.Object).Int("width"), Equals, 300)
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ Summary: "Call a QML method that holds a custom type past the return point",
+ QML: `
+ Item {
+ property var held
+ function hold(v) { held = v; gc(); gc(); }
+ function log() { console.log("String is", held.stringValue) }
+ }`,
+ Done: func(c *TestData) {
+ value := GoType{StringValue: "<content>"}
+ stats := qml.Stats()
+ c.root.Call("hold", &value)
+ c.Check(qml.Stats().ValuesAlive, Equals, stats.ValuesAlive+1)
+ c.root.Call("log")
+ c.root.Call("hold", nil)
+ c.Check(qml.Stats().ValuesAlive, Equals, stats.ValuesAlive)
+ },
+ DoneLog: "String is <content>",
+ },
+ {
+ Summary: "Call a non-existent QML method",
+ QML: `Item {}`,
+ Done: func(c *TestData) {
+ c.Check(func() { c.root.Call("add", 1, 2) }, Panics, `object does not expose a method "add"`)
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ Summary: "Ensure URL of provided file is correct by loading a local file",
+ Init: func(c *TestData) {
+ data, err := base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString("R0lGODlhAQABAAAAACH5BAEKAAEALAAAAAABAAEAAAICTAEAOw==")
+ c.Assert(err, IsNil)
+ err = ioutil.WriteFile("test.gif", data, 0644)
+ c.Check(err, IsNil)
+ },
+ QML: `Image { source: "test.gif"; Component.onCompleted: console.log("Ready:", status == Image.Ready) }`,
+ QMLLog: "Ready: true",
+ Done: func(c *TestData) { os.Remove("test.gif") },
+ },
+ {
+ Summary: "Create window with non-window root object",
+ QML: `Rectangle { width: 300; height: 200; function inc(x) { return x+1 } }`,
+ Done: func(c *TestData) {
+ win := c.component.CreateWindow(nil)
+ root := win.Root()
+ c.Check(root.Int("width"), Equals, 300)
+ c.Check(root.Int("height"), Equals, 200)
+ c.Check(root.Call("inc", 42.5), Equals, float64(43.5))
+ root.Destroy()
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ Summary: "Create window with window root object",
+ QML: `
+ import QtQuick.Window 2.0
+ Window { title: "<title>"; width: 300; height: 200 }
+ `,
+ Done: func(c *TestData) {
+ win := c.component.CreateWindow(nil)
+ root := win.Root()
+ c.Check(root.String("title"), Equals, "<title>")
+ c.Check(root.Int("width"), Equals, 300)
+ c.Check(root.Int("height"), Equals, 200)
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ Summary: "Window is object",
+ QML: `Item {}`,
+ Done: func(c *TestData) {
+ win := c.component.CreateWindow(nil)
+ c.Assert(win.Int("status"), Equals, 1) // Ready
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ Summary: "Pass a *Value back into a method",
+ QML: `Rectangle { width: 300; function log(r) { console.log("Width is", r.width) } }`,
+ Done: func(c *TestData) { c.root.Call("log", c.root) },
+ DoneLog: "Width is 300",
+ },
+ {
+ Summary: "Create a QML-defined component in Go",
+ QML: `Item { property var comp: Component { Rectangle { width: 300 } } }`,
+ Done: func(c *TestData) {
+ rect := c.root.Object("comp").Create(nil)
+ c.Check(rect.Int("width"), Equals, 300)
+ c.Check(func() { c.root.Create(nil) }, Panics, "object is not a component")
+ c.Check(func() { c.root.CreateWindow(nil) }, Panics, "object is not a component")
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ Summary: "Call a Qt method that has no result",
+ QML: `Item { Component.onDestruction: console.log("item destroyed") }`,
+ Done: func(c *TestData) {
+ // Create a local instance to avoid double-destroying it.
+ root := c.component.Create(nil)
+ root.Call("deleteLater")
+ time.Sleep(100 * time.Millisecond)
+ },
+ DoneLog: "item destroyed",
+ },
+ {
+ Summary: "Errors connecting to QML signals",
+ QML: `Item { signal doIt() }`,
+ Done: func(c *TestData) {
+ c.Check(func() { c.root.On("missing", func() {}) }, Panics, `object does not expose a "missing" signal`)
+ c.Check(func() { c.root.On("doIt", func(s string) {}) }, Panics, `signal "doIt" has too few parameters for provided function`)
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ Summary: "Connect to a QML signal without parameters",
+ QML: `
+ Item {
+ id: item
+ signal doIt()
+ function emitDoIt() { item.doIt() }
+ }
+ `,
+ Done: func(c *TestData) {
+ itWorks := false
+ c.root.On("doIt", func() { itWorks = true })
+ c.Check(itWorks, Equals, false)
+ c.root.Call("emitDoIt")
+ c.Check(itWorks, Equals, true)
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ Summary: "Connect to a QML signal with a parameters",
+ QML: `
+ Item {
+ id: item
+ signal doIt(string s, int n)
+ function emitDoIt() { item.doIt("<arg>", 123) }
+ }
+ `,
+ Done: func(c *TestData) {
+ var stack []interface{}
+ c.root.On("doIt", func() { stack = append(stack, "A") })
+ c.root.On("doIt", func(s string) { stack = append(stack, "B", s) })
+ c.root.On("doIt", func(s string, i int) { stack = append(stack, "C", s, i) })
+ c.Check(stack, IsNil)
+ c.root.Call("emitDoIt")
+ c.Check(stack, DeepEquals, []interface{}{"A", "B", "<arg>", "C", "<arg>", 123})
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ Summary: "Connect to a QML signal with an object parameter",
+ QML: `import QtWebKit 3.0; WebView{}`,
+ Done: func(c *TestData) {
+ url := "http://localhost:54321/"
+ done := make(chan bool)
+ c.root.On("navigationRequested", func(request qml.Object) {
+ c.Check(request.String("url"), Equals, url)
+ done <- true
+ })
+ c.root.Set("url", url)
+ <-done
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ Summary: "Load image from Go provider",
+ Init: func(c *TestData) {
+ c.engine.AddImageProvider("myprov", func(id string, width, height int) image.Image {
+ return image.NewRGBA(image.Rect(0, 0, 200, 100))
+ })
+ },
+ QML: `
+ Image {
+ source: "image://myprov/myid.png"
+ Component.onCompleted: console.log("Size:", width, height)
+ }
+ `,
+ QMLLog: "Size: 200 100",
+ },
+ {
+ Summary: "TypeName",
+ QML: `Item{}`,
+ Done: func(c *TestData) { c.Assert(c.root.TypeName(), Equals, "QQuickItem") },
+ },
+ {
+ Summary: "Custom Go type with painting",
+ QML: `
+ Rectangle {
+ width: 200; height: 200
+ color: "black"
+ GoRect {
+ width: 100; height: 100; x: 50; y: 50
+ }
+ }
+ `,
+ Done: func(c *TestData) {
+ c.Assert(c.createdRect, HasLen, 0)
+ window := c.component.CreateWindow(nil)
+ defer window.Destroy()
+ window.Show()
+ // Qt doesn't hide the Window if we call it too quickly. :-(
+ time.Sleep(100 * time.Millisecond)
+ c.Assert(c.createdRect, HasLen, 1)
+ c.Assert(c.createdRect[0].PaintCount, Equals, 1)
+ image := window.Snapshot()
+ c.Assert(image.At(25, 25), Equals, color.RGBA{0, 0, 0, 255})
+ c.Assert(image.At(100, 100), Equals, color.RGBA{255, 0, 0, 255})
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ Summary: "Set a property with the wrong type",
+ QML: `
+ import QtQuick.Window 2.0
+ Window { Rectangle { objectName: "rect" } }
+ `,
+ Done: func(c *TestData) {
+ window := c.component.CreateWindow(nil)
+ defer window.Destroy()
+ root := window.Root() // It's the window itself in this case
+ rect := root.ObjectByName("rect")
+ c.Assert(func() { rect.Set("parent", root) }, Panics,
+ `cannot set property "parent" with type QQuickItem* to value of QQuickWindow*`)
+ c.Assert(func() { rect.Set("parent", 42) }, Panics,
+ `cannot set property "parent" with type QQuickItem* to value of int`)
+ c.Assert(func() { rect.Set("non_existent", 0) }, Panics,
+ `cannot set non-existent property "non_existent" on type QQuickRectangle`)
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ Summary: "Register a type converter for a signal parameter",
+ QML: `
+ Item {
+ id: item
+ property Item self
+ signal testSignal(Item obj)
+ function emitSignal() { item.testSignal(item) }
+ function getSelf() { return item }
+ Component.onCompleted: { self = item }
+ }
+ `,
+ Done: func(c *TestData) {
+ type Wrapper struct{ Item qml.Object }
+ qml.RegisterConverter(c.root.TypeName(), func(engine *qml.Engine, item qml.Object) interface{} {
+ return &Wrapper{item}
+ })
+ defer qml.RegisterConverter(c.root.TypeName(), nil)
+ // Check that it works on signal parameters...
+ c.root.On("testSignal", func(wrapped *Wrapper) {
+ c.Check(wrapped.Item.Addr(), Equals, c.root.Addr())
+ c.Logf("Signal has run.")
+ })
+ c.root.Call("emitSignal")
+ // ... on properties ...
+ wrapped, ok := c.root.Property("self").(*Wrapper)
+ if c.Check(ok, Equals, true) {
+ c.Check(wrapped.Item.Addr(), Equals, c.root.Addr())
+ }
+ // ... and on results.
+ wrapped, ok = c.root.Call("getSelf").(*Wrapper)
+ if c.Check(ok, Equals, true) {
+ c.Check(wrapped.Item.Addr(), Equals, c.root.Addr())
+ }
+ // Now unregister and ensure it got disabled.
+ qml.RegisterConverter(c.root.TypeName(), nil)
+ _, ok = c.root.Property("self").(*qml.Common)
+ c.Check(ok, Equals, true)
+ },
+ DoneLog: "Signal has run.",
+ },
+ {
+ Summary: "References handed out must not be GCd (issue #68)",
+ Init: func(c *TestData) {
+ type B struct{ S string }
+ type A struct{ B *B }
+ c.context.SetVar("a", &A{&B{}})
+ },
+ QML: `Item { function f() { var x = [[],[],[]]; gc(); if (!a.b) console.log("BUG"); } }`,
+ Done: func(c *TestData) {
+ for i := 0; i < 100; i++ {
+ c.root.Call("f")
+ }
+ },
+ DoneLog: "!BUG",
+ },
+var tablef = flag.String("tablef", "", "if provided, TestTable only runs tests with a summary matching the regexp")
+func (s *S) TestTable(c *C) {
+ var testData TestData
+ types := []qml.TypeSpec{{
+ Init: func(v *GoType, obj qml.Object) {
+ v.object = obj
+ v.StringValue = "<initial>"
+ testData.createdValue = append(testData.createdValue, v)
+ },
+ }, {
+ Name: "NamedGoType",
+ Init: func(v *GoType, obj qml.Object) {
+ v.object = obj
+ v.StringValue = "<initial>"
+ testData.createdValue = append(testData.createdValue, v)
+ },
+ }, {
+ Name: "GoSingleton",
+ Init: func(v *GoType, obj qml.Object) {
+ v.object = obj
+ v.StringValue = "<initial>"
+ testData.createdSingleton = append(testData.createdSingleton, v)
+ },
+ Singleton: true,
+ }, {
+ Init: func(v *GoRect, obj qml.Object) {
+ testData.createdRect = append(testData.createdRect, v)
+ },
+ }}
+ qml.RegisterTypes("GoTypes", 4, 2, types)
+ filter := regexp.MustCompile("")
+ if tablef != nil {
+ filter = regexp.MustCompile(*tablef)
+ }
+ for i := range tests {
+ s.TearDownTest(c)
+ t := &tests[i]
+ header := fmt.Sprintf("----- Running table test %d: %s -----", i, t.Summary)
+ if !filter.MatchString(header) {
+ continue
+ }
+ c.Log(header)
+ s.SetUpTest(c)
+ value := t.Value
+ s.context.SetVar("value", &value)
+ testData = TestData{
+ C: c,
+ value: &value,
+ engine: s.engine,
+ context: s.context,
+ }
+ if t.Init != nil {
+ t.Init(&testData)
+ if c.Failed() {
+ c.FailNow()
+ }
+ }
+ component, err := s.engine.LoadString("file.qml", "import QtQuick 2.0\nimport GoTypes 4.2\n"+strings.TrimSpace(t.QML))
+ c.Assert(err, IsNil)
+ logMark := c.GetTestLog()
+ // The component instance is destroyed before the loop ends below,
+ // but do a defer to ensure it will be destroyed if the test fails.
+ root := component.Create(nil)
+ defer root.Destroy()
+ testData.component = component
+ testData.root = root
+ if t.QMLLog != "" {
+ logged := c.GetTestLog()[len(logMark):]
+ if t.QMLLog[0] == '!' {
+ c.Check(logged, Not(Matches), "(?s).*"+t.QMLLog[1:]+".*")
+ } else {
+ c.Check(logged, Matches, "(?s).*"+t.QMLLog+".*")
+ }
+ }
+ if !reflect.DeepEqual(t.QMLValue, GoType{}) {
+ c.Check(value.StringValue, Equals, t.QMLValue.StringValue)
+ c.Check(value.StringAddrValue, Equals, t.QMLValue.StringAddrValue)
+ c.Check(value.BoolValue, Equals, t.QMLValue.BoolValue)
+ c.Check(value.IntValue, Equals, t.QMLValue.IntValue)
+ c.Check(value.Int64Value, Equals, t.QMLValue.Int64Value)
+ c.Check(value.Int32Value, Equals, t.QMLValue.Int32Value)
+ c.Check(value.Float64Value, Equals, t.QMLValue.Float64Value)
+ c.Check(value.Float32Value, Equals, t.QMLValue.Float32Value)
+ c.Check(value.AnyValue, Equals, t.QMLValue.AnyValue)
+ c.Check(value.IntsValue, DeepEquals, t.QMLValue.IntsValue)
+ c.Check(value.MapValue, DeepEquals, t.QMLValue.MapValue)
+ }
+ if !c.Failed() {
+ logMark := c.GetTestLog()
+ if t.Done != nil {
+ t.Done(&testData)
+ }
+ if t.DoneLog != "" {
+ logged := c.GetTestLog()[len(logMark):]
+ if t.DoneLog[0] == '!' {
+ c.Check(logged, Not(Matches), "(?s).*"+t.DoneLog[1:]+".*")
+ } else {
+ c.Check(logged, Matches, "(?s).*"+t.DoneLog+".*")
+ }
+ }
+ if !reflect.DeepEqual(t.DoneValue, GoType{}) {
+ c.Check(value.StringValue, Equals, t.DoneValue.StringValue)
+ c.Check(value.StringAddrValue, Equals, t.DoneValue.StringAddrValue)
+ c.Check(value.BoolValue, Equals, t.DoneValue.BoolValue)
+ c.Check(value.IntValue, Equals, t.DoneValue.IntValue)
+ c.Check(value.Int64Value, Equals, t.DoneValue.Int64Value)
+ c.Check(value.Int32Value, Equals, t.DoneValue.Int32Value)
+ c.Check(value.Float64Value, Equals, t.DoneValue.Float64Value)
+ c.Check(value.Float32Value, Equals, t.DoneValue.Float32Value)
+ c.Check(value.AnyValue, Equals, t.DoneValue.AnyValue)
+ c.Check(value.IntsValue, DeepEquals, t.DoneValue.IntsValue)
+ c.Check(value.MapValue, DeepEquals, t.DoneValue.MapValue)
+ }
+ }
+ root.Destroy()
+ if c.Failed() {
+ c.FailNow() // So relevant logs are at the bottom.
+ }
+ }