path: root/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/obscuren/otto/runtime.go
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/obscuren/otto/runtime.go')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 394 deletions
diff --git a/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/obscuren/otto/runtime.go b/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/obscuren/otto/runtime.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 76e51d78c..000000000
--- a/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/obscuren/otto/runtime.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,394 +0,0 @@
-package otto
-import (
- "errors"
- "reflect"
- "github.com/robertkrimen/otto/ast"
- "github.com/robertkrimen/otto/parser"
-type _global struct {
- Object *_object // Object( ... ), new Object( ... ) - 1 (length)
- Function *_object // Function( ... ), new Function( ... ) - 1
- Array *_object // Array( ... ), new Array( ... ) - 1
- String *_object // String( ... ), new String( ... ) - 1
- Boolean *_object // Boolean( ... ), new Boolean( ... ) - 1
- Number *_object // Number( ... ), new Number( ... ) - 1
- Math *_object
- Date *_object // Date( ... ), new Date( ... ) - 7
- RegExp *_object // RegExp( ... ), new RegExp( ... ) - 2
- Error *_object // Error( ... ), new Error( ... ) - 1
- EvalError *_object
- TypeError *_object
- RangeError *_object
- ReferenceError *_object
- SyntaxError *_object
- URIError *_object
- JSON *_object
- ObjectPrototype *_object // Object.prototype
- FunctionPrototype *_object // Function.prototype
- ArrayPrototype *_object // Array.prototype
- StringPrototype *_object // String.prototype
- BooleanPrototype *_object // Boolean.prototype
- NumberPrototype *_object // Number.prototype
- DatePrototype *_object // Date.prototype
- RegExpPrototype *_object // RegExp.prototype
- ErrorPrototype *_object // Error.prototype
- EvalErrorPrototype *_object
- TypeErrorPrototype *_object
- RangeErrorPrototype *_object
- ReferenceErrorPrototype *_object
- SyntaxErrorPrototype *_object
- URIErrorPrototype *_object
-type _runtime struct {
- Stack [](*_executionContext)
- GlobalObject *_object
- GlobalEnvironment *_objectEnvironment
- Global _global
- eval *_object // The builtin eval, for determine indirect versus direct invocation
- Otto *Otto
- labels []string // FIXME
-func (self *_runtime) EnterGlobalExecutionContext() {
- self.EnterExecutionContext(newExecutionContext(self.GlobalEnvironment, self.GlobalEnvironment, self.GlobalObject))
-func (self *_runtime) EnterExecutionContext(scope *_executionContext) {
- self.Stack = append(self.Stack, scope)
-func (self *_runtime) LeaveExecutionContext() {
- self.Stack = self.Stack[:len(self.Stack)-1]
-func (self *_runtime) _executionContext(depth int) *_executionContext {
- if depth == 0 {
- return self.Stack[len(self.Stack)-1]
- }
- if len(self.Stack)-1+depth >= 0 {
- return self.Stack[len(self.Stack)-1+depth]
- }
- return nil
-func (self *_runtime) EnterFunctionExecutionContext(function *_object, this Value) *_functionEnvironment {
- scopeEnvironment := function.functionValue().call.ScopeEnvironment()
- if scopeEnvironment == nil {
- scopeEnvironment = self.GlobalEnvironment
- }
- environment := self.newFunctionEnvironment(scopeEnvironment)
- var thisObject *_object
- switch this._valueType {
- case valueUndefined, valueNull:
- thisObject = self.GlobalObject
- default:
- thisObject = self.toObject(this)
- }
- self.EnterExecutionContext(newExecutionContext(environment, environment, thisObject))
- return environment
-func (self *_runtime) EnterEvalExecutionContext(call FunctionCall) {
- // Skip the current function lexical/variable environment, which is of the function execution context call
- // to eval (the global execution context). Instead, execute in the context of where the eval was called,
- // which is essentially dynamic scoping
- parent := self._executionContext(-1)
- new := newExecutionContext(parent.LexicalEnvironment, parent.VariableEnvironment, parent.this)
- // FIXME Make passing through of self.GlobalObject more general? Whenever newExecutionContext is passed a nil object?
- new.eval = true
- self.EnterExecutionContext(new)
-func (self *_runtime) GetValue(value Value) Value {
- if value.isReference() {
- return value.reference().GetValue()
- }
- return value
-func (self *_runtime) PutValue(reference _reference, value Value) {
- if !reference.PutValue(value) {
- // Why? -- If reference.Base == nil
- strict := false
- self.GlobalObject.defineProperty(reference.GetName(), value, 0111, strict)
- }
-func (self *_runtime) Call(function *_object, this Value, argumentList []Value, evalHint bool) Value {
- // Pass eval boolean through to EnterFunctionExecutionContext for further testing
- _functionEnvironment := self.EnterFunctionExecutionContext(function, this)
- defer func() {
- self.LeaveExecutionContext()
- }()
- if evalHint {
- evalHint = function == self.eval // If evalHint is true, then it IS a direct eval
- }
- callValue := function.functionValue().call.Dispatch(function, _functionEnvironment, self, this, argumentList, evalHint)
- if value, valid := callValue.value.(_result); valid {
- return value.value
- }
- return callValue
-func (self *_runtime) tryCatchEvaluate(inner func() Value) (tryValue Value, exception bool) {
- // resultValue = The value of the block (e.g. the last statement)
- // throw = Something was thrown
- // throwValue = The value of what was thrown
- // other = Something that changes flow (return, break, continue) that is not a throw
- // Otherwise, some sort of unknown panic happened, we'll just propagate it
- defer func() {
- if caught := recover(); caught != nil {
- if exception, ok := caught.(*_exception); ok {
- caught = exception.eject()
- }
- switch caught := caught.(type) {
- case _error:
- exception = true
- tryValue = toValue_object(self.newError(caught.Name, caught.MessageValue()))
- //case *_syntaxError:
- // exception = true
- // tryValue = toValue_object(self.newError("SyntaxError", toValue_string(caught.Message)))
- case Value:
- exception = true
- tryValue = caught
- default:
- panic(caught)
- }
- }
- }()
- tryValue = inner()
- return
-// _executionContext Proxy
-func (self *_runtime) localGet(name string) Value {
- return self._executionContext(0).getValue(name)
-func (self *_runtime) localSet(name string, value Value) {
- self._executionContext(0).setValue(name, value, false)
-func (self *_runtime) VariableEnvironment() _environment {
- return self._executionContext(0).VariableEnvironment
-func (self *_runtime) LexicalEnvironment() _environment {
- return self._executionContext(0).LexicalEnvironment
-// toObject
-func (self *_runtime) toObject(value Value) *_object {
- switch value._valueType {
- case valueEmpty, valueUndefined, valueNull:
- panic(newTypeError())
- case valueBoolean:
- return self.newBoolean(value)
- case valueString:
- return self.newString(value)
- case valueNumber:
- return self.newNumber(value)
- case valueObject:
- return value._object()
- }
- panic(newTypeError())
-func (self *_runtime) objectCoerce(value Value) (*_object, error) {
- switch value._valueType {
- case valueUndefined:
- return nil, errors.New("undefined")
- case valueNull:
- return nil, errors.New("null")
- case valueBoolean:
- return self.newBoolean(value), nil
- case valueString:
- return self.newString(value), nil
- case valueNumber:
- return self.newNumber(value), nil
- case valueObject:
- return value._object(), nil
- }
- panic(newTypeError())
-func checkObjectCoercible(value Value) {
- isObject, mustCoerce := testObjectCoercible(value)
- if !isObject && !mustCoerce {
- panic(newTypeError())
- }
-// testObjectCoercible
-func testObjectCoercible(value Value) (isObject bool, mustCoerce bool) {
- switch value._valueType {
- case valueReference, valueEmpty, valueNull, valueUndefined:
- return false, false
- case valueNumber, valueString, valueBoolean:
- isObject = false
- mustCoerce = true
- case valueObject:
- isObject = true
- mustCoerce = false
- }
- return
-func (self *_runtime) ToValue(value interface{}) (Value, error) {
- result := UndefinedValue()
- err := catchPanic(func() {
- result = self.toValue(value)
- })
- return result, err
-func (self *_runtime) toValue(value interface{}) Value {
- switch value := value.(type) {
- case Value:
- return value
- case func(FunctionCall) Value:
- return toValue_object(self.newNativeFunction("", value))
- case _nativeFunction:
- return toValue_object(self.newNativeFunction("", value))
- case Object, *Object, _object, *_object:
- // Nothing happens.
- // FIXME
- default:
- {
- value := reflect.ValueOf(value)
- switch value.Kind() {
- case reflect.Ptr:
- switch reflect.Indirect(value).Kind() {
- case reflect.Struct:
- return toValue_object(self.newGoStructObject(value))
- case reflect.Array:
- return toValue_object(self.newGoArray(value))
- }
- case reflect.Func:
- return toValue_object(self.newNativeFunction("", func(call FunctionCall) Value {
- args := make([]reflect.Value, len(call.ArgumentList))
- for i, a := range call.ArgumentList {
- args[i] = reflect.ValueOf(a.export())
- }
- retvals := value.Call(args)
- if len(retvals) > 1 {
- panic(newTypeError())
- } else if len(retvals) == 1 {
- return toValue(retvals[0].Interface())
- }
- return UndefinedValue()
- }))
- case reflect.Struct:
- return toValue_object(self.newGoStructObject(value))
- case reflect.Map:
- return toValue_object(self.newGoMapObject(value))
- case reflect.Slice:
- return toValue_object(self.newGoSlice(value))
- case reflect.Array:
- return toValue_object(self.newGoArray(value))
- }
- }
- }
- return toValue(value)
-func (runtime *_runtime) newGoSlice(value reflect.Value) *_object {
- self := runtime.newGoSliceObject(value)
- self.prototype = runtime.Global.ArrayPrototype
- return self
-func (runtime *_runtime) newGoArray(value reflect.Value) *_object {
- self := runtime.newGoArrayObject(value)
- self.prototype = runtime.Global.ArrayPrototype
- return self
-func (runtime *_runtime) parse(filename string, src interface{}) (*ast.Program, error) {
- return parser.ParseFile(nil, filename, src, 0)
-func (runtime *_runtime) cmpl_parse(filename string, src interface{}) (*_nodeProgram, error) {
- program, err := parser.ParseFile(nil, filename, src, 0)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- return cmpl_parse(program), nil
-func (self *_runtime) parseSource(src interface{}) (*_nodeProgram, *ast.Program, error) {
- switch src := src.(type) {
- case *ast.Program:
- return nil, src, nil
- case *Script:
- return src.program, nil, nil
- }
- program, err := self.parse("", src)
- return nil, program, err
-func (self *_runtime) cmpl_run(src interface{}) (Value, error) {
- result := UndefinedValue()
- cmpl_program, program, err := self.parseSource(src)
- if err != nil {
- return result, err
- }
- if cmpl_program == nil {
- cmpl_program = cmpl_parse(program)
- }
- err = catchPanic(func() {
- result = self.cmpl_evaluate_nodeProgram(cmpl_program)
- })
- switch result._valueType {
- case valueEmpty:
- result = UndefinedValue()
- case valueReference:
- result = self.GetValue(result)
- }
- return result, err
-func (self *_runtime) parseThrow(err error) {
- if err == nil {
- return
- }
- switch err := err.(type) {
- case parser.ErrorList:
- {
- err := err[0]
- if err.Message == "Invalid left-hand side in assignment" {
- panic(newReferenceError(err.Message))
- }
- panic(newSyntaxError(err.Message))
- }
- }
- panic(newSyntaxError(err.Error()))
-func (self *_runtime) parseOrThrow(source string) *ast.Program {
- program, err := self.parse("", source)
- self.parseThrow(err) // Will panic/throw appropriately
- return program
-func (self *_runtime) cmpl_parseOrThrow(source string) *_nodeProgram {
- program, err := self.cmpl_parse("", source)
- self.parseThrow(err) // Will panic/throw appropriately
- return program