path: root/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/obscuren/otto/otto_test.go
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/obscuren/otto/otto_test.go')
1 files changed, 1331 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/obscuren/otto/otto_test.go b/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/obscuren/otto/otto_test.go
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..bacdda724
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/obscuren/otto/otto_test.go
@@ -0,0 +1,1331 @@
+package otto
+import (
+ "bytes"
+ "io"
+ "testing"
+ "github.com/robertkrimen/otto/parser"
+func TestOtto(t *testing.T) {
+ tt(t, func() {
+ test, _ := test()
+ test("xyzzy = 2", 2)
+ test("xyzzy + 2", 4)
+ test("xyzzy += 16", 18)
+ test("xyzzy", 18)
+ test(`
+ (function(){
+ return 1
+ })()
+ `, 1)
+ test(`
+ (function(){
+ return 1
+ }).call(this)
+ `, 1)
+ test(`
+ (function(){
+ var result
+ (function(){
+ result = -1
+ })()
+ return result
+ })()
+ `, -1)
+ test(`
+ var abc = 1
+ abc || (abc = -1)
+ abc
+ `, 1)
+ test(`
+ var abc = (function(){ 1 === 1 })();
+ abc;
+ `, "undefined")
+ })
+func TestFunction__(t *testing.T) {
+ tt(t, func() {
+ test, _ := test()
+ test(`
+ function abc() {
+ return 1;
+ };
+ abc();
+ `, 1)
+ })
+func TestIf(t *testing.T) {
+ tt(t, func() {
+ test, _ := test()
+ test(`
+ abc = undefined;
+ def = undefined;
+ if (true) abc = 1
+ else abc = 2;
+ if (false) {
+ def = 3;
+ }
+ else def = 4;
+ [ abc, def ];
+ `, "1,4")
+ test(`
+ if (1) {
+ abc = 1;
+ }
+ else {
+ abc = 0;
+ }
+ abc;
+ `, 1)
+ test(`
+ if (0) {
+ abc = 1;
+ }
+ else {
+ abc = 0;
+ }
+ abc;
+ `, 0)
+ test(`
+ abc = 0;
+ if (0) {
+ abc = 1;
+ }
+ abc;
+ `, 0)
+ test(`
+ abc = 0;
+ if (abc) {
+ abc = 1;
+ }
+ abc;
+ `, 0)
+ })
+func TestSequence(t *testing.T) {
+ tt(t, func() {
+ test, _ := test()
+ test(`
+ 1, 2, 3;
+ `, 3)
+ })
+func TestCall(t *testing.T) {
+ tt(t, func() {
+ test, _ := test()
+ test(`
+ Math.pow(3, 2);
+ `, 9)
+ })
+func TestMember(t *testing.T) {
+ tt(t, func() {
+ test, _ := test()
+ test(`
+ abc = [ 0, 1, 2 ];
+ def = {
+ "abc": 0,
+ "def": 1,
+ "ghi": 2,
+ };
+ [ abc[2], def.abc, abc[1], def.def ];
+ `, "2,0,1,1")
+ })
+func Test_this(t *testing.T) {
+ tt(t, func() {
+ test, _ := test()
+ test(`
+ typeof this;
+ `, "object")
+ })
+func TestWhile(t *testing.T) {
+ tt(t, func() {
+ test, _ := test()
+ test(`
+ limit = 4
+ abc = 0
+ while (limit) {
+ abc = abc + 1
+ limit = limit - 1
+ }
+ abc;
+ `, 4)
+ })
+func TestSwitch_break(t *testing.T) {
+ tt(t, func() {
+ test, _ := test()
+ test(`
+ var abc = true;
+ var ghi = "Xyzzy";
+ while (abc) {
+ switch ('def') {
+ case 'def':
+ break;
+ }
+ ghi = "Nothing happens.";
+ abc = false;
+ }
+ ghi;
+ `, "Nothing happens.")
+ test(`
+ var abc = true;
+ var ghi = "Xyzzy";
+ while (abc) {
+ switch ('def') {
+ case 'def':
+ break WHILE;
+ }
+ ghi = "Nothing happens."
+ abc = false
+ }
+ ghi;
+ `, "Xyzzy")
+ test(`
+ var ghi = "Xyzzy";
+ FOR:
+ for (;;) {
+ switch ('def') {
+ case 'def':
+ break FOR;
+ ghi = "";
+ }
+ ghi = "Nothing happens.";
+ }
+ ghi;
+ `, "Xyzzy")
+ test(`
+ var ghi = "Xyzzy";
+ FOR:
+ for (var jkl in {}) {
+ switch ('def') {
+ case 'def':
+ break FOR;
+ ghi = "Something happens.";
+ }
+ ghi = "Nothing happens.";
+ }
+ ghi;
+ `, "Xyzzy")
+ test(`
+ var ghi = "Xyzzy";
+ function jkl() {
+ switch ('def') {
+ case 'def':
+ break;
+ ghi = "";
+ }
+ ghi = "Nothing happens.";
+ }
+ while (abc) {
+ jkl();
+ abc = false;
+ ghi = "Something happens.";
+ }
+ ghi;
+ `, "Something happens.")
+ })
+func TestTryFinally(t *testing.T) {
+ tt(t, func() {
+ test, _ := test()
+ test(`
+ var abc;
+ try {
+ abc = 1;
+ }
+ finally {
+ abc = 2;
+ }
+ abc;
+ `, 2)
+ test(`
+ var abc = false, def = 0;
+ do {
+ def += 1;
+ if (def > 100) {
+ break;
+ }
+ try {
+ continue;
+ }
+ finally {
+ abc = true;
+ }
+ }
+ while(!abc && def < 10)
+ def;
+ `, 1)
+ test(`
+ var abc = false, def = 0, ghi = 0;
+ do {
+ def += 1;
+ if (def > 100) {
+ break;
+ }
+ try {
+ throw 0;
+ }
+ catch (jkl) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ finally {
+ abc = true;
+ ghi = 11;
+ }
+ ghi -= 1;
+ }
+ while(!abc && def < 10)
+ ghi;
+ `, 11)
+ test(`
+ var abc = 0, def = 0;
+ do {
+ try {
+ abc += 1;
+ throw "ghi";
+ }
+ finally {
+ def = 1;
+ continue;
+ }
+ def -= 1;
+ }
+ while (abc < 2)
+ [ abc, def ];
+ `, "2,1")
+ })
+func TestTryCatch(t *testing.T) {
+ tt(t, func() {
+ test, _ := test()
+ test(`
+ var abc = 1;
+ try {
+ throw 4;
+ abc = -1;
+ }
+ catch (xyzzy) {
+ abc += xyzzy + 1;
+ }
+ abc;
+ `, 6)
+ test(`
+ abc = 1;
+ var def;
+ try {
+ try {
+ throw 4;
+ abc = -1;
+ }
+ catch (xyzzy) {
+ abc += xyzzy + 1;
+ throw 64;
+ }
+ }
+ catch (xyzzy) {
+ def = xyzzy;
+ abc = -2;
+ }
+ [ def, abc ];
+ `, "64,-2")
+ })
+func TestWith(t *testing.T) {
+ tt(t, func() {
+ test, _ := test()
+ test(`
+ var def;
+ with({ abc: 9 }) {
+ def = abc;
+ }
+ def;
+ `, 9)
+ test(`
+ var def;
+ with({ abc: function(){
+ return 11;
+ } }) {
+ def = abc();
+ }
+ def;
+ `, 11)
+ })
+func TestSwitch(t *testing.T) {
+ tt(t, func() {
+ test, _ := test()
+ test(`
+ var abc = 0;
+ switch (0) {
+ default:
+ abc += 1;
+ case 1:
+ abc += 2;
+ case 2:
+ abc += 4;
+ case 3:
+ abc += 8;
+ }
+ abc;
+ `, 15)
+ test(`
+ abc = 0;
+ switch (3) {
+ default:
+ abc += 1;
+ case 1:
+ abc += 2;
+ case 2:
+ abc += 4;
+ case 3:
+ abc += 8;
+ }
+ abc;
+ `, 8)
+ test(`
+ abc = 0;
+ switch (60) {
+ case 1:
+ abc += 2;
+ case 2:
+ abc += 4;
+ case 3:
+ abc += 8;
+ }
+ abc;
+ `, 0)
+ })
+func TestForIn(t *testing.T) {
+ tt(t, func() {
+ test, _ := test()
+ test(`
+ var abc;
+ for (property in { a: 1 }) {
+ abc = property;
+ }
+ abc;
+ `, "a")
+ test(`
+ var ghi;
+ for (property in new String("xyzzy")) {
+ ghi = property;
+ }
+ ghi;
+ `, "4")
+ })
+func TestFor(t *testing.T) {
+ tt(t, func() {
+ test, _ := test()
+ test(`
+ var abc = 7;
+ for (i = 0; i < 3; i += 1) {
+ abc += 1;
+ }
+ abc;
+ `, 10)
+ test(`
+ abc = 7;
+ for (i = 0; i < 3; i += 1) {
+ abc += 1;
+ if (i == 1) {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ abc;
+ `, 9)
+ test(`
+ abc = 7;
+ for (i = 0; i < 3; i += 1) {
+ if (i == 2) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ abc += 1;
+ }
+ abc;
+ `, 9)
+ test(`
+ abc = 0;
+ for (;;) {
+ abc += 1;
+ if (abc == 3)
+ break;
+ }
+ abc;
+ `, 3)
+ test(`
+ for (abc = 0; ;) {
+ abc += 1;
+ if (abc == 3)
+ break;
+ }
+ abc;
+ `, 3)
+ test(`
+ for (abc = 0; ; abc += 1) {
+ abc += 1;
+ if (abc == 3)
+ break;
+ }
+ abc;
+ `, 3)
+ })
+func TestLabelled(t *testing.T) {
+ tt(t, func() {
+ test, _ := test()
+ // TODO Add emergency break
+ test(`
+ xyzzy: for (var abc = 0; abc <= 0; abc++) {
+ for (var def = 0; def <= 1; def++) {
+ if (def === 0) {
+ continue xyzzy;
+ } else {
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ `)
+ test(`
+ abc = 0
+ def:
+ while (true) {
+ while (true) {
+ abc = abc + 1
+ if (abc > 11) {
+ break def;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ abc;
+ `, 12)
+ test(`
+ abc = 0
+ def:
+ do {
+ do {
+ abc = abc + 1
+ if (abc > 11) {
+ break def;
+ }
+ } while (true)
+ } while (true)
+ abc;
+ `, 12)
+ })
+func TestConditional(t *testing.T) {
+ tt(t, func() {
+ test, _ := test()
+ test(`
+ [ true ? false : true, true ? 1 : 0, false ? 3.14159 : "abc" ];
+ `, "false,1,abc")
+ })
+func TestArrayLiteral(t *testing.T) {
+ tt(t, func() {
+ test, _ := test()
+ test(`
+ [ 1, , 3.14159 ];
+ `, "1,,3.14159")
+ })
+func TestAssignment(t *testing.T) {
+ tt(t, func() {
+ test, _ := test()
+ test(`
+ var abc = 1;
+ abc;
+ `, 1)
+ test(`
+ abc += 2;
+ abc;
+ `, 3)
+ })
+func TestBinaryOperation(t *testing.T) {
+ tt(t, func() {
+ test, _ := test()
+ test(`0 == 1`, false)
+ test(`1 == "1"`, true)
+ test(`0 === 1`, false)
+ test(`1 === "1"`, false)
+ test(`"1" === "1"`, true)
+ })
+func Test_typeof(t *testing.T) {
+ tt(t, func() {
+ test, _ := test()
+ test(`typeof abc`, "undefined")
+ test(`typeof abc === 'undefined'`, true)
+ test(`typeof {}`, "object")
+ test(`typeof null`, "object")
+ })
+func Test_PrimitiveValueObjectValue(t *testing.T) {
+ tt(t, func() {
+ test, _ := test()
+ Number11 := test(`new Number(11)`)
+ is(toFloat(Number11), 11)
+ })
+func Test_eval(t *testing.T) {
+ tt(t, func() {
+ test, _ := test()
+ // FIXME terst, Is this correct?
+ test(`
+ var abc = 1;
+ `, "undefined")
+ test(`
+ eval("abc += 1");
+ `, 2)
+ test(`
+ (function(){
+ var abc = 11;
+ eval("abc += 1");
+ return abc;
+ })();
+ `, 12)
+ test(`abc`, 2)
+ test(`
+ (function(){
+ try {
+ eval("var prop = \\u2029;");
+ return false;
+ } catch (abc) {
+ return [ abc instanceof SyntaxError, abc.toString() ];
+ }
+ })();
+ `, "true,SyntaxError: Unexpected token ILLEGAL")
+ test(`
+ function abc(){
+ this.THIS = eval("this");
+ }
+ var def = new abc();
+ def === def.THIS;
+ `, true)
+ })
+func Test_evalDirectIndirect(t *testing.T) {
+ tt(t, func() {
+ test, _ := test()
+ test(`
+ var abc = "global";
+ (function(){
+ try {
+ var _eval = eval;
+ var abc = "function";
+ if (
+ _eval("\'global\' === abc") === true && // eval (Indirect)
+ eval("\'function\' === abc") === true // eval (Direct)
+ ) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ } finally {
+ delete this.abc;
+ }
+ })()
+ `, true)
+ })
+func TestError_URIError(t *testing.T) {
+ tt(t, func() {
+ test, _ := test()
+ test(`new URIError() instanceof URIError`, true)
+ test(`
+ var abc
+ try {
+ decodeURI("http://example.com/ _^#%")
+ }
+ catch (def) {
+ abc = def instanceof URIError
+ }
+ abc
+ `, true)
+ })
+func TestTo(t *testing.T) {
+ tt(t, func() {
+ test, _ := test()
+ {
+ value, _ := test(`"11"`).ToFloat()
+ is(value, float64(11))
+ }
+ {
+ value, _ := test(`"11"`).ToInteger()
+ is(value, int64(11))
+ value, _ = test(`1.1`).ToInteger()
+ is(value, int64(1))
+ }
+ })
+func TestShouldError(t *testing.T) {
+ tt(t, func() {
+ test, _ := test()
+ test(`raise:
+ xyzzy
+ throw new TypeError("Nothing happens.")
+ `, "ReferenceError: xyzzy is not defined")
+ })
+func TestAPI(t *testing.T) {
+ tt(t, func() {
+ test, vm := test()
+ test(`
+ String.prototype.xyzzy = function(){
+ return this.length + 11 + (arguments[0] || 0)
+ }
+ abc = new String("xyzzy")
+ def = "Nothing happens."
+ abc.xyzzy()
+ `, 16)
+ abc, _ := vm.Get("abc")
+ def, _ := vm.Get("def")
+ object := abc.Object()
+ result, _ := object.Call("xyzzy")
+ is(result, 16)
+ result, _ = object.Call("xyzzy", 1)
+ is(result, 17)
+ value, _ := object.Get("xyzzy")
+ result, _ = value.Call(def)
+ is(result, 27)
+ result, _ = value.Call(def, 3)
+ is(result, 30)
+ object = value.Object() // Object xyzzy
+ result, _ = object.Value().Call(def, 3)
+ is(result, 30)
+ test(`
+ abc = {
+ 'abc': 1,
+ 'def': false,
+ 3.14159: NaN,
+ };
+ abc['abc'];
+ `, 1)
+ abc, err := vm.Get("abc")
+ is(err, nil)
+ object = abc.Object() // Object abc
+ value, err = object.Get("abc")
+ is(err, nil)
+ is(value, 1)
+ is(object.Keys(), []string{"abc", "def", "3.14159"})
+ test(`
+ abc = [ 0, 1, 2, 3.14159, "abc", , ];
+ abc.def = true;
+ `)
+ abc, err = vm.Get("abc")
+ is(err, nil)
+ object = abc.Object() // Object abc
+ is(object.Keys(), []string{"0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "def"})
+ })
+func TestUnicode(t *testing.T) {
+ tt(t, func() {
+ test, _ := test()
+ test(`var abc = eval("\"a\uFFFFa\"");`, "undefined")
+ test(`abc.length`, 3)
+ test(`abc != "aa"`, true)
+ test("abc[1] === \"\uFFFF\"", true)
+ })
+func TestDotMember(t *testing.T) {
+ tt(t, func() {
+ test, _ := test()
+ test(`
+ abc = {
+ ghi: 11,
+ }
+ abc.def = "Xyzzy"
+ abc.null = "Nothing happens."
+ `)
+ test(`abc.def`, "Xyzzy")
+ test(`abc.null`, "Nothing happens.")
+ test(`abc.ghi`, 11)
+ test(`
+ abc = {
+ null: 11,
+ }
+ `)
+ test(`abc.def`, "undefined")
+ test(`abc.null`, 11)
+ test(`abc.ghi`, "undefined")
+ })
+func Test_stringToFloat(t *testing.T) {
+ tt(t, func() {
+ is(stringToFloat("10e10000"), _Infinity)
+ is(stringToFloat("10e10_."), _NaN)
+ })
+func Test_delete(t *testing.T) {
+ tt(t, func() {
+ test, _ := test()
+ test(`
+ delete 42;
+ `, true)
+ test(`
+ var abc = delete $_undefined_$;
+ abc = abc && delete ($_undefined_$);
+ abc;
+ `, true)
+ // delete should not trigger get()
+ test(`
+ var abc = {
+ get def() {
+ throw "Test_delete: delete should not trigger get()"
+ }
+ };
+ delete abc.def
+ `, true)
+ })
+func TestObject_defineOwnProperty(t *testing.T) {
+ tt(t, func() {
+ test, _ := test()
+ test(`
+ var object = {};
+ var descriptor = new Boolean(false);
+ descriptor.configurable = true;
+ Object.defineProperties(object, {
+ property: descriptor
+ });
+ var abc = object.hasOwnProperty("property");
+ delete object.property;
+ var def = object.hasOwnProperty("property");
+ [ abc, def ];
+ `, "true,false")
+ test(`
+ var object = [0, 1, 2];
+ Object.defineProperty(object, "0", {
+ value: 42,
+ writable: false,
+ enumerable: false,
+ configurable: false
+ });
+ var abc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(object, "0");
+ [ abc.value, abc.writable, abc.enumerable, abc.configurable ];
+ `, "42,false,false,false")
+ test(`
+ var abc = { "xyzzy": 42 };
+ var def = Object.defineProperties(abc, "");
+ abc === def;
+ `, true)
+ })
+func Test_assignmentEvaluationOrder(t *testing.T) {
+ tt(t, func() {
+ test, _ := test()
+ test(`
+ var abc = 0;
+ ((abc = 1) & abc);
+ `, 1)
+ test(`
+ var abc = 0;
+ (abc & (abc = 1));
+ `, 0)
+ })
+func TestOttoCall(t *testing.T) {
+ tt(t, func() {
+ vm := New()
+ _, err := vm.Run(`
+ var abc = {
+ ghi: 1,
+ def: function(def){
+ var ghi = 0;
+ if (this.ghi) {
+ ghi = this.ghi;
+ }
+ return "def: " + (def + 3.14159 + ghi);
+ }
+ };
+ `)
+ is(err, nil)
+ value, err := vm.Call(`abc.def`, nil, 2)
+ is(err, nil)
+ is(value, "def: 6.14159")
+ value, err = vm.Call(`abc.def`, "", 2)
+ is(err, nil)
+ is(value, "def: 5.14159")
+ // Do not attempt to do a ToValue on a this of nil
+ value, err = vm.Call(`jkl.def`, nil, 1, 2, 3)
+ is(err, "!=", nil)
+ is(value, "undefined")
+ value, err = vm.Call(`[ 1, 2, 3, undefined, 4 ].concat`, nil, 5, 6, 7, "abc")
+ is(err, nil)
+ is(value, "1,2,3,,4,5,6,7,abc")
+ })
+func TestOttoCall_new(t *testing.T) {
+ tt(t, func() {
+ test, vm := test()
+ vm.Set("abc", func(call FunctionCall) Value {
+ value, err := call.Otto.Call(`new Object`, nil, "Nothing happens.")
+ is(err, nil)
+ return value
+ })
+ test(`
+ def = abc();
+ [ def, def instanceof String ];
+ `, "Nothing happens.,true")
+ })
+func TestOttoCall_throw(t *testing.T) {
+ // FIXME? (Been broken for a while)
+ // Looks like this has been broken for a while... what
+ // behavior do we want here?
+ return
+ tt(t, func() {
+ test, vm := test()
+ vm.Set("abc", func(call FunctionCall) Value {
+ if false {
+ call.Otto.Call(`throw eval`, nil, "({ def: 3.14159 })")
+ }
+ call.Otto.Call(`throw Error`, nil, "abcdef")
+ return UndefinedValue()
+ })
+ // TODO try { abc(); } catch (err) { error = err }
+ // Possible unrelated error case:
+ // If error is not declared beforehand, is later referencing it a ReferenceError?
+ // Should the catch { } declare error in the outer scope?
+ test(`
+ var error;
+ try {
+ abc();
+ }
+ catch (err) {
+ error = err;
+ }
+ [ error instanceof Error, error.message, error.def ];
+ `, "true,abcdef,")
+ vm.Set("def", func(call FunctionCall) Value {
+ call.Otto.Call(`throw new Object`, nil, 3.14159)
+ return UndefinedValue()
+ })
+ test(`
+ try {
+ def();
+ }
+ catch (err) {
+ error = err;
+ }
+ [ error instanceof Error, error.message, error.def, typeof error, error, error instanceof Number ];
+ `, "false,,,object,3.14159,true")
+ })
+func TestOttoCopy(t *testing.T) {
+ tt(t, func() {
+ vm0 := New()
+ vm0.Run(`
+ var abc = function() {
+ return "Xyzzy";
+ };
+ function def() {
+ return abc() + (0 + {});
+ }
+ `)
+ value, err := vm0.Run(`
+ def();
+ `)
+ is(err, nil)
+ is(value, "Xyzzy0[object Object]")
+ vm1 := vm0.Copy()
+ value, err = vm1.Run(`
+ def();
+ `)
+ is(err, nil)
+ is(value, "Xyzzy0[object Object]")
+ vm1.Run(`
+ abc = function() {
+ return 3.14159;
+ };
+ `)
+ value, err = vm1.Run(`
+ def();
+ `)
+ is(err, nil)
+ is(value, "3.141590[object Object]")
+ value, err = vm0.Run(`
+ def();
+ `)
+ is(err, nil)
+ is(value, "Xyzzy0[object Object]")
+ })
+func TestOttoCall_clone(t *testing.T) {
+ tt(t, func() {
+ vm := New().clone()
+ rt := vm.runtime
+ {
+ // FIXME terst, Check how this comparison is done
+ is(rt.Global.Array.prototype, rt.Global.FunctionPrototype)
+ is(rt.Global.ArrayPrototype, "!=", nil)
+ is(rt.Global.Array.runtime, rt)
+ is(rt.Global.Array.prototype.runtime, rt)
+ is(rt.Global.Array.get("prototype")._object().runtime, rt)
+ }
+ {
+ value, err := vm.Run(`[ 1, 2, 3 ].toString()`)
+ is(err, nil)
+ is(value, "1,2,3")
+ }
+ {
+ value, err := vm.Run(`[ 1, 2, 3 ]`)
+ is(err, nil)
+ is(value, "1,2,3")
+ object := value._object()
+ is(object, "!=", nil)
+ is(object.prototype, rt.Global.ArrayPrototype)
+ value, err = vm.Run(`Array.prototype`)
+ is(err, nil)
+ object = value._object()
+ is(object.runtime, rt)
+ is(object, "!=", nil)
+ is(object, rt.Global.ArrayPrototype)
+ }
+ {
+ otto1 := New()
+ _, err := otto1.Run(`
+ var abc = 1;
+ var def = 2;
+ `)
+ is(err, nil)
+ otto2 := otto1.clone()
+ value, err := otto2.Run(`abc += 1; abc;`)
+ is(err, nil)
+ is(value, 2)
+ value, err = otto1.Run(`abc += 4; abc;`)
+ is(err, nil)
+ is(value, 5)
+ }
+ {
+ vm1 := New()
+ _, err := vm1.Run(`
+ var abc = 1;
+ var def = function(value) {
+ abc += value;
+ return abc;
+ }
+ `)
+ is(err, nil)
+ vm2 := vm1.clone()
+ value, err := vm2.Run(`def(1)`)
+ is(err, nil)
+ is(value, 2)
+ value, err = vm1.Run(`def(4)`)
+ is(err, nil)
+ is(value, 5)
+ }
+ {
+ vm1 := New()
+ _, err := vm1.Run(`
+ var abc = {
+ ghi: 1,
+ jkl: function(value) {
+ this.ghi += value;
+ return this.ghi;
+ }
+ };
+ var def = {
+ abc: abc
+ };
+ `)
+ is(err, nil)
+ otto2 := vm1.clone()
+ value, err := otto2.Run(`def.abc.jkl(1)`)
+ is(err, nil)
+ is(value, 2)
+ value, err = vm1.Run(`def.abc.jkl(4)`)
+ is(err, nil)
+ is(value, 5)
+ }
+ {
+ vm1 := New()
+ _, err := vm1.Run(`
+ var abc = function() { return "abc"; };
+ var def = function() { return "def"; };
+ `)
+ is(err, nil)
+ vm2 := vm1.clone()
+ value, err := vm2.Run(`
+ [ abc.toString(), def.toString() ];
+ `)
+ is(value, `function() { return "abc"; },function() { return "def"; }`)
+ _, err = vm2.Run(`
+ var def = function() { return "ghi"; };
+ `)
+ is(err, nil)
+ value, err = vm1.Run(`
+ [ abc.toString(), def.toString() ];
+ `)
+ is(value, `function() { return "abc"; },function() { return "def"; }`)
+ value, err = vm2.Run(`
+ [ abc.toString(), def.toString() ];
+ `)
+ is(value, `function() { return "abc"; },function() { return "ghi"; }`)
+ }
+ })
+func TestOttoRun(t *testing.T) {
+ tt(t, func() {
+ vm := New()
+ program, err := parser.ParseFile(nil, "", "", 0)
+ is(err, nil)
+ value, err := vm.Run(program)
+ is(err, nil)
+ is(value, UndefinedValue())
+ program, err = parser.ParseFile(nil, "", "2 + 2", 0)
+ is(err, nil)
+ value, err = vm.Run(program)
+ is(err, nil)
+ is(value, 4)
+ value, err = vm.Run(program)
+ is(err, nil)
+ is(value, 4)
+ program, err = parser.ParseFile(nil, "", "var abc; if (!abc) abc = 0; abc += 2; abc;", 0)
+ value, err = vm.Run(program)
+ is(err, nil)
+ is(value, 2)
+ value, err = vm.Run(program)
+ is(err, nil)
+ is(value, 4)
+ value, err = vm.Run(program)
+ is(err, nil)
+ is(value, 6)
+ {
+ src := []byte("var abc; if (!abc) abc = 0; abc += 2; abc;")
+ value, err = vm.Run(src)
+ is(err, nil)
+ is(value, 8)
+ value, err = vm.Run(bytes.NewBuffer(src))
+ is(err, nil)
+ is(value, 10)
+ value, err = vm.Run(io.Reader(bytes.NewBuffer(src)))
+ is(err, nil)
+ is(value, 12)
+ }
+ {
+ script, err := vm.Compile("", `var abc; if (!abc) abc = 0; abc += 2; abc;`)
+ is(err, nil)
+ value, err = vm.Run(script)
+ is(err, nil)
+ is(value, 14)
+ value, err = vm.Run(script)
+ is(err, nil)
+ is(value, 16)
+ is(script.String(), "// \nvar abc; if (!abc) abc = 0; abc += 2; abc;")
+ }
+ })
+func Test_objectLength(t *testing.T) {
+ tt(t, func() {
+ _, vm := test()
+ value := vm.Set("abc", []string{"jkl", "mno"})
+ is(objectLength(value._object()), 2)
+ value, _ = vm.Run(`[1, 2, 3]`)
+ is(objectLength(value._object()), 3)
+ value, _ = vm.Run(`new String("abcdefghi")`)
+ is(objectLength(value._object()), 9)
+ value, _ = vm.Run(`"abcdefghi"`)
+ is(objectLength(value._object()), 0)
+ })
+func BenchmarkNew(b *testing.B) {
+ for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
+ New()
+ }
+func BenchmarkClone(b *testing.B) {
+ vm := New()
+ b.ResetTimer()
+ for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
+ vm.clone()
+ }