path: root/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/ethereum/ethash
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-language: go
- - 1.4.2
- # for g++4.8 and C++11
- - sudo add-apt-repository -y ppa:ubuntu-toolchain-r/test
- # Set up go-ethereum
- - sudo apt-get update -y -qq
- - sudo apt-get install -yqq libgmp3-dev
- - git clone --depth=10 https://github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum ${GOPATH}/src/github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum
- # use canned dependencies from the go-ethereum repository
- - export GOPATH=$GOPATH:$GOPATH/src/github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/Godeps/_workspace/
- - echo $GOPATH
- # need to explicitly request version 1.48 since by default we get 1.46 which does not work with C++11
- - sudo apt-get install -qq --yes --force-yes g++-4.8
- - sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/g++ g++ /usr/bin/g++-4.8 50
- - sudo apt-get install -qq wget cmake bash libboost-test1.48-dev libboost-system1.48-dev libboost-filesystem1.48-dev nodejs python-pip python-dev valgrind
- - sudo pip install virtualenv -q
-script: "./test/test.sh"
diff --git a/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/ethereum/ethash/CMakeLists.txt b/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/ethereum/ethash/CMakeLists.txt
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-cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8.7)
-set(ETHHASH_LIBS ethash)
- add_subdirectory(cryptopp)
-add_subdirectory(src/benchmark EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL)
diff --git a/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/ethereum/ethash/MANIFEST.in b/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/ethereum/ethash/MANIFEST.in
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-include setup.py
-# C sources
-include src/libethash/internal.c
-include src/libethash/sha3.c
-include src/libethash/util.c
-include src/python/core.c
-# Headers
-include src/libethash/compiler.h
-include src/libethash/data_sizes.h
-include src/libethash/endian.h
-include src/libethash/ethash.h
-include src/libethash/fnv.h
-include src/libethash/internal.h
-include src/libethash/sha3.h
-include src/libethash/util.h
diff --git a/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/ethereum/ethash/Makefile b/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/ethereum/ethash/Makefile
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-.PHONY: clean test
- ./test/test.sh
- rm -rf *.so pyethash.egg-info/ build/ test/python/python-virtual-env/ test/c/build/ pyethash.so test/python/*.pyc dist/ MANIFEST
diff --git a/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/ethereum/ethash/README.md b/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/ethereum/ethash/README.md
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-[![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/ethereum/ethash.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/ethereum/ethash)
-[![Windows Build Status](https://ci.appveyor.com/api/projects/status/github/debris/ethash?branch=master&svg=true)](https://ci.appveyor.com/project/debris/ethash-nr37r/branch/master)
-# Ethash
-For details on this project, please see the Ethereum wiki:
-### Coding Style for C++ code:
-Follow the same exact style as in [cpp-ethereum](https://github.com/ethereum/cpp-ethereum/blob/develop/CodingStandards.txt)
-### Coding Style for C code:
-The main thing above all is code consistency.
-- Tabs for indentation. A tab is 4 spaces
-- Try to stick to the [K&R](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Indent_style#K.26R_style),
- especially for the C code.
-- Keep the line lengths reasonable. No hard limit on 80 characters but don't go further
- than 110. Some people work with multiple buffers next to each other.
- Make them like you :)
diff --git a/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/ethereum/ethash/Vagrantfile b/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/ethereum/ethash/Vagrantfile
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-# -*- mode: ruby -*-
-# vi: set ft=ruby :
-Vagrant.configure(2) do |config|
- config.vm.box = "Ubuntu 12.04"
- config.vm.box_url = "https://cloud-images.ubuntu.com/vagrant/precise/current/precise-server-cloudimg-amd64-vagrant-disk1.box"
diff --git a/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/ethereum/ethash/appveyor.yml b/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/ethereum/ethash/appveyor.yml
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-version: 1.0.0.{build}
- BOOST_ROOT: "c:/projects/ethash/deps/boost"
- only:
- - master
- - develop
-os: Windows Server 2012 R2
-clone_folder: c:\projects\ethash
-#platform: Any CPU
-#configuration: Debug
- # by default, all script lines are interpreted as batch
-# scripts to run before build
- - echo "Downloading boost..."
- - mkdir c:\projects\ethash\deps
- - cd c:\projects\ethash\deps
- - curl -O https://build.ethdev.com/builds/windows-precompiled/boost.tar.gz
- - echo "Unzipping boost..."
- - 7z x boost.tar.gz > nul
- - 7z x boost.tar > nul
- - ls
- - echo "Running cmake..."
- - cd c:\projects\ethash
- - cmake .
- project: ALL_BUILD.vcxproj # path to Visual Studio solution or project
- - echo "Running tests..."
- - cd c:\projects\ethash\test\c\Debug
- - Test.exe
- - echo "Finished!"
diff --git a/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/ethereum/ethash/ethash.go b/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/ethereum/ethash/ethash.go
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index 2a31aaf2d..000000000
--- a/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/ethereum/ethash/ethash.go
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-// Copyright 2015 The go-ethereum Authors
-// Copyright 2015 Lefteris Karapetsas <lefteris@refu.co>
-// Copyright 2015 Matthew Wampler-Doty <matthew.wampler.doty@gmail.com>
-// This file is part of the go-ethereum library.
-// The go-ethereum library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-// it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
-// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-// (at your option) any later version.
-// The go-ethereum library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-// GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
-// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
-// along with the go-ethereum library. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-package ethash
-#include "src/libethash/internal.h"
-int ethashGoCallback_cgo(unsigned);
-import "C"
-import (
- "errors"
- "fmt"
- "io/ioutil"
- "math/big"
- "math/rand"
- "os"
- "os/user"
- "path/filepath"
- "runtime"
- "sync"
- "sync/atomic"
- "time"
- "unsafe"
- "github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/common"
- "github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/crypto"
- "github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/logger"
- "github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/logger/glog"
- "github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/pow"
-var (
- maxUint256 = new(big.Int).Exp(big.NewInt(2), big.NewInt(256), big.NewInt(0))
- sharedLight = new(Light)
-const (
- epochLength uint64 = 30000
- cacheSizeForTesting C.uint64_t = 1024
- dagSizeForTesting C.uint64_t = 1024 * 32
-var DefaultDir = defaultDir()
-func defaultDir() string {
- home := os.Getenv("HOME")
- if user, err := user.Current(); err == nil {
- home = user.HomeDir
- }
- if runtime.GOOS == "windows" {
- return filepath.Join(home, "AppData", "Ethash")
- }
- return filepath.Join(home, ".ethash")
-// cache wraps an ethash_light_t with some metadata
-// and automatic memory management.
-type cache struct {
- epoch uint64
- used time.Time
- test bool
- gen sync.Once // ensures cache is only generated once.
- ptr *C.struct_ethash_light
-// generate creates the actual cache. it can be called from multiple
-// goroutines. the first call will generate the cache, subsequent
-// calls wait until it is generated.
-func (cache *cache) generate() {
- cache.gen.Do(func() {
- started := time.Now()
- seedHash := makeSeedHash(cache.epoch)
- glog.V(logger.Debug).Infof("Generating cache for epoch %d (%x)", cache.epoch, seedHash)
- size := C.ethash_get_cachesize(C.uint64_t(cache.epoch * epochLength))
- if cache.test {
- size = cacheSizeForTesting
- }
- cache.ptr = C.ethash_light_new_internal(size, (*C.ethash_h256_t)(unsafe.Pointer(&seedHash[0])))
- runtime.SetFinalizer(cache, freeCache)
- glog.V(logger.Debug).Infof("Done generating cache for epoch %d, it took %v", cache.epoch, time.Since(started))
- })
-func freeCache(cache *cache) {
- C.ethash_light_delete(cache.ptr)
- cache.ptr = nil
-func (cache *cache) compute(dagSize uint64, hash common.Hash, nonce uint64) (ok bool, mixDigest, result common.Hash) {
- ret := C.ethash_light_compute_internal(cache.ptr, C.uint64_t(dagSize), hashToH256(hash), C.uint64_t(nonce))
- // Make sure cache is live until after the C call.
- // This is important because a GC might happen and execute
- // the finalizer before the call completes.
- _ = cache
- return bool(ret.success), h256ToHash(ret.mix_hash), h256ToHash(ret.result)
-// Light implements the Verify half of the proof of work. It uses a few small
-// in-memory caches to verify the nonces found by Full.
-type Light struct {
- test bool // If set, use a smaller cache size
- mu sync.Mutex // Protects the per-epoch map of verification caches
- caches map[uint64]*cache // Currently maintained verification caches
- future *cache // Pre-generated cache for the estimated future DAG
- NumCaches int // Maximum number of caches to keep before eviction (only init, don't modify)
-// Verify checks whether the block's nonce is valid.
-func (l *Light) Verify(block pow.Block) bool {
- // TODO: do ethash_quick_verify before getCache in order
- // to prevent DOS attacks.
- blockNum := block.NumberU64()
- if blockNum >= epochLength*2048 {
- glog.V(logger.Debug).Infof("block number %d too high, limit is %d", epochLength*2048)
- return false
- }
- difficulty := block.Difficulty()
- /* Cannot happen if block header diff is validated prior to PoW, but can
- happen if PoW is checked first due to parallel PoW checking.
- We could check the minimum valid difficulty but for SoC we avoid (duplicating)
- Ethereum protocol consensus rules here which are not in scope of Ethash
- */
- if difficulty.Cmp(common.Big0) == 0 {
- glog.V(logger.Debug).Infof("invalid block difficulty")
- return false
- }
- cache := l.getCache(blockNum)
- dagSize := C.ethash_get_datasize(C.uint64_t(blockNum))
- if l.test {
- dagSize = dagSizeForTesting
- }
- // Recompute the hash using the cache.
- ok, mixDigest, result := cache.compute(uint64(dagSize), block.HashNoNonce(), block.Nonce())
- if !ok {
- return false
- }
- // avoid mixdigest malleability as it's not included in a block's "hashNononce"
- if block.MixDigest() != mixDigest {
- return false
- }
- // The actual check.
- target := new(big.Int).Div(maxUint256, difficulty)
- return result.Big().Cmp(target) <= 0
-func h256ToHash(in C.ethash_h256_t) common.Hash {
- return *(*common.Hash)(unsafe.Pointer(&in.b))
-func hashToH256(in common.Hash) C.ethash_h256_t {
- return C.ethash_h256_t{b: *(*[32]C.uint8_t)(unsafe.Pointer(&in[0]))}
-func (l *Light) getCache(blockNum uint64) *cache {
- var c *cache
- epoch := blockNum / epochLength
- // If we have a PoW for that epoch, use that
- l.mu.Lock()
- if l.caches == nil {
- l.caches = make(map[uint64]*cache)
- }
- if l.NumCaches == 0 {
- l.NumCaches = 3
- }
- c = l.caches[epoch]
- if c == nil {
- // No cached DAG, evict the oldest if the cache limit was reached
- if len(l.caches) >= l.NumCaches {
- var evict *cache
- for _, cache := range l.caches {
- if evict == nil || evict.used.After(cache.used) {
- evict = cache
- }
- }
- glog.V(logger.Debug).Infof("Evicting DAG for epoch %d in favour of epoch %d", evict.epoch, epoch)
- delete(l.caches, evict.epoch)
- }
- // If we have the new DAG pre-generated, use that, otherwise create a new one
- if l.future != nil && l.future.epoch == epoch {
- glog.V(logger.Debug).Infof("Using pre-generated DAG for epoch %d", epoch)
- c, l.future = l.future, nil
- } else {
- glog.V(logger.Debug).Infof("No pre-generated DAG available, creating new for epoch %d", epoch)
- c = &cache{epoch: epoch, test: l.test}
- }
- l.caches[epoch] = c
- // If we just used up the future cache, or need a refresh, regenerate
- if l.future == nil || l.future.epoch <= epoch {
- glog.V(logger.Debug).Infof("Pre-generating DAG for epoch %d", epoch+1)
- l.future = &cache{epoch: epoch + 1, test: l.test}
- go l.future.generate()
- }
- }
- c.used = time.Now()
- l.mu.Unlock()
- // Wait for generation finish and return the cache
- c.generate()
- return c
-// dag wraps an ethash_full_t with some metadata
-// and automatic memory management.
-type dag struct {
- epoch uint64
- test bool
- dir string
- gen sync.Once // ensures DAG is only generated once.
- ptr *C.struct_ethash_full
-// generate creates the actual DAG. it can be called from multiple
-// goroutines. the first call will generate the DAG, subsequent
-// calls wait until it is generated.
-func (d *dag) generate() {
- d.gen.Do(func() {
- var (
- started = time.Now()
- seedHash = makeSeedHash(d.epoch)
- blockNum = C.uint64_t(d.epoch * epochLength)
- cacheSize = C.ethash_get_cachesize(blockNum)
- dagSize = C.ethash_get_datasize(blockNum)
- )
- if d.test {
- cacheSize = cacheSizeForTesting
- dagSize = dagSizeForTesting
- }
- if d.dir == "" {
- d.dir = DefaultDir
- }
- glog.V(logger.Info).Infof("Generating DAG for epoch %d (size %d) (%x)", d.epoch, dagSize, seedHash)
- // Generate a temporary cache.
- // TODO: this could share the cache with Light
- cache := C.ethash_light_new_internal(cacheSize, (*C.ethash_h256_t)(unsafe.Pointer(&seedHash[0])))
- defer C.ethash_light_delete(cache)
- // Generate the actual DAG.
- d.ptr = C.ethash_full_new_internal(
- C.CString(d.dir),
- hashToH256(seedHash),
- dagSize,
- cache,
- (C.ethash_callback_t)(unsafe.Pointer(C.ethashGoCallback_cgo)),
- )
- if d.ptr == nil {
- panic("ethash_full_new IO or memory error")
- }
- runtime.SetFinalizer(d, freeDAG)
- glog.V(logger.Info).Infof("Done generating DAG for epoch %d, it took %v", d.epoch, time.Since(started))
- })
-func freeDAG(d *dag) {
- C.ethash_full_delete(d.ptr)
- d.ptr = nil
-func (d *dag) Ptr() unsafe.Pointer {
- return unsafe.Pointer(d.ptr.data)
-//export ethashGoCallback
-func ethashGoCallback(percent C.unsigned) C.int {
- glog.V(logger.Info).Infof("Generating DAG: %d%%", percent)
- return 0
-// MakeDAG pre-generates a DAG file for the given block number in the
-// given directory. If dir is the empty string, the default directory
-// is used.
-func MakeDAG(blockNum uint64, dir string) error {
- d := &dag{epoch: blockNum / epochLength, dir: dir}
- if blockNum >= epochLength*2048 {
- return fmt.Errorf("block number too high, limit is %d", epochLength*2048)
- }
- d.generate()
- if d.ptr == nil {
- return errors.New("failed")
- }
- return nil
-// Full implements the Search half of the proof of work.
-type Full struct {
- Dir string // use this to specify a non-default DAG directory
- test bool // if set use a smaller DAG size
- turbo bool
- hashRate int32
- mu sync.Mutex // protects dag
- current *dag // current full DAG
-func (pow *Full) getDAG(blockNum uint64) (d *dag) {
- epoch := blockNum / epochLength
- pow.mu.Lock()
- if pow.current != nil && pow.current.epoch == epoch {
- d = pow.current
- } else {
- d = &dag{epoch: epoch, test: pow.test, dir: pow.Dir}
- pow.current = d
- }
- pow.mu.Unlock()
- // wait for it to finish generating.
- d.generate()
- return d
-func (pow *Full) Search(block pow.Block, stop <-chan struct{}, index int) (nonce uint64, mixDigest []byte) {
- dag := pow.getDAG(block.NumberU64())
- r := rand.New(rand.NewSource(time.Now().UnixNano()))
- diff := block.Difficulty()
- i := int64(0)
- starti := i
- start := time.Now().UnixNano()
- previousHashrate := int32(0)
- nonce = uint64(r.Int63())
- hash := hashToH256(block.HashNoNonce())
- target := new(big.Int).Div(maxUint256, diff)
- for {
- select {
- case <-stop:
- atomic.AddInt32(&pow.hashRate, -previousHashrate)
- return 0, nil
- default:
- i++
- // we don't have to update hash rate on every nonce, so update after
- // first nonce check and then after 2^X nonces
- if i == 2 || ((i % (1 << 16)) == 0) {
- elapsed := time.Now().UnixNano() - start
- hashes := (float64(1e9) / float64(elapsed)) * float64(i-starti)
- hashrateDiff := int32(hashes) - previousHashrate
- previousHashrate = int32(hashes)
- atomic.AddInt32(&pow.hashRate, hashrateDiff)
- }
- ret := C.ethash_full_compute(dag.ptr, hash, C.uint64_t(nonce))
- result := h256ToHash(ret.result).Big()
- // TODO: disagrees with the spec https://github.com/ethereum/wiki/wiki/Ethash#mining
- if ret.success && result.Cmp(target) <= 0 {
- mixDigest = C.GoBytes(unsafe.Pointer(&ret.mix_hash), C.int(32))
- atomic.AddInt32(&pow.hashRate, -previousHashrate)
- return nonce, mixDigest
- }
- nonce += 1
- }
- if !pow.turbo {
- time.Sleep(20 * time.Microsecond)
- }
- }
-func (pow *Full) GetHashrate() int64 {
- return int64(atomic.LoadInt32(&pow.hashRate))
-func (pow *Full) Turbo(on bool) {
- // TODO: this needs to use an atomic operation.
- pow.turbo = on
-// Ethash combines block verification with Light and
-// nonce searching with Full into a single proof of work.
-type Ethash struct {
- *Light
- *Full
-// New creates an instance of the proof of work.
-func New() *Ethash {
- return &Ethash{new(Light), &Full{turbo: true}}
-// NewShared creates an instance of the proof of work., where a single instance
-// of the Light cache is shared across all instances created with NewShared.
-func NewShared() *Ethash {
- return &Ethash{sharedLight, &Full{turbo: true}}
-// NewForTesting creates a proof of work for use in unit tests.
-// It uses a smaller DAG and cache size to keep test times low.
-// DAG files are stored in a temporary directory.
-// Nonces found by a testing instance are not verifiable with a
-// regular-size cache.
-func NewForTesting() (*Ethash, error) {
- dir, err := ioutil.TempDir("", "ethash-test")
- if err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- return &Ethash{&Light{test: true}, &Full{Dir: dir, test: true}}, nil
-func GetSeedHash(blockNum uint64) ([]byte, error) {
- if blockNum >= epochLength*2048 {
- return nil, fmt.Errorf("block number too high, limit is %d", epochLength*2048)
- }
- sh := makeSeedHash(blockNum / epochLength)
- return sh[:], nil
-func makeSeedHash(epoch uint64) (sh common.Hash) {
- for ; epoch > 0; epoch-- {
- sh = crypto.Sha3Hash(sh[:])
- }
- return sh
diff --git a/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/ethereum/ethash/ethash_opencl.go b/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/ethereum/ethash/ethash_opencl.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 451049eae..000000000
--- a/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/ethereum/ethash/ethash_opencl.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,628 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2014 The go-ethereum Authors
-// This file is part of the go-ethereum library.
-// The go-ethereum library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-// it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
-// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-// (at your option) any later version.
-// The go-ethereum library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-// GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
-// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
-// along with the go-ethereum library. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-// +build opencl
-package ethash
-//#cgo LDFLAGS: -w
-//#include <stdint.h>
-//#include <string.h>
-//#include "src/libethash/internal.h"
-import "C"
-import (
- crand "crypto/rand"
- "encoding/binary"
- "fmt"
- "math"
- "math/big"
- mrand "math/rand"
- "strconv"
- "strings"
- "sync"
- "sync/atomic"
- "time"
- "unsafe"
- "github.com/Gustav-Simonsson/go-opencl/cl"
- "github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/common"
- "github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/pow"
- This code have two main entry points:
- 1. The initCL(...) function configures one or more OpenCL device
- (for now only GPU) and loads the Ethash DAG onto device memory
- 2. The Search(...) function loads a Ethash nonce into device(s) memory and
- executes the Ethash OpenCL kernel.
- Throughout the code, we refer to "host memory" and "device memory".
- For most systems (e.g. regular PC GPU miner) the host memory is RAM and
- device memory is the GPU global memory (e.g. GDDR5).
- References mentioned in code comments:
- 1. https://github.com/ethereum/wiki/wiki/Ethash
- 2. https://github.com/ethereum/cpp-ethereum/blob/develop/libethash-cl/ethash_cl_miner.cpp
- 3. https://www.khronos.org/registry/cl/sdk/1.2/docs/man/xhtml/
- 4. http://amd-dev.wpengine.netdna-cdn.com/wordpress/media/2013/12/AMD_OpenCL_Programming_User_Guide.pdf
-type OpenCLDevice struct {
- deviceId int
- device *cl.Device
- openCL11 bool // OpenCL version 1.1 and 1.2 are handled a bit different
- openCL12 bool
- dagBuf *cl.MemObject // Ethash full DAG in device mem
- headerBuf *cl.MemObject // Hash of block-to-mine in device mem
- searchBuffers []*cl.MemObject
- searchKernel *cl.Kernel
- hashKernel *cl.Kernel
- queue *cl.CommandQueue
- ctx *cl.Context
- workGroupSize int
- nonceRand *mrand.Rand // seeded by crypto/rand, see comments where it's initialised
- result common.Hash
-type OpenCLMiner struct {
- mu sync.Mutex
- ethash *Ethash // Ethash full DAG & cache in host mem
- deviceIds []int
- devices []*OpenCLDevice
- dagSize uint64
- hashRate int32 // Go atomics & uint64 have some issues; int32 is supported on all platforms
-type pendingSearch struct {
- bufIndex uint32
- startNonce uint64
-const (
- // See [1]
- ethashMixBytesLen = 128
- ethashAccesses = 64
- // See [4]
- workGroupSize = 32 // must be multiple of 8
- maxSearchResults = 63
- searchBufSize = 2
- globalWorkSize = 1024 * 256
-func NewCL(deviceIds []int) *OpenCLMiner {
- ids := make([]int, len(deviceIds))
- copy(ids, deviceIds)
- return &OpenCLMiner{
- ethash: New(),
- dagSize: 0, // to see if we need to update DAG.
- deviceIds: ids,
- }
-func PrintDevices() {
- fmt.Println("=============================================")
- fmt.Println("============ OpenCL Device Info =============")
- fmt.Println("=============================================")
- var found []*cl.Device
- platforms, err := cl.GetPlatforms()
- if err != nil {
- fmt.Println("Plaform error (check your OpenCL installation):", err)
- return
- }
- for i, p := range platforms {
- fmt.Println("Platform id ", i)
- fmt.Println("Platform Name ", p.Name())
- fmt.Println("Platform Vendor ", p.Vendor())
- fmt.Println("Platform Version ", p.Version())
- fmt.Println("Platform Extensions ", p.Extensions())
- fmt.Println("Platform Profile ", p.Profile())
- fmt.Println("")
- devices, err := cl.GetDevices(p, cl.DeviceTypeGPU)
- if err != nil {
- fmt.Println("Device error (check your GPU drivers) :", err)
- return
- }
- for _, d := range devices {
- fmt.Println("Device OpenCL id ", i)
- fmt.Println("Device id for mining ", len(found))
- fmt.Println("Device Name ", d.Name())
- fmt.Println("Vendor ", d.Vendor())
- fmt.Println("Version ", d.Version())
- fmt.Println("Driver version ", d.DriverVersion())
- fmt.Println("Address bits ", d.AddressBits())
- fmt.Println("Max clock freq ", d.MaxClockFrequency())
- fmt.Println("Global mem size ", d.GlobalMemSize())
- fmt.Println("Max constant buffer size", d.MaxConstantBufferSize())
- fmt.Println("Max mem alloc size ", d.MaxMemAllocSize())
- fmt.Println("Max compute units ", d.MaxComputeUnits())
- fmt.Println("Max work group size ", d.MaxWorkGroupSize())
- fmt.Println("Max work item sizes ", d.MaxWorkItemSizes())
- fmt.Println("=============================================")
- found = append(found, d)
- }
- }
- if len(found) == 0 {
- fmt.Println("Found no GPU(s). Check that your OS can see the GPU(s)")
- } else {
- var idsFormat string
- for i := 0; i < len(found); i++ {
- idsFormat += strconv.Itoa(i)
- if i != len(found)-1 {
- idsFormat += ","
- }
- }
- fmt.Printf("Found %v devices. Benchmark first GPU: geth gpubench 0\n", len(found))
- fmt.Printf("Mine using all GPUs: geth --minegpu %v\n", idsFormat)
- }
-// See [2]. We basically do the same here, but the Go OpenCL bindings
-// are at a slightly higher abtraction level.
-func InitCL(blockNum uint64, c *OpenCLMiner) error {
- platforms, err := cl.GetPlatforms()
- if err != nil {
- return fmt.Errorf("Plaform error: %v\nCheck your OpenCL installation and then run geth gpuinfo", err)
- }
- var devices []*cl.Device
- for _, p := range platforms {
- ds, err := cl.GetDevices(p, cl.DeviceTypeGPU)
- if err != nil {
- return fmt.Errorf("Devices error: %v\nCheck your GPU drivers and then run geth gpuinfo", err)
- }
- for _, d := range ds {
- devices = append(devices, d)
- }
- }
- pow := New()
- _ = pow.getDAG(blockNum) // generates DAG if we don't have it
- pow.Light.getCache(blockNum) // and cache
- c.ethash = pow
- dagSize := uint64(C.ethash_get_datasize(C.uint64_t(blockNum)))
- c.dagSize = dagSize
- for _, id := range c.deviceIds {
- if id > len(devices)-1 {
- return fmt.Errorf("Device id not found. See available device ids with: geth gpuinfo")
- } else {
- err := initCLDevice(id, devices[id], c)
- if err != nil {
- return err
- }
- }
- }
- if len(c.devices) == 0 {
- return fmt.Errorf("No GPU devices found")
- }
- return nil
-func initCLDevice(deviceId int, device *cl.Device, c *OpenCLMiner) error {
- devMaxAlloc := uint64(device.MaxMemAllocSize())
- devGlobalMem := uint64(device.GlobalMemSize())
- // TODO: more fine grained version logic
- if device.Version() == "OpenCL 1.0" {
- fmt.Println("Device OpenCL version not supported: ", device.Version())
- return fmt.Errorf("opencl version not supported")
- }
- var cl11, cl12 bool
- if device.Version() == "OpenCL 1.1" {
- cl11 = true
- }
- if device.Version() == "OpenCL 1.2" {
- cl12 = true
- }
- // log warnings but carry on; some device drivers report inaccurate values
- if c.dagSize > devGlobalMem {
- fmt.Printf("WARNING: device memory may be insufficient: %v. DAG size: %v.\n", devGlobalMem, c.dagSize)
- }
- if c.dagSize > devMaxAlloc {
- fmt.Printf("WARNING: DAG size (%v) larger than device max memory allocation size (%v).\n", c.dagSize, devMaxAlloc)
- fmt.Printf("You probably have to export GPU_MAX_ALLOC_PERCENT=95\n")
- }
- fmt.Printf("Initialising device %v: %v\n", deviceId, device.Name())
- context, err := cl.CreateContext([]*cl.Device{device})
- if err != nil {
- return fmt.Errorf("failed creating context: %v", err)
- }
- // TODO: test running with CL_QUEUE_PROFILING_ENABLE for profiling?
- queue, err := context.CreateCommandQueue(device, 0)
- if err != nil {
- return fmt.Errorf("command queue err: %v", err)
- }
- // See [4] section 3.2 and [3] "clBuildProgram".
- // The OpenCL kernel code is compiled at run-time.
- kvs := make(map[string]string, 4)
- kvs["GROUP_SIZE"] = strconv.FormatUint(workGroupSize, 10)
- kvs["DAG_SIZE"] = strconv.FormatUint(c.dagSize/ethashMixBytesLen, 10)
- kvs["ACCESSES"] = strconv.FormatUint(ethashAccesses, 10)
- kvs["MAX_OUTPUTS"] = strconv.FormatUint(maxSearchResults, 10)
- kernelCode := replaceWords(kernel, kvs)
- program, err := context.CreateProgramWithSource([]string{kernelCode})
- if err != nil {
- return fmt.Errorf("program err: %v", err)
- }
- /* if using AMD OpenCL impl, you can set this to debug on x86 CPU device.
- see AMD OpenCL programming guide section 4.2
- export in shell before running:
- buildOpts := "-g -cl-opt-disable"
- */
- buildOpts := ""
- err = program.BuildProgram([]*cl.Device{device}, buildOpts)
- if err != nil {
- return fmt.Errorf("program build err: %v", err)
- }
- var searchKernelName, hashKernelName string
- searchKernelName = "ethash_search"
- hashKernelName = "ethash_hash"
- searchKernel, err := program.CreateKernel(searchKernelName)
- hashKernel, err := program.CreateKernel(hashKernelName)
- if err != nil {
- return fmt.Errorf("kernel err: %v", err)
- }
- // TODO: when this DAG size appears, patch the Go bindings
- // (context.go) to work with uint64 as size_t
- if c.dagSize > math.MaxInt32 {
- fmt.Println("DAG too large for allocation.")
- return fmt.Errorf("DAG too large for alloc")
- }
- // TODO: patch up Go bindings to work with size_t, will overflow if > maxint32
- // TODO: fuck. shit's gonna overflow around 2017-06-09 12:17:02
- dagBuf := *(new(*cl.MemObject))
- dagBuf, err = context.CreateEmptyBuffer(cl.MemReadOnly, int(c.dagSize))
- if err != nil {
- return fmt.Errorf("allocating dag buf failed: %v", err)
- }
- // write DAG to device mem
- dagPtr := unsafe.Pointer(c.ethash.Full.current.ptr.data)
- _, err = queue.EnqueueWriteBuffer(dagBuf, true, 0, int(c.dagSize), dagPtr, nil)
- if err != nil {
- return fmt.Errorf("writing to dag buf failed: %v", err)
- }
- searchBuffers := make([]*cl.MemObject, searchBufSize)
- for i := 0; i < searchBufSize; i++ {
- searchBuff, err := context.CreateEmptyBuffer(cl.MemWriteOnly, (1+maxSearchResults)*SIZEOF_UINT32)
- if err != nil {
- return fmt.Errorf("search buffer err: %v", err)
- }
- searchBuffers[i] = searchBuff
- }
- headerBuf, err := context.CreateEmptyBuffer(cl.MemReadOnly, 32)
- if err != nil {
- return fmt.Errorf("header buffer err: %v", err)
- }
- // Unique, random nonces are crucial for mining efficieny.
- // While we do not need cryptographically secure PRNG for nonces,
- // we want to have uniform distribution and minimal repetition of nonces.
- // We could guarantee strict uniqueness of nonces by generating unique ranges,
- // but a int64 seed from crypto/rand should be good enough.
- // we then use math/rand for speed and to avoid draining OS entropy pool
- seed, err := crand.Int(crand.Reader, big.NewInt(math.MaxInt64))
- if err != nil {
- return err
- }
- nonceRand := mrand.New(mrand.NewSource(seed.Int64()))
- deviceStruct := &OpenCLDevice{
- deviceId: deviceId,
- device: device,
- openCL11: cl11,
- openCL12: cl12,
- dagBuf: dagBuf,
- headerBuf: headerBuf,
- searchBuffers: searchBuffers,
- searchKernel: searchKernel,
- hashKernel: hashKernel,
- queue: queue,
- ctx: context,
- workGroupSize: workGroupSize,
- nonceRand: nonceRand,
- }
- c.devices = append(c.devices, deviceStruct)
- return nil
-func (c *OpenCLMiner) Search(block pow.Block, stop <-chan struct{}, index int) (uint64, []byte) {
- c.mu.Lock()
- newDagSize := uint64(C.ethash_get_datasize(C.uint64_t(block.NumberU64())))
- if newDagSize > c.dagSize {
- // TODO: clean up buffers from previous DAG?
- err := InitCL(block.NumberU64(), c)
- if err != nil {
- fmt.Println("OpenCL init error: ", err)
- return 0, []byte{0}
- }
- }
- defer c.mu.Unlock()
- // Avoid unneeded OpenCL initialisation if we received stop while running InitCL
- select {
- case <-stop:
- return 0, []byte{0}
- default:
- }
- headerHash := block.HashNoNonce()
- diff := block.Difficulty()
- target256 := new(big.Int).Div(maxUint256, diff)
- target64 := new(big.Int).Rsh(target256, 192).Uint64()
- var zero uint32 = 0
- d := c.devices[index]
- _, err := d.queue.EnqueueWriteBuffer(d.headerBuf, false, 0, 32, unsafe.Pointer(&headerHash[0]), nil)
- if err != nil {
- fmt.Println("Error in Search clEnqueueWriterBuffer : ", err)
- return 0, []byte{0}
- }
- for i := 0; i < searchBufSize; i++ {
- _, err := d.queue.EnqueueWriteBuffer(d.searchBuffers[i], false, 0, 4, unsafe.Pointer(&zero), nil)
- if err != nil {
- fmt.Println("Error in Search clEnqueueWriterBuffer : ", err)
- return 0, []byte{0}
- }
- }
- // wait for all search buffers to complete
- err = d.queue.Finish()
- if err != nil {
- fmt.Println("Error in Search clFinish : ", err)
- return 0, []byte{0}
- }
- err = d.searchKernel.SetArg(1, d.headerBuf)
- if err != nil {
- fmt.Println("Error in Search clSetKernelArg : ", err)
- return 0, []byte{0}
- }
- err = d.searchKernel.SetArg(2, d.dagBuf)
- if err != nil {
- fmt.Println("Error in Search clSetKernelArg : ", err)
- return 0, []byte{0}
- }
- err = d.searchKernel.SetArg(4, target64)
- if err != nil {
- fmt.Println("Error in Search clSetKernelArg : ", err)
- return 0, []byte{0}
- }
- err = d.searchKernel.SetArg(5, uint32(math.MaxUint32))
- if err != nil {
- fmt.Println("Error in Search clSetKernelArg : ", err)
- return 0, []byte{0}
- }
- // wait on this before returning
- var preReturnEvent *cl.Event
- if d.openCL12 {
- preReturnEvent, err = d.ctx.CreateUserEvent()
- if err != nil {
- fmt.Println("Error in Search create CL user event : ", err)
- return 0, []byte{0}
- }
- }
- pending := make([]pendingSearch, 0, searchBufSize)
- var p *pendingSearch
- searchBufIndex := uint32(0)
- var checkNonce uint64
- loops := int64(0)
- prevHashRate := int32(0)
- start := time.Now().UnixNano()
- // we grab a single random nonce and sets this as argument to the kernel search function
- // the device will then add each local threads gid to the nonce, creating a unique nonce
- // for each device computing unit executing in parallel
- initNonce := uint64(d.nonceRand.Int63())
- for nonce := initNonce; ; nonce += uint64(globalWorkSize) {
- select {
- case <-stop:
- /*
- if d.openCL12 {
- err = cl.WaitForEvents([]*cl.Event{preReturnEvent})
- if err != nil {
- fmt.Println("Error in Search WaitForEvents: ", err)
- }
- }
- */
- atomic.AddInt32(&c.hashRate, -prevHashRate)
- return 0, []byte{0}
- default:
- }
- if (loops % (1 << 7)) == 0 {
- elapsed := time.Now().UnixNano() - start
- // TODO: verify if this is correct hash rate calculation
- hashes := (float64(1e9) / float64(elapsed)) * float64(loops*1024*256)
- hashrateDiff := int32(hashes) - prevHashRate
- prevHashRate = int32(hashes)
- atomic.AddInt32(&c.hashRate, hashrateDiff)
- }
- loops++
- err = d.searchKernel.SetArg(0, d.searchBuffers[searchBufIndex])
- if err != nil {
- fmt.Println("Error in Search clSetKernelArg : ", err)
- return 0, []byte{0}
- }
- err = d.searchKernel.SetArg(3, nonce)
- if err != nil {
- fmt.Println("Error in Search clSetKernelArg : ", err)
- return 0, []byte{0}
- }
- // execute kernel
- _, err := d.queue.EnqueueNDRangeKernel(
- d.searchKernel,
- []int{0},
- []int{globalWorkSize},
- []int{d.workGroupSize},
- nil)
- if err != nil {
- fmt.Println("Error in Search clEnqueueNDRangeKernel : ", err)
- return 0, []byte{0}
- }
- pending = append(pending, pendingSearch{bufIndex: searchBufIndex, startNonce: nonce})
- searchBufIndex = (searchBufIndex + 1) % searchBufSize
- if len(pending) == searchBufSize {
- p = &(pending[searchBufIndex])
- cres, _, err := d.queue.EnqueueMapBuffer(d.searchBuffers[p.bufIndex], true,
- cl.MapFlagRead, 0, (1+maxSearchResults)*SIZEOF_UINT32,
- nil)
- if err != nil {
- fmt.Println("Error in Search clEnqueueMapBuffer: ", err)
- return 0, []byte{0}
- }
- results := cres.ByteSlice()
- nfound := binary.LittleEndian.Uint32(results)
- nfound = uint32(math.Min(float64(nfound), float64(maxSearchResults)))
- // OpenCL returns the offsets from the start nonce
- for i := uint32(0); i < nfound; i++ {
- lo := (i + 1) * SIZEOF_UINT32
- hi := (i + 2) * SIZEOF_UINT32
- upperNonce := uint64(binary.LittleEndian.Uint32(results[lo:hi]))
- checkNonce = p.startNonce + upperNonce
- if checkNonce != 0 {
- // We verify that the nonce is indeed a solution by
- // executing the Ethash verification function (on the CPU).
- cache := c.ethash.Light.getCache(block.NumberU64())
- ok, mixDigest, result := cache.compute(c.dagSize, headerHash, checkNonce)
- // TODO: return result first
- if ok && result.Big().Cmp(target256) <= 0 {
- _, err = d.queue.EnqueueUnmapMemObject(d.searchBuffers[p.bufIndex], cres, nil)
- if err != nil {
- fmt.Println("Error in Search clEnqueueUnmapMemObject: ", err)
- }
- if d.openCL12 {
- err = cl.WaitForEvents([]*cl.Event{preReturnEvent})
- if err != nil {
- fmt.Println("Error in Search WaitForEvents: ", err)
- }
- }
- return checkNonce, mixDigest.Bytes()
- }
- _, err := d.queue.EnqueueWriteBuffer(d.searchBuffers[p.bufIndex], false, 0, 4, unsafe.Pointer(&zero), nil)
- if err != nil {
- fmt.Println("Error in Search cl: EnqueueWriteBuffer", err)
- return 0, []byte{0}
- }
- }
- }
- _, err = d.queue.EnqueueUnmapMemObject(d.searchBuffers[p.bufIndex], cres, nil)
- if err != nil {
- fmt.Println("Error in Search clEnqueueUnMapMemObject: ", err)
- return 0, []byte{0}
- }
- pending = append(pending[:searchBufIndex], pending[searchBufIndex+1:]...)
- }
- }
- if d.openCL12 {
- err := cl.WaitForEvents([]*cl.Event{preReturnEvent})
- if err != nil {
- fmt.Println("Error in Search clWaitForEvents: ", err)
- return 0, []byte{0}
- }
- }
- return 0, []byte{0}
-func (c *OpenCLMiner) Verify(block pow.Block) bool {
- return c.ethash.Light.Verify(block)
-func (c *OpenCLMiner) GetHashrate() int64 {
- return int64(atomic.LoadInt32(&c.hashRate))
-func (c *OpenCLMiner) Turbo(on bool) {
- // This is GPU mining. Always be turbo.
-func replaceWords(text string, kvs map[string]string) string {
- for k, v := range kvs {
- text = strings.Replace(text, k, v, -1)
- }
- return text
-func logErr(err error) {
- if err != nil {
- fmt.Println("Error in OpenCL call:", err)
- }
-func argErr(err error) error {
- return fmt.Errorf("arg err: %v", err)
diff --git a/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/ethereum/ethash/ethash_opencl_kernel_go_str.go b/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/ethereum/ethash/ethash_opencl_kernel_go_str.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 695ff1829..000000000
--- a/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/ethereum/ethash/ethash_opencl_kernel_go_str.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,600 +0,0 @@
-package ethash
-/* DO NOT EDIT!!!
- This code is version controlled at
- https://github.com/ethereum/cpp-ethereum/blob/develop/libethash-cl/ethash_cl_miner_kernel.cl
- If needed change it there first, then copy over here.
-const kernel = `
-// author Tim Hughes <tim@twistedfury.com>
-// Tested on Radeon HD 7850
-// Hashrate: 15940347 hashes/s
-// Bandwidth: 124533 MB/s
-// search kernel should fit in <= 84 VGPRS (3 wavefronts)
-#define THREADS_PER_HASH (128 / 16)
-#define FNV_PRIME 0x01000193
-__constant uint2 const Keccak_f1600_RC[24] = {
- (uint2)(0x00000001, 0x00000000),
- (uint2)(0x00008082, 0x00000000),
- (uint2)(0x0000808a, 0x80000000),
- (uint2)(0x80008000, 0x80000000),
- (uint2)(0x0000808b, 0x00000000),
- (uint2)(0x80000001, 0x00000000),
- (uint2)(0x80008081, 0x80000000),
- (uint2)(0x00008009, 0x80000000),
- (uint2)(0x0000008a, 0x00000000),
- (uint2)(0x00000088, 0x00000000),
- (uint2)(0x80008009, 0x00000000),
- (uint2)(0x8000000a, 0x00000000),
- (uint2)(0x8000808b, 0x00000000),
- (uint2)(0x0000008b, 0x80000000),
- (uint2)(0x00008089, 0x80000000),
- (uint2)(0x00008003, 0x80000000),
- (uint2)(0x00008002, 0x80000000),
- (uint2)(0x00000080, 0x80000000),
- (uint2)(0x0000800a, 0x00000000),
- (uint2)(0x8000000a, 0x80000000),
- (uint2)(0x80008081, 0x80000000),
- (uint2)(0x00008080, 0x80000000),
- (uint2)(0x80000001, 0x00000000),
- (uint2)(0x80008008, 0x80000000),
-void keccak_f1600_round(uint2* a, uint r, uint out_size)
- #if !__ENDIAN_LITTLE__
- for (uint i = 0; i != 25; ++i)
- a[i] = a[i].yx;
- #endif
- uint2 b[25];
- uint2 t;
- // Theta
- b[0] = a[0] ^ a[5] ^ a[10] ^ a[15] ^ a[20];
- b[1] = a[1] ^ a[6] ^ a[11] ^ a[16] ^ a[21];
- b[2] = a[2] ^ a[7] ^ a[12] ^ a[17] ^ a[22];
- b[3] = a[3] ^ a[8] ^ a[13] ^ a[18] ^ a[23];
- b[4] = a[4] ^ a[9] ^ a[14] ^ a[19] ^ a[24];
- t = b[4] ^ (uint2)(b[1].x << 1 | b[1].y >> 31, b[1].y << 1 | b[1].x >> 31);
- a[0] ^= t;
- a[5] ^= t;
- a[10] ^= t;
- a[15] ^= t;
- a[20] ^= t;
- t = b[0] ^ (uint2)(b[2].x << 1 | b[2].y >> 31, b[2].y << 1 | b[2].x >> 31);
- a[1] ^= t;
- a[6] ^= t;
- a[11] ^= t;
- a[16] ^= t;
- a[21] ^= t;
- t = b[1] ^ (uint2)(b[3].x << 1 | b[3].y >> 31, b[3].y << 1 | b[3].x >> 31);
- a[2] ^= t;
- a[7] ^= t;
- a[12] ^= t;
- a[17] ^= t;
- a[22] ^= t;
- t = b[2] ^ (uint2)(b[4].x << 1 | b[4].y >> 31, b[4].y << 1 | b[4].x >> 31);
- a[3] ^= t;
- a[8] ^= t;
- a[13] ^= t;
- a[18] ^= t;
- a[23] ^= t;
- t = b[3] ^ (uint2)(b[0].x << 1 | b[0].y >> 31, b[0].y << 1 | b[0].x >> 31);
- a[4] ^= t;
- a[9] ^= t;
- a[14] ^= t;
- a[19] ^= t;
- a[24] ^= t;
- // Rho Pi
- b[0] = a[0];
- b[10] = (uint2)(a[1].x << 1 | a[1].y >> 31, a[1].y << 1 | a[1].x >> 31);
- b[7] = (uint2)(a[10].x << 3 | a[10].y >> 29, a[10].y << 3 | a[10].x >> 29);
- b[11] = (uint2)(a[7].x << 6 | a[7].y >> 26, a[7].y << 6 | a[7].x >> 26);
- b[17] = (uint2)(a[11].x << 10 | a[11].y >> 22, a[11].y << 10 | a[11].x >> 22);
- b[18] = (uint2)(a[17].x << 15 | a[17].y >> 17, a[17].y << 15 | a[17].x >> 17);
- b[3] = (uint2)(a[18].x << 21 | a[18].y >> 11, a[18].y << 21 | a[18].x >> 11);
- b[5] = (uint2)(a[3].x << 28 | a[3].y >> 4, a[3].y << 28 | a[3].x >> 4);
- b[16] = (uint2)(a[5].y << 4 | a[5].x >> 28, a[5].x << 4 | a[5].y >> 28);
- b[8] = (uint2)(a[16].y << 13 | a[16].x >> 19, a[16].x << 13 | a[16].y >> 19);
- b[21] = (uint2)(a[8].y << 23 | a[8].x >> 9, a[8].x << 23 | a[8].y >> 9);
- b[24] = (uint2)(a[21].x << 2 | a[21].y >> 30, a[21].y << 2 | a[21].x >> 30);
- b[4] = (uint2)(a[24].x << 14 | a[24].y >> 18, a[24].y << 14 | a[24].x >> 18);
- b[15] = (uint2)(a[4].x << 27 | a[4].y >> 5, a[4].y << 27 | a[4].x >> 5);
- b[23] = (uint2)(a[15].y << 9 | a[15].x >> 23, a[15].x << 9 | a[15].y >> 23);
- b[19] = (uint2)(a[23].y << 24 | a[23].x >> 8, a[23].x << 24 | a[23].y >> 8);
- b[13] = (uint2)(a[19].x << 8 | a[19].y >> 24, a[19].y << 8 | a[19].x >> 24);
- b[12] = (uint2)(a[13].x << 25 | a[13].y >> 7, a[13].y << 25 | a[13].x >> 7);
- b[2] = (uint2)(a[12].y << 11 | a[12].x >> 21, a[12].x << 11 | a[12].y >> 21);
- b[20] = (uint2)(a[2].y << 30 | a[2].x >> 2, a[2].x << 30 | a[2].y >> 2);
- b[14] = (uint2)(a[20].x << 18 | a[20].y >> 14, a[20].y << 18 | a[20].x >> 14);
- b[22] = (uint2)(a[14].y << 7 | a[14].x >> 25, a[14].x << 7 | a[14].y >> 25);
- b[9] = (uint2)(a[22].y << 29 | a[22].x >> 3, a[22].x << 29 | a[22].y >> 3);
- b[6] = (uint2)(a[9].x << 20 | a[9].y >> 12, a[9].y << 20 | a[9].x >> 12);
- b[1] = (uint2)(a[6].y << 12 | a[6].x >> 20, a[6].x << 12 | a[6].y >> 20);
- // Chi
- a[0] = bitselect(b[0] ^ b[2], b[0], b[1]);
- a[1] = bitselect(b[1] ^ b[3], b[1], b[2]);
- a[2] = bitselect(b[2] ^ b[4], b[2], b[3]);
- a[3] = bitselect(b[3] ^ b[0], b[3], b[4]);
- if (out_size >= 4)
- {
- a[4] = bitselect(b[4] ^ b[1], b[4], b[0]);
- a[5] = bitselect(b[5] ^ b[7], b[5], b[6]);
- a[6] = bitselect(b[6] ^ b[8], b[6], b[7]);
- a[7] = bitselect(b[7] ^ b[9], b[7], b[8]);
- a[8] = bitselect(b[8] ^ b[5], b[8], b[9]);
- if (out_size >= 8)
- {
- a[9] = bitselect(b[9] ^ b[6], b[9], b[5]);
- a[10] = bitselect(b[10] ^ b[12], b[10], b[11]);
- a[11] = bitselect(b[11] ^ b[13], b[11], b[12]);
- a[12] = bitselect(b[12] ^ b[14], b[12], b[13]);
- a[13] = bitselect(b[13] ^ b[10], b[13], b[14]);
- a[14] = bitselect(b[14] ^ b[11], b[14], b[10]);
- a[15] = bitselect(b[15] ^ b[17], b[15], b[16]);
- a[16] = bitselect(b[16] ^ b[18], b[16], b[17]);
- a[17] = bitselect(b[17] ^ b[19], b[17], b[18]);
- a[18] = bitselect(b[18] ^ b[15], b[18], b[19]);
- a[19] = bitselect(b[19] ^ b[16], b[19], b[15]);
- a[20] = bitselect(b[20] ^ b[22], b[20], b[21]);
- a[21] = bitselect(b[21] ^ b[23], b[21], b[22]);
- a[22] = bitselect(b[22] ^ b[24], b[22], b[23]);
- a[23] = bitselect(b[23] ^ b[20], b[23], b[24]);
- a[24] = bitselect(b[24] ^ b[21], b[24], b[20]);
- }
- }
- // Iota
- a[0] ^= Keccak_f1600_RC[r];
- #if !__ENDIAN_LITTLE__
- for (uint i = 0; i != 25; ++i)
- a[i] = a[i].yx;
- #endif
-void keccak_f1600_no_absorb(ulong* a, uint in_size, uint out_size, uint isolate)
- for (uint i = in_size; i != 25; ++i)
- {
- a[i] = 0;
- }
- a[in_size] ^= 0x0000000000000001;
- a[24-out_size*2] ^= 0x8000000000000000;
- a[in_size] ^= 0x0100000000000000;
- a[24-out_size*2] ^= 0x0000000000000080;
- // Originally I unrolled the first and last rounds to interface
- // better with surrounding code, however I haven't done this
- // without causing the AMD compiler to blow up the VGPR usage.
- uint r = 0;
- do
- {
- // This dynamic branch stops the AMD compiler unrolling the loop
- // and additionally saves about 33% of the VGPRs, enough to gain another
- // wavefront. Ideally we'd get 4 in flight, but 3 is the best I can
- // massage out of the compiler. It doesn't really seem to matter how
- // much we try and help the compiler save VGPRs because it seems to throw
- // that information away, hence the implementation of keccak here
- // doesn't bother.
- if (isolate)
- {
- keccak_f1600_round((uint2*)a, r++, 25);
- }
- }
- while (r < 23);
- // final round optimised for digest size
- keccak_f1600_round((uint2*)a, r++, out_size);
-#define copy(dst, src, count) for (uint i = 0; i != count; ++i) { (dst)[i] = (src)[i]; }
-#define countof(x) (sizeof(x) / sizeof(x[0]))
-uint fnv(uint x, uint y)
- return x * FNV_PRIME ^ y;
-uint4 fnv4(uint4 x, uint4 y)
- return x * FNV_PRIME ^ y;
-uint fnv_reduce(uint4 v)
- return fnv(fnv(fnv(v.x, v.y), v.z), v.w);
-typedef union
- ulong ulongs[32 / sizeof(ulong)];
- uint uints[32 / sizeof(uint)];
-} hash32_t;
-typedef union
- ulong ulongs[64 / sizeof(ulong)];
- uint4 uint4s[64 / sizeof(uint4)];
-} hash64_t;
-typedef union
- uint uints[128 / sizeof(uint)];
- uint4 uint4s[128 / sizeof(uint4)];
-} hash128_t;
-hash64_t init_hash(__constant hash32_t const* header, ulong nonce, uint isolate)
- hash64_t init;
- uint const init_size = countof(init.ulongs);
- uint const hash_size = countof(header->ulongs);
- // sha3_512(header .. nonce)
- ulong state[25];
- copy(state, header->ulongs, hash_size);
- state[hash_size] = nonce;
- keccak_f1600_no_absorb(state, hash_size + 1, init_size, isolate);
- copy(init.ulongs, state, init_size);
- return init;
-uint inner_loop_chunks(uint4 init, uint thread_id, __local uint* share, __global hash128_t const* g_dag, __global hash128_t const* g_dag1, __global hash128_t const* g_dag2, __global hash128_t const* g_dag3, uint isolate)
- uint4 mix = init;
- // share init0
- if (thread_id == 0)
- *share = mix.x;
- uint init0 = *share;
- uint a = 0;
- do
- {
- bool update_share = thread_id == (a/4) % THREADS_PER_HASH;
- #pragma unroll
- for (uint i = 0; i != 4; ++i)
- {
- if (update_share)
- {
- uint m[4] = { mix.x, mix.y, mix.z, mix.w };
- *share = fnv(init0 ^ (a+i), m[i]) % DAG_SIZE;
- }
- mix = fnv4(mix, *share>=3 * DAG_SIZE / 4 ? g_dag3[*share - 3 * DAG_SIZE / 4].uint4s[thread_id] : *share>=DAG_SIZE / 2 ? g_dag2[*share - DAG_SIZE / 2].uint4s[thread_id] : *share>=DAG_SIZE / 4 ? g_dag1[*share - DAG_SIZE / 4].uint4s[thread_id]:g_dag[*share].uint4s[thread_id]);
- }
- } while ((a += 4) != (ACCESSES & isolate));
- return fnv_reduce(mix);
-uint inner_loop(uint4 init, uint thread_id, __local uint* share, __global hash128_t const* g_dag, uint isolate)
- uint4 mix = init;
- // share init0
- if (thread_id == 0)
- *share = mix.x;
- uint init0 = *share;
- uint a = 0;
- do
- {
- bool update_share = thread_id == (a/4) % THREADS_PER_HASH;
- #pragma unroll
- for (uint i = 0; i != 4; ++i)
- {
- if (update_share)
- {
- uint m[4] = { mix.x, mix.y, mix.z, mix.w };
- *share = fnv(init0 ^ (a+i), m[i]) % DAG_SIZE;
- }
- mix = fnv4(mix, g_dag[*share].uint4s[thread_id]);
- }
- }
- while ((a += 4) != (ACCESSES & isolate));
- return fnv_reduce(mix);
-hash32_t final_hash(hash64_t const* init, hash32_t const* mix, uint isolate)
- ulong state[25];
- hash32_t hash;
- uint const hash_size = countof(hash.ulongs);
- uint const init_size = countof(init->ulongs);
- uint const mix_size = countof(mix->ulongs);
- // keccak_256(keccak_512(header..nonce) .. mix);
- copy(state, init->ulongs, init_size);
- copy(state + init_size, mix->ulongs, mix_size);
- keccak_f1600_no_absorb(state, init_size+mix_size, hash_size, isolate);
- // copy out
- copy(hash.ulongs, state, hash_size);
- return hash;
-hash32_t compute_hash_simple(
- __constant hash32_t const* g_header,
- __global hash128_t const* g_dag,
- ulong nonce,
- uint isolate
- )
- hash64_t init = init_hash(g_header, nonce, isolate);
- hash128_t mix;
- for (uint i = 0; i != countof(mix.uint4s); ++i)
- {
- mix.uint4s[i] = init.uint4s[i % countof(init.uint4s)];
- }
- uint mix_val = mix.uints[0];
- uint init0 = mix.uints[0];
- uint a = 0;
- do
- {
- uint pi = fnv(init0 ^ a, mix_val) % DAG_SIZE;
- uint n = (a+1) % countof(mix.uints);
- #pragma unroll
- for (uint i = 0; i != countof(mix.uints); ++i)
- {
- mix.uints[i] = fnv(mix.uints[i], g_dag[pi].uints[i]);
- mix_val = i == n ? mix.uints[i] : mix_val;
- }
- }
- while (++a != (ACCESSES & isolate));
- // reduce to output
- hash32_t fnv_mix;
- for (uint i = 0; i != countof(fnv_mix.uints); ++i)
- {
- fnv_mix.uints[i] = fnv_reduce(mix.uint4s[i]);
- }
- return final_hash(&init, &fnv_mix, isolate);
-typedef union
- struct
- {
- hash64_t init;
- uint pad; // avoid lds bank conflicts
- };
- hash32_t mix;
-} compute_hash_share;
-hash32_t compute_hash(
- __local compute_hash_share* share,
- __constant hash32_t const* g_header,
- __global hash128_t const* g_dag,
- ulong nonce,
- uint isolate
- )
- uint const gid = get_global_id(0);
- // Compute one init hash per work item.
- hash64_t init = init_hash(g_header, nonce, isolate);
- // Threads work together in this phase in groups of 8.
- uint const thread_id = gid % THREADS_PER_HASH;
- uint const hash_id = (gid % GROUP_SIZE) / THREADS_PER_HASH;
- hash32_t mix;
- uint i = 0;
- do
- {
- // share init with other threads
- if (i == thread_id)
- share[hash_id].init = init;
- uint4 thread_init = share[hash_id].init.uint4s[thread_id % (64 / sizeof(uint4))];
- uint thread_mix = inner_loop(thread_init, thread_id, share[hash_id].mix.uints, g_dag, isolate);
- share[hash_id].mix.uints[thread_id] = thread_mix;
- if (i == thread_id)
- mix = share[hash_id].mix;
- }
- while (++i != (THREADS_PER_HASH & isolate));
- return final_hash(&init, &mix, isolate);
-hash32_t compute_hash_chunks(
- __local compute_hash_share* share,
- __constant hash32_t const* g_header,
- __global hash128_t const* g_dag,
- __global hash128_t const* g_dag1,
- __global hash128_t const* g_dag2,
- __global hash128_t const* g_dag3,
- ulong nonce,
- uint isolate
- )
- uint const gid = get_global_id(0);
- // Compute one init hash per work item.
- hash64_t init = init_hash(g_header, nonce, isolate);
- // Threads work together in this phase in groups of 8.
- uint const thread_id = gid % THREADS_PER_HASH;
- uint const hash_id = (gid % GROUP_SIZE) / THREADS_PER_HASH;
- hash32_t mix;
- uint i = 0;
- do
- {
- // share init with other threads
- if (i == thread_id)
- share[hash_id].init = init;
- uint4 thread_init = share[hash_id].init.uint4s[thread_id % (64 / sizeof(uint4))];
- uint thread_mix = inner_loop_chunks(thread_init, thread_id, share[hash_id].mix.uints, g_dag, g_dag1, g_dag2, g_dag3, isolate);
- share[hash_id].mix.uints[thread_id] = thread_mix;
- if (i == thread_id)
- mix = share[hash_id].mix;
- }
- while (++i != (THREADS_PER_HASH & isolate));
- return final_hash(&init, &mix, isolate);
-__attribute__((reqd_work_group_size(GROUP_SIZE, 1, 1)))
-__kernel void ethash_hash_simple(
- __global hash32_t* g_hashes,
- __constant hash32_t const* g_header,
- __global hash128_t const* g_dag,
- ulong start_nonce,
- uint isolate
- )
- uint const gid = get_global_id(0);
- g_hashes[gid] = compute_hash_simple(g_header, g_dag, start_nonce + gid, isolate);
-__attribute__((reqd_work_group_size(GROUP_SIZE, 1, 1)))
-__kernel void ethash_search_simple(
- __global volatile uint* restrict g_output,
- __constant hash32_t const* g_header,
- __global hash128_t const* g_dag,
- ulong start_nonce,
- ulong target,
- uint isolate
- )
- uint const gid = get_global_id(0);
- hash32_t hash = compute_hash_simple(g_header, g_dag, start_nonce + gid, isolate);
- if (hash.ulongs[countof(hash.ulongs)-1] < target)
- {
- uint slot = min(convert_uint(MAX_OUTPUTS), convert_uint(atomic_inc(&g_output[0]) + 1));
- g_output[slot] = gid;
- }
-__attribute__((reqd_work_group_size(GROUP_SIZE, 1, 1)))
-__kernel void ethash_hash(
- __global hash32_t* g_hashes,
- __constant hash32_t const* g_header,
- __global hash128_t const* g_dag,
- ulong start_nonce,
- uint isolate
- )
- __local compute_hash_share share[HASHES_PER_LOOP];
- uint const gid = get_global_id(0);
- g_hashes[gid] = compute_hash(share, g_header, g_dag, start_nonce + gid, isolate);
-__attribute__((reqd_work_group_size(GROUP_SIZE, 1, 1)))
-__kernel void ethash_search(
- __global volatile uint* restrict g_output,
- __constant hash32_t const* g_header,
- __global hash128_t const* g_dag,
- ulong start_nonce,
- ulong target,
- uint isolate
- )
- __local compute_hash_share share[HASHES_PER_LOOP];
- uint const gid = get_global_id(0);
- hash32_t hash = compute_hash(share, g_header, g_dag, start_nonce + gid, isolate);
- if (as_ulong(as_uchar8(hash.ulongs[0]).s76543210) < target)
- {
- uint slot = min((uint)MAX_OUTPUTS, atomic_inc(&g_output[0]) + 1);
- g_output[slot] = gid;
- }
-__attribute__((reqd_work_group_size(GROUP_SIZE, 1, 1)))
-__kernel void ethash_hash_chunks(
- __global hash32_t* g_hashes,
- __constant hash32_t const* g_header,
- __global hash128_t const* g_dag,
- __global hash128_t const* g_dag1,
- __global hash128_t const* g_dag2,
- __global hash128_t const* g_dag3,
- ulong start_nonce,
- uint isolate
- )
- __local compute_hash_share share[HASHES_PER_LOOP];
- uint const gid = get_global_id(0);
- g_hashes[gid] = compute_hash_chunks(share, g_header, g_dag, g_dag1, g_dag2, g_dag3,start_nonce + gid, isolate);
-__attribute__((reqd_work_group_size(GROUP_SIZE, 1, 1)))
-__kernel void ethash_search_chunks(
- __global volatile uint* restrict g_output,
- __constant hash32_t const* g_header,
- __global hash128_t const* g_dag,
- __global hash128_t const* g_dag1,
- __global hash128_t const* g_dag2,
- __global hash128_t const* g_dag3,
- ulong start_nonce,
- ulong target,
- uint isolate
- )
- __local compute_hash_share share[HASHES_PER_LOOP];
- uint const gid = get_global_id(0);
- hash32_t hash = compute_hash_chunks(share, g_header, g_dag, g_dag1, g_dag2, g_dag3, start_nonce + gid, isolate);
- if (as_ulong(as_uchar8(hash.ulongs[0]).s76543210) < target)
- {
- uint slot = min(convert_uint(MAX_OUTPUTS), convert_uint(atomic_inc(&g_output[0]) + 1));
- g_output[slot] = gid;
- }
diff --git a/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/ethereum/ethash/ethashc.go b/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/ethereum/ethash/ethashc.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 1d2ba1613..000000000
--- a/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/ethereum/ethash/ethashc.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2015 The go-ethereum Authors
-// This file is part of the go-ethereum library.
-// The go-ethereum library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-// it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
-// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-// (at your option) any later version.
-// The go-ethereum library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-// GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
-// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
-// along with the go-ethereum library. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-package ethash
- -mno-stack-arg-probe disables stack probing which avoids the function
- __chkstk_ms being linked. this avoids a clash of this symbol as we also
- separately link the secp256k1 lib which ends up defining this symbol
- 1. https://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/gccint/Stack-Checking.html
- 2. https://groups.google.com/forum/#!msg/golang-dev/v1bziURSQ4k/88fXuJ24e-gJ
- 3. https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/golang-nuts/VNP6Mwz_B6o
-#cgo CFLAGS: -std=gnu99 -Wall
-#cgo windows CFLAGS: -mno-stack-arg-probe
-#cgo LDFLAGS: -lm
-#include "src/libethash/internal.c"
-#include "src/libethash/sha3.c"
-#include "src/libethash/io.c"
-#ifdef _WIN32
-# include "src/libethash/io_win32.c"
-# include "src/libethash/mmap_win32.c"
-# include "src/libethash/io_posix.c"
-// 'gateway function' for calling back into go.
-extern int ethashGoCallback(unsigned);
-int ethashGoCallback_cgo(unsigned percent) { return ethashGoCallback(percent); }
-import "C"
diff --git a/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/ethereum/ethash/setup.py b/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/ethereum/ethash/setup.py
deleted file mode 100755
index 18aa20f6d..000000000
--- a/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/ethereum/ethash/setup.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-import os
-from distutils.core import setup, Extension
-sources = [
- 'src/python/core.c',
- 'src/libethash/io.c',
- 'src/libethash/internal.c',
- 'src/libethash/sha3.c']
-if os.name == 'nt':
- sources += [
- 'src/libethash/util_win32.c',
- 'src/libethash/io_win32.c',
- 'src/libethash/mmap_win32.c',
- ]
- sources += [
- 'src/libethash/io_posix.c'
- ]
-depends = [
- 'src/libethash/ethash.h',
- 'src/libethash/compiler.h',
- 'src/libethash/data_sizes.h',
- 'src/libethash/endian.h',
- 'src/libethash/ethash.h',
- 'src/libethash/io.h',
- 'src/libethash/fnv.h',
- 'src/libethash/internal.h',
- 'src/libethash/sha3.h',
- 'src/libethash/util.h',
-pyethash = Extension('pyethash',
- sources=sources,
- depends=depends,
- extra_compile_args=["-Isrc/", "-std=gnu99", "-Wall"])
- name='pyethash',
- author="Matthew Wampler-Doty",
- author_email="matthew.wampler.doty@gmail.com",
- license='GPL',
- version='0.1.23',
- url='https://github.com/ethereum/ethash',
- download_url='https://github.com/ethereum/ethash/tarball/v23',
- description=('Python wrappers for ethash, the ethereum proof of work'
- 'hashing function'),
- ext_modules=[pyethash],
diff --git a/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/ethereum/ethash/src/libethash/CMakeLists.txt b/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/ethereum/ethash/src/libethash/CMakeLists.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index a65621c3e..000000000
--- a/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/ethereum/ethash/src/libethash/CMakeLists.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
-set(LIBRARY ethash)
-endif ()
-set(CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE Release)
-if (NOT MSVC)
- set(CMAKE_C_FLAGS "${CMAKE_C_FLAGS} -std=gnu99")
-set(FILES util.h
- io.c
- internal.c
- ethash.h
- endian.h
- compiler.h
- fnv.h
- data_sizes.h)
-if (MSVC)
- list(APPEND FILES util_win32.c io_win32.c mmap_win32.c)
- list(APPEND FILES io_posix.c)
- find_package(CryptoPP 5.6.2)
- add_definitions(-DWITH_CRYPTOPP)
- include_directories( ${CRYPTOPP_INCLUDE_DIRS} )
- list(APPEND FILES sha3_cryptopp.cpp sha3_cryptopp.h)
- list(APPEND FILES sha3.c sha3.h)
-add_library(${LIBRARY} ${FILES})
diff --git a/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/ethereum/ethash/src/libethash/compiler.h b/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/ethereum/ethash/src/libethash/compiler.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 9695871cd..000000000
--- a/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/ethereum/ethash/src/libethash/compiler.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
- This file is part of cpp-ethereum.
- cpp-ethereum is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- cpp-ethereum is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with cpp-ethereum. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-/** @file compiler.h
- * @date 2014
- */
-#pragma once
-// Visual Studio doesn't support the inline keyword in C mode
-#if defined(_MSC_VER) && !defined(__cplusplus)
-#define inline __inline
-// pretend restrict is a standard keyword
-#if defined(_MSC_VER)
-#define restrict __restrict
-#define restrict __restrict__
diff --git a/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/ethereum/ethash/src/libethash/data_sizes.h b/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/ethereum/ethash/src/libethash/data_sizes.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 83cc30bcb..000000000
--- a/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/ethereum/ethash/src/libethash/data_sizes.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,812 +0,0 @@
- This file is part of cpp-ethereum.
- cpp-ethereum is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software FoundationUUU,either version 3 of the LicenseUUU,or
- (at your option) any later version.
- cpp-ethereum is distributed in the hope that it will be usefulU,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with cpp-ethereum. If notUUU,see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-/** @file data_sizes.h
-* @author Matthew Wampler-Doty <negacthulhu@gmail.com>
-* @date 2015
-#pragma once
-#include <stdint.h>
-#include "compiler.h"
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C" {
-#include <stdint.h>
-// 2048 Epochs (~20 years) worth of tabulated DAG sizes
-// Generated with the following Mathematica Code:
-// GetCacheSizes[n_] := Module[{
-// CacheSizeBytesInit = 2^24,
-// CacheGrowth = 2^17,
-// HashBytes = 64,
-// j = 0},
-// Reap[
-// While[j < n,
-// Module[{i =
-// Floor[(CacheSizeBytesInit + CacheGrowth * j) / HashBytes]},
-// While[! PrimeQ[i], i--];
-// Sow[i*HashBytes]; j++]]]][[2]][[1]]
-static const uint64_t dag_sizes[2048] = {
- 1073739904U, 1082130304U, 1090514816U, 1098906752U, 1107293056U,
- 1115684224U, 1124070016U, 1132461952U, 1140849536U, 1149232768U,
- 1157627776U, 1166013824U, 1174404736U, 1182786944U, 1191180416U,
- 1199568512U, 1207958912U, 1216345216U, 1224732032U, 1233124736U,
- 1241513344U, 1249902464U, 1258290304U, 1266673792U, 1275067264U,
- 1283453312U, 1291844992U, 1300234112U, 1308619904U, 1317010048U,
- 1325397376U, 1333787776U, 1342176128U, 1350561664U, 1358954368U,
- 1367339392U, 1375731584U, 1384118144U, 1392507008U, 1400897408U,
- 1409284736U, 1417673344U, 1426062464U, 1434451072U, 1442839168U,
- 1451229056U, 1459615616U, 1468006016U, 1476394112U, 1484782976U,
- 1493171584U, 1501559168U, 1509948032U, 1518337664U, 1526726528U,
- 1535114624U, 1543503488U, 1551892096U, 1560278656U, 1568669056U,
- 1577056384U, 1585446272U, 1593831296U, 1602219392U, 1610610304U,
- 1619000192U, 1627386752U, 1635773824U, 1644164224U, 1652555648U,
- 1660943488U, 1669332608U, 1677721216U, 1686109312U, 1694497664U,
- 1702886272U, 1711274624U, 1719661184U, 1728047744U, 1736434816U,
- 1744829056U, 1753218944U, 1761606272U, 1769995904U, 1778382464U,
- 1786772864U, 1795157888U, 1803550592U, 1811937664U, 1820327552U,
- 1828711552U, 1837102976U, 1845488768U, 1853879936U, 1862269312U,
- 1870656896U, 1879048064U, 1887431552U, 1895825024U, 1904212096U,
- 1912601216U, 1920988544U, 1929379456U, 1937765504U, 1946156672U,
- 1954543232U, 1962932096U, 1971321728U, 1979707264U, 1988093056U,
- 1996487552U, 2004874624U, 2013262208U, 2021653888U, 2030039936U,
- 2038430848U, 2046819968U, 2055208576U, 2063596672U, 2071981952U,
- 2080373632U, 2088762752U, 2097149056U, 2105539712U, 2113928576U,
- 2122315136U, 2130700672U, 2139092608U, 2147483264U, 2155872128U,
- 2164257664U, 2172642176U, 2181035392U, 2189426048U, 2197814912U,
- 2206203008U, 2214587264U, 2222979712U, 2231367808U, 2239758208U,
- 2248145024U, 2256527744U, 2264922752U, 2273312128U, 2281701248U,
- 2290086272U, 2298476672U, 2306867072U, 2315251072U, 2323639168U,
- 2332032128U, 2340420224U, 2348808064U, 2357196416U, 2365580416U,
- 2373966976U, 2382363008U, 2390748544U, 2399139968U, 2407530368U,
- 2415918976U, 2424307328U, 2432695424U, 2441084288U, 2449472384U,
- 2457861248U, 2466247808U, 2474637184U, 2483026816U, 2491414144U,
- 2499803776U, 2508191872U, 2516582272U, 2524970368U, 2533359232U,
- 2541743488U, 2550134144U, 2558525056U, 2566913408U, 2575301504U,
- 2583686528U, 2592073856U, 2600467328U, 2608856192U, 2617240448U,
- 2625631616U, 2634022016U, 2642407552U, 2650796416U, 2659188352U,
- 2667574912U, 2675965312U, 2684352896U, 2692738688U, 2701130624U,
- 2709518464U, 2717907328U, 2726293376U, 2734685056U, 2743073152U,
- 2751462016U, 2759851648U, 2768232832U, 2776625536U, 2785017728U,
- 2793401984U, 2801794432U, 2810182016U, 2818571648U, 2826959488U,
- 2835349376U, 2843734144U, 2852121472U, 2860514432U, 2868900992U,
- 2877286784U, 2885676928U, 2894069632U, 2902451584U, 2910843008U,
- 2919234688U, 2927622784U, 2936011648U, 2944400768U, 2952789376U,
- 2961177728U, 2969565568U, 2977951616U, 2986338944U, 2994731392U,
- 3003120256U, 3011508352U, 3019895936U, 3028287104U, 3036675968U,
- 3045063808U, 3053452928U, 3061837696U, 3070228352U, 3078615424U,
- 3087003776U, 3095394944U, 3103782272U, 3112173184U, 3120562048U,
- 3128944768U, 3137339264U, 3145725056U, 3154109312U, 3162505088U,
- 3170893184U, 3179280256U, 3187669376U, 3196056704U, 3204445568U,
- 3212836736U, 3221224064U, 3229612928U, 3238002304U, 3246391168U,
- 3254778496U, 3263165824U, 3271556224U, 3279944576U, 3288332416U,
- 3296719232U, 3305110912U, 3313500032U, 3321887104U, 3330273152U,
- 3338658944U, 3347053184U, 3355440512U, 3363827072U, 3372220288U,
- 3380608384U, 3388997504U, 3397384576U, 3405774208U, 3414163072U,
- 3422551936U, 3430937984U, 3439328384U, 3447714176U, 3456104576U,
- 3464493952U, 3472883584U, 3481268864U, 3489655168U, 3498048896U,
- 3506434432U, 3514826368U, 3523213952U, 3531603584U, 3539987072U,
- 3548380288U, 3556763264U, 3565157248U, 3573545344U, 3581934464U,
- 3590324096U, 3598712704U, 3607098752U, 3615488384U, 3623877248U,
- 3632265856U, 3640646528U, 3649043584U, 3657430144U, 3665821568U,
- 3674207872U, 3682597504U, 3690984832U, 3699367808U, 3707764352U,
- 3716152448U, 3724541056U, 3732925568U, 3741318016U, 3749706368U,
- 3758091136U, 3766481536U, 3774872704U, 3783260032U, 3791650432U,
- 3800036224U, 3808427648U, 3816815488U, 3825204608U, 3833592704U,
- 3841981568U, 3850370432U, 3858755968U, 3867147904U, 3875536256U,
- 3883920512U, 3892313728U, 3900702592U, 3909087872U, 3917478784U,
- 3925868416U, 3934256512U, 3942645376U, 3951032192U, 3959422336U,
- 3967809152U, 3976200064U, 3984588416U, 3992974976U, 4001363584U,
- 4009751168U, 4018141312U, 4026530432U, 4034911616U, 4043308928U,
- 4051695488U, 4060084352U, 4068472448U, 4076862848U, 4085249408U,
- 4093640576U, 4102028416U, 4110413696U, 4118805632U, 4127194496U,
- 4135583104U, 4143971968U, 4152360832U, 4160746112U, 4169135744U,
- 4177525888U, 4185912704U, 4194303616U, 4202691968U, 4211076736U,
- 4219463552U, 4227855488U, 4236246656U, 4244633728U, 4253022848U,
- 4261412224U, 4269799808U, 4278184832U, 4286578048U, 4294962304U,
- 4303349632U, 4311743104U, 4320130432U, 4328521088U, 4336909184U,
- 4345295488U, 4353687424U, 4362073472U, 4370458496U, 4378852736U,
- 4387238528U, 4395630208U, 4404019072U, 4412407424U, 4420790656U,
- 4429182848U, 4437571456U, 4445962112U, 4454344064U, 4462738048U,
- 4471119232U, 4479516544U, 4487904128U, 4496289664U, 4504682368U,
- 4513068416U, 4521459584U, 4529846144U, 4538232704U, 4546619776U,
- 4555010176U, 4563402112U, 4571790208U, 4580174464U, 4588567936U,
- 4596957056U, 4605344896U, 4613734016U, 4622119808U, 4630511488U,
- 4638898816U, 4647287936U, 4655675264U, 4664065664U, 4672451968U,
- 4680842624U, 4689231488U, 4697620352U, 4706007424U, 4714397056U,
- 4722786176U, 4731173248U, 4739562368U, 4747951744U, 4756340608U,
- 4764727936U, 4773114496U, 4781504384U, 4789894784U, 4798283648U,
- 4806667648U, 4815059584U, 4823449472U, 4831835776U, 4840226176U,
- 4848612224U, 4857003392U, 4865391488U, 4873780096U, 4882169728U,
- 4890557312U, 4898946944U, 4907333248U, 4915722368U, 4924110976U,
- 4932499328U, 4940889728U, 4949276032U, 4957666432U, 4966054784U,
- 4974438016U, 4982831488U, 4991221376U, 4999607168U, 5007998848U,
- 5016386432U, 5024763776U, 5033164672U, 5041544576U, 5049941888U,
- 5058329728U, 5066717056U, 5075107456U, 5083494272U, 5091883904U,
- 5100273536U, 5108662144U, 5117048192U, 5125436032U, 5133827456U,
- 5142215296U, 5150605184U, 5158993024U, 5167382144U, 5175769472U,
- 5184157568U, 5192543872U, 5200936064U, 5209324928U, 5217711232U,
- 5226102656U, 5234490496U, 5242877312U, 5251263872U, 5259654016U,
- 5268040832U, 5276434304U, 5284819328U, 5293209728U, 5301598592U,
- 5309986688U, 5318374784U, 5326764416U, 5335151488U, 5343542144U,
- 5351929472U, 5360319872U, 5368706944U, 5377096576U, 5385484928U,
- 5393871232U, 5402263424U, 5410650496U, 5419040384U, 5427426944U,
- 5435816576U, 5444205952U, 5452594816U, 5460981376U, 5469367936U,
- 5477760896U, 5486148736U, 5494536832U, 5502925952U, 5511315328U,
- 5519703424U, 5528089984U, 5536481152U, 5544869504U, 5553256064U,
- 5561645696U, 5570032768U, 5578423936U, 5586811264U, 5595193216U,
- 5603585408U, 5611972736U, 5620366208U, 5628750464U, 5637143936U,
- 5645528192U, 5653921408U, 5662310272U, 5670694784U, 5679082624U,
- 5687474048U, 5695864448U, 5704251008U, 5712641408U, 5721030272U,
- 5729416832U, 5737806208U, 5746194304U, 5754583936U, 5762969984U,
- 5771358592U, 5779748224U, 5788137856U, 5796527488U, 5804911232U,
- 5813300608U, 5821692544U, 5830082176U, 5838468992U, 5846855552U,
- 5855247488U, 5863636096U, 5872024448U, 5880411008U, 5888799872U,
- 5897186432U, 5905576832U, 5913966976U, 5922352768U, 5930744704U,
- 5939132288U, 5947522432U, 5955911296U, 5964299392U, 5972688256U,
- 5981074304U, 5989465472U, 5997851008U, 6006241408U, 6014627968U,
- 6023015552U, 6031408256U, 6039796096U, 6048185216U, 6056574848U,
- 6064963456U, 6073351808U, 6081736064U, 6090128768U, 6098517632U,
- 6106906496U, 6115289216U, 6123680896U, 6132070016U, 6140459648U,
- 6148849024U, 6157237376U, 6165624704U, 6174009728U, 6182403712U,
- 6190792064U, 6199176064U, 6207569792U, 6215952256U, 6224345216U,
- 6232732544U, 6241124224U, 6249510272U, 6257899136U, 6266287744U,
- 6274676864U, 6283065728U, 6291454336U, 6299843456U, 6308232064U,
- 6316620928U, 6325006208U, 6333395584U, 6341784704U, 6350174848U,
- 6358562176U, 6366951296U, 6375337856U, 6383729536U, 6392119168U,
- 6400504192U, 6408895616U, 6417283456U, 6425673344U, 6434059136U,
- 6442444672U, 6450837376U, 6459223424U, 6467613056U, 6476004224U,
- 6484393088U, 6492781952U, 6501170048U, 6509555072U, 6517947008U,
- 6526336384U, 6534725504U, 6543112832U, 6551500672U, 6559888768U,
- 6568278656U, 6576662912U, 6585055616U, 6593443456U, 6601834112U,
- 6610219648U, 6618610304U, 6626999168U, 6635385472U, 6643777408U,
- 6652164224U, 6660552832U, 6668941952U, 6677330048U, 6685719424U,
- 6694107776U, 6702493568U, 6710882176U, 6719274112U, 6727662976U,
- 6736052096U, 6744437632U, 6752825984U, 6761213824U, 6769604224U,
- 6777993856U, 6786383488U, 6794770816U, 6803158144U, 6811549312U,
- 6819937664U, 6828326528U, 6836706176U, 6845101696U, 6853491328U,
- 6861880448U, 6870269312U, 6878655104U, 6887046272U, 6895433344U,
- 6903822208U, 6912212864U, 6920596864U, 6928988288U, 6937377152U,
- 6945764992U, 6954149248U, 6962544256U, 6970928768U, 6979317376U,
- 6987709312U, 6996093824U, 7004487296U, 7012875392U, 7021258624U,
- 7029652352U, 7038038912U, 7046427776U, 7054818944U, 7063207808U,
- 7071595136U, 7079980928U, 7088372608U, 7096759424U, 7105149824U,
- 7113536896U, 7121928064U, 7130315392U, 7138699648U, 7147092352U,
- 7155479168U, 7163865728U, 7172249984U, 7180648064U, 7189036672U,
- 7197424768U, 7205810816U, 7214196608U, 7222589824U, 7230975104U,
- 7239367552U, 7247755904U, 7256145536U, 7264533376U, 7272921472U,
- 7281308032U, 7289694848U, 7298088832U, 7306471808U, 7314864512U,
- 7323253888U, 7331643008U, 7340029568U, 7348419712U, 7356808832U,
- 7365196672U, 7373585792U, 7381973888U, 7390362752U, 7398750592U,
- 7407138944U, 7415528576U, 7423915648U, 7432302208U, 7440690304U,
- 7449080192U, 7457472128U, 7465860992U, 7474249088U, 7482635648U,
- 7491023744U, 7499412608U, 7507803008U, 7516192384U, 7524579968U,
- 7532967296U, 7541358464U, 7549745792U, 7558134656U, 7566524032U,
- 7574912896U, 7583300992U, 7591690112U, 7600075136U, 7608466816U,
- 7616854912U, 7625244544U, 7633629824U, 7642020992U, 7650410368U,
- 7658794112U, 7667187328U, 7675574912U, 7683961984U, 7692349568U,
- 7700739712U, 7709130368U, 7717519232U, 7725905536U, 7734295424U,
- 7742683264U, 7751069056U, 7759457408U, 7767849088U, 7776238208U,
- 7784626816U, 7793014912U, 7801405312U, 7809792128U, 7818179968U,
- 7826571136U, 7834957184U, 7843347328U, 7851732352U, 7860124544U,
- 7868512384U, 7876902016U, 7885287808U, 7893679744U, 7902067072U,
- 7910455936U, 7918844288U, 7927230848U, 7935622784U, 7944009344U,
- 7952400256U, 7960786048U, 7969176704U, 7977565312U, 7985953408U,
- 7994339968U, 8002730368U, 8011119488U, 8019508096U, 8027896192U,
- 8036285056U, 8044674688U, 8053062272U, 8061448832U, 8069838464U,
- 8078227328U, 8086616704U, 8095006592U, 8103393664U, 8111783552U,
- 8120171392U, 8128560256U, 8136949376U, 8145336704U, 8153726848U,
- 8162114944U, 8170503296U, 8178891904U, 8187280768U, 8195669632U,
- 8204058496U, 8212444544U, 8220834176U, 8229222272U, 8237612672U,
- 8246000768U, 8254389376U, 8262775168U, 8271167104U, 8279553664U,
- 8287944064U, 8296333184U, 8304715136U, 8313108352U, 8321497984U,
- 8329885568U, 8338274432U, 8346663296U, 8355052928U, 8363441536U,
- 8371828352U, 8380217984U, 8388606592U, 8396996224U, 8405384576U,
- 8413772672U, 8422161536U, 8430549376U, 8438939008U, 8447326592U,
- 8455715456U, 8464104832U, 8472492928U, 8480882048U, 8489270656U,
- 8497659776U, 8506045312U, 8514434944U, 8522823808U, 8531208832U,
- 8539602304U, 8547990656U, 8556378752U, 8564768384U, 8573154176U,
- 8581542784U, 8589933952U, 8598322816U, 8606705024U, 8615099264U,
- 8623487872U, 8631876992U, 8640264064U, 8648653952U, 8657040256U,
- 8665430656U, 8673820544U, 8682209152U, 8690592128U, 8698977152U,
- 8707374464U, 8715763328U, 8724151424U, 8732540032U, 8740928384U,
- 8749315712U, 8757704576U, 8766089344U, 8774480768U, 8782871936U,
- 8791260032U, 8799645824U, 8808034432U, 8816426368U, 8824812928U,
- 8833199488U, 8841591424U, 8849976448U, 8858366336U, 8866757248U,
- 8875147136U, 8883532928U, 8891923328U, 8900306816U, 8908700288U,
- 8917088384U, 8925478784U, 8933867392U, 8942250368U, 8950644608U,
- 8959032704U, 8967420544U, 8975809664U, 8984197504U, 8992584064U,
- 9000976256U, 9009362048U, 9017752448U, 9026141312U, 9034530688U,
- 9042917504U, 9051307904U, 9059694208U, 9068084864U, 9076471424U,
- 9084861824U, 9093250688U, 9101638528U, 9110027648U, 9118416512U,
- 9126803584U, 9135188096U, 9143581312U, 9151969664U, 9160356224U,
- 9168747136U, 9177134464U, 9185525632U, 9193910144U, 9202302848U,
- 9210690688U, 9219079552U, 9227465344U, 9235854464U, 9244244864U,
- 9252633472U, 9261021824U, 9269411456U, 9277799296U, 9286188928U,
- 9294574208U, 9302965888U, 9311351936U, 9319740032U, 9328131968U,
- 9336516736U, 9344907392U, 9353296768U, 9361685888U, 9370074752U,
- 9378463616U, 9386849408U, 9395239808U, 9403629184U, 9412016512U,
- 9420405376U, 9428795008U, 9437181568U, 9445570688U, 9453960832U,
- 9462346624U, 9470738048U, 9479121536U, 9487515008U, 9495903616U,
- 9504289664U, 9512678528U, 9521067904U, 9529456256U, 9537843584U,
- 9546233728U, 9554621312U, 9563011456U, 9571398784U, 9579788672U,
- 9588178304U, 9596567168U, 9604954496U, 9613343104U, 9621732992U,
- 9630121856U, 9638508416U, 9646898816U, 9655283584U, 9663675776U,
- 9672061312U, 9680449664U, 9688840064U, 9697230464U, 9705617536U,
- 9714003584U, 9722393984U, 9730772608U, 9739172224U, 9747561088U,
- 9755945344U, 9764338816U, 9772726144U, 9781116544U, 9789503872U,
- 9797892992U, 9806282624U, 9814670464U, 9823056512U, 9831439232U,
- 9839833984U, 9848224384U, 9856613504U, 9865000576U, 9873391232U,
- 9881772416U, 9890162816U, 9898556288U, 9906940544U, 9915333248U,
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- 32372672U, 32505664U, 32636608U, 32767808U, 32897344U, 33029824U, 33160768U,
- 33289664U, 33423296U, 33554368U, 33683648U, 33816512U, 33947456U, 34076992U,
- 34208704U, 34340032U, 34471744U, 34600256U, 34734016U, 34864576U, 34993984U,
- 35127104U, 35258176U, 35386688U, 35518528U, 35650624U, 35782336U, 35910976U,
- 36044608U, 36175808U, 36305728U, 36436672U, 36568384U, 36699968U, 36830656U,
- 36961984U, 37093312U, 37223488U, 37355072U, 37486528U, 37617472U, 37747904U,
- 37879232U, 38009792U, 38141888U, 38272448U, 38403392U, 38535104U, 38660672U,
- 38795584U, 38925632U, 39059264U, 39190336U, 39320768U, 39452096U, 39581632U,
- 39713984U, 39844928U, 39974848U, 40107968U, 40238144U, 40367168U, 40500032U,
- 40631744U, 40762816U, 40894144U, 41023552U, 41155904U, 41286208U, 41418304U,
- 41547712U, 41680448U, 41811904U, 41942848U, 42073792U, 42204992U, 42334912U,
- 42467008U, 42597824U, 42729152U, 42860096U, 42991552U, 43122368U, 43253696U,
- 43382848U, 43515712U, 43646912U, 43777088U, 43907648U, 44039104U, 44170432U,
- 44302144U, 44433344U, 44564288U, 44694976U, 44825152U, 44956864U, 45088448U,
- 45219008U, 45350464U, 45481024U, 45612608U, 45744064U, 45874496U, 46006208U,
- 46136768U, 46267712U, 46399424U, 46529344U, 46660672U, 46791488U, 46923328U,
- 47053504U, 47185856U, 47316928U, 47447872U, 47579072U, 47710144U, 47839936U,
- 47971648U, 48103232U, 48234176U, 48365248U, 48496192U, 48627136U, 48757312U,
- 48889664U, 49020736U, 49149248U, 49283008U, 49413824U, 49545152U, 49675712U,
- 49807168U, 49938368U, 50069056U, 50200256U, 50331584U, 50462656U, 50593472U,
- 50724032U, 50853952U, 50986048U, 51117632U, 51248576U, 51379904U, 51510848U,
- 51641792U, 51773248U, 51903296U, 52035136U, 52164032U, 52297664U, 52427968U,
- 52557376U, 52690112U, 52821952U, 52952896U, 53081536U, 53213504U, 53344576U,
- 53475776U, 53608384U, 53738816U, 53870528U, 54000832U, 54131776U, 54263744U,
- 54394688U, 54525248U, 54655936U, 54787904U, 54918592U, 55049152U, 55181248U,
- 55312064U, 55442752U, 55574336U, 55705024U, 55836224U, 55967168U, 56097856U,
- 56228672U, 56358592U, 56490176U, 56621888U, 56753728U, 56884928U, 57015488U,
- 57146816U, 57278272U, 57409216U, 57540416U, 57671104U, 57802432U, 57933632U,
- 58064576U, 58195264U, 58326976U, 58457408U, 58588864U, 58720192U, 58849984U,
- 58981696U, 59113024U, 59243456U, 59375552U, 59506624U, 59637568U, 59768512U,
- 59897792U, 60030016U, 60161984U, 60293056U, 60423872U, 60554432U, 60683968U,
- 60817216U, 60948032U, 61079488U, 61209664U, 61341376U, 61471936U, 61602752U,
- 61733696U, 61865792U, 61996736U, 62127808U, 62259136U, 62389568U, 62520512U,
- 62651584U, 62781632U, 62910784U, 63045056U, 63176128U, 63307072U, 63438656U,
- 63569216U, 63700928U, 63831616U, 63960896U, 64093888U, 64225088U, 64355392U,
- 64486976U, 64617664U, 64748608U, 64879424U, 65009216U, 65142464U, 65273792U,
- 65402816U, 65535424U, 65666752U, 65797696U, 65927744U, 66060224U, 66191296U,
- 66321344U, 66453056U, 66584384U, 66715328U, 66846656U, 66977728U, 67108672U,
- 67239104U, 67370432U, 67501888U, 67631296U, 67763776U, 67895104U, 68026304U,
- 68157248U, 68287936U, 68419264U, 68548288U, 68681408U, 68811968U, 68942912U,
- 69074624U, 69205568U, 69337024U, 69467584U, 69599168U, 69729472U, 69861184U,
- 69989824U, 70122944U, 70253888U, 70385344U, 70515904U, 70647232U, 70778816U,
- 70907968U, 71040832U, 71171648U, 71303104U, 71432512U, 71564992U, 71695168U,
- 71826368U, 71958464U, 72089536U, 72219712U, 72350144U, 72482624U, 72613568U,
- 72744512U, 72875584U, 73006144U, 73138112U, 73268672U, 73400128U, 73530944U,
- 73662272U, 73793344U, 73924544U, 74055104U, 74185792U, 74316992U, 74448832U,
- 74579392U, 74710976U, 74841664U, 74972864U, 75102784U, 75233344U, 75364544U,
- 75497024U, 75627584U, 75759296U, 75890624U, 76021696U, 76152256U, 76283072U,
- 76414144U, 76545856U, 76676672U, 76806976U, 76937792U, 77070016U, 77200832U,
- 77331392U, 77462464U, 77593664U, 77725376U, 77856448U, 77987776U, 78118336U,
- 78249664U, 78380992U, 78511424U, 78642496U, 78773056U, 78905152U, 79033664U,
- 79166656U, 79297472U, 79429568U, 79560512U, 79690816U, 79822784U, 79953472U,
- 80084672U, 80214208U, 80346944U, 80477632U, 80608576U, 80740288U, 80870848U,
- 81002048U, 81133504U, 81264448U, 81395648U, 81525952U, 81657536U, 81786304U,
- 81919808U, 82050112U, 82181312U, 82311616U, 82443968U, 82573376U, 82705984U,
- 82835776U, 82967744U, 83096768U, 83230528U, 83359552U, 83491264U, 83622464U,
- 83753536U, 83886016U, 84015296U, 84147776U, 84277184U, 84409792U, 84540608U,
- 84672064U, 84803008U, 84934336U, 85065152U, 85193792U, 85326784U, 85458496U,
- 85589312U, 85721024U, 85851968U, 85982656U, 86112448U, 86244416U, 86370112U,
- 86506688U, 86637632U, 86769344U, 86900672U, 87031744U, 87162304U, 87293632U,
- 87424576U, 87555392U, 87687104U, 87816896U, 87947968U, 88079168U, 88211264U,
- 88341824U, 88473152U, 88603712U, 88735424U, 88862912U, 88996672U, 89128384U,
- 89259712U, 89390272U, 89521984U, 89652544U, 89783872U, 89914816U, 90045376U,
- 90177088U, 90307904U, 90438848U, 90569152U, 90700096U, 90832832U, 90963776U,
- 91093696U, 91223744U, 91356992U, 91486784U, 91618496U, 91749824U, 91880384U,
- 92012224U, 92143552U, 92273344U, 92405696U, 92536768U, 92666432U, 92798912U,
- 92926016U, 93060544U, 93192128U, 93322816U, 93453632U, 93583936U, 93715136U,
- 93845056U, 93977792U, 94109504U, 94240448U, 94371776U, 94501184U, 94632896U,
- 94764224U, 94895552U, 95023424U, 95158208U, 95287744U, 95420224U, 95550016U,
- 95681216U, 95811904U, 95943872U, 96075328U, 96203584U, 96337856U, 96468544U,
- 96599744U, 96731072U, 96860992U, 96992576U, 97124288U, 97254848U, 97385536U,
- 97517248U, 97647808U, 97779392U, 97910464U, 98041408U, 98172608U, 98303168U,
- 98434496U, 98565568U, 98696768U, 98827328U, 98958784U, 99089728U, 99220928U,
- 99352384U, 99482816U, 99614272U, 99745472U, 99876416U, 100007104U,
- 100138048U, 100267072U, 100401088U, 100529984U, 100662592U, 100791872U,
- 100925248U, 101056064U, 101187392U, 101317952U, 101449408U, 101580608U,
- 101711296U, 101841728U, 101973824U, 102104896U, 102235712U, 102366016U,
- 102498112U, 102628672U, 102760384U, 102890432U, 103021888U, 103153472U,
- 103284032U, 103415744U, 103545152U, 103677248U, 103808576U, 103939648U,
- 104070976U, 104201792U, 104332736U, 104462528U, 104594752U, 104725952U,
- 104854592U, 104988608U, 105118912U, 105247808U, 105381184U, 105511232U,
- 105643072U, 105774784U, 105903296U, 106037056U, 106167872U, 106298944U,
- 106429504U, 106561472U, 106691392U, 106822592U, 106954304U, 107085376U,
- 107216576U, 107346368U, 107478464U, 107609792U, 107739712U, 107872192U,
- 108003136U, 108131392U, 108265408U, 108396224U, 108527168U, 108657344U,
- 108789568U, 108920384U, 109049792U, 109182272U, 109312576U, 109444928U,
- 109572928U, 109706944U, 109837888U, 109969088U, 110099648U, 110230976U,
- 110362432U, 110492992U, 110624704U, 110755264U, 110886208U, 111017408U,
- 111148864U, 111279296U, 111410752U, 111541952U, 111673024U, 111803456U,
- 111933632U, 112066496U, 112196416U, 112328512U, 112457792U, 112590784U,
- 112715968U, 112852672U, 112983616U, 113114944U, 113244224U, 113376448U,
- 113505472U, 113639104U, 113770304U, 113901376U, 114031552U, 114163264U,
- 114294592U, 114425536U, 114556864U, 114687424U, 114818624U, 114948544U,
- 115080512U, 115212224U, 115343296U, 115473472U, 115605184U, 115736128U,
- 115867072U, 115997248U, 116128576U, 116260288U, 116391488U, 116522944U,
- 116652992U, 116784704U, 116915648U, 117046208U, 117178304U, 117308608U,
- 117440192U, 117569728U, 117701824U, 117833024U, 117964096U, 118094656U,
- 118225984U, 118357312U, 118489024U, 118617536U, 118749632U, 118882112U,
- 119012416U, 119144384U, 119275328U, 119406016U, 119537344U, 119668672U,
- 119798464U, 119928896U, 120061376U, 120192832U, 120321728U, 120454336U,
- 120584512U, 120716608U, 120848192U, 120979136U, 121109056U, 121241408U,
- 121372352U, 121502912U, 121634752U, 121764416U, 121895744U, 122027072U,
- 122157632U, 122289088U, 122421184U, 122550592U, 122682944U, 122813888U,
- 122945344U, 123075776U, 123207488U, 123338048U, 123468736U, 123600704U,
- 123731264U, 123861952U, 123993664U, 124124608U, 124256192U, 124386368U,
- 124518208U, 124649024U, 124778048U, 124911296U, 125041088U, 125173696U,
- 125303744U, 125432896U, 125566912U, 125696576U, 125829056U, 125958592U,
- 126090304U, 126221248U, 126352832U, 126483776U, 126615232U, 126746432U,
- 126876608U, 127008704U, 127139392U, 127270336U, 127401152U, 127532224U,
- 127663552U, 127794752U, 127925696U, 128055232U, 128188096U, 128319424U,
- 128449856U, 128581312U, 128712256U, 128843584U, 128973632U, 129103808U,
- 129236288U, 129365696U, 129498944U, 129629888U, 129760832U, 129892288U,
- 130023104U, 130154048U, 130283968U, 130416448U, 130547008U, 130678336U,
- 130807616U, 130939456U, 131071552U, 131202112U, 131331776U, 131464384U,
- 131594048U, 131727296U, 131858368U, 131987392U, 132120256U, 132250816U,
- 132382528U, 132513728U, 132644672U, 132774976U, 132905792U, 133038016U,
- 133168832U, 133299392U, 133429312U, 133562048U, 133692992U, 133823296U,
- 133954624U, 134086336U, 134217152U, 134348608U, 134479808U, 134607296U,
- 134741056U, 134872384U, 135002944U, 135134144U, 135265472U, 135396544U,
- 135527872U, 135659072U, 135787712U, 135921472U, 136052416U, 136182848U,
- 136313792U, 136444864U, 136576448U, 136707904U, 136837952U, 136970048U,
- 137099584U, 137232064U, 137363392U, 137494208U, 137625536U, 137755712U,
- 137887424U, 138018368U, 138149824U, 138280256U, 138411584U, 138539584U,
- 138672832U, 138804928U, 138936128U, 139066688U, 139196864U, 139328704U,
- 139460032U, 139590208U, 139721024U, 139852864U, 139984576U, 140115776U,
- 140245696U, 140376512U, 140508352U, 140640064U, 140769856U, 140902336U,
- 141032768U, 141162688U, 141294016U, 141426496U, 141556544U, 141687488U,
- 141819584U, 141949888U, 142080448U, 142212544U, 142342336U, 142474432U,
- 142606144U, 142736192U, 142868288U, 142997824U, 143129408U, 143258944U,
- 143392448U, 143523136U, 143653696U, 143785024U, 143916992U, 144045632U,
- 144177856U, 144309184U, 144440768U, 144570688U, 144701888U, 144832448U,
- 144965056U, 145096384U, 145227584U, 145358656U, 145489856U, 145620928U,
- 145751488U, 145883072U, 146011456U, 146144704U, 146275264U, 146407232U,
- 146538176U, 146668736U, 146800448U, 146931392U, 147062336U, 147193664U,
- 147324224U, 147455936U, 147586624U, 147717056U, 147848768U, 147979456U,
- 148110784U, 148242368U, 148373312U, 148503232U, 148635584U, 148766144U,
- 148897088U, 149028416U, 149159488U, 149290688U, 149420224U, 149551552U,
- 149683136U, 149814976U, 149943616U, 150076352U, 150208064U, 150338624U,
- 150470464U, 150600256U, 150732224U, 150862784U, 150993088U, 151125952U,
- 151254976U, 151388096U, 151519168U, 151649728U, 151778752U, 151911104U,
- 152042944U, 152174144U, 152304704U, 152435648U, 152567488U, 152698816U,
- 152828992U, 152960576U, 153091648U, 153222976U, 153353792U, 153484096U,
- 153616192U, 153747008U, 153878336U, 154008256U, 154139968U, 154270912U,
- 154402624U, 154533824U, 154663616U, 154795712U, 154926272U, 155057984U,
- 155188928U, 155319872U, 155450816U, 155580608U, 155712064U, 155843392U,
- 155971136U, 156106688U, 156237376U, 156367424U, 156499264U, 156630976U,
- 156761536U, 156892352U, 157024064U, 157155008U, 157284416U, 157415872U,
- 157545536U, 157677248U, 157810496U, 157938112U, 158071744U, 158203328U,
- 158334656U, 158464832U, 158596288U, 158727616U, 158858048U, 158988992U,
- 159121216U, 159252416U, 159381568U, 159513152U, 159645632U, 159776192U,
- 159906496U, 160038464U, 160169536U, 160300352U, 160430656U, 160563008U,
- 160693952U, 160822208U, 160956352U, 161086784U, 161217344U, 161349184U,
- 161480512U, 161611456U, 161742272U, 161873216U, 162002752U, 162135872U,
- 162266432U, 162397888U, 162529216U, 162660032U, 162790976U, 162922048U,
- 163052096U, 163184576U, 163314752U, 163446592U, 163577408U, 163707968U,
- 163839296U, 163969984U, 164100928U, 164233024U, 164364224U, 164494912U,
- 164625856U, 164756672U, 164887616U, 165019072U, 165150016U, 165280064U,
- 165412672U, 165543104U, 165674944U, 165805888U, 165936832U, 166067648U,
- 166198336U, 166330048U, 166461248U, 166591552U, 166722496U, 166854208U,
- 166985408U, 167116736U, 167246656U, 167378368U, 167508416U, 167641024U,
- 167771584U, 167903168U, 168034112U, 168164032U, 168295744U, 168427456U,
- 168557632U, 168688448U, 168819136U, 168951616U, 169082176U, 169213504U,
- 169344832U, 169475648U, 169605952U, 169738048U, 169866304U, 169999552U,
- 170131264U, 170262464U, 170393536U, 170524352U, 170655424U, 170782016U,
- 170917696U, 171048896U, 171179072U, 171310784U, 171439936U, 171573184U,
- 171702976U, 171835072U, 171966272U, 172097216U, 172228288U, 172359232U,
- 172489664U, 172621376U, 172747712U, 172883264U, 173014208U, 173144512U,
- 173275072U, 173407424U, 173539136U, 173669696U, 173800768U, 173931712U,
- 174063424U, 174193472U, 174325696U, 174455744U, 174586816U, 174718912U,
- 174849728U, 174977728U, 175109696U, 175242688U, 175374272U, 175504832U,
- 175636288U, 175765696U, 175898432U, 176028992U, 176159936U, 176291264U,
- 176422592U, 176552512U, 176684864U, 176815424U, 176946496U, 177076544U,
- 177209152U, 177340096U, 177470528U, 177600704U, 177731648U, 177864256U,
- 177994816U, 178126528U, 178257472U, 178387648U, 178518464U, 178650176U,
- 178781888U, 178912064U, 179044288U, 179174848U, 179305024U, 179436736U,
- 179568448U, 179698496U, 179830208U, 179960512U, 180092608U, 180223808U,
- 180354752U, 180485696U, 180617152U, 180748096U, 180877504U, 181009984U,
- 181139264U, 181272512U, 181402688U, 181532608U, 181663168U, 181795136U,
- 181926592U, 182057536U, 182190016U, 182320192U, 182451904U, 182582336U,
- 182713792U, 182843072U, 182976064U, 183107264U, 183237056U, 183368384U,
- 183494848U, 183631424U, 183762752U, 183893824U, 184024768U, 184154816U,
- 184286656U, 184417984U, 184548928U, 184680128U, 184810816U, 184941248U,
- 185072704U, 185203904U, 185335616U, 185465408U, 185596352U, 185727296U,
- 185859904U, 185989696U, 186121664U, 186252992U, 186383552U, 186514112U,
- 186645952U, 186777152U, 186907328U, 187037504U, 187170112U, 187301824U,
- 187429184U, 187562048U, 187693504U, 187825472U, 187957184U, 188087104U,
- 188218304U, 188349376U, 188481344U, 188609728U, 188743616U, 188874304U,
- 189005248U, 189136448U, 189265088U, 189396544U, 189528128U, 189660992U,
- 189791936U, 189923264U, 190054208U, 190182848U, 190315072U, 190447424U,
- 190577984U, 190709312U, 190840768U, 190971328U, 191102656U, 191233472U,
- 191364032U, 191495872U, 191626816U, 191758016U, 191888192U, 192020288U,
- 192148928U, 192282176U, 192413504U, 192542528U, 192674752U, 192805952U,
- 192937792U, 193068608U, 193198912U, 193330496U, 193462208U, 193592384U,
- 193723456U, 193854272U, 193985984U, 194116672U, 194247232U, 194379712U,
- 194508352U, 194641856U, 194772544U, 194900672U, 195035072U, 195166016U,
- 195296704U, 195428032U, 195558592U, 195690304U, 195818176U, 195952576U,
- 196083392U, 196214336U, 196345792U, 196476736U, 196607552U, 196739008U,
- 196869952U, 197000768U, 197130688U, 197262784U, 197394368U, 197523904U,
- 197656384U, 197787584U, 197916608U, 198049472U, 198180544U, 198310208U,
- 198442432U, 198573632U, 198705088U, 198834368U, 198967232U, 199097792U,
- 199228352U, 199360192U, 199491392U, 199621696U, 199751744U, 199883968U,
- 200014016U, 200146624U, 200276672U, 200408128U, 200540096U, 200671168U,
- 200801984U, 200933312U, 201062464U, 201194944U, 201326144U, 201457472U,
- 201588544U, 201719744U, 201850816U, 201981632U, 202111552U, 202244032U,
- 202374464U, 202505152U, 202636352U, 202767808U, 202898368U, 203030336U,
- 203159872U, 203292608U, 203423296U, 203553472U, 203685824U, 203816896U,
- 203947712U, 204078272U, 204208192U, 204341056U, 204472256U, 204603328U,
- 204733888U, 204864448U, 204996544U, 205125568U, 205258304U, 205388864U,
- 205517632U, 205650112U, 205782208U, 205913536U, 206044736U, 206176192U,
- 206307008U, 206434496U, 206569024U, 206700224U, 206831168U, 206961856U,
- 207093056U, 207223616U, 207355328U, 207486784U, 207616832U, 207749056U,
- 207879104U, 208010048U, 208141888U, 208273216U, 208404032U, 208534336U,
- 208666048U, 208796864U, 208927424U, 209059264U, 209189824U, 209321792U,
- 209451584U, 209582656U, 209715136U, 209845568U, 209976896U, 210106432U,
- 210239296U, 210370112U, 210501568U, 210630976U, 210763712U, 210894272U,
- 211024832U, 211156672U, 211287616U, 211418176U, 211549376U, 211679296U,
- 211812032U, 211942592U, 212074432U, 212204864U, 212334016U, 212467648U,
- 212597824U, 212727616U, 212860352U, 212991424U, 213120832U, 213253952U,
- 213385024U, 213515584U, 213645632U, 213777728U, 213909184U, 214040128U,
- 214170688U, 214302656U, 214433728U, 214564544U, 214695232U, 214826048U,
- 214956992U, 215089088U, 215219776U, 215350592U, 215482304U, 215613248U,
- 215743552U, 215874752U, 216005312U, 216137024U, 216267328U, 216399296U,
- 216530752U, 216661696U, 216790592U, 216923968U, 217054528U, 217183168U,
- 217316672U, 217448128U, 217579072U, 217709504U, 217838912U, 217972672U,
- 218102848U, 218233024U, 218364736U, 218496832U, 218627776U, 218759104U,
- 218888896U, 219021248U, 219151936U, 219281728U, 219413056U, 219545024U,
- 219675968U, 219807296U, 219938624U, 220069312U, 220200128U, 220331456U,
- 220461632U, 220592704U, 220725184U, 220855744U, 220987072U, 221117888U,
- 221249216U, 221378368U, 221510336U, 221642048U, 221772736U, 221904832U,
- 222031808U, 222166976U, 222297536U, 222428992U, 222559936U, 222690368U,
- 222820672U, 222953152U, 223083968U, 223213376U, 223345984U, 223476928U,
- 223608512U, 223738688U, 223869376U, 224001472U, 224132672U, 224262848U,
- 224394944U, 224524864U, 224657344U, 224788288U, 224919488U, 225050432U,
- 225181504U, 225312704U, 225443776U, 225574592U, 225704768U, 225834176U,
- 225966784U, 226097216U, 226229824U, 226360384U, 226491712U, 226623424U,
- 226754368U, 226885312U, 227015104U, 227147456U, 227278528U, 227409472U,
- 227539904U, 227669696U, 227802944U, 227932352U, 228065216U, 228196288U,
- 228326464U, 228457792U, 228588736U, 228720064U, 228850112U, 228981056U,
- 229113152U, 229243328U, 229375936U, 229505344U, 229636928U, 229769152U,
- 229894976U, 230030272U, 230162368U, 230292416U, 230424512U, 230553152U,
- 230684864U, 230816704U, 230948416U, 231079616U, 231210944U, 231342016U,
- 231472448U, 231603776U, 231733952U, 231866176U, 231996736U, 232127296U,
- 232259392U, 232388672U, 232521664U, 232652608U, 232782272U, 232914496U,
- 233043904U, 233175616U, 233306816U, 233438528U, 233569984U, 233699776U,
- 233830592U, 233962688U, 234092224U, 234221888U, 234353984U, 234485312U,
- 234618304U, 234749888U, 234880832U, 235011776U, 235142464U, 235274048U,
- 235403456U, 235535936U, 235667392U, 235797568U, 235928768U, 236057152U,
- 236190272U, 236322752U, 236453312U, 236583616U, 236715712U, 236846528U,
- 236976448U, 237108544U, 237239104U, 237371072U, 237501632U, 237630784U,
- 237764416U, 237895232U, 238026688U, 238157632U, 238286912U, 238419392U,
- 238548032U, 238681024U, 238812608U, 238941632U, 239075008U, 239206336U,
- 239335232U, 239466944U, 239599168U, 239730496U, 239861312U, 239992384U,
- 240122816U, 240254656U, 240385856U, 240516928U, 240647872U, 240779072U,
- 240909632U, 241040704U, 241171904U, 241302848U, 241433408U, 241565248U,
- 241696192U, 241825984U, 241958848U, 242088256U, 242220224U, 242352064U,
- 242481856U, 242611648U, 242744896U, 242876224U, 243005632U, 243138496U,
- 243268672U, 243400384U, 243531712U, 243662656U, 243793856U, 243924544U,
- 244054592U, 244187072U, 244316608U, 244448704U, 244580032U, 244710976U,
- 244841536U, 244972864U, 245104448U, 245233984U, 245365312U, 245497792U,
- 245628736U, 245759936U, 245889856U, 246021056U, 246152512U, 246284224U,
- 246415168U, 246545344U, 246675904U, 246808384U, 246939584U, 247070144U,
- 247199552U, 247331648U, 247463872U, 247593536U, 247726016U, 247857088U,
- 247987648U, 248116928U, 248249536U, 248380736U, 248512064U, 248643008U,
- 248773312U, 248901056U, 249036608U, 249167552U, 249298624U, 249429184U,
- 249560512U, 249692096U, 249822784U, 249954112U, 250085312U, 250215488U,
- 250345792U, 250478528U, 250608704U, 250739264U, 250870976U, 251002816U,
- 251133632U, 251263552U, 251395136U, 251523904U, 251657792U, 251789248U,
- 251919424U, 252051392U, 252182464U, 252313408U, 252444224U, 252575552U,
- 252706624U, 252836032U, 252968512U, 253099712U, 253227584U, 253361728U,
- 253493056U, 253623488U, 253754432U, 253885504U, 254017216U, 254148032U,
- 254279488U, 254410432U, 254541376U, 254672576U, 254803264U, 254933824U,
- 255065792U, 255196736U, 255326528U, 255458752U, 255589952U, 255721408U,
- 255851072U, 255983296U, 256114624U, 256244416U, 256374208U, 256507712U,
- 256636096U, 256768832U, 256900544U, 257031616U, 257162176U, 257294272U,
- 257424448U, 257555776U, 257686976U, 257818432U, 257949632U, 258079552U,
- 258211136U, 258342464U, 258473408U, 258603712U, 258734656U, 258867008U,
- 258996544U, 259127744U, 259260224U, 259391296U, 259522112U, 259651904U,
- 259784384U, 259915328U, 260045888U, 260175424U, 260308544U, 260438336U,
- 260570944U, 260700992U, 260832448U, 260963776U, 261092672U, 261226304U,
- 261356864U, 261487936U, 261619648U, 261750592U, 261879872U, 262011968U,
- 262143424U, 262274752U, 262404416U, 262537024U, 262667968U, 262799296U,
- 262928704U, 263061184U, 263191744U, 263322944U, 263454656U, 263585216U,
- 263716672U, 263847872U, 263978944U, 264108608U, 264241088U, 264371648U,
- 264501184U, 264632768U, 264764096U, 264895936U, 265024576U, 265158464U,
- 265287488U, 265418432U, 265550528U, 265681216U, 265813312U, 265943488U,
- 266075968U, 266206144U, 266337728U, 266468032U, 266600384U, 266731072U,
- 266862272U, 266993344U, 267124288U, 267255616U, 267386432U, 267516992U,
- 267648704U, 267777728U, 267910592U, 268040512U, 268172096U, 268302784U,
- 268435264U, 268566208U, 268696256U, 268828096U, 268959296U, 269090368U,
- 269221312U, 269352256U, 269482688U, 269614784U, 269745856U, 269876416U,
- 270007616U, 270139328U, 270270272U, 270401216U, 270531904U, 270663616U,
- 270791744U, 270924736U, 271056832U, 271186112U, 271317184U, 271449536U,
- 271580992U, 271711936U, 271843136U, 271973056U, 272105408U, 272236352U,
- 272367296U, 272498368U, 272629568U, 272759488U, 272891456U, 273022784U,
- 273153856U, 273284672U, 273415616U, 273547072U, 273677632U, 273808448U,
- 273937088U, 274071488U, 274200896U, 274332992U, 274463296U, 274595392U,
- 274726208U, 274857536U, 274988992U, 275118656U, 275250496U, 275382208U,
- 275513024U, 275643968U, 275775296U, 275906368U, 276037184U, 276167872U,
- 276297664U, 276429376U, 276560576U, 276692672U, 276822976U, 276955072U,
- 277085632U, 277216832U, 277347008U, 277478848U, 277609664U, 277740992U,
- 277868608U, 278002624U, 278134336U, 278265536U, 278395328U, 278526784U,
- 278657728U, 278789824U, 278921152U, 279052096U, 279182912U, 279313088U,
- 279443776U, 279576256U, 279706048U, 279838528U, 279969728U, 280099648U,
- 280230976U, 280361408U, 280493632U, 280622528U, 280755392U, 280887104U,
- 281018176U, 281147968U, 281278912U, 281411392U, 281542592U, 281673152U,
- 281803712U, 281935552U, 282066496U, 282197312U, 282329024U, 282458816U,
- 282590272U, 282720832U, 282853184U, 282983744U, 283115072U, 283246144U,
- 283377344U, 283508416U, 283639744U, 283770304U, 283901504U, 284032576U,
- 284163136U, 284294848U, 284426176U, 284556992U, 284687296U, 284819264U,
- 284950208U, 285081536U
-#ifdef __cplusplus
diff --git a/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/ethereum/ethash/src/libethash/endian.h b/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/ethereum/ethash/src/libethash/endian.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 5b8abf03d..000000000
--- a/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/ethereum/ethash/src/libethash/endian.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,78 +0,0 @@
-#pragma once
-#include <stdint.h>
-#include "compiler.h"
-#if defined(__MINGW32__) || defined(_WIN32)
- # define LITTLE_ENDIAN 1234
-#elif defined(__FreeBSD__) || defined(__DragonFly__) || defined(__NetBSD__)
- # include <sys/endian.h>
-#elif defined(__OpenBSD__) || defined(__SVR4)
- # include <sys/types.h>
-#elif defined(__APPLE__)
-# include <machine/endian.h>
-#elif defined( BSD ) && (BSD >= 199103)
- # include <machine/endian.h>
-#elif defined( __QNXNTO__ ) && defined( __LITTLEENDIAN__ )
- # define LITTLE_ENDIAN 1234
-#elif defined( __QNXNTO__ ) && defined( __BIGENDIAN__ )
- # define BIG_ENDIAN 1234
-# include <endian.h>
-#if defined(_WIN32)
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#define ethash_swap_u32(input_) _byteswap_ulong(input_)
-#define ethash_swap_u64(input_) _byteswap_uint64(input_)
-#elif defined(__APPLE__)
-#include <libkern/OSByteOrder.h>
-#define ethash_swap_u32(input_) OSSwapInt32(input_)
-#define ethash_swap_u64(input_) OSSwapInt64(input_)
-#elif defined(__FreeBSD__) || defined(__DragonFly__) || defined(__NetBSD__)
-#define ethash_swap_u32(input_) bswap32(input_)
-#define ethash_swap_u64(input_) bswap64(input_)
-#elif defined(__OpenBSD__)
-#include <endian.h>
-#define ethash_swap_u32(input_) swap32(input_)
-#define ethash_swap_u64(input_) swap64(input_)
-#else // posix
-#include <byteswap.h>
-#define ethash_swap_u32(input_) bswap_32(input_)
-#define ethash_swap_u64(input_) bswap_64(input_)
-#define fix_endian32(dst_ ,src_) dst_ = src_
-#define fix_endian32_same(val_)
-#define fix_endian64(dst_, src_) dst_ = src_
-#define fix_endian64_same(val_)
-#define fix_endian_arr32(arr_, size_)
-#define fix_endian_arr64(arr_, size_)
-#define fix_endian32(dst_, src_) dst_ = ethash_swap_u32(src_)
-#define fix_endian32_same(val_) val_ = ethash_swap_u32(val_)
-#define fix_endian64(dst_, src_) dst_ = ethash_swap_u64(src_)
-#define fix_endian64_same(val_) val_ = ethash_swap_u64(val_)
-#define fix_endian_arr32(arr_, size_) \
- do { \
- for (unsigned i_ = 0; i_ < (size_); ++i_) { \
- arr_[i_] = ethash_swap_u32(arr_[i_]); \
- } \
- } while (0)
-#define fix_endian_arr64(arr_, size_) \
- do { \
- for (unsigned i_ = 0; i_ < (size_); ++i_) { \
- arr_[i_] = ethash_swap_u64(arr_[i_]); \
- } \
- } while (0)
-# error "endian not supported"
-#endif // BYTE_ORDER
diff --git a/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/ethereum/ethash/src/libethash/ethash.h b/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/ethereum/ethash/src/libethash/ethash.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 0c6a1f9e9..000000000
--- a/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/ethereum/ethash/src/libethash/ethash.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,147 +0,0 @@
- This file is part of ethash.
- ethash is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- ethash is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with ethash. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-/** @file ethash.h
-* @date 2015
-#pragma once
-#include <stdint.h>
-#include <stdbool.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <stddef.h>
-#include "compiler.h"
-#define ETHASH_DATASET_BYTES_INIT 1073741824U // 2**30
-#define ETHASH_DATASET_BYTES_GROWTH 8388608U // 2**23
-#define ETHASH_CACHE_BYTES_INIT 1073741824U // 2**24
-#define ETHASH_CACHE_BYTES_GROWTH 131072U // 2**17
-#define ETHASH_MIX_BYTES 128
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C" {
-/// Type of a seedhash/blockhash e.t.c.
-typedef struct ethash_h256 { uint8_t b[32]; } ethash_h256_t;
-// convenience macro to statically initialize an h256_t
-// usage:
-// ethash_h256_t a = ethash_h256_static_init(1, 2, 3, ... )
-// have to provide all 32 values. If you don't provide all the rest
-// will simply be unitialized (not guranteed to be 0)
-#define ethash_h256_static_init(...) \
- { {__VA_ARGS__} }
-struct ethash_light;
-typedef struct ethash_light* ethash_light_t;
-struct ethash_full;
-typedef struct ethash_full* ethash_full_t;
-typedef int(*ethash_callback_t)(unsigned);
-typedef struct ethash_return_value {
- ethash_h256_t result;
- ethash_h256_t mix_hash;
- bool success;
-} ethash_return_value_t;
- * Allocate and initialize a new ethash_light handler
- *
- * @param block_number The block number for which to create the handler
- * @return Newly allocated ethash_light handler or NULL in case of
- * ERRNOMEM or invalid parameters used for @ref ethash_compute_cache_nodes()
- */
-ethash_light_t ethash_light_new(uint64_t block_number);
- * Frees a previously allocated ethash_light handler
- * @param light The light handler to free
- */
-void ethash_light_delete(ethash_light_t light);
- * Calculate the light client data
- *
- * @param light The light client handler
- * @param header_hash The header hash to pack into the mix
- * @param nonce The nonce to pack into the mix
- * @return an object of ethash_return_value_t holding the return values
- */
-ethash_return_value_t ethash_light_compute(
- ethash_light_t light,
- ethash_h256_t const header_hash,
- uint64_t nonce
- * Allocate and initialize a new ethash_full handler
- *
- * @param light The light handler containing the cache.
- * @param callback A callback function with signature of @ref ethash_callback_t
- * It accepts an unsigned with which a progress of DAG calculation
- * can be displayed. If all goes well the callback should return 0.
- * If a non-zero value is returned then DAG generation will stop.
- * Be advised. A progress value of 100 means that DAG creation is
- * almost complete and that this function will soon return succesfully.
- * It does not mean that the function has already had a succesfull return.
- * @return Newly allocated ethash_full handler or NULL in case of
- * ERRNOMEM or invalid parameters used for @ref ethash_compute_full_data()
- */
-ethash_full_t ethash_full_new(ethash_light_t light, ethash_callback_t callback);
- * Frees a previously allocated ethash_full handler
- * @param full The light handler to free
- */
-void ethash_full_delete(ethash_full_t full);
- * Calculate the full client data
- *
- * @param full The full client handler
- * @param header_hash The header hash to pack into the mix
- * @param nonce The nonce to pack into the mix
- * @return An object of ethash_return_value to hold the return value
- */
-ethash_return_value_t ethash_full_compute(
- ethash_full_t full,
- ethash_h256_t const header_hash,
- uint64_t nonce
- * Get a pointer to the full DAG data
- */
-void const* ethash_full_dag(ethash_full_t full);
- * Get the size of the DAG data
- */
-uint64_t ethash_full_dag_size(ethash_full_t full);
- * Calculate the seedhash for a given block number
- */
-ethash_h256_t ethash_get_seedhash(uint64_t block_number);
-#ifdef __cplusplus
diff --git a/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/ethereum/ethash/src/libethash/fnv.h b/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/ethereum/ethash/src/libethash/fnv.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 82cd655c4..000000000
--- a/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/ethereum/ethash/src/libethash/fnv.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
- This file is part of cpp-ethereum.
- cpp-ethereum is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- cpp-ethereum is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with cpp-ethereum. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-/** @file fnv.h
-* @author Matthew Wampler-Doty <negacthulhu@gmail.com>
-* @date 2015
-#pragma once
-#include <stdint.h>
-#include "compiler.h"
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C" {
-#define FNV_PRIME 0x01000193
-/* The FNV-1 spec multiplies the prime with the input one byte (octet) in turn.
- We instead multiply it with the full 32-bit input.
- This gives a different result compared to a canonical FNV-1 implementation.
-static inline uint32_t fnv_hash(uint32_t const x, uint32_t const y)
- return x * FNV_PRIME ^ y;
-#ifdef __cplusplus
diff --git a/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/ethereum/ethash/src/libethash/internal.c b/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/ethereum/ethash/src/libethash/internal.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 0a830fc82..000000000
--- a/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/ethereum/ethash/src/libethash/internal.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,507 +0,0 @@
- This file is part of ethash.
- ethash is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- ethash is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with cpp-ethereum. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-/** @file internal.c
-* @author Tim Hughes <tim@twistedfury.com>
-* @author Matthew Wampler-Doty
-* @date 2015
-#include <assert.h>
-#include <inttypes.h>
-#include <stddef.h>
-#include <errno.h>
-#include <math.h>
-#include "mmap.h"
-#include "ethash.h"
-#include "fnv.h"
-#include "endian.h"
-#include "internal.h"
-#include "data_sizes.h"
-#include "io.h"
-#include "sha3_cryptopp.h"
-#include "sha3.h"
-#endif // WITH_CRYPTOPP
-uint64_t ethash_get_datasize(uint64_t const block_number)
- assert(block_number / ETHASH_EPOCH_LENGTH < 2048);
- return dag_sizes[block_number / ETHASH_EPOCH_LENGTH];
-uint64_t ethash_get_cachesize(uint64_t const block_number)
- assert(block_number / ETHASH_EPOCH_LENGTH < 2048);
- return cache_sizes[block_number / ETHASH_EPOCH_LENGTH];
-// https://bitslog.files.wordpress.com/2013/12/memohash-v0-3.pdf
-// SeqMemoHash(s, R, N)
-bool static ethash_compute_cache_nodes(
- node* const nodes,
- uint64_t cache_size,
- ethash_h256_t const* seed
- if (cache_size % sizeof(node) != 0) {
- return false;
- }
- uint32_t const num_nodes = (uint32_t) (cache_size / sizeof(node));
- SHA3_512(nodes[0].bytes, (uint8_t*)seed, 32);
- for (uint32_t i = 1; i != num_nodes; ++i) {
- SHA3_512(nodes[i].bytes, nodes[i - 1].bytes, 64);
- }
- for (uint32_t j = 0; j != ETHASH_CACHE_ROUNDS; j++) {
- for (uint32_t i = 0; i != num_nodes; i++) {
- uint32_t const idx = nodes[i].words[0] % num_nodes;
- node data;
- data = nodes[(num_nodes - 1 + i) % num_nodes];
- for (uint32_t w = 0; w != NODE_WORDS; ++w) {
- data.words[w] ^= nodes[idx].words[w];
- }
- SHA3_512(nodes[i].bytes, data.bytes, sizeof(data));
- }
- }
- // now perform endian conversion
- fix_endian_arr32(nodes->words, num_nodes * NODE_WORDS);
- return true;
-void ethash_calculate_dag_item(
- node* const ret,
- uint32_t node_index,
- ethash_light_t const light
- uint32_t num_parent_nodes = (uint32_t) (light->cache_size / sizeof(node));
- node const* cache_nodes = (node const *) light->cache;
- node const* init = &cache_nodes[node_index % num_parent_nodes];
- memcpy(ret, init, sizeof(node));
- ret->words[0] ^= node_index;
- SHA3_512(ret->bytes, ret->bytes, sizeof(node));
-#if defined(_M_X64) && ENABLE_SSE
- __m128i const fnv_prime = _mm_set1_epi32(FNV_PRIME);
- __m128i xmm0 = ret->xmm[0];
- __m128i xmm1 = ret->xmm[1];
- __m128i xmm2 = ret->xmm[2];
- __m128i xmm3 = ret->xmm[3];
- for (uint32_t i = 0; i != ETHASH_DATASET_PARENTS; ++i) {
- uint32_t parent_index = fnv_hash(node_index ^ i, ret->words[i % NODE_WORDS]) % num_parent_nodes;
- node const *parent = &cache_nodes[parent_index];
-#if defined(_M_X64) && ENABLE_SSE
- {
- xmm0 = _mm_mullo_epi32(xmm0, fnv_prime);
- xmm1 = _mm_mullo_epi32(xmm1, fnv_prime);
- xmm2 = _mm_mullo_epi32(xmm2, fnv_prime);
- xmm3 = _mm_mullo_epi32(xmm3, fnv_prime);
- xmm0 = _mm_xor_si128(xmm0, parent->xmm[0]);
- xmm1 = _mm_xor_si128(xmm1, parent->xmm[1]);
- xmm2 = _mm_xor_si128(xmm2, parent->xmm[2]);
- xmm3 = _mm_xor_si128(xmm3, parent->xmm[3]);
- // have to write to ret as values are used to compute index
- ret->xmm[0] = xmm0;
- ret->xmm[1] = xmm1;
- ret->xmm[2] = xmm2;
- ret->xmm[3] = xmm3;
- }
- #else
- {
- for (unsigned w = 0; w != NODE_WORDS; ++w) {
- ret->words[w] = fnv_hash(ret->words[w], parent->words[w]);
- }
- }
- }
- SHA3_512(ret->bytes, ret->bytes, sizeof(node));
-bool ethash_compute_full_data(
- void* mem,
- uint64_t full_size,
- ethash_light_t const light,
- ethash_callback_t callback
- if (full_size % (sizeof(uint32_t) * MIX_WORDS) != 0 ||
- (full_size % sizeof(node)) != 0) {
- return false;
- }
- uint32_t const max_n = (uint32_t)(full_size / sizeof(node));
- node* full_nodes = mem;
- double const progress_change = 1.0f / max_n;
- double progress = 0.0f;
- // now compute full nodes
- for (uint32_t n = 0; n != max_n; ++n) {
- if (callback &&
- n % (max_n / 100) == 0 &&
- callback((unsigned int)(ceil(progress * 100.0f))) != 0) {
- return false;
- }
- progress += progress_change;
- ethash_calculate_dag_item(&(full_nodes[n]), n, light);
- }
- return true;
-static bool ethash_hash(
- ethash_return_value_t* ret,
- node const* full_nodes,
- ethash_light_t const light,
- uint64_t full_size,
- ethash_h256_t const header_hash,
- uint64_t const nonce
- if (full_size % MIX_WORDS != 0) {
- return false;
- }
- // pack hash and nonce together into first 40 bytes of s_mix
- assert(sizeof(node) * 8 == 512);
- node s_mix[MIX_NODES + 1];
- memcpy(s_mix[0].bytes, &header_hash, 32);
- fix_endian64(s_mix[0].double_words[4], nonce);
- // compute sha3-512 hash and replicate across mix
- SHA3_512(s_mix->bytes, s_mix->bytes, 40);
- fix_endian_arr32(s_mix[0].words, 16);
- node* const mix = s_mix + 1;
- for (uint32_t w = 0; w != MIX_WORDS; ++w) {
- mix->words[w] = s_mix[0].words[w % NODE_WORDS];
- }
- unsigned const page_size = sizeof(uint32_t) * MIX_WORDS;
- unsigned const num_full_pages = (unsigned) (full_size / page_size);
- for (unsigned i = 0; i != ETHASH_ACCESSES; ++i) {
- uint32_t const index = fnv_hash(s_mix->words[0] ^ i, mix->words[i % MIX_WORDS]) % num_full_pages;
- for (unsigned n = 0; n != MIX_NODES; ++n) {
- node const* dag_node;
- if (full_nodes) {
- dag_node = &full_nodes[MIX_NODES * index + n];
- } else {
- node tmp_node;
- ethash_calculate_dag_item(&tmp_node, index * MIX_NODES + n, light);
- dag_node = &tmp_node;
- }
-#if defined(_M_X64) && ENABLE_SSE
- {
- __m128i fnv_prime = _mm_set1_epi32(FNV_PRIME);
- __m128i xmm0 = _mm_mullo_epi32(fnv_prime, mix[n].xmm[0]);
- __m128i xmm1 = _mm_mullo_epi32(fnv_prime, mix[n].xmm[1]);
- __m128i xmm2 = _mm_mullo_epi32(fnv_prime, mix[n].xmm[2]);
- __m128i xmm3 = _mm_mullo_epi32(fnv_prime, mix[n].xmm[3]);
- mix[n].xmm[0] = _mm_xor_si128(xmm0, dag_node->xmm[0]);
- mix[n].xmm[1] = _mm_xor_si128(xmm1, dag_node->xmm[1]);
- mix[n].xmm[2] = _mm_xor_si128(xmm2, dag_node->xmm[2]);
- mix[n].xmm[3] = _mm_xor_si128(xmm3, dag_node->xmm[3]);
- }
- #else
- {
- for (unsigned w = 0; w != NODE_WORDS; ++w) {
- mix[n].words[w] = fnv_hash(mix[n].words[w], dag_node->words[w]);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- // compress mix
- for (uint32_t w = 0; w != MIX_WORDS; w += 4) {
- uint32_t reduction = mix->words[w + 0];
- reduction = reduction * FNV_PRIME ^ mix->words[w + 1];
- reduction = reduction * FNV_PRIME ^ mix->words[w + 2];
- reduction = reduction * FNV_PRIME ^ mix->words[w + 3];
- mix->words[w / 4] = reduction;
- }
- fix_endian_arr32(mix->words, MIX_WORDS / 4);
- memcpy(&ret->mix_hash, mix->bytes, 32);
- // final Keccak hash
- SHA3_256(&ret->result, s_mix->bytes, 64 + 32); // Keccak-256(s + compressed_mix)
- return true;
-void ethash_quick_hash(
- ethash_h256_t* return_hash,
- ethash_h256_t const* header_hash,
- uint64_t nonce,
- ethash_h256_t const* mix_hash
- uint8_t buf[64 + 32];
- memcpy(buf, header_hash, 32);
- fix_endian64_same(nonce);
- memcpy(&(buf[32]), &nonce, 8);
- SHA3_512(buf, buf, 40);
- memcpy(&(buf[64]), mix_hash, 32);
- SHA3_256(return_hash, buf, 64 + 32);
-ethash_h256_t ethash_get_seedhash(uint64_t block_number)
- ethash_h256_t ret;
- ethash_h256_reset(&ret);
- uint64_t const epochs = block_number / ETHASH_EPOCH_LENGTH;
- for (uint32_t i = 0; i < epochs; ++i)
- SHA3_256(&ret, (uint8_t*)&ret, 32);
- return ret;
-bool ethash_quick_check_difficulty(
- ethash_h256_t const* header_hash,
- uint64_t const nonce,
- ethash_h256_t const* mix_hash,
- ethash_h256_t const* boundary
- ethash_h256_t return_hash;
- ethash_quick_hash(&return_hash, header_hash, nonce, mix_hash);
- return ethash_check_difficulty(&return_hash, boundary);
-ethash_light_t ethash_light_new_internal(uint64_t cache_size, ethash_h256_t const* seed)
- struct ethash_light *ret;
- ret = calloc(sizeof(*ret), 1);
- if (!ret) {
- return NULL;
- }
- ret->cache = malloc((size_t)cache_size);
- if (!ret->cache) {
- goto fail_free_light;
- }
- node* nodes = (node*)ret->cache;
- if (!ethash_compute_cache_nodes(nodes, cache_size, seed)) {
- goto fail_free_cache_mem;
- }
- ret->cache_size = cache_size;
- return ret;
- free(ret->cache);
- free(ret);
- return NULL;
-ethash_light_t ethash_light_new(uint64_t block_number)
- ethash_h256_t seedhash = ethash_get_seedhash(block_number);
- ethash_light_t ret;
- ret = ethash_light_new_internal(ethash_get_cachesize(block_number), &seedhash);
- ret->block_number = block_number;
- return ret;
-void ethash_light_delete(ethash_light_t light)
- if (light->cache) {
- free(light->cache);
- }
- free(light);
-ethash_return_value_t ethash_light_compute_internal(
- ethash_light_t light,
- uint64_t full_size,
- ethash_h256_t const header_hash,
- uint64_t nonce
- ethash_return_value_t ret;
- ret.success = true;
- if (!ethash_hash(&ret, NULL, light, full_size, header_hash, nonce)) {
- ret.success = false;
- }
- return ret;
-ethash_return_value_t ethash_light_compute(
- ethash_light_t light,
- ethash_h256_t const header_hash,
- uint64_t nonce
- uint64_t full_size = ethash_get_datasize(light->block_number);
- return ethash_light_compute_internal(light, full_size, header_hash, nonce);
-static bool ethash_mmap(struct ethash_full* ret, FILE* f)
- int fd;
- char* mmapped_data;
- errno = 0;
- ret->file = f;
- if ((fd = ethash_fileno(ret->file)) == -1) {
- return false;
- }
- mmapped_data= mmap(
- (size_t)ret->file_size + ETHASH_DAG_MAGIC_NUM_SIZE,
- fd,
- 0
- );
- if (mmapped_data == MAP_FAILED) {
- return false;
- }
- ret->data = (node*)(mmapped_data + ETHASH_DAG_MAGIC_NUM_SIZE);
- return true;
-ethash_full_t ethash_full_new_internal(
- char const* dirname,
- ethash_h256_t const seed_hash,
- uint64_t full_size,
- ethash_light_t const light,
- ethash_callback_t callback
- struct ethash_full* ret;
- FILE *f = NULL;
- ret = calloc(sizeof(*ret), 1);
- if (!ret) {
- return NULL;
- }
- ret->file_size = (size_t)full_size;
- switch (ethash_io_prepare(dirname, seed_hash, &f, (size_t)full_size, false)) {
- // ethash_io_prepare will do all ETHASH_CRITICAL() logging in fail case
- goto fail_free_full;
- if (!ethash_mmap(ret, f)) {
- ETHASH_CRITICAL("mmap failure()");
- goto fail_close_file;
- }
- return ret;
- // if a DAG of same filename but unexpected size is found, silently force new file creation
- if (ethash_io_prepare(dirname, seed_hash, &f, (size_t)full_size, true) != ETHASH_IO_MEMO_MISMATCH) {
- ETHASH_CRITICAL("Could not recreate DAG file after finding existing DAG with unexpected size.");
- goto fail_free_full;
- }
- // fallthrough to the mismatch case here, DO NOT go through match
- if (!ethash_mmap(ret, f)) {
- ETHASH_CRITICAL("mmap failure()");
- goto fail_close_file;
- }
- break;
- }
- if (!ethash_compute_full_data(ret->data, full_size, light, callback)) {
- ETHASH_CRITICAL("Failure at computing DAG data.");
- goto fail_free_full_data;
- }
- // after the DAG has been filled then we finalize it by writting the magic number at the beginning
- if (fseek(f, 0, SEEK_SET) != 0) {
- ETHASH_CRITICAL("Could not seek to DAG file start to write magic number.");
- goto fail_free_full_data;
- }
- uint64_t const magic_num = ETHASH_DAG_MAGIC_NUM;
- if (fwrite(&magic_num, ETHASH_DAG_MAGIC_NUM_SIZE, 1, f) != 1) {
- ETHASH_CRITICAL("Could not write magic number to DAG's beginning.");
- goto fail_free_full_data;
- }
- if (fflush(f) != 0) {// make sure the magic number IS there
- ETHASH_CRITICAL("Could not flush memory mapped data to DAG file. Insufficient space?");
- goto fail_free_full_data;
- }
- return ret;
- // could check that munmap(..) == 0 but even if it did not can't really do anything here
- munmap(ret->data, (size_t)full_size);
- fclose(ret->file);
- free(ret);
- return NULL;
-ethash_full_t ethash_full_new(ethash_light_t light, ethash_callback_t callback)
- char strbuf[256];
- if (!ethash_get_default_dirname(strbuf, 256)) {
- return NULL;
- }
- uint64_t full_size = ethash_get_datasize(light->block_number);
- ethash_h256_t seedhash = ethash_get_seedhash(light->block_number);
- return ethash_full_new_internal(strbuf, seedhash, full_size, light, callback);
-void ethash_full_delete(ethash_full_t full)
- // could check that munmap(..) == 0 but even if it did not can't really do anything here
- munmap(full->data, (size_t)full->file_size);
- if (full->file) {
- fclose(full->file);
- }
- free(full);
-ethash_return_value_t ethash_full_compute(
- ethash_full_t full,
- ethash_h256_t const header_hash,
- uint64_t nonce
- ethash_return_value_t ret;
- ret.success = true;
- if (!ethash_hash(
- &ret,
- (node const*)full->data,
- full->file_size,
- header_hash,
- nonce)) {
- ret.success = false;
- }
- return ret;
-void const* ethash_full_dag(ethash_full_t full)
- return full->data;
-uint64_t ethash_full_dag_size(ethash_full_t full)
- return full->file_size;
diff --git a/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/ethereum/ethash/src/libethash/internal.h b/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/ethereum/ethash/src/libethash/internal.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 26c395ad6..000000000
--- a/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/ethereum/ethash/src/libethash/internal.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,179 +0,0 @@
-#pragma once
-#include "compiler.h"
-#include "endian.h"
-#include "ethash.h"
-#include <stdio.h>
-#define ENABLE_SSE 0
-#if defined(_M_X64) && ENABLE_SSE
-#include <smmintrin.h>
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C" {
-// compile time settings
-#define NODE_WORDS (64/4)
-#include <stdint.h>
-typedef union node {
- uint8_t bytes[NODE_WORDS * 4];
- uint32_t words[NODE_WORDS];
- uint64_t double_words[NODE_WORDS / 2];
-#if defined(_M_X64) && ENABLE_SSE
- __m128i xmm[NODE_WORDS/4];
-} node;
-static inline uint8_t ethash_h256_get(ethash_h256_t const* hash, unsigned int i)
- return hash->b[i];
-static inline void ethash_h256_set(ethash_h256_t* hash, unsigned int i, uint8_t v)
- hash->b[i] = v;
-static inline void ethash_h256_reset(ethash_h256_t* hash)
- memset(hash, 0, 32);
-// Returns if hash is less than or equal to boundary (2^256/difficulty)
-static inline bool ethash_check_difficulty(
- ethash_h256_t const* hash,
- ethash_h256_t const* boundary
- // Boundary is big endian
- for (int i = 0; i < 32; i++) {
- if (ethash_h256_get(hash, i) == ethash_h256_get(boundary, i)) {
- continue;
- }
- return ethash_h256_get(hash, i) < ethash_h256_get(boundary, i);
- }
- return true;
- * Difficulty quick check for POW preverification
- *
- * @param header_hash The hash of the header
- * @param nonce The block's nonce
- * @param mix_hash The mix digest hash
- * @param boundary The boundary is defined as (2^256 / difficulty)
- * @return true for succesful pre-verification and false otherwise
- */
-bool ethash_quick_check_difficulty(
- ethash_h256_t const* header_hash,
- uint64_t const nonce,
- ethash_h256_t const* mix_hash,
- ethash_h256_t const* boundary
-struct ethash_light {
- void* cache;
- uint64_t cache_size;
- uint64_t block_number;
- * Allocate and initialize a new ethash_light handler. Internal version
- *
- * @param cache_size The size of the cache in bytes
- * @param seed Block seedhash to be used during the computation of the
- * cache nodes
- * @return Newly allocated ethash_light handler or NULL in case of
- * ERRNOMEM or invalid parameters used for @ref ethash_compute_cache_nodes()
- */
-ethash_light_t ethash_light_new_internal(uint64_t cache_size, ethash_h256_t const* seed);
- * Calculate the light client data. Internal version.
- *
- * @param light The light client handler
- * @param full_size The size of the full data in bytes.
- * @param header_hash The header hash to pack into the mix
- * @param nonce The nonce to pack into the mix
- * @return The resulting hash.
- */
-ethash_return_value_t ethash_light_compute_internal(
- ethash_light_t light,
- uint64_t full_size,
- ethash_h256_t const header_hash,
- uint64_t nonce
-struct ethash_full {
- FILE* file;
- uint64_t file_size;
- node* data;
- * Allocate and initialize a new ethash_full handler. Internal version.
- *
- * @param dirname The directory in which to put the DAG file.
- * @param seedhash The seed hash of the block. Used in the DAG file naming.
- * @param full_size The size of the full data in bytes.
- * @param cache A cache object to use that was allocated with @ref ethash_cache_new().
- * Iff this function succeeds the ethash_full_t will take memory
- * memory ownership of the cache and free it at deletion. If
- * not then the user still has to handle freeing of the cache himself.
- * @param callback A callback function with signature of @ref ethash_callback_t
- * It accepts an unsigned with which a progress of DAG calculation
- * can be displayed. If all goes well the callback should return 0.
- * If a non-zero value is returned then DAG generation will stop.
- * @return Newly allocated ethash_full handler or NULL in case of
- * ERRNOMEM or invalid parameters used for @ref ethash_compute_full_data()
- */
-ethash_full_t ethash_full_new_internal(
- char const* dirname,
- ethash_h256_t const seed_hash,
- uint64_t full_size,
- ethash_light_t const light,
- ethash_callback_t callback
-void ethash_calculate_dag_item(
- node* const ret,
- uint32_t node_index,
- ethash_light_t const cache
-void ethash_quick_hash(
- ethash_h256_t* return_hash,
- ethash_h256_t const* header_hash,
- const uint64_t nonce,
- ethash_h256_t const* mix_hash
-uint64_t ethash_get_datasize(uint64_t const block_number);
-uint64_t ethash_get_cachesize(uint64_t const block_number);
- * Compute the memory data for a full node's memory
- *
- * @param mem A pointer to an ethash full's memory
- * @param full_size The size of the full data in bytes
- * @param cache A cache object to use in the calculation
- * @param callback The callback function. Check @ref ethash_full_new() for details.
- * @return true if all went fine and false for invalid parameters
- */
-bool ethash_compute_full_data(
- void* mem,
- uint64_t full_size,
- ethash_light_t const light,
- ethash_callback_t callback
-#ifdef __cplusplus
diff --git a/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/ethereum/ethash/src/libethash/io.c b/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/ethereum/ethash/src/libethash/io.c
deleted file mode 100644
index f4db477c2..000000000
--- a/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/ethereum/ethash/src/libethash/io.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,119 +0,0 @@
- This file is part of ethash.
- ethash is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- ethash is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with ethash. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-/** @file io.c
- * @author Lefteris Karapetsas <lefteris@ethdev.com>
- * @date 2015
- */
-#include "io.h"
-#include <string.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <errno.h>
-enum ethash_io_rc ethash_io_prepare(
- char const* dirname,
- ethash_h256_t const seedhash,
- FILE** output_file,
- uint64_t file_size,
- bool force_create
- char mutable_name[DAG_MUTABLE_NAME_MAX_SIZE];
- enum ethash_io_rc ret = ETHASH_IO_FAIL;
- // reset errno before io calls
- errno = 0;
- // assert directory exists
- if (!ethash_mkdir(dirname)) {
- ETHASH_CRITICAL("Could not create the ethash directory");
- goto end;
- }
- ethash_io_mutable_name(ETHASH_REVISION, &seedhash, mutable_name);
- char* tmpfile = ethash_io_create_filename(dirname, mutable_name, strlen(mutable_name));
- if (!tmpfile) {
- ETHASH_CRITICAL("Could not create the full DAG pathname");
- goto end;
- }
- FILE *f;
- if (!force_create) {
- // try to open the file
- f = ethash_fopen(tmpfile, "rb+");
- if (f) {
- size_t found_size;
- if (!ethash_file_size(f, &found_size)) {
- fclose(f);
- ETHASH_CRITICAL("Could not query size of DAG file: \"%s\"", tmpfile);
- goto free_memo;
- }
- if (file_size != found_size - ETHASH_DAG_MAGIC_NUM_SIZE) {
- fclose(f);
- goto free_memo;
- }
- // compare the magic number, no need to care about endianess since it's local
- uint64_t magic_num;
- if (fread(&magic_num, ETHASH_DAG_MAGIC_NUM_SIZE, 1, f) != 1) {
- // I/O error
- fclose(f);
- ETHASH_CRITICAL("Could not read from DAG file: \"%s\"", tmpfile);
- goto free_memo;
- }
- if (magic_num != ETHASH_DAG_MAGIC_NUM) {
- fclose(f);
- goto free_memo;
- }
- goto set_file;
- }
- }
- // file does not exist, will need to be created
- f = ethash_fopen(tmpfile, "wb+");
- if (!f) {
- ETHASH_CRITICAL("Could not create DAG file: \"%s\"", tmpfile);
- goto free_memo;
- }
- // make sure it's of the proper size
- if (fseek(f, (long int)(file_size + ETHASH_DAG_MAGIC_NUM_SIZE - 1), SEEK_SET) != 0) {
- fclose(f);
- ETHASH_CRITICAL("Could not seek to the end of DAG file: \"%s\". Insufficient space?", tmpfile);
- goto free_memo;
- }
- if (fputc('\n', f) == EOF) {
- fclose(f);
- ETHASH_CRITICAL("Could not write in the end of DAG file: \"%s\". Insufficient space?", tmpfile);
- goto free_memo;
- }
- if (fflush(f) != 0) {
- fclose(f);
- ETHASH_CRITICAL("Could not flush at end of DAG file: \"%s\". Insufficient space?", tmpfile);
- goto free_memo;
- }
- goto set_file;
- *output_file = f;
- free(tmpfile);
- return ret;
diff --git a/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/ethereum/ethash/src/libethash/io.h b/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/ethereum/ethash/src/libethash/io.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 7a27089c7..000000000
--- a/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/ethereum/ethash/src/libethash/io.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,202 +0,0 @@
- This file is part of ethash.
- ethash is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- ethash is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with ethash. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-/** @file io.h
- * @author Lefteris Karapetsas <lefteris@ethdev.com>
- * @date 2015
- */
-#pragma once
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <stdint.h>
-#include <stdbool.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-#include <inttypes.h>
-#include "endian.h"
-#include "ethash.h"
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C" {
-// Maximum size for mutable part of DAG file name
-// 6 is for "full-R", the suffix of the filename
-// 10 is for maximum number of digits of a uint32_t (for REVISION)
-// 1 is for - and 16 is for the first 16 hex digits for first 8 bytes of
-// the seedhash and last 1 is for the null terminating character
-// Reference: https://github.com/ethereum/wiki/wiki/Ethash-DAG
-#define DAG_MUTABLE_NAME_MAX_SIZE (6 + 10 + 1 + 16 + 1)
-/// Possible return values of @see ethash_io_prepare
-enum ethash_io_rc {
- ETHASH_IO_FAIL = 0, ///< There has been an IO failure
- ETHASH_IO_MEMO_SIZE_MISMATCH, ///< DAG with revision/hash match, but file size was wrong.
- ETHASH_IO_MEMO_MISMATCH, ///< The DAG file did not exist or there was revision/hash mismatch
- ETHASH_IO_MEMO_MATCH, ///< DAG file existed and revision/hash matched. No need to do anything
-// small hack for windows. I don't feel I should use va_args and forward just
-// to have this one function properly cross-platform abstracted
-#if defined(_WIN32) && !defined(__GNUC__)
-#define snprintf(...) sprintf_s(__VA_ARGS__)
- * Logs a critical error in important parts of ethash. Should mostly help
- * figure out what kind of problem (I/O, memory e.t.c.) causes a NULL
- * ethash_full_t
- */
-#define ETHASH_CRITICAL(...) \
- do \
- { \
- printf("\n"); \
- fflush(stdout); \
- } while (0)
-#define ETHASH_CRITICAL(...)
- * Prepares io for ethash
- *
- * Create the DAG directory and the DAG file if they don't exist.
- *
- * @param[in] dirname A null terminated c-string of the path of the ethash
- * data directory. If it does not exist it's created.
- * @param[in] seedhash The seedhash of the current block number, used in the
- * naming of the file as can be seen from the spec at:
- * https://github.com/ethereum/wiki/wiki/Ethash-DAG
- * @param[out] output_file If there was no failure then this will point to an open
- * file descriptor. User is responsible for closing it.
- * In the case of memo match then the file is open on read
- * mode, while on the case of mismatch a new file is created
- * on write mode
- * @param[in] file_size The size that the DAG file should have on disk
- * @param[out] force_create If true then there is no check to see if the file
- * already exists
- * @return For possible return values @see enum ethash_io_rc
- */
-enum ethash_io_rc ethash_io_prepare(
- char const* dirname,
- ethash_h256_t const seedhash,
- FILE** output_file,
- uint64_t file_size,
- bool force_create
- * An fopen wrapper for no-warnings crossplatform fopen.
- *
- * Msvc compiler considers fopen to be insecure and suggests to use their
- * alternative. This is a wrapper for this alternative. Another way is to
- * #define _CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS, but disabling all security warnings does
- * not sound like a good idea.
- *
- * @param file_name The path to the file to open
- * @param mode Opening mode. Check fopen()
- * @return The FILE* or NULL in failure
- */
-FILE* ethash_fopen(char const* file_name, char const* mode);
- * An strncat wrapper for no-warnings crossplatform strncat.
- *
- * Msvc compiler considers strncat to be insecure and suggests to use their
- * alternative. This is a wrapper for this alternative. Another way is to
- * #define _CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS, but disabling all security warnings does
- * not sound like a good idea.
- *
- * @param des Destination buffer
- * @param dest_size Maximum size of the destination buffer. This is the
- * extra argument for the MSVC secure strncat
- * @param src Souce buffer
- * @param count Number of bytes to copy from source
- * @return If all is well returns the dest buffer. If there is an
- * error returns NULL
- */
-char* ethash_strncat(char* dest, size_t dest_size, char const* src, size_t count);
- * A cross-platform mkdir wrapper to create a directory or assert it's there
- *
- * @param dirname The full path of the directory to create
- * @return true if the directory was created or if it already
- * existed
- */
-bool ethash_mkdir(char const* dirname);
- * Get a file's size
- *
- * @param[in] f The open file stream whose size to get
- * @param[out] size Pass a size_t by reference to contain the file size
- * @return true in success and false if there was a failure
- */
-bool ethash_file_size(FILE* f, size_t* ret_size);
- * Get a file descriptor number from a FILE stream
- *
- * @param f The file stream whose fd to get
- * @return Platform specific fd handler
- */
-int ethash_fileno(FILE* f);
- * Create the filename for the DAG.
- *
- * @param dirname The directory name in which the DAG file should reside
- * If it does not end with a directory separator it is appended.
- * @param filename The actual name of the file
- * @param filename_length The length of the filename in bytes
- * @return A char* containing the full name. User must deallocate.
- */
-char* ethash_io_create_filename(
- char const* dirname,
- char const* filename,
- size_t filename_length
- * Gets the default directory name for the DAG depending on the system
- *
- * The spec defining this directory is here: https://github.com/ethereum/wiki/wiki/Ethash-DAG
- *
- * @param[out] strbuf A string buffer of sufficient size to keep the
- * null termninated string of the directory name
- * @param[in] buffsize Size of @a strbuf in bytes
- * @return true for success and false otherwise
- */
-bool ethash_get_default_dirname(char* strbuf, size_t buffsize);
-static inline bool ethash_io_mutable_name(
- uint32_t revision,
- ethash_h256_t const* seed_hash,
- char* output
- uint64_t hash = *((uint64_t*)seed_hash);
- hash = ethash_swap_u64(hash);
- return snprintf(output, DAG_MUTABLE_NAME_MAX_SIZE, "full-R%u-%016" PRIx64, revision, hash) >= 0;
-#ifdef __cplusplus
diff --git a/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/ethereum/ethash/src/libethash/io_posix.c b/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/ethereum/ethash/src/libethash/io_posix.c
deleted file mode 100644
index c9a17d845..000000000
--- a/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/ethereum/ethash/src/libethash/io_posix.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,111 +0,0 @@
- This file is part of ethash.
- ethash is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- ethash is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with ethash. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-/** @file io_posix.c
- * @author Lefteris Karapetsas <lefteris@ethdev.com>
- * @date 2015
- */
-#include "io.h"
-#include <sys/types.h>
-#include <sys/stat.h>
-#include <errno.h>
-#include <libgen.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <pwd.h>
-FILE* ethash_fopen(char const* file_name, char const* mode)
- return fopen(file_name, mode);
-char* ethash_strncat(char* dest, size_t dest_size, char const* src, size_t count)
- return strlen(dest) + count + 1 <= dest_size ? strncat(dest, src, count) : NULL;
-bool ethash_mkdir(char const* dirname)
- int rc = mkdir(dirname, S_IRWXU | S_IRWXG | S_IROTH | S_IXOTH);
- return rc != -1 || errno == EEXIST;
-int ethash_fileno(FILE *f)
- return fileno(f);
-char* ethash_io_create_filename(
- char const* dirname,
- char const* filename,
- size_t filename_length
- size_t dirlen = strlen(dirname);
- size_t dest_size = dirlen + filename_length + 1;
- if (dirname[dirlen] != '/') {
- dest_size += 1;
- }
- char* name = malloc(dest_size);
- if (!name) {
- return NULL;
- }
- name[0] = '\0';
- ethash_strncat(name, dest_size, dirname, dirlen);
- if (dirname[dirlen] != '/') {
- ethash_strncat(name, dest_size, "/", 1);
- }
- ethash_strncat(name, dest_size, filename, filename_length);
- return name;
-bool ethash_file_size(FILE* f, size_t* ret_size)
- struct stat st;
- int fd;
- if ((fd = fileno(f)) == -1 || fstat(fd, &st) != 0) {
- return false;
- }
- *ret_size = st.st_size;
- return true;
-bool ethash_get_default_dirname(char* strbuf, size_t buffsize)
- static const char dir_suffix[] = ".ethash/";
- strbuf[0] = '\0';
- char* home_dir = getenv("HOME");
- if (!home_dir || strlen(home_dir) == 0)
- {
- struct passwd* pwd = getpwuid(getuid());
- if (pwd)
- home_dir = pwd->pw_dir;
- }
- size_t len = strlen(home_dir);
- if (!ethash_strncat(strbuf, buffsize, home_dir, len)) {
- return false;
- }
- if (home_dir[len] != '/') {
- if (!ethash_strncat(strbuf, buffsize, "/", 1)) {
- return false;
- }
- }
- return ethash_strncat(strbuf, buffsize, dir_suffix, sizeof(dir_suffix));
diff --git a/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/ethereum/ethash/src/libethash/io_win32.c b/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/ethereum/ethash/src/libethash/io_win32.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 34f1aaa77..000000000
--- a/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/ethereum/ethash/src/libethash/io_win32.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,100 +0,0 @@
- This file is part of ethash.
- ethash is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- ethash is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with ethash. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-/** @file io_win32.c
- * @author Lefteris Karapetsas <lefteris@ethdev.com>
- * @date 2015
- */
-#include "io.h"
-#include <direct.h>
-#include <errno.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <sys/stat.h>
-#include <sys/types.h>
-#include <shlobj.h>
-FILE* ethash_fopen(char const* file_name, char const* mode)
- FILE* f;
- return fopen_s(&f, file_name, mode) == 0 ? f : NULL;
-char* ethash_strncat(char* dest, size_t dest_size, char const* src, size_t count)
- return strncat_s(dest, dest_size, src, count) == 0 ? dest : NULL;
-bool ethash_mkdir(char const* dirname)
- int rc = _mkdir(dirname);
- return rc != -1 || errno == EEXIST;
-int ethash_fileno(FILE* f)
- return _fileno(f);
-char* ethash_io_create_filename(
- char const* dirname,
- char const* filename,
- size_t filename_length
- size_t dirlen = strlen(dirname);
- size_t dest_size = dirlen + filename_length + 1;
- if (dirname[dirlen] != '\\' || dirname[dirlen] != '/') {
- dest_size += 1;
- }
- char* name = malloc(dest_size);
- if (!name) {
- return NULL;
- }
- name[0] = '\0';
- ethash_strncat(name, dest_size, dirname, dirlen);
- if (dirname[dirlen] != '\\' || dirname[dirlen] != '/') {
- ethash_strncat(name, dest_size, "\\", 1);
- }
- ethash_strncat(name, dest_size, filename, filename_length);
- return name;
-bool ethash_file_size(FILE* f, size_t* ret_size)
- struct _stat st;
- int fd;
- if ((fd = _fileno(f)) == -1 || _fstat(fd, &st) != 0) {
- return false;
- }
- *ret_size = st.st_size;
- return true;
-bool ethash_get_default_dirname(char* strbuf, size_t buffsize)
- static const char dir_suffix[] = "Ethash\\";
- strbuf[0] = '\0';
- if (!SUCCEEDED(SHGetFolderPathA(NULL, CSIDL_LOCAL_APPDATA, NULL, 0, (CHAR*)strbuf))) {
- return false;
- }
- if (!ethash_strncat(strbuf, buffsize, "\\", 1)) {
- return false;
- }
- return ethash_strncat(strbuf, buffsize, dir_suffix, sizeof(dir_suffix));
diff --git a/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/ethereum/ethash/src/libethash/mmap.h b/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/ethereum/ethash/src/libethash/mmap.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 1e226e83f..000000000
--- a/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/ethereum/ethash/src/libethash/mmap.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
- This file is part of ethash.
- ethash is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- ethash is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with ethash. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-/** @file mmap.h
- * @author Lefteris Karapetsas <lefteris@ethdev.com>
- * @date 2015
- */
-#pragma once
-#if defined(__MINGW32__) || defined(_WIN32)
-#include <sys/types.h>
-#define PROT_READ 0x1
-#define PROT_WRITE 0x2
-/* This flag is only available in WinXP+ */
-#define PROT_EXEC 0x4
-#define PROT_EXEC 0x0
-#define MAP_SHARED 0x01
-#define MAP_PRIVATE 0x02
-#define MAP_ANONYMOUS 0x20
-#define MAP_FAILED ((void *) -1)
-void* mmap(void* start, size_t length, int prot, int flags, int fd, off_t offset);
-void munmap(void* addr, size_t length);
-#else // posix, yay! ^_^
-#include <sys/mman.h>
diff --git a/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/ethereum/ethash/src/libethash/mmap_win32.c b/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/ethereum/ethash/src/libethash/mmap_win32.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 42968b98a..000000000
--- a/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/ethereum/ethash/src/libethash/mmap_win32.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,84 +0,0 @@
-/* mmap() replacement for Windows
- *
- * Author: Mike Frysinger <vapier@gentoo.org>
- * Placed into the public domain
- */
-/* References:
- * CreateFileMapping: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa366537(VS.85).aspx
- * CloseHandle: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms724211(VS.85).aspx
- * MapViewOfFile: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa366761(VS.85).aspx
- * UnmapViewOfFile: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa366882(VS.85).aspx
- */
-#include <io.h>
-#include <windows.h>
-#include "mmap.h"
-#ifdef __USE_FILE_OFFSET64
-# define DWORD_HI(x) (x >> 32)
-# define DWORD_LO(x) ((x) & 0xffffffff)
-# define DWORD_HI(x) (0)
-# define DWORD_LO(x) (x)
-void* mmap(void* start, size_t length, int prot, int flags, int fd, off_t offset)
- if (prot & ~(PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE | PROT_EXEC))
- return MAP_FAILED;
- if (fd == -1) {
- if (!(flags & MAP_ANON) || offset)
- return MAP_FAILED;
- } else if (flags & MAP_ANON)
- return MAP_FAILED;
- DWORD flProtect;
- if (prot & PROT_WRITE) {
- if (prot & PROT_EXEC)
- else
- flProtect = PAGE_READWRITE;
- } else if (prot & PROT_EXEC) {
- if (prot & PROT_READ)
- flProtect = PAGE_EXECUTE_READ;
- else if (prot & PROT_EXEC)
- flProtect = PAGE_EXECUTE;
- } else
- flProtect = PAGE_READONLY;
- off_t end = length + offset;
- HANDLE mmap_fd, h;
- if (fd == -1)
- else
- mmap_fd = (HANDLE)_get_osfhandle(fd);
- h = CreateFileMapping(mmap_fd, NULL, flProtect, DWORD_HI(end), DWORD_LO(end), NULL);
- if (h == NULL)
- return MAP_FAILED;
- DWORD dwDesiredAccess;
- if (prot & PROT_WRITE)
- dwDesiredAccess = FILE_MAP_WRITE;
- else
- dwDesiredAccess = FILE_MAP_READ;
- if (prot & PROT_EXEC)
- dwDesiredAccess |= FILE_MAP_EXECUTE;
- if (flags & MAP_PRIVATE)
- dwDesiredAccess |= FILE_MAP_COPY;
- void *ret = MapViewOfFile(h, dwDesiredAccess, DWORD_HI(offset), DWORD_LO(offset), length);
- if (ret == NULL) {
- ret = MAP_FAILED;
- }
- // since we are handling the file ourselves with fd, close the Windows Handle here
- CloseHandle(h);
- return ret;
-void munmap(void* addr, size_t length)
- UnmapViewOfFile(addr);
-#undef DWORD_HI
-#undef DWORD_LO
diff --git a/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/ethereum/ethash/src/libethash/sha3.c b/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/ethereum/ethash/src/libethash/sha3.c
deleted file mode 100644
index e72fe1018..000000000
--- a/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/ethereum/ethash/src/libethash/sha3.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,151 +0,0 @@
-/** libkeccak-tiny
-* A single-file implementation of SHA-3 and SHAKE.
-* Implementor: David Leon Gil
-* License: CC0, attribution kindly requested. Blame taken too,
-* but not liability.
-#include "sha3.h"
-#include <stdint.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <string.h>
-/******** The Keccak-f[1600] permutation ********/
-/*** Constants. ***/
-static const uint8_t rho[24] = \
- { 1, 3, 6, 10, 15, 21,
- 28, 36, 45, 55, 2, 14,
- 27, 41, 56, 8, 25, 43,
- 62, 18, 39, 61, 20, 44};
-static const uint8_t pi[24] = \
- {10, 7, 11, 17, 18, 3,
- 5, 16, 8, 21, 24, 4,
- 15, 23, 19, 13, 12, 2,
- 20, 14, 22, 9, 6, 1};
-static const uint64_t RC[24] = \
- {1ULL, 0x8082ULL, 0x800000000000808aULL, 0x8000000080008000ULL,
- 0x808bULL, 0x80000001ULL, 0x8000000080008081ULL, 0x8000000000008009ULL,
- 0x8aULL, 0x88ULL, 0x80008009ULL, 0x8000000aULL,
- 0x8000808bULL, 0x800000000000008bULL, 0x8000000000008089ULL, 0x8000000000008003ULL,
- 0x8000000000008002ULL, 0x8000000000000080ULL, 0x800aULL, 0x800000008000000aULL,
- 0x8000000080008081ULL, 0x8000000000008080ULL, 0x80000001ULL, 0x8000000080008008ULL};
-/*** Helper macros to unroll the permutation. ***/
-#define rol(x, s) (((x) << s) | ((x) >> (64 - s)))
-#define REPEAT6(e) e e e e e e
-#define REPEAT24(e) REPEAT6(e e e e)
-#define REPEAT5(e) e e e e e
-#define FOR5(v, s, e) \
- v = 0; \
- REPEAT5(e; v += s;)
-/*** Keccak-f[1600] ***/
-static inline void keccakf(void* state) {
- uint64_t* a = (uint64_t*)state;
- uint64_t b[5] = {0};
- uint64_t t = 0;
- uint8_t x, y;
- for (int i = 0; i < 24; i++) {
- // Theta
- FOR5(x, 1,
- b[x] = 0;
- FOR5(y, 5,
- b[x] ^= a[x + y]; ))
- FOR5(x, 1,
- FOR5(y, 5,
- a[y + x] ^= b[(x + 4) % 5] ^ rol(b[(x + 1) % 5], 1); ))
- // Rho and pi
- t = a[1];
- x = 0;
- REPEAT24(b[0] = a[pi[x]];
- a[pi[x]] = rol(t, rho[x]);
- t = b[0];
- x++; )
- // Chi
- FOR5(y,
- 5,
- FOR5(x, 1,
- b[x] = a[y + x];)
- FOR5(x, 1,
- a[y + x] = b[x] ^ ((~b[(x + 1) % 5]) & b[(x + 2) % 5]); ))
- // Iota
- a[0] ^= RC[i];
- }
-/******** The FIPS202-defined functions. ********/
-/*** Some helper macros. ***/
-#define _(S) do { S } while (0)
-#define FOR(i, ST, L, S) \
- _(for (size_t i = 0; i < L; i += ST) { S; })
-#define mkapply_ds(NAME, S) \
- static inline void NAME(uint8_t* dst, \
- const uint8_t* src, \
- size_t len) { \
- FOR(i, 1, len, S); \
- }
-#define mkapply_sd(NAME, S) \
- static inline void NAME(const uint8_t* src, \
- uint8_t* dst, \
- size_t len) { \
- FOR(i, 1, len, S); \
- }
-mkapply_ds(xorin, dst[i] ^= src[i]) // xorin
-mkapply_sd(setout, dst[i] = src[i]) // setout
-#define P keccakf
-#define Plen 200
-// Fold P*F over the full blocks of an input.
-#define foldP(I, L, F) \
- while (L >= rate) { \
- F(a, I, rate); \
- P(a); \
- I += rate; \
- L -= rate; \
- }
-/** The sponge-based hash construction. **/
-static inline int hash(uint8_t* out, size_t outlen,
- const uint8_t* in, size_t inlen,
- size_t rate, uint8_t delim) {
- if ((out == NULL) || ((in == NULL) && inlen != 0) || (rate >= Plen)) {
- return -1;
- }
- uint8_t a[Plen] = {0};
- // Absorb input.
- foldP(in, inlen, xorin);
- // Xor in the DS and pad frame.
- a[inlen] ^= delim;
- a[rate - 1] ^= 0x80;
- // Xor in the last block.
- xorin(a, in, inlen);
- // Apply P
- P(a);
- // Squeeze output.
- foldP(out, outlen, setout);
- setout(a, out, outlen);
- memset(a, 0, 200);
- return 0;
-#define defsha3(bits) \
- int sha3_##bits(uint8_t* out, size_t outlen, \
- const uint8_t* in, size_t inlen) { \
- if (outlen > (bits/8)) { \
- return -1; \
- } \
- return hash(out, outlen, in, inlen, 200 - (bits / 4), 0x01); \
- }
-/*** FIPS202 SHA3 FOFs ***/
diff --git a/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/ethereum/ethash/src/libethash/sha3.h b/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/ethereum/ethash/src/libethash/sha3.h
deleted file mode 100644
index a38006292..000000000
--- a/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/ethereum/ethash/src/libethash/sha3.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-#pragma once
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C" {
-#include "compiler.h"
-#include <stdint.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-struct ethash_h256;
-#define decsha3(bits) \
- int sha3_##bits(uint8_t*, size_t, uint8_t const*, size_t);
-static inline void SHA3_256(struct ethash_h256 const* ret, uint8_t const* data, size_t const size)
- sha3_256((uint8_t*)ret, 32, data, size);
-static inline void SHA3_512(uint8_t* ret, uint8_t const* data, size_t const size)
- sha3_512(ret, 64, data, size);
-#ifdef __cplusplus
diff --git a/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/ethereum/ethash/src/libethash/sha3_cryptopp.cpp b/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/ethereum/ethash/src/libethash/sha3_cryptopp.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 2a7c02664..000000000
--- a/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/ethereum/ethash/src/libethash/sha3_cryptopp.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
- This file is part of ethash.
- ethash is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- ethash is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with ethash. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-/** @file sha3.cpp
-* @author Tim Hughes <tim@twistedfury.com>
-* @date 2015
-#include <stdint.h>
-#include <cryptopp/sha3.h>
-extern "C" {
-struct ethash_h256;
-typedef struct ethash_h256 ethash_h256_t;
-void SHA3_256(ethash_h256_t const* ret, uint8_t const* data, size_t size)
- CryptoPP::SHA3_256().CalculateDigest((uint8_t*)ret, data, size);
-void SHA3_512(uint8_t* const ret, uint8_t const* data, size_t size)
- CryptoPP::SHA3_512().CalculateDigest(ret, data, size);
diff --git a/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/ethereum/ethash/src/libethash/sha3_cryptopp.h b/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/ethereum/ethash/src/libethash/sha3_cryptopp.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 9edc407d5..000000000
--- a/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/ethereum/ethash/src/libethash/sha3_cryptopp.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-#pragma once
-#include "compiler.h"
-#include <stdint.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C" {
-struct ethash_h256;
-void SHA3_256(struct ethash_h256 const* ret, uint8_t const* data, size_t size);
-void SHA3_512(uint8_t* const ret, uint8_t const* data, size_t size);
-#ifdef __cplusplus
diff --git a/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/ethereum/ethash/src/libethash/util.h b/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/ethereum/ethash/src/libethash/util.h
deleted file mode 100644
index c5fc6e55b..000000000
--- a/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/ethereum/ethash/src/libethash/util.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
- This file is part of ethash.
- ethash is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- ethash is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with ethash. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-/** @file util.h
- * @author Tim Hughes <tim@twistedfury.com>
- * @date 2015
- */
-#pragma once
-#include <stdint.h>
-#include "compiler.h"
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C" {
-#ifdef _MSC_VER
-void debugf(char const* str, ...);
-#define debugf printf
-static inline uint32_t min_u32(uint32_t a, uint32_t b)
- return a < b ? a : b;
-static inline uint32_t clamp_u32(uint32_t x, uint32_t min_, uint32_t max_)
- return x < min_ ? min_ : (x > max_ ? max_ : x);
-#ifdef __cplusplus
diff --git a/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/ethereum/ethash/src/libethash/util_win32.c b/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/ethereum/ethash/src/libethash/util_win32.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 268e6db05..000000000
--- a/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/ethereum/ethash/src/libethash/util_win32.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
- This file is part of cpp-ethereum.
- cpp-ethereum is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- cpp-ethereum is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with cpp-ethereum. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-/** @file util.c
- * @author Tim Hughes <tim@twistedfury.com>
- * @date 2015
- */
-#include <stdarg.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include "util.h"
-// foward declare without all of Windows.h
-__declspec(dllimport) void __stdcall OutputDebugStringA(char const* lpOutputString);
-void debugf(char const* str, ...)
- va_list args;
- va_start(args, str);
- char buf[1<<16];
- _vsnprintf_s(buf, sizeof(buf), sizeof(buf), str, args);
- buf[sizeof(buf)-1] = '\0';
- OutputDebugStringA(buf);