path: root/swarm/dev/scripts
diff options
authorLewis Marshall <lewis@lmars.net>2017-06-01 18:52:18 +0800
committerFelix Lange <fjl@users.noreply.github.com>2017-06-01 18:52:18 +0800
commit0036e2a74761413200ce3a8ed316ecb721895f60 (patch)
tree1ac94ec2c89a9055999056cd6d99e2955c4409fd /swarm/dev/scripts
parent727eadacca761e4abb4273a87dc601bb79d3167d (diff)
swarm/dev: add development environment (#14332)
This PR adds a Swarm development environment which can be run in a Docker container and provides scripts for building binaries and running Swarm clusters.
Diffstat (limited to 'swarm/dev/scripts')
4 files changed, 535 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/swarm/dev/scripts/boot-cluster.sh b/swarm/dev/scripts/boot-cluster.sh
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..073b095ad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/swarm/dev/scripts/boot-cluster.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,288 @@
+# A script to boot a dev swarm cluster on a Linux host (typically in a Docker
+# container started with swarm/dev/run.sh).
+# The cluster contains a bootnode, a geth node and multiple swarm nodes, with
+# each node having its own data directory in a base directory passed with the
+# --dir flag (default is swarm/dev/cluster).
+# To avoid using different ports for each node and to make networking more
+# realistic, each node gets its own network namespace with IPs assigned from
+# the subnet:
+# bootnode:
+# geth:
+# swarm:{1,2,...,n}
+set -e
+ROOT="$(cd "$(dirname "$0")/../../.." && pwd)"
+source "${ROOT}/swarm/dev/scripts/util.sh"
+# DEFAULT_BASE_DIR is the default base directory to store node data
+# DEFAULT_CLUSTER_SIZE is the default swarm cluster size
+# Linux bridge configuration for connecting the node network namespaces
+# static bootnode configuration
+# static geth configuration
+usage() {
+ cat >&2 <<USAGE
+usage: $0 [options]
+Boot a dev swarm cluster.
+ -d, --dir DIR Base directory to store node data [default: ${DEFAULT_BASE_DIR}]
+ -s, --size SIZE Size of swarm cluster [default: ${DEFAULT_CLUSTER_SIZE}]
+ -h, --help Show this message
+main() {
+ local base_dir="${DEFAULT_BASE_DIR}"
+ local cluster_size="${DEFAULT_CLUSTER_SIZE}"
+ parse_args "$@"
+ local pid_dir="${base_dir}/pids"
+ local log_dir="${base_dir}/logs"
+ mkdir -p "${base_dir}" "${pid_dir}" "${log_dir}"
+ stop_cluster
+ create_network
+ start_bootnode
+ start_geth_node
+ start_swarm_nodes
+parse_args() {
+ while true; do
+ case "$1" in
+ -h | --help)
+ usage
+ exit 0
+ ;;
+ -d | --dir)
+ if [[ -z "$2" ]]; then
+ fail "--dir flag requires an argument"
+ fi
+ base_dir="$2"
+ shift 2
+ ;;
+ -s | --size)
+ if [[ -z "$2" ]]; then
+ fail "--size flag requires an argument"
+ fi
+ cluster_size="$2"
+ shift 2
+ ;;
+ *)
+ break
+ ;;
+ esac
+ done
+ if [[ $# -ne 0 ]]; then
+ usage
+ fail "ERROR: invalid arguments: $@"
+ fi
+stop_cluster() {
+ info "stopping existing cluster"
+ "${ROOT}/swarm/dev/scripts/stop-cluster.sh" --dir "${base_dir}"
+# create_network creates a Linux bridge which is used to connect the node
+# network namespaces together
+create_network() {
+ local subnet="${BRIDGE_IP}/24"
+ info "creating ${subnet} network on ${BRIDGE_NAME}"
+ ip link add name "${BRIDGE_NAME}" type bridge
+ ip link set dev "${BRIDGE_NAME}" up
+ ip address add "${subnet}" dev "${BRIDGE_NAME}"
+# start_bootnode starts a bootnode which is used to bootstrap the geth and
+# swarm nodes
+start_bootnode() {
+ local key_file="${base_dir}/bootnode.key"
+ echo -n "${BOOTNODE_KEY}" > "${key_file}"
+ local args=(
+ --nodekey "${key_file}"
+ --verbosity "6"
+ )
+ start_node "bootnode" "${BOOTNODE_IP}" "$(which bootnode)" ${args[@]}
+# start_geth_node starts a geth node with --datadir pointing at <base-dir>/geth
+# and a single, unlocked account with password "geth"
+start_geth_node() {
+ local dir="${base_dir}/geth"
+ mkdir -p "${dir}"
+ local password="geth"
+ echo "${password}" > "${dir}/password"
+ # create an account if necessary
+ if [[ ! -e "${dir}/keystore" ]]; then
+ info "creating geth account"
+ create_account "${dir}" "${password}"
+ fi
+ # get the account address
+ local address="$(jq --raw-output '.address' ${dir}/keystore/*)"
+ if [[ -z "${address}" ]]; then
+ fail "failed to get geth account address"
+ fi
+ local args=(
+ --datadir "${dir}"
+ --networkid "321"
+ --bootnodes "${BOOTNODE_URL}"
+ --unlock "${address}"
+ --password "${dir}/password"
+ --rpc
+ --rpcaddr "${GETH_IP}"
+ --rpcport "${GETH_RPC_PORT}"
+ --verbosity "6"
+ )
+ start_node "geth" "${GETH_IP}" "$(which geth)" ${args[@]}
+start_swarm_nodes() {
+ for i in $(seq 1 ${cluster_size}); do
+ start_swarm_node "${i}"
+ done
+# start_swarm_node starts a swarm node with a name like "swarmNN" (where NN is
+# a zero-padded integer like "07"), --datadir pointing at <base-dir>/<name>
+# (e.g. <base-dir>/swarm07) and a single account with <name> as the password
+start_swarm_node() {
+ local num=$1
+ local name="swarm$(printf '%02d' ${num})"
+ local ip="$(printf '%02d' ${num})"
+ local dir="${base_dir}/${name}"
+ mkdir -p "${dir}"
+ local password="${name}"
+ echo "${password}" > "${dir}/password"
+ # create an account if necessary
+ if [[ ! -e "${dir}/keystore" ]]; then
+ info "creating account for ${name}"
+ create_account "${dir}" "${password}"
+ fi
+ # get the account address
+ local address="$(jq --raw-output '.address' ${dir}/keystore/*)"
+ if [[ -z "${address}" ]]; then
+ fail "failed to get swarm account address"
+ fi
+ local args=(
+ --bootnodes "${BOOTNODE_URL}"
+ --datadir "${dir}"
+ --identity "${name}"
+ --ethapi "${GETH_RPC_URL}"
+ --bzznetworkid "321"
+ --bzzaccount "${address}"
+ --password "${dir}/password"
+ --verbosity "6"
+ )
+ start_node "${name}" "${ip}" "$(which swarm)" ${args[@]}
+# start_node runs the node command as a daemon in a network namespace
+start_node() {
+ local name="$1"
+ local ip="$2"
+ local path="$3"
+ local cmd_args=${@:4}
+ info "starting ${name} with IP ${ip}"
+ create_node_network "${name}" "${ip}"
+ # add a marker to the log file
+ cat >> "${log_dir}/${name}.log" <<EOF
+Starting ${name} node - $(date)
+ # run the command in the network namespace using start-stop-daemon to
+ # daemonise the process, sending all output to the log file
+ local daemon_args=(
+ --start
+ --background
+ --no-close
+ --make-pidfile
+ --pidfile "${pid_dir}/${name}.pid"
+ --exec "${path}"
+ )
+ if ! ip netns exec "${name}" start-stop-daemon ${daemon_args[@]} -- $cmd_args &>> "${log_dir}/${name}.log"; then
+ fail "could not start ${name}, check ${log_dir}/${name}.log"
+ fi
+# create_node_network creates a network namespace and connects it to the Linux
+# bridge using a veth pair
+create_node_network() {
+ local name="$1"
+ local ip="$2"
+ # create the namespace
+ ip netns add "${name}"
+ # create the veth pair
+ local veth0="veth${name}0"
+ local veth1="veth${name}1"
+ ip link add name "${veth0}" type veth peer name "${veth1}"
+ # add one end to the bridge
+ ip link set dev "${veth0}" master "${BRIDGE_NAME}"
+ ip link set dev "${veth0}" up
+ # add the other end to the namespace, rename it eth0 and give it the ip
+ ip link set dev "${veth1}" netns "${name}"
+ ip netns exec "${name}" ip link set dev "${veth1}" name "eth0"
+ ip netns exec "${name}" ip link set dev "eth0" up
+ ip netns exec "${name}" ip address add "${ip}/24" dev "eth0"
+create_account() {
+ local dir=$1
+ local password=$2
+ geth --datadir "${dir}" --password /dev/stdin account new <<< "${password}"
+main "$@"
diff --git a/swarm/dev/scripts/random-uploads.sh b/swarm/dev/scripts/random-uploads.sh
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..db7887e3c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/swarm/dev/scripts/random-uploads.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
+# A script to upload random data to a swarm cluster.
+# Example:
+# random-uploads.sh --addr --size 40k --count 1000
+set -e
+ROOT="$(cd "$(dirname "$0")/../../.." && pwd)"
+source "${ROOT}/swarm/dev/scripts/util.sh"
+usage() {
+ cat >&2 <<USAGE
+usage: $0 [options]
+Upload random data to a Swarm cluster.
+ -a, --addr ADDR Swarm API address [default: ${DEFAULT_ADDR}]
+ -s, --size SIZE Individual upload size [default: ${DEFAULT_UPLOAD_SIZE}]
+ -c, --count COUNT Number of uploads [default: ${DEFAULT_UPLOAD_COUNT}]
+ -h, --help Show this message
+main() {
+ local addr="${DEFAULT_ADDR}"
+ local upload_size="${DEFAULT_UPLOAD_SIZE}"
+ local upload_count="${DEFAULT_UPLOAD_COUNT}"
+ parse_args "$@"
+ info "uploading ${upload_count} ${upload_size} random files to ${addr}"
+ for i in $(seq 1 ${upload_count}); do
+ info "upload ${i} / ${upload_count}:"
+ do_random_upload
+ echo
+ done
+do_random_upload() {
+ curl -fsSL -X POST --data-binary "$(random_data)" "http://${addr}/bzzr:/"
+random_data() {
+ dd if=/dev/urandom of=/dev/stdout bs="${upload_size}" count=1 2>/dev/null
+parse_args() {
+ while true; do
+ case "$1" in
+ -h | --help)
+ usage
+ exit 0
+ ;;
+ -a | --addr)
+ if [[ -z "$2" ]]; then
+ fail "--addr flag requires an argument"
+ fi
+ addr="$2"
+ shift 2
+ ;;
+ -s | --size)
+ if [[ -z "$2" ]]; then
+ fail "--size flag requires an argument"
+ fi
+ upload_size="$2"
+ shift 2
+ ;;
+ -c | --count)
+ if [[ -z "$2" ]]; then
+ fail "--count flag requires an argument"
+ fi
+ upload_count="$2"
+ shift 2
+ ;;
+ *)
+ break
+ ;;
+ esac
+ done
+ if [[ $# -ne 0 ]]; then
+ usage
+ fail "ERROR: invalid arguments: $@"
+ fi
+main "$@"
diff --git a/swarm/dev/scripts/stop-cluster.sh b/swarm/dev/scripts/stop-cluster.sh
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..89cb7b0c9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/swarm/dev/scripts/stop-cluster.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
+# A script to shutdown a dev swarm cluster.
+set -e
+ROOT="$(cd "$(dirname "$0")/../../.." && pwd)"
+source "${ROOT}/swarm/dev/scripts/util.sh"
+usage() {
+ cat >&2 <<USAGE
+usage: $0 [options]
+Shutdown a dev swarm cluster.
+ -d, --dir DIR Base directory [default: ${DEFAULT_BASE_DIR}]
+ -h, --help Show this message
+main() {
+ local base_dir="${DEFAULT_BASE_DIR}"
+ parse_args "$@"
+ local pid_dir="${base_dir}/pids"
+ stop_swarm_nodes
+ stop_node "geth"
+ stop_node "bootnode"
+ delete_network
+parse_args() {
+ while true; do
+ case "$1" in
+ -h | --help)
+ usage
+ exit 0
+ ;;
+ -d | --dir)
+ if [[ -z "$2" ]]; then
+ fail "--dir flag requires an argument"
+ fi
+ base_dir="$2"
+ shift 2
+ ;;
+ *)
+ break
+ ;;
+ esac
+ done
+ if [[ $# -ne 0 ]]; then
+ usage
+ fail "ERROR: invalid arguments: $@"
+ fi
+stop_swarm_nodes() {
+ for name in $(ls "${pid_dir}" | grep -oP 'swarm\d+'); do
+ stop_node "${name}"
+ done
+stop_node() {
+ local name=$1
+ local pid_file="${pid_dir}/${name}.pid"
+ if [[ -e "${pid_file}" ]]; then
+ info "stopping ${name}"
+ start-stop-daemon \
+ --stop \
+ --pidfile "${pid_file}" \
+ --remove-pidfile \
+ --oknodo \
+ --retry 15
+ fi
+ if ip netns list | grep -qF "${name}"; then
+ ip netns delete "${name}"
+ fi
+ if ip link show "veth${name}0" &>/dev/null; then
+ ip link delete dev "veth${name}0"
+ fi
+delete_network() {
+ if ip link show "swarmbr0" &>/dev/null; then
+ ip link delete dev "swarmbr0"
+ fi
+main "$@"
diff --git a/swarm/dev/scripts/util.sh b/swarm/dev/scripts/util.sh
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f17a12e42
--- /dev/null
+++ b/swarm/dev/scripts/util.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+# shared shell functions
+info() {
+ local msg="$@"
+ local timestamp="$(date +%H:%M:%S)"
+ say "===> ${timestamp} ${msg}" "green"
+warn() {
+ local msg="$@"
+ local timestamp=$(date +%H:%M:%S)
+ say "===> ${timestamp} WARN: ${msg}" "yellow" >&2
+fail() {
+ local msg="$@"
+ say "ERROR: ${msg}" "red" >&2
+ exit 1
+# say prints the given message to STDOUT, using the optional color if
+# STDOUT is a terminal.
+# usage:
+# say "foo" - prints "foo"
+# say "bar" "red" - prints "bar" in red
+# say "baz" "green" - prints "baz" in green
+# say "qux" "red" | tee - prints "qux" with no colour
+say() {
+ local msg=$1
+ local color=$2
+ if [[ -n "${color}" ]] && [[ -t 1 ]]; then
+ case "${color}" in
+ red)
+ echo -e "\033[1;31m${msg}\033[0m"
+ ;;
+ green)
+ echo -e "\033[1;32m${msg}\033[0m"
+ ;;
+ yellow)
+ echo -e "\033[1;33m${msg}\033[0m"
+ ;;
+ *)
+ echo "${msg}"
+ ;;
+ esac
+ else
+ echo "${msg}"
+ fi