path: root/lib/abi.js
diff options
authorMarek Kotewicz <marek.kotewicz@gmail.com>2015-01-31 08:52:36 +0800
committerMarek Kotewicz <marek.kotewicz@gmail.com>2015-01-31 08:52:36 +0800
commit56890862028cc1e6d0fb58db9ada358bf4384de0 (patch)
treeb116092ab6cd704c398c38b3200151795e75812b /lib/abi.js
parent995861de4d61ffae9e60ae3fc08b2775b2e81f7b (diff)
formatters separated
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/abi.js')
1 files changed, 23 insertions, 119 deletions
diff --git a/lib/abi.js b/lib/abi.js
index a0c862593..fbf72b12d 100644
--- a/lib/abi.js
+++ b/lib/abi.js
@@ -21,12 +21,12 @@
* @date 2014
-// TODO: is these line is supposed to be here?
if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'build') {
var BigNumber = require('bignumber.js'); // jshint ignore:line
-var web3 = require('./web3'); // jshint ignore:line
+var web3 = require('./web3');
+var f = require('./formatters');
BigNumber.config({ ROUNDING_MODE: BigNumber.ROUND_DOWN });
@@ -85,6 +85,7 @@ var filterEvents = function (json) {
/// @param number of characters that result string should have
/// @param sign, by default 0
/// @returns right aligned string
+/// TODO: remove, it was moved to formatters.js
var padLeft = function (string, chars, sign) {
return new Array(chars - string.length + 1).join(sign ? sign : "0") + string;
@@ -105,57 +106,16 @@ var namedType = function (name) {
+/// This method should be called if we want to check if givent type is an array type
+/// @returns true if it is, otherwise false
var arrayType = function (type) {
return type.slice(-2) === '[]';
-/// Formats input value to byte representation of int
-/// If value is negative, return it's two's complement
-/// If the value is floating point, round it down
-/// @returns right-aligned byte representation of int
-var formatInputInt = function (value) {
- var padding = ETH_PADDING * 2;
- if (value instanceof BigNumber || typeof value === 'number') {
- if (typeof value === 'number')
- value = new BigNumber(value);
- value = value.round();
- if (value.lessThan(0))
- value = new BigNumber("ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff", 16).plus(value).plus(1);
- value = value.toString(16);
- }
- else if (value.indexOf('0x') === 0)
- value = value.substr(2);
- else if (typeof value === 'string')
- value = formatInputInt(new BigNumber(value));
- else
- value = (+value).toString(16);
- return padLeft(value, padding);
-/// Formats input value to byte representation of string
-/// @returns left-algined byte representation of string
-var formatInputString = function (value) {
- return web3.fromAscii(value, ETH_PADDING).substr(2);
-/// Formats input value to byte representation of bool
-/// @returns right-aligned byte representation bool
-var formatInputBool = function (value) {
- return '000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000' + (value ? '1' : '0');
-/// Formats input value to byte representation of real
-/// Values are multiplied by 2^m and encoded as integers
-/// @returns byte representation of real
-var formatInputReal = function (value) {
- return formatInputInt(new BigNumber(value).times(new BigNumber(2).pow(128)));
var dynamicTypeBytes = function (type, value) {
// TODO: decide what to do with array of strings
if (arrayType(type) || type === 'string') // only string itself that is dynamic; stringX is static length.
- return formatInputInt(value.length);
+ return f.formatInputInt(value.length);
return "";
@@ -164,14 +124,14 @@ var dynamicTypeBytes = function (type, value) {
var setupInputTypes = function () {
return [
- { type: prefixedType('uint'), format: formatInputInt },
- { type: prefixedType('int'), format: formatInputInt },
- { type: prefixedType('hash'), format: formatInputInt },
- { type: prefixedType('string'), format: formatInputString },
- { type: prefixedType('real'), format: formatInputReal },
- { type: prefixedType('ureal'), format: formatInputReal },
- { type: namedType('address'), format: formatInputInt },
- { type: namedType('bool'), format: formatInputBool }
+ { type: prefixedType('uint'), format: f.formatInputInt },
+ { type: prefixedType('int'), format: f.formatInputInt },
+ { type: prefixedType('hash'), format: f.formatInputInt },
+ { type: prefixedType('string'), format: f.formatInputString },
+ { type: prefixedType('real'), format: f.formatInputReal },
+ { type: prefixedType('ureal'), format: f.formatInputReal },
+ { type: namedType('address'), format: f.formatInputInt },
+ { type: namedType('bool'), format: f.formatInputBool }
@@ -217,62 +177,6 @@ var toAbiInput = function (json, methodName, params) {
return bytes;
-/// Check if input value is negative
-/// @param value is hex format
-/// @returns true if it is negative, otherwise false
-var signedIsNegative = function (value) {
- return (new BigNumber(value.substr(0, 1), 16).toString(2).substr(0, 1)) === '1';
-/// Formats input right-aligned input bytes to int
-/// @returns right-aligned input bytes formatted to int
-var formatOutputInt = function (value) {
- value = value || "0";
- // check if it's negative number
- // it it is, return two's complement
- if (signedIsNegative(value)) {
- return new BigNumber(value, 16).minus(new BigNumber('ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff', 16)).minus(1);
- }
- return new BigNumber(value, 16);
-/// Formats big right-aligned input bytes to uint
-/// @returns right-aligned input bytes formatted to uint
-var formatOutputUInt = function (value) {
- value = value || "0";
- return new BigNumber(value, 16);
-/// @returns input bytes formatted to real
-var formatOutputReal = function (value) {
- return formatOutputInt(value).dividedBy(new BigNumber(2).pow(128));
-/// @returns input bytes formatted to ureal
-var formatOutputUReal = function (value) {
- return formatOutputUInt(value).dividedBy(new BigNumber(2).pow(128));
-/// @returns right-aligned input bytes formatted to hex
-var formatOutputHash = function (value) {
- return "0x" + value;
-/// @returns right-aligned input bytes formatted to bool
-var formatOutputBool = function (value) {
- return value === '0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001' ? true : false;
-/// @returns left-aligned input bytes formatted to ascii string
-var formatOutputString = function (value) {
- return web3.toAscii(value);
-/// @returns right-aligned input bytes formatted to address
-var formatOutputAddress = function (value) {
- return "0x" + value.slice(value.length - 40, value.length);
var dynamicBytesLength = function (type) {
if (arrayType(type) || type === 'string') // only string itself that is dynamic; stringX is static length.
return ETH_PADDING * 2;
@@ -284,14 +188,14 @@ var dynamicBytesLength = function (type) {
var setupOutputTypes = function () {
return [
- { type: prefixedType('uint'), format: formatOutputUInt },
- { type: prefixedType('int'), format: formatOutputInt },
- { type: prefixedType('hash'), format: formatOutputHash },
- { type: prefixedType('string'), format: formatOutputString },
- { type: prefixedType('real'), format: formatOutputReal },
- { type: prefixedType('ureal'), format: formatOutputUReal },
- { type: namedType('address'), format: formatOutputAddress },
- { type: namedType('bool'), format: formatOutputBool }
+ { type: prefixedType('uint'), format: f.formatOutputUInt },
+ { type: prefixedType('int'), format: f.formatOutputInt },
+ { type: prefixedType('hash'), format: f.formatOutputHash },
+ { type: prefixedType('string'), format: f.formatOutputString },
+ { type: prefixedType('real'), format: f.formatOutputReal },
+ { type: prefixedType('ureal'), format: f.formatOutputUReal },
+ { type: namedType('address'), format: f.formatOutputAddress },
+ { type: namedType('bool'), format: f.formatOutputBool }
@@ -328,7 +232,7 @@ var fromAbiOutput = function (json, methodName, output) {
var formatter = outputTypes[j - 1].format;
if (arrayType(method.outputs[i].type)) {
- var size = formatOutputUInt(dynamicPart.slice(0, padding));
+ var size = f.formatOutputUInt(dynamicPart.slice(0, padding));
dynamicPart = dynamicPart.slice(padding);
var array = [];
for (var k = 0; k < size; k++) {