path: root/accounts/abi/bind/bind.go
diff options
authorPéter Szilágyi <peterke@gmail.com>2016-03-18 01:27:37 +0800
committerPéter Szilágyi <peterke@gmail.com>2016-03-24 20:15:32 +0800
commit86cfc22c79594bd0d9625650dcbfb60c3e6ba9fe (patch)
treef080840b4ac808304862846125bf8b4d47a4ef37 /accounts/abi/bind/bind.go
parent72826bb5adddedf0fd4fb9903e883d4c64fa18a6 (diff)
accounts/abi/bind: constructor, auth utils and various backends
Diffstat (limited to 'accounts/abi/bind/bind.go')
1 files changed, 140 insertions, 37 deletions
diff --git a/accounts/abi/bind/bind.go b/accounts/abi/bind/bind.go
index bef75a158..5bd230d0d 100644
--- a/accounts/abi/bind/bind.go
+++ b/accounts/abi/bind/bind.go
@@ -31,16 +31,18 @@ import (
// to be used as is in client code, but rather as an intermediate struct which
// enforces compile time type safety and naming convention opposed to having to
// manually maintain hard coded strings that break on runtime.
-func Bind(jsonABI string, pkg string, kind string) (string, error) {
+func Bind(abijson string, bytecode string, pkg string, kind string) (string, error) {
// Parse the actual ABI to generate the binding for
- abi, err := abi.JSON(strings.NewReader(jsonABI))
+ abi, err := abi.JSON(strings.NewReader(abijson))
if err != nil {
return "", err
// Generate the contract type, fields and methods
code := new(bytes.Buffer)
kind = strings.ToUpper(kind[:1]) + kind[1:]
- fmt.Fprintf(code, "%s\n", bindContract(kind, jsonABI))
+ fmt.Fprintf(code, "%s\n", bindContract(kind, strings.TrimSpace(abijson)))
+ fmt.Fprintf(code, "%s\n", bindConstructor(kind, strings.TrimSpace(bytecode), abi.Constructor))
methods := make([]string, 0, len(abi.Methods))
for name, _ := range abi.Methods {
@@ -54,12 +56,14 @@ func Bind(jsonABI string, pkg string, kind string) (string, error) {
// Format the code with goimports and return
buffer := new(bytes.Buffer)
+ fmt.Fprintf(buffer, "// This file is an automatically generated Go binding based on the contract ABI\n")
+ fmt.Fprintf(buffer, "// defined in %sABI. Do not modify as any change will likely be lost!\n\n", kind)
fmt.Fprintf(buffer, "package %s\n\n", pkg)
fmt.Fprintf(buffer, "%s\n\n", string(code.Bytes()))
blob, err := imports.Process("", buffer.Bytes(), nil)
if err != nil {
- return "", err
+ return "", fmt.Errorf("%v\n%s", err, code)
return string(blob), nil
@@ -67,13 +71,13 @@ func Bind(jsonABI string, pkg string, kind string) (string, error) {
// bindContract generates the basic wrapper code for interacting with an Ethereum
// contract via the abi package. All contract methods will call into the generic
// ones generated here.
-func bindContract(kind string, abi string) string {
+func bindContract(kind string, abijson string) string {
code := ""
// Generate the hard coded ABI used for Ethereum interaction
- code += fmt.Sprintf("// Ethereum ABI used to generate the binding from.\nconst %sABI = `%s`\n\n", kind, strings.TrimSpace(abi))
+ code += fmt.Sprintf("// Ethereum ABI used to generate the binding from.\nconst %sABI = `%s`\n\n", kind, abijson)
- // Generate the Go struct with all the maintenance fields
+ // Generate the high level contract wrapper types
code += fmt.Sprintf("// %s is an auto generated Go binding around an Ethereum contract.\n", kind)
code += fmt.Sprintf("type %s struct {\n", kind)
code += fmt.Sprintf(" %sCaller // Read-only binding to the contract\n", kind)
@@ -82,61 +86,122 @@ func bindContract(kind string, abi string) string {
code += fmt.Sprintf("// %sCaller is an auto generated read-only Go binding around an Ethereum contract.\n", kind)
code += fmt.Sprintf("type %sCaller struct {\n", kind)
- code += fmt.Sprintf(" common *common%s // Contract binding common to callers and transactors\n", kind)
+ code += fmt.Sprintf(" contract *bind.BoundContract // Generic contract wrapper for the low level calls\n")
code += fmt.Sprintf("}\n\n")
code += fmt.Sprintf("// %sTransactor is an auto generated write-only Go binding around an Ethereum contract.\n", kind)
code += fmt.Sprintf("type %sTransactor struct {\n", kind)
- code += fmt.Sprintf(" common *common%s // Contract binding common to callers and transactors\n", kind)
+ code += fmt.Sprintf(" contract *bind.BoundContract // Generic contract wrapper for the low level calls\n")
code += fmt.Sprintf("}\n\n")
- code += fmt.Sprintf("// common%s is an auto generated Go binding around an Ethereum contract.\n", kind)
- code += fmt.Sprintf("type common%s struct {\n", kind)
- code += fmt.Sprintf(" contract *bind.BoundContract // Generic contract wrapper for the low level calls\n")
+ // Generate the high level contract session wrapper types
+ code += fmt.Sprintf("// %sSession is an auto generated Go binding around an Ethereum contract,\n// with pre-set call and transact options.\n", kind)
+ code += fmt.Sprintf("type %sSession struct {\n", kind)
+ code += fmt.Sprintf(" Contract *%s // Generic contract binding to set the session for\n", kind)
+ code += fmt.Sprintf(" CallOpts bind.CallOpts // Call options to use throughout this session\n")
+ code += fmt.Sprintf(" TransactOpts bind.TransactOpts // Transaction auth options to use throughout this session\n")
+ code += fmt.Sprintf("}\n\n")
+ code += fmt.Sprintf("// %sCallerSession is an auto generated read-only Go binding around an Ethereum contract,\n// with pre-set call options.\n", kind)
+ code += fmt.Sprintf("type %sCallerSession struct {\n", kind)
+ code += fmt.Sprintf(" Contract *%sCaller // Generic contract caller binding to set the session for\n", kind)
+ code += fmt.Sprintf(" CallOpts bind.CallOpts // Call options to use throughout this session\n")
+ code += fmt.Sprintf("}\n\n")
+ code += fmt.Sprintf("// %sTransactorSession is an auto generated write-only Go binding around an Ethereum contract,\n// with pre-set transact options.\n", kind)
+ code += fmt.Sprintf("type %sTransactorSession struct {\n", kind)
+ code += fmt.Sprintf(" Contract *%sTransactor // Generic contract transactor binding to set the session for\n", kind)
+ code += fmt.Sprintf(" TransactOpts bind.TransactOpts // Transaction auth options to use throughout this session\n")
code += fmt.Sprintf("}\n\n")
// Generate the constructor to create a bound contract
code += fmt.Sprintf("// New%s creates a new instance of %s, bound to a specific deployed contract.\n", kind, kind)
code += fmt.Sprintf("func New%s(address common.Address, backend bind.ContractBackend) (*%s, error) {\n", kind, kind)
- code += fmt.Sprintf(" common, err := newCommon%s(address, backend.(bind.ContractCaller), backend.(bind.ContractTransactor))\n", kind)
+ code += fmt.Sprintf(" contract, err := bind%s(address, backend.(bind.ContractCaller), backend.(bind.ContractTransactor))\n", kind)
code += fmt.Sprintf(" if err != nil {\n")
code += fmt.Sprintf(" return nil, err\n")
code += fmt.Sprintf(" }\n")
- code += fmt.Sprintf(" return &%s{%sCaller: %sCaller{common: common}, %sTransactor: %sTransactor{common: common}}, nil\n", kind, kind, kind, kind, kind)
+ code += fmt.Sprintf(" return &%s{%sCaller: %sCaller{contract: contract}, %sTransactor: %sTransactor{contract: contract}}, nil\n", kind, kind, kind, kind, kind)
code += fmt.Sprintf("}\n\n")
code += fmt.Sprintf("// New%sCaller creates a new read-only instance of %s, bound to a specific deployed contract.\n", kind, kind)
code += fmt.Sprintf("func New%sCaller(address common.Address, caller bind.ContractCaller) (*%sCaller, error) {\n", kind, kind)
- code += fmt.Sprintf(" common, err := newCommon%s(address, caller, nil)\n", kind)
+ code += fmt.Sprintf(" contract, err := bind%s(address, caller, nil)\n", kind)
code += fmt.Sprintf(" if err != nil {\n")
code += fmt.Sprintf(" return nil, err\n")
code += fmt.Sprintf(" }\n")
- code += fmt.Sprintf(" return &%sCaller{common: common}, nil\n", kind)
+ code += fmt.Sprintf(" return &%sCaller{contract: contract}, nil\n", kind)
code += fmt.Sprintf("}\n\n")
code += fmt.Sprintf("// New%sTransactor creates a new write-only instance of %s, bound to a specific deployed contract.\n", kind, kind)
code += fmt.Sprintf("func New%sTransactor(address common.Address, transactor bind.ContractTransactor) (*%sTransactor, error) {\n", kind, kind)
- code += fmt.Sprintf(" common, err := newCommon%s(address, nil, transactor)\n", kind)
+ code += fmt.Sprintf(" contract, err := bind%s(address, nil, transactor)\n", kind)
code += fmt.Sprintf(" if err != nil {\n")
code += fmt.Sprintf(" return nil, err\n")
code += fmt.Sprintf(" }\n")
- code += fmt.Sprintf(" return &%sTransactor{common: common}, nil\n", kind)
+ code += fmt.Sprintf(" return &%sTransactor{contract: contract}, nil\n", kind)
code += fmt.Sprintf("}\n\n")
- code += fmt.Sprintf("// newCommon%s creates an internal instance of %s, bound to a specific deployed contract.\n", kind, kind)
- code += fmt.Sprintf("func newCommon%s(address common.Address, caller bind.ContractCaller, transactor bind.ContractTransactor) (*common%s, error) {\n", kind, kind)
+ code += fmt.Sprintf("// bind%s binds a generic wrapper to an already deployed contract.\n", kind)
+ code += fmt.Sprintf("func bind%s(address common.Address, caller bind.ContractCaller, transactor bind.ContractTransactor) (*bind.BoundContract, error) {\n", kind)
code += fmt.Sprintf(" parsed, err := abi.JSON(strings.NewReader(%sABI))\n", kind)
code += fmt.Sprintf(" if err != nil {\n")
code += fmt.Sprintf(" return nil, err\n")
code += fmt.Sprintf(" }\n")
- code += fmt.Sprintf(" return &common%s{\n", kind)
- code += fmt.Sprintf(" contract: bind.NewBoundContract(address, parsed, caller, transactor),\n")
- code += fmt.Sprintf(" }, nil\n")
+ code += fmt.Sprintf(" return bind.NewBoundContract(address, parsed, caller, transactor), nil\n")
code += fmt.Sprintf("}")
return code
+// bindConstructor
+func bindConstructor(kind string, bytecode string, constructor abi.Method) string {
+ // If no byte code was supplied, we cannot deploy
+ if bytecode == "" {
+ return ""
+ }
+ // Otherwise store the bytecode into a global constant
+ code := fmt.Sprintf("// Ethereum VM bytecode used for deploying new contracts.\nconst %sBin = `%s`\n\n", kind, bytecode)
+ // Generate the argument list for the constructor
+ args := make([]string, 0, len(constructor.Inputs))
+ for i, arg := range constructor.Inputs {
+ param := arg.Name
+ if param == "" {
+ param = fmt.Sprintf("arg%d", i)
+ }
+ args = append(args, fmt.Sprintf("%s %s", param, bindType(arg.Type)))
+ }
+ arglist := ""
+ if len(args) > 0 {
+ arglist = "," + strings.Join(args, ",")
+ }
+ // Generate the cal parameter list for the dpeloyer
+ params := make([]string, len(args))
+ for i, param := range args {
+ params[i] = strings.Split(param, " ")[0]
+ }
+ paramlist := ""
+ if len(params) > 0 {
+ paramlist = "," + strings.Join(params, ",")
+ }
+ // And generate the global deployment function
+ code += fmt.Sprintf("// Deploy%s deploys a new contract, binding an instance of %s to it.\n", kind, kind)
+ code += fmt.Sprintf("func Deploy%s(auth *bind.TransactOpts, backend bind.ContractBackend %s) (common.Address, *types.Transaction, *%s, error) {\n", kind, arglist, kind)
+ code += fmt.Sprintf(" parsed, err := abi.JSON(strings.NewReader(%sABI))\n", kind)
+ code += fmt.Sprintf(" if err != nil {\n")
+ code += fmt.Sprintf(" return common.Address{}, nil, nil, err\n")
+ code += fmt.Sprintf(" }\n")
+ code += fmt.Sprintf(" address, tx, contract, err := bind.DeployContract(auth, parsed, common.FromHex(%sBin), backend %s)\n", kind, paramlist)
+ code += fmt.Sprintf(" if err != nil {\n")
+ code += fmt.Sprintf(" return common.Address{}, nil, nil, err\n")
+ code += fmt.Sprintf(" }\n")
+ code += fmt.Sprintf(" return address, tx, &%s{%sCaller: %sCaller{contract: contract}, %sTransactor: %sTransactor{contract: contract}}, nil\n", kind, kind, kind, kind, kind)
+ code += fmt.Sprintf("}\n\n")
+ return code
// bindMethod
func bindMethod(kind string, method abi.Method) string {
var (
@@ -163,13 +228,55 @@ func bindMethod(kind string, method abi.Method) string {
docs += fmt.Sprintf("// \n")
docs += fmt.Sprintf("// Solidity: %s", strings.TrimPrefix(method.String(), "function "))
+ // Generate the passthrough argument list for sessions
+ params := make([]string, len(args))
+ for i, param := range args {
+ params[i] = strings.Split(param, " ")[0]
+ }
+ sessargs := ""
+ if len(params) > 0 {
+ sessargs = "," + strings.Join(params, ",")
+ }
// Generate the method itself for both the read/write version and the combo too
code := fmt.Sprintf("%s\n", prologue)
if method.Const {
- code += fmt.Sprintf("%s\nfunc (_%s *%sCaller) %s(%s) (%s) {\n%s\n}\n", docs, kind, kind, name, strings.Join(args, ","), strings.Join(returns, ","), bindCallBody(kind, method.Name, args, returns))
+ // Create the main call implementation
+ callargs := append([]string{"opts *bind.CallOpts"}, args...)
+ code += fmt.Sprintf("%s\n", docs)
+ code += fmt.Sprintf("func (_%s *%sCaller) %s(%s) (%s) {\n", kind, kind, name, strings.Join(callargs, ","), strings.Join(returns, ","))
+ code += fmt.Sprintf(" %s\n", bindCallBody(kind, method.Name, callargs, returns))
+ code += fmt.Sprintf("}\n\n")
+ // Create the wrapping session call implementation
+ code += fmt.Sprintf("%s\n", docs)
+ code += fmt.Sprintf("func (_%s *%sSession) %s(%s) (%s) {\n", kind, kind, name, strings.Join(args, ","), strings.Join(returns, ","))
+ code += fmt.Sprintf(" return _%s.Contract.%s(&_%s.CallOpts %s)\n", kind, name, kind, sessargs)
+ code += fmt.Sprintf("}\n\n")
+ code += fmt.Sprintf("%s\n", docs)
+ code += fmt.Sprintf("func (_%s *%sCallerSession) %s(%s) (%s) {\n", kind, kind, name, strings.Join(args, ","), strings.Join(returns, ","))
+ code += fmt.Sprintf(" return _%s.Contract.%s(&_%s.CallOpts %s)\n", kind, name, kind, sessargs)
+ code += fmt.Sprintf("}\n\n")
} else {
- args = append([]string{"auth *bind.AuthOpts"}, args...)
- code += fmt.Sprintf("%s\nfunc (_%s *%sTransactor) %s(%s) (*types.Transaction, error) {\n%s\n}\n", docs, kind, kind, name, strings.Join(args, ","), bindTransactionBody(kind, method.Name, args))
+ // Create the main transaction implementation
+ txargs := append([]string{"opts *bind.TransactOpts"}, args...)
+ code += fmt.Sprintf("%s\n", docs)
+ code += fmt.Sprintf("func (_%s *%sTransactor) %s(%s) (*types.Transaction, error) {\n", kind, kind, name, strings.Join(txargs, ","))
+ code += fmt.Sprintf(" %s\n", bindTransactionBody(kind, method.Name, txargs))
+ code += fmt.Sprintf("}\n\n")
+ // Create the wrapping session call implementation
+ code += fmt.Sprintf("%s\n", docs)
+ code += fmt.Sprintf("func (_%s *%sSession) %s(%s) (*types.Transaction, error) {\n", kind, kind, name, strings.Join(args, ","))
+ code += fmt.Sprintf(" return _%s.Contract.%s(&_%s.TransactOpts %s)\n", kind, name, kind, sessargs)
+ code += fmt.Sprintf("}\n\n")
+ code += fmt.Sprintf("%s\n", docs)
+ code += fmt.Sprintf("func (_%s *%sTransactorSession) %s(%s) (*types.Transaction, error) {\n", kind, kind, name, strings.Join(args, ","))
+ code += fmt.Sprintf(" return _%s.Contract.%s(&_%s.TransactOpts %s)\n", kind, name, kind, sessargs)
+ code += fmt.Sprintf("}\n\n")
return code
@@ -264,7 +371,7 @@ func bindCallBody(kind string, method string, params []string, returns []string)
name := fmt.Sprintf("ret%d", i)
rets = append(rets, name)
- body += fmt.Sprintf("%s = new(%s)\n", name, strings.TrimPrefix(kind, "*"))
+ body += fmt.Sprintf("%s = new(%s)\n", name, kind)
body += ")\n"
@@ -274,8 +381,8 @@ func bindCallBody(kind string, method string, params []string, returns []string)
result = "[]interface{}{" + result + "}"
// Extract the parameter list into a flat variable name list
- inputs := make([]string, len(params))
- for i, param := range params {
+ inputs := make([]string, len(params)-1) // Omit the call options
+ for i, param := range params[1:] {
inputs[i] = strings.Split(param, " ")[0]
input := ""
@@ -283,15 +390,11 @@ func bindCallBody(kind string, method string, params []string, returns []string)
input = "," + strings.Join(inputs, ",")
// Request executing the contract call and return the results with the errors
- body += fmt.Sprintf("err := _%s.common.contract.Call(%s, \"%s\" %s)\n", kind, result, method, input)
+ body += fmt.Sprintf("err := _%s.contract.Call(opts, %s, \"%s\" %s)\n", kind, result, method, input)
outs := make([]string, 0, len(returns))
- for i, ret := range returns[:len(returns)-1] { // Handle th final error separately
- if strings.HasPrefix(ret, "*") {
- outs = append(outs, rets[i])
- } else {
- outs = append(outs, "*"+rets[i])
- }
+ for _, ret := range rets { // Handle th final error separately
+ outs = append(outs, "*"+ret)
outs = append(outs, "err")
@@ -313,5 +416,5 @@ func bindTransactionBody(kind string, method string, params []string) string {
input = "," + strings.Join(inputs, ",")
// Request executing the contract call and return the results with the errors
- return fmt.Sprintf("return _%s.common.contract.Transact(auth, \"%s\" %s)", kind, method, input)
+ return fmt.Sprintf("return _%s.contract.Transact(opts, \"%s\" %s)", kind, method, input)