path: root/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/obscuren/qml/datatype.go
diff options
authorTaylor Gerring <taylor.gerring@gmail.com>2015-02-16 21:28:33 +0800
committerTaylor Gerring <taylor.gerring@gmail.com>2015-02-16 21:28:33 +0800
commit702218008ee2b6d708d6b2821cdef80736bb3224 (patch)
treed55ff7ce88187082378e7d8e4c2f3aad14d23b4e /Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/obscuren/qml/datatype.go
parent202362d9258335c695eb75f55f4be74a50a1af33 (diff)
Add versioned dependencies from godep
Diffstat (limited to 'Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/obscuren/qml/datatype.go')
1 files changed, 531 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/obscuren/qml/datatype.go b/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/obscuren/qml/datatype.go
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..875c54622
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/obscuren/qml/datatype.go
@@ -0,0 +1,531 @@
+package qml
+// #include <stdlib.h>
+// #include "capi.h"
+import "C"
+import (
+ "bytes"
+ "fmt"
+ "image/color"
+ "reflect"
+ "strings"
+ "unicode"
+ "unsafe"
+var (
+ intIs64 bool
+ intDT C.DataType
+ ptrSize = C.size_t(unsafe.Sizeof(uintptr(0)))
+ nilPtr = unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(0))
+ nilCharPtr = (*C.char)(nilPtr)
+ typeString = reflect.TypeOf("")
+ typeBool = reflect.TypeOf(false)
+ typeInt = reflect.TypeOf(int(0))
+ typeInt64 = reflect.TypeOf(int64(0))
+ typeInt32 = reflect.TypeOf(int32(0))
+ typeFloat64 = reflect.TypeOf(float64(0))
+ typeFloat32 = reflect.TypeOf(float32(0))
+ typeIface = reflect.TypeOf(new(interface{})).Elem()
+ typeRGBA = reflect.TypeOf(color.RGBA{})
+ typeObjSlice = reflect.TypeOf([]Object(nil))
+ typeObject = reflect.TypeOf([]Object(nil)).Elem()
+ typePainter = reflect.TypeOf(&Painter{})
+ typeList = reflect.TypeOf(&List{})
+ typeMap = reflect.TypeOf(&Map{})
+ typeGenericMap = reflect.TypeOf(map[string]interface{}(nil))
+func init() {
+ var i int = 1<<31 - 1
+ intIs64 = (i+1 > 0)
+ if intIs64 {
+ intDT = C.DTInt64
+ } else {
+ intDT = C.DTInt32
+ }
+// packDataValue packs the provided Go value into a C.DataValue for
+// shiping into C++ land.
+// For simple types (bool, int, etc) value is converted into a
+// native C++ value. For anything else, including cases when value
+// has a type that has an underlying simple type, the Go value itself
+// is encapsulated into a C++ wrapper so that field access and method
+// calls work.
+// This must be run from the main GUI thread due to the cases where
+// calling wrapGoValue is necessary.
+func packDataValue(value interface{}, dvalue *C.DataValue, engine *Engine, owner valueOwner) {
+ datap := unsafe.Pointer(&dvalue.data)
+ if value == nil {
+ dvalue.dataType = C.DTInvalid
+ return
+ }
+ switch value := value.(type) {
+ case string:
+ dvalue.dataType = C.DTString
+ cstr, cstrlen := unsafeStringData(value)
+ *(**C.char)(datap) = cstr
+ dvalue.len = cstrlen
+ case bool:
+ dvalue.dataType = C.DTBool
+ *(*bool)(datap) = value
+ case int:
+ if value > 1<<31-1 {
+ dvalue.dataType = C.DTInt64
+ *(*int64)(datap) = int64(value)
+ } else {
+ dvalue.dataType = C.DTInt32
+ *(*int32)(datap) = int32(value)
+ }
+ case int64:
+ dvalue.dataType = C.DTInt64
+ *(*int64)(datap) = value
+ case int32:
+ dvalue.dataType = C.DTInt32
+ *(*int32)(datap) = value
+ case uint64:
+ dvalue.dataType = C.DTUint64
+ *(*uint64)(datap) = value
+ case uint32:
+ dvalue.dataType = C.DTUint32
+ *(*uint32)(datap) = value
+ case float64:
+ dvalue.dataType = C.DTFloat64
+ *(*float64)(datap) = value
+ case float32:
+ dvalue.dataType = C.DTFloat32
+ *(*float32)(datap) = value
+ case *Common:
+ dvalue.dataType = C.DTObject
+ *(*unsafe.Pointer)(datap) = value.addr
+ case color.RGBA:
+ dvalue.dataType = C.DTColor
+ *(*uint32)(datap) = uint32(value.A)<<24 | uint32(value.R)<<16 | uint32(value.G)<<8 | uint32(value.B)
+ default:
+ dvalue.dataType = C.DTObject
+ if obj, ok := value.(Object); ok {
+ *(*unsafe.Pointer)(datap) = obj.Common().addr
+ } else {
+ *(*unsafe.Pointer)(datap) = wrapGoValue(engine, value, owner)
+ }
+ }
+// TODO Handle byte slices.
+// unpackDataValue converts a value shipped by C++ into a native Go value.
+// HEADS UP: This is considered safe to be run out of the main GUI thread.
+// If that changes, fix the call sites.
+func unpackDataValue(dvalue *C.DataValue, engine *Engine) interface{} {
+ datap := unsafe.Pointer(&dvalue.data)
+ switch dvalue.dataType {
+ case C.DTString:
+ s := C.GoStringN(*(**C.char)(datap), dvalue.len)
+ // TODO If we move all unpackDataValue calls to the GUI thread,
+ // can we get rid of this allocation somehow?
+ C.free(unsafe.Pointer(*(**C.char)(datap)))
+ return s
+ case C.DTBool:
+ return *(*bool)(datap)
+ case C.DTInt64:
+ return *(*int64)(datap)
+ case C.DTInt32:
+ return int(*(*int32)(datap))
+ case C.DTUint64:
+ return *(*uint64)(datap)
+ case C.DTUint32:
+ return *(*uint32)(datap)
+ case C.DTUintptr:
+ return *(*uintptr)(datap)
+ case C.DTFloat64:
+ return *(*float64)(datap)
+ case C.DTFloat32:
+ return *(*float32)(datap)
+ case C.DTColor:
+ var c uint32 = *(*uint32)(datap)
+ return color.RGBA{byte(c >> 16), byte(c >> 8), byte(c), byte(c >> 24)}
+ case C.DTGoAddr:
+ // ObjectByName also does this fold conversion, to have access
+ // to the cvalue. Perhaps the fold should be returned.
+ fold := (*(**valueFold)(datap))
+ ensureEngine(engine.addr, unsafe.Pointer(fold))
+ return fold.gvalue
+ case C.DTInvalid:
+ return nil
+ case C.DTObject:
+ // TODO Would be good to preserve identity on the Go side. See initGoType as well.
+ obj := &Common{
+ engine: engine,
+ addr: *(*unsafe.Pointer)(datap),
+ }
+ if len(converters) > 0 {
+ // TODO Embed the type name in DataValue to drop these calls.
+ typeName := obj.TypeName()
+ if typeName == "PlainObject" {
+ typeName = strings.TrimRight(obj.String("plainType"), "&*")
+ if strings.HasPrefix(typeName, "const ") {
+ typeName = typeName[6:]
+ }
+ }
+ if f, ok := converters[typeName]; ok {
+ return f(engine, obj)
+ }
+ }
+ return obj
+ case C.DTValueList, C.DTValueMap:
+ var dvlist []C.DataValue
+ var dvlisth = (*reflect.SliceHeader)(unsafe.Pointer(&dvlist))
+ dvlisth.Data = uintptr(*(*unsafe.Pointer)(datap))
+ dvlisth.Len = int(dvalue.len)
+ dvlisth.Cap = int(dvalue.len)
+ result := make([]interface{}, len(dvlist))
+ for i := range result {
+ result[i] = unpackDataValue(&dvlist[i], engine)
+ }
+ C.free(*(*unsafe.Pointer)(datap))
+ if dvalue.dataType == C.DTValueList {
+ return &List{result}
+ } else {
+ return &Map{result}
+ }
+ }
+ panic(fmt.Sprintf("unsupported data type: %d", dvalue.dataType))
+func dataTypeOf(typ reflect.Type) C.DataType {
+ // Compare against the specific types rather than their kind.
+ // Custom types may have methods that must be supported.
+ switch typ {
+ case typeString:
+ return C.DTString
+ case typeBool:
+ return C.DTBool
+ case typeInt:
+ return intDT
+ case typeInt64:
+ return C.DTInt64
+ case typeInt32:
+ return C.DTInt32
+ case typeFloat32:
+ return C.DTFloat32
+ case typeFloat64:
+ return C.DTFloat64
+ case typeIface:
+ return C.DTAny
+ case typeRGBA:
+ return C.DTColor
+ case typeObjSlice:
+ return C.DTListProperty
+ }
+ return C.DTObject
+var typeInfoSize = C.size_t(unsafe.Sizeof(C.GoTypeInfo{}))
+var memberInfoSize = C.size_t(unsafe.Sizeof(C.GoMemberInfo{}))
+var typeInfoCache = make(map[reflect.Type]*C.GoTypeInfo)
+func appendLoweredName(buf []byte, name string) []byte {
+ var last rune
+ var lasti int
+ for i, rune := range name {
+ if !unicode.IsUpper(rune) {
+ if lasti == 0 {
+ last = unicode.ToLower(last)
+ }
+ buf = append(buf, string(last)...)
+ buf = append(buf, name[i:]...)
+ return buf
+ }
+ if i > 0 {
+ buf = append(buf, string(unicode.ToLower(last))...)
+ }
+ lasti, last = i, rune
+ }
+ return append(buf, string(unicode.ToLower(last))...)
+func typeInfo(v interface{}) *C.GoTypeInfo {
+ vt := reflect.TypeOf(v)
+ for vt.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
+ vt = vt.Elem()
+ }
+ typeInfo := typeInfoCache[vt]
+ if typeInfo != nil {
+ return typeInfo
+ }
+ typeInfo = (*C.GoTypeInfo)(C.malloc(typeInfoSize))
+ typeInfo.typeName = C.CString(vt.Name())
+ typeInfo.metaObject = nilPtr
+ typeInfo.paint = (*C.GoMemberInfo)(nilPtr)
+ var setters map[string]int
+ var getters map[string]int
+ // TODO Only do that if it's a struct?
+ vtptr := reflect.PtrTo(vt)
+ if vt.Kind() != reflect.Struct {
+ panic(fmt.Sprintf("handling of %s (%#v) is incomplete; please report to the developers", vt, v))
+ }
+ numField := vt.NumField()
+ numMethod := vtptr.NumMethod()
+ privateFields := 0
+ privateMethods := 0
+ // struct { FooBar T; Baz T } => "fooBar\0baz\0"
+ namesLen := 0
+ for i := 0; i < numField; i++ {
+ field := vt.Field(i)
+ if field.PkgPath != "" {
+ privateFields++
+ continue
+ }
+ namesLen += len(field.Name) + 1
+ }
+ for i := 0; i < numMethod; i++ {
+ method := vtptr.Method(i)
+ if method.PkgPath != "" {
+ privateMethods++
+ continue
+ }
+ namesLen += len(method.Name) + 1
+ // Track setters and getters.
+ if len(method.Name) > 3 && method.Name[:3] == "Set" {
+ if method.Type.NumIn() == 2 {
+ if setters == nil {
+ setters = make(map[string]int)
+ }
+ setters[method.Name[3:]] = i
+ }
+ } else if method.Type.NumIn() == 1 && method.Type.NumOut() == 1 {
+ if getters == nil {
+ getters = make(map[string]int)
+ }
+ getters[method.Name] = i
+ }
+ }
+ names := make([]byte, 0, namesLen)
+ for i := 0; i < numField; i++ {
+ field := vt.Field(i)
+ if field.PkgPath != "" {
+ continue // not exported
+ }
+ names = appendLoweredName(names, field.Name)
+ names = append(names, 0)
+ }
+ for i := 0; i < numMethod; i++ {
+ method := vtptr.Method(i)
+ if method.PkgPath != "" {
+ continue // not exported
+ }
+ if _, ok := getters[method.Name]; !ok {
+ continue
+ }
+ if _, ok := setters[method.Name]; !ok {
+ delete(getters, method.Name)
+ continue
+ }
+ // This is a getter method
+ names = appendLoweredName(names, method.Name)
+ names = append(names, 0)
+ }
+ for i := 0; i < numMethod; i++ {
+ method := vtptr.Method(i)
+ if method.PkgPath != "" {
+ continue // not exported
+ }
+ if _, ok := getters[method.Name]; ok {
+ continue // getter already handled above
+ }
+ names = appendLoweredName(names, method.Name)
+ names = append(names, 0)
+ }
+ if len(names) != namesLen {
+ panic("pre-allocated buffer size was wrong")
+ }
+ typeInfo.memberNames = C.CString(string(names))
+ // Assemble information on members.
+ membersLen := numField - privateFields + numMethod - privateMethods
+ membersi := uintptr(0)
+ mnamesi := uintptr(0)
+ members := uintptr(C.malloc(memberInfoSize * C.size_t(membersLen)))
+ mnames := uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(typeInfo.memberNames))
+ for i := 0; i < numField; i++ {
+ field := vt.Field(i)
+ if field.PkgPath != "" {
+ continue // not exported
+ }
+ memberInfo := (*C.GoMemberInfo)(unsafe.Pointer(members + uintptr(memberInfoSize)*membersi))
+ memberInfo.memberName = (*C.char)(unsafe.Pointer(mnames + mnamesi))
+ memberInfo.memberType = dataTypeOf(field.Type)
+ memberInfo.reflectIndex = C.int(i)
+ memberInfo.reflectGetIndex = -1
+ memberInfo.reflectSetIndex = -1
+ memberInfo.addrOffset = C.int(field.Offset)
+ membersi += 1
+ mnamesi += uintptr(len(field.Name)) + 1
+ if methodIndex, ok := setters[field.Name]; ok {
+ memberInfo.reflectSetIndex = C.int(methodIndex)
+ }
+ }
+ for i := 0; i < numMethod; i++ {
+ method := vtptr.Method(i)
+ if method.PkgPath != "" {
+ continue // not exported
+ }
+ if _, ok := getters[method.Name]; !ok {
+ continue // not a getter
+ }
+ memberInfo := (*C.GoMemberInfo)(unsafe.Pointer(members + uintptr(memberInfoSize)*membersi))
+ memberInfo.memberName = (*C.char)(unsafe.Pointer(mnames + mnamesi))
+ memberInfo.memberType = dataTypeOf(method.Type.Out(0))
+ memberInfo.reflectIndex = -1
+ memberInfo.reflectGetIndex = C.int(getters[method.Name])
+ memberInfo.reflectSetIndex = C.int(setters[method.Name])
+ memberInfo.addrOffset = 0
+ membersi += 1
+ mnamesi += uintptr(len(method.Name)) + 1
+ }
+ for i := 0; i < numMethod; i++ {
+ method := vtptr.Method(i)
+ if method.PkgPath != "" {
+ continue // not exported
+ }
+ if _, ok := getters[method.Name]; ok {
+ continue // getter already handled above
+ }
+ memberInfo := (*C.GoMemberInfo)(unsafe.Pointer(members + uintptr(memberInfoSize)*membersi))
+ memberInfo.memberName = (*C.char)(unsafe.Pointer(mnames + mnamesi))
+ memberInfo.memberType = C.DTMethod
+ memberInfo.reflectIndex = C.int(i)
+ memberInfo.reflectGetIndex = -1
+ memberInfo.reflectSetIndex = -1
+ memberInfo.addrOffset = 0
+ signature, result := methodQtSignature(method)
+ // TODO The signature data might be embedded in the same array as the member names.
+ memberInfo.methodSignature = C.CString(signature)
+ memberInfo.resultSignature = C.CString(result)
+ // TODO Sort out methods with a variable number of arguments.
+ // It's called while bound, so drop the receiver.
+ memberInfo.numIn = C.int(method.Type.NumIn() - 1)
+ memberInfo.numOut = C.int(method.Type.NumOut())
+ membersi += 1
+ mnamesi += uintptr(len(method.Name)) + 1
+ if method.Name == "Paint" && memberInfo.numIn == 1 && memberInfo.numOut == 0 && method.Type.In(1) == typePainter {
+ typeInfo.paint = memberInfo
+ }
+ }
+ typeInfo.members = (*C.GoMemberInfo)(unsafe.Pointer(members))
+ typeInfo.membersLen = C.int(membersLen)
+ typeInfo.fields = typeInfo.members
+ typeInfo.fieldsLen = C.int(numField - privateFields + len(getters))
+ typeInfo.methods = (*C.GoMemberInfo)(unsafe.Pointer(members + uintptr(memberInfoSize)*uintptr(typeInfo.fieldsLen)))
+ typeInfo.methodsLen = C.int(numMethod - privateMethods - len(getters))
+ if int(membersi) != membersLen {
+ panic("used more space than allocated for member names")
+ }
+ if int(mnamesi) != namesLen {
+ panic("allocated buffer doesn't match used space")
+ }
+ if typeInfo.fieldsLen+typeInfo.methodsLen != typeInfo.membersLen {
+ panic("lengths are inconsistent")
+ }
+ typeInfoCache[vt] = typeInfo
+ return typeInfo
+func methodQtSignature(method reflect.Method) (signature, result string) {
+ var buf bytes.Buffer
+ for i, rune := range method.Name {
+ if i == 0 {
+ buf.WriteRune(unicode.ToLower(rune))
+ } else {
+ buf.WriteString(method.Name[i:])
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ buf.WriteByte('(')
+ n := method.Type.NumIn()
+ for i := 1; i < n; i++ {
+ if i > 1 {
+ buf.WriteByte(',')
+ }
+ buf.WriteString("QVariant")
+ }
+ buf.WriteByte(')')
+ signature = buf.String()
+ switch method.Type.NumOut() {
+ case 0:
+ // keep it as ""
+ case 1:
+ result = "QVariant"
+ default:
+ result = "QVariantList"
+ }
+ return
+func hashable(value interface{}) (hashable bool) {
+ defer func() { recover() }()
+ return value == value
+// unsafeString returns a Go string backed by C data.
+// If the C data is deallocated or moved, the string will be
+// invalid and will crash the program if used. As such, the
+// resulting string must only be used inside the implementation
+// of the qml package and while the life time of the C data
+// is guaranteed.
+func unsafeString(data *C.char, size C.int) string {
+ var s string
+ sh := (*reflect.StringHeader)(unsafe.Pointer(&s))
+ sh.Data = uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(data))
+ sh.Len = int(size)
+ return s
+// unsafeStringData returns a C string backed by Go data. The C
+// string is NOT null-terminated, so its length must be taken
+// into account.
+// If the s Go string is garbage collected, the returned C data
+// will be invalid and will crash the program if used. As such,
+// the resulting data must only be used inside the implementation
+// of the qml package and while the life time of the Go string
+// is guaranteed.
+func unsafeStringData(s string) (*C.char, C.int) {
+ return *(**C.char)(unsafe.Pointer(&s)), C.int(len(s))
+// unsafeBytesData returns a C string backed by Go data. The C
+// string is NOT null-terminated, so its length must be taken
+// into account.
+// If the array backing the b Go slice is garbage collected, the
+// returned C data will be invalid and will crash the program if
+// used. As such, the resulting data must only be used inside the
+// implementation of the qml package and while the life time of
+// the Go array is guaranteed.
+func unsafeBytesData(b []byte) (*C.char, C.int) {
+ return *(**C.char)(unsafe.Pointer(&b)), C.int(len(b))