path: root/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/ethereum/ethash/test
diff options
authorPéter Szilágyi <peterke@gmail.com>2016-02-24 19:29:47 +0800
committerPéter Szilágyi <peterke@gmail.com>2016-02-24 19:29:47 +0800
commit0a5ee08e2b8927016f9f8d2afe0ac30e9ac0e81f (patch)
treeb355c8a2c33c1b9db339f2fd0faa856beccb1752 /Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/ethereum/ethash/test
parent1e62cd6c79afdc4b39a30932f950673405f0c702 (diff)
Godeps, eth, tests: update ethash, used shared for testing
Diffstat (limited to 'Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/ethereum/ethash/test')
8 files changed, 0 insertions, 938 deletions
diff --git a/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/ethereum/ethash/test/c/CMakeLists.txt b/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/ethereum/ethash/test/c/CMakeLists.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index f94531c3d..000000000
--- a/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/ethereum/ethash/test/c/CMakeLists.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,66 +0,0 @@
-if (MSVC)
- endif()
-IF( NOT Boost_FOUND )
- # use multithreaded boost libraries, with -mt suffix
- if (MSVC)
- # TODO handle other msvc versions or it will fail find them
- set(Boost_COMPILER -vc120)
- # use static boost libraries *.lib
- elseif (APPLE)
- # use static boost libraries *.a
- elseif (UNIX)
- # use dynamic boost libraries .dll
- endif()
- find_package(Boost 1.48.0 COMPONENTS unit_test_framework system filesystem)
-IF (Boost_FOUND)
- message(STATUS "boost header: ${Boost_INCLUDE_DIRS}")
- message(STATUS "boost libs : ${Boost_LIBRARIES}")
- include_directories( ${Boost_INCLUDE_DIR} )
- include_directories(../../src)
- link_directories(${Boost_LIBRARY_DIRS})
- file(GLOB HEADERS "*.h")
- endif()
- find_package (CryptoPP)
- endif()
- add_definitions(-DWITH_CRYPTOPP)
- endif()
- if (NOT MSVC)
- set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} -std=c++11 ")
- endif()
- add_executable (Test "./test.cpp" ${HEADERS})
- target_link_libraries(Test ${ETHHASH_LIBS})
- target_link_libraries(Test ${Boost_FILESYSTEM_LIBRARIES})
- target_link_libraries(Test ${Boost_SYSTEM_LIBRARIES})
- target_link_libraries(Test ${Boost_UNIT_TEST_FRAMEWORK_LIBRARIES})
- endif()
- enable_testing ()
- add_test(NAME ethash COMMAND Test)
diff --git a/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/ethereum/ethash/test/c/test.cpp b/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/ethereum/ethash/test/c/test.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 44e0c385b..000000000
--- a/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/ethereum/ethash/test/c/test.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,669 +0,0 @@
-#include <iomanip>
-#include <libethash/fnv.h>
-#include <libethash/ethash.h>
-#include <libethash/internal.h>
-#include <libethash/io.h>
-#include <libethash/sha3_cryptopp.h>
-#include <libethash/sha3.h>
-#endif // WITH_CRYPTOPP
-#ifdef _WIN32
-#include <windows.h>
-#include <Shlobj.h>
-#define BOOST_TEST_MODULE Daggerhashimoto
-#include <iostream>
-#include <fstream>
-#include <vector>
-#include <boost/filesystem.hpp>
-#include <boost/test/unit_test.hpp>
-using namespace std;
-using byte = uint8_t;
-using bytes = std::vector<byte>;
-namespace fs = boost::filesystem;
-// Just an alloca "wrapper" to silence uint64_t to size_t conversion warnings in windows
-// consider replacing alloca calls with something better though!
-#define our_alloca(param__) alloca((size_t)(param__))
-// some functions taken from eth::dev for convenience.
-std::string bytesToHexString(const uint8_t *str, const uint64_t s)
- std::ostringstream ret;
- for (size_t i = 0; i < s; ++i)
- ret << std::hex << std::setfill('0') << std::setw(2) << std::nouppercase << (int) str[i];
- return ret.str();
-std::string blockhashToHexString(ethash_h256_t* _hash)
- return bytesToHexString((uint8_t*)_hash, 32);
-int fromHex(char _i)
- if (_i >= '0' && _i <= '9')
- return _i - '0';
- if (_i >= 'a' && _i <= 'f')
- return _i - 'a' + 10;
- if (_i >= 'A' && _i <= 'F')
- return _i - 'A' + 10;
- BOOST_REQUIRE_MESSAGE(false, "should never get here");
- return -1;
-bytes hexStringToBytes(std::string const& _s)
- unsigned s = (_s[0] == '0' && _s[1] == 'x') ? 2 : 0;
- std::vector<uint8_t> ret;
- ret.reserve((_s.size() - s + 1) / 2);
- if (_s.size() % 2)
- try
- {
- ret.push_back(fromHex(_s[s++]));
- }
- catch (...)
- {
- ret.push_back(0);
- }
- for (unsigned i = s; i < _s.size(); i += 2)
- try
- {
- ret.push_back((byte)(fromHex(_s[i]) * 16 + fromHex(_s[i + 1])));
- }
- catch (...){
- ret.push_back(0);
- }
- return ret;
-ethash_h256_t stringToBlockhash(std::string const& _s)
- ethash_h256_t ret;
- bytes b = hexStringToBytes(_s);
- memcpy(&ret, b.data(), b.size());
- return ret;
-BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(fnv_hash_check) {
- uint32_t x = 1235U;
- const uint32_t
- y = 9999999U,
- expected = (FNV_PRIME * x) ^y;
- x = fnv_hash(x, y);
- BOOST_REQUIRE_MESSAGE(x == expected,
- "\nexpected: " << expected << "\n"
- << "actual: " << x << "\n");
- ethash_h256_t input;
- ethash_h256_t out;
- memcpy(&input, "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~", 32);
- SHA3_256(&out, (uint8_t*)&input, 32);
- const std::string
- expected = "2b5ddf6f4d21c23de216f44d5e4bdc68e044b71897837ea74c83908be7037cd7",
- actual = bytesToHexString((uint8_t*)&out, 32);
- BOOST_REQUIRE_MESSAGE(expected == actual,
- "\nexpected: " << expected.c_str() << "\n"
- << "actual: " << actual.c_str() << "\n");
- uint8_t input[64], out[64];
- memcpy(input, "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~", 64);
- SHA3_512(out, input, 64);
- const std::string
- expected = "0be8a1d334b4655fe58c6b38789f984bb13225684e86b20517a55ab2386c7b61c306f25e0627c60064cecd6d80cd67a82b3890bd1289b7ceb473aad56a359405",
- actual = bytesToHexString(out, 64);
- BOOST_REQUIRE_MESSAGE(expected == actual,
- "\nexpected: " << expected.c_str() << "\n"
- << "actual: " << actual.c_str() << "\n");
-BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(test_swap_endian32) {
- uint32_t v32 = (uint32_t)0xBAADF00D;
- v32 = ethash_swap_u32(v32);
- BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(v32, (uint32_t)0x0DF0ADBA);
-BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(test_swap_endian64) {
- uint64_t v64 = (uint64_t)0xFEE1DEADDEADBEEF;
- v64 = ethash_swap_u64(v64);
-BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(ethash_params_init_genesis_check) {
- uint64_t full_size = ethash_get_datasize(0);
- uint64_t cache_size = ethash_get_cachesize(0);
- "\nfull size: " << full_size << "\n"
- << "should be less than or equal to: " << ETHASH_DATASET_BYTES_INIT << "\n");
- "\nfull size + 20*MIX_BYTES: " << full_size + 20 * ETHASH_MIX_BYTES << "\n"
- << "should be greater than or equal to: " << ETHASH_DATASET_BYTES_INIT << "\n");
- "\ncache size: " << cache_size << "\n"
- << "should be less than or equal to: " << ETHASH_DATASET_BYTES_INIT / 32 << "\n");
-BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(ethash_params_init_genesis_calcifide_check) {
- uint64_t full_size = ethash_get_datasize(0);
- uint64_t cache_size = ethash_get_cachesize(0);
- const uint32_t expected_full_size = 1073739904;
- const uint32_t expected_cache_size = 16776896;
- BOOST_REQUIRE_MESSAGE(full_size == expected_full_size,
- "\nexpected: " << expected_cache_size << "\n"
- << "actual: " << full_size << "\n");
- BOOST_REQUIRE_MESSAGE(cache_size == expected_cache_size,
- "\nexpected: " << expected_cache_size << "\n"
- << "actual: " << cache_size << "\n");
-BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(ethash_check_difficulty_check) {
- ethash_h256_t hash;
- ethash_h256_t target;
- memcpy(&hash, "11111111111111111111111111111111", 32);
- memcpy(&target, "22222222222222222222222222222222", 32);
- ethash_check_difficulty(&hash, &target),
- "\nexpected \"" << std::string((char *) &hash, 32).c_str() << "\" to have the same or less difficulty than \"" << std::string((char *) &target, 32).c_str() << "\"\n");
- ethash_check_difficulty(&hash, &hash), "");
- // "\nexpected \"" << hash << "\" to have the same or less difficulty than \"" << hash << "\"\n");
- memcpy(&target, "11111111111111111111111111111112", 32);
- ethash_check_difficulty(&hash, &target), "");
- // "\nexpected \"" << hash << "\" to have the same or less difficulty than \"" << target << "\"\n");
- memcpy(&target, "11111111111111111111111111111110", 32);
- !ethash_check_difficulty(&hash, &target), "");
- // "\nexpected \"" << hash << "\" to have more difficulty than \"" << target << "\"\n");
-BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(test_ethash_io_mutable_name) {
- char mutable_name[DAG_MUTABLE_NAME_MAX_SIZE];
- // should have at least 8 bytes provided since this is what we test :)
- ethash_h256_t seed1 = ethash_h256_static_init(0, 10, 65, 255, 34, 55, 22, 8);
- ethash_io_mutable_name(1, &seed1, mutable_name);
- BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(0, strcmp(mutable_name, "full-R1-000a41ff22371608"));
- ethash_h256_t seed2 = ethash_h256_static_init(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
- ethash_io_mutable_name(44, &seed2, mutable_name);
- BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(0, strcmp(mutable_name, "full-R44-0000000000000000"));
-BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(test_ethash_dir_creation) {
- ethash_h256_t seedhash;
- FILE *f = NULL;
- memset(&seedhash, 0, 32);
- ethash_io_prepare("./test_ethash_directory/", seedhash, &f, 64, false)
- );
- // let's make sure that the directory was created
- BOOST_REQUIRE(fs::is_directory(fs::path("./test_ethash_directory/")));
- // cleanup
- fclose(f);
- fs::remove_all("./test_ethash_directory/");
-BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(test_ethash_io_memo_file_match) {
- uint64_t full_size;
- uint64_t cache_size;
- ethash_h256_t seed;
- ethash_h256_t hash;
- FILE* f;
- memcpy(&seed, "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~", 32);
- memcpy(&hash, "~~~X~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~", 32);
- cache_size = 1024;
- full_size = 1024 * 32;
- ethash_light_t light = ethash_light_new_internal(cache_size, &seed);
- ethash_full_t full = ethash_full_new_internal(
- "./test_ethash_directory/",
- seed,
- full_size,
- light,
- );
- // let's make sure that the directory was created
- BOOST_REQUIRE(fs::is_directory(fs::path("./test_ethash_directory/")));
- // delete the full here so that memory is properly unmapped and FILE handler freed
- ethash_full_delete(full);
- // and check that we have a match when checking again
- ethash_io_prepare("./test_ethash_directory/", seed, &f, full_size, false)
- );
- // cleanup
- fclose(f);
- ethash_light_delete(light);
- fs::remove_all("./test_ethash_directory/");
-BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(test_ethash_io_memo_file_size_mismatch) {
- static const int blockn = 0;
- ethash_h256_t seedhash = ethash_get_seedhash(blockn);
- FILE *f = NULL;
- ethash_io_prepare("./test_ethash_directory/", seedhash, &f, 64, false)
- );
- fclose(f);
- // let's make sure that the directory was created
- BOOST_REQUIRE(fs::is_directory(fs::path("./test_ethash_directory/")));
- // and check that we get the size mismatch detected if we request diffferent size
- ethash_io_prepare("./test_ethash_directory/", seedhash, &f, 65, false)
- );
- // cleanup
- fs::remove_all("./test_ethash_directory/");
-BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(test_ethash_get_default_dirname) {
- char result[256];
- // this is really not an easy thing to test for in a unit test
- // TODO: Improve this test ...
-#ifdef _WIN32
- char homedir[256];
- BOOST_REQUIRE(ethash_get_default_dirname(result, 256));
- std::string res = std::string(homedir) + std::string("\\AppData\\Local\\Ethash\\");
- char* homedir = getenv("HOME");
- BOOST_REQUIRE(ethash_get_default_dirname(result, 256));
- std::string res = std::string(homedir) + std::string("/.ethash/");
- BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE(strcmp(res.c_str(), result) == 0,
- "Expected \"" + res + "\" but got \"" + std::string(result) + "\""
- );
-BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(light_and_full_client_checks) {
- uint64_t full_size;
- uint64_t cache_size;
- ethash_h256_t seed;
- ethash_h256_t hash;
- ethash_h256_t difficulty;
- ethash_return_value_t light_out;
- ethash_return_value_t full_out;
- memcpy(&seed, "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~", 32);
- memcpy(&hash, "~~~X~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~", 32);
- // Set the difficulty
- ethash_h256_set(&difficulty, 0, 197);
- ethash_h256_set(&difficulty, 1, 90);
- for (int i = 2; i < 32; i++)
- ethash_h256_set(&difficulty, i, 255);
- cache_size = 1024;
- full_size = 1024 * 32;
- ethash_light_t light = ethash_light_new_internal(cache_size, &seed);
- ethash_full_t full = ethash_full_new_internal(
- "./test_ethash_directory/",
- seed,
- full_size,
- light,
- );
- {
- const std::string
- expected = "2da2b506f21070e1143d908e867962486d6b0a02e31d468fd5e3a7143aafa76a14201f63374314e2a6aaf84ad2eb57105dea3378378965a1b3873453bb2b78f9a8620b2ebeca41fbc773bb837b5e724d6eb2de570d99858df0d7d97067fb8103b21757873b735097b35d3bea8fd1c359a9e8a63c1540c76c9784cf8d975e995ca8620b2ebeca41fbc773bb837b5e724d6eb2de570d99858df0d7d97067fb8103b21757873b735097b35d3bea8fd1c359a9e8a63c1540c76c9784cf8d975e995ca8620b2ebeca41fbc773bb837b5e724d6eb2de570d99858df0d7d97067fb8103b21757873b735097b35d3bea8fd1c359a9e8a63c1540c76c9784cf8d975e995c259440b89fa3481c2c33171477c305c8e1e421f8d8f6d59585449d0034f3e421808d8da6bbd0b6378f567647cc6c4ba6c434592b198ad444e7284905b7c6adaf70bf43ec2daa7bd5e8951aa609ab472c124cf9eba3d38cff5091dc3f58409edcc386c743c3bd66f92408796ee1e82dd149eaefbf52b00ce33014a6eb3e50625413b072a58bc01da28262f42cbe4f87d4abc2bf287d15618405a1fe4e386fcdafbb171064bd99901d8f81dd6789396ce5e364ac944bbbd75a7827291c70b42d26385910cd53ca535ab29433dd5c5714d26e0dce95514c5ef866329c12e958097e84462197c2b32087849dab33e88b11da61d52f9dbc0b92cc61f742c07dbbf751c49d7678624ee60dfbe62e5e8c47a03d8247643f3d16ad8c8e663953bcda1f59d7e2d4a9bf0768e789432212621967a8f41121ad1df6ae1fa78782530695414c6213942865b2730375019105cae91a4c17a558d4b63059661d9f108362143107babe0b848de412e4da59168cce82bfbff3c99e022dd6ac1e559db991f2e3f7bb910cefd173e65ed00a8d5d416534e2c8416ff23977dbf3eb7180b75c71580d08ce95efeb9b0afe904ea12285a392aff0c8561ff79fca67f694a62b9e52377485c57cc3598d84cac0a9d27960de0cc31ff9bbfe455acaa62c8aa5d2cce96f345da9afe843d258a99c4eaf3650fc62efd81c7b81cd0d534d2d71eeda7a6e315d540b4473c80f8730037dc2ae3e47b986240cfc65ccc565f0d8cde0bc68a57e39a271dda57440b3598bee19f799611d25731a96b5dbbbefdff6f4f656161462633030d62560ea4e9c161cf78fc96a2ca5aaa32453a6c5dea206f766244e8c9d9a8dc61185ce37f1fc804459c5f07434f8ecb34141b8dcae7eae704c950b55556c5f40140c3714b45eddb02637513268778cbf937a33e4e33183685f9deb31ef54e90161e76d969587dd782eaa94e289420e7c2ee908517f5893a26fdb5873d68f92d118d4bcf98d7a4916794d6ab290045e30f9ea00ca547c584b8482b0331ba1539a0f2714fddc3a0b06b0cfbb6a607b8339c39bcfd6640b1f653e9d70ef6c985b",
- actual = bytesToHexString((uint8_t const *) light->cache, cache_size);
- BOOST_REQUIRE_MESSAGE(expected == actual,
- "\nexpected: " << expected.c_str() << "\n"
- << "actual: " << actual.c_str() << "\n");
- }
- {
- node node;
- ethash_calculate_dag_item(&node, 0, light);
- const std::string
- actual = bytesToHexString((uint8_t const *) &node, sizeof(node)),
- expected = "b1698f829f90b35455804e5185d78f549fcb1bdce2bee006d4d7e68eb154b596be1427769eb1c3c3e93180c760af75f81d1023da6a0ffbe321c153a7c0103597";
- BOOST_REQUIRE_MESSAGE(actual == expected,
- "\n" << "expected: " << expected.c_str() << "\n"
- << "actual: " << actual.c_str() << "\n");
- }
- {
- for (int i = 0; i < full_size / sizeof(node); ++i) {
- for (uint32_t j = 0; j < 32; ++j) {
- node expected_node;
- ethash_calculate_dag_item(&expected_node, j, light);
- const std::string
- actual = bytesToHexString((uint8_t const *) &(full->data[j]), sizeof(node)),
- expected = bytesToHexString((uint8_t const *) &expected_node, sizeof(node));
- BOOST_REQUIRE_MESSAGE(actual == expected,
- "\ni: " << j << "\n"
- << "expected: " << expected.c_str() << "\n"
- << "actual: " << actual.c_str() << "\n");
- }
- }
- }
- {
- uint64_t nonce = 0x7c7c597c;
- full_out = ethash_full_compute(full, hash, nonce);
- BOOST_REQUIRE(full_out.success);
- light_out = ethash_light_compute_internal(light, full_size, hash, nonce);
- BOOST_REQUIRE(light_out.success);
- const std::string
- light_result_string = blockhashToHexString(&light_out.result),
- full_result_string = blockhashToHexString(&full_out.result);
- BOOST_REQUIRE_MESSAGE(light_result_string == full_result_string,
- "\nlight result: " << light_result_string.c_str() << "\n"
- << "full result: " << full_result_string.c_str() << "\n");
- const std::string
- light_mix_hash_string = blockhashToHexString(&light_out.mix_hash),
- full_mix_hash_string = blockhashToHexString(&full_out.mix_hash);
- BOOST_REQUIRE_MESSAGE(full_mix_hash_string == light_mix_hash_string,
- "\nlight mix hash: " << light_mix_hash_string.c_str() << "\n"
- << "full mix hash: " << full_mix_hash_string.c_str() << "\n");
- ethash_h256_t check_hash;
- ethash_quick_hash(&check_hash, &hash, nonce, &full_out.mix_hash);
- const std::string check_hash_string = blockhashToHexString(&check_hash);
- BOOST_REQUIRE_MESSAGE(check_hash_string == full_result_string,
- "\ncheck hash string: " << check_hash_string.c_str() << "\n"
- << "full result: " << full_result_string.c_str() << "\n");
- }
- {
- full_out = ethash_full_compute(full, hash, 5);
- BOOST_REQUIRE(full_out.success);
- std::string
- light_result_string = blockhashToHexString(&light_out.result),
- full_result_string = blockhashToHexString(&full_out.result);
- BOOST_REQUIRE_MESSAGE(light_result_string != full_result_string,
- "\nlight result and full result should differ: " << light_result_string.c_str() << "\n");
- light_out = ethash_light_compute_internal(light, full_size, hash, 5);
- BOOST_REQUIRE(light_out.success);
- light_result_string = blockhashToHexString(&light_out.result);
- BOOST_REQUIRE_MESSAGE(light_result_string == full_result_string,
- "\nlight result and full result should be the same\n"
- << "light result: " << light_result_string.c_str() << "\n"
- << "full result: " << full_result_string.c_str() << "\n");
- std::string
- light_mix_hash_string = blockhashToHexString(&light_out.mix_hash),
- full_mix_hash_string = blockhashToHexString(&full_out.mix_hash);
- BOOST_REQUIRE_MESSAGE(full_mix_hash_string == light_mix_hash_string,
- "\nlight mix hash: " << light_mix_hash_string.c_str() << "\n"
- << "full mix hash: " << full_mix_hash_string.c_str() << "\n");
- BOOST_REQUIRE_MESSAGE(ethash_check_difficulty(&full_out.result, &difficulty),
- "ethash_check_difficulty failed"
- );
- BOOST_REQUIRE_MESSAGE(ethash_quick_check_difficulty(&hash, 5U, &full_out.mix_hash, &difficulty),
- "ethash_quick_check_difficulty failed"
- );
- }
- ethash_light_delete(light);
- ethash_full_delete(full);
- fs::remove_all("./test_ethash_directory/");
-BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(ethash_full_new_when_dag_exists_with_wrong_size) {
- uint64_t full_size;
- uint64_t cache_size;
- ethash_h256_t seed;
- ethash_h256_t hash;
- ethash_return_value_t full_out;
- ethash_return_value_t light_out;
- memcpy(&seed, "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~", 32);
- memcpy(&hash, "~~~X~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~", 32);
- cache_size = 1024;
- full_size = 1024 * 32;
- // first make a DAG file of "wrong size"
- FILE *f;
- ethash_io_prepare("./test_ethash_directory/", seed, &f, 64, false)
- );
- fclose(f);
- // then create new DAG, which should detect the wrong size and force create a new file
- ethash_light_t light = ethash_light_new_internal(cache_size, &seed);
- BOOST_ASSERT(light);
- ethash_full_t full = ethash_full_new_internal(
- "./test_ethash_directory/",
- seed,
- full_size,
- light,
- );
- {
- uint64_t nonce = 0x7c7c597c;
- full_out = ethash_full_compute(full, hash, nonce);
- BOOST_REQUIRE(full_out.success);
- light_out = ethash_light_compute_internal(light, full_size, hash, nonce);
- BOOST_REQUIRE(light_out.success);
- const std::string
- light_result_string = blockhashToHexString(&light_out.result),
- full_result_string = blockhashToHexString(&full_out.result);
- BOOST_REQUIRE_MESSAGE(light_result_string == full_result_string,
- "\nlight result: " << light_result_string.c_str() << "\n"
- << "full result: " << full_result_string.c_str() << "\n");
- const std::string
- light_mix_hash_string = blockhashToHexString(&light_out.mix_hash),
- full_mix_hash_string = blockhashToHexString(&full_out.mix_hash);
- BOOST_REQUIRE_MESSAGE(full_mix_hash_string == light_mix_hash_string,
- "\nlight mix hash: " << light_mix_hash_string.c_str() << "\n"
- << "full mix hash: " << full_mix_hash_string.c_str() << "\n");
- ethash_h256_t check_hash;
- ethash_quick_hash(&check_hash, &hash, nonce, &full_out.mix_hash);
- const std::string check_hash_string = blockhashToHexString(&check_hash);
- BOOST_REQUIRE_MESSAGE(check_hash_string == full_result_string,
- "\ncheck hash string: " << check_hash_string.c_str() << "\n"
- << "full result: " << full_result_string.c_str() << "\n");
- }
- ethash_light_delete(light);
- ethash_full_delete(full);
- fs::remove_all("./test_ethash_directory/");
-static bool g_executed = false;
-static unsigned g_prev_progress = 0;
-static int test_full_callback(unsigned _progress)
- g_executed = true;
- BOOST_CHECK(_progress >= g_prev_progress);
- g_prev_progress = _progress;
- return 0;
-static int test_full_callback_that_fails(unsigned _progress)
- return 1;
-static int test_full_callback_create_incomplete_dag(unsigned _progress)
- if (_progress >= 30) {
- return 1;
- }
- return 0;
-BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(full_client_callback) {
- uint64_t full_size;
- uint64_t cache_size;
- ethash_h256_t seed;
- ethash_h256_t hash;
- memcpy(&seed, "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~", 32);
- memcpy(&hash, "~~~X~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~", 32);
- cache_size = 1024;
- full_size = 1024 * 32;
- ethash_light_t light = ethash_light_new_internal(cache_size, &seed);
- ethash_full_t full = ethash_full_new_internal(
- "./test_ethash_directory/",
- seed,
- full_size,
- light,
- test_full_callback
- );
- BOOST_CHECK(g_executed);
- BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(g_prev_progress, 100);
- ethash_full_delete(full);
- ethash_light_delete(light);
- fs::remove_all("./test_ethash_directory/");
-BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(failing_full_client_callback) {
- uint64_t full_size;
- uint64_t cache_size;
- ethash_h256_t seed;
- ethash_h256_t hash;
- memcpy(&seed, "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~", 32);
- memcpy(&hash, "~~~X~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~", 32);
- cache_size = 1024;
- full_size = 1024 * 32;
- ethash_light_t light = ethash_light_new_internal(cache_size, &seed);
- ethash_full_t full = ethash_full_new_internal(
- "./test_ethash_directory/",
- seed,
- full_size,
- light,
- test_full_callback_that_fails
- );
- BOOST_ASSERT(!full);
- ethash_light_delete(light);
- fs::remove_all("./test_ethash_directory/");
-BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(test_incomplete_dag_file) {
- uint64_t full_size;
- uint64_t cache_size;
- ethash_h256_t seed;
- ethash_h256_t hash;
- memcpy(&seed, "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~", 32);
- memcpy(&hash, "~~~X~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~", 32);
- cache_size = 1024;
- full_size = 1024 * 32;
- ethash_light_t light = ethash_light_new_internal(cache_size, &seed);
- // create a full but stop at 30%, so no magic number is written
- ethash_full_t full = ethash_full_new_internal(
- "./test_ethash_directory/",
- seed,
- full_size,
- light,
- test_full_callback_create_incomplete_dag
- );
- BOOST_ASSERT(!full);
- FILE *f = NULL;
- // confirm that we get a size_mismatch because the magic number is missing
- ethash_io_prepare("./test_ethash_directory/", seed, &f, full_size, false)
- );
- ethash_light_delete(light);
- fs::remove_all("./test_ethash_directory/");
-BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(test_block22_verification) {
- // from POC-9 testnet, epoch 0
- ethash_light_t light = ethash_light_new(22);
- ethash_h256_t seedhash = stringToBlockhash("372eca2454ead349c3df0ab5d00b0b706b23e49d469387db91811cee0358fc6d");
- BOOST_ASSERT(light);
- ethash_return_value_t ret = ethash_light_compute(
- light,
- seedhash,
- 0x495732e0ed7a801cU
- );
- BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(blockhashToHexString(&ret.result), "00000b184f1fdd88bfd94c86c39e65db0c36144d5e43f745f722196e730cb614");
- ethash_h256_t difficulty = ethash_h256_static_init(0x2, 0x5, 0x40);
- BOOST_REQUIRE(ethash_check_difficulty(&ret.result, &difficulty));
- ethash_light_delete(light);
-BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(test_block30001_verification) {
- // from POC-9 testnet, epoch 1
- ethash_light_t light = ethash_light_new(30001);
- ethash_h256_t seedhash = stringToBlockhash("7e44356ee3441623bc72a683fd3708fdf75e971bbe294f33e539eedad4b92b34");
- BOOST_ASSERT(light);
- ethash_return_value_t ret = ethash_light_compute(
- light,
- seedhash,
- 0x318df1c8adef7e5eU
- );
- ethash_h256_t difficulty = ethash_h256_static_init(0x17, 0x62, 0xff);
- BOOST_REQUIRE(ethash_check_difficulty(&ret.result, &difficulty));
- ethash_light_delete(light);
-BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(test_block60000_verification) {
- // from POC-9 testnet, epoch 2
- ethash_light_t light = ethash_light_new(60000);
- ethash_h256_t seedhash = stringToBlockhash("5fc898f16035bf5ac9c6d9077ae1e3d5fc1ecc3c9fd5bee8bb00e810fdacbaa0");
- BOOST_ASSERT(light);
- ethash_return_value_t ret = ethash_light_compute(
- light,
- seedhash,
- 0x50377003e5d830caU
- );
- ethash_h256_t difficulty = ethash_h256_static_init(0x25, 0xa6, 0x1e);
- BOOST_REQUIRE(ethash_check_difficulty(&ret.result, &difficulty));
- ethash_light_delete(light);
-// Test of Full DAG creation with the minimal ethash.h API.
-// Commented out since travis tests would take too much time.
-// Uncomment and run on your own machine if you want to confirm
-// it works fine.
-#if 0
-static int progress_cb(unsigned _progress)
- printf("CREATING DAG. PROGRESS: %u\n", _progress);
- fflush(stdout);
- return 0;
-BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(full_dag_test) {
- ethash_light_t light = ethash_light_new(55);
- BOOST_ASSERT(light);
- ethash_full_t full = ethash_full_new(light, progress_cb);
- ethash_light_delete(light);
- ethash_full_delete(full);
diff --git a/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/ethereum/ethash/test/c/test.sh b/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/ethereum/ethash/test/c/test.sh
deleted file mode 100644
index 92b6b8b66..000000000
--- a/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/ethereum/ethash/test/c/test.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-# Strict mode
-set -e
-VALGRIND_ARGS+=" --leak-check=yes"
-VALGRIND_ARGS+=" --track-origins=yes"
-VALGRIND_ARGS+=" --show-reachable=yes"
-VALGRIND_ARGS+=" --num-callers=20"
-VALGRIND_ARGS+=" --track-fds=yes"
-while [ -h "$SOURCE" ]; do
- DIR="$( cd -P "$( dirname "$SOURCE" )" && pwd )"
- SOURCE="$(readlink "$SOURCE")"
- [[ $SOURCE != /* ]] && SOURCE="$DIR/$SOURCE"
-TEST_DIR="$( cd -P "$( dirname "$SOURCE" )" && pwd )"
-rm -rf $TEST_DIR/build
-mkdir -p $TEST_DIR/build
-cd $TEST_DIR/build ;
-cmake ../../.. > /dev/null
-make Test
-# If we have valgrind also run memory check tests
-if hash valgrind 2>/dev/null; then
- echo "======== Running tests under valgrind ========";
- cd $TEST_DIR/build/ && valgrind $VALGRIND_ARGS ./test/c/Test
diff --git a/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/ethereum/ethash/test/python/.gitignore b/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/ethereum/ethash/test/python/.gitignore
deleted file mode 100644
index c304fd615..000000000
--- a/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/ethereum/ethash/test/python/.gitignore
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/ethereum/ethash/test/python/requirements.txt b/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/ethereum/ethash/test/python/requirements.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 378263c62..000000000
--- a/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/ethereum/ethash/test/python/requirements.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-pysha3==0.3 \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/ethereum/ethash/test/python/test.sh b/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/ethereum/ethash/test/python/test.sh
deleted file mode 100644
index 05c66b550..000000000
--- a/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/ethereum/ethash/test/python/test.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-# Strict mode
-set -e
-if [ -x "$(which virtualenv2)" ] ; then
- VIRTUALENV_EXEC=virtualenv2
-elif [ -x "$(which virtualenv)" ] ; then
- VIRTUALENV_EXEC=virtualenv
- echo "Could not find a suitable version of virtualenv"
- false
-while [ -h "$SOURCE" ]; do
- DIR="$( cd -P "$( dirname "$SOURCE" )" && pwd )"
- SOURCE="$(readlink "$SOURCE")"
- [[ $SOURCE != /* ]] && SOURCE="$DIR/$SOURCE"
-TEST_DIR="$( cd -P "$( dirname "$SOURCE" )" && pwd )"
-[ -d $TEST_DIR/python-virtual-env ] || $VIRTUALENV_EXEC --system-site-packages $TEST_DIR/python-virtual-env
-source $TEST_DIR/python-virtual-env/bin/activate
-pip install -r $TEST_DIR/requirements.txt > /dev/null
-# force installation of nose in virtualenv even if existing in thereuser's system
-pip install nose -I
-pip install --upgrade --no-deps --force-reinstall -e $TEST_DIR/../..
-nosetests --with-doctest -v --nocapture
diff --git a/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/ethereum/ethash/test/python/test_pyethash.py b/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/ethereum/ethash/test/python/test_pyethash.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 7eb1b60c7..000000000
--- a/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/ethereum/ethash/test/python/test_pyethash.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,105 +0,0 @@
-import pyethash
-from random import randint
-def test_get_cache_size_not_None():
- for _ in range(100):
- block_num = randint(0,12456789)
- out = pyethash.get_cache_size(block_num)
- assert out != None
-def test_get_full_size_not_None():
- for _ in range(100):
- block_num = randint(0,12456789)
- out = pyethash.get_full_size(block_num)
- assert out != None
-def test_get_cache_size_based_on_EPOCH():
- for _ in range(100):
- block_num = randint(0,12456789)
- out1 = pyethash.get_cache_size(block_num)
- out2 = pyethash.get_cache_size((block_num // pyethash.EPOCH_LENGTH) * pyethash.EPOCH_LENGTH)
- assert out1 == out2
-def test_get_full_size_based_on_EPOCH():
- for _ in range(100):
- block_num = randint(0,12456789)
- out1 = pyethash.get_full_size(block_num)
- out2 = pyethash.get_full_size((block_num // pyethash.EPOCH_LENGTH) * pyethash.EPOCH_LENGTH)
- assert out1 == out2
-# See light_and_full_client_checks in test.cpp
-def test_mkcache_is_as_expected():
- actual = pyethash.mkcache_bytes(
- 1024,
- "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~").encode('hex')
- expected = "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"
- assert actual == expected
-def test_calc_dataset_is_not_None():
- cache = pyethash.mkcache_bytes(
- 1024,
- "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~")
- assert pyethash.calc_dataset_bytes(1024 * 32, cache) != None
-def test_light_and_full_agree():
- cache = pyethash.mkcache_bytes(
- 1024,
- "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~")
- full_size = 1024 * 32
- header = "~~~~~X~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"
- light_result = pyethash.hashimoto_light(full_size, cache, header, 0)
- dataset = pyethash.calc_dataset_bytes(full_size, cache)
- full_result = pyethash.hashimoto_full(dataset, header, 0)
- assert light_result["mix digest"] != None
- assert len(light_result["mix digest"]) == 32
- assert light_result["mix digest"] == full_result["mix digest"]
- assert light_result["result"] != None
- assert len(light_result["result"]) == 32
- assert light_result["result"] == full_result["result"]
-def int_to_bytes(i):
- b = []
- for _ in range(32):
- b.append(chr(i & 0xff))
- i >>= 8
- b.reverse()
- return "".join(b)
-def test_mining_basic():
- easy_difficulty = int_to_bytes(2**256 - 1)
- assert easy_difficulty.encode('hex') == 'f' * 64
- cache = pyethash.mkcache_bytes(
- 1024,
- "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~")
- full_size = 1024 * 32
- header = "~~~~~X~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"
- dataset = pyethash.calc_dataset_bytes(full_size, cache)
- # Check type of outputs
- assert type(pyethash.mine(dataset,header,easy_difficulty)) == dict
- assert type(pyethash.mine(dataset,header,easy_difficulty)["nonce"]) == long
- assert type(pyethash.mine(dataset,header,easy_difficulty)["mix digest"]) == str
- assert type(pyethash.mine(dataset,header,easy_difficulty)["result"]) == str
-def test_mining_doesnt_always_return_the_same_value():
- easy_difficulty1 = int_to_bytes(int(2**256 * 0.999))
- # 1 in 1000 difficulty
- easy_difficulty2 = int_to_bytes(int(2**256 * 0.001))
- assert easy_difficulty1 != easy_difficulty2
- cache = pyethash.mkcache_bytes(
- 1024,
- "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~")
- full_size = 1024 * 32
- header = "~~~~~X~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"
- dataset = pyethash.calc_dataset_bytes(full_size, cache)
- # Check type of outputs
- assert pyethash.mine(dataset, header, easy_difficulty1)['nonce'] != pyethash.mine(dataset, header, easy_difficulty2)['nonce']
-def test_get_seedhash():
- assert pyethash.get_seedhash(0).encode('hex') == '0' * 64
- import hashlib, sha3
- expected = pyethash.get_seedhash(0)
- #print "checking seed hashes:",
- for i in range(0, 30000*2048, 30000):
- #print i // 30000,
- assert pyethash.get_seedhash(i) == expected
- expected = hashlib.sha3_256(expected).digest()
diff --git a/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/ethereum/ethash/test/test.sh b/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/ethereum/ethash/test/test.sh
deleted file mode 100644
index aaeaa878c..000000000
--- a/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/ethereum/ethash/test/test.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-# Strict mode
-set -e
-while [ -h "$SOURCE" ]; do
- DIR="$( cd -P "$( dirname "$SOURCE" )" && pwd )"
- SOURCE="$(readlink "$SOURCE")"
- [[ $SOURCE != /* ]] && SOURCE="$DIR/$SOURCE"
-TEST_DIR="$( cd -P "$( dirname "$SOURCE" )" && pwd )"
-echo -e "\n################# Testing JS ##################"
-# TODO: Use mocha and real testing tools instead of rolling our own
-cd $TEST_DIR/../js
-if [ -x "$(which nodejs)" ] ; then
- nodejs test.js
-if [ -x "$(which node)" ] ; then
- node test.js
-echo -e "\n################# Testing C ##################"
-# Temporarily commenting out python tests until they conform to the API
-#echo -e "\n################# Testing Python ##################"
-echo "################# Testing Go ##################"
-cd $TEST_DIR/.. && go test -timeout 9999s