path: root/vendor/gopkg.in/check.v1/check.go
blob: 82c26fa7366df880e96894e988ff49fef9aaa32b (plain) (tree)





















// Package check is a rich testing extension for Go's testing package.
// For details about the project, see:
//     http://labix.org/gocheck
package check

import (

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Internal type which deals with suite method calling.

const (
    fixtureKd = iota

type funcKind int

const (
    succeededSt = iota

type funcStatus uint32

// A method value can't reach its own Method structure.
type methodType struct {
    Info reflect.Method

func newMethod(receiver reflect.Value, i int) *methodType {
    return &methodType{receiver.Method(i), receiver.Type().Method(i)}

func (method *methodType) PC() uintptr {
    return method.Info.Func.Pointer()

func (method *methodType) suiteName() string {
    t := method.Info.Type.In(0)
    if t.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
        t = t.Elem()
    return t.Name()

func (method *methodType) String() string {
    return method.suiteName() + "." + method.Info.Name

func (method *methodType) matches(re *regexp.Regexp) bool {
    return (re.MatchString(method.Info.Name) ||
        re.MatchString(method.suiteName()) ||

type C struct {
    method    *methodType
    kind      funcKind
    testName  string
    _status   funcStatus
    logb      *logger
    logw      io.Writer
    done      chan *C
    reason    string
    mustFail  bool
    tempDir   *tempDir
    benchMem  bool
    startTime time.Time

func (c *C) status() funcStatus {
    return funcStatus(atomic.LoadUint32((*uint32)(&c._status)))

func (c *C) setStatus(s funcStatus) {
    atomic.StoreUint32((*uint32)(&c._status), uint32(s))

func (c *C) stopNow() {

// logger is a concurrency safe byte.Buffer
type logger struct {
    writer bytes.Buffer

func (l *logger) Write(buf []byte) (int, error) {
    defer l.Unlock()
    return l.writer.Write(buf)

func (l *logger) WriteTo(w io.Writer) (int64, error) {
    defer l.Unlock()
    return l.writer.WriteTo(w)

func (l *logger) String() string {
    defer l.Unlock()
    return l.writer.String()

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Handling of temporary files and directories.

type tempDir struct {
    path    string
    counter int

func (td *tempDir) newPath() string {
    defer td.Unlock()
    if td.path == "" {
        var err error
        for i := 0; i != 100; i++ {
            path := fmt.Sprintf("%s%ccheck-%d", os.TempDir(), os.PathSeparator, rand.Int())
            if err = os.Mkdir(path, 0700); err == nil {
                td.path = path
        if td.path == "" {
            panic("Couldn't create temporary directory: " + err.Error())
    result := filepath.Join(td.path, strconv.Itoa(td.counter))
    td.counter += 1
    return result

func (td *tempDir) removeAll() {
    defer td.Unlock()
    if td.path != "" {
        err := os.RemoveAll(td.path)
        if err != nil {
            fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "WARNING: Error cleaning up temporaries: "+err.Error())

// Create a new temporary directory which is automatically removed after
// the suite finishes running.
func (c *C) MkDir() string {
    path := c.tempDir.newPath()
    if err := os.Mkdir(path, 0700); err != nil {
        panic(fmt.Sprintf("Couldn't create temporary directory %s: %s", path, err.Error()))
    return path

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Low-level logging functions.

func (c *C) log(args ...interface{}) {
    c.writeLog([]byte(fmt.Sprint(args...) + "\n"))

func (c *C) logf(format string, args ...interface{}) {
    c.writeLog([]byte(fmt.Sprintf(format+"\n", args...)))

func (c *C) logNewLine() {

func (c *C) writeLog(buf []byte) {
    if c.logw != nil {

func hasStringOrError(x interface{}) (ok bool) {
    _, ok = x.(fmt.Stringer)
    if ok {
    _, ok = x.(error)

func (c *C) logValue(label string, value interface{}) {
    if label == "" {
        if hasStringOrError(value) {
            c.logf("... %#v (%q)", value, value)
        } else {
            c.logf("... %#v", value)
    } else if value == nil {
        c.logf("... %s = nil", label)
    } else {
        if hasStringOrError(value) {
            fv := fmt.Sprintf("%#v", value)
            qv := fmt.Sprintf("%q", value)
            if fv != qv {
                c.logf("... %s %s = %s (%s)", label, reflect.TypeOf(value), fv, qv)
        if s, ok := value.(string); ok && isMultiLine(s) {
            c.logf(`... %s %s = "" +`, label, reflect.TypeOf(value))
        } else {
            c.logf("... %s %s = %#v", label, reflect.TypeOf(value), value)

func (c *C) logMultiLine(s string) {
    b := make([]byte, 0, len(s)*2)
    i := 0
    n := len(s)
    for i < n {
        j := i + 1
        for j < n && s[j-1] != '\n' {
        b = append(b, "...     "...)
        b = strconv.AppendQuote(b, s[i:j])
        if j < n {
            b = append(b, " +"...)
        b = append(b, '\n')
        i = j

func isMultiLine(s string) bool {
    for i := 0; i+1 < len(s); i++ {
        if s[i] == '\n' {
            return true
    return false

func (c *C) logString(issue string) {
    c.log("... ", issue)

func (c *C) logCaller(skip int) {
    // This is a bit heavier than it ought to be.
    skip += 1 // Our own frame.
    pc, callerFile, callerLine, ok := runtime.Caller(skip)
    if !ok {
    var testFile string
    var testLine int
    testFunc := runtime.FuncForPC(c.method.PC())
    if runtime.FuncForPC(pc) != testFunc {
        for {
            skip += 1
            if pc, file, line, ok := runtime.Caller(skip); ok {
                // Note that the test line may be different on
                // distinct calls for the same test.  Showing
                // the "internal" line is helpful when debugging.
                if runtime.FuncForPC(pc) == testFunc {
                    testFile, testLine = file, line
            } else {
    if testFile != "" && (testFile != callerFile || testLine != callerLine) {
        c.logCode(testFile, testLine)
    c.logCode(callerFile, callerLine)

func (c *C) logCode(path string, line int) {
    c.logf("%s:%d:", nicePath(path), line)
    code, err := printLine(path, line)
    if code == "" {
        code = "..." // XXX Open the file and take the raw line.
        if err != nil {
            code += err.Error()
    c.log(indent(code, "    "))

var valueGo = filepath.Join("reflect", "value.go")
var asmGo = filepath.Join("runtime", "asm_")

func (c *C) logPanic(skip int, value interface{}) {
    skip++ // Our own frame.
    initialSkip := skip
    for ; ; skip++ {
        if pc, file, line, ok := runtime.Caller(skip); ok {
            if skip == initialSkip {
                c.logf("... Panic: %s (PC=0x%X)\n", value, pc)
            name := niceFuncName(pc)
            path := nicePath(file)
            if strings.Contains(path, "/gopkg.in/check.v") {
            if name == "Value.call" && strings.HasSuffix(path, valueGo) {
            if (name == "call16" || name == "call32") && strings.Contains(path, asmGo) {
            c.logf("%s:%d\n  in %s", nicePath(file), line, name)
        } else {

func (c *C) logSoftPanic(issue string) {
    c.log("... Panic: ", issue)

func (c *C) logArgPanic(method *methodType, expectedType string) {
    c.logf("... Panic: %s argument should be %s",
        niceFuncName(method.PC()), expectedType)

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Some simple formatting helpers.

var initWD, initWDErr = os.Getwd()

func init() {
    if initWDErr == nil {
        initWD = strings.Replace(initWD, "\\", "/", -1) + "/"

func nicePath(path string) string {
    if initWDErr == nil {
        if strings.HasPrefix(path, initWD) {
            return path[len(initWD):]
    return path

func niceFuncPath(pc uintptr) string {
    function := runtime.FuncForPC(pc)
    if function != nil {
        filename, line := function.FileLine(pc)
        return fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d", nicePath(filename), line)
    return "<unknown path>"

func niceFuncName(pc uintptr) string {
    function := runtime.FuncForPC(pc)
    if function != nil {
        name := path.Base(function.Name())
        if i := strings.Index(name, "."); i > 0 {
            name = name[i+1:]
        if strings.HasPrefix(name, "(*") {
            if i := strings.Index(name, ")"); i > 0 {
                name = name[2:i] + name[i+1:]
        if i := strings.LastIndex(name, ".*"); i != -1 {
            name = name[:i] + "." + name[i+2:]
        if i := strings.LastIndex(name, "·"); i != -1 {
            name = name[:i] + "." + name[i+2:]
        return name
    return "<unknown function>"

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Result tracker to aggregate call results.

type Result struct {
    Succeeded        int
    Failed           int
    Skipped          int
    Panicked         int
    FixturePanicked  int
    ExpectedFailures int
    Missed           int    // Not even tried to run, related to a panic in the fixture.
    RunError         error  // Houston, we've got a problem.
    WorkDir          string // If KeepWorkDir is true

type resultTracker struct {
    result          Result
    _lastWasProblem bool
    _waiting        int
    _missed         int
    _expectChan     chan *C
    _doneChan       chan *C
    _stopChan       chan bool

func newResultTracker() *resultTracker {
    return &resultTracker{_expectChan: make(chan *C), // Synchronous
        _doneChan: make(chan *C, 32), // Asynchronous
        _stopChan: make(chan bool)}   // Synchronous

func (tracker *resultTracker) start() {
    go tracker._loopRoutine()

func (tracker *resultTracker) waitAndStop() {

func (tracker *resultTracker) expectCall(c *C) {
    tracker._expectChan <- c

func (tracker *resultTracker) callDone(c *C) {
    tracker._doneChan <- c

func (tracker *resultTracker) _loopRoutine() {
    for {
        var c *C
        if tracker._waiting > 0 {
            // Calls still running. Can't stop.
            select {
            // XXX Reindent this (not now to make diff clear)
            case c = <-tracker._expectChan:
                tracker._waiting += 1
            case c = <-tracker._doneChan:
                tracker._waiting -= 1
                switch c.status() {
                case succeededSt:
                    if c.kind == testKd {
                        if c.mustFail {
                        } else {
                case failedSt:
                case panickedSt:
                    if c.kind == fixtureKd {
                    } else {
                case fixturePanickedSt:
                    // Track it as missed, since the panic
                    // was on the fixture, not on the test.
                case missedSt:
                case skippedSt:
                    if c.kind == testKd {
        } else {
            // No calls.  Can stop, but no done calls here.
            select {
            case tracker._stopChan <- true:
            case c = <-tracker._expectChan:
                tracker._waiting += 1
            case c = <-tracker._doneChan:
                panic("Tracker got an unexpected done call.")

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// The underlying suite runner.

type suiteRunner struct {
    suite                     interface{}
    setUpSuite, tearDownSuite *methodType
    setUpTest, tearDownTest   *methodType
    tests                     []*methodType
    tracker                   *resultTracker
    tempDir                   *tempDir
    keepDir                   bool
    output                    *outputWriter
    reportedProblemLast       bool
    benchTime                 time.Duration
    benchMem                  bool

type RunConf struct {
    Output        io.Writer
    Stream        bool
    Verbose       bool
    Filter        string
    Benchmark     bool
    BenchmarkTime time.Duration // Defaults to 1 second
    BenchmarkMem  bool
    KeepWorkDir   bool

// Create a new suiteRunner able to run all methods in the given suite.
func newSuiteRunner(suite interface{}, runConf *RunConf) *suiteRunner {
    var conf RunConf
    if runConf != nil {
        conf = *runConf
    if conf.Output == nil {
        conf.Output = os.Stdout
    if conf.Benchmark {
        conf.Verbose = true

    suiteType := reflect.TypeOf(suite)
    suiteNumMethods := suiteType.NumMethod()
    suiteValue := reflect.ValueOf(suite)

    runner := &suiteRunner{
        suite:     suite,
        output:    newOutputWriter(conf.Output, conf.Stream, conf.Verbose),
        tracker:   newResultTracker(),
        benchTime: conf.BenchmarkTime,
        benchMem:  conf.BenchmarkMem,
        tempDir:   &tempDir{},
        keepDir:   conf.KeepWorkDir,
        tests:     make([]*methodType, 0, suiteNumMethods),
    if runner.benchTime == 0 {
        runner.benchTime = 1 * time.Second

    var filterRegexp *regexp.Regexp
    if conf.Filter != "" {
        if regexp, err := regexp.Compile(conf.Filter); err != nil {
            msg := "Bad filter expression: " + err.Error()
            runner.tracker.result.RunError = errors.New(msg)
            return runner
        } else {
            filterRegexp = regexp

    for i := 0; i != suiteNumMethods; i++ {
        method := newMethod(suiteValue, i)
        switch method.Info.Name {
        case "SetUpSuite":
            runner.setUpSuite = method
        case "TearDownSuite":
            runner.tearDownSuite = method
        case "SetUpTest":
            runner.setUpTest = method
        case "TearDownTest":
            runner.tearDownTest = method
            prefix := "Test"
            if conf.Benchmark {
                prefix = "Benchmark"
            if !strings.HasPrefix(method.Info.Name, prefix) {
            if filterRegexp == nil || method.matches(filterRegexp) {
                runner.tests = append(runner.tests, method)
    return runner

// Run all methods in the given suite.
func (runner *suiteRunner) run() *Result {
    if runner.tracker.result.RunError == nil && len(runner.tests) > 0 {
        if runner.checkFixtureArgs() {
            c := runner.runFixture(runner.setUpSuite, "", nil)
            if c == nil || c.status() == succeededSt {
                for i := 0; i != len(runner.tests); i++ {
                    c := runner.runTest(runner.tests[i])
                    if c.status() == fixturePanickedSt {
                        runner.skipTests(missedSt, runner.tests[i+1:])
            } else if c != nil && c.status() == skippedSt {
                runner.skipTests(skippedSt, runner.tests)
            } else {
                runner.skipTests(missedSt, runner.tests)
            runner.runFixture(runner.tearDownSuite, "", nil)
        } else {
            runner.skipTests(missedSt, runner.tests)
        if runner.keepDir {
            runner.tracker.result.WorkDir = runner.tempDir.path
        } else {
    return &runner.tracker.result

// Create a call object with the given suite method, and fork a
// goroutine with the provided dispatcher for running it.
func (runner *suiteRunner) forkCall(method *methodType, kind funcKind, testName string, logb *logger, dispatcher func(c *C)) *C {
    var logw io.Writer
    if runner.output.Stream {
        logw = runner.output
    if logb == nil {
        logb = new(logger)
    c := &C{
        method:    method,
        kind:      kind,
        testName:  testName,
        logb:      logb,
        logw:      logw,
        tempDir:   runner.tempDir,
        done:      make(chan *C, 1),
        timer:     timer{benchTime: runner.benchTime},
        startTime: time.Now(),
        benchMem:  runner.benchMem,
    go (func() {
        defer runner.callDone(c)
    return c

// Same as forkCall(), but wait for call to finish before returning.
func (runner *suiteRunner) runFunc(method *methodType, kind funcKind, testName string, logb *logger, dispatcher func(c *C)) *C {
    c := runner.forkCall(method, kind, testName, logb, dispatcher)
    return c

// Handle a finished call.  If there were any panics, update the call status
// accordingly.  Then, mark the call as done and report to the tracker.
func (runner *suiteRunner) callDone(c *C) {
    value := recover()
    if value != nil {
        switch v := value.(type) {
        case *fixturePanic:
            if v.status == skippedSt {
            } else {
                c.logSoftPanic("Fixture has panicked (see related PANIC)")
            c.logPanic(1, value)
    if c.mustFail {
        switch c.status() {
        case failedSt:
        case succeededSt:
            c.logString("Error: Test succeeded, but was expected to fail")
            c.logString("Reason: " + c.reason)

    c.done <- c

// Runs a fixture call synchronously.  The fixture will still be run in a
// goroutine like all suite methods, but this method will not return
// while the fixture goroutine is not done, because the fixture must be
// run in a desired order.
func (runner *suiteRunner) runFixture(method *methodType, testName string, logb *logger) *C {
    if method != nil {
        c := runner.runFunc(method, fixtureKd, testName, logb, func(c *C) {
            defer c.StopTimer()
        return c
    return nil

// Run the fixture method with runFixture(), but panic with a fixturePanic{}
// in case the fixture method panics.  This makes it easier to track the
// fixture panic together with other call panics within forkTest().
func (runner *suiteRunner) runFixtureWithPanic(method *methodType, testName string, logb *logger, skipped *bool) *C {
    if skipped != nil && *skipped {
        return nil
    c := runner.runFixture(method, testName, logb)
    if c != nil && c.status() != succeededSt {
        if skipped != nil {
            *skipped = c.status() == skippedSt
        panic(&fixturePanic{c.status(), method})
    return c

type fixturePanic struct {
    status funcStatus
    method *methodType

// Run the suite test method, together with the test-specific fixture,
// asynchronously.
func (runner *suiteRunner) forkTest(method *methodType) *C {
    testName := method.String()
    return runner.forkCall(method, testKd, testName, nil, func(c *C) {
        var skipped bool
        defer runner.runFixtureWithPanic(runner.tearDownTest, testName, nil, &skipped)
        defer c.StopTimer()
        benchN := 1
        for {
            runner.runFixtureWithPanic(runner.setUpTest, testName, c.logb, &skipped)
            mt := c.method.Type()
            if mt.NumIn() != 1 || mt.In(0) != reflect.TypeOf(c) {
                // Rather than a plain panic, provide a more helpful message when
                // the argument type is incorrect.
                c.logArgPanic(c.method, "*check.C")
            if strings.HasPrefix(c.method.Info.Name, "Test") {
            if !strings.HasPrefix(c.method.Info.Name, "Benchmark") {
                panic("unexpected method prefix: " + c.method.Info.Name)

            c.N = benchN
            if c.status() != succeededSt || c.duration >= c.benchTime || benchN >= 1e9 {
            perOpN := int(1e9)
            if c.nsPerOp() != 0 {
                perOpN = int(c.benchTime.Nanoseconds() / c.nsPerOp())

            // Logic taken from the stock testing package:
            // - Run more iterations than we think we'll need for a second (1.5x).
            // - Don't grow too fast in case we had timing errors previously.
            // - Be sure to run at least one more than last time.
            benchN = max(min(perOpN+perOpN/2, 100*benchN), benchN+1)
            benchN = roundUp(benchN)

            skipped = true // Don't run the deferred one if this panics.
            runner.runFixtureWithPanic(runner.tearDownTest, testName, nil, nil)
            skipped = false

// Same as forkTest(), but wait for the test to finish before returning.
func (runner *suiteRunner) runTest(method *methodType) *C {
    c := runner.forkTest(method)
    return c

// Helper to mark tests as skipped or missed.  A bit heavy for what
// it does, but it enables homogeneous handling of tracking, including
// nice verbose output.
func (runner *suiteRunner) skipTests(status funcStatus, methods []*methodType) {
    for _, method := range methods {
        runner.runFunc(method, testKd, "", nil, func(c *C) {

// Verify if the fixture arguments are *check.C.  In case of errors,
// log the error as a panic in the fixture method call, and return false.
func (runner *suiteRunner) checkFixtureArgs() bool {
    succeeded := true
    argType := reflect.TypeOf(&C{})
    for _, method := range []*methodType{runner.setUpSuite, runner.tearDownSuite, runner.setUpTest, runner.tearDownTest} {
        if method != nil {
            mt := method.Type()
            if mt.NumIn() != 1 || mt.In(0) != argType {
                succeeded = false
                runner.runFunc(method, fixtureKd, "", nil, func(c *C) {
                    c.logArgPanic(method, "*check.C")
    return succeeded

func (runner *suiteRunner) reportCallStarted(c *C) {
    runner.output.WriteCallStarted("START", c)

func (runner *suiteRunner) reportCallDone(c *C) {
    switch c.status() {
    case succeededSt:
        if c.mustFail {
            runner.output.WriteCallSuccess("FAIL EXPECTED", c)
        } else {
            runner.output.WriteCallSuccess("PASS", c)
    case skippedSt:
        runner.output.WriteCallSuccess("SKIP", c)
    case failedSt:
        runner.output.WriteCallProblem("FAIL", c)
    case panickedSt:
        runner.output.WriteCallProblem("PANIC", c)
    case fixturePanickedSt:
        // That's a testKd call reporting that its fixture
        // has panicked. The fixture call which caused the
        // panic itself was tracked above. We'll report to
        // aid debugging.
        runner.output.WriteCallProblem("PANIC", c)
    case missedSt:
        runner.output.WriteCallSuccess("MISS", c)