path: root/tests/vm_test_util.go
blob: 5d9635afd1def285b72c84fe19915b45f94f151f (plain) (tree)


































package tests

import (
    // "testing"

    // "github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/core/types"
    // "github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/logger"

type Account struct {
    Balance string
    Code    string
    Nonce   string
    Storage map[string]string

type Log struct {
    AddressF string   `json:"address"`
    DataF    string   `json:"data"`
    TopicsF  []string `json:"topics"`
    BloomF   string   `json:"bloom"`

func (self Log) Address() []byte      { return common.Hex2Bytes(self.AddressF) }
func (self Log) Data() []byte         { return common.Hex2Bytes(self.DataF) }
func (self Log) RlpData() interface{} { return nil }
func (self Log) Topics() [][]byte {
    t := make([][]byte, len(self.TopicsF))
    for i, topic := range self.TopicsF {
        t[i] = common.Hex2Bytes(topic)
    return t

func StateObjectFromAccount(db common.Database, addr string, account Account) *state.StateObject {
    obj := state.NewStateObject(common.HexToAddress(addr), db)

    if common.IsHex(account.Code) {
        account.Code = account.Code[2:]

    return obj

type VmEnv struct {
    CurrentCoinbase   string
    CurrentDifficulty string
    CurrentGasLimit   string
    CurrentNumber     string
    CurrentTimestamp  interface{}
    PreviousHash      string

type VmTest struct {
    Callcreates interface{}
    //Env         map[string]string
    Env           VmEnv
    Exec          map[string]string
    Transaction   map[string]string
    Logs          []Log
    Gas           string
    Out           string
    Post          map[string]Account
    Pre           map[string]Account
    PostStateRoot string

func RunVmTest(p string) error {

    tests := make(map[string]VmTest)
    err := CreateFileTests(p, &tests)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    for name, test := range tests {
           vm.Debug = true
           if name != "Call50000_sha256" {
        db, _ := ethdb.NewMemDatabase()
        statedb := state.New(common.Hash{}, db)
        for addr, account := range test.Pre {
            obj := StateObjectFromAccount(db, addr, account)
            for a, v := range account.Storage {
                obj.SetState(common.HexToHash(a), common.HexToHash(v))

        // XXX Yeah, yeah...
        env := make(map[string]string)
        env["currentCoinbase"] = test.Env.CurrentCoinbase
        env["currentDifficulty"] = test.Env.CurrentDifficulty
        env["currentGasLimit"] = test.Env.CurrentGasLimit
        env["currentNumber"] = test.Env.CurrentNumber
        env["previousHash"] = test.Env.PreviousHash
        if n, ok := test.Env.CurrentTimestamp.(float64); ok {
            env["currentTimestamp"] = strconv.Itoa(int(n))
        } else {
            env["currentTimestamp"] = test.Env.CurrentTimestamp.(string)

        var (
            ret  []byte
            gas  *big.Int
            err  error
            logs state.Logs

        ret, logs, gas, err = RunVm(statedb, env, test.Exec)

        // Compare expectedand actual return
        rexp := common.FromHex(test.Out)
        if bytes.Compare(rexp, ret) != 0 {
            return fmt.Errorf("%s's return failed. Expected %x, got %x\n", name, rexp, ret)

        // Check gas usage
        if len(test.Gas) == 0 && err == nil {
            return fmt.Errorf("%s's gas unspecified, indicating an error. VM returned (incorrectly) successfull", name)
        } else {
            gexp := common.Big(test.Gas)
            if gexp.Cmp(gas) != 0 {
                return fmt.Errorf("%s's gas failed. Expected %v, got %v\n", name, gexp, gas)

        // check post state
        for addr, account := range test.Post {
            obj := statedb.GetStateObject(common.HexToAddress(addr))
            if obj == nil {

            for addr, value := range account.Storage {
                v := obj.GetState(common.HexToHash(addr))
                vexp := common.HexToHash(value)

                if v != vexp {
                    return t.Errorf("%s's : (%x: %s) storage failed. Expected %x, got %x (%v %v)\n", name, obj.Address().Bytes()[0:4], addr, vexp, v, vexp.Big(), v.Big())

        // check logs
        if len(test.Logs) > 0 {
            CheckLogs(test.Logs, logs, t)

        fmt.Println("VM test passed: ", name)

    // logger.Flush()
    return nil

type Env struct {
    depth        int
    state        *state.StateDB
    skipTransfer bool
    initial      bool
    Gas          *big.Int

    origin common.Address
    //parent   common.Hash
    coinbase common.Address

    number     *big.Int
    time       int64
    difficulty *big.Int
    gasLimit   *big.Int

    logs state.Logs

    vmTest bool

func NewEnv(state *state.StateDB) *Env {
    return &Env{
        state: state,

func NewEnvFromMap(state *state.StateDB, envValues map[string]string, exeValues map[string]string) *Env {
    env := NewEnv(state)

    env.origin = common.HexToAddress(exeValues["caller"])
    //env.parent = common.Hex2Bytes(envValues["previousHash"])
    env.coinbase = common.HexToAddress(envValues["currentCoinbase"])
    env.number = common.Big(envValues["currentNumber"])
    env.time = common.Big(envValues["currentTimestamp"]).Int64()
    env.difficulty = common.Big(envValues["currentDifficulty"])
    env.gasLimit = common.Big(envValues["currentGasLimit"])
    env.Gas = new(big.Int)

    return env

func (self *Env) Origin() common.Address { return self.origin }
func (self *Env) BlockNumber() *big.Int  { return self.number }

//func (self *Env) PrevHash() []byte      { return self.parent }
func (self *Env) Coinbase() common.Address { return self.coinbase }
func (self *Env) Time() int64              { return self.time }
func (self *Env) Difficulty() *big.Int     { return self.difficulty }
func (self *Env) State() *state.StateDB    { return self.state }
func (self *Env) GasLimit() *big.Int       { return self.gasLimit }
func (self *Env) VmType() vm.Type          { return vm.StdVmTy }
func (self *Env) GetHash(n uint64) common.Hash {
    return common.BytesToHash(crypto.Sha3([]byte(big.NewInt(int64(n)).String())))
func (self *Env) AddLog(log *state.Log) {
func (self *Env) Depth() int     { return self.depth }
func (self *Env) SetDepth(i int) { self.depth = i }
func (self *Env) Transfer(from, to vm.Account, amount *big.Int) error {
    if self.skipTransfer {
        // ugly hack
        if self.initial {
            self.initial = false
            return nil

        if from.Balance().Cmp(amount) < 0 {
            return errors.New("Insufficient balance in account")

        return nil
    return vm.Transfer(from, to, amount)

func (self *Env) vm(addr *common.Address, data []byte, gas, price, value *big.Int) *core.Execution {
    exec := core.NewExecution(self, addr, data, gas, price, value)

    return exec

func (self *Env) Call(caller vm.ContextRef, addr common.Address, data []byte, gas, price, value *big.Int) ([]byte, error) {
    if self.vmTest && self.depth > 0 {
        caller.ReturnGas(gas, price)

        return nil, nil
    exe := self.vm(&addr, data, gas, price, value)
    ret, err := exe.Call(addr, caller)
    self.Gas = exe.Gas

    return ret, err

func (self *Env) CallCode(caller vm.ContextRef, addr common.Address, data []byte, gas, price, value *big.Int) ([]byte, error) {
    if self.vmTest && self.depth > 0 {
        caller.ReturnGas(gas, price)

        return nil, nil

    caddr := caller.Address()
    exe := self.vm(&caddr, data, gas, price, value)
    return exe.Call(addr, caller)

func (self *Env) Create(caller vm.ContextRef, data []byte, gas, price, value *big.Int) ([]byte, error, vm.ContextRef) {
    exe := self.vm(nil, data, gas, price, value)
    if self.vmTest {
        caller.ReturnGas(gas, price)

        nonce := self.state.GetNonce(caller.Address())
        obj := self.state.GetOrNewStateObject(crypto.CreateAddress(caller.Address(), nonce))

        return nil, nil, obj
    } else {
        return exe.Create(caller)

func RunVm(state *state.StateDB, env, exec map[string]string) ([]byte, state.Logs, *big.Int, error) {
    var (
        to    = common.HexToAddress(exec["address"])
        from  = common.HexToAddress(exec["caller"])
        data  = common.FromHex(exec["data"])
        gas   = common.Big(exec["gas"])
        price = common.Big(exec["gasPrice"])
        value = common.Big(exec["value"])
    // Reset the pre-compiled contracts for VM tests.
    vm.Precompiled = make(map[string]*vm.PrecompiledAccount)

    caller := state.GetOrNewStateObject(from)

    vmenv := NewEnvFromMap(state, env, exec)
    vmenv.vmTest = true
    vmenv.skipTransfer = true
    vmenv.initial = true
    ret, err := vmenv.Call(caller, to, data, gas, price, value)

    return ret, vmenv.state.Logs(), vmenv.Gas, err

type Message struct {
    from              common.Address
    to                *common.Address
    value, gas, price *big.Int
    data              []byte
    nonce             uint64

func NewMessage(from common.Address, to *common.Address, data []byte, value, gas, price *big.Int, nonce uint64) Message {
    return Message{from, to, value, gas, price, data, nonce}

func (self Message) Hash() []byte                  { return nil }
func (self Message) From() (common.Address, error) { return self.from, nil }
func (self Message) To() *common.Address           { return self.to }
func (self Message) GasPrice() *big.Int            { return self.price }
func (self Message) Gas() *big.Int                 { return self.gas }
func (self Message) Value() *big.Int               { return self.value }
func (self Message) Nonce() uint64                 { return self.nonce }
func (self Message) Data() []byte                  { return self.data }