path: root/tests/ethtest/main.go
blob: 3e85891e42f0e6949b8ded71103f5b0fc2e07f73 (plain) (tree)

package main

import (


type Account struct {
    Balance string
    Code    string
    Nonce   string
    Storage map[string]string

func StateObjectFromAccount(addr string, account Account) *ethstate.StateObject {
    obj := ethstate.NewStateObject(ethutil.Hex2Bytes(addr))
    obj.Balance = ethutil.Big(account.Balance)

    if ethutil.IsHex(account.Code) {
        account.Code = account.Code[2:]
    obj.Code = ethutil.Hex2Bytes(account.Code)
    obj.Nonce = ethutil.Big(account.Nonce).Uint64()

    return obj

type VmTest struct {
    Callcreates interface{}
    Env         map[string]string
    Exec        map[string]string
    Gas         string
    Out         string
    Post        map[string]Account
    Pre         map[string]Account

func RunVmTest(js string) (failed int) {
    tests := make(map[string]VmTest)

    data, _ := ioutil.ReadAll(strings.NewReader(js))
    err := json.Unmarshal(data, &tests)
    if err != nil {

    for name, test := range tests {
        state := ethstate.New(helper.NewTrie())
        for addr, account := range test.Pre {
            obj := StateObjectFromAccount(addr, account)

        ret, gas, err := helper.RunVm(state, test.Env, test.Exec)
        // When an error is returned it doesn't always mean the tests fails.
        // Have to come up with some conditional failing mechanism.
        if err != nil {

        rexp := helper.FromHex(test.Out)
        if bytes.Compare(rexp, ret) != 0 {
            log.Printf("%s's return failed. Expected %x, got %x\n", name, rexp, ret)
            failed = 1

        gexp := ethutil.Big(test.Gas)
        if gexp.Cmp(gas) != 0 {
            log.Printf("%s's gas failed. Expected %v, got %v\n", name, gexp, gas)
            failed = 1

        for addr, account := range test.Post {
            obj := state.GetStateObject(helper.FromHex(addr))
            for addr, value := range account.Storage {
                v := obj.GetState(helper.FromHex(addr)).Bytes()
                vexp := helper.FromHex(value)

                if bytes.Compare(v, vexp) != 0 {
                    log.Printf("%s's : (%x: %s) storage failed. Expected %x, got %x (%v %v)\n", name, obj.Address()[0:4], addr, vexp, v, ethutil.BigD(vexp), ethutil.BigD(v))
                    failed = 1


func main() {
    if len(os.Args) == 1 {
        log.Fatalln("no json supplied")
