path: root/p2p/discv5/ticket.go
blob: ae4b18e7cd45b48fae1f5e73b2c1cf6d2e7fd199 (plain) (tree)

















































































// Copyright 2016 The go-ethereum Authors
// This file is part of the go-ethereum library.
// The go-ethereum library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// The go-ethereum library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
// along with the go-ethereum library. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

package discv5

import (


const (
    ticketTimeBucketLen = time.Minute
    timeWindow          = 10 // * ticketTimeBucketLen
    wantTicketsInWindow = 10
    collectFrequency    = time.Second * 30
    registerFrequency   = time.Second * 60
    maxCollectDebt      = 10
    maxRegisterDebt     = 5
    keepTicketConst     = time.Minute * 10
    keepTicketExp       = time.Minute * 5
    targetWaitTime      = time.Minute * 10
    topicQueryTimeout   = time.Second * 5
    topicQueryResend    = time.Minute
    // topic radius detection
    maxRadius           = 0xffffffffffffffff
    radiusTC            = time.Minute * 20
    radiusBucketsPerBit = 8
    minSlope            = 1
    minPeakSize         = 40
    maxNoAdjust         = 20
    lookupWidth         = 8
    minRightSum         = 20
    searchForceQuery    = 4

// timeBucket represents absolute monotonic time in minutes.
// It is used as the index into the per-topic ticket buckets.
type timeBucket int

type ticket struct {
    topics  []Topic
    regTime []mclock.AbsTime // Per-topic local absolute time when the ticket can be used.

    // The serial number that was issued by the server.
    serial uint32
    // Used by registrar, tracks absolute time when the ticket was created.
    issueTime mclock.AbsTime

    // Fields used only by registrants
    node   *Node  // the registrar node that signed this ticket
    refCnt int    // tracks number of topics that will be registered using this ticket
    pong   []byte // encoded pong packet signed by the registrar

// ticketRef refers to a single topic in a ticket.
type ticketRef struct {
    t   *ticket
    idx int // index of the topic in t.topics and t.regTime

func (ref ticketRef) topic() Topic {
    return ref.t.topics[ref.idx]

func (ref ticketRef) topicRegTime() mclock.AbsTime {
    return ref.t.regTime[ref.idx]

func pongToTicket(localTime mclock.AbsTime, topics []Topic, node *Node, p *ingressPacket) (*ticket, error) {
    wps := p.data.(*pong).WaitPeriods
    if len(topics) != len(wps) {
        return nil, fmt.Errorf("bad wait period list: got %d values, want %d", len(topics), len(wps))
    if rlpHash(topics) != p.data.(*pong).TopicHash {
        return nil, fmt.Errorf("bad topic hash")
    t := &ticket{
        issueTime: localTime,
        node:      node,
        topics:    topics,
        pong:      p.rawData,
        regTime:   make([]mclock.AbsTime, len(wps)),
    // Convert wait periods to local absolute time.
    for i, wp := range wps {
        t.regTime[i] = localTime + mclock.AbsTime(time.Second*time.Duration(wp))
    return t, nil

func ticketToPong(t *ticket, pong *pong) {
    pong.Expiration = uint64(t.issueTime / mclock.AbsTime(time.Second))
    pong.TopicHash = rlpHash(t.topics)
    pong.TicketSerial = t.serial
    pong.WaitPeriods = make([]uint32, len(t.regTime))
    for i, regTime := range t.regTime {
        pong.WaitPeriods[i] = uint32(time.Duration(regTime-t.issueTime) / time.Second)

type ticketStore struct {
    // radius detector and target address generator
    // exists for both searched and registered topics
    radius map[Topic]*topicRadius

    // Contains buckets (for each absolute minute) of tickets
    // that can be used in that minute.
    // This is only set if the topic is being registered.
    tickets map[Topic]*topicTickets

    regQueue []Topic            // Topic registration queue for round robin attempts
    regSet   map[Topic]struct{} // Topic registration queue contents for fast filling

    nodes       map[*Node]*ticket
    nodeLastReq map[*Node]reqInfo

    lastBucketFetched timeBucket
    nextTicketCached  *ticketRef
    nextTicketReg     mclock.AbsTime

    searchTopicMap        map[Topic]searchTopic
    nextTopicQueryCleanup mclock.AbsTime
    queriesSent           map[*Node]map[common.Hash]sentQuery

type searchTopic struct {
    foundChn chan<- *Node

type sentQuery struct {
    sent   mclock.AbsTime
    lookup lookupInfo

type topicTickets struct {
    buckets    map[timeBucket][]ticketRef
    nextLookup mclock.AbsTime
    nextReg    mclock.AbsTime

func newTicketStore() *ticketStore {
    return &ticketStore{
        radius:         make(map[Topic]*topicRadius),
        tickets:        make(map[Topic]*topicTickets),
        regSet:         make(map[Topic]struct{}),
        nodes:          make(map[*Node]*ticket),
        nodeLastReq:    make(map[*Node]reqInfo),
        searchTopicMap: make(map[Topic]searchTopic),
        queriesSent:    make(map[*Node]map[common.Hash]sentQuery),

// addTopic starts tracking a topic. If register is true,
// the local node will register the topic and tickets will be collected.
func (s *ticketStore) addTopic(topic Topic, register bool) {
    log.Trace("Adding discovery topic", "topic", topic, "register", register)
    if s.radius[topic] == nil {
        s.radius[topic] = newTopicRadius(topic)
    if register && s.tickets[topic] == nil {
        s.tickets[topic] = &topicTickets{buckets: make(map[timeBucket][]ticketRef)}

func (s *ticketStore) addSearchTopic(t Topic, foundChn chan<- *Node) {
    s.addTopic(t, false)
    if s.searchTopicMap[t].foundChn == nil {
        s.searchTopicMap[t] = searchTopic{foundChn: foundChn}

func (s *ticketStore) removeSearchTopic(t Topic) {
    if st := s.searchTopicMap[t]; st.foundChn != nil {
        delete(s.searchTopicMap, t)

// removeRegisterTopic deletes all tickets for the given topic.
func (s *ticketStore) removeRegisterTopic(topic Topic) {
    log.Trace("Removing discovery topic", "topic", topic)
    if s.tickets[topic] == nil {
        log.Warn("Removing non-existent discovery topic", "topic", topic)
    for _, list := range s.tickets[topic].buckets {
        for _, ref := range list {
            if ref.t.refCnt == 0 {
                delete(s.nodes, ref.t.node)
                delete(s.nodeLastReq, ref.t.node)
    delete(s.tickets, topic)

func (s *ticketStore) regTopicSet() []Topic {
    topics := make([]Topic, 0, len(s.tickets))
    for topic := range s.tickets {
        topics = append(topics, topic)
    return topics

// nextRegisterLookup returns the target of the next lookup for ticket collection.
func (s *ticketStore) nextRegisterLookup() (lookupInfo, time.Duration) {
    // Queue up any new topics (or discarded ones), preserving iteration order
    for topic := range s.tickets {
        if _, ok := s.regSet[topic]; !ok {
            s.regQueue = append(s.regQueue, topic)
            s.regSet[topic] = struct{}{}
    // Iterate over the set of all topics and look up the next suitable one
    for len(s.regQueue) > 0 {
        // Fetch the next topic from the queue, and ensure it still exists
        topic := s.regQueue[0]
        s.regQueue = s.regQueue[1:]
        delete(s.regSet, topic)

        if s.tickets[topic] == nil {
        // If the topic needs more tickets, return it
        if s.tickets[topic].nextLookup < mclock.Now() {
            next, delay := s.radius[topic].nextTarget(false), 100*time.Millisecond
            log.Trace("Found discovery topic to register", "topic", topic, "target", next.target, "delay", delay)
            return next, delay
    // No registration topics found or all exhausted, sleep
    delay := 40 * time.Second
    log.Trace("No topic found to register", "delay", delay)
    return lookupInfo{}, delay

func (s *ticketStore) nextSearchLookup(topic Topic) lookupInfo {
    tr := s.radius[topic]
    target := tr.nextTarget(tr.radiusLookupCnt >= searchForceQuery)
    if target.radiusLookup {
    } else {
        tr.radiusLookupCnt = 0
    return target

// ticketsInWindow returns the tickets of a given topic in the registration window.
func (s *ticketStore) ticketsInWindow(topic Topic) []ticketRef {
    // Sanity check that the topic still exists before operating on it
    if s.tickets[topic] == nil {
        log.Warn("Listing non-existing discovery tickets", "topic", topic)
        return nil
    // Gather all the tickers in the next time window
    var tickets []ticketRef

    buckets := s.tickets[topic].buckets
    for idx := timeBucket(0); idx < timeWindow; idx++ {
        tickets = append(tickets, buckets[s.lastBucketFetched+idx]...)
    log.Trace("Retrieved discovery registration tickets", "topic", topic, "from", s.lastBucketFetched, "tickets", len(tickets))
    return tickets

func (s *ticketStore) removeExcessTickets(t Topic) {
    tickets := s.ticketsInWindow(t)
    if len(tickets) <= wantTicketsInWindow {
    for _, r := range tickets[wantTicketsInWindow:] {

type ticketRefByWaitTime []ticketRef

// Len is the number of elements in the collection.
func (s ticketRefByWaitTime) Len() int {
    return len(s)

func (ref ticketRef) waitTime() mclock.AbsTime {
    return ref.t.regTime[ref.idx] - ref.t.issueTime

// Less reports whether the element with
// index i should sort before the element with index j.
func (s ticketRefByWaitTime) Less(i, j int) bool {
    return s[i].waitTime() < s[j].waitTime()

// Swap swaps the elements with indexes i and j.
func (s ticketRefByWaitTime) Swap(i, j int) {
    s[i], s[j] = s[j], s[i]

func (s *ticketStore) addTicketRef(r ticketRef) {
    topic := r.t.topics[r.idx]
    tickets := s.tickets[topic]
    if tickets == nil {
        log.Warn("Adding ticket to non-existent topic", "topic", topic)
    bucket := timeBucket(r.t.regTime[r.idx] / mclock.AbsTime(ticketTimeBucketLen))
    tickets.buckets[bucket] = append(tickets.buckets[bucket], r)

    min := mclock.Now() - mclock.AbsTime(collectFrequency)*maxCollectDebt
    if tickets.nextLookup < min {
        tickets.nextLookup = min
    tickets.nextLookup += mclock.AbsTime(collectFrequency)


func (s *ticketStore) nextFilteredTicket() (*ticketRef, time.Duration) {
    now := mclock.Now()
    for {
        ticket, wait := s.nextRegisterableTicket()
        if ticket == nil {
            return ticket, wait
        log.Trace("Found discovery ticket to register", "node", ticket.t.node, "serial", ticket.t.serial, "wait", wait)

        regTime := now + mclock.AbsTime(wait)
        topic := ticket.t.topics[ticket.idx]
        if s.tickets[topic] != nil && regTime >= s.tickets[topic].nextReg {
            return ticket, wait

func (s *ticketStore) ticketRegistered(ref ticketRef) {
    now := mclock.Now()

    topic := ref.t.topics[ref.idx]
    tickets := s.tickets[topic]
    min := now - mclock.AbsTime(registerFrequency)*maxRegisterDebt
    if min > tickets.nextReg {
        tickets.nextReg = min
    tickets.nextReg += mclock.AbsTime(registerFrequency)
    s.tickets[topic] = tickets


// nextRegisterableTicket returns the next ticket that can be used
// to register.
// If the returned wait time <= zero the ticket can be used. For a positive
// wait time, the caller should requery the next ticket later.
// A ticket can be returned more than once with <= zero wait time in case
// the ticket contains multiple topics.
func (s *ticketStore) nextRegisterableTicket() (*ticketRef, time.Duration) {
    now := mclock.Now()
    if s.nextTicketCached != nil {
        return s.nextTicketCached, time.Duration(s.nextTicketCached.topicRegTime() - now)

    for bucket := s.lastBucketFetched; ; bucket++ {
        var (
            empty      = true    // true if there are no tickets
            nextTicket ticketRef // uninitialized if this bucket is empty
        for _, tickets := range s.tickets {
            if len(tickets.buckets) != 0 {
                empty = false

                list := tickets.buckets[bucket]
                for _, ref := range list {
                    //debugLog(fmt.Sprintf(" nrt bucket = %d node = %x sn = %v wait = %v", bucket, ref.t.node.ID[:8], ref.t.serial, time.Duration(ref.topicRegTime()-now)))
                    if nextTicket.t == nil || ref.topicRegTime() < nextTicket.topicRegTime() {
                        nextTicket = ref
        if empty {
            return nil, 0
        if nextTicket.t != nil {
            s.nextTicketCached = &nextTicket
            return &nextTicket, time.Duration(nextTicket.topicRegTime() - now)
        s.lastBucketFetched = bucket

// removeTicket removes a ticket from the ticket store
func (s *ticketStore) removeTicketRef(ref ticketRef) {
    log.Trace("Removing discovery ticket reference", "node", ref.t.node.ID, "serial", ref.t.serial)

    // Make nextRegisterableTicket return the next available ticket.
    s.nextTicketCached = nil

    topic := ref.topic()
    tickets := s.tickets[topic]

    if tickets == nil {
        log.Trace("Removing tickets from unknown topic", "topic", topic)
    bucket := timeBucket(ref.t.regTime[ref.idx] / mclock.AbsTime(ticketTimeBucketLen))
    list := tickets.buckets[bucket]
    idx := -1
    for i, bt := range list {
        if bt.t == ref.t {
            idx = i
    if idx == -1 {
    list = append(list[:idx], list[idx+1:]...)
    if len(list) != 0 {
        tickets.buckets[bucket] = list
    } else {
        delete(tickets.buckets, bucket)
    if ref.t.refCnt == 0 {
        delete(s.nodes, ref.t.node)
        delete(s.nodeLastReq, ref.t.node)

type lookupInfo struct {
    target       common.Hash
    topic        Topic
    radiusLookup bool

type reqInfo struct {
    pingHash []byte
    lookup   lookupInfo
    time     mclock.AbsTime

// returns -1 if not found
func (t *ticket) findIdx(topic Topic) int {
    for i, tt := range t.topics {
        if tt == topic {
            return i
    return -1

func (s *ticketStore) registerLookupDone(lookup lookupInfo, nodes []*Node, ping func(n *Node) []byte) {
    now := mclock.Now()
    for i, n := range nodes {
        if i == 0 || (binary.BigEndian.Uint64(n.sha[:8])^binary.BigEndian.Uint64(lookup.target[:8])) < s.radius[lookup.topic].minRadius {
            if lookup.radiusLookup {
                if lastReq, ok := s.nodeLastReq[n]; !ok || time.Duration(now-lastReq.time) > radiusTC {
                    s.nodeLastReq[n] = reqInfo{pingHash: ping(n), lookup: lookup, time: now}
            } else {
                if s.nodes[n] == nil {
                    s.nodeLastReq[n] = reqInfo{pingHash: ping(n), lookup: lookup, time: now}

func (s *ticketStore) searchLookupDone(lookup lookupInfo, nodes []*Node, query func(n *Node, topic Topic) []byte) {
    now := mclock.Now()
    for i, n := range nodes {
        if i == 0 || (binary.BigEndian.Uint64(n.sha[:8])^binary.BigEndian.Uint64(lookup.target[:8])) < s.radius[lookup.topic].minRadius {
            if lookup.radiusLookup {
                if lastReq, ok := s.nodeLastReq[n]; !ok || time.Duration(now-lastReq.time) > radiusTC {
                    s.nodeLastReq[n] = reqInfo{pingHash: nil, lookup: lookup, time: now}
            } // else {
            if s.canQueryTopic(n, lookup.topic) {
                hash := query(n, lookup.topic)
                if hash != nil {
                    s.addTopicQuery(common.BytesToHash(hash), n, lookup)

func (s *ticketStore) adjustWithTicket(now mclock.AbsTime, targetHash common.Hash, t *ticket) {
    for i, topic := range t.topics {
        if tt, ok := s.radius[topic]; ok {
            tt.adjustWithTicket(now, targetHash, ticketRef{t, i})

func (s *ticketStore) addTicket(localTime mclock.AbsTime, pingHash []byte, ticket *ticket) {
    log.Trace("Adding discovery ticket", "node", ticket.node.ID, "serial", ticket.serial)

    lastReq, ok := s.nodeLastReq[ticket.node]
    if !(ok && bytes.Equal(pingHash, lastReq.pingHash)) {
    s.adjustWithTicket(localTime, lastReq.lookup.target, ticket)

    if lastReq.lookup.radiusLookup || s.nodes[ticket.node] != nil {

    topic := lastReq.lookup.topic
    topicIdx := ticket.findIdx(topic)
    if topicIdx == -1 {

    bucket := timeBucket(localTime / mclock.AbsTime(ticketTimeBucketLen))
    if s.lastBucketFetched == 0 || bucket < s.lastBucketFetched {
        s.lastBucketFetched = bucket

    if _, ok := s.tickets[topic]; ok {
        wait := ticket.regTime[topicIdx] - localTime
        rnd := rand.ExpFloat64()
        if rnd > 10 {
            rnd = 10
        if float64(wait) < float64(keepTicketConst)+float64(keepTicketExp)*rnd {
            // use the ticket to register this topic
            //fmt.Println("addTicket", ticket.node.ID[:8], ticket.node.addr().String(), ticket.serial, ticket.pong)
            s.addTicketRef(ticketRef{ticket, topicIdx})

    if ticket.refCnt > 0 {
        s.nextTicketCached = nil
        s.nodes[ticket.node] = ticket

func (s *ticketStore) getNodeTicket(node *Node) *ticket {
    if s.nodes[node] == nil {
        log.Trace("Retrieving node ticket", "node", node.ID, "serial", nil)
    } else {
        log.Trace("Retrieving node ticket", "node", node.ID, "serial", s.nodes[node].serial)
    return s.nodes[node]

func (s *ticketStore) canQueryTopic(node *Node, topic Topic) bool {
    qq := s.queriesSent[node]
    if qq != nil {
        now := mclock.Now()
        for _, sq := range qq {
            if sq.lookup.topic == topic && sq.sent > now-mclock.AbsTime(topicQueryResend) {
                return false
    return true

func (s *ticketStore) addTopicQuery(hash common.Hash, node *Node, lookup lookupInfo) {
    now := mclock.Now()
    qq := s.queriesSent[node]
    if qq == nil {
        qq = make(map[common.Hash]sentQuery)
        s.queriesSent[node] = qq
    qq[hash] = sentQuery{sent: now, lookup: lookup}

func (s *ticketStore) cleanupTopicQueries(now mclock.AbsTime) {
    if s.nextTopicQueryCleanup > now {
    exp := now - mclock.AbsTime(topicQueryResend)
    for n, qq := range s.queriesSent {
        for h, q := range qq {
            if q.sent < exp {
                delete(qq, h)
        if len(qq) == 0 {
            delete(s.queriesSent, n)
    s.nextTopicQueryCleanup = now + mclock.AbsTime(topicQueryTimeout)

func (s *ticketStore) gotTopicNodes(from *Node, hash common.Hash, nodes []rpcNode) (timeout bool) {
    now := mclock.Now()
    //fmt.Println("got", from.addr().String(), hash, len(nodes))
    qq := s.queriesSent[from]
    if qq == nil {
        return true
    q, ok := qq[hash]
    if !ok || now > q.sent+mclock.AbsTime(topicQueryTimeout) {
        return true
    inside := float64(0)
    if len(nodes) > 0 {
        inside = 1
    s.radius[q.lookup.topic].adjust(now, q.lookup.target, from.sha, inside)
    chn := s.searchTopicMap[q.lookup.topic].foundChn
    if chn == nil {
        //fmt.Println("no channel")
        return false
    for _, node := range nodes {
        ip := node.IP
        if ip.IsUnspecified() || ip.IsLoopback() {
            ip = from.IP
        n := NewNode(node.ID, ip, node.UDP, node.TCP)
        select {
        case chn <- n:
            return false
    return false

type topicRadius struct {
    topic             Topic
    topicHashPrefix   uint64
    radius, minRadius uint64
    buckets           []topicRadiusBucket
    converged         bool
    radiusLookupCnt   int

type topicRadiusEvent int

const (
    trOutside topicRadiusEvent = iota

type topicRadiusBucket struct {
    weights    [trCount]float64
    lastTime   mclock.AbsTime
    value      float64
    lookupSent map[common.Hash]mclock.AbsTime

func (b *topicRadiusBucket) update(now mclock.AbsTime) {
    if now == b.lastTime {
    exp := math.Exp(-float64(now-b.lastTime) / float64(radiusTC))
    for i, w := range b.weights {
        b.weights[i] = w * exp
    b.lastTime = now

    for target, tm := range b.lookupSent {
        if now-tm > mclock.AbsTime(respTimeout) {
            b.weights[trNoAdjust] += 1
            delete(b.lookupSent, target)

func (b *topicRadiusBucket) adjust(now mclock.AbsTime, inside float64) {
    if inside <= 0 {
        b.weights[trOutside] += 1
    } else {
        if inside >= 1 {
            b.weights[trInside] += 1
        } else {
            b.weights[trInside] += inside
            b.weights[trOutside] += 1 - inside

func newTopicRadius(t Topic) *topicRadius {
    topicHash := crypto.Keccak256Hash([]byte(t))
    topicHashPrefix := binary.BigEndian.Uint64(topicHash[0:8])

    return &topicRadius{
        topic:           t,
        topicHashPrefix: topicHashPrefix,
        radius:          maxRadius,
        minRadius:       maxRadius,

func (r *topicRadius) getBucketIdx(addrHash common.Hash) int {
    prefix := binary.BigEndian.Uint64(addrHash[0:8])
    var log2 float64
    if prefix != r.topicHashPrefix {
        log2 = math.Log2(float64(prefix ^ r.topicHashPrefix))
    bucket := int((64 - log2) * radiusBucketsPerBit)
    max := 64*radiusBucketsPerBit - 1
    if bucket > max {
        return max
    if bucket < 0 {
        return 0
    return bucket

func (r *topicRadius) targetForBucket(bucket int) common.Hash {
    min := math.Pow(2, 64-float64(bucket+1)/radiusBucketsPerBit)
    max := math.Pow(2, 64-float64(bucket)/radiusBucketsPerBit)
    a := uint64(min)
    b := randUint64n(uint64(max - min))
    xor := a + b
    if xor < a {
        xor = ^uint64(0)
    prefix := r.topicHashPrefix ^ xor
    var target common.Hash
    binary.BigEndian.PutUint64(target[0:8], prefix)
    return target

// package rand provides a Read function in Go 1.6 and later, but
// we can't use it yet because we still support Go 1.5.
func globalRandRead(b []byte) {
    pos := 0
    val := 0
    for n := 0; n < len(b); n++ {
        if pos == 0 {
            val = rand.Int()
            pos = 7
        b[n] = byte(val)
        val >>= 8

func (r *topicRadius) isInRadius(addrHash common.Hash) bool {
    nodePrefix := binary.BigEndian.Uint64(addrHash[0:8])
    dist := nodePrefix ^ r.topicHashPrefix
    return dist < r.radius

func (r *topicRadius) chooseLookupBucket(a, b int) int {
    if a < 0 {
        a = 0
    if a > b {
        return -1
    c := 0
    for i := a; i <= b; i++ {
        if i >= len(r.buckets) || r.buckets[i].weights[trNoAdjust] < maxNoAdjust {
    if c == 0 {
        return -1
    rnd := randUint(uint32(c))
    for i := a; i <= b; i++ {
        if i >= len(r.buckets) || r.buckets[i].weights[trNoAdjust] < maxNoAdjust {
            if rnd == 0 {
                return i
    panic(nil) // should never happen

func (r *topicRadius) needMoreLookups(a, b int, maxValue float64) bool {
    var max float64
    if a < 0 {
        a = 0
    if b >= len(r.buckets) {
        b = len(r.buckets) - 1
        if r.buckets[b].value > max {
            max = r.buckets[b].value
    if b >= a {
        for i := a; i <= b; i++ {
            if r.buckets[i].value > max {
                max = r.buckets[i].value
    return maxValue-max < minPeakSize

func (r *topicRadius) recalcRadius() (radius uint64, radiusLookup int) {
    maxBucket := 0
    maxValue := float64(0)
    now := mclock.Now()
    v := float64(0)
    for i := range r.buckets {
        v += r.buckets[i].weights[trOutside] - r.buckets[i].weights[trInside]
        r.buckets[i].value = v
        //fmt.Printf("%v %v | ", v, r.buckets[i].weights[trNoAdjust])
    slopeCross := -1
    for i, b := range r.buckets {
        v := b.value
        if v < float64(i)*minSlope {
            slopeCross = i
        if v > maxValue {
            maxValue = v
            maxBucket = i + 1

    minRadBucket := len(r.buckets)
    sum := float64(0)
    for minRadBucket > 0 && sum < minRightSum {
        b := r.buckets[minRadBucket]
        sum += b.weights[trInside] + b.weights[trOutside]
    r.minRadius = uint64(math.Pow(2, 64-float64(minRadBucket)/radiusBucketsPerBit))

    lookupLeft := -1
    if r.needMoreLookups(0, maxBucket-lookupWidth-1, maxValue) {
        lookupLeft = r.chooseLookupBucket(maxBucket-lookupWidth, maxBucket-1)
    lookupRight := -1
    if slopeCross != maxBucket && (minRadBucket <= maxBucket || r.needMoreLookups(maxBucket+lookupWidth, len(r.buckets)-1, maxValue)) {
        for len(r.buckets) <= maxBucket+lookupWidth {
            r.buckets = append(r.buckets, topicRadiusBucket{lookupSent: make(map[common.Hash]mclock.AbsTime)})
        lookupRight = r.chooseLookupBucket(maxBucket, maxBucket+lookupWidth-1)
    if lookupLeft == -1 {
        radiusLookup = lookupRight
    } else {
        if lookupRight == -1 {
            radiusLookup = lookupLeft
        } else {
            if randUint(2) == 0 {
                radiusLookup = lookupLeft
            } else {
                radiusLookup = lookupRight

    //fmt.Println("mb", maxBucket, "sc", slopeCross, "mrb", minRadBucket, "ll", lookupLeft, "lr", lookupRight, "mv", maxValue)

    if radiusLookup == -1 {
        // no more radius lookups needed at the moment, return a radius
        r.converged = true
        rad := maxBucket
        if minRadBucket < rad {
            rad = minRadBucket
        radius = ^uint64(0)
        if rad > 0 {
            radius = uint64(math.Pow(2, 64-float64(rad)/radiusBucketsPerBit))
        r.radius = radius


func (r *topicRadius) nextTarget(forceRegular bool) lookupInfo {
    if !forceRegular {
        _, radiusLookup := r.recalcRadius()
        if radiusLookup != -1 {
            target := r.targetForBucket(radiusLookup)
            r.buckets[radiusLookup].lookupSent[target] = mclock.Now()
            return lookupInfo{target: target, topic: r.topic, radiusLookup: true}

    radExt := r.radius / 2
    if radExt > maxRadius-r.radius {
        radExt = maxRadius - r.radius
    rnd := randUint64n(r.radius) + randUint64n(2*radExt)
    if rnd > radExt {
        rnd -= radExt
    } else {
        rnd = radExt - rnd

    prefix := r.topicHashPrefix ^ rnd
    var target common.Hash
    binary.BigEndian.PutUint64(target[0:8], prefix)
    return lookupInfo{target: target, topic: r.topic, radiusLookup: false}

func (r *topicRadius) adjustWithTicket(now mclock.AbsTime, targetHash common.Hash, t ticketRef) {
    wait := t.t.regTime[t.idx] - t.t.issueTime
    inside := float64(wait)/float64(targetWaitTime) - 0.5
    if inside > 1 {
        inside = 1
    if inside < 0 {
        inside = 0
    r.adjust(now, targetHash, t.t.node.sha, inside)

func (r *topicRadius) adjust(now mclock.AbsTime, targetHash, addrHash common.Hash, inside float64) {
    bucket := r.getBucketIdx(addrHash)
    //fmt.Println("adjust", bucket, len(r.buckets), inside)
    if bucket >= len(r.buckets) {
    r.buckets[bucket].adjust(now, inside)
    delete(r.buckets[bucket].lookupSent, targetHash)