path: root/les/freeclient.go
blob: f434ea0b95c2c9f890dd1f2ac1b3fcb3593aa091 (plain) (tree)





































// Copyright 2016 The go-ethereum Authors
// This file is part of the go-ethereum library.
// The go-ethereum library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// The go-ethereum library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
// along with the go-ethereum library. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

package les

import (


// freeClientPool implements a client database that limits the connection time
// of each client and manages accepting/rejecting incoming connections and even
// kicking out some connected clients. The pool calculates recent usage time
// for each known client (a value that increases linearly when the client is
// connected and decreases exponentially when not connected). Clients with lower
// recent usage are preferred, unknown nodes have the highest priority. Already
// connected nodes receive a small bias in their favor in order to avoid accepting
// and instantly kicking out clients.
// Note: the pool can use any string for client identification. Using signature
// keys for that purpose would not make sense when being known has a negative
// value for the client. Currently the LES protocol manager uses IP addresses
// (without port address) to identify clients.
type freeClientPool struct {
    db         ethdb.Database
    lock       sync.Mutex
    clock      mclock.Clock
    closed     bool
    removePeer func(string)

    connectedLimit, totalLimit int
    freeClientCap              uint64
    logger                     *csvlogger.Logger
    logTotalFreeConn           *csvlogger.Channel

    addressMap            map[string]*freeClientPoolEntry
    connPool, disconnPool *prque.Prque
    startupTime           mclock.AbsTime
    logOffsetAtStartup    int64

const (
    recentUsageExpTC     = time.Hour   // time constant of the exponential weighting window for "recent" server usage
    fixedPointMultiplier = 0x1000000   // constant to convert logarithms to fixed point format
    connectedBias        = time.Minute // this bias is applied in favor of already connected clients in order to avoid kicking them out very soon

// newFreeClientPool creates a new free client pool
func newFreeClientPool(db ethdb.Database, freeClientCap uint64, totalLimit int, clock mclock.Clock, removePeer func(string), metricsLogger, eventLogger *csvlogger.Logger) *freeClientPool {
    pool := &freeClientPool{
        db:               db,
        clock:            clock,
        addressMap:       make(map[string]*freeClientPoolEntry),
        connPool:         prque.New(poolSetIndex),
        disconnPool:      prque.New(poolSetIndex),
        freeClientCap:    freeClientCap,
        totalLimit:       totalLimit,
        logger:           eventLogger,
        logTotalFreeConn: metricsLogger.NewChannel("totalFreeConn", 0),
        removePeer:       removePeer,
    return pool

func (f *freeClientPool) stop() {
    f.closed = true

// freeClientId returns a string identifier for the peer. Multiple peers with the
// same identifier can not be in the free client pool simultaneously.
func freeClientId(p *peer) string {
    if addr, ok := p.RemoteAddr().(*net.TCPAddr); ok {
        if addr.IP.IsLoopback() {
            // using peer id instead of loopback ip address allows multiple free
            // connections from local machine to own server
            return p.id
        } else {
            return addr.IP.String()
    return ""

// registerPeer implements clientPool
func (f *freeClientPool) registerPeer(p *peer) {
    if freeId := freeClientId(p); freeId != "" {
        if !f.connect(freeId, p.id) {

// connect should be called after a successful handshake. If the connection was
// rejected, there is no need to call disconnect.
func (f *freeClientPool) connect(address, id string) bool {
    defer f.lock.Unlock()

    if f.closed {
        return false

    f.logger.Event("freeClientPool: connecting from " + address + ", " + id)
    if f.connectedLimit == 0 {
        f.logger.Event("freeClientPool: rejected, " + id)
        log.Debug("Client rejected", "address", address)
        return false
    e := f.addressMap[address]
    now := f.clock.Now()
    var recentUsage int64
    if e == nil {
        e = &freeClientPoolEntry{address: address, index: -1, id: id}
        f.addressMap[address] = e
    } else {
        if e.connected {
            f.logger.Event("freeClientPool: already connected, " + id)
            log.Debug("Client already connected", "address", address)
            return false
        recentUsage = int64(math.Exp(float64(e.logUsage-f.logOffset(now)) / fixedPointMultiplier))
    e.linUsage = recentUsage - int64(now)
    // check whether (linUsage+connectedBias) is smaller than the highest entry in the connected pool
    if f.connPool.Size() == f.connectedLimit {
        i := f.connPool.PopItem().(*freeClientPoolEntry)
        if e.linUsage+int64(connectedBias)-i.linUsage < 0 {
            // kick it out and accept the new client
            f.dropClient(i, now)
            f.logger.Event("freeClientPool: kicked out, " + i.id)
        } else {
            // keep the old client and reject the new one
            f.connPool.Push(i, i.linUsage)
            f.logger.Event("freeClientPool: rejected, " + id)
            log.Debug("Client rejected", "address", address)
            return false
    e.connected = true
    e.id = id
    f.connPool.Push(e, e.linUsage)
    f.logTotalFreeConn.Update(float64(uint64(f.connPool.Size()) * f.freeClientCap))
    if f.connPool.Size()+f.disconnPool.Size() > f.totalLimit {
    f.logger.Event("freeClientPool: accepted, " + id)
    log.Debug("Client accepted", "address", address)
    return true

// unregisterPeer implements clientPool
func (f *freeClientPool) unregisterPeer(p *peer) {
    if freeId := freeClientId(p); freeId != "" {

// disconnect should be called when a connection is terminated. If the disconnection
// was initiated by the pool itself using disconnectFn then calling disconnect is
// not necessary but permitted.
func (f *freeClientPool) disconnect(address string) {
    defer f.lock.Unlock()

    if f.closed {
    // Short circuit if the peer hasn't been registered.
    e := f.addressMap[address]
    if e == nil {
    now := f.clock.Now()
    if !e.connected {
        log.Debug("Client already disconnected", "address", address)

    f.logTotalFreeConn.Update(float64(uint64(f.connPool.Size()) * f.freeClientCap))
    f.calcLogUsage(e, now)
    e.connected = false
    f.disconnPool.Push(e, -e.logUsage)
    f.logger.Event("freeClientPool: disconnected, " + e.id)
    log.Debug("Client disconnected", "address", address)

// setConnLimit sets the maximum number of free client slots and also drops
// some peers if necessary
func (f *freeClientPool) setLimits(count int, totalCap uint64) {
    defer f.lock.Unlock()

    f.connectedLimit = int(totalCap / f.freeClientCap)
    if count < f.connectedLimit {
        f.connectedLimit = count
    now := mclock.Now()
    for f.connPool.Size() > f.connectedLimit {
        i := f.connPool.PopItem().(*freeClientPoolEntry)
        f.dropClient(i, now)
        f.logger.Event("freeClientPool: setLimits kicked out, " + i.id)

// dropClient disconnects a client and also moves it from the connected to the
// disconnected pool
func (f *freeClientPool) dropClient(i *freeClientPoolEntry, now mclock.AbsTime) {
    f.logTotalFreeConn.Update(float64(uint64(f.connPool.Size()) * f.freeClientCap))
    f.calcLogUsage(i, now)
    i.connected = false
    f.disconnPool.Push(i, -i.logUsage)
    log.Debug("Client kicked out", "address", i.address)

// logOffset calculates the time-dependent offset for the logarithmic
// representation of recent usage
func (f *freeClientPool) logOffset(now mclock.AbsTime) int64 {
    // Note: fixedPointMultiplier acts as a multiplier here; the reason for dividing the divisor
    // is to avoid int64 overflow. We assume that int64(recentUsageExpTC) >> fixedPointMultiplier.
    logDecay := int64((time.Duration(now - f.startupTime)) / (recentUsageExpTC / fixedPointMultiplier))
    return f.logOffsetAtStartup + logDecay

// calcLogUsage converts recent usage from linear to logarithmic representation
// when disconnecting a peer or closing the client pool
func (f *freeClientPool) calcLogUsage(e *freeClientPoolEntry, now mclock.AbsTime) {
    dt := e.linUsage + int64(now)
    if dt < 1 {
        dt = 1
    e.logUsage = int64(math.Log(float64(dt))*fixedPointMultiplier) + f.logOffset(now)

// freeClientPoolStorage is the RLP representation of the pool's database storage
type freeClientPoolStorage struct {
    LogOffset uint64
    List      []*freeClientPoolEntry

// loadFromDb restores pool status from the database storage
// (automatically called at initialization)
func (f *freeClientPool) loadFromDb() {
    enc, err := f.db.Get([]byte("freeClientPool"))
    if err != nil {
    var storage freeClientPoolStorage
    err = rlp.DecodeBytes(enc, &storage)
    if err != nil {
        log.Error("Failed to decode client list", "err", err)
    f.logOffsetAtStartup = int64(storage.LogOffset)
    f.startupTime = f.clock.Now()
    for _, e := range storage.List {
        log.Debug("Loaded free client record", "address", e.address, "logUsage", e.logUsage)
        f.addressMap[e.address] = e
        f.disconnPool.Push(e, -e.logUsage)

// saveToDb saves pool status to the database storage
// (automatically called during shutdown)
func (f *freeClientPool) saveToDb() {
    now := f.clock.Now()
    storage := freeClientPoolStorage{
        LogOffset: uint64(f.logOffset(now)),
        List:      make([]*freeClientPoolEntry, len(f.addressMap)),
    i := 0
    for _, e := range f.addressMap {
        if e.connected {
            f.calcLogUsage(e, now)
        storage.List[i] = e
    enc, err := rlp.EncodeToBytes(storage)
    if err != nil {
        log.Error("Failed to encode client list", "err", err)
    } else {
        f.db.Put([]byte("freeClientPool"), enc)

// freeClientPoolEntry represents a client address known by the pool.
// When connected, recent usage is calculated as linUsage + int64(clock.Now())
// When disconnected, it is calculated as exp(logUsage - logOffset) where logOffset
// also grows linearly with time while the server is running.
// Conversion between linear and logarithmic representation happens when connecting
// or disconnecting the node.
// Note: linUsage and logUsage are values used with constantly growing offsets so
// even though they are close to each other at any time they may wrap around int64
// limits over time. Comparison should be performed accordingly.
type freeClientPoolEntry struct {
    address, id        string
    connected          bool
    disconnectFn       func()
    linUsage, logUsage int64
    index              int

func (e *freeClientPoolEntry) EncodeRLP(w io.Writer) error {
    return rlp.Encode(w, []interface{}{e.address, uint64(e.logUsage)})

func (e *freeClientPoolEntry) DecodeRLP(s *rlp.Stream) error {
    var entry struct {
        Address  string
        LogUsage uint64
    if err := s.Decode(&entry); err != nil {
        return err
    e.address = entry.Address
    e.logUsage = int64(entry.LogUsage)
    e.connected = false
    e.index = -1
    return nil

// poolSetIndex callback is used by both priority queues to set/update the index of
// the element in the queue. Index is needed to remove elements other than the top one.
func poolSetIndex(a interface{}, i int) {
    a.(*freeClientPoolEntry).index = i