path: root/ethchain/state_object.go
blob: a4225991aa5f2245ce1e3879c6a0c7af9fa4b0ac (plain) (tree)









































package ethchain

import (

type Code []byte

func (self Code) String() string {
    return strings.Join(Disassemble(self), " ")

type Storage map[string]*ethutil.Value

func (self Storage) Copy() Storage {
    cpy := make(Storage)
    for key, value := range self {
        // XXX Do we need a 'value' copy or is this sufficient?
        cpy[key] = value

    return cpy

type StateObject struct {
    // Address of the object
    address []byte
    // Shared attributes
    Amount     *big.Int
    ScriptHash []byte
    Nonce      uint64
    // Contract related attributes
    state      *State
    script     Code
    initScript Code

    storage Storage

    // Total gas pool is the total amount of gas currently
    // left if this object is the coinbase. Gas is directly
    // purchased of the coinbase.
    gasPool *big.Int

    // Mark for deletion
    // When an object is marked for deletion it will be delete from the trie
    // during the "update" phase of the state transition
    remove bool

func (self *StateObject) Reset() {
    self.storage = make(Storage)

// Converts an transaction in to a state object
func MakeContract(tx *Transaction, state *State) *StateObject {
    // Create contract if there's no recipient
    if tx.IsContract() {
        addr := tx.CreationAddress()

        contract := state.NewStateObject(addr)
        contract.initScript = tx.Data
        contract.state = NewState(ethtrie.NewTrie(ethutil.Config.Db, ""))

        return contract

    return nil

func NewStateObject(addr []byte) *StateObject {
    // This to ensure that it has 20 bytes (and not 0 bytes), thus left or right pad doesn't matter.
    address := ethutil.Address(addr)

    object := &StateObject{address: address, Amount: new(big.Int), gasPool: new(big.Int)}
    object.state = NewState(ethtrie.NewTrie(ethutil.Config.Db, ""))
    object.storage = make(Storage)
    object.gasPool = new(big.Int)

    return object

func NewContract(address []byte, Amount *big.Int, root []byte) *StateObject {
    contract := NewStateObject(address)
    contract.Amount = Amount
    contract.state = NewState(ethtrie.NewTrie(ethutil.Config.Db, string(root)))

    return contract

func NewStateObjectFromBytes(address, data []byte) *StateObject {
    object := &StateObject{address: address}

    return object

func (self *StateObject) MarkForDeletion() {
    self.remove = true
    statelogger.DebugDetailf("%x: #%d %v (deletion)\n", self.Address(), self.Nonce, self.Amount)

func (c *StateObject) GetAddr(addr []byte) *ethutil.Value {
    return ethutil.NewValueFromBytes([]byte(c.state.trie.Get(string(addr))))

func (c *StateObject) SetAddr(addr []byte, value interface{}) {
    c.state.trie.Update(string(addr), string(ethutil.NewValue(value).Encode()))

func (self *StateObject) GetStorage(key *big.Int) *ethutil.Value {
    return self.getStorage(key.Bytes())
func (self *StateObject) SetStorage(key *big.Int, value *ethutil.Value) {
    self.setStorage(key.Bytes(), value)

func (self *StateObject) getStorage(k []byte) *ethutil.Value {
    key := ethutil.LeftPadBytes(k, 32)

    value := self.storage[string(key)]
    if value == nil {
        value = self.GetAddr(key)

        if !value.IsNil() {
            self.storage[string(key)] = value

    return value

    //return self.GetAddr(key)

func (self *StateObject) setStorage(k []byte, value *ethutil.Value) {
    key := ethutil.LeftPadBytes(k, 32)
    self.storage[string(key)] = value.Copy()

        if value.BigInt().Cmp(ethutil.Big0) == 0 {

        self.SetAddr(key, value)

func (self *StateObject) Sync() {
        fmt.Println("############# BEFORE ################")
        self.state.EachStorage(func(key string, value *ethutil.Value) {
            fmt.Printf("%x %x %x\n", self.Address(), []byte(key), value.Bytes())
        fmt.Printf("%x @:%x\n", self.Address(), self.state.Root())
    for key, value := range self.storage {
        if value.Len() == 0 { // value.BigInt().Cmp(ethutil.Big0) == 0 {
            //data := self.getStorage([]byte(key))
            //fmt.Printf("deleting %x %x 0x%x\n", self.Address(), []byte(key), data)

        self.SetAddr([]byte(key), value)

    valid, t2 := ethtrie.ParanoiaCheck(self.state.trie)
    if !valid {
        statelogger.Infof("Warn: PARANOIA: Different state storage root during copy %x vs %x\n", self.state.trie.Root, t2.Root)

        self.state.trie = t2

        fmt.Println("############# AFTER ################")
        self.state.EachStorage(func(key string, value *ethutil.Value) {
            fmt.Printf("%x %x %x\n", self.Address(), []byte(key), value.Bytes())
    fmt.Printf("%x @:%x\n", self.Address(), self.state.Root())

func (c *StateObject) GetInstr(pc *big.Int) *ethutil.Value {
    if int64(len(c.script)-1) < pc.Int64() {
        return ethutil.NewValue(0)

    return ethutil.NewValueFromBytes([]byte{c.script[pc.Int64()]})

func (c *StateObject) AddAmount(amount *big.Int) {
    c.SetAmount(new(big.Int).Add(c.Amount, amount))

    statelogger.Debugf("%x: #%d %v (+ %v)\n", c.Address(), c.Nonce, c.Amount, amount)

func (c *StateObject) SubAmount(amount *big.Int) {
    c.SetAmount(new(big.Int).Sub(c.Amount, amount))

    statelogger.Debugf("%x: #%d %v (- %v)\n", c.Address(), c.Nonce, c.Amount, amount)

func (c *StateObject) SetAmount(amount *big.Int) {
    c.Amount = amount

// Gas setters and getters

// Return the gas back to the origin. Used by the Virtual machine or Closures
func (c *StateObject) ReturnGas(gas, price *big.Int, state *State) {}
func (c *StateObject) ConvertGas(gas, price *big.Int) error {
    total := new(big.Int).Mul(gas, price)
    if total.Cmp(c.Amount) > 0 {
        return fmt.Errorf("insufficient amount: %v, %v", c.Amount, total)


    return nil

func (self *StateObject) SetGasPool(gasLimit *big.Int) {
    self.gasPool = new(big.Int).Set(gasLimit)

    statelogger.DebugDetailf("%x: fuel (+ %v)", self.Address(), self.gasPool)

func (self *StateObject) BuyGas(gas, price *big.Int) error {
    if self.gasPool.Cmp(gas) < 0 {
        return GasLimitError(self.gasPool, gas)

    rGas := new(big.Int).Set(gas)
    rGas.Mul(rGas, price)


    return nil

func (self *StateObject) RefundGas(gas, price *big.Int) {
    self.gasPool.Add(self.gasPool, gas)

    rGas := new(big.Int).Set(gas)
    rGas.Mul(rGas, price)

    self.Amount.Sub(self.Amount, rGas)

func (self *StateObject) Copy() *StateObject {
    stateObject := NewStateObject(self.Address())
    stateObject.ScriptHash = ethutil.CopyBytes(self.ScriptHash)
    stateObject.Nonce = self.Nonce
    if self.state != nil {
        stateObject.state = self.state.Copy()
    stateObject.script = ethutil.CopyBytes(self.script)
    stateObject.initScript = ethutil.CopyBytes(self.initScript)
    stateObject.storage = self.storage.Copy()

    return stateObject

func (self *StateObject) Set(stateObject *StateObject) {
    *self = *stateObject

// Attribute accessors

func (c *StateObject) State() *State {
    return c.state

func (c *StateObject) N() *big.Int {
    return big.NewInt(int64(c.Nonce))

// Returns the address of the contract/account
func (c *StateObject) Address() []byte {
    return c.address

// Returns the main script body
func (c *StateObject) Script() Code {
    return c.script

// Returns the initialization script
func (c *StateObject) Init() Code {
    return c.initScript

// Encoding

// State object encoding methods
func (c *StateObject) RlpEncode() []byte {
    var root interface{}
    if c.state != nil {
        root = c.state.trie.Root
    } else {
        root = ""

    return ethutil.Encode([]interface{}{c.Nonce, c.Amount, root, ethcrypto.Sha3Bin(c.script)})

func (c *StateObject) RlpDecode(data []byte) {
    decoder := ethutil.NewValueFromBytes(data)

    c.Nonce = decoder.Get(0).Uint()
    c.Amount = decoder.Get(1).BigInt()
    c.state = NewState(ethtrie.NewTrie(ethutil.Config.Db, decoder.Get(2).Interface()))
    c.storage = make(map[string]*ethutil.Value)
    c.gasPool = new(big.Int)

    c.ScriptHash = decoder.Get(3).Bytes()

    c.script, _ = ethutil.Config.Db.Get(c.ScriptHash)

// Storage change object. Used by the manifest for notifying changes to
// the sub channels.
type StorageState struct {
    StateAddress []byte
    Address      []byte
    Value        *big.Int